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05x06 - Happy Birthday, Vera

Posted: 08/04/20 08:09
by bunniefuu

Who's next?!

There'|| be no women committing acts of v*olence against women.

Ferguson's invisible. She's a ghost.

Sonia has no idea.

But what happens if she figures it out?

You're gonna need some protection.

I don't respond well to extortion.

Can I get some H? You're a Kaz Proctor spy.

No, I'm not with Kaz anymore. Prove it, huh?

Your hearing's been postponed. No, no, it's gotta be today.

Right, everyone out!


LIZ: I reckon you should move into Protection.


Oh, f*ck. Kaz.

You OK?

ALLIE: What did you do to the brawler?

I loosened one of the wheels.

Kaz could have died, and you made me a part of it!

I've done what you wanted. Put Kaz in hospital.

Home delivery.

Maybe things will be different in the future.

Now is the time.

SONG: j& You don't know me j& When I don't know you j& You don't know me j& When I don't know you j& You're calling me in j& And you're catching me out j& You're calling me in j& And you're catching me out j& You're calling me in j& And you're catching me out j& You don't know me j& When I don't know you. j&




SONG: j& Belle nuit, 6 nuit d'amour j& Souris � nos... j&

FERGUSON: Change can be painful.

Our lives spent working in the same job, living in the same routine.

Her world barely extends beyond the walls of this prison.

Pathetic little thing she is.

She thinks she has everything she ever wanted.

Yet she's completely ignorant of the fact that her perfect little life has this tiny, hidden seed of decay.

It's your time, Jake.

Time to spread that rot, exploit our advantage.

Think of the possibilities.

I'll take care of things on this side of the bars while you replace Vera and become governor.


FERGUSON: There's one thing that Vera fears more than change.

It's turning into her mother.

Growing old, alone and unloved.

Go on, make her emotionally dependent on you.

And then we can crush her. j& Belle nuit, 6 nuit d'amour j& Souris � nos ivresses... j&

RADCLIFFE: Ferguson.

Hey. Wake up.


P.A.: Attention, compound. Attention, compound.

H Block are now called for lunch.


(WOMAN 1 WHISPERS) Kaz will be useless. Look at her.

WOMAN 2: We got no hope with her.

WOMAN 3: She's gonna get put down.

WOMAN 4: How embarrassing. WOMAN 5: Lonely shit.

WOMAN 6: Lucy'd snap her anyway.

WOMAN 7: All bark, no bite. WOMAN 8: Give us a break.

WOMAN 9: She pretends, but she's gutless.

WOMAN 10: Kaz can do f*ck-all.

WOMAN 11: And she can't make a decision.

WOMAN 12: She did f*ck-all before this.

WOMAN 13: Lucy'd snap her anyway.

WOMAN 141 Ridiculous.


WOMAN 15: Yeah, we got no hope with that Bambi.

WOMAN 16: Tired old hag. WOMAN 17: Won't do shit.

Want some help? I'm right.

Holy shit.

Kaz can't let that slide.

She's gonna have to do something.

WOMAN: What's she gonna do? Look over there.

What are you doing, Joan?

Eating. Not at this table, you're not.

Pick up your tray and move over there.

You heard the orders, Juice.

She doesn't exist. She's invisible.

If she's invisible, how do you know she's sitting there?


KAZ: You wanna side with her, you're on your own.

What makes you think that Lucy needs your support?

You're a f*ckin' moron, Juice.

Good luck with that.

LUCY: Oh, look, boys.

Boomer's got a new job - wiping Greta Garbo's arse.


Hey! Look at you in your trackie daks.

Certainly not by choice.

It was just easier to negotiate.

Well, you look a lot better than the last time I saw you.

Oh, thank you, Liz.

I am better.

Susan here's been a godsend.

Just eggs please, Susan. Scrambled.

And my tea. I'll help you, Susan.

How long you gonna be in that?

Well, when you consider the ACL on this knee and the torn ligament on this ankle, you could say I haven't got a leg to stand on. (CHUCKLES)

You haven't touched your grub.

You can have mine if you want.

That's very kind, but I'll wait for my eggs.

Thank you.

Oh, f*ck!

Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!

STELLA: Shit, Juice, you're bleeding!


(PRISONERS LAUGH) Want some tommy sauce?

Oh, you are a disgusting pig!

You f*ckin' piece of shit! Boomer, let it go.

WILL: What's going on, ladies?

I just broke my tooth on some bacon, Mr Jackson.

I cut me gum and all.

I could sue you for that.

Hey, ya sick f*ck! Boomer, take a seat.

They are just e995-

Liz can get her another tray. Do you want another tray?

I don't think I'm hungry anymore.

WILL: I think Kaz is losing the women.

How serious is it?

A bit of grumbling.

Right, well, it always starts with a bit of grumbling.

Even being bashed, one or two. It's what the women are used to.

I prefer Kaz's method.

For all her bluster, she is about protecting the women, particularly from each other.

(DOOR OPENS) JAKE: Oh, sorry.

I'll come back later. No, it's OK. I'm clone.

Um, just keep me in the loop, Will?


A little birdie told me it's someone's birthday in a couple of days.

What? Who told you that?

That's a bit sneaky of you, keeping that under wraps.

Well, I don't celebrate birthdays.

Rubbish. I mean it, Jake.

Do you now?

Oh, well, in that case, you're gonna have to give me a prezzie instead.


OK, really. What?

You let me move in with you.

Well, try not to look too horrified.

Is that...

I'm sorry, is that a joke?


Come on, what do you say?


Um, I have to think about that.

Sure. No pressure.


What are you doing?

What? I saw you buy it.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You reckon Red would want to see you back on the gear?

I'm... I'm just...

I'm going through a hard patch at the moment.

|just...| need a little bit of help to get me through, you know?

What, and that's gonna help, is it?

Don't pretend you give a shit, Franky. You don't.

Stay out of it. Fine.

Get shit-faced. What do I care?


Everyone's wondering why Juice is not copping it.

She bashed Sonia without your approval, and now she's hooking up with the Freak.

Lucy's crew and their new mate can go to buggery.


Looks like it's getting a bit crowded in Buggery.

LUCY: Ohh...

How's that tooth? Giving me the shits.

So go see the dentist.

Big bull's piss-scared of dentists.

Oh, f*ck off, socket face.

In there, please. Yes, just under there.

(YELLS) Hey, Boomer! Do you have to trim her 'vagitation' too?

Polish the pearl while you're at it! (LAUGHS)

KAZ: Booms!

WOMAN: Watch Boomer crack.

I'm gonna play basketball. I'm gonna punch some tits.


Alright, everyone! Listen up!

Now, I gave an order that Ferguson was invisible.

Some of you have chosen to ignore that.

That means you are no longer part of the collective and you're on your f*ckin' own.


There'|| be no bashing of women in retaliation.

I made that clear from the start.

If you want to challenge me on that, please, go ahead.

Come on.


I know most of you women don't want to go back to being ruled by v*olence.

Am I right?

Am I right? MANY PRISONERS: Yeah.

If anyone has an issue with the way I run things, now's your chance to spit it out.






Am I interrupting? Oh!

I need to ask a favour.


I feel like an invalid.

My time in medical gave me an opportunity to re-evaluate.

Oh, yeah?

I hate to admit it, but something tells me I'll be in here for rather a long time.

Well, you don't know that.

Did I tell you that the detective who framed me has gone missing?

No, no, you, uh... never mentioned it.

Vanished. Off the face of the earth.



He might have f*cked me over, but he's not gonna f*ck anyone else over...

...ever again.

BRIDGET: You think Sonia m*rder*d him?

LIZ: If she k*lled her bestie and hubby, she's more than capable of doing in a copper.

Ha! Mmm.

Perhaps your fears are more a manifestation of your guilt.

You think I'm making it all up. No, no, not at all.

I think your fears are very real to you.

I'm not making up the fact that Don's gone missing, OK?

Don's gone missing and I'm the only one who seems to give a shit.

Why are you so concerned about him, Liz?

(TEARFULLY) Because I love him.

No, it's more of a, um...

It's more kind of...

OK, uh...

...we were, uh...

We were gonna be together when I got let out.

(WHISPERS) Yeah. We were.

