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06x11 - Indelible Ink

Posted: 08/04/20 08:41
by bunniefuu
DRAGO: This is for Marie. (GROANS)

You're a f*cking rat.

Everything OK? I was in the showers.

And I...| heard the whole thing. You hurt Cherry.

MARIE: There was a f*cking witness.

Cherry was the rat. I was protecting you.

You've done enough.


Where the f*ck are we going to get 500K from?

Even if we paid, you think that'd be it?

Blackmailers don't stop.

This was under her mattress. There's blood on it.

Slot her. Someone planted it. No!

You framed Jenkins.

Do not touch Birdsworth.

I am the one who goes down if she talks. I decide now.

If she doesn't do something, we'll both wind up in prison.

I'll go down for conspiracy, but you f*cking k*lled her, mate.

You'll get life. Tell Vera to pay up, you dumb f*ck.


I'd like a transfer. What's wrong with H3?

Liz isn't in it. I want to keep an eye on her.

Surely that's in your best interest too.

KAZ: Liz? (WHIMPERS) I just want to die.

Who gave you the hot shot? It was Marie.


Where's the rest of your stash? It's laced with rat poison.

You can't take it, so hand it over.

DRAGO: Marie, can you hear me?

Oh, shit. Marie?

RITA: Five, six, seven...

SONG: j& You don't know me j& When I don't know you j& You don't know me j& When I don't know you j& You're calling me in j& And you're catching me out j& You're calling me in j& And you're catching me out j& You're calling me in j& And you're catching me out j& You don't know me j& When I don't know you. j&



I know what you did.

You r*ped her, you pig.


She wasn't complaining.


(MUTTERS) I did it! I did it! I did it!


Oh, f*ck!

Oh, shit!


ALLIE: Try and eat something, OK?

Thanks. I'd better get back there.

Hey, can you make sure Taylah flushes the rest of that gear?

'Cause I don't want any other girls shoving rat poison in their veins.

I Will.

P.A.: Attention, compound, attention, compound.

H Block are now called for breakfast.

How's Marie?

(SCOFFS) What do you care?

I heard it was touch and go.

Sugar Tits!

I woke up alone and thought you'd escaped without me.

I just wanted to make sure Marie was OK.

Oh, whatever.

Serves her right, eh? ODing on that rubbish.

Yeah. She must have the constitution of an ox.

How's she going, anyway?

Yeah, actually, she got some really good news.

Someone on the outside got CCTV photos of that prick that hit Danny.

Oh, true?

So if he was at the bar, they might ID him.

Great. Hey, you coming to brekkie?

No, I've gotta go find Taylah, but save me a seat, eh, Mighty Mouse?


I'm f*cked.

Marie's getting photos in.

More photos from the pub? I don't know.

Of me hitting Danny.

They're from the cameras in the car park, I guess.

She's gonna know it's me. No, it's not going to show you.

How do you know?

Well, photos like that are shit quality.

Unless it's a close-up of your face, could be anyone.

And what if it does show my face?

You would have been arrested already.

But it'll show what I'm wearing.

(SIGHS) You'll be right.

Go eat your breakfast.



What did I do?

I got a message from Marie.

That gear she gave you, it's laced with rat poison.

Come on, we've gotta flush it. There's none left.

What? You used it all?

What, so you flushed it? Bullshit.

Where's the rest of it?

Taylah, what the f*ck did you do with that gear?

I didn't do nothin' with it, alright?

I told Kaz where I stashed it She said she'd get rid of it.

KAZ: Here we go. LIZ: Thanks, love.

Good-o. Right.

Ooh, what's that flavour?

The usual. Chamomile.

Is it? Yep.

f*ck me!

Good to see you out.

I copped a charge.

With my shit record, I'm looking at six to ten.

They're saying Cherry's paralysed, eh?

Alright, Booms, calm down.

How can I calm down?

Some dog is saying I bashed her.


Do you know who it was?


She set you up.

Right. I've already punished her.

She's in medical. BOOMER: Yeah?

Well, I'm gonna put her in the f*ckin' morgue.

Do that and you'll cop another charge.

Let me handle it.

Stop acting like children.

No more cheap sh*ts.

Sticking together is the only way we're going to get through this.

I told Will about Derek Channing blackmailing you.

Yet another inglorious chapter in the life and times of Jake Stewart.

What was that about cheap sh*ts?

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

Channing knew Ferguson had it in for me.

And he'd be pretty pissed off, taking the fall for everything.

How would Channing know? He was here during the escape.

