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05x07 - The Pact

Posted: 08/04/20 08:10
by bunniefuu
Home delivery.


Caramel milkshake.

You stay the f*ck away from me.

If anyone has an issue with the way I run things, now's your chance to spit it out.





Ferguson took out the trash when Kaz couldn't.

Yeah, f*ck Kaz! (INMATES CHANT) Top dog!

Get off! (INMATES CHANT) Top dog!

(INMATES CHANT) Top dog! Top dog! Top dog!


SONG: j& You don't know me j& When I don't know you j& You don't know me j& When I don't know you j& You're calling me in j& And you're catching me out j& You're calling me in j& And you're catching me out j& You're calling me in j& And you're catching me out j& You don't know me j& When I don't know you. j&

If this was an isolated incident, I might be able to understand.

But Smith has been m*rder*d, Stevens bashed so badly she can't walk and now a prisoner has had their tongue cut out right under our noses without anybody, not one of you, noticing anything.

How is that possible?

Clearly the attack on Gambaro was Ferguson's handiwork.

Now that she is top dog, we have to be twice as vigilant.

This is just a taste of what she is capable of.


Oh, if only the department found it so amusing.

One more serious incident, heads will roll...

...and it won't be mine.

Get back to work and take down those f*cking decorations.

Bring Ferguson to my office.



Well, I hope Kaz is f*ckin' happy.

We warned her if she didn't bash Juice, someone else would've.

Yeah, well, bashing's one thing, but that tongue...

Oh, I can't get that image out of my head.


Can they sew a tongue back on, you reckon?

Shh! Shh! She's looking.

What's Tina's problem?

Mm, no, you'll need to be more specific.

She won't sell me any more gear.

Well, I told her not to.


You junkies have such a tenuous understanding of cause and effect.

I seem to recall that you att*cked me with a billiard ball in a sock.

Does that ring a bell?


What was that about? Nothing.

Didn't look like nothin'.

Nothing for you to worry about.


I reckon she's back on the dr*gs.

We don't know that for sure, love.

She gave the Freak her dessert. That's f*cked.

DOREEN: How can she even look at her?

BOOMER: I don't know.

Hey, Allie?

What's going on?

Uh, we just... we're just having a bit of a family conference, that's all.

What about?

Well, come and... come and have a chat with us. Come on.

There you go.

What's up?

How are you going, love?

Are you... are you OK?

Yeah, good. Why?

You're not your normal self, Allie.

What are you doing back on the gear?

Like, after everything that Bea done for ya...

Jeez, Booms, you're like a bloody sledgehammer.

We're just trying to understand what's going on, that's all.

We're just looking out for you, love.

Bea would've hated seeing you back on dr*gs.

Don't tell me what Bea would have hated!

I f*cking know better than any of you!

LIZ: We're not saying you don't know.

Then stop pointing the finger.

I haven't forgotten her, OK?

I never will.

Thanks for the family ambush!

Clearly she doesn't want our help.

LIZ: Yeah, but she's still part of our family.

DOREEN: I don't know how she can suck up to the Freak.

BOOMER: It's 'cause she's a junkie, eh?


A tongue in a box? What the f*ck, Joan?!

Just stop your whining. Our plan is working.

Let's just focus now on making you governor.

Vera's job is hanging by a thread.

We only need to give things a little push.

Just keep your dr*gs coming thick and fast.

It's only a matter of time.


I've got Ferguson for you, Governor.

Don't sit.

That'|| be all, Mr Stewart.

So, is this the meeting where we plan how we're going to work together for the benefit of the women?

No. This is the one where I suspend all your privileges.

On what grounds?

I know it was you.

What's the legal expression?

It's, uh... It's on the tip of my tongue.


Burden of proof?

Take it up with the Ombudsman.

If you try anything, I will have you slotted indefinitely.

You're on notice. Mr Stewart!

Get her out of here.



I'll take her back, Nurse.

OK, sure.

Thank you. Thanks.

How's the arm? Getting there.


She is going to tear those women to shreds, piece by piece, and I feel sick about it.

Well, I did try to warn you.

She would have become top dog no matter what I did.

Then do something about it. Like what?

The women are frozen in fear.

Kaz, win them over.

What do you suggest? OK, sign up for peer worker.

