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01x02 - Day of Days

Posted: 07/23/20 15:44
by bunniefuu
Standing in the door I could see...

...the lights on the drop zone...

...and I had to assume that was our drop zone...

...way in the ahead of us.

And so that we had the red light...

...I had everybody standing up ready to jump.

So, when the plane started to get hit...

...and suddenly the pilot gives me the green light...

...I'm out the door immediately.

We got such an opening blast from the opening shot...

...from the prop blast that it broke this chin strap that we had on this helmet liner.

And that's when I lost this famous leg bag...

...that everybody talks about...

...just from the shock of the opening.

It just flew right off my foot.

We came from the sky.

We hit, and in any direction you went...

...there would be enemy, you knew it.

And that was all part of what you accepted.

How do you prepare yourself mentally?

Each man must do that himself.

Each man must prepare himself mentally to make that jump.

At the back of your mind you, you know, you wonder what will happen and all that.

You know you've been trained and trained and trained...

...and what your job is gonna be...

...and what you're supposed to do and...

Oh, that's what you gotta think about, you know?

And we lost a lot of people that night...

...but you try to put it all out of your mind.

Give me a light.

Lip, did Evans make it?

Yes, sir.

He's in Lieutenant Meehan's stick, sir.

Lieutenant Meehan!

Lieutenant Meehan.

Will, could use some help.


Will, hey.

Will, I need your help here.

Get ready!

Stand up!

Hook up!

Equipment check!

Sound off for equipment check!

Ten okay!

Nine okay!

Eight okay!

Seven okay!

Six okay!

Five okay!

Four okay!

Three okay!

Two okay!

One okay!

Jesus Christ! Let's go, let's go!

Does that light look green to you?

No, let's go!

I'm hit!

Jesus, tell Meehan to get them out of there!



Oh, Jesus Christ!


I wanna jump, sir!

Now, listen to me, stay on the plane...'re not jumping!

He's okay.

No, sir, no!

All right, son of a bitch.

Where's the g*dd*mn DZ?

Maybe it's three more minutes on this bearing!

We get any lower...

...we ain't gonna need any frigging parachutes!

Slow down!

We gotta get some altitude!

They can't jump at this speed!

We there?

Oh, God!

Oh, no!

Let's go!



I don't think that's the correct reply, trooper.

I say "flash", you say "thunder".

Yes, sir, thunder, sir.

Musette bag.


Sir, it's Hall, sir.

I was on the basketball team.

Leg bag?

Prop blast got it, sir...

...and my radio and batteries with it.

Mine, too.

Mine are somewhere behind those trees.


Follow me.

To hell with that!

Wait until they reload.


Aren't you D Company?

Able, sir.

Guess that means one of us is in the wrong drop zone, sir?

Yeah, or both of us.

Do you have a w*apon, sir?

Just my knife.

Do you have any idea where we are, sir?


So, you're a radioman?

Yes, sir.

Well, I was until I lost my radio on the jump.

I'm sure I'll get chewed out for that.

Well, if you were in my platoon...

...I'd tell you you were a rifleman first, radioman second.

Maybe you could tell that to my platoon leader...

...when we find him.

If we find him.

It's a deal.

First, I need your help.

We'll locate some landmarks to get our bearings.

Keep your eyes peeled for buildings, farmhouses...

...bridges, roads, trees.

I wonder if the rest of them are as lost as we are.

We're not lost, Private.

We're in Normandy.

Who's that?

Lieutenant Winters, is that you?

Get in here, sit down.

Any w*apon?

No, sir.

As soon as I hit the prop blast, so long leg bag.

All I got is this knife and some TNT.

These 82nd boys got their M-1s, though.

Oh, man, 82nd, where the hell are we?

Sir, I saw a sign back thataways.

It said, "Sainte-Mere-Eglise".



You got a raincoat? Yeah.

We're about seven kilometers away from our objective.

And four hours from when we need to have it secured.

So, we got a lot of walking ahead of us.

You men will stick with us until we find your unit.

Let's go.

Hey, Sarge, where are we going?

Causeway Number Two, Utah Beach.

The Germans flooded the fields inland.

We don't clear the routes, we ain't moving.

Five of us ain't gonna secure a road.

