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05x09 - Brass Tacks

Posted: 07/11/20 06:38
by bunniefuu
♪ [No audio]

Patterson: It's a virtual pet.

You push the buttons to keep it alive.

The left button gives it water and you tap its nose to give it affection.

Bye, Patterson.


Patterson: This team has been one shape for a very long time, and you're a new piece.

We're just trying to figure out how you fit in to all of this.

We're gonna find our new shape.

Well, I'll be there tomorrow, then.

Yeah, yeah.

Talk to you then.

Okay, bye-bye.


They're announcing tomorrow.

You are looking at the next nominee for Vice President of the United States.

How's it feel to succeed beyond your wildest dreams?

Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Nothing's set in stone yet.

No more waiting.

Where are my ZIP bombs?

Hello to you, too, Ivy.

Show a little respect.

You're in the presence of royalty.

I delivered Weller and his team.

I even k*lled one of them.

I insured that the ZIP got into the states, but now, when it's time for me to get what's mine, I can't seem to track the shipment.

You can't track the shipment because when it arrived, I moved it to a more secure location, but it's close by.

What's wrong?

Pre-VP jitters?

I know this was the plan, but bringing them back here alive is beginning to feel like a mistake.

I'm happy to k*ll them right now.

I appreciate your direct approach, I honestly do, but now is the time for subtlety.

We can afford neither questions nor conspiracy theories, but if one of them were to confess, that would tie things up quite nicely.

What do you want?

The offer's simple.

You give me a full on-camera confession.

Written by you, of course.

Prepared by me, spoken by you.

You think you've got this under control, but I can't wait to see it blow up in your face.

Defiant to the end.

I'd expect nothing less, Tasha.

Confess and you go to a black-site, or don't, and your friends go there instead, while you live out the rest of your days in the relative comfort of maximum security, thinking about what you did to them.

Okay, how is this for a counter-offer?

None of us go to a black-site and none of us go to prison.


Do you want to talk before someone else does?

It's not gonna happen.

Oh, it will, or you'll all be thrown in a hole so deep, you'll never climb out.

We'd rather go through that than give you what you want.

Undoubtedly, but this isn't just about you four.

There are other people to consider.

Innocent people.

Since when are you concerned about innocent people?

I lost a parent too young, just like Bethany will, just like Zapata's child will.

Think of those children and of your dear Boston.

You'll never find him.

That's what makes you two such a cute couple, your collective overconfidence.


We're closing in on him now.

Ah, having love in one's life.

There's nothing more powerful or more painful.

As if you'd know anything about that.

Jane and Kurt certainly do.

Can you imagine the t*rture they'd experience, each knowing the other was in a secret facility somewhere, shut off from the rest of the world?

I mean, you've recently suffered a heartbreaking tragedy with the passing of Reade.

Do you really want to deliver that kind of suffering to the two of them?

That's a lot of responsibility, that bond of friendship, of loyalty.

You don't know anything about loyalty.

You've given everything to these people.

It would crush most men to know they did nothing to save their families from a fate worse than death.

If that's something you'd like to avoid, there's a camera waiting.

No, I'm good.

Go to hell.

I won't do it.

None of us will.

We'll see.

You have 'til the end of the day to save your friends.

More good news?

They found him.

TV reporter: The as*ault on the bunker led to the arrest of Kurt Weller, Jane Doe, Tasha Zapata, and Gord Enver, AKA Rich Dotcom.

A fifth member of the terror cell was k*lled at the scene.


No name has been given to us at this time.

Oh, no.


[Metallic clanking]

If I'd known you were coming, I'd have made snacks.

There's actually some Gruyère in the fridge if you don't mind waiting.

[g*n cocks]

[Hitmen groan]


I thought you were dead!


And I thought you had taste.

Come on, we gotta save the team.

♪ ♪ Not that I'm not thrilled that you're alive right now, but...

I am utterly rapturous...

But, uh, how is this even possible?

Well, when the bunker was blown up...

I crawled into one of the miners' tunnels and made my way to the surface.

Dead, not dead, battling your way through the murky depths, alive.

That's some serious Gandalf the White business right there.

Yeah, but the Balrog's not dead yet.