Maybe you weren't as careful as you thought.

Either way, we have to do something about him.

Like what?

Bury him on top of Ferguson? Oh, for Christ's sake, Jake!

Bloody hell, mate! What, then? Pay him off?

Let's make sure it's him first.


VERA: Are you sure this is the right place?

It's a bit weird for Channing.

Well, it's the address his wife gave me.

Apparently he went off the rails after losing his job.

Depression, got heavily into coke.

She told you that? Yep.

WILL: No love lost there.


Oh, hang on.

I have to get this.

I'll go check it out. OK.


Vera? They're not numbered.

Just gonna see if I can spot the car.

Alright, see you then. 'Bye.






What are you doing here?

I'm... WILL: Vera!




DEREK: Don't! Don't! Arghh!



WILL: Vera?

Yeah? You want a piece of this, do ya?


WILL: Stop fighting me! What do you want, hey?

What do you want from me? Eh?

What do you want from me?



DEREK: Go on, say it.

"How the mighty have fallen."

But not you, Vera, no.

You're Teflon.

I hope I didn't crumple that neatly pressed uniform of yours.

So this is where you live?

I love fishing.

Doesn't look like you've been doing too much of it.

Well, that's because my work keeps me busy.

Yeah, and what work would that be, Derek?

Take a look around, Vera.

We know what you're doing, Derek.

But here's the thing - blackmailing Vera's not gonna work.

What are you talking about? Breaking into Vera's house.

Leaving the gloves on her pillow.

Trying to make her think that Ferguson is still stalking her.

Ferguson is stalking you? Wh... when did this happen?

Just cut the bullshit, OK? We know it's you.

So someone is blackmailing you for what?

What game are you playing?

I'm not playing any games, Vera.

This is serious business.

I'm hunting her.

Hunting her? Yeah.

That bitch is out there somewhere and she has destroyed my f*ckin' life.

I'm gonna hunt her down like a dog, and when I f*ckin' find her...

So you think Ferguson is still here?

(CHUCKLES) Course she's still here!

She's a f*ckin' cockroach!

Now, I don't know how the hell she escaped, but she's not gonna get away.

Now, these gloves.

The gloves in your house.

How long ago was that?

A week ago. Week ago?


A week.

Alright, so if that was a week ago, she could be somewhere between here and...

He's seriously unhinged. And coked to the eyeballs.

Do you think he's bluffing?

No, and if he thinks Ferguson is alive, he can't be the blackmailer.


Popular with these blokes.

Must have your finger in a few pies.

We've both got a bit in common, then.

Rita. We'd like to talk to you about your biker links.


So, what have you got for us?

I think Marie's protector is a cop.

She's got photos coming in.

CCTV from the car park where her son was bashed.

Danny Winter.

The photos were too low-res to ID the attacker, so they were never sent out.

Only a cop could have access to 'em.



Well, they were sent to a private imaging company to try to enhance them.

That's a lot more hands on them, cop and civilian.

So is that all you got for us?

Yep. Right.

RITA: Just out of interest, did the imaging give us anything new?

Uh, yeah.

Turned up a tattoo on the back of the guy's head, here.

Above the hairline where the perp's head was shaved.

Double-shafted arrow.



What's wrong? Turn around.

Oh? Oi! What the hell?

f*ck. Yeah, 'f*ck's right.

Here, no-one goes touching me like that.

Has Allie? Has Allie seen that tattoo on the back of your neck?

Answer me. Has Allie seen it?

|...| don't know.

No. Why?

Are you sure? Are you sure, Ru?

Yes, I'm sure. She would have said something.

What's goin' on, Rita?

Hello! What the f*ck is goin' on?

Those photos, the ones that Marie's getting in?

They show that tattoo on the back of your head.

How do you know?

Oh, one of my biker mates with the Conquerors.

He's got, uh, links with the cops.

Oh, shit.

What am I gonna do?

Break up with Allie for a start.

What? You can't risk her seeing it.

If Allie sees it and tells Marie, you're dead.

f*ck her off.


I know you had Cherry bashed and that you framed Boomer for it.

Wow, you seem to know a lot.

You're going to tell the Governor and you're going to exonerate Boomer.

And if I don't confess, Boomer will what?

Punch my tits in? Boomer won't come for you.

I Will.

Hey, I'm getting out of here soon, so go find someone else to involve in your bullshit power games.



Could you call the Deputy Governor and Officer Stewart to my office, please?

WOMAN: Sure.



WILL: Oh, shit.