That's a start.

Put your principle into good use.

Not the worst idea I've ever heard.

And then you can help me get to the bottom of the drug supply.


Well, Ferguson's propped up by the dealers.

We get rid of the dr*gs, kills two birds.

There is an officer involved.

I'm telling you, there is a f*cking officer involved.

There's no officer, OK?

It'll be a contractor in the laundry or the kitchen.

OK, prove it.

So, she was trolling ya?

Yeah, definitely. You have no idea.

So, what, then you found out where she lived and you bashed her?

She asked for it. It was hateful shit she was posting.

So it's mitigating circumstances.

Farah, I'd like a word with Doyle alone, please.

Ms Bennett.

How's your case coming? |t's not mine. It's |man's.

There might be an argument for a reduced sentence.

I've always admired that about you, your willingness to help the other women, despite what's going on in your own life.

Oh, well, that's me - patron saint of lost causes.

You know, there's a way you could really help them.

Take down Ferguson.

I'd rather keep my tongue, for obvious reasons.

Oh, so, it was her? Anyone with half a brain knows.

Why haven't you shipped her off to the nuthouse yet?

Because the people with half a brain don't have the evidence to prove it.

So you want me to fix your problem for you?

It's not just my problem.

She's making life hell for everyone, including your friends.

Nah, well, you can tell Proctor.

She's all about the women.

You are the only one who can take on Ferguson.

The women will rally around you.

You're not dragging me back in.


What do you want? I need to see Ferguson.

Wouldn't advise it. What is it?

Can you tell Tina it's OK, please?

I feel I'm having d�j� vu. I've got cash.

How much do you want? I've got it with me.

I'll pay you whatever you want. I wish it were that simple.

Oh, f*ck. What do you want?

What do you want? You want me to beg?

Do you want me to beg in front of everyone?

OK, fine. I'm begging you. I'm begging you. Please!

INMATE: Loser! Please! I need it. Please!

Please, please! Please! I need it, please!

As entertaining as it might be to watch you grovel, the problem is one of supply and demand.

Product is scarce.

Price has skyrocketed.

Well, go to my cell, then. Take whatever you want.

You can have whatever you want.

I doubt that you would have anything of value to offer.

Get her out. (SIGHS)

OK, I'm going.

I might check it out. See what you got.


One, two, three... (KNOCKING ON DOOR)

Oh, Allie.

You guys were right before about Bea.

Oh, no, love. Look, I think we all got a little bit worked up.


You should have this, not me.

I'm shit at being her widow.

(CHUCKLES) Allie, this is... this is yours.

I don't deserve it.

(WEAKLY) I didn't deserve her. No, no, no. Hey! Hey...

Lovey, that is not true.

Liz, please keep this safe... matter what.


(swans CHIRP)




-Hey- -Hey-

Jesus Christ.

It's a bloody barrel of laughs out here, isn't it?

Oh, yeah. Look at that.

I can't believe the boys are siding with Ferguson after what she did.

Doesn't look like they've got much choice to me.

They're probably scared to death, like the rest of us.

Oh, well, boo-f*ckin'-hoo.

Nah, if Kaz had let me bash Lucy, none of this would have happened, eh?

Now, now, Susan, v*olence isn't the answer to everything.

Yeah, that's what people who can't fight always say.

Always. Always?


Hey. FRANKY: Hey.

Ferguson's got everyone walking on eggshells.

Can you do something for me? I'm not taking on Ferguson.

Were you thinking about it? Nah, everyone else is.

You know we'd be right behind you if you did.

What'd you want to ask me?

Can you have a chat to Allie? About what?

We tried an intervention and it didn't go down very well.

Oh, well, there's a surprise. I'm worried about her.

I'm worried she's going to OD or top herself or something.

What? She gave me Bea's sketchbook.


It's the last thing in the world she'd want to give away.

She sounded like she was going away and not coming back.

Oh, shit, Liz, I'm not a grief counsellor.

I know, love, I know, but just have a word to her and make sure she's not going to do anything stupid.

Yeah, sure. But you know junkies.

They'll tell you anything. Oh, yeah. Thanks, love.



You got a minute? Sure.

Liz is freakin' out. She's seriously worried about ya.

Well, she shouldn't be.

