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04x22 - The g*ng Gets Gone

Posted: 07/05/20 08:51
by bunniefuu
[Crowds shouting]


Coordinating with the field office.

The National Guard's being called in.

It's all hands on deck.

What do you got for me?

The team is on their way back from NYIOC, but traffic's a little backed up over the impending fall of civilization.

It's like the Northeast blackout of 2003 all over again.

That's great!

We fixed that one.

How did we fix that one?

Well, that was just caused by some errant wires and loose tree branches.

This is a dedicated cyberattack on the control center of the U.S.

power grid.

How long until we have to undo this Helios attack?

Kinda depends on your definition of "undo." Got Internet and cell towers jammed up and people rioting in the streets.

If those towers come down, we're lookin' at about two weeks until society crumbles, but...

[Tablet beeping]

...only 96 hours until we run out of reserve power.

That's nationwide.

That's total grid failure.

I mean, on the plus side, look, it's isolated to the Eastern Interconnection, so we're looking pretty...

[Alert buzzes]

O Canada!

Okay, the Quebec Interconnection is down, so this is ongoing and escalating.

I need you to find out who is doing this, right now.

It's Kathy!


She's working for Madeline.

She's hacking the grid.

Let's cause some chaos.

Are you sure?

100 percent.

Weller unlocked Dominic's phone at the crime scene.

There's not much on there but a super encrypted Helios file.

Oh, and some very thirsty texts and if you scroll a little further, some rather intimate photos.

Stop scrolling!

I need you two to find Kathy.

I'm gonna take another crack at Madeline, along with everybody else.

Patterson:: Okay.

Where is everybody else?

We said no more secrets.

What are you talkin' about?

I called Hirst.

Weitz falsified evidence and droned an American citizen on American soil...

Whoa, whoa, Reade.

Keep your voice down.

You knew about it and you did nothing!

It's not what it looks like.

It's exactly what it looks like.

You made a deal with Weitz, huh?

You keep his secret, he keeps Jane's?

Or should I say Remi's?

I was protecting all of us!

All of us aren't married to a t*rror1st!



[All shouting]

Weitz:: Hey!


Somebody want to explain to the FBI director why his FBI team is fighting in an FBI locker room?

It's just the job.

It gets to us every now and then.

We're blowin' off steam.

[Phones chirping]

Weitz:: We all got the same text from...

What is this phone number?

It's not a phone number.

It's a bank account.

It's a ransom note.

Kathy's not just helping Madeline take down the power grid, she's holding it hostage.

We should get to the lab.





[Door opens]


[Door closes]

Are we good?

Your secret's safe.

♪ [Door closes]

♪ Rich: Should just tell him.

Okay, if it doesn't...


Forget it.

Uh, we know how to find Kathy.


How'd you do it?

You traced her text to Dominic?

You traced her ransom text?

No, those are deeply encrypted.

It's gonna take a little time to crack that.

But, um, we have some plans.

I have a plan, in particular.

Its a bit of a swing, so just keep an open mind...

Weitz: Just tell me the plan.

It's all blue skies here.

There's no bad ideas.

We pay the ransom.

Next plan.

No, we just dribble a little bit of Bitcoin into an account...


We reach out to Kathy.


I thought we can't trace her.

Yeah, we...

we can't trace her texts, but we can trace the phone number that she gave to us when we met up with her...


...a few days ago.



I'm getting married.

[Typing continues]

Are you serious?

You lied to me?

Hey, if we hadn't met with her, we wouldn't have gotten her phone number and we would be able to track her right now.

That's valid.

If you arrested her when she hacked into New England National, she wouldn't be attackin' the grid right now.

I know, I'm just saying...

Okay, we're all making good points...

[Talking over one another]

Weitz: Okay, okay, guys.



Guys, guys, stop!

We don't have time for this.

I need you to reach out to Kathy before this gets any worse.

Oh, wait, that doesn't look suspicious.

The day she decides to hack the power grid, her two cop buddies just decide to call her up for a chat?

What if it's not us who reach out?

♪ [Phone vibrating, beeps]


[Kathy gasps]

Oh, lovey!

I've been so worried about you.

Did you get my texts?

Are you sure she can't see us?

Oh, yeah, we're good.

I created a Deepfake video for Dominic so it looks like his phone is buffering and freezing with glitchy sound.

Oh, so like a regular video call.