JAKE: You are f*cking kidding me!


We've got no choice now. We have to pay the money.

What, you got any better ideas?

'Cause I'd really love to hear them.


OFFICER ON RADIO: Sierra 1 calling Sierra 2.

Oh, f*ckin' hell.

This is Sierra 2. Go ahead.

Governor, we've got Derek Channing at the gatehouse.

He's asking to see you.

I thought you said it couldn't be him.

Sierra 1, issue Mr Channing a visitor's pass and send him up.

OFFICER: Copy that.

Why is he here? I don't know.

I'm staying. No.

I'll see him alone.



Excuse me, Governor. Mr Channing to see you.


Long time no see.

What do you want?

My life back.

Luckily, you're in a position to give it to me.


Well, after you and Will left yesterday, I had an epiphany.

I always knew in my bones that that bitch had inside help to escape, and I believe that help was you.

Me? Hm.

And now you're being blackmailed by somebody who's threatening to expose you.

I'm right, aren't I?

I f*ckin' knew it.

It's Ferguson, Vera.


I can't believe you haven't figured it out.

I mean, you were desperate to get rid of her, so you helped her escape.

Then she blackmails you for it.

That's f*ckin' genius, in a twisted, f*cked up, psychotic way.

So here's the deal.

You're gonna go to the police and tell them everything.

And I...

...will be totally exonerated.

And why would I do that?

Because in exchange, I'll keep Will Jackson out of it.

It's obvious he's an accessory after the fact and I know...

...well, I know you have a soft spot for the big fella.

I'm sure you wouldn't want to drop him in it.


...I'm gonna give you a day to come to terms with it.

I'm sure you'll do the right thing, Vera.



...that's just the sort of person you are.



I'm surprised to see you here, Derek.

Get used to it, honey bun.

What's that prick doin' back?

PRISONER 1: That's f*ckin' Channing.

PRISONER 2: That's Channing? f*ckin' dog!

Dickhead! You ignoring us?

Oh, yeah, you're posh. You f*ckin' rat!

Keep walkin'! Dickhead!


Go on, piss off.


Thought you were my friend.

Yeah, I am.

What, is there something wrong, Boomer?

You know what's wrong. You dogged on me, didn't ya?

Yeah? No.

You told the screws that I bashed Cherry.

No. Yeah.

Who told you that? Kaz?

She lied to you. No.

No, you... you set me up.

You planted that battery stick in me cell.

Boomer? Mmm?

Kaz told you it was me because she hates me and she's protecting the person who really told the screws it was you.


Who's she f*ckin' protecting?

Surely you can work that one out, hmm?

(WHISPERS) It's Liz.


She just makes shit up.

I know. I know she does.

But unfortunately for us, people believe what she says.



I say we call his bluff.

Let Channing go to the police. See who they believe.

There's only one problem with that.

Even though it wasn't me, there was an officer involved, which makes it too close to the truth for comfort, especially if - when - the police decide to investigate.

P.A.: Attention, compound.

Work detail will commence in 10 minutes.

Hey! Open the door!

Oops! VERA: Jenkins!

Jenkins, open that door. f*ck! f*ck!

Jenkins, open this door now. f*ck.

Can you just... just open it!

Do it! Open the door! Do it! (FEEDBACK SQUEALS)

BOOMER: Attention, compound, attention, compound.

I got an important announcement to make!

I didn't bash Cherry.

And you can't believe a word Liz Birdsworth says

'cause Liz Birdsworth has got the dementia!


BOOMER: /repeat, Liz Birdswo/Th has got the dementia.




That is enough! So, like...

JAKE: Jenkins! ..It's not her fault, right?

'Cause she's sick.

But you just can't believe a word that comes out of her mouth

'cause she can't help talking shit.

Susan Jenkins speaking. Over and out.

PRISONER: She'll be pissing herself next, I bet.

Open it. (SCOFFS)

Do I have to do everything?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Alright, alright.

Don't have to hurt me. f*ckin' idiot.

You're a f*ckin' idiot.


Surprised to see you here, Boomer.

I thought you'd be in the slot.

Well, the slot doesn't seem to work for Jenkins.

So I have decided to suspend privileges.

No phones, no visitors, no special spends and no Monte Carlos for a month.

And Jenkins has also assured me that she will help to repair the damage she has done by revealing Birdsworth's condition to the wider prison population.

But you gotta look into Cherry's bashing.

That is a police matter, but I will do what I can.

Look, I got Sonia's lawyer working on my parole.