She reckons you're trying to score dr*gs off Ferguson.


I'm not.

Where's the stash, hmm?

Is it here somewhere?

What the f*ck are you doing? Franky!

Get the f*ck out. Don't! Franky! f*ck!

Get off! f*ck off!

Give it back.

You've got enough f*ckin' shit here to k*ll a horse.

Give it back.

Give it to me! Back off or I'll flush it!

Please... please, no. I'm gonna flush it.

Please. You don't understand. I need it.

Poor Red. f*ck you, Franky.

You don't know anything about us. You weren't even here.

I know she didn't die so you could become a f*ckin' junkie again.

GUARD: Come on. OK. OK.

GUARD: You're gonna be late for your meeting with the doc.

I'm clean. I have been since Bea.

Bullshit. I am.

I've been stockpiling.

I just need one more hit and I'm ready.

For what? Ferguson.

I'm gonna hot-shot the bitch. f*ck, no!

Don't go down the same rabbit hole as Red did!

Look where that got her! I'm willing to take that risk.

What, you think Ferguson's just gonna stand there while you stick her with a needle?

I'll find a way.

Forget it.

Now you flush it.

Ferguson is a f*ckin' spider.

She's got eyes in the back of her head.

Now you flush the shit or I will.



You're never going to get that close to her.



What do you want?

I need more of everything. Already?

What, you think I sit on my arse all day like all you Aussies?

You'll have to wait. Bin delivery's next week.

Next week? I have customers.

You organise an extra delivery.

Yeah, and wave a big red flag.

Or maybe I need a supplier with bigger balls.

Well, maybe you need a week in the slot to chill out.

Let's make money, not w*r, OK?

I have an idea.


Turk, it's me. I need another bin drop.



This has the potential to put Wentworth at the forefront of vocational training in the prison system.

Stevens, I admire your enthusiasm, but I don't think we have the resources to expand this project.

Well, money's not a problem.

I have already lined up a very generous benefactor.

And why are they interested in funding such an enterprise?

Pure philanthropy.

Because this project has the potential to capture the hearts and minds of the women, to give them a truly meaningful purpose in their lives.

Is Ferguson behind this?

Certainly not, and I'm not seeking her approval.

Only yours.

Well, in principle, I think it's an excellent idea, but I will need the approval of the regional manager if we want to expand it into a fully fledged industry.

Can't wait to tell the other women.

P.A.: Attention, officers.

We have a code red in the H Block exercise yard.

I repeat, code red. H Block exercise yard.

Request backup. (ALARMS WAIL)


Organise some prisoners to clean this up.

What'|| they think of next?

WILL: This is not a random act of vandalism.

We couldn't identify them from the CCTV.

They had their hoodies pulled up and their faces covered.

What about if that's how they're getting the dr*gs in?

Sanitary bins?

Well, I've checked all the other suppliers.

Nothing jumped out.

What if they torched the bins so we'd have to order urgent replacements?

Yeah, I suppose it's possible. Let's test my theory.






Sierra 6 to Sierra 3, they're coming out of the lift now.

Copy that, Sierra 6.

I've spoken about it before.

I don't want to talk about it, so that's...

OK? I gotta go.


OK, Mercado, that'|| do. f*ck!

Back up, Mercado. I'll take that.

And the shiv.

You on your rags, Mr Jackson?

Where is it?

I don't know what the f*ck you're talking about...

Where's the f*cking gear?


This is gonna be awesome!

We're the ideal team, you and I.

Yeah, dream team.

Because we have absolutely nothing in common.

We couldn't be more different.

But like all good partners, we complement each other.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Like, I like your hair.

I do. I like your enthusiasm.

Yeah. Yeah, see?

Hey, hey! We're going into business!


You got the green light? The Governor's on board.

We just need the approval of the powers that be.

Whoo! LIZ: That is great news, Booms.

Yeah, we're gonna take over the world.

And as a matter of fact, we've got a proposition to make to you, Liz, haven't we?

BOOMER: Yes. Yes.

We want you to come on board as our horticultural expert.

We need a green thumb.

Oh, I don't know. I don't know...

Go on, do it. Get amongst it. Get your hands dirty.

Anderson, can I have a word, please?

Yes, Governor.