We need to prove that the team is innocent, and we don't have much time.

No, 'cause Madeline will send them to a very secure, very isolated, very dark undisclosed location.


Well, we have something that Madeline doesn't have, and that is Ice Cream's device.


The key to Beaconer's backdoor.

So we have a device that can hack into an encrypted messaging app, reveal Madeline's ties to terrorism, and prove our innocence?

Yeah, but there's a problem.

To prove Madeline's guilt, we need to get into her phone by gaining direct access to an FBI server.

In person?

How are we supposed to do that?

Going into that building is su1c1de.

Then it's a good thing I'm already dead.


Well, look who's still here.

I figured now that Madeline didn't have anything on you, you'd be gone like a puff of smoke.

Yeah, I almost made it out of here without anybody noticing, but then Weller and his team had to get hauled in, and now I'm back in the hot seat.

Yes, the team's wrongful arrest was a big setback for you.

You know, just to say, not loving the new tone you're taking with me lately.

Still the director of the FBI, technically.


That's weird.

Boston: "Update to Parking Policy"?

That's how you're contacting Afreen?

Well, yeah.

It's so mind-numbingly boring that it's not gonna get flagged by cyber-security, and Afreen will not ignore this one.

Well, how can you be so sure?

Because I embedded her social security and her birthdate in the subject line.



What is it?

I'm not sure yet.


Oh, my God, it's Patterson.

She sent this.

You know, the code has her signatures all over it.

It's shorthand only she and I have used.

I don't know how, but she's still alive.

"Sharp Safe Security, Maxine Brandt and Don Riley." Why does Patterson want us to make FBI IDs for these two?

Okay, first of all, Patterson is gone.

I'm sorry, but she is.

Secondly, I think we should totally ignore this thing and put our heads in the sand full ostrich style...


...until later, at a later date, when it's safe, we safely save the team from going to a black-site.

You know there's no time.

Once they're gone, they're gone.

No, no, no.

If we wait, it's...


What are you guys talking about?


Work stuff.

Look, if this is about the team, we want to help.


Uh, mm...

Look, you know you can trust us.

Um, I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Agent Woods, you and Shayla should go focus on your own assignments and, no, this has nothing to do with the team.

Um, but...

but, uh, if for some reason I needed your help, I would let you know.


So not everyone has drank the Madeline Kool-Aid.

Apparently not.

They don't all think the team's gone bad.

Because they haven't, which is exactly why we have to do this.

Do you really believe that this is from Patterson?

Yeah, I do.

All right.

Let's make a couple of randos some government IDs.


Just, uh, checking in.

You ready to sign that little old confession?

Get the hell out of here.

Okay, okay, I'll go.

Uh, one thing, though.

Your partners ain't doing so hot.

Oh, no?

Why don't you let me talk to 'em so I can see for myself.

You folks got quite a bond.

Too bad it's gonna tear you apart.

You don't know anything about us.



I thought you'd appreciate the heads up just in case you wanted to take the b*llet before Rich does or will it be Weller?


Gonna be a real photo finish.

I know these interrogation techniques.

Be that as it may, they're all wavering on that tightrope as we speak, just champing at the bit to jump on that grenade.

Kind of mixing your metaphors, aren't you?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I like a folksy colloquialism as much as the next terror suspect, but even I have my limits.

So do your friends.

Well, when you're ready to talk, you just let us know.

Afreen: I told them to meet us here.

What do we do now?

We just wait here?


You have somewhere else you need to be?

[Door opens]

Uh, hi.

You must be Don Reilly and Maxine Brandt.

No, Weitz, it's us.




Oh, I knew you weren't dead!

Well, why?

Why do you look like this?

The facial recognition software here has a severe gender bias.

Any other disguises would have triggered a warning, but if we gender-bend, for some reason, we're unrecognizable to the FBI's AI.

Luckily, the security guard didn't look too closely.

Oh, I made sure O'Neal was on.

He can be a bit lax.

I am standing in the FBI locker room with two of America's Most Wanted.

What am I doing?

Okay, we don't have a lot of time.

If we want to prove Madeline's guilt and rescue the team, we gotta get to the westside server room immediately.

