10x19 - The Handyman Can

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bob's Burgers". Aired January 2011 - current.*
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"Bob's Burgers" revolves around Bob who own a hamburger restaurant, and his family. Bob's burgers are really delicious and appear to be better than his rivals' but when it comes to selling burgers, his kids aren't really helpful, as more customers head over to their competitor.
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10x19 - The Handyman Can

Post by bunniefuu »

There she is. There's my growing girl.

The right one is a little bigger, just like Mom.

I call them "the twins."

The small one's Danny DeVito.

Kids, stop goofing around and start wiping those menus, or you're not going to the trampoline park next weekend.

I can't believe we finally get to go to I Gotta Take a Jump.

I know. Our lives are usually so sad.

I can't wait to finally own a pair of those fashion-forward trampoline socks.

Tramp socks!

Yeah, well, we had a pretty good month, and I kinda want to go, too.

I want to do that move where I land on my butt and then bounce back and land on my feet, like Marilu Henner.

Teddy still not here? I really need him to fix that light in the walk-in.

Aw, is it still flickering on and off every few seconds?

Yes, and I keep hitting my head.

Ooh. Ow. Crap!

Have you tried replacing the light bulb?

- That's my trick.
- Yes, Tina.

I tried that. It's not the light bulb.

It's some kind of electrical short-circuit wire... thingy.

- Look at you with all those words.
- JIMMY: Hey, Bob.

Saw you through the window with an ice bag.

Did you hurt yourself?

- Yes, Jimmy.
- Ha!

Just kidding, I don't care.

You're dumb. Bye-bye.

Bye yourself, Jimmy!

Go back to your restaurant,

- where you... work!
- (door opens, bell jingles)

- Damn it.
- Hi, Bob, Linda, kids.

Oh, Teddy, hi. Oh, no, what's wrong? You look all frowny.

Did you just realize that you eat here every day?

No, no. It's a long story.

Um, okay, well, do you think you could get started on the electrical stuff in the walk-in?

Yeah, I-I don't know, Bob.

You might want to ask someone else to do that for you.

Wait, really? Wh-Why wouldn't you just do it?

Eh, you know how I've been installing a ceiling fan and an outlet in Reggie's gazebo?

Yeah. Sure.

Yeah, well, I-I just found out that there was some kind of short, and it burned down.

- Aw.
- Luckily, everybody's okay.

But I really don't know how it happened.

All I know is that it was my fault.

It was all my fault!

(sobbing): It was all my fa...

Okay... okay, just take it easy, Teddy.

Bob, let him cry, he's upset.

I know, it's just, like, we're wasting napkins.

(blows nose noisily)

Now I don't know if I can trust myself.

I'm a danger to society.

I'm the opposite of a handyman. I'm a handy-sham.

Teddy, listen. You made a mistake.

Nobody's perfect. Like Ben Franklin.

He got electrocuted that one time, but he didn't stop doing whatever he was doing, right?

And now he's on an oats box.

- What?
- The point is,

Bob and I aren't worried, and we're still gonna hire you to fix the light in the walk-in, right?

- We-we will?
- Yeah.

Who else would do it?

I mean, it's not like we're gonna hire someone else.

- Right, Bob?
- Right.

Uh, Lin, can I talk to you in the kitchen?

I think we should hire someone else.

Bob, no.

I mean, he burned down a gazebo.

So what? Who hasn't?

Teddy's always done a good job for us.

We believe in him.

I mean, we believe in how inexpensive he is.

But maybe we call another guy just this one time.

Okay, but it's gonna cost us, like, two and a half Teddys.

Oh, right. This maybe means we can't afford to go to the trampoline park?

One of us should probably tell the kids.

- Not it.
- No!

ALL: What?!

Hey, you could jump right here. Right?

You don't need a trampoline.

You see? Look.


Oh, my knees. Oh, my boobs. Oh, my back.

- Oh, God.
- Sorry, kids.

Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob.

You don't want a real electrician.

Are you nuts? They're gonna point out all sorts of crazy stuff that's wrong with this place.