That Louie don't even have a w*apon.

I don't remember hearing about any railroads near our objective.

I'm telling you...

...this is the spur line that runs parallel to the river.

We should be nearing a road and bridge.

Yeah, how would you know?

Because I studied sand tails, all right?

Probably a frigging train or...



Lieutenant, is that you?


Sir. Sir.

Glad to see you, sir.

Good to see you.

Nice to see you guys.

Guarnere. Sir.

You and Hall up front.

Who the hell is Hall?




Wait for my command.

That's enough, Guarnere!

Everyone okay?

Yes, sir.

Next time I say wait for my command... wait for my command, Sergeant.

Yes, sir.

Here you go, Lieutenant.

Kraut w*apon.

Fine, Quaker.

What's that guy's problem?



His name, dummy, Guarnere, gonorrhea, get it?

So besides having a shitty name, what's his problem?

None of your f*cking business, Cowboy.

All right, let's move out.



Did you see him? He just sat there.

He didn't have a w*apon.

What's he gonna do, shout at them?

Shouts at me for k*lling Krauts.

He just wanted you to wait for his command.

Joe, he don't even drink.

Lipton, Wynn.

Anybody need supplies or a*mo, now's the time to get it.

McDowell, you okay?

Yes, Sergeant.

Then let's go.

Hey, I promised my kid brother I'd fetch him back a Luger.

So I got first dibs, okay?

Check that one.

It's the Navy.

The landings have started, let's go.

Let's move it out. Right on time.

Yeah, tell that to him, Cowboy.

My name's Hall.

That so?

Let's move out.

You just gotta learn to return his fire.

You gotta realize it ain't about you.

He just heard his...

Malarkey, shut your yap.

His brother got it at Cassino.

Found out before we jumped.

'Morning, sir.

Battalion sure will be happy to see you guys.

Where? At the farm, sir.

Top of the morning to you fellows. Enjoying the w*r?

Where are you from, son?

Eugene, Oregon.

Eugene? You gotta be kidding me.

Popeye, did you hear this?

I'm from Astoria. You don't say.

Yeah, Orange Street.

What gives? What are you doing in a Kraut uniform?


Come again?

My family answered the call.

All true Aryans should return to the fatherland.

Joined up in '41.

You're sh1tting me, right?

Hey, Malarkey, stop fraternizing with the enemy.

Get over here!

What got you to Eugene?

I was born in Eugene.



Hey, Popeye.

Hey, Harry.

Carry on.

Oh, Easy Company.


Good to see you.

Good to see you.

And this here's Hall, Able Company.

Known as Cowboy.

You from Texas?


Hey boss, how you doing?

What's going on?

What's the hold up?

Not sure.

Five will get you ten it has to do with that.


It's good to see you, d*ck.

Yeah, you too, Buck.

What's the situation?

Not good.

Ninety percent of the men are still unaccounted for.

Lieutenant Meehan?

No, no one's seen him, or anyone from his plane.

You know, if he is missing...

...wouldn't that put you in line to be the next commander of Easy?

Hey, Lieutenant Speirs.

How many men have Dog Company got assembled?

A handful, maybe 20.

You the only officer that made it?

So far.

Still waiting for orders.

You got some cigarettes?


Hey, keep the pack.

Yeah, so I was in the plant in '39.

That's when I was at Monarch tooling propeller shafts.

No kidding.

What are the chances of that?

You and me 100 miles from each other...

...working at practically the same job.

Hey, Malark, we're waiting on you.

Yeah, I'm coming.

Well, I gotta run, I'll see you around.

Yeah, see you around.


Here you go.



Thank you.


Easy Company?


Hey, any of you guys know where Easy Company is?

You seen Lt. Meehan?

No, not yet.

Well, Major Strayer wants Easy Company's C.O. up front.

Well, I guess that means you, d*ck.

Come on.

Son of a bitch.

Hey, Malark, where's the best chow?

In Berlin.

And the MGs?

I'd say right around here, sir.

I can't be sure.

There's some Kraut 88s up ahead.

Up ahead and to the right about, what, 300 yards?

Up through those gardens.

They're right between us and Causeway Number Two.

Firing on to the boys landing at Utah.

Think Easy can handle it?

Yes, sir.

