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02x21 - Miracles

Posted: 04/27/20 20:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on "God Friended Me"...

An issue showed up in your final review.

Any condition, no matter how small, disqualifies a candidate.

Dr. Chang wants you to start your next round of treatment.

I was on my way to tell Cara that I was still in love with her.

I knew she was happy and that she had moved on.

He posted it on your website where everyone who subscribes to you can see it.

He still loves you.

I can't be the odd man out.

I'm sorry. Adam.

Uh, you're Marsha Smith, right?

I know Alphonse is the father of your son, Corey.

Don't call him my father. He's never been anything close to that.

I run R&D for DARPA.

Seven years ago, I created an algorithm, but it was stolen.

Corey lied to us.

When we were hacking the God Account, he launched a virus.

That's why it was glitching.

If we don't figure this out in the next 24 hours, the God Account will be destroyed.

Hey, I got your message. I don't understand.

I mean, why would Corey want to destroy the God Account?

I have no idea.

I thought he was on our side. Yeah, so did we.

But from what I can tell, we got 12 hours before the account gets wiped out.

Well, can you stop it?

I don't think so.

I mean, at best I'm hoping to slow it down.

Good news is what Corey did punched a hole through the firewall, so we can monitor what's going on.

But we can't see anything important about the account.

We were gonna tell you this last night, but you never showed up.


Adam and I decided to go to dinner.

Lost track of time.


What the hell? I think I got a Friend Suggestion.

Think? Yeah.

Damn, it must be the bug.

Any way to decipher who it might be?

Yeah, I mean, I can try a few things, but, Miles, the truth is, like, unless we can convince Corey to stop this... like, this might be our last Friend Suggestion.

Okay, well, I-I'm gonna go talk to him.

Do you want us to come with?

No, I got this one.


Look, whatever you're planning to say, it's not gonna change my mind.

Maybe, but I'm not leaving until I do.

So was destroying the God Account your plan the whole time?

No, my plan was to get my code back.

But when that failed, I had to make sure it was destroyed.


When my code was stolen, I lied to DARPA to cover it up.

If they find the God Account, they'll put together what happened, and my career is over.

Not to mention, I'll most likely face criminal charges.

The God Account has been out in the world for years.

Why would they discover it now?

Because we used DARPA's computer to try and hack its firewall, which means there's a digital trail.

You had to know that going in.

I did.

But it was worth the risk to try to get my code back.

Now, please, go.

Wait, wait. Look at this.

This is my new Friend Suggestion.

This is a real person who needs my help.

You let the God Account be destroyed, who knows how many people will suffer from it?

There are other lives at stake beyond your own.

Hey, buddy.

C.J., Megan, this is Miles.

Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you.

You too. So big day.

You excited to head back to school, see your friends?

I guess.

Hey, you know what?

I took the whole day off.

I was thinking we could do something later.

I got a lot of homework to catch up on, so...

Yeah, yeah. Well, maybe this weekend.

I should get going.

I could drop you on my way to work.

I'd rather walk.

Nice to meet you, Miles.

Baby, it's gonna be fine.

Getting back to his routine's gonna be the best thing for him.

It's not about his routine.

It's about what happened and the fact that you won't talk to him about it.

There's nothing to talk about.

He needs to move on from this.

Him or you?

Sorry about that, Miles.

My son's been going through a pretty rough time.

You mind if I ask what's going on?

A month ago, C.J. was at a skate park.

Fell off his board, wasn't wearing his helmet.

He had a pretty bad head injury.

Doctors had to put him into a medically induced coma for a few days till the swelling went down.

I'm so sorry to hear that.

Listen, Miles, I know how important your Friend Suggestions are, but I have to protect my family which means I need to be there for them.

I can't risk DARPA finding out what I did.

I'm sorry, but the God Account is gonna be destroyed, and there's nothing you or your friends can do to stop it.

Thanks for meeting me.

I want to talk to you about something.

Yeah. Yeah, me too.

You first. Okay.


Adam and I broke up.

Or, more accurately, he broke up with me.

Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.

I thought things were going so well.

Yeah, they were... until he found out that Miles was still in love with me and wants to get back together.

Well, you can't be that surprised he still has feelings for you.

Yeah, but this goes way beyond feelings.

I mean, he said that walking away from us was the biggest mistake of his life.

I mean, I don't know what to do with that.

Well, have you talked to him about it?

Cara, he's gonna find out eventually that you and Adam aren't together, and then what?

I don't know.