And your body.

You're too poor and too proud to fix any of that.

Yeah, you're right.

But I don't know if we have any other choice.

Teddy doesn't even want to do the job.

But if he says he will, then you'll let him?

I don't know. Maybe.

But what if he, uh, gets his groove back and-and feels better about himself?

And then you feel better about his electrical ability.

And by this time next week we'll be dead from bouncing so much, but what a way to go.

I still think we should call someone else.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just hold that thought, pal.

I'm gonna go fix up that fixer-upper.

- Tina, take his order.
- Okay.

- Hey, Teddy, you want a burger?
- (Teddy sighs)

I'm too sad to eat.
Maybe I'll have a burger.

Actually, could I get two?

Hey, buddy. Rough day, huh?

Listen, you can't beat yourself up

- over a little mistake.
- I burned down a gazebo.

Okay, that was a bad thing to do, but here's what you need to know.

You're the secret w*apon to this broken-down old pile of crap.

Right, guys?

Yeah. Not only do we need you to fix the walk-in, we're gonna need you to fix all kinds of stuff.

This place is messed up.

Also, Ken wants to solarize his party deck.

- Ah, I don't know.
- Teddy, think about it.

Who's gonna fix this place when, uh, we get the, um, the Hundred Year Storm?

Hundred Year Storm? What's that?

(scoffs) Are you serious?

You don't know about the Hundred Year Storm?!

No, I just said that.

Well, you better learn about it,

'cause they say it's coming.

They don't know when, but it's coming. Imagine.

The world is covered in water, no land in sight.

Society has completely broken down.

Society has completely broken down!

People scavenge on the surface, and things are wet and wild.

Blow on the sail, Harold.

Okay. (blowing weakly)

Do it better!

LOUISE: Thankfully, we still have our dependable, reasonably priced handyman Teddy to keep our business afloat, literally.

All done fixing the light down in the walk-in, Bob. Easy peasy.

Thanks, Teddy. And thanks again for converting the restaurant into a barge.

That was really helpful since the world is all water now.

No problem. Hey, has anyone seen my truck?

I parked it right out in front. (laughs)

Just kidding. It's gone. Everything's gone.

Wait, this is your pep talk, Louise?

The whole world is covered in water?

- Yeah, that seems sad.
- Unless you're a fish.

Then it's like, "I finally get to go to Disneyland."

But every room has an ocean view. That's nice.

Everybody just shush, shush, shush.

Some say that during the storm, all the candy in Wonder Wharf stuck together and formed a huge candy island.

People have looked for it, but no one's ever found it.

Until one day...

(straining) Hi, Louise.

I'd like to order two burgers to go, please.

You got it. Hope you like extra-wet buns.

Hey, have you considered putting them in a plastic bag?

I'm using those to hold all my People magazines.

Two burgers with extra-wet buns coming right up.

LOUISE: And that's when I see it.

A weird pattern on Rudy's back.

Huh, check out that weird pattern on Rudy's back.

It's not nice to talk about patterns on people's back...

Oh, wait, that's weird.

Yeah. I think it might be a map to Candy Island.

But just then we get a little visit from some pirates.

Puberty Pirates.

Well, well, well, look at what we have here.

Ugh, what do you want, Logan?

What do you think I want?

I want to snatch that little back-map boy and crown myself the king of Candy Island.

Back map? Who's he talking about?

Oh, oh, this back map.

Baby got back map.

Okay, so the world is gonna be covered in water and the restaurant's gonna be a barge?

Yes, and Teddy's the one who's gonna save us.

When the storm comes, having a great handyman is gonna be the difference between life and death, and us going to a trampoline park.

But that's unrelated! Forget I said anything about that.

- Teddy, look at me. Focus.
- Okay. Okay.

So, the Puberty Pirates have us cornered, just as we discover the map to Candy Island is on Rudy's back.

(straining): Get away.
Get away. Get away.

Back off, Logan. You're not taking Rudy and his tramp stamp anywhere.

Not even when he's old and we call it a gramp stamp.