Yes, great.

You go save everybody, stop Madeline.

I'm gonna quietly move to Canada.

Except, to get into the server room, we're gonna need your handprint.

Of course you are.

You were right.

One of them blinked.

Just a matter of time.

These people have made falling on their swords into an art form.

We just had to give them a little extra push.

If I was a dead man, I'da lost my shirt.

Never would have guessed who broke first.




Glad you've come to your senses.

You're doing the right thing.

If you can guarantee that Rich, Zapata, and Weller don't get thrown in a hole somewhere, I'll confess to everything...

The blackout, the murders, chemical weapons, all of it.

[Electronic whirring and beeping]

Okay, go, go.


I can work with this.


Oh, I'd forgotten what it's like to work on a system that doesn't suck.

Welcome home.


All right, Boston, I will dig into.

Madeline's Beaconer account.

You keep an eye on security cams and come chatter.

Roger that.

Copy, stat.

Damn it.

This is from Agent Woods.

They got Jane in a conference room.

She's about to confess.

She's trying to take the fall for the others.

She doesn't know we're here, trying to rescue everybody.

I think I can get eyes in the conference room.




How could she trust these people?

'Cause she doesn't think she has a choice.

The minute she signs that thing, they're gonna haul everybody out of here.

We lose our chance to free them, I am aware of that.

We just need a little bit more time.

How can we let Jane know we're here?


Does Jane know Morse Code?

Afreen: Obviously.

Right, yeah.

It's a stupid question.


All set.



"My name is Jane Doe, AKA Alice Kruger, AKA Remi Briggs.

I'm a former consultant for the FBI, but I am currently wanted for acts of international terrorism." [Morse code beeps]


[Jane continues reading]

She's not stopping.

She's about to make a false confession that's gonna sink everybody.

You sure you hacked into the camera's Bluetooth right?

Hey, just give her a second.

Come on, Jane.

"For months, I have evaded capture by American and European authorities." There is is!



Good job.

[Clears throat]


Is something wrong?

Everything's wrong.

If you want me to read this fiction, I'm gonna need more than your word.

Turn off the camera.

I knew this was a mistake.

Miss Doe, you're not really in a position to be demanding anything.

I want an attorney to review the terms of this deal and I want you on camera saying that when I'm sent to a "private detention center," the rest of my team gets sent to federal prison, not a black-site like me.

Miss Doe, I am an attorney.

My client has given you her word.

That is a legally binding action.

Those are my terms.


I think I can make those things happen.


You can't seriously...

It's not up to you.

We'll be back, and soon.

Listen, I got a few questions for the suspect, and a couple of 'em are above your pay grade, so...

I'm gonna have to call this in.

Uh, uh...


What are you doing?

They can see everything.

No, I looped the cameras.

They can't see us.






You are the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

Okay, that's...

uh, okay.


We still have stuff to do.

I'm sorry to...

[Taser fires]



Where did you get a stun g*n?


Thank you.

Thank you, Afreen.

Thank you, too...


Rich, it's me.


No, your other friend stupid enough to do this for you.

Oh, speaking of which, Patterson's here too, and still alive, uh, obviously.



I missed you too.

Okay, I managed to delay the guard rotation schedule.

The hall outside should be clear for two minutes, but we gotta hurry.

Who are you?

What's that?

"Thank you for rescuing me"?

Uh, you're welcome.

Glad to see your attitude hasn't improved.


Hi, Rich.

[Sharp exhale]

Promise me you won't ever do that again.

Yeah, I promise.


Okay, I'm all for nice reunions, but we still have to get to Weller's interrogation room, so...


I'm gonna go back to the lab.

I'll check in later, but here, take these earpieces.

Okay, uh, I can loop in Weller's security camera.

Oh, no.

This is very not good.

How are we supposed to get to him now?

I know a way.

Ditching the alter ego so soon?

It's only a matter of time before they realize we've sprung the others.

At which point, they'll be looking for Don and Maxine.

Not Boston and Patterson, who wouldn't be caught dead in this building.

Now that I'm behind the firewall, all I have to do is use Ice Cream's device and match Madeline's IP to her incriminating communications with the Dabbur Zann.