I mean, I was planning to talk to him when I saw him this morning, and then...

I just didn't.

I don't know why.

Maybe you don't want to answer the inevitable question he's gonna ask when he finds out.

What do you mean?

Cara, when we love somebody, we generally want to know whether or not they love us back.

So do you?

I wish I still did.

I moved on. I had to.

I guess the only question is, are you gonna tell him?

I mean, yeah, Rakesh, he doesn't care about saving the God Account, and I'm not sure how to convince him otherwise.

Well, look, I might have some pretty good news on that front.

I was able to decipher the last name of your new Friend Suggestion, and guess what. It's Smith.

Wait, as in "Corey Smith"?

Well, you know, it's probably the most common last name there is, but, yes, in this case, he's our most likely candidate.

Which means he has a problem I can fix.

Not a bad way to show him how important Friend Suggestions are.

Change his mind about saving the God Account.

Any idea where to start?


Actually, I might.

I'll call you back.


I'm Miles. We just met at your house.

I'm a friend of your dad's.

W-what are you doing here?

Well, I saw you from across the street, and, um...

Aren't you supposed to be in school?

Hey, look, I do not want to tell you how to play hooky, but there are way more fun places to go than here.

You know, my dad's the bishop of New York.

I pretty much grew up in the Church.

Why come here?

I don't know.

My parents aren't religious.

Guess I just wanted to come in, check it out.

You know, most people who come to church are looking for answers.

Maybe I could help.

Trust me, you... you can't.

No, trust me, I'm pretty good at helping people.

Come on, you are sitting in a church by yourself.

What do you have to lose?

I was in a accident. Hit my head pretty bad.

Your dad mentioned it.

Did he ever mention what happened while I was in my coma?


Do you believe in angels? Angels?

That's the exact face my dad made when I told him.

Told him what?

When I was in the coma, an angel spoke to me, told me things about my dad growing up, his last football game in high school.

Have you talked to your dad about this?

I tried to tell him, but whenever I told him what the angel wanted me to do, he stopped listening.

He said that it never happened and that everything will be fine once I forget about it, but I can't.

C.J., what do you think the angel wants you to do?

Make my dad forgive his father.

But I have no idea how to do that because he doesn't even believe me.

Will you help me?

C.J., what are you doing here?

What's going on?

Nothing. Everything's fine.

Can we just go?

Thanks for calling us, Miles.

Lucky you were walking by when you did.

He told you what happened when he was in a coma.

He did.

The doctors told us hallucinations aren't uncommon for coma patients to report when they wake up.

We're just trying to help him get past it, move forward.

By not talking about it. Excuse me?

C.J. told me that you wouldn't listen to what he need to tell you... the story that he heard.

Now, how is C.J. supposed to get through this if he can't do that?

He needs to know that you can be there for him.

I am.

Listen, I appreciate your concern, but this is none of your business. Actually, it is.

Rakesh was able to decode the last name of my Friend Suggestion.

It's Smith.

Now, I assumed that it was for you, but it seems pretty obvious that C.J. needs help.

No, it's not.

What's obvious is your desperate attempt to try to use my son as a way to convince me to save the God Account.

You just said that it was lucky that I walked by when I did.

But that wasn't luck... that's the God Account.

And if it sent me C.J.'s name, then that means I can help him.

You believe in angels now, Miles?

Of course not, but your son does.

And he thinks he's supposed to get you to reconcile your relationship with your father.

I know what he thinks, but it's never gonna happen.

Stay away from my family, Miles.

Hey. Hey.

I thought we were supposed to meet at the hospital for Ali's appointment.

We were, but I just needed to talk to you, if you have a minute. Sure. What's going on?

I got a new Friend Suggestion.

It's for Corey's son, C.J.

Have you figured out what you're supposed to do?

Yeah, he's convinced that he's supposed to repair Corey's and Alphonse's relationship.

Tall order, but that does sound like the God Account.

Oh, it does, but here's the thing...

C.J. was in a coma, and when he came out of it, he claims he spoke to an angel, and that's who told him he needed to do this.

Well, I've spent enough time volunteering in intensive care wards to have heard similar stories.

Dad, do you really believe people have spoken with angels?

I do.

But I also understand that it can sometimes simply be a way for people to process and make sense of a traumatic experience.

Well, that's the thing... C.J. hasn't even been able to process it because his dad won't talk to him about it.

I mean, the anger Corey has for Alphonse runs so deep, he won't let it go... even if that means helping his son.