Patterson: Got her.

Her phone is pinging the Wi-Fi at the Perlan Museum in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Doesn't even make any sense.

Yes it does.

[Tablet beeping]

She must be way the hell underneath it.

There's a rumor on the dark web that the Perlan is sitting on a secret cryptocurrency mining operation.

See, the geothermal conditions in Iceland make it ideal for cooling servers that are burning off that much energy.

"The more you know..." Okay, so she must be down there using the crypto farm's power to maintain the hack on the grid.


Let's fire up the jet.

No-no-no-no, take it easy, hold on.

Gotta let Icelandic authorities handle this.

This has got to be above board.

We haven't got time for red tape.

What if they can't be trusted?

I'm still dealing with the fallout of our last unsanctioned op.

Do you know the political nightmare that Peru was?

Let alone Tokyo!

The body count alone!

Okay, what if we promise you zero body count this time?

That's expected all the time!

I've seen the virus.

I know how it works, and I know how to shut it down.

I might be the only person in the world who can stop this attack.

This is our case, so if we win, you win.


I will talk to Madeline, because we need to find out why she's doing this.

If you are gone when I am done, then I don't know where you are.

Get it?

Got it.

Let's move.

Weitz: Okay...

Oh, not you.

You've got an encrypted Helios file to crack.

♪ Weitz: Madeline.

Please forgive me.

I did not mean to make you wait in here for so long, but we're having a bit of a...


Why don't you tell me about this attack?

What do you want?

Because we both know it's not money.

I want you to stop accusing me of things I didn't do.

50 years, and it's just business as usual around here.

First it's J.

Edgar Hoover and my father, now it's you and me.

I mean, nothing changes.

Maybe it just all needs to end.

Okay, I'll bite.

What needs to end?

The FBI.

♪ So, are we gonna talk about the elephant in the room, or...


No one?

Just gonna have a quiet, tension-filled flight to Iceland.



Look, I don't condone what Weitz did either.

But I do believe that Weller kept it quiet out of love.

That's the problem.

Maybe this team needs a little less love and a little more accountability.

Hey, crack that Helios thing yet?

Working on it.

I need you to dig into Madeline again.


What do you need me to do?

Oh, she's saying this cryptic, vague stuff about her father, and it's not the first time.

I'm in the middle of something.

You can't "Ask Jeeves"?

Put your lab techs on it.

You know, delegate.


"Jeeves." I gotta commend you, Director.

Transferrin' my client here in the middle of the night under the cover of darkness, no less.

Pretty slick move.

And that's comin' from a guy who can appreciate the slick move.

But you gotta get up pretty early to get ahead of ol' Shirley.

I've been up since...

well, I don't really sleep anymore.

Do you have kids?

Sorry, have we met?

Oh, boy!


Here we go.

Forgive me, Director.

I've been poring over your file so long, I forgot we haven't met.

Richard Shirley, Esquire.

Shirley Gervais Karlie Hohua Cicino Reynolds and Booth.

Big merger in the news.

You're Madeline Burke's lawyer.

Yes, sir.

And I have a change of clothes for my client.

Should we go ahead and get set up in the conference room?

Uh, wait, sorry, set up for what?

Oh, whew!

You made it.

These folks are from the DOJ.

And this is Lucas Nash, Director of National Intelligence.

Have you had the chance to meet your new boss?


Congratulations, sir.

[Whispering loudly]

Also, not my boss.

No, but I do brief the president every morning, so...


Shall we all get to work exoneratin' my client now?


Uh, Director.

Wh-What do you mean, exonerate your client?

Well, some disturbing allegations have been made against the FBI's New York office, and more specifically, the team that arrested Madeline Burke.

My agents and my colleagues at the Department of Justice want to get to the bottom of it.

So, where is your team right now, Director Weitz?

Right now, exactly?


Are they in the building?

Their job is to combat terrorism, so I suspect they're probably out doing that.

What about Rich Dotcom, is he in the building?

Maybe he's in Iceland with the rest of the team?

I know a gal at the airport.

She said an FBI jet just left for Reykjavik?

He could be in Iceland, if that is where the attack originated.

So, to be clear, this is not an operation that you sanctioned.

No, I did not sanction an operation to or in Iceland.

Do they always skirt the chain of command, or just since you've been in charge?

What the hell is the right answer to that one?

We don't want the right answer.

We want the truth.