And that will take you exactly how long?

Get cozy.

It will take as long as it takes.

Patterson's body was never recovered in Prague.

No remains, no corpse, nothing.


How in the hell did that happen?

It gets worse.

The men we sent to Boston's hideout never came back or checked in.

And the building's security has just been breached.


You didn't want to lead with that?

These two people just gained access to our FBI offices.

By the time they were flagged, they were already in, and the security consultant site they claim to have worked for has never heard of them.

It's like they don't exist.

Oh, I think we know who they are.

Check surveillance and interrogation.

Still secure.


I want it kept that way.

I want this place in lockdown now.

[Alarm blaring]

What the actual jeepers?

They've locked down the building.

They must be on to us.

You think maybe now you guys could pick up the pace a little bit?

I almost cracked Madeline's communications with Ivy.

Just a few more keystrokes.

Then what are you doing talking to me for?

Keep stroking.

Okay, I know she doesn't technically work here, but I don't think you can say that to her.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

What is it?

Something you want to share with the class?

I know this isn't true, but according to these very well-fabricated logs, the person behind everything, the chemicals in Decin, Susan Shah's death, and like a million other heinous crimes isn't Madeline.

Oh, perfect.

Who'd she pin it on?


Madeline is pinning her crimes on me?

Yeah, it appears that way.

It looks like she's been setting you up for months.

Oh, my God!

How could I be so stupid?

I even signed the thing that authorized her private mercenaries.

To the average citizen, it would seem like you are the real t*rror1st.

I should have ran when I had the chance.

Listen, you guys gotta get me out of here.


You do that, you'll look more guilty.

Besides, you wouldn't last a second on the run.

Okay, okay, I can't make any promises, but I can try to disentangle you from this falsified data and access the original unaltered files.

Pointing the finger back at Madeline!

Yes, yes, do that!

Come on!

Double time!

Let's go!

I am gonna pretend that you are not ordering me around right now.

Like I said, no promises.

Whoever set this up is good.

Like, me good.

Uh, let's start with your phone, if you could...

Where did he go?

I think he ran.

[Clattering and banging]


Rich, what the hell are you doing?

Hi, my name is Gordon.

I'll be assisting in your rescue today.


It's like a labyrinth in there.

Just without David Bowie.

Here we go.

There you go.

Thank you!

Let's get the hell out of here.

After you.

Okay, let's just take this slow.

Weller, you need to sit down and put those cuffs back on.


Agent Rose, you know me.

You know my team.

We are not what Madeline says we are.

You see that, don't you?

Oh, the cameras are looped, by the way, so no one can see us.

Cuff me.


Cuff me to the table.

I'll call for help, say you overpowered me and escaped.

It'll buy you time.

Thank you.

Weller, Zapata, and Rich have escaped.



Good news is, they're probably still in the building due to the lockdown.

Well, find them!

Maybe we can leverage Jane to bring the team back in.


Jane was just stalling for her friends.

She'll never confess now.

So Plan A's no longer viable?


When you find the others, you take them and Jane to a quiet place and finish the job.

That's gonna raise a lot of questions.

Questions I can handle.

These people need to be dealt with for good.

What about Jane's attorney?

You'll just have to tell him she had a change of heart.

[Door closes]


That's what I'm talking about!

You have the proof on Madeline?


Damn right I do.

Whoever set this up did not make it easy.

We now have access to all of Madeline's interactions with Ivy, including mountains of personal files, data, documents, all of it.

But how do we get this to the public?

I know someone who might be able to help us.

This is unbelievable.

If what you are saying is true...

It is, Megan.

Every word.

I know you work for "The New York Star." If you could just...

Publish incriminating data about one of the most powerful people in the country without taking time to verify it?


Do you understand how responsible journalism works?

I am telling you the truth and you're the only chance we've got.

I know you cared about Reade.

He died trying to set this straight.

If not for me, do it for him.

That's the card you're gonna play.

He broke off our engagement because he was in love with you.

You know that, right?

Regardless of how things ended between you, Reade is not the villain they are saying he is.

None of us are.

If we can get you this information, I am begging you, please go public with it right away.