Dad, I don't know how to get through to him.

I'm not sure that you can.

At the end of the day, the only person who can take the pain away is the one who caused it.


Uh, Dad, can you call him and see of he'll talk to me?

Of course. I'll call on the way to the hospital.

Remember, this new treatment will probably take some time.

I know. And no matter what Dr. Chang says, we'll get through this. Mm-hmm.

Maybe we should wait in silence.

Hello, hello. Hello.

Hi. Hi.

I have good news, Ali.

Your latest scan shows the new treatment worked.

Okay, what does that mean exactly?

Your tumor has shrunk considerably.

This is what we've been hoping for.

Our prayers have been answered just like we knew they would be.

Okay, uh, what's the next step?

Well, the next step is scheduling your lumpectomy.

Based on these results, you're ready for surgery.

This is incredible news.


You look happy. What's going on?

We just found out that Ali's tumor shrunk.

She's ready for surgery.

Dude, are you serious? Yes.

Oh, my God, Miles. I told you she was tough.

Oh, bro. I'm so happy, man. Yeah.

Do you guys, like, need a second?

Pulled Zack in to see if he had any ideas on how to stop what Corey did.

Which I would if we knew what we were dealing with.

Which is why we need Corey's help.

Any progress on changing his mind? Not yet, but I do think that his son, C.J., is my new Friend Suggestion.

Oh, okay, well, whatever the problem is, hopefully it's a quick fix 'cause the clock is ticking.

Over 50% of the God Account's infected.

So far, it hasn't gone to the base code.

But when it does, it's... it's game over.

The only person who can stop that is Corey.

It's Corey.

Hey, Corey. What's up?

I need to know what you and my son talked about at the church.

Why? Is everything okay? No, C.J.'s gone.

I went to check his bedroom. He wasn't there.

What exactly did he say to you?

He told me about the angel, how he spoke to him, and it told him stories about when you were a kid.

Wait, what?

Yeah, about, uh, your last football game in high school.

That was one of the stories he wanted to tell you.

You think that's where he is?

It'll be a good place to start.

Where'd you go to high school? Harlem Central.

We played all our home games there at the stadium, including my last one.

Okay, well, I'll meet you there.

Hey, I gotta go, but you guys stay on the God Account.


Did he say someone's talking to angel?


C.J.! Hey, C.J.

Hey, listen...

I'm sorry.

I haven't handled this very well.

Whatever you want to tell us, we want to listen.

The angel told you to come here?

No, they told me a story about when you played football.

I just thought... I just thought if I came here, maybe they'd talk to me again and just tell me more so I'd know what to do.

What was the story?

It was your last game.

Even though you never met your dad, you were hoping he'd come, but he didn't.

And your coach convinced you to take the field, and you ended up throwing the winning touchdown.

C.J., I need you to be honest with me, okay?

Where did you hear this story? What?

Do you think I'm making this up?

You know, I'm supposed to make you forgive your dad before it's too late.

And this stupid angel didn't even tell me how to do that.

I looked him up.

Who? Your dad, Alphonse.

I didn't even find his address. Why would you do that?

I figured since you don't believe me, maybe he would.

You don't even care. C.J.

You were right, Miles.

I need to be there for him, and I don't know how.

You really think the God Account can help explain what's going on?

I do.

The story your son just told... it's true, isn't it?

It is, but you don't understand.

I never told a soul about what happened that night.

No one except for my coach knew, and he died 15 years ago.

Wait, so what are you saying?

I'm saying there's no earthly way C.J. could've known what he does, unless...

He's telling the truth.


How's he doing?

Watching a movie with Megan.

Did you tell her that that story might be true?

Not yet.

She already thinks we need to be in counseling to deal with this.

Maybe we should.

I sure as hell can't explain what's going on.

Maybe it doesn't matter.

If the God Account sent me C.J.'s name, then reconciling with Alphonse has to be possible.

It's not.

You're talking about forgiving the man who left me and my mother before I was born.

Corey, I know how difficult the idea of letting Alphonse back into your life may be, but we're talking about your son.

And if you can't do this for C.J., the fracture that is already happening between you two... it's only gonna grow.

And I know you don't want that to happen.

Of course not, but you're acting like forgiveness is some kind of choice.

Isn't it?

What if someone told you the only way you could help one of your Friend Suggestions was to believe in God?

I'm betting you couldn't do it even if you wanted to because it wouldn't be real.

I can't change how I feel about my father.