Shirley: Ah, there she is.

Perhaps it's time we let my client have her say.

So we can all get to the truth.

♪ ♪ [Reade clears throat]

Just want to give you fair warning.

We have a job to do, but when it's done I'm goin' after Weitz.

You do realize that taking down Weitz means taking down Jane.

It compromises all of us.

We've been compromised, Kurt, for a really long time now.


I know your time is valuable, so I'll get right to the point.

I am innocent.

I was set up by the FBI.

By a team with a vendetta against me, my family, and my now-dissolved company, HCI Global.

This FBI team has k*lled innocent civilians.

They've caused a catastrophic blackout.

And now they have fled the country.

These rogue agents have a history of violent and self-serving behavior.

The Kurt Weller I knew would never put himself above the law.

We've fallen so far ever since all these tattoo cases came into our lives.

You mean ever since I've shown up.

Tell me I'm wrong.

They k*lled Hank Crawford in cold blood.

They k*lled his daughter, Blake, and HCI Global board members.

[g*ns cocking]

What to do about you.


Because they crave power, and they sought to gain control of one of the most powerful companies in the world.

They planted Tasha Zapata in HCI Global in an effort to oust me by k*lling those closest to me.

She k*lled Kira Evans.

She k*lled Claudia Murphy.

She made it look as if I was a t*rror1st by orchestrating an attack on Air Force One.

And when I wouldn't confess to these crimes, her team tried to leverage a confession by fear and coercion.

I will make sure that you rot in prison.

You make it sound like it's black and white.

It's not.

Reade: Yes, it is.

You just don't get it 'cause you're not real FBI.

No, I just show up and save your life from time to time.

The rest of us swore an oath that we break over and over.

Look at us.

Look at the company we keep.

Rich Dotcom's rap sheet speaks for itself.

There sure are a lot of criminals consulting for the FBI these days.


That's not cool, because Rich isn't here to defend himself.


Let's talk about the little hacktivist group you started.

And you've heard of the "Three Blind Mice"?

If you think this blackout is the first time that Agent Patterson has caused digital chaos, you'd be very wrong.

Your partner Kathy is waging cyberwar on the U.S.

power grid right now because you let her go.

Patterson: Hey!

Look who's finally done looking the other way!



We are going to stop Kathy together.

As a team.

Failed drug tests.

Data breaches.

Unsanctioned ops.

Undocumented fiancés?

Makes me wonder who else knew.

All the higher-ups, or just the team?

You're gonna sit here and talk about team after everything you pulled?

See, I knew it.

I knew that you could never forgive and forget.

Forget you watching Madeline m*rder people while you covered it up for her?

Oh, just like I did for you?

Reade: And I just stood there and let him choke on his own blood.

We gotta get out of here.

What does that mean?

Jane: What did you do for him?

Weller: I guess that means that we're not the only ones hiding secrets.

And what about Special Agent Kurt Weller?

He was on track to become the next FBI director when he mysteriously decided to stay in the field.


Does he like k*lling people?


This is not a trial.

If Kurt Weller isn't a k*ller, then how did so many b*ll*ts from his personal firearm end up in the bodies of so many innocent people?

Briana: I got it.

I have the ballistics report here, as well as phone data linkin' him to the m*rder sites.

We're not as moral as we think we are.

Maybe you're not.

I know who I am.

No you don't.

None of us do.

At least not anymore.

Madeline: But the most disturbing thing about Kurt Weller is that he married Jane Doe.

Or was it Remi Briggs?

Or Alice Kruger?

So, you don't think people can change?


They don't change.

People just become more like themselves.

And I don't like who we've become.

And did Jane Doe and Kurt Weller mastermind a plot to infiltrate the FBI and hide behind its integrity and wield its power for their personal gain?

These rogue agents only care about themselves, and anybody that gets in their way, that person is eliminated.

Nash: Hmm.

Well, I must admit, I didn't want to believe that such a high level of corruption could be found in our most trusted institutions.

I want you to call the Icelandic minister, and I want your team arrested when they land.

And then I want you to find Rich Dotcom.

♪ [Phone beeps]

Weitz: Give me the Icelandic minister.

I'll hold until she comes on.

This is so not good.


Okay, we can salvage this. We've gone through a lot together.

Too much to keep saying things that we can't take back.


we're family.

We're not family!

We work together.

That's it.

Jane is my family.