Yeah, I reckon that curry for lunch was dodgy, eh?

Oh, yeah, urn, I really gotta go take a sh...

You know.

That OK with you? Don't be too long, Susan.

Be as bloody long as I have to be.



VERA: A vertical what? Garden.

This is a project, Governor, to help beautify the prison walls.

This'|| be so great for the women, Governor.

And, well, I won't lie, for me too.

I need something to exercise my considerable skills.

And, uh, how do you propose to make this...

Green walls. That's what I'm calling them.


Well, we'll start with one and just see how we go.

Are you even capable of taking on such a project?

What a ridiculous question!

If it costs money... Oh, it will.

...| have certain philanthropic contacts.

Give the women something productive to do, Governor, and they'll be far less likely to get involved in, shall we say, less socially acceptable activities.

What a dump.

(CHUCKLES) This is perfect. It's a pile of shit.

With a ton of potential, Susan.

Rome started with less.

You're gonna have to get all these tools checked and recertified.

How long will that take?

I could get the prison sparky to fast-track it.

Depends on how badly you want it.



She's thinking about it.



Not good enough.

Persuade her.

Use that, um...

...charm thing.

And one other thing.

Get Nurse Radcliffe in your corner.

Bind her to us.

And how the f*ck am I supposed to do that?



Oh, my God! Ohh!

Ohh! Ohh!

(JAKE GRUNTS) Oh, yeah.

Oh, my...

(GASPS) Don't come inside me, OK?



Oh, shit. Vera. Oh, sorry. Sorry.

Er, how are you? (SIGHS) Exhausted.

I was up half the night figuring out what to get you for your birthday.

You are the hardest person I've ever had to buy for.

No, I told you, no presents. I hate them.

What is it with you and birthdays?

Look I, um...| actually had a sleepless night too.

I've decided I'm not ready to go the next step. Not yet.

I value my independence.

Are you angry?

I could never be angry with you.

I am a bit disappointed, but, uh, I'm not gonna throw myself under a bus.

Urn, thank you for understanding.



Oh, well, a challenge is good.


This is Ted. He's from the local TAFE.

He's going to help supervise, aren't you, Ted?

TED: Anyone here know how to weld?

PRISONER: Yep, I do. TED: OK, show us.


Whoa! No, stop!

What the... What are you doing?

TED: Nobody touch the machine. Oh, really?

Really? What, couldn't you hear that?

Her feed's too high, her power's too low.

She's, like, machine-gunning it.

Look at that bead. That... that's shit.


Shut up.

Do you know how to weld, Susan?

JAKE: lman, this is H5, and you're up the end here.

Doesn't look like much, but you've got a telly, you can decorate it with photos, whatever.

I'll leave you to it.

She said no.

Values her independence.


Vera is massively insecure.

Deep down she feels...


I'm sure you could do something with that.

You're hanging around here a lot, Mr Stewart.

You want me, don't ya?

Yeah. Like a dose of the clap, Gambaro.

Yeah. Stella might oblige.

Get f*cked.

You've got a new inmate. Iman Farah.

Make her feel welcome.


Hello, hello.

I'm Juicy Lucy...

...and I love caramel milkshake.

You stay the f*ck away from me.

Oh, Stell, we've got a wildcat. STELLA: Yeah.

You'll keep.


I don't need all this stuff, alright?

I don't... Shut up.

Susan here is an expert.

I want everyone to listen to exactly what she has to say.

So, like, when you MIG weld, right...

...the first thing is, well, you gotta get your settings right.


Yeah, no, and then you gotta, like, make sure you push the g*n at the right angle so you get the right size filler.

Isn't it, Ted? TED: Yes, that's correct.

Yeah, that's right.


Um, so you don't get, like, that crunchy holey shit?

You know, the... I'll just show ya, alright?

Get the screen, Ted.




WOMAN: Eyes, people.




Oh, f*ck!

(STELLA TAUNTS) You've gotta go to the dentist.

I am tomorrow.

Stop sounding like a broken f*ckin' record.

Ohh. Oh.

Far out.

You know, if you were top dog, you'd have more than chocolate bars to munch on.

You could have a whole candy store.