Oh. What do you reckon that is?

Oh, it's probably her transfer knockback.

Official paperwork's probably arrived.

Oh, shit, that doesn't look good.

LIZ: Are you alright, love? (SOBS)

Dor? What happened? (SOBS) Nothing.

Everything. What?

Yeah, I'm good. I'm great. I...

'Guys-| 90t parole! What?!

I can't believe I got parole and I'm getting out tomorrow!

(YELLS) Tomorrow!

Tomorrow! (LAUGHS)



P.A.: Attention, compound. Attention, compound.

Phones are now available for use.


You know what to do. (RECORDING BLEEPS)

Hi, Nash. It's me. I've got some news.

Oh, some good news.

I made parole and, oh, it's a bit of a shock, but they're releasing me tomorrow.

Look, I really, really need to speak to you, so I'll try again later, OK?

I love you both.

I heard you got parole.

You OK? What would you care?

Is that so hard to believe? Yeah.

I-I-I felt we had a special bond...


...especially after Josh was born.

I remind you of someone else. No, no, that's not true.

That's not true. That's not true.

(QUIETLY) Don't you ever come near me again.

P.A.: Attention, compound. Attention, compound.

Count will commence in 10 minutes.

Doyle. Count's coming up. Time to get home.

(SIGHS) This'|| never be home, Mr J.

WILL: Fair enough.

HOW'd you g9? Empty.

Some arsehole tipped them off.

Maybe you were wrong about the bins.

No chance.

Mercado was there, waiting to pick up the delivery.

So you caught her red-handed? Did you slot her?

Only for having a shiv. Now she won't talk.

Well, at least you know one thing for sure.

What's that?

There is definitely a dodgy officer.




What the f*ck just happened?

JAKE: I just saved your arse is what just happened.

You let us walk into a shitstorm.

Who do you think called off the delivery?

Well, you could have told me. There wasn't time.

I heard about the raid and only had time to call the supplier.

So now we are f*cked again.

We just have to find another way.

Do you reckon we should get Allie?

No, I don't reckon she's up for it.

Did you talk to her? Yeah, she's good.

She's not going to do anything stupid.

Oh, thanks, love. That's alright.

Come on, you two. Hey, pressie from Sonia.

It's single malt... WOMEN: Ooh!

...whatever that is.

So, are you excited yet, darling?

Oh, it's all going by so fast, it's doing my bloody head in.

Wanna know what the best thing about getting out is?


Not sh1tting in your own bedroom.


I can't wait to open up my window again.

In your own house with Nash and Joshy.

You and Nashy, like, goin' at it like rabbits.

LIZ: OK, girls. OK. (ALL LAUGH)

Alright, girls, OK, come on, come on.

Now, listen, we're going to have to make a toast, and I volunteer Franky.

Oh! LIZ: Make a toast.

Why, is someone leaving? Boom!



I love ya, Dors. We all do.

And this place is way more bearable with you in it.

But we're gonna forgive you for leaving us, because you belong on the outside with your other family.

Now, we're gonna miss you heaps, but we will never forgive you if you f*ck this chance up.

No! DOREEN: No way.

So, ladies, we are all gonna raise a toast to Dors.

Get up off your arses. Come on. Come on.

No f*ckin' up.

ALL: No f*ckin' up.




Oh, love! What's wrong?

I can't get a hold of Nash.

What? Not at all?

I keep getting his voicemail.

Well, try again in the morning. You'll get hold of him.

I don't even know if he's gotten the message.

We haven't even had a chance to make any plans.

Dor...'re free.

And you have a family who love you.

And everything is gonna be amazing.

Isn't it? Yes.

Yes, it is. Yes, it is.

I love you, Dor.

(swans CHIRP)

Yeah, I can't work out if I'm happy or sad, eh?

Well, I think it's alright to be both.

Yeah, then I'm both.

Just remember, it's a happy day for Dor.

It's... Yeah.

(INMATES CHEER) LIZ: Hey, here she is!


Oh, shit! Oh, shit. Come here, you big sook.

(CHUCKLES) Oh, you can talk!


I know.

I don't want you to go.

Well, I do, but I don't.

I know, I know. I love ya, Booms.

Some bitch has ripped off my cash.