[Phone vibrating, beeps]

Patterson: Rich, what's going on?

We're all getting arrested.


Nash is here.

He's put out an all-agency alert.

We're being blamed for the attack.

What are you talking about?

Madeline's secret Helios plan is a frame job against us, and it worked.

I gotta go!

[Phones chirping]

It says we're working with Dominic to cause the blackout.

And we k*lled him, to be our fall guy?

Zapata: There's a video of Patterson and Rich paying Kathy to hack the power grid.

She must have been secretly recording us.

Tell me you didn't give her any money.

It was for her wedding!

As a bribe.

Okay, we can fix this.

As soon as we land in Iceland...

Zapata: We will be arrested on sight.

I say we cut and run.

Get new identities.


Not forever.

Long enough to come back and clear our names.

No, there's no coming back from this.

Not as FBI agents, anyway.

We need to finish this mission while we still can.

We know who's doing it.

We know where she is.

If we don't at least try and stop her, we're just making more selfish choices.

Reade: Even if I agreed with that, how the hell we gonna do that?

♪ We jump.

[Computer beeping]

Oh, come on!

What are you doing here?

Wait a second, how'd you know where I was?

Cameras everywhere, and this is an empty room with a vent.

Where else you gonna be?

Listen to me.

You are being framed.

You need to get outta here.

This is the only building in the city with enough computing power to decipher Dominic's encryption.

If I can crack the Helios file, I can clear everybody's name.

No, listen!

You need to get that phone and get out of here while you still can.

The tide has turned.

It's every man for himself.


Okay, you're right.

I'll go.

Live to fight another day.

You get it.

We're the same, you and me.

Good luck.

[Vent cover rattling]

Okay, uh, one of Rich's dark web friends is gonna meet us on the ground.

Okay, so can we trust this guy or not?


His name is Ice Cream and he's friends with Rich, so...

Five-to-one he sells us out.

What about the pilots?

They're gonna know we jumped.

But they won't know where we're landing.

It's now or never.

Let's go!

♪ [Patterson grunting]


♪ Okay!

So, Kathy is all the way over there at the Perlan Museum.

We sneak in as tourists, make our way down to the crypto floor using the employee elevator.

Getting into the elevator is not gonna be the problem, getting off requires a password.

And that is where Ice Cream comes in.

So, he's gonna hack the elevator?

No, he's gonna give us the password 'cause he helped design the system.

[g*n cocks]

Stay sharp.

We got company.

Reade: That Ice Cream?

I don't think so.

Hello, hello!

I'm sorry I got held up.

I hope you don't mind.

I sent some friends to bring you to me.

We haven't got time for that.

All right, we need the elevator password now.

I know this wasn't the plan, but this whole thing came together pretty last minute.

I don't usually do biz with people I don't know.

Rich said he vouched for us.



Rich Dotcom vouched for you, exactly.

Look, my password, my rules.

Your choice.

That's what I thought.

So, this is Vala.

As a show of good faith, she has the coordinates for a safe house in case this all goes to Hell which, if I'm being honest, is highly likely.

I'm assuming you left your phones on the plane, so Vala has new ones for all y'all.

See you soon!

[Phone beeps]

Thank you.

We have to divide and conquer.

One team goes to meet Ice Cream to get the password, the other team goes to the Perlan to get ready to use it.

Patterson, Jane and I will do the elevator.

Reade and Tasha, you go get the password.

We have to trust each other, just one last time.


Let's move.

♪ Okay, it's, uh...

it's pretty quiet over there.

Just a bunch of tourists coming and going.

Probably waltz right in the back door.


Just keep me updated.

Tasha and Reade arrived for the meet.

Ice Cream is running late.

What did Rich say?

Patterson: Nothing good.

The jet landed at KEF.

Everyone knows that we jumped.

We need to go in now.


It's too risky.

We don't have the password yet.

We'll still have time to get it once we're in the elevator.

If we wait, we may not get into the building at all.

Weller: All right.

Let's go.

♪ Welcome!

Apologies for the runaround.

I like to meet people in person, you know?

Make sure they are not cops.

But we are cops.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but, you know, you're dirty cops.

So, Dotcom says you need a p-word.

Happy to provide.

I just need a little something.

What's that?

The Gardner paintings.

I know Dotcom and Boston have them.

You give me the paintings, I give you the p-word.



I'm gonna need to hear Dotcom say it.