If this goes wrong, my career is over.

It won't, I promise.


I'm guessing you can't just email it.

Can you send it securely?

We're working on that right now.

Thank you.

[Disconnect beep]

Afreen, where are we at with sending those secure documents?


Nowhere good.

Ivy's people have shut down all our usual options, but I have a friend upstairs in Internal Affairs.

She receives and sends sensitive data, so she has a clean, unmonitored line.


Do you think she'll let you use it?


I don't know.

Let's hope so.

How are you gonna get up there?


I learned to override elevator controls in third grade.


Good luck.


[Door opens]

Weller: Jane!

What are you doing?

That's Jane.

Okay, that is a full-on army over there.

If you go anywhere near Jane, they're gonna k*ll both of you.

Stop it!

We've gotta find another way.

Patterson, we gotta do something now.

If we don't get to Jane before they take her off-site...

I know.

We'll figure it out.


This place is crawling with Dabbur Zann and FBI.


Even if we knew where in the building she was, we still can't get to her.

Is there a way to override the lockdown protocols?


There are guards stationed at every exit.


But what?

Tell me about the "but." What is the "but"?

If I do this, it will lead Ivy straight to this room, so we're gonna have to move out quickly.

What do you have in mind?

[Alarm blaring]

What the hell is happening now?

Someone's triggered an evacuation alarm.

So untrigger it.

We're trying, but whoever did this...

is in the server room downstairs.

Okay, maybe it's not so bad.

FBI personnel are leaving.

Fewer eyes, fewer questions.

Take them out.

What is it?


Just spit it out.

I have a source at "The New York Star" who says a reporter has proof and a whole passel of it of all your dealings with the Dabbur Zann.

They're gonna run the story any minute now.

So k*ll it.

We keep files on influential people for just such an occasion, I know for a fact.

It's gone, all of it.

Every file, every piece of compromising data.

Our deck of Aces has been stolen.

How long have you known about this?

How long have you...

That's neither here nor there at this point.

I was trying to recover them before you found out, but currently we have no leverage on the editor of "The New York Star" or anyone else.

Yeah, but they don't know that.

There is a time to bluff and there is a time to fold.

As your lawyer and your friend, I strongly advise you to do the latter.

What are you saying?

I suggest you leave this building right now and get as far away from this city as humanly possible, which is exactly what I'm about to do.


You can't!

I can!

I've mostly enjoyed our time together, but I've got a family to think about.

It's over.

Good luck.

[Alarm continues blaring]

[Men muttering]

We just have to get to that door.




Stop where you are.

Turn around.

Rich, no!

Where are you going?

Ivy's people are gonna take Jane out through processing.

It's this way.

No, they're gonna take her where they took me.

The back loading dock.

They're gonna keep her in the shipping office until the truck shows up and then move her out.


As somebody who has been headbagged and black-sited, I can speak with some certainty that this is the way.


Loading dock wins.

Let's go.

[Muffled voices]


Whoa, there's like six Dabbur Zann g*ons up there.

Is there another way to get to Jane from here?


Not in the time we have.

Keep a lookout.

Wait, what?

Did you not hear the part where I said there were six guys?

[Men grunting and groaning]


All clear.





Now we're all clear.


Hey, Ri...



[g*ns clatter]

All right, stop!

Just let us talk to Ivy and we can sort all this out.

No need.

I already spoke to her.

Hey, great job, fellas, but, uh, I'll take it from here.

You can hand these prisoners over to me.

We're supposed to take them off-site.

Ivy would have told us if that changed.

See this pin?

You know what it stands for?

It stands for "the boss of everybody." Secondly, Ivy's gone.

Left a little while ago, but told me that I am to take custody of these people, so I'll take it from here.

Why should we listen to you?

You're just one guy.

See, that's where you're wrong.


[g*ns cocking]


if it's not too much trouble, maybe you could all lay down your weapons and surrender.



I don't think so.

[g*n cocks]


They're down!

Everyone good?

Tasha, you're with me.

We're going to get Jane.

Hey, guys, this is bad, right?

This seems bad.


Now, listen.

Hey, hey, hey.

I'm fine.

Go save Jane.