Well, I guess there's only one way to deal with these shrimps: with shrimps.

Fire up the cannons, boys.

LOUISE: The pirates have cannons full of shrimp b*ll*ts.

- We all take cover.
- Aah, take cover! Shrimp b*ll*ts!!

GENE: No. Some of us are allergic.

LOUISE: As we get shelled by shellfish, the pirates grab the booty, which is Rudy, and speed off.

- Damn it!
- Actually, Louise, we might be able to catch them.

How, Teddy? We're on a barge.

Well, there's something I've been working on.

You know, just in case something like this ever happened.

LOUISE: Wh-What?!

That's amazing engineering and also great electrical wiring, Teddy.

And it looks completely safe.

Okay, hold on.


We chased after the pirates.

Hey, can I get a burger? Aah!

And it takes us no time to catch up.

But we also did a little tubing along the way, just 'cause it's fun.

All ri... ight!

LOUISE: As we pull up alongside...

LOGAN: Oh, it's you.

You want a little more shrimp cocktail?


GENE: Aah! No, thank you!

Oh, no, how are we gonna get on board to get the booty, which is Rudy?

Teddy, what do we do now?
You're so smart and capable.

Well, I've been working on another thing.

I don't know if this will help at all, but I took all the plumbing out, since the whole world's a toilet now, and I made these enemy ship-boarding poles.

Oh, like those things in

- Mad Max Fury Road?
- Yeah.

Which you definitely haven't seen, right?

No. I wouldn't even know how to stream that movie

- over and over with Mom's password.
- Oh, good.

Launch us, Teddy, you beautiful, handy bastard.

ALL: Whoa!

(Louise exclaims)

(Gene exclaims)


Everyone seems like they know what they're doing.

Aah! (grunts) I'm okay.


(Logan grunting)

(crying out)

(both grunting)

- (grunts)
- Nice to feel wanted.

Could you swing back and grab my inhaler?



Damn you and your super-confident handyman.

LOUISE: After that, we set sail for Candy Island, where we lived for the rest of our lives like taffy-covered royalty.

TINA: I think this is the beginning of a beautiful tummy ache.

GENE: Seems like the kind of place I could settle down.

Farm candy corn. Marry a gummy bear.

That's why we need you, and only you, Teddy, to be our handyman. The end.

Okay, I have a few questions.

I'm sorry, we're not taking questions at this time.

Well, I'm impressed.

I love how Teddy turned our restaurant into a barge to save us from the flood.

Like the guy in the Bible with all the pets.

Yeah. And you know what's easier than turning a restaurant into a barge?

Rewiring the walk-in. (chuckles)

What do you say we do that right now, Teddy, huh?

- You up for it?
- Uh, I really wish I could, Louise, but I don't think so.

Not after what happened to Reggie's...

Ah, I can't even say it.

- Gazebo.
- Aah! Yeah.

I-I'm not going anywhere near an electrical panel.

What if someone gets hurt?

Well, I guess that settles it.

I better start looking for an electrician.

Uh, it's the right call, Bob.

I just hope I don't get too jealous of your chemistry.

Wait, wait, hold on, Dad.

I have something to say, too.

- No.
- Bob.

Sorry. Okay, Tina, what do you want to say?

Teddy, you're such a good handyman.

You could do even more than turn our restaurant into a barge.

You got this, Tina.

Get us to that sweet trampoline dream.

What if there was an international incident?

Wh-What if the most important cultural figures of our time needed help?

Breaking news. We are just getting word that the world-famous boy band Boyz Now appears to be stranded at the top of Mount Everest, where they were sh**ting a music video for their newest single,

"I'll Love You Everest."

All rescue efforts have stalled due to the dangerous terrain.

And time, oxygen and catering are all running out.

Oh, no. Boyz Now are in trouble.

Oh, my God, my sweet, sweet Boo Boo! I mean...

(scoffs) Whatever.

I don't care. Calm down.


TINA: Luckily, our trusty and skilled handyman Teddy happens to be fixing something in the restaurant downstairs.

Hey, everybody, I fixed that light in the walk-in for you.

