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05x09 - Snakehead

Posted: 08/04/20 08:13
by bunniefuu
You organise an extra delivery.

Yeah, and wave a big red flag.

Where's the f*cking gear?

Some arsehole tipped them off.

Mercado was there waiting to pick up the delivery.

There is definitely a dodgy officer.

We might have a problem. Jackson. I think he's suss.

What the hell are the CSDS doing here?

It's a waste of time and money.

WILL: You set me up, didn't you?

Tried it once with the piss test, you m*therf*cker!

If this Green Wall project kicks off, they're gonna be sending shipments out of the prison.

I'll ask Liz if we can get into the seedling area.

I guess you were right.

You'll be leaving here in a box.

IMAN: My name's Iman. I need some legal help.

So she was trolling you? Yeah, definitely.

Jake and I are in a relationship.

You are a total liability and a complete waste of space.

Get out of my workshop!

'Bye, Franky. We're not done!

ALLIE: Wait, wait.

I can't. It's too soon.


SONG: j& You don't know me j& When I don't know you j& You don't know me j& When I don't know you j& You're calling me in j& And you're catching me out j& You're calling me in j& And you're catching me out j& You're calling me in j& And you're catching me out j& You don't know me j& When I don't know you. j&



Oi, Proctor. Get up.

It's the middle of the night. Now!


Where are we going?

KAZ: No f*cking way!

No! No, f*ck!

You f*ck!

What... Shh.

What the f*ck? It's OK.

Oh, f*ck. I'm sorry. You OK?

What are you doing? You were right.

Stewart's the dirty officer. He tried to set me up.

Planted dr*gs in my locker right before the CSDS raid.

He's not f*cking around.

That's why I waited for him to clock off.

This has to be a total secret.

So tell the Governor.

There's no point without proof.

And she thinks he's a f*cking golden boy.

You got the dr*gs from the locker. Show her.

I flushed them. There might be another way.

I need Novak to tell the Governor that Stewart gave her ice.

She won't risk that. She will if you ask her to.

I'm not gonna put her in the firing line. Don't ask me to.

So all this "protect the women, stop the dr*gs", that's all bullshit?

Kaz, to stop the dr*gs we have to go to the source.

So tell the Governor.

She trusts you.

Please do that.

And we'll keep Allie out of this.


BOOMER: I found a replacement for Stella, eh?

SONIA: Oh, excellent. Who is it?

BOOMER: Um, that new chick, Iman.

SONIA: Aha! Cultural diversity in the workplace.

Very good. Ticking all the boxes.

Yeah, yeah.

Oh, well, as long as she's good on the tools, eh?


We alright?


Yeah, forget it.

Think we both had someone else in mind.

We still gonna do this other thing?

Yeah. Why?

Maybe it wasn't fair asking you.


You can't do a backflip on me now.

I've already packed. It's a massive risk.

If we get caught they'll slap another six months on.

Not planning on getting caught. But everyone does.

We're girt by f*ckin' sea. There's nowhere to run.

Look, if I stay in here I'm either gonna k*ll Ferguson or I'm gonna k*ll myself.

Let's be the first ones to get away for good.

Besides, it gives me something to do.

So bloody get on with it, you slack tart.

Oi! We're multi-tasking.

BOOMER: Oh, yeah. FRANKY: Yes.

You know, I am so pleased we've been given this second chance to prove ourselves.

Golden opportunity.

And I intend to make certain we take full advantage of it.

See that, that's management talk for "don't f*ck it up".

Well, thank you for the positive feedback, Boomer.

Yeah, no worries, Franky. FRANKY: Boss lady.

Bossy lady.


Do you reckon he ever goes home?

I haven't even seen him go out for a piss.

That's gonna be a massive problem.

Bet you I could move him.


Might give him a heart attack, though.

If there's a guard on these doors after hours we're screwed.

RADIO: VVentworth control to op support, come in.

Wentworth control, from op support.