Get out of here.

Let's go.

It's gonna be fine.


Hey, hey!

[Labored breathing]

We need an ambulance now!

Go, go, go!

[Labored breathing]

Okay, okay, okay.


It's okay.

The paramedics are gonna be here soon, okay?

Don't worry about me.

I'm gonna land on my feet.

I always do.


Don't do that.

Don't start with the "don't worry about me" talk, please.

I think you, of all people, would be okay with it.

Look, I know we've had our not insignificant differences, you selling me out to Madeline, for example.


But that's not what's important now, okay?

When we needed you the most, you were here for us.

I came as soon as I...


Hey, Afreen.

How's your day going?

Why didn't you leave?

You always leave.

You didn't have to come back.

I 1,000% agree.

I should have stayed a selfish jerk instead of coming back to help these stupids, but that's the price you pay for doing the right thing, I guess.

[Labored breathing]

Don't screw this up.

You take her ass down.

It's okay.


Just hold on.


Help's on the way.

No, no, I...



One more thing.



At my funeral, don't use that picture that "The Times" used.

When I made director, my hair was greasy.






It's me.





I never thought I'd see you again.


Can we please stop almost getting black-sited?

Yeah, I'm good with that.






Don't want to break up this adorable moment, but we gotta get to Madeline before she disappears.


All right, let's go.



I'm so glad you're alive!


Weitz didn't make it.

Hey, maybe this is too soon, and I mean no disrespect, but with Weitz having moved on and Madeline escaped and the FBI administration in a complete shambles, who is in charge now?

I'm sure some other bureaucrat will show up here at some point.

Until then, we're the ones that started this, so we're the ones that are gonna finish it.

What do we know?

Well, we lost the tracker on the ZIP right when it came into port.

Which means we'll have to track Madeline and Ivy.


Nothing on security or traffic cams so far.

They both left the building, though, at different times during the evacuation hullabaloo.

Eh, "hullabaloo" kind of makes it sound fun.

Don't make it sound fun.

The evacuation tumult?

A message just came through.

You need to hear it.

Electronically altered voice: You're probably running in circles trying to locate Madeline Burke.

I'll save you some time.

She's in a private plane on Stephens Airfield, but she won't be there for long.

Seems rather convenient to me.

Yeah, nothing says "trustworthy" like a disguised voice.

Madeline's burned a lot of people.

Maybe one of 'em finally had enough.

Based on the data, if I would have had a little more time to search, yeah, Stephens Airfield would have been the first on my list for possible Madeline escape plans.

Okay, let's move.

Terry, why haven't we left?

We should have been in the air ten minutes ago.

A minor issue with the aircraft ahead of us.

Shouldn't be long now.

Well, I don't give a damn about clearance, it...


I'm sorry, Ms.


I didn't have a choice.



You got me.


Tell me where the ZIP bombs are.

Straight to business as usual, Tasha.

You're out of moves.

It's time to cooperate.

Or what?

What, are you gonna arrest me?

You're not FBI anymore, remember?

I took that from you...

and then some.

You know me.

It's over, Madeline.

You lost, and letting more innocent people die isn't going to change that.

You're wrong.

The FBI destroyed my family, so I destroyed the FBI.

I have succeeded in ways I could never have imagined.

Tell me where the bombs are.

I singlehandedly turned this country upside-down.

I did that.


I made that happen.

If you don't start talking, I will drag you off this plane.

I will make you tell me.

Where are the bombs?

I'd love to stick around and chat, Tasha, but I can't stay.

You're not going anywhere.

Wrong again.

[Bottle clatters]


[Slams table]

Where are the bombs?

Well, howdy to you, too.

You should know I just did you a huge favor.

You're probably running in circles trying to locate Madeline Burke.

I'll save you some time.

She's in a private plane on Stephens Airfield, but she won't be there for long.

Seems like I backed the wrong horse, but, uh, I think I'm in the right stable now.

We're not horses.

Where are the bombs?

I don't know exactly, but I suspect this might help.


All of Madeline's projects, including this one.

Do you know the password?

No, but there's an old saying I'm fond of.

Just because...


Get to work.

We need to find that ZIP before the FBI does.