So what does the God Account expect to have happen here?

Honestly, man, I-I don't know.

This is usually the part where it steers me in the right direction, but it can't do that unless you fix what you did.

I know what I'm asking you to risk, but we're talking about your son.

Mr. Smith? Yes?

Special Agent Cutler, DCIS.

I need you to come with me. What's this about?

I just need to ask you some questions regarding unauthorized use of the DARPA mainframe.

Of course. Just give me a second.

Tell Megan what's going on. Have her call my lawyer.

Oh, and I know your friend is still dealing with that nasty bug.

Tell him to try a heat pack.

It might work.

Hey. Hey!

What's going on? I haven't seen you in a while.

I know. Wait, what's going on with you?

Miles didn't tell you. No.

My treatment worked.

My tumor has shrunk enough to schedule surgery.

Oh, my gosh, that's amazing. I'm so happy for you.

Thank you. I'm not out of the woods yet, but at least I can see a clearing.

We're having drinks tonight to celebrate.

I expect to see you there.

Of course. Yeah, I wouldn't miss that.

Um... do you think that I could talk to you about something without it being weird?


I'm guessing "weird" is code word for "Miles."

What's going on?

He wants to get back together.

He told you that?

No. No, he told someone else, and Adam found out and told me... right before he broke up with me.

Oh, wow.


And I take it you're here because you haven't talked to Miles about any of this?

I don't think that I can. Why not?

Because you don't feel the same way.

Look, if I tell him, he'll say that it's fine, but how can it be?

And I don't know what happens after that.

I mean, how can I trust that we'll make it through?

And I know that it's selfish, but I just...

I can't risk losing Miles in my life.

I get all of that. I do.

But there is nothing you can do to lose Miles... except not be honest with him.

I know my brother better than anyone.

His faith in people, his willingness to be there for them... it doesn't change with the ones he loves.

If anything, it only grows stronger.

If you want to trust something, trust that.

Yeah, you're right.

I'll talk to him.

Corey's in custody?

This is not good. We know that, Zack.

He's the only person who can save the God Account.

The guy that we infiltrated a top-secret think t*nk with is being questioned, and that's what you're thinking about?

Not us going to jail? Okay, guys, guys.

Corey is on our side, and he needs us to help his son.

Now, listen, before he left, he said that you should look into something called a "heat pack."

I don't know. Does that make any sense?

Zack, why didn't we think of that?

Do we have to come up with everything?

Guys, well, what's a heat pack?

A heat pack basically finds the point of the code that hasn't been infected yet and slices it off to protect it.

I'll start programming the markers, but we don't have a lot of time.

Okay, so how long is that gonna take?

Oh, it's gonna take a few hours just to code.

So, if you were hoping for a little God Account help to get Corey and Alphonse to reconcile, well, you're on your own for a while.

Well, considering that Corey's in custody, a family reunion right now seems impossible.


Ooh, hey, Dad.

Were you able to get in touch with Alphonse?

Not yet, but I am here with someone who needs to speak with you.

Who? Marsha.

She heard what happened to Corey.

Megan called and filled me in.

What the hell have you and your friends gotten my son into?

We didn't get him into anything, okay?

It was his idea to use the DARPA computer to hack the God Account.

I don't know how they found out or what they know.

Well, clearly, they know enough to send a federal agent to bring him in for questioning, which means we don't have many options.

Honestly, I don't think we have any.

This is the Department of Defense we are talking about here.

I don't know anyone who can help him.

There is one person...


How? He owns an insurance company.

There are things you don't know about him.

He didn't leave the service after Vietnam.

He was recruited to another branch of the government.

What branch? Central Intelligence Agency.

Wait, are you telling us that Alphonse used to be a spy?

I'm saying that Alphonse has friends in very high places, so you tell him his son needs him and he needs to fix this, whatever it takes.

When you spoke with Alphonse, did he say who he was gonna call to try to help Corey?

No, and I didn't ask.

He just said meet him here.

I can't believe he used to work for the CIA.

Clearly, there's a lot about Alphonse that we don't know.

Arthur. Miles.

I've spoken to some friends in the DOD.

They're trying to ascertain just how serious this is.

I think this is pretty serious.

I should hear something shortly.

I assume you have a few questions for me.

I'm not sure how many I can answer, but I can try.

Come on.

We confiscated your computer.

We know you were connected to the building's Wi-Fi at the time of the breach.

Which doesn't prove anything.

It's only a matter of time before we can.