RADIO: Transportefs en route. Proceed. Out.

Roger that.

Right, anything to report on Ferguson?

She's been on her best behaviour.

That's what worries me.

I'm watching her like a hawk, and she knows it.

Right, who's she been talking to?

Well, she doesn't speak to the women much.

Alright, the officers.

Do any of them talk to her?

Well... I don't know.

Well, you spend most of the day with her.


Yeah, so you'd notice if another officer was getting too close.

No question, I would.

I don't really buy the whole officer drug dealer thing.

Never have. You organised a CSDS raid.

Yeah. Will Jackson is like a dog with a bone.

I thought this would just put it to bed once and for all.

I've known Will a long time, and he doesn't make accusations lightly.

If he thinks that there's an officer involved, then...

There's just no evidence for it. Look, I I-I don't know whether it was the...

...the brawler accident or what, but Will has been on edge lately.

He had a real crack at me yesterday. Got a bit aggro.

What about?

He's filthy about being demoted.

There must be more to it than that.

He blames me for taking his job.

Did he say that? He's about to pop his cork.


ALAN: Tess loves kinder.

She's got a curious mind, much like someone else I know.

I miss her heaps.

Mm, yeah, she's always asking about you.

She misses you too.

Well, so do I.

She'd love to see you. Nuh.

Don't bring her in.

I don't want her seeing me in this place.


It's not right you're even in here.


You said you wanted help with something?

What is it?

No, it's alright. Are you sure?

I'm happy to help. No, forget it.


| gotta go-

Franky, no!

I wasn't there for you when it counted. I want to help now.

It's a huge ask, Dad. Come on.

Try me. Come on.


(WHISPERS) I need a walkie-talkie.

Franky, um, I'm a plumber.

I'm not a spy. Yeah, you're right.

I can give you some money... No. I'm sorry.

It wasn't even fair to ask you.

Look, just...

What have you got in mind?

(KNOCK AT DOOR) Governor.

Come in.

I know who it is.

The officer we've been looking for.

Will, is it at all possible that you're obsessing over this?

It's Jake Stewart.

I didn't believe it at first either, but it makes perfect sense.

It makes no sense at all.

He organised the CSDS search yesterday.

Was that to catch himself? To throw us off.

Normally I would trust yourjudgement on these things, but this is patently absurd.

That's why he's always a step ahead, because he's deputy governor.

Is that what's behind all this, you're jealous about him taking your job?

Are you serious?

Well, that's what it sounds like.

Why are you defending him? Because...


OK, this kind of allegation ends careers, and so far, you haven't offered a shred of evidence.

What if I bring you a witness?

Who? One of the women.

So the word of a prisoner against a respected officer?

Just hear what she has to say.

What have you got to lose?

ALLIE: Hey. Hey! OFFICER: Get a move on.

How's your dad? Yeah, good.

That thing we need?

He's gonna help. f*ckin' yes!

Go, Mr D!

The only thing we need now is a plan of the prison sewerage system.

Is that all? Yeah.

Urn, I'm gonna go meet Iman now. We'll talk about it later.


My lawyer says I'm pretty much stuffed.

You gave him my notes?

Yeah, he says there's nothing in it.


Yeah, or maybe he just can't be arsed.

Look, just 'cause he's rolled over doesn't mean you have to.

Do you have copies of the abusive posts?

There's no internet access here so you'll have to ask someone in your family to print them out and bring 'em in.

That's not gonna happen.

It's kind of important. Could keep you out of jail.


I can ask for you, if you want. I said no, OK?

There's gotta be someone... There is no one, OK?

My family is dead. My friends are dead.

They're all f*cking dead. Stop trying to help.

Birdsworth here? LIZ: Yeah.

You've got a visitor. Who is it?

Do I look like your P.A.? Some detective, they said.


Linda said you were out here.

What's up?

(SIGHS) I just needed some quiet.

OK. Is everything alright?

It's just work.

Well, that's why you have a deputy.

I'm here to help you with your workload.