I don't want that f*cked up, alright?

Even a dumb-arse would know that.


Oh, |wasn't saying you're a dumb-arse.

'ZZZ Oh, shit, shit, shit.

I was set up. That's what I'm saying.

I was set up. OK.

Alright, so if you think you can still manage the situation, I will leave it to you as to how Jenkins can best repair the damage she has done.

That horse has bolted. Mm, horses bolt, Proctor.

It was gonna happen sooner or later.


ALLIE: Mr Stewart?

What is it, Novak?

I saw Channing here before.

What's that creep doing here?

Is it about Ferguson?

Well, what does he know?

We're dealing with it, OK?

If you need any dirt on him, let me know.

I'll talk to Marie.


How are you feeling? I'm pissed off.

I mean, things are falling to shit out there.

There's f*ckin' rat poison in my gear.

(SIGHS) Christ, my parole can't come soon enough.

Got the photos.

Shows the prick who did it.

MARIE: Yeah, but you can't see his face.

DRAGO: No, he's wearing a dark hoodie.

We'll match it to the photos from the bar.


Did you do it? Did you break up with Allie?

I can't. (SIGHS)

I love her.

And I trust her. She wouldn't dob on me.

You don't know that. I think I can fix this.


DRAGO: There's still this.

We will find the prick, Marie, I promise.

And when we do, I'll k*ll him.


That I want to do myself.


RITA: You ready? On the count of three.



I told you I'd handle it.

I'll sort Marie out.

Yeah, well, just saying you'll sort Marie out means jack shit.

Alright, I had to do what I done.

What f*cking right do you have to betray that confidence?

To treat Liz like that?

People had to know she's losing her marbles, alright?

She said I bashed Cherry.

Only to me, nobody else.

And only because Marie got into her head.

Is that true?

Like, did you only tell Kaz?

I think so.

|...| mean, yeah.

And... and it's 'cause I was confused.

I wouldn't dob on ya, love.


Oh, f*ck.


I'm sorry.

And I'm... I'm sorry you're sick.

And I'm sorry I told the whole prison.

It's OK.

It's alright.

No, it's probably for the best, anyway.

Hey, I'm sorry you lost your Monte Carlos.

No, it's alright.

I got a secret stash anyway, so don't worry about it.

(WHISPERS) You little bugger. (BOTH CHUCKLE)

What are you going to do to Marie?

What I should have done a long time ago.

You are the only one keeping this vendetta alive.

You're fighting a battle from 10 years ago.

Oh, it's all one-sided, is it?

Marie is just f*cked up about her son.

She doesn't want to get involved in your bullshit power games.

Right, so her trying to k*ll Liz. What was that about?


She tried to get Liz to top herself with a hot shot.

I stopped Liz.

So you tell me, Allie.

What do you think I should do about that?

Don't you think poisoning Marie is punishment enough?

Just quietly, no.

You need to pick a side, bubba.

I'm not gonna do that again.



Come in. I want to show you something.

Oh, Marie.



What's this?

That's the tattoo on the bastard's head.

Did this help you find out who it is?



It's hopeless.

You need to stay away from Kaz.

She can't let this grudge go. She won't let it go.

I think she's gonna try and come for you.

Come on, I'm not afraid of her.

Well, you should be.

She's already tried once.

That gear?

She poisoned me?


Listen, just promise me, OK?

You've only got a short time left in here.

Just stay away from Kaz.

How's the pain?

Oh, only hurts when I breathe. (CHUCKLES)

It's gonna take a while to heal.

Well, lucky I have a head full of scars, eh.

Won't look out of place, then.

Still gonna need to be careful.

I'll leave you to it, then.

Hey, stranger. Where you been?

What, you been missin' me? Yeah, I sure have.

KOSTA: Oi, Liz? LIZ: Yeah?

You got that 50 you owe me? LIZ: What?

Oh, don't tell me you don't remember.

Oh, knock it off, alright?

Juice said you promised to munch on her fur-burger.

Shut your f*cking mouth.

Or you'll what?

Or you'll what, Kaz?

Slip them some gear laced with rat poison?

What the f*ck?


If I wasn't getting out of here, I would slit your f*cking throat.

PRISONER 1: Bring it on. PRISONER 2: Bring it on.




You made your choice.

Still reckon she wouldn't dog ya?



You crossed Kaz.


Kaz is your best friend and you picked Marie over her.

No. No, no, no.

It... it wasn't a choice.

What is it then?

Kaz tried to k*ll Marie.