Gobstoppers, all-day suckers.

Little fresh liquorice b*llet.

How the f*ck am I gonna be top dog?

Most of these snatches hate me guts.

Popularity isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Look at Kaz.

Democracy isn't really working for her, is it?

There are two ways to rule the rabble.

You can try to appeal to the people...

...or you can terrify them.



Are you Doreen?

Someone told me you're a peer worker.

That's right.

My name's Iman. I'm here on remand.

I need some legal help.

(SIGHS) That's what your lawyer's for.

My lawyer's shit. Public defender.

He doesn't give a damn about a woman like me.


Here, have a seat.

Iman, was it?

I don't know what to do.

I don't want to spend time in here for something that wasn't my fault, you know?

I've been here five seconds, I already hate it.

You get used to it.

I don't wanna get used to it.

I wanna get the f*ck out of here.

I know how you feel.


BOOMER: Nah, seriously.

What are they, six to eight?

And what'd I say? Three to four, that's right.

So start again.


Yeah, fight Another three of those.


Oh, do you need to go to the dunny again?

No. I think I can take care of my own ablutions from now on.

Hey? I need you in a different way.

I want you to take charge of this project.

No, you... you're in charge.

I can't do this without you.

I want us to be a team.



Oh, so close.

Can I join you for one?

Yeah. Sure.

My name's Joan. I'm in your unit.

I'd kind of like to, uh, take this opportunity to apologise for the crude behaviour of one of our neighbours.


She's, uh...

Well, she is a pig.

But she's also a very useful ally.

As leader of the boys, she's the one who decides who is or is not a sexual target around this place.

I've got no interest in that shit.

Me neither.

Which is why I went out of my way to befriend Lucy and her crew, despite certain... run-ins we have had in the past.

If you want my advice - and you may not, but if you do - might be a good idea for you to do the same.

Ah, speak of the devil.

Lucy, meet, um...

|man. |man.

This is Lucy.

Sorry about before, love.

I was only mucking around.

Hey, Luce, why don't you ask Iman if she's given any thought to joining a crew?

Hey, smell this. What?

Just smell it. Booms!

Smell it! (LAUGHS) It's gross!

What is that?

That is the smell of success. Oh, is it?

Yeah. Yeah. Or is it a bit of minge?

Now, smell that. Oh, don't!

Smell it. Smell it! (LAUGHS)

Oi, Franky, Franky!

Ferguson's trying to get her claws in Iman.

What? Who's 'yer man'?

She's a newbie and she needs protection.

Ferguson and Lucy are going for her.

Well, that's Kaz's problem, not mine.

Kaz won't do anything.

Are you just gonna sit there and let it happen?

Why don't you make Iman a cup of tea, Lucy?

Show her some real proper H5 hospitality?

Oh, sure, sure.


How do you take it? White. One sugar.

I usually take mine with a spot of milk too.

But today...

...I'm taking mine black.


LUCY: Go on, get her in there. (WHIMPERS)

No! Get here in.

Oh, shut her up! Get her on the bed.

Black, white, yellow.

We're all pink where it counts, darlin'. (CACKLES)

You know why they call me Juicy?

'Cause I'm gonna squirt all over your pretty little face.



STELLA: Go on, Juice. Go for it.

Yeah, get in there. LUCY: Shut her up!


FRANKY: What the f*ck, Juice?

Oh, no! No, my tooth!

(MOCKINGLY) Oh, it doesn't hurt, does it?


Now, you back off, or do you wanna go another round?


My tooth! Ohh, f*ck!

Alright, ya piece of shit!

Oh, f*ck. You OK?

What the hell's going on, Anderson?

Have a look for yourself, Mr Jackson.


Why don't you ask the Juice, Mr J?


LUCY: Oh, f*ck. You're all gonna f*ckin' keep!

Tidy yourself up, Gambaro. You're coming with me.

I didn't do nothin', Mr Jackson.

Let's go. It was Doyle.

She att*cked my cavity.

Mr Jackson's got it in for me, Ms Bennett.

I knocked him back once. BENNETT: OK.

He's been sinking his boots into me ever since.

Enough, Gambaro!