'Cause my guess is they're doing some terrible damage there.

The 88s we've been hearing...

...have been spotted in a field, down the road aways.

Major Strayer wants us to take them out.

There are two g*ns that we know of firing on Utah Beach...

...and plan on a third and a fourth... and here.

The Germans are in the trenches with access to the entire battery...

...and with machine-g*n cover in the rear.

We'll establish a base of fire...

...and move under it hard and fast with two squads of three.

How many Krauts they think we're facing?

No idea.

No idea?

We'll take some TNT along with us to spike the g*ns.

Lipton, your responsibility.

Yes, sir.

Liebgott, you'll take the first machine g*n...

...with Petty, A gunner.

Plesha, Hendrix, you take the other.

Who does that leave?

Compton, Malarkey, Toye, Guarnere.


We'll be making the main as*ault.


Yes, sir.

All right, let's pack it up, boys.

Shouldn't you be outside with the other Able Company guys?

See you around, Hall.

Lipton, when you see we've captured the first g*n...

...I want you and your TNT as fast as possible.

Yes, sir.

Okay, just weapons and a*mo, drop everything else.

Got any spare a*mo in a pack or a musette bag bring it along.

Lieutenant, sir?

I was wondering, sir, you need an extra hand?

Ain't you Sink's jeep driver?


Oh, shit.

What's your name, trooper?

Lorraine, sir.

You're with me, Lorraine.

Compton, second squad.

Yes, sir.

All right, you heard the word, let's move, let's move.

Three cannons.

Petty, we've got escalating fire.

Right, let's go.

Stay down.


I'll draw their fire to the right from the truck.

Take two men and hit them from the left.

Okay, go.


Take Ranney, envelop right, give covering fire.

Lorraine, on the machine g*n.

Don't give away your position until you have to.

And I want that TNT... soon as we've captured the first g*n. Go.

Yes, sir.


I can't see nothing.

Come on, Buck.

Oh, shit!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Follow me!

Oh, f*ck!

It got my ass!

Sorry, sir.

Jesus Christ!

f*cking jeep jockey.

Shit, I'm sorry, sir.

I screwed up.


Joe, Joe, roll on, roll on!



You are one lucky bastard, Joe.

Guarnere, Malarkey, Lorraine, secure that g*n!

Compton, covering fire.

Yes, sir!

Where are you hit, Pop?

I can't believe I f*cked up. My ass, sir.

Your ass?

Oh, shit.

Popeye, how bad is it?

Sorry, sir, I didn't mean to f*ck up.

I don't think it's too bad.

Can you make it back yourself?

I think so, sir.

Let's move out.

Right, here we go.

Drop your w*apon, Pop, drop your w*apon.

Come on!

One, two, three!

Get down, d*ck, get down!


Popeye, get down!

Winters, 1:00!



Let's go! Get out of there!

Get out of there!



Jesus Christ.

f*cking twice.

Jesus Christ!

Lorraine, through, go!


Ranney, let's move!

They've got the first g*n.

There's the second g*n.

Grenades first.

Then keep going, go!



Nicht schieBen!

Nicht schieBen!

Bitte, nicht schieBen.

No make dead!

Shut up.

Nicht schieBen!

Shut the f*ck up! No make dead.

Stay down, stay down!

Compton! All right, cover for me.

We must be doing something right.

They're so confused they're firing on their own g*n.

Let's blow this before they realize what's happening.

I'll see what's keeping Lip.

All right.

Toye, cover Lieutenant!

I think one of those dead Krauts has a Luger.

So what?

Keep your head low, Petty.

Come on, move it!

Have a little suppress in fire, why don't you?

Jesus Christ!


Now you stop firing?



They must think he's a medic or something.

He's gonna need a g*dd*mn medic.

Okay, okay, okay.


Get low!

What the hell are you doing? Come on!

Forgot your frigging Luger?

You want I should go get it for you, you stupid Mick?

Where's Lipton with that TNT?

Don't know, sir.

You'll be all right.

I'm sorry, I messed up.

Don't be sorry.

Hey, Sarge?

You think this is a ticket home?


Shit, I just got here.

Hiya, Cowboy.

Shut your f*cking Guinea trap, Gonorrhea.

He's all right, that kid.

