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02x19 - Regard a Mere Mad Rager

Posted: 07/05/20 08:47
by bunniefuu
Welcome to Bangkok.

Do I want to know why you need all this?

I'm not paying you $20 million to ask questions.

But if I was you, I'd avoid the Western Hemisphere for a while.

How did Nas find Sandstorm's bank accounts?

She didn't say.

Just said she had to pull some serious strings.



really good.

Millions kept offshore spread over dozens of countries?

Can you freeze those accounts?

- Okay.

This is not good.

- What?

All the money just funneled into a single account.

- When?

- Earlier today.

Actually, the price is now 30.

We agreed on 20.

We ran into unanticipated costs.

They ran into unanticipated costs.


Well, that's a shame.


Where are you going?

You cannot buy this stuff in Siam Paragon.

She funneled the money into a private Panamanian account, which can only be frozen if you have a court order, unless...

it's a little tricky, but I can do a little work...

Look, all right, don't explain it, just type it.

Okay, typing, typing, typing.

I have a Yakuza enforcer ready to k*ll you and bring me that truck for 10 million.

So why don't I just k*ll you right...


Because I've already ordered the hit, and unless I contact him and call it off, you're as good as dead.

Unless 20 still works?

Account number.


- Okay.


- _ It's frozen.



_ - What the hell?

- No, this is a mistake.


It's a setup!

- So what now?

- Now nothing.

It's frozen.

That's pretty anticlimactic.


Pop quiz.

For ten points, who can tell me the significance of this tattoo?

It's the avatar for the Russian hacker, right?


Head to the front of the class.

Serpent-16 was behind the Nikkei Flash Crash.

He disabled the cooling system on a French nuclear reactor, shut down JFK Ground Control.

We've known that he was connected to this tattoo for a while now, but the guy is a ghost.

That's him?

The only known photo of Serpent-16 until today.

Facial rec picked up our reptilian friend about 20 minutes ago, boarding a Metro-North train.

Well, he's a hacker.

What does he need to come to the U.S. for?

If he physically hooked into a local network, he could cause serious damage to Wall Street, subways, water lines...

We need to bring him in.

- Where's his train stopping?

- Grand Central.

His train arrived four minutes ago, so let's split up.

Jane, you two, take the left.

Tasha, you two, take the right.

Keep your eyes peeled.

The target just picked up a dead drop.

Jane, headed your way.

He's holding a yellow envelope.

Black leather jacket.

Target's moving towards the north exit.


Target is down!

Repeat, target is down!

Man in overcoat heading south with the envelope!

- On him!

- It's okay, it's okay...



How many people are after this thing?

Third party has the package!

He's headed for the tracks!

It's a Rubik's cube.

What the hell is going on?

Two dead hackers, one that won't talk, and all we've got to show for it is this child's toy.

First of all, not a child's toy.

Plenty of mature adults are into cubing.

Second of all, I know what this is about.

- Leakhub.

- It's a website.

They steal sensitive classified documents and publish them online.

Leakhub is run by the Garen brothers, reclusive anarchists who believe in radical transparency.

So what has this cube got to do with Leakhub?

The Mannequin Challenge.

Allow me to clarify.


How is that supposed to clarify?

All three of the men from the train station had this on their phones.

It's an encrypted message.

Look at the cars.

Line up all three license plates and you get a dark web address.

"Our time at Leakhub now comes to an end.

"If you want to take charge, go here, my friend." Iambic pentameter.

That's classy.

That's the location of the envelope at the train station.

If the Garens are looking for a successor, that means they're looking to get out of the secret business.

Their entire document cache would be up for grabs.

This is huge.

Yeah, but shouldn't the documents have been in the envelope?

I mean, why make things so convoluted?

The Garens would never let it go that easily.

The cube is the next step.

It's probably code for where to go next.

- Well, what's the list?

- Their unreleased files.

Details of covert military operations.

Weapons storage facilities and CIA cover identities.

If someone else gets their hands on these...

Thousands of lives could be at risk.

They got the Truman Protocol.

It's the Truman Protocol.

It's everything.

I thought Nas said she couldn't find anything on the Truman Protocol, that all record had been completely erased.

Looks like the Garens found it.

Shepherd's mentor said the Truman Protocol is key to her whole plan.