I am suspending your privileges for a month.

If you touch another inmate it'll be the slot.

(MUTTERS) Vinegar Tits. What did you say?

I said it won't happen again, Ms Bennett.

See that it doesn't.

WILL: Lucy's getting out of hand.

The new prisoner, assign her to the laundry.

Keep her close to Kaz.


You sure you don't want me to do that?

What do you think?

Are you alright, love?

Hey, Kaz.

(SIGHS) You hear about Lucy?

She just att*cked a newbie.

She would've r*ped her if Franky and Boomer hadn't stopped her.

You refused to put Lucy in her place and now look what's happened.

You women are f*cked in the head.

What is wrong with you?

You don't get it, do you?

By bashing each other you're only hurting yourselves.

I'm wasting my f*cking time.

I'm telling you, I'm sick to death of all of this bullshit.

I'm f*ckin' sick and tired of it.



WILL: OK, Proctor, come with me.

Where are you taking me?

Are you losing control of the women?

You know Gambaro just terrorised the new inmate.

And we both know she was responsible for Stevens' bashing.

You need to take control, Proctor.

Take some action.

What are you suggesting, Governor?

Gambaro's making you look weak.

Are you giving me permission to bash Lucy?




WOMAN 1: Kaz can do f*ck-all with that arm.

WOMAN 2: She did f*ck-all before this.

WOMAN 3: Nothing's gonna get done with her in control.

WOMAN 4: Bitch can't make a decision.

KAZ: You look happy. I am.

You know, amidst all the bullshit that's been going on, I, um, kind of forgot...

...that you're the victim here.

If you ask me to, I'll bash Lucy.

I would love you to do that.

But speaking as someone who knows just a thing or two about leadership, it's a sign of weakness to betray your publicly stated principles.

Thank you, Sonia.


Um, what were you after again?


My new filling's starting to ache.



(MIMICS RADCLIFFE) "Oh, don't come inside me!"

Somebody's been a naughty nurse.

Don't worry.

I won't tell.


Happy birthday, Vera.

Why don't you like birthdays?

Uh, my mother always made a point of forgetting them.

As if she didn't want me to feel special, on any day.

When I was nine, she let me have my first birthday party and, um...

...| spent weeks planning it.

Sent out the invites.

And she cancelled it the day before without telling me.

So I stood at the door... my party clothes, and, um, I waited for...

And she told me no-one came because .

...because nobody liked me.


I'm saving your prezzie for later.

Haven't wrapped it yet.

Nearly done?

I have to go set up for the dentist.

OK. I'll walk Proctor back.

What are you going to do about Lucy?

They're still making noises.

You know what, let them make noises.

I'm going to stick to my principles.

It's far more important than making an example out of Lucy.

OK, I get it.

But if you stuff this up, Kaz, and you get this wrong and the wrong person steps up, then the women have no chance in hell.



JAKE: I think I'm winning the battle, slowly but surely.

She really opened up to me before.

Vera's mum sabotaged her party.

Sounds like she's never quite gotten over it.

FERGUSON: It gives us the perfect opportunity to close the deal.


FERGUSON: Birthday cake.

In the staff room.

Make it special.


MILES: Gambaro put in a request to see you, Governor.

Ah, yes. Thank you, Ms Miles.

If you're here to make more bogus accusations about Mr Jackson, you're wasting my time.

I got a proposition, Governor.

I've got some information to offer.

OK, what kind of information?

Information of a very personal nature.

Regarding yourself.

But I want something in return.


I want you to support my bid for top dog.


Oh, you're serious. Mm-hm.

(LAUGHS) You! Top dog?

You'd be the... (LAUGHS) Sorry.

You'd be the worst top dog in the history of Wentworth!

Oh, Ms Miles!

Ms Miles...

Um, I think we're done.

DON ON VOICEMAIL: You've reached Don Kaplan.

I'm not available at the moment...

Oh, f*ck! Shut the f*ck up and listen.

Get off me!

You'd better get Sonia to start forking over the cash or that bashing I gave her will be just foreplay.

Next time I will g*ng the bitch and tell her you're that Witness X.


Now, how's that f*ckin' ticker of yours?