Oh, dear. And after all you've done for these women.

That's shocking. Was it a substantial amount?

A fuckload.




Hey, I've got a psych appointment in 10 minutes.

Alright, come on then.

I'm so nervous.

God, do you remember how scared and messed up you were the first day you came here?

Yeah. Well, look at you now.

God, you're walking out of here a beautiful, strong, proud woman, Dor.

You know, not many of us can say that prison made us a better person, but you can.


You saved me, Liz.

Oh, no, love. You did that yourself.

No more tears, OK? Thank you.

I love you, darling. God bless. (SIGHS)

Time to go, Anderson. OK.

Don't let me see you back here. Not Dor. She's got a family.

LIZ: That's right. Yeah. (SNIFFS)

Has anyone seen Franky?



(INMATES CHANT) Doreen! Doreen! Doreen! Doreen!

Doreen! Doreen! Doreen!

Doreen! Doreen! Doreen! Doreen!

Doreen! Doreen! Doreen! I'm proud of you, Doreen.

Take care. I will.


We love you, Dor. Give Joshy a little cuddle.

BOOMER: 'Bye! Love ya!

(ECHOES) Love ya!




(WIND vvrusmzs)




Here we go! Hey, Joshy?




Oh! Hi!


(WIND vvrusmzs)




Doyle's waiting for her three o'clock appointment.

Oh, I thought she was booked in for tomorrow.


Hey, Ms Westfall. Did I stuff up?

I thought we said three. Sorry I'm late.

No, it's no drama. It's not like I'm going anywhere.

So, what have you stolen this time?

What, you wanna check my pockets?

What I want is to stop having to cover for you.

What are you doing here? Came to see you.

You know, you promised me.

You looked me in the eye and you promised me.

You said, "I'm not going to try anything anymore."

Yeah, I know. And I believed you again.

I'm not doing this anymore, Franky.

Look, I'm doin' it for us.

I won't do it again. Get out.

I'm sorry... Now.


Got enough money now. So you have.

Law of supply and demand, you said.

There's your fuckload of cash.

Where's my gear?

(SCOFFS) That's 10 times the going rate.

Tell her to give me my f*cking gear!

Now you've been holding out on me.

You've got something far more valuable to trade than someone else's money.

Where'd you get that? Uh-huh.

Hey, you said that I could have anything from your cell that I wanted.

Not that.

Warned you the price would be high.


No. Please don't burn it.

No, no, no, |won't.

You will. Go on.


You want the dr*gs, don't you?

Then you will burn it, Page by page.

Let's go.








Oh, f*ck!

Oh, no! No, no, no!

Oh, shit! Oh, f*ck!




Out, bitch. It's Ferguson's time.

Come on, get out! (GRUNTS)

Leave her. She's nothing to worry about.

Look at you.


(QUIETLY) Worthless.

(QUIETLY) Nothing.

Look how far you'll go to escape your pathetic existence.


Do you want to touch me? (GRUNTS)

Do you?

But you're filthy.


You're a filthy whore.

Little top dog whore.

You're just drawn to strong women, aren't you?

First Kaz and then Bea and now me.

Come on, get clean, huh?

You like to fly in our orbit, even if you burn your wings.

Little star fucker.

If only Bea could see us now.






Do it! Please!

Do it! You'd like that, wouldn't you?

So you can be with your Queen Bea.

Do it! Please!


There's no easy way out for you.


When Bea came to k*ll me, I overpowered her too.

She threw herself on her own shiv.

She sacrificed herself so she could be with you.

But here you are, huh?


The love of your life just...

...died for nothing.




I'm sorry!


What the hell happened to you?

I was so close!


I had the needle in her neck and I stuffed it up.

How are you still alive?

Come here.

She could have k*lled me but she wouldn't do it.

I wish she had. No, you don't.

She said Bea died for nothing.


I wanna die.

I got up on the roof today to check it out.

I felt the breeze on my face.

I could see over the walls to the horizon.

There was only one locked door between me and the outside.

Now, I'm gonna get out and I'm going to find out who k*lled Pennisi...

...and you're gonna come with me.

What? f*ck this dying shit.

Now, you need to get out and you need to live a happy life.

That's the revenge you get on Ferguson.

You're serious?

You're on. Hm.