[Door beeps]

I'm probably gonna lose signal down there.

It's okay, I'm getting on the building's Wi-Fi.

All we can do is wait.

♪ [Beeping]

Rich: Absolutely not!

Ice Cream, I told you the Gardner paintings are off the table!

Uh, table's been reset, my friend.

Dessert forks and whatnot.

Okay, I don't even know what that means.

This is why I left the group chat, you weirdo!

Zapata: Rich!

They're on the elevator.

We're running out of time.

Okay, okay.

Can you take me off the speaker, please?

[Phone beeps]


I don't have the paintings.

Boston was keeping them as a kind of get outta jail free card, but obviously he didn't get out of jail free, so they're definitely gone.

All right, it's all good, man.

It's gonna be great.

I'm gonna put you back on speaker.


No, that's not what I...


Okay, Ice Cream, you drive a hard bargain, but you got yourself a deal.

You're gonna love the Vermeer.

[Ice cream]

Had me worried there, friend.

Bless, bless!

This calls for a celebration.

Oh, uh, but obviously, if Dotcom reneges on the deal, I'll have you all k*lled.

Pop: Yes!

Dream team!

How 'bout that password?

[Panel beeping, phone vibrates]

Got it.



[Readies p*stol]

♪ [Computer beeping]


How long do you need?

Not long.

I'm into the power grid.

I just need to redirect the energy flow and balance the substations.

[Phone vibrating]


Stop what you're doing right now!


I'm almost done.

Whatever you are doing, you're making it worse.

London just went dark.

Paris too!

That doesn't make any sense.

Everything that I've typed should have stopped this attack.



Kathy rigged the system with macro keys.

What's a macro key, Patterson?

A series of commands can be recorded and saved onto one key and then deployed with the push of a button.

It's classic Kathy!

So, it looks like we turned this into a global crisis?

And we've done all of it on camera.

♪ Okay, I'm resetting the system.

Once I erase the macro keys, and undo the attack, we can get outta here.

That's weird.

Jane: What's weird?

All the money's getting moved around.

What money?

The money that I dribbled into the ransom account as bait.


Weitz told you not to do that, Rich!

Oh, I'm sorry.

Are we all doing whatever Weitz says now?

Wait a second.

This is good.

I can follow the Bitcoin through crypto exchanges and link the ransom directly back to Kathy.

That's how we clear our names.

[Computer beeping]

Oh, no, never mind.

The money just landed at New England National Bank.

In personal accounts owned by us.


How is that possible?

Kathy must have opened the accounts when she hacked the bank.

Jane: Do you know how bad this looks?

Yes, I know how bad this looks!

[Alert buzzing]

And it's looking worse by the second.

Iceland's finest are almost on you.

You gotta get out of there!

The blackout is still spreading.

I-I can't leave until I stop this attack.

Now is not the time to be a hero!

Hey, can you shut up so I can finish this?

Okay, fine, go ahead.

[Typing, computer beeping]

It's all right, Patterson.

You got this.


Okay, let's go!

[Power humming]


Weitz: Hey, see?

What did I tell you?

My team is trying to stop the t*rror1st attack.

Let's not applaud them for lighting a fire just to put it out.

Okay, look, I know this looks bad, but, you know, if you and I could have a private conversation...

We just found their New England National account.

Looks like they were paid very well to cause this blackout.

Your agents are done.

They're done.

And if I were you, I would take this opportunity to distance yourself.

Be on the right side of history.

You mean like you?


We have reason to believe Rich Dotcom is still in the building.

♪ You're never gonna get away with this.


Sounds like we're playin' cards up now.

Here we go.

I think it's very cute how you keep looking to Nash for help.

Do you think he became the Director of National Intelligence on merit?

So you own Nash.

So what?

I can go over his head.

But you won't.

Because I own you, too.

[Button clicks]

Dominic, voice modulated: You thought you could use a drone to solve your problems.

Weitz: What do you want?

I don't know what that is.

Well, it sounds like you used a secret drone program to k*ll an American civilian in order to cover up the fact you falsified evidence.

I admit to nothing.

Shirley: But it just sounds bad, doesn't it?

You should look into one of these scramblers.

They're expensive, but the peace of mind is...


♪ Cops are closing in.

Okay, Patterson, you go out using the back exit, all right?

We'll draw 'em to the front.

No-no-no, we can't split up, we have...