And she k*lled him to keep it quiet.

If we can get these documents, then we can blow the lid off of phase two.

Destruction of property, disturbing the peace.

You've had a busy day, Kerry Coleman.

Don't worry.

The American consulate opens in the morning.

In ten hours, you're their problem.

Do you speak English?

Could I have a glass of water?


Water, please?

You think you can cause havoc all over my city and not pay a price?

You know, this is all a big misunderstanding.

Until your government bails you out, you are my prisoner.

So sit down.

Shut up.

And speak when spoken to.

Solved the Rubik's cube.

Doesn't look like it.

Not solved, like, unscrambled, although I could have in, like, 30 seconds.

20 when I was in tournament shape.

The scrambled pattern was the code.


Every two square combo in the cube represents a letter or a number.

It's governed by "Roy G. Biv" order, so you start with the red side and you work your way around until you get another dark web address.

"You want to prove that you can beat the rest?

"Then hack one off this list is your next test." The Garens want us to prove we're real hackers by stealing one of these files.

So what do they mean by "beat the rest"?

The Garens circulated a bunch of versions of that mannequin challenge video.

They had dead drop locations all over the world.

So this isn't the only Rubik's cube.

And we're not the only ones competing for the Leakhub document cache.

The Garens want to hand over their entire site to whoever wins a scavenger hunt?

That's the culture.

Hackers love puzzle hunts.

Except the winner of this one gets the most dangerous documents in the world.

Can't we just fake one of these wish list files?

They'll spot a counterfeit.

We need to hack one of these for real.

So which one can we do without causing an international diplomatic incident?


I'd go with this one, Internal Research Memos from Barnes AgroChemical.

Yeah, their CEO is a total sleazebag.

He supposedly buried studies that his products cause cancer.

All right, Patterson.

Do your thing.

Okay, hold on.

It's not that easy.

There's a reason that they chose these documents.

Remote access would take me a day.

"We don't have that kind of time, Patterson." I know.

The only shortcut would be to have the CEO's system password.


So how do we get that?

Anyone up for a nice, quiet stroll through Park Slope?



It's just, it's not our typical day at the office.


'Cause we're not getting shot at?

It's just a nice change of pace is all.

It's just...

you know, normal.

I don't know.

I guess normal ain't so bad.

So have you heard from Nas today?

She's keeping her distance.

Laying low for a while.

How do you feel about her leaving?

We just have to finish what she started.

Uh, no, I meant...

I mean, like, with Allie in Colorado, I just...

I just want to make sure that you're...

I'll be fine.

That's it.

Step one complete.

Okay, get into place for step two.

Damn it!

Need a ride?

I'm late to a meeting, so don't get cute with the yellow lights.

Yes, sir.

- Jerry Barnes.

- Mr.

Barnes, this is Gloria from IT.

- Yeah?

- Someone has your login info.

They're trying to break into your account.

- Who?

- Uh, we're not sure yet, but I'm gonna need to access your account, dig a little deeper.

I'm gonna need your password first.

Are you serious?

I know what a phishing scam is, lady, go to hell.

IT, this is Cheri.

How can I help you?

This is Jerry Barnes.

I just got a phishing call.

Someone's trying to hack me.

Oh, that doesn't sound good at all, Mr.


I'm so glad you called us.

Has the server shown any unusual connection attempts?

I'm not seeing anything, but you should log in and check your own device.

Would you like me to hold the...

This program uses spatio-temporal dynamics to analyze his keystrokes.

That's like reading lips for thumbs.


- You can't trust anyone these days.

- You said it, pal.

That's why I keep all my money under the mattress.

I just sent the hacked memos to the Garens.

Now all we have to do is wait.

All right, let me know the second you hear anything.

I quit.

Let's talk in my office.

I, uh...

I want to apologize for flying off the handle, throwing my badge down, messing up in the first place.

It wasn't your finest hour.

I was pissed off.

At the world, at Zapata, at you.

You still pissed off?

I'm ready not to be.

I can't just hand back your badge.

I know.


I was hoping I could take you up on that offer to take a leave of absence.

If I give you the time, I need you to put everything into it.

Clean up.

See Dr.


Hit the gym.

Hit the range.

- Get back to field shape.

- I will.

I never reported you up the chain.