You need to talk to me.

If it's all the same to you, I really prefer to wait for my lawyer.

So how long were you with the agency?

20 years.

20 years.

And I never knew you had this whole other life.

I wouldn't have been very good at my job if you did.


The kind of work I did, the security clearance I needed to maintain, it didn't allow me to be honest with the people in my life.

And that's why you left Marsha and Corey.

You had to choose between service and family.

I worked in counterintelligence.

I couldn't just walk away and put others at significant risk.

So why didn't Marsha ever tell Corey the truth about why you left?

The only truth that mattered was that I left.

And it was safer for everyone if he was insulated from what I did and who I was.

And that's why you never reached out to Corey growing up.

Yes, and by the time I left the agency, he was already grown.

I'd missed it all.

Hopefully... the life I chose... the life I gave him up for might at least be able to help him now.

This is the call I've been waiting for.

If you'll excuse me.

Once we open an official investigation, your career will be tarnished.

So let me ask you again... what do you know about the unauthorized use of the DARPA mainframe?

Your lawyer can't help you, Corey.

Special Agent Cutler. Yes, sir, we do.

I'm sorry?

No, but we do have...

I understand. Thank you, sir.

You're free to go. What?

On whose authority?

Office of the Inspector General.

I'm sorry. What's going on here?

What's going on is you clearly have friends in some very high places.

Corey's been released.

Ah. It was all circumstantial, and there should be no further investigation.

Thank you for calling me.

It was good seeing you, Arthur, Miles.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Where are you going?

You need to tell Corey what you did.

You need to tell him everything.

Wait, don't... don't you want to get to know your son?

More than anything, but there's some mistakes that can't be fixed.

This one can.

Your grandson, C.J., is my Friend Suggestion, and he wants the two of you to be reconciled.

Alphonse, you know how this works.

You know it's possible.

Miles, I...

What the hell are you doing here?

He's the reason why you're out.

You need to listen to what your father has to say.

I told you I didn't want to see him, and you decide to ambush me?

Just because my son is one of your Friend Suggestions doesn't give you the right to interfere in my life.

And you...

You have no right.

Whatever you did, it's too little, too late.

I know.

And I'm so sorry.

Hey, sweetie. I was just about to call you.

Everything's okay now, so I...


No. No, I have no idea.

No, it's okay.

It's okay. I'll call you back.

That was Megan.

She went to check on C.J., and he took off again.

Don't worry. We'll find him. And tell him what?

I can't do what the angel said it needs me to do.

Yes, you can. I know you can.

What are you talking about?

C.J. was in a coma, and when he came out, he claims he was visited by an angel who told him stories about the night of Corey's last football game.

We found him at my high school earlier today hoping it would... talk to him again.

He believes this angel told him what he needed to do.

I think I might know where he is.

How could you know that?

Because I visited C.J. one night when he was in his coma.

You did what? I went after hours so I wouldn't disturb you.

I told him things that I wanted him to know, things I needed to say.

It was my voice he heard.

I'm C.J.'s angel.

Haven't been here in a while.

Came here the night of my last game.

But you know that already. Yeah, I do.

And I know how I know, even if you don't believe me.

I believe someone came to visit you during your coma and told you those stories about me.

But it wasn't an angel, C.J.

Your father's right about that.

Hello, C.J. My name's Alphonse.

I'm your... grandfather.

So it was you?

You came to visit me in the hospital?

I did.

I heard you were in an accident and wanted to see you.

I had no idea you were able to hear me when I was telling you those stories.

Neither did I.

Well, I'm glad you did. Now I know I'm not crazy.

It's nice to finally meet you.

You too, son.

All right, it's getting late. Got to get you home.

Why don't we give your dad and your grandfather a second?

I don't understand.

All those stories you told C.J. about my last game... how did you know?

Because you were there, weren't you?

Is that true?

Yes, I was at your last game.

Here at the diner afterwards when you were celebrating with your friends.

Corey, I'd always followed your life from afar.

But just once, I wanted to see you play, see you up close for myself.

After all those years, why suddenly decide to come see me and not say anything?

I came here that night to do exactly that, hoping you'd give me a chance at the life I walked away from, but when I saw the amazing young man you'd become...

It was both the happiest and the most devastating night of my life because I knew I hadn't been a part of it.

And I realized I had no right to be, so I didn't say anything.

Thanks for helping me find my son.

After we drop C.J. off, we can head over to IdentitySeal, see if we can save the God Account.