We have to, all right?

Let's not argue.

Just get us the cash and passports.

If it all goes well, we'll meet you at the safe house.

What if it doesn't?

If we get jammed up, you need to save yourself.

As long as you're out there, the rest of us have a chance.

She's right.

Don't get caught.

Not for us.

Okay, good luck.

♪ [Clattering]


What are you still doing here?

I told you to get out of here.

Have you cracked the Helios thing?

I'm really close.

Okay, where is the phone?

It's hidden.


I don't think I should tell you.

I think it'd be better if you didn't know.


That phone could contain the only proof that Madeline is behind this attack.

I know I've been a hard guy to trust, but you need to believe in me Ri...

[Door opening]

I found him!

He's right here.

♪ Whoa.


We're not gonna make it.

Back inside.


[Tires screeching]

♪ [Speaking Icelandic]

What are you doin'?

Takin' hostages?

Buying Patterson some time.

[Shouting in Icelandic]

You heard what the lady said!

[Crowd gasping and shouting]

Do what we say, or we will k*ll you!

[Woman screams]

♪ [Siren, indistinct radio chatter]

[TV reporter speaking Icelandic]

What the hell were you thinkin'?

I was improvising.

We've both seen our fair share of hostage situations.

There's no reason we can't work our way out of this one.

[Telephone ringing, distant siren approaching]

Remember, you're a dangerous criminal.

Yes, I am.

[Ringing continues]

So keep an eye on the hostages.

This is Kurt Weller.

I want you and your officers to stay back.

I want a helicopter, here to fly us out of this country.

And I want some food.

You guys hungry?

Want some food?

What do you want?

[Indistinct muttering]


All right?

They want pizza.

New York style.

And some of it has to have vegan cheese.

Yes, I'm serious.

[Siren passes outside, phone beeps]


I think that bought us some time.

How do we get out of this mess?


There he is.

The American hero who found Rich Dotcom.

Nice play, Matthew.

But it is your last one.

You are out of moves.

Don't suppose your offer to make me president is still on the table.

I tried the carrot.

You didn't bite.

Now it's time for the stick.

What do you want?

I'd like to apologize to Madeline Burke on behalf of the FBI.

Without Miss Burke, her lawyer, Mr.

Shirley, and the honorable DNI Nash, these rogue agents...

may have gone unchecked.

Despite being harassed, falsely accused, and wrongfully imprisoned for horrible crimes, Miss Burke never wavered in her resolve or her efforts to help the FBI.

Weller: Why is the helicopter gonna take that long?

...responsible took great care in hiding their misconduct...

How long do we have?

He didn't really tell me.

This negotiator sounds young.


Could be his first time.

So, he won't want it to go badly.


But he might screw it up.

Let's just hope that he's not a cowboy.

And for that, I am deeply sorry.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Thank you.

That is all.

This is an ongoing investigation, so there...

No, there will be no questions at this time.

Thank you.

[Reporters clamoring]


What are you doing?

Move aside.

Madeline Burke, everybody.

[Light applause]

Thank you, Director Weitz.

And I might say, your commitment to your current position is inspiring.

And I'm deeply honored that you've chosen me to lead your new Civilian Oversight Committee.


And as my first act in that role, I would like to speak directly to these rogue agents behind this vicious and escalating crisis.

Turn yourselves in, end the carnage, before anyone else gets hurt.

♪ Heads up!

[Hostages screaming]


[Breaching charges explode]

[Hostages shouting]

[Overlapping shouts]

[Weller grunting]

♪ [Grunting]

Hey, no...


Your friends got caught.

They took hostages.

Okay, you said you can get us anything we want, right?

Can you get Icelandic SWAT uniforms?

Please, I can get you Icelandic SWAT officers.

For a price.

We already promised you the Gardner paintings.

What else do you want?

Hi, hi!

Just hang tight, yo.

Your friends have got your back.

[Chuckles incredulously]

Now we just need Rich to crack that Helios file and exonerate us.

What do you want?

Nash and his agents know you've been helping the team, and they have some questions for you.

Well, you can tell the Director of National Intelligence that I'm not talking.

Oh, you will, but not here.

Take him to the boat.


there's a boat?

[Handcuffs clicking]

No, I think you're wrong, Weitz.

We're not the same.

♪ ♪ [Brakes squeak]

[Ice cream]

Oh, you have to come back sometime when you have more time.