Hey, Ms Westfall! I need a word.

Not now, Liz.

f*ck, I was right about Juice Gambaro.

She knows I'm Witness X.

She just threatened me and she said she was gonna tell Sonia.

OK, calm down. Oh, f*ck!

I wish you people would stop telling me to calm down!

Just take a few deep breaths. I don't need deep breaths.

At 3 o'clock, we'll talk then, OK?

That could be too late, Ms Westfall.

You've got to shut Juice up now.

Look, I can't. There's somewhere I've got to be, OK?

3 o'clock, I promise, Liz. I promise.

f*ck! (PANTS)

Oh, f*ck.


Well, can't you get maintenance onto it?

No, it's not that simple.

I really think you need to check this out.



OTHERS: Surprise!

(ALL SING) j& Happy birthday to you j& Happy birthday to you j& Happy birthday, dear Vera j& Happy birthday to... j&

WOMAN: What happened?



Hey, what's wrong?


Why do you like me?


I'm pathetic. I'm...


...Vinegar Tits.

Oh, Vera, you are...'re wonderful.

I'm not. I'm not. Yes.

I'm... I'm...

God, what's everyone going to think?

I'm sorry about the cake thing.

I just... Oh, shit. It's my fault.

I wanted you to feel special. I do.

I do feel special.

When I'm around you, I...

Would you come over tonight, please?


Bring your suitcase.






You'd better not be doing it.

Don't be stupid. Get in the chair.


Give me some f*cking gas, ya twat!



I'll let the dentist know you're ready.

LUCY: Yeah, right.


SONG: j& Belle nuit, 6 nuit d'amour... j&

(LUCY MOANS SLEEPILY) j& Souris � nos ivresses... j&

(GAS HISSES LOUDER) j& Nuit plus douce que le jour

(j& C) belle nuit d'amour j& Le temps fuit et sans retour j& Emporte nos tendresses j& Loin de cet heureux s�jour j& Le temps fuit sans retour j& Z�phyrs embras�s... j&


I Versez-nous VOS caresses j& Z�phyrs embras�s... j&

(WHISPERS) You've licked your last p*ssy.

J' Versez-nous vos caresses... j& (LUCY MOANS) j& Z�phyrs embras�s... j&


Arggh! Arggh!








SONIA: To achieve this in just two days is testament not only to the governor's willingness to put her faith in me, but to the skill and dedication of my second-in-command, Susan Jenkins.


SONIA: Susan, would you do the honours, please?

BOOMER: Oh, yeah.


...the 'Green Wall'!

"Qhh! "Oh, yes!

(SCATTERED APPLAUSE) Come on, everyone.

This is an amazing achievement, you know, making something like... like that.

It's a... well, it's not just a living garden on a wall, it is a work of art.

How about showing some real appreciation?






What the f*ck!




P.A.: Attention, compound, this is a code black.

Code black.

All prisoners return to their units.

WILL: Ambulance is on its way.



What's happened?

Lucy Gambaro.

Someone cut her tongue out.


She was seeing the dentist.

Nurse Radcliffe went to get him.

When she came back, Gambaro was gone, there was blood everywhere.

Who did this? Could it have been Liz?

Li... Birdsworth?

She came to me this morning.

She was in a state and said that Lucy knew that she was Witness X.

Who did this to you?

Who did this? Was it Ferguson?

Just nod. Was it... It's OK. Was it Ferguson?


You were going to tell me something.

What were you gonna tell me?

What is it you know about me?

OK, write it down. Tell me, tell me.

What do you know about me?

Write it down.


Ambulance is here.


Ferguson took out the trash when Kaz couldn't.

PRISONER: Yeah, f*ck Kaz!

What's she done for us?

Top d09-

Get off!

TINA: Top dog. Piss off!


Top dog! Top dog!

Get off! PRISONER: Piss off.

PRISONERS: Top dog! BOOMER: Oh, shut up!

(PRISONERS CHANT) Top dog! Top dog!


Top dog! Top dog!

Top (109!

Top dog! Top dog!

Top (109! Top (109!

Top dog! Top dog!

Top (109! Top (109!

Top dog! Top dog!









Oh, f*ck! Oh!