You got a whole Kraut platoon out there.

Probably more, Captain.

You need help?

I need a*mo, sir, lots of it!

And TNT!

I've got TNT, sir.

Good job, Private.

Hall, ready!

Sir, I don't have any way to set it off, sir.

Fire in the hole!

Plesha, covering fire.

Third g*n, here!

Lorraine, grab some more of those potato mashers and follow me.

Malarkey, Hall, you two, go!

Running a little low on a*mo, sir.

How about you, Malarkey?


Think you got enough to take the third g*n?

We'll soon find out, d*ck.

Malarkey, let's go!

Toye, cover!

Okay, Hall, keep your head down.


Leave your TNT!

Fire in the hole!

Malarkey, cover the front!

Go to the cannon, go.

Hey, Sarge. I'm looking for Battalion HQ.

Are you kidding?

It's back thataway.

You mean over...

Fire in the hole!



Don't need it.


Don't need it!



Where'd he come from?

Winters, Hester said you needed a*mo!


As much as you can, everyone!

You mind if D Company takes a shot at the next g*n?

All yours.

Let's go, Dog Company!

Up and at them, D Company.


Who is that, Speirs?

What's he doing out of the trench?

Oh, what the hell's he doing?

Oh, Jesus.

Sir, had a little trouble...

...getting through that first field.

Oh, Christ.

We're gonna need it at the next g*n.

Once it's blown, have them leave.

Go! Yes, sir.

Compton, police them both, then pull out!

Lorraine, Toye, move out!

Move out!

Move out! Move it out!

MGs first.

Fall back to your original positions.

Everyone else, maintain your base of fire.

Okay, back to battalion!

Go, go!

They were 105s, not 88s, sir.

We disabled them and pulled out.

I figure there's maybe 40 or so Krauts...

...still manning three MG-42s to the rear.

Hey, Popeye.


Yes, sir.

We k*lled maybe around 20..., yeah, probably there's 40 left.

I think we need a*tillery...

...or maybe mortars might do the job.

Going my way?



Careful, don't hurt yourself.

Nice ride you got here, Nix.

Straight from Utah Beach.

We should put them to work before they're missed.

By nightfall...

...Second Battalion had secured Sainte-Marie-du-Mont...

...and elements of the 4th Division were beginning to move men and material inland.

Most of the 101st Airborne, including Easy Company...

...were still scattered all over Normandy...

...and the success of the invasion was far from certain.

We had an hour to rest...

...and scrounge for food we could...

...before we had to move south...

...and secure the town of Courville.

...die in the back of this damn truck.

Come on, you're stepping on my legs.

Jesus, let me out of here.

Light, light discipline.

Guarnere, close that flap.

Let the Krauts cook their own g*dd*mn food.

How are we doing, Malark?

We're doing good.

Doing good?

What the hell do you know about cooking, you're Irish.

Sir, if you have a reservation someplace else...

Just start dishing it.

Thank you.


Jesus Christ, give me some air.


Hello, sir.

Did something die in here?

Yeah, Malarkey's ass.

Any word on Lieutenant Meehan, sir?

No, not yet.

Don't that make you our commanding officer, sir?

Yeah, it does.


Joe, the Lieutenant don't drink.

It's been a day of firsts.

Don't you think, Guarnere?

Yes, sir.

Carry on.

Good night, sir.

Oh, Sergeant?


I'm not a Quaker.

If he's from Lancaster County, he's probably a Mennonite.

What's a Mennonite?

Hey, wait up!


You know that map you found?

It had every Kraut g*n in Normandy on it.

Oh, yeah?



Don't ever get a cat.

What's on your mind?

I lost a man today.



A John Hall, New Yorker.

Got k*lled today at Brecourt.

I never knew him.

Yeah, you did.

Radio-op, 506th basketball team, Able Company.

He was a good man.


Not even old enough to buy a beer.

Not hungry.

Hey, d*ck.

I sent that map up to Division.

I think it's gonna do some good.

That night I took time to thank God...

...for seeing me through that day of days...

...and prayed I would make it through D plus one.

And if, somehow, I managed to get home again...

...I promised God, and myself...

...that I would find a quiet piece of land someplace...

...and spend the rest of my life in peace.