Took me, like, two seconds. No big deal.

Thanks, Teddy. Oh, and by the way, you look great.

Really toned.

Thanks, Bob. I've been doing a lot of

- leg lifts and things.
- I love it.

Yeah, I know. I look pretty good, right?

BOB: Wait.

- What?
- What?

Never mind. Keep going.

Hey, guys, make room on the couch for Teddy.

- Or I can just sit in your lap, Bob.
- Sure.

Uh-oh, Teddy, You forgot your seat belt.

(laughs) Oh, right.

- Got to put that on.
- Click.

(both laugh)

- (sighs)
- Oh, my God.

- Hey, Tina, what's wrong?
- (sighs)

Boyz Now is stuck at the top of Mount Everest.

They're probably cold and hungry and having tons of emotions right now.

I just feel helpless, stuck here with them all the way on the other side of the world.

Well, I've been working on a little project downstairs.

- I don't know if it'll help at all.
- Really? What is it?

Teddy, you're the best handyman in the world.

I'm sure whatever you're working on is gonna be incredible.

- Come here.
- (both grunting)

- (laughs)
- I just want to squeeze you.

Hey, Zeke, don't you think Tina's really interesting?

- (chuckles) Yeah.
- Cool.

- Dude. What?
- Whoa...

Hi, Zeke. Hi, Jimmy Junior.

What's happening, Tina?

Teddy turned our restaurant into a hot-air balloon.

He's really reliable and almost never makes mistakes.

TEDDY: Watch out. Restaurant coming through!

TINA: Okay, bye. I have to go to the Himalayas real quick.

JIMMY JR.: Uh, okay.

Himalayas? More like See-you-layas.

Go get it, girl!

Wow. So future Teddy is gonna put a hot-air balloon on top of the restaurant? He's so handy.

Yup. He's the best in the biz.

Teddy does all the handy jobs.

Gene, don't say "handy jobs."

And that's why it's no big deal for him to fix the light in the walk-in.

Instead of some expensive idiot.

Eh, I don't know, guys.

Every time I start to think maybe I can do this,

I picture Reggie's gazebo up in flames and Reggie on his knees crying like Tom Hanks in that movie where he loses his volleyball.

You'll have to be more specific.

Maybe it's time I hung up my tool belt.

I could always pick up shifts stocking shelves at the supermarket.

No one's gonna get hurt if I stock a can of soup wrong.

I mean, someone could get really hurt if it fell on them.

Oh, God, I didn't even think of that.

Okay, that's helpful. Thank you, Dad.

Maybe let's get back to my story?

- Sorry.
- So, as we're flying above the clouds, racing to the Himalayas as fast as we can, the Boyz Now guys struggle with the greatest challenge of all, friendship.

I told you guys mountains are too high.

Don't look at me. This was Boo Boo's idea.

I said we should go to a mountain.

I didn't say it had to be one of the Everests.

There's only one Mount Everest, Boo Boo.

Um, hey, Matt, your grandpa called. It's you.

- BOTH: Oh!
- Yeah. Yeah.

TINA: We arrive at the only Mount Everest.

But the winds are too high to land our balloon-staurant.

GRIFFIN: Look. Somebody came for us.

In a hot-air balloon. Who is that?

ALLEN: That's our biggest and most interesting fan,

- Tina Something.
- LINDA: Wait.

They don't know your name in your own story?

- That checks out.
- They meet a lot of people, okay?

It's fine. For a moment, it seems like we came all the way across the world for nothing.

Oh, God, please. Get us off this peak.

Or throw down a fajita wrap, no chipotle sauce, low-carb tortilla.

We don't have that.
We're a burger place.

Tina, make it happen.
It's frickin' Boo Boo!

We'll see what we can do!

Wait, Tina, I have an idea.

I-I've been working on something.

I don't know if it'll be helpful or not, but here goes.

TINA: Whoa.

- Is that a rescue booth?
- Wow!

You've out-Teddy'd yourself once again.

TEDDY: Boyz Now, your table for four is ready.

- Cool.
- Awesome.