In the summer, it's beautiful.

And, you know, not...

I mean, this is beautiful too.

But, you know...

It's not much, but you'll be safe.

Smugglers have used these old shacks for decades.

They're all interconnected with these old tunnels.

Very cool.

Don't go down there.

They collapse all the time.

Okay, so, we're gonna jam.

The boat will be here in the morning.

Peace, friends.

Where's Patterson?

[Door squeaks open]


Jane and Weller: Hey!

You guys made it.

We were so worried about you.

Please, I was the first one here.


You've got...

a lot of leaves in your here.



I somehow fell into the...

the only bush in Iceland.

Dogs chasing me.

Had to wade through a stream to lose the scent.

It's a long, boring story.

♪ Weitz: Civilian oversight, huh?

What's next?

You'll run for president?

No, but my father did.

It didn't go well, thanks to the FBI.

He had one meeting with J.

Edgar Hoover and suddenly my father withdraws from public life and becomes a ghost around our house.

Six months later...

he was dead.

I found him.

It was Christmas Eve.

I'm sorry.

The doctor said it was depression.

An accidental mixing of alcohol and prescription dr*gs.

But I always knew the truth.

That meeting k*lled my father.

The FBI k*lled my father.

They ruined my family, and they ruined me, so now I am going to ruin the FBI.

Madeline, the team doesn't deserve this.

What about their families?

What about their lives?

They work for the FBI, and you run it!

Actions have consequences, and these are yours.

Get out of my office.


Joan Boe?

I know, I'm sorry.

I was in a hurry, and I...

I made a decision in a pinch.

And you also used your real first name.


never mind what I used.

We need to talk about what's next.

'Cause it's not gonna be easy, and there's no going back.

We all made some pretty selfish choices.

And we just need to be better.

And we all need to clear our names.

And to do that, to do good...

we might need to do some things that we don't like.

Living in hiding, living on the run...

that means compromise, that means sacrifice.

But we can't lose ourselves along the way.

So, we need to swear to each other right now.

To do this together, or not at all.

I just wanna say that I was wrong earlier.

We are family.

And we're all we've got...

So, I'm with you, Patterson.

No matter what.

Me too.

Jane: Me too.

To the end.

To the bitter end.

Kurt: On that note, should we just get some sleep?


Kurt: I'm tired.

Be back.

Is anybody else nervous about the favor Ice Cream is gonna ask for?

I'm more worried about Kathy.

Jane: I just keep thinking about having to steal the Gardner paintings again.

Think that's a Rich Dotcom Boston Arliss Crab problem.

Or a Frank Rossi Rebecca Johnson problem.

You know what, I said I was in a pinch.

What'd you get, Kurt?

Chet Hetson.

That could not be less believable.


[Deep voice]

Hi, I'm "Les" Believable.

Hey, you know what?

Next time, you can go get the fake names, and I will sip champagne with Mr.


Okay, so...


Bye, I'm gonna take first watch.

Oh, no, I'll go.

I could use some fresh air, unless Patterson would like to spend more time in the great outdoors.


You could be less convincing.


I'm "Les" Convincing.


Hey, we should all get matching tattoos after this.


Okay, I'm in.

♪ You can't always get what you want ♪ ♪ You can't always get what you want ♪ ♪ But if you try sometimes ♪ ♪ Well, you just might find ♪ ♪ You get what you need ♪ ♪ Ahh ♪ ♪ Believe it, yeah ♪ ♪ Do you have them?


My team decrypted a communication between Rich Dotcom and a known associate, and we believe this man is helping these rogue agents.

How long for location?


Uh, great, let's call the minister and notify the Icelandic authorities so they can move on the team.

When they have 'em, right?


Do you wanna call 'em?

Should I call 'em?

Am I still in charge...

You can stand down, director.

I'm on line with DOD, CIA, and the White House.

We've been greenlit.


For what?

Drone strike.

No, no, you...

wait, they need to be arrested, they need to be brought in to stand trial.


Location's up.

Richard: I'm surprised to hear you say that, director.

I hear you're a big fan of the drone program.

We're the FBI, we can't be k*lling FBI agents.

Well, they're not FBI agents, not anymore.

And this is not your responsibility.

This is a DNI call, so you can just rest easy.

I can't stand for this.


Woman: Location's locked.

Green light.

[Distant whoosh]