So, what, you told Marie everything?

I tried to warn her.

|...| didn't want anybody to get hurt.

I didn't think that she would call Kaz on it.

That's the thing, eh?

People you love, they surprise ya.

I can't trust ya.


That's it.

We're done. Ruby...

We're done.






Hey. WILL: Hey.

Nice surprise. No.

Derek Channing.


There's a blast from the past.

I need some information to control him.

Heard you might be able to help.


What's in it for me?



But I'll need access to a computer and a printer, yeah?


Out you go.

Oh. Yes.


Great. Thank you.


Thank you, Ms Miles.

Will, it's good that you're here too.

You'll be pleased to know that when this all blows over I'll be keeping you on as my deputy.

It's gonna blow over a lot quicker than you think.

So, Vera, will you be calling the police or shall I?

No, I won't be calling the police, Derek.

Nuh, and neither will you.


Oh, what f*cked-up game is this?

It's just a... it's a lot of technical paperwork that I don't really understand, detailing your co-ownership of a number of illegal brothels.

Ooh, don't need to be a technical genius to understand what's going on there.

So Ferguson gave you this, did she?

I can't possibly reveal my sources, Derek.

That psycho bitch!

She's still f*cking with me!

Ms Miles, would you escort Mr Channing out, please?

Make sure he returns his visitor's pass.

(WHISPERS) Oh, Jesus.

So, when are you coming back? f*ck off, Linda.

Should I ask where you got all this?


So what do we do now?

I think we have to pay the ransom.

Flush them out.



MARIE: Who's that guy behind you?

(TEARFULLY) I don't know. I don't remember!



Rodney. Hello, Marie.

So, I trust you have good news about my parole?

Uh, I'm afraid I...

...| have less than cheery news, Marie.

Chamberlain, the doctor you assaulted, last week he was out walking his dog.

He dropped dead.

Autopsy report came back a couple of days ago.

Died of a brain bleed.


A bleed, just beneath the spot where you struck him in the head.


So, um...

The DPP wants to pursue a manslaughter charge against you.

They're asking for a minimum 10-year sentence.

We Will fight it.

OK? It's not a fait accompli.

What are my chances of being convicted?

There's precedents for delayed homicide proximate to cause.

Just give it to me straight, Rodney.

You're f*cked.

ALLIE: Marie... You f*ckin' hypocrite!

What are you doing?

You tried to poison me!

Cut that out...

Here. Kaz, Kaz! Kaz! f*ck!

f*ck you.



You're f*cked!

Show her who's top dog! Kaz, don't do this!

Yeah, do it.


You're dead. Am I?

Marie, stop!

Come on. PRISONER: Winter, s*ab her!

Come on!






You... WILL: Break it up!

Grab them. I got Proctor!

WILL: Move back, please. Move back.

Come here. f*ck! f*ck!

Give it here, Proctor. WILL: Drop it.

JAKE: Let it go. Come on. KAZ: Boomer, take care of Liz.

OK. Oh, f*ck!

WILL: Back to your units. Let's go!

PRISONER: You're f*ckin' dead, Marie.

What was the alarm?

Some shit fight in the laundry. Make this quick.


OFFICER: Move through, ladies. Back to your unit.

Hey, where's Marie?

She's in the slot.

Why? She att*cked Kaz.

Hurry up. Move through.

Hey, Ruby, can we talk, please?


SONG: j& You saw me leaving j& Did you think I had a place to go j& Since you've started to believe it... j&

(SNIFFLES) j& I've had to put on my own show... j&

RUBY: I know what you did. (SCOFFS)


She wasn't complaining. (GASPS) j& I put on a performance... j&

(BONE CRACKS) J' Put on a show... j&

(WEEPS) j& It is a performance j& I do it all so j& You won't see me hurting j& When my heart, it breaks j& I'll put on a performance j& I'll put on a brave face. j&

Proctor and Winter.

God, that's all we need.



Bea Smith's grave? What the f*ck!

You still want to go through with it?


Do we have a choice?





(WHISPERS) Over there.



Drop the g*n! Drop it!

Let go! Settle!


JAKE: Drop it! Let me go!

I thought you said it couldn't be him.

I'm not the f*ckin' blackmailer.

So what are you doing here?

I was following Vera.

I'm here to get Ferguson.

Shit. f*ck!

VERA: Oh, shit!



Bullan. 489.


We're at the coordinates you gave us.

DISPATCH: Go ahead.

OFFICER: Looks like the tip-off is good.