He just needs a little more time.

I wish I had more to give him.

What do you mean?

Nothing. Thank you, Miles.

Hey. Hey.

What are you doing here?

Uh, I came down to find you guys to get an update on the God Account.

Well, the update is... thanks to Corey, the heat pack is launched and is looking for markers right now.


Okay, there we go.

The infected code has been removed from the chain.

We need to see how much damage has been done.

We're running a packet search.

It should tell us how bad it is.

What happened?

It's too late.

The bug already made it through to the main code.

Okay, well, there must be something we can do.

Come on, guys, you're supposed to be brilliant coders.

Fix this.

Well, the only way we could is if we had a piece of my original code to use as a patch, which we don't.

Ah, actually, now that you mention it... um...

I might have a piece of your original code.

And by "might," I mean I got...

I totally do have a piece of your original code.


You guys remember last year when Pria broke through the God Account's firewall?

Yeah. Yeah, at her penthouse.

Well, you know, I got a pretty good look at it and kind of used that to build the foundation for the Soul Mate App.

Wait, so your Soul Mate App is based on the same code as the God Account?

Part of it, you know.

I used it like a jumping off point, so I did all the heavy lifting.

Rakesh, are you saying that you can use the same code to rebuild the God Account?

Well, I don't want to make any promises, but, uh, you know, like you said, brilliant coders.

We're ordering dinner, aren't we?

Um, hey, can I talk to you? Uh, yeah.

Yeah, how about we meet at the Honeysuckle Rose later?

Yeah, sure. Okay.

Uh, you got a minute? Yeah.

Thanks for helping save the God Account.

Ah, a fair trade... you helping me out with C.J.

But what about DARPA? Is everything gonna be okay?

I think so.

Hey, do you know how Alphonse was able to get me out?

Turns out your dad worked for the CIA for 20 years.

The CIA?

That's why he left... to protect you and your mom from his life.

Doesn't change anything. Wait, Corey. I think it does.

But that's not what this is about.

Something bigger happened tonight, something that definitely changes everything.

Yeah? Like what?

Your son met his grandfather.

And we both know there's no taking that back.

Growing up in the Church, I heard a lot about miracles.

But tonight I actually saw one.

Now, I'm not talking about a burning bush or parting the Red Sea.

I'm talking about the miracles we create ourselves... the miracles we're able to give to one another, that change lives in a profound way.

I got your message.

I'm not sure why I'm here, though.

C.J. wants to get to know you.

If that's okay with you.

I'd like that.

I'd like that very much.

I told you that story about your dad.

I expect one about you in return.

One about me. Let's see.

And give us the closure we've always been looking for.

In today's world, we see technology as a modern-day miracle.

But only when we use it to help others can it become one.

Dude, we totally saved the God Account.

Seriously, Rakesh, I'm gonna need a raise.

When it reconnects us with people we needed to find to become the person we needed to be.

Hey, what are you doing here? Hey.

Thought you might want to go grab some dinner.

Oh, actually I was on my way to Honeysuckle.

Ali's having a little get-together before her surgery.

And I decided to tell Miles.

I think that's right. Yeah.

Hey, listen, there's something I need to talk to you about.

Paul's getting out on early release.

What? That's great. Yeah, it is.

But... it comes with a hard decision.

After everything that's happened, everything he was involved in... well, honey... we need a fresh start.

You're moving. We are.

But no matter how hard it is, when we choose to help or listen or forgive one another, those simple acts of kindness can change someone's life in a way that can only be described as... a miracle.

Alphonse, is everything okay?

Better than I could have hoped for.

May I come in? Yes, please.

I just came from seeing Corey and C.J.

I can't thank you enough. Hey, you don't need to.

You two have been a part of the God Account for a while.

And I think bringing you together was always a part of its plan.

If you ever figure out who's behind it, please pass along my profound gratitude.

Honestly, I've stopped looking.

It's kind of like C.J. and his angel... as long as I'm doing good, does it really matter who's whispering in my ear?

No, it doesn't.

Actually, can I... ask you something?


At the diner, you said you wished you had more time.

What did you mean by that?

I recently discovered something about my health that could make my reconciling with Corey... time-sensitive, so to speak.

That's why C.J. said he needed to bring you two back together before it was too late.

The thing is, I never mentioned anything about my health when I was talking to C.J. in his coma, so there's no way he could know.

So how did he?

I don't know.

It's more of a question for your father, I'd imagine.

Good night, Miles.