TINA: But suddenly there's an avalanche.

You guys, hurry, there's an avalanche coming.

- Pretty dramatic twist, huh?
- Um, yeah, but if they're at the top of the mountain, wouldn't an avalanche get... Right? 'Cause...

- What do you mean? Av-Ava...
- Avalanches...

They happen... Avalanches happen on mountains, Dad.

- Right, but if they're... Uh, forget it.
- Yeah, Bob.

- Avalanches happen on mountains.
- All right. Keep going.

Save Boo Boo! The others don't matter!

TINA: With Teddy's brilliant invention and strong legs, the Boyz Now barely miss the avalanche, which was at the top of the mountain, 'cause that

- can totally happen.
- GRIFFIN: You saved us all.

Yeah, that's what I said to do. "Save them all."

Hey, here's a crazy idea I just came up with:

What if we sh**t our music video in this hot-air balloon fajita restaurant?

You think you could help us, Tina S-Something?

Are you asking me to direct your music video?

Kind of.

TINA: And that's how I won the Academy Award for music videos.

And lastly and most importantly,

I'd like to thank our handyman Teddy, who can definitely handle electrical stuff.

The end. Great job, Teddy, great job, Tina.

Wow. I didn't even know I knew how to do that stuff, but now that I know, I can totally see how I knew.

So, are you ready to fix the light in the walk-in?

Um, uh...

No, no, no. I-I can't do it.

- I-I just mess everything up.
- (groans)

Uh, Teddy, I think I'm gonna go ahead and, uh, make the call

- to the electrician.
- (sighs)

It's for the best, Bob.
I-I can't watch, though.

Wait, stop, stop, stop.

- Father, stop.
- Ow, Gene. Easy.

I need to say something before you make that call.

- Okay.
- To Teddy.

- Uh-huh.
- This Teddy.

Yes, Gene, I know.

Teddy, you're gonna do great things in this restaurant.

Just like Louise and Tina said.

But nothing is greater than what I'm about to tell you that you are going to do.

Thanks for getting us this pet lizard, Father.

Yeah. He's our first child.

Ah, don't mention it.

I, uh, basically love you guys, you know.

Jimmy, stop dumping your nasty old sauce in the storm drain.

It stinks up the whole block.

Aha! Joke's on you, Bob.

This sauce isn't old, it just smells old.

(laughs) Idiot.

GENE: That evening, the lizard gets away, even though

Andy and Ollie are staring right at it.


GENE: He makes his way into the storm drain, where he's exposed to super nasty, old-smelling, possibly radioactive pizza sauce.

He starts to grow and grow and grow, until he becomes... Pizzilla!

LINDA: Oh, I love it. It's the pizza that eats you.


GENE: Pizzilla stomps through the city streets, leaving destruction and terror in his path.

Not only did Jimmy Pesto's nasty sauce mutate him into a huge monster, it also mutated something else: his farts.

- (farts)
- (growls)


- Don't hurt him!
- He's our son!

GENE: Luckily, our trusty handyman Teddy is with us.

Hey, Bob, Linda, I fixed that light in the walk-in.

Easiest job I ever...

Teddy, don't worry about that right now.

We've got bigger problems.

What do you mean? What's going on?

There's a giant lizard destroying the city.

And he's making his way toward the restaurant.

Should we recommend a better restaurant?

I can't believe this is how we're gonna go.

I always thought I'd grow old and sexy like the grandma from Who's the Boss?

If only there was some way to fight this thing.

We're just a tiny restaurant with no real combat capabilities.

That's when Teddy comes clean.

He wasn't just a handyman like we thought.

He was a genius.

Actually, there's something I need to tell you guys.

While I've been doing odds and ends around the restaurant,

I've also been working on something else.

- A little side project.
- Like a rap album?

No. Just something I planned in case something

- like this lizard thing ever happened.
- Oh.

GENE: And just like that, before our very eyes, we watched the restaurant transform into a lizard-fighting


Each of us operates a different part of the machine.

Mom and Tina in the arms, Louise and Dad in the