I just had a meeting with Will Jackson, and he claims... are the officer supplying the dr*gs.


You see, I told you he was gunning for me.

And he also claims to have a witness.

That's... impossible.



One of the prisoners.

You... You don't believe him?


It's total bullshit!

If he makes a formal complaint, I have to investigate it.

I shouldn't even be telling you this!

I don't care about being investigated. I'm clean.

I wanna know if YOU believe me.

Of course I...

If you tell me it's not true.

Vera, it is not true.



I have a problem.


Will Jackson told Vera I'm dealing.

She won't believe it.

Not if you've done your job properly.

He's convinced one of the women to come forward as a witness.

Well, that is unfortunate. Who would that be?

I don't know.

The only ones who know are Mercado and Chang.

And you. We all have a vested interest.

There has to be somebody else.




Leave her to me.

I need something from you.

Doyle had a visitor this morning.

Find out who it was.


WOMAN: Elizabeth Birdsworth.

Sit down.

It's... It's just Liz.

I'm Detective Ayoub.

I have some questions regarding your perjury charge.

Where's Don?

Sorry? Detective Kaplan.

'Cause he... he can explain everything.

We... We had a... a deal.

Yes, we have a record of your deal.

Yeah, it was sanctioned.

Nowhere in the deal does it say "lie to the court".

I did... I did that for you lot, 'cause he said you wouldn't... wouldn't get a conviction otherwise.

So it was Detective Kaplan's idea to lie?


No, not exactly.

Um, I...

I knew Sonia was guilty.

Who told you that? It was obvious.

I mean, we both knew.

I mean, I...

But I just couldn't get her, uh...

I couldn't get her to confess.

So you went free-range and lied under oath.

I was... I was trying to help Don. It's...

It sounds like you got quite close to him.


No, I mean, no.

Um, why don't...

Why don't you get him to come in here, and he can...

He can explain everything. I'd love to.


But he's gone on stress leave after you destroyed his case.

So you... You haven't spoken to him?

He's not at home, not answering his phone and no-one's seen him.

Don is officially missing.

(AYOUB'S VOICE ECHOES) Don is officially missing.

And no-one's seen him.

(FUZZY) Oh, Liz!

I want to apologise for my behaviour the other day.

It was wrong of me to single you out like that.

It wasn't all your fault. No, it doesn't matter.

(ECHOING) But it does.

I'm sorry.

Please come back to the garden. I won't take no for an answer.

(WHISPERS) I like my friends close.

SONIA: Splendid. I'll see you tomorrow, then.

(ECHOING) We have work to do.

RECORDING: The number you have called is not connected.

Please check the number before calling again.

Ms Bennett.

She did it. Who did What?

I know she did it.

Don's gone. Are you alright, Birdsworth?

Don's gone. VERA: Liz.

AYOUB: He's not answering his phone.

And no-one's seen him.


Hey, what's up? Need a favour.


Remember you told me Stewart gave you a bag of ice?

Yeah. Ages ago.

Jackson reckons that he's Tina's supplier.

f*ck! I thought that was just a once-off.

Apparently not.

What's the favour?

I need you to tell the Governor about Stewart.

What, and be a f*cking lagger? That's not lagging.

He's a screw.

He's the Deputy Governor! f*ck knows what he'll do to me.

Shh! Jackson'|| have your back.

Oh, wait, so Mr Jackson put you up to this?

Forget it! I'm not helping any screw.

This isn't about screws, Allie. But why now, suddenly?

I begged you to do something.

Because now we have proof.


I can't do this without your help.

I found out about Doyle's visitor.

It was her dad. He must be so proud.

What are you gonna do about Novak?

Nothing just yet.

I'll do it myself. You don't want to do that.

You're thinking like a pawn.

You need to think like a knight.

Yeah, that's, um... that's really helpful.


(WHISPERS) I need you to do something for me.

(swans CHIRP)

P.A.: Attention, compound. Attention, compound.