If you come back a hundred percent, as far as I'm concerned, I never have to.

Thank you.

- I won't let you down.

- I know you won't.


How'd it go with Weller?

He's gonna give me some time.

What about you?

Last night was...


Thanks for being there for me.

Not a lot of people would have sat through that.


I'm so sorry.

Hey, at least I'm not in limbo anymore.

I know what happened to me, I can own it...

and begin to move forward.

- Still no word back from the Garens?

- Radio silence.

Look, any chance they figured out the documents came from law enforcement?


I sent them via Tor network after using multiple VPNs, spoofed the IP address...

Maybe somebody beat us to it.

Wait, wait, wait.

Here we go.

"You've come this far, now don't become a bust.

"Come here, wear red and bring someone you trust." These are coordinates for an intersection in Queens.

Okay, this is getting ridiculous.

At best, we're wasting our time.

At worst, we're walking into a trap.

Or it's our last chance to get thousands of highly classified documents off the market, before they land in enemy hands.

Yeah, not to mention find the Truman Protocol.

Look, I'm just as fed up with this stunt as you are, but we have to keep pursuing it.

Two people are invited, so Jane and I will go.


No, no, no.

I should be there.

What if they have you do more programming challenges, puzzles?

I'm great at puzzles.

Uh, yes...

in your own way.

Look, we don't know how dangerous this meet is going to be, so...

Tasha, you run point on the surveillance side of things, and Jane, it says that we have to wear red, so, um...

Let's go find you something hacker chic.

I feel ridiculous.

I don't know.

This could be a new look for you.

I'm gonna burn these clothes as soon as we get back.

We shouldn't have let them go in like this.

Unarmed, no comms.

It's too risky.

We don't know if they're gonna get swept.


Follow me.

They're moving.

Let's go.

We gotta get closer.

- Do you see them?

- No.

Got 'em.

They're gone.

All right.

I pulled the ATM and traffic cams.

Here's our mystery men.

No hits on facial rec.

Of course, 'cause that would actually be helpful.

Looks like Jane and Weller stayed with the mob for a few blocks, then everyone gets into these vans.

Impossible to tell which one Jane and Weller get into.


Keep mining the cameras.

I'll put BOLOs out on the vans.

What is this place?

I think it's an old sanatorium where they used to keep tuberculosis patients in the 1900s.

Sounds cozy.


"The simplest answer gets you through this door.

"Be smart, you only get one try.

"No more." It's a math problem.

"If two boings plus four flarps equals six, "and six boings plus eight flarps equals ten, "what is the square root of boing over flarp?" It'd be really nice to have Patterson right now.

- I know.

- Maybe we should just guess.



"The simplest answer gets you through the door." See?

Told you I was great at puzzles.


At least we weren't on the turquoise team.

I don't suppose we could just shove the Garen brothers in a closet and steal the documents.

Somehow, I don't think their armed guards would be too thrilled by that.

We don't even know what the Garens look like.

They could be in this room or they could be a thousand miles away.

You think all these people in this room are hackers?

Most of them.

Some are probably mercenaries, enemy spies.

There's a long list of people that are after these documents for the wrong reasons.

I don't know.

I just...

I don't get it.

If the Garens wanted to retire, why not just sell to the highest bidder?

Why this insane scavenger hunt?

The same reason they're after these documents.



A lady hacker?

Every federale on the planet has two men on their most wanted list.

Talk about unconscious bias.

The future is female, am I right, Hot Topic?

I'm Kiva Garen, co-founder of Leakhub.

Now, who wants to meet my sister?

Come on, show of hands.

How about you, glasses?

Well, you can't meet her.

She's dead.

Thanks for bringing up that painful memory.

She was k*lled in a boat crash last month.

Some spook after our document cache.

Now that she's gone, I want out.

Whoever's gonna run this thing has to be able to think creatively, crack codes and stand up in the face of danger.

Two of you are about to walk away with the world's most valuable classified documents.

But first, someone in here is lying...

about who they are.

One of you is a cop.

_ Those things baffle me.

The smarter they get, the dumber I feel.

He's your father, isn't he?

The captain who ordered you to work the overnight shift?

I can see the family resemblance.

He's a real charmer.

Tough house to grow up in, I'm guessing.

Your father knows.

He knows he's a tyrant.