B Block are now called for breakfast.

IMAN: Hey.

Um, I'm sorry I lost it before.

Don't worry about it.

No, no, you didn't do anything wrong.

I just...

...don't like being fenced in.

This place must seem like a hotel compared to those camps.


But I do miss the malaria, drinking the shitty water.


And at night, the guards here don't tuck you in the same way.

They were f*ckin' pigs!

My mother protected me from the worst until she died.

How are you not angry? I'd want blood.

It's just a body.

They can poke it, grunt on it, but it's not who you are.


IMAN: Like prison.

You have to cover this bit.


As long as they don't get that, then you're free.

We'll get you out of here. Hm.


I can't get these posts you want.

We'll find another way.

FRANKY: Iman was just defending herself against a troll.

I don't see how internet access can help that.

We need the abusive messages. Get a lawyer onto it.

Her public defender has washed his hands.

Our policy is very clear.

No internet for inmates. Oh, please, Ms B.

She's spent half her life behind wire.

I am aware of that, Doyle.

Well, don't you think she deserves a break?

I'm sorry, but every inmate who wants to check their emails or chase Pok�mons will be on my doorstep.

I cannot make an exception. Her family's dead.

She's got no-one here. Now, you know how it works.

If she ends up in the system, all her friends, her peers, are gonna be crims.

Look, that is not necessarily true.

She'll be in and out for the rest of her life.

Now you literally have the chance to give her a future if you give me half an hour on a computer.

15 minutes. Supervised.

P.A.: Attention, compound. Attention, compound.

All women to report to assigned work duties.

Oh, no.

Oh, f*ck!



ALLIE: I can't believe he's been watching her.

He touches a hair on her head and I'll f*ckin' k*ll him!

He's bluffing. Stewart's bluffing.

There is no way he's gonna hurt a little kid.

Well, I'm not gonna take the chance on my little sister.


How did he find out?

Who f*ckin' cares?

But there's no way that you can go to Vera now.

I could show her these. What?!

f*ck that!

She's a little girl. I don't want her dragged into it.

I promised Kaz.

So un-promise her!

Well, you know Kaz and her principles.

f*ck her principles!


KAZ: You can't back out how. ALLIE: I have to.

The message is pretty f*cking clear.

If that photo was from Stewart, he obviously knows about you.

It gives us no choice. Now we have to shut him down.

I can't put Franky's little sister in danger.

I will make a call, get the Red Right Hand to watch her.

I don't know about this, Kaz.

WILL: Novak, your appointment? Yeah, just hang on.

Allie, you know the girls.

They will keep her safe.


I need you to do this, Bubba.

I will protect her.

I swear on my life.

Let's go.


Come in.

Novak, take a seat.

Now, Mr Jackson tells me that you were supplied with illicit dr*gs by a member of my staff, an officer.

I don't want to get into any trouble.

You won't if you tell the truth.

So, when exactly did this happen?

Um, it was about three months ago.

I fell off the wagon and I needed a...

...hit pretty bad.

And where was this transaction?

In H3, I think.

You think?

Well, I was a bit off my face.

But you do remember who it was?

Who? Yes, which officer?

Oh, yeah. I mean, no.

Not really. I... That whole time was...

It was a bit of a blur. VERA: Mm-hm.

So is that a yes or a no?



That's bull, Novak.

You know exactly who it is.

You told Proctor.

I'm sorry.

I can't remember.

Yes, you do.

I can't remember.

Look, who are you afraid of?


Then tell her. I can't remember.

Tell her! Mr Jackson!

I can handle this.

Has someone been threatening you?


Because we can protect you.

Sorry, Governor, I... I can't remember.

You don't want a moment? No.

Thank you, Mr Jackson. You can take Novak back to her unit.

If anything jogs your memory, you know where I am.


What'd he thr*aten you with? Nothing.

Who? Why the sudden amnesia?

Leave me alone!

I only told Kaz what she wanted to hear.

You did the right thing, Bubba.

You OK?

I'm sorry.

I was gonna tell her, really I was.

But what if he'd got to her, Kaz?

I couldn't live with myself, or any of us, if...

No, it's OK. It's...

It's my fault. Kaz...



I didn't tell them anything.

Well, you're not gonna be very popular.

Yeah, tell me about it.


Ready to get the f*ck out of this joint?

So ready.

Still pissed off?

Only with myself.

You did what you thought was right.

You and I used to agree on what was right.

Kaz, you were always so full-on about protecting the women, but you were so quick to put that little girl at risk.

I promised you that she would be safe.

And you used to believe me when I made you a promise.

What hope do I have to win the women back when my best friend doesn't even believe in me?

It's not your fault.

It's alright. So I f*cked up. Again.

Well, it's OK. It's OK to make a mistake.


No, mate, it's not.

I dragged you in here with me, cut a deal with Tina, let Ferguson terrorise everyone, including me, f*ck knows what else.

But you believe in something.

They don't.


Oh, Well.


Kaz. It's OK.

You know what I love about the internet?

Anyone can get a root.

Even screws. Yeah.

You're a real charming piece of work, you are.

Thank you, Miss. Means so much coming from you.

What have you got there?

Stuff and things.

Yeah, looks real fun.


Not as fun as hanging out with you, Miss.

ALLIE: Oh, cool! Can I use the internet too?

OFFICER: No. ALLIE: Oh, come on.

I just want to check my feed. OFFICER: No. No chance.

Oh, please? I've been in here for ages.

Please, I just want to check up on my friends.

OFFICER: So? I'll make it worth your while.

OFFICER: Hashtag piss off before I slot you.

OK, fine. I'm going.

Thanks. It was good for me. Doyle, let me see those.

Pass 'em here. Don't be like that.

All good? Yeah, righto.

Not what you were looking for, eh?

Off you go. Have a great day, Miss.

(FLATLY) Yeah, you too.

Hey, Smiles, have you got the time?

MILES: Got a hot date, Novak? Yeah.

Oh, maybe in, like, nine years, four months, three weeks.

Two hours. No, I just wanted to know when dinner was.


Oi, you seen anyone in my cell? No.

Why, have you lost something?

Yeah, my kite necklace has gone missing.

LIZ: I k*lled him!

| k*lled him! (SOBS)

BOOMER: What the shit's going on?

Some of us are trying to do stuff.



Sh-sh-sh! OK. Take a seat. I k*lled him! I k*lled him!

What's going on? What's all the noise?

Oh, it's nothing, Ms Miles. It's all good.

I k*lled him!

Doesn't sound like nothing.

No, Lizzie's just having a nightmare, eh.

Yeah, she has them all the time.

Let me know when she really kills one of you.

Will do. Yeah.

Lizzie, Lizzie, I need you to look at me.

(LIZ BLUBBERS) Just look at me.

You don't know! I k*lled...

I understand, Lizzie. I understand.

You just need to look at me. Come on.


Look, deep breaths, alright?

I want you to take some deep breaths. There you go.

There you go. Shh. Shh.

You're just having a panic attack, that's all.

OK. Yeah, you're right.

Just calm down, alright? Here I am.

(swans CHIRP)

P.A.: Attention, compound. Attention, compound.

The count will commence in 10 minutes.



Lovely morning, Ms Bennett. Mr Stewart.

I should have told Will about us.

Why? It's none of his business.

If he finds out from someone else, he will be livid.

No, I'm gonna tell him this afternoon when I get back from this board meeting.


What do you two want?

It's our mistake.







f*ck. Come on now.

Hello? Dad, the weather's changed.

There's no showers today. Oh.

Uh, yeah, good to know. Um...


Well, I might do some work in the kitchen a bit later.



Shit! Quick.

Hey, you stay here. Stall them.

What with? Swap recipes.





What are you doing here?

I lost my hoodie. I'm looking for it.