He knows you hate him.

It's the first thing he thinks of every morning and the last thing before he goes to sleep.

I don't hate my father.

I just miss him.

And one of you has the audacity to think I'd fall for a spoofed IP address.

What about you?

Who do you think the cop is?

I wouldn't know.

Aw, come on, take your best guess.

What about her?

I think it's her.

We've been blindly following you through this maze and now you're threatening us?

Enough is enough.

You know, you're right.

Enough is enough.


I already knew she was MI5.

I just had to make sure nobody else was a narc, too.

So does anybody have anything they'd like to confess?

Very good.

Moving on...

Get out, it's a trap!

No, no, no, I'm not...

I'm not a cop...

The doors to your rooms will unlock once you complete the final challenge, and the first ones to meet me in the boiler room...

get this.

The world's most sought-after documents.

The treasure chest you all came for.

Good luck.

You're gonna need it.

Especially you two.

I don't have good feelings about you.

"Prove you can trust each other "and you'll find your fates will be forever intertwined." This woman is exhausting.

She seriously wants us to take polygraph tests?

Well, we have no reason to lie, right?

Leakhub is built on the idea of complete transparency.

I need to be sure I can trust you and that you trust each other.

How long are you gonna keep us here?



I can't hear you.

- How much longer...

- I'm messing with you.

This is all pre-recorded.

None of you had answering machines?

Okay, first question.

How did you meet your partner and what was your first impression?

We met while we were in the same holding cell.

And my impression?

I was terrified.

_ NYPD picked up a few participants from the flash mob.

- And?

- They all have the same story, saw a post on Craigslist announcing a flash mob, - never met the organizers.

- Can you trace the posts?


Dead end.

- Something from Jane and Weller.

- No.

Remember Sandstorm's document forger?

The one Cade gave us.

My text just recovered something off one of his hard drives.

A request from this month for a bunch of fake passports.

These are probably aliases, but they're fresh.

Some of these could lead us to Sandstorm.


Wait, one of these names just went through customs in Bangkok.

Kerry Coleman.

Shepherd's in Bangkok right now.

Yes, I've lied to my partner, and yes, it was about something important.

_ Next question.

What's the best thing your partner's ever done for you and what's the worst?

And, yes, I got most of these questions from a "Do You Know Your Partner" quiz in O Magazine.

I used to put a lot of walls up.

She somehow found a way to get inside them.

Worst thing...

same answer.

_ Last question.

Why did you choose to work with your partner and why did they choose to work with you?

I chose to work with my partner because he was...

honest, loyal, and I trusted him with my life.

As for him, uh, he didn't choose to work with me, he was forced to.

_ Another challenge?

Four locks.

So that means...

there's four keys hidden in this room somewhere.

Find these keys.

Let's hurry.

That's one.

Nice work.

"And every night about midnight." Weller, the clock.

Turn the hands to midnight.

Makes two.

That makes three.

I got one left.

This one's got a round keyhole.

Try the shackle in the last padlock.

- That?

- Yeah.


It's the room next door.

"That button leads you out, but watch the glass.

"You'll fill the other room with lethal gas." She can't mean that literally, can she?

Unfortunately, I think she does.

The only way she's gonna let us out of this room is if we k*ll those two.

Any chance of getting that glass of water?

_ _ Who was the tyrant?

You were speaking from experience earlier, no?

Was your father the tyrant, or you?

Both, actually.


What is your kid's name?

I have two.

Remy and Roman.

I think Remy and Roman miss you, too.



I'm going to have a smoke.

These vents are designed to pump the gas in then seal it.

Okay, we have to find another way out.

There's got to be another key.


They just finished the test.



It was a trick.

She's letting us out for not pressing the button.

No, no, no.

We can't let 'em die like that.



Oh, you missed it by that much.

Meet Linnea, my sister.

I thought you said she died in a boat crash.

Then she must be a ghost!

Running this site has become a massive drag.

Governments are feeding us fake stuff to influence other governments.

It all just requires so much vetting now.

It's no fun.

And we wanted out, so this seemed like the best solution.

Yeah, but you said the first ones that meet you here win.

Where is his partner?

Uh, technically speaking, according to rule six, subsection B...

Nobody likes a sore loser.

Okay, so this hard drive has our whole document cache on it and this is the password.