I smell a rat. Well, it's your kitchen.

I still owe you for ripping me off last time.

f*ckin' get it over with, then. Really? You're gonna bash me?

(YELLING) Get off her!

The f*ck!

What the f*ck are you gweilo b*tches doing in my kitchen?

Looking for my hoodie. It wasn't in the kitchen.

I told you. Yeah, big f*cking surprise.

f*ck off. What's going on, ladies?

FRAN KY: Nothin', boss.

Just leavin'.

You need to fix this.

Ah, Governor.

Look, someone obviously got to Novak, OK?

I need your permission...

Will, I did what you asked and I listened to her, but by her own admission she couldn't remember anything.

Is everything alright? I've got to get to a meeting.

Novak was clearly lying.

Normally you wouldn't let her get away with that.

She had nothing useful to say. And you would have followed up.

Call the Governor at Walford and ask why Stewart left.

I have better things to do with my time.

Why? Are you afraid of what you might find?

No, I'm afraid of engaging in a witch hunt.

Now, I have to go.

How did you get Novak to change her story?

Are you right there?

Did you bribe her or thr*aten her, hm?

I know you went to the Governor about me.

That's fair enough. You're just doing your job.

But there's no need to get personal.

See, you might have sucked in Vera, but I know you're a lying prick, Jakey.

Now, Will, mate...

Don't f*ckin' "Will, mate" me, alright?

See, the thing is, one day very soon I'm gonna catch you red-handed, OK?

And then Vera'|| find out. You got that?


(LAUGHS) And how's that gonna work, big guy?

You see, Vera and me, we're living together.


I'm f*cking Vera, you hammerhead!

I'm teflon, mate.

You can't touch me.

Is Vera back? What's going on?

I need to talk to her. She's at a board meeting.

But Jake's on duty. f*ck Jake.


Hey, listen up.

If we leave these boxes out, there's enough room for us to get in here.

Yeah, that's good.

We just need to find a place to stash them where no-one will stumble across them.

Easier if we don't assemble them, I guess.

And we'll do it in a few trips.

SONIA: Come on.

Liz. Oh!

God, Sonia, where'd you creep up from?

I've organised a lovely new spade for you.

Oh, right. Thanks.

I've heard you haven't been sleeping very well.

Is everything alright? Yeah, yeah, I'm good.

Well, if there's anything I can do you'll let me know, won't you?

That's a nice thing to say. I mean it, Liz.

We'd be lost if anything happened to you.

Liz. Ooh! (HALF-LAUGHS) Hey.

It's so peaceful in here.

Yeah. It's lovely working with such beautiful things too.

So I heard you went to the doctor this morning.

Yeah, I did, yeah. Good.

Everything's a lot clearer now. I'm so glad to hear that.

I know Sonia did it.

What did she do, Liz?

She k*lled Detective Kaplan, Ms Bennett, and I'm gonna prove it.

WILL: Governor.

I need to talk to you about something.

I wanted to tell you, really.

Really, I did.

It just became too messy.

We've been through a lot together.

I just thought you had more integrity.

Will, there's nothing in the regulations against couples working together, you know that.

Meg never tried to hide it. I don't want it advertised.

You know at least I get it now.

You're the one who tipped off Jake, aren't you?

Aren't you? No.




You've been defending him all along.

Well, he's entitled to the same presumption of innocence as anyone else.

Yeah, but you didn't waste any time demoting me.

You were suspended for a positive drug test, Will.

That had nothing to do with Jake.

Who do you think gave me the eccy?

(LAUGHS) And you gave him my job!


Well, he's only acting in the position.


He's a snake, OK?

You don't know him. I know him better than you.

He'll use you and then turn on you too, OK?

You are...

You want revenge on him so badly it is distorting your thinking.

MY thinking? You're the one who's f*cking a drug dealer!

Why don't you come back when you've calmed down?

I'll be back.

After I've seen Channing.



FRAN KY: f*ck!

Mike Pennisi?