Hang on, hang on.

That last test, the red button, That was to make sure your site went to someone with a moral code, right?

Now who's reading O Magazine?

Okay, what's your point?

You unlocked the doors and this guy and his partner, he ran straight for the finish and we stayed back to save the lives of two strangers.

That's got to be worth something.

Fair point.

And I do love a twist ending.

What the hell?

I said nobody likes a sore loser.

Pay attention.

These documents, they make you a target, so take them somewhere safe.

And remember, a wise woman once said, "Your fates will be forever intertwined." I said that.


I'm the wise woman.


Jane and Weller just made contact.

They're safe.

Thank God.

Did they get the documents?

They're en route with the files as we speak.

Sorry, I have to take this.

Just let me know when they're in the building.

- Yeah, you got it.

- Josh, kind of a busy day.

- Can I call you back?

- This will just take a second.

Remember Yamada?

The lead detective on the Jones m*rder?

He's had a bug up his ass ever since his suspect fled town.

Yeah, that was forever ago.


He's been digging around the chain of custody on the m*rder w*apon.

He's talking about starting an obstruction of justice investigation.


You asked me to keep you in the loop, I figured I'd just make sure you had your ducks in a row.

I've got no ducks here, Josh.

All the better.

Watching that tape must have been awful.

Yeah, it was, but...

at least I can move on now, right?


Do you think that's true?

I went to the range today.

And every time I fired my w*apon, I just...

kept getting these flashes of everything I've been going through.

Flashbacks are a normal reaction to post-traumatic stress.

Yeah, but I used to go into the field and feel completely in control.

I used to trust my instincts, I knew exactly who I was.

Now, how do I get that back?

There's no quick or absolute answers.

But if you're finding that you're...

reacting negatively to certain stimuli, then perhaps it's necessary to remove yourself from those triggers.

I'm an FBI agent.

You want me to stay away from g*ns?

Maybe you're in the wrong line of work.

You're serious.

I'd suggest nothing should be off the table at this point.

She had a 100-digit password.

Nine would have taken a decade to crack, but sure, err on the side of caution.


This is...

This has the mental health records of the entire Cabinet.

Here's a list of all the double agents inside the German government.

And the security protocol for all of our embassies abroad.

If this would have gotten into the wrong hands...

Have you found the Truman Protocol yet?


Here it is.

That's Harry Truman's signature.

And Eisenhower, and every president since.

So the only thing that we know about the Truman Protocol, it goes to the highest levels of the government.

And whatever is behind those redactions is too classified for even the Garens to uncover.

Look at the bottom.

My source at Sandstorm told me to follow the cogs, that that would lead to the answer behind everything.

Cade told Nas to follow the cogs.

So that somehow connects to the Truman Protocol.

And that all connects to phase two.

Now we just have to find out how.

We are getting close.

Today was a win, no matter how you look at it.

Well, it was a big part of the puzzle.

I just...

I can't figure out how it all fits together yet.

Do you know what gives me more clarity?

- What?

- More alcohol.

You know, she's right.

Maybe round three is the charm.

Come on.

I was never forced to work with you.

On the polygraph, you said that I was forced to work with you.

You never refused to let me in the field multiple times?

Doesn't sound like me.

- Mm-hmm.

- No...

Well, anyway, that's...

that's not what I meant.

We're only here because Shepherd wanted us here.


That's okay.

We're doing a lot of good here.

Saving a lot of lives.




All of this.

That led me to you.

And you to me.

And that is something...

that I would never want to undo.

Here we go.

- Round three.

- Yeah.

The one with all the answers.


All of the answers we need.

All right.

Yes, I got out.

How else do you think I'm calling you?

- What about the material.

- It's with me.

We're still on schedule, but we can't afford any more problems.

About that.

It looks like the FBI may have the Truman Protocol.



It's, um...

It's a long story.


It landed on the open market.

- The whole thing?

- We aren't sure.

We didn't want to take any risks.

We sent a team to stop Weller from getting it, but...

they didn't succeed.

He's too dangerous now.

We need to take him out.

I thought he was a key piece of the plan.

The plan needs to change.

He's getting too close, becoming a liability.

Kurt Weller needs to die.

Consider it done.

That's her.

On your knees, now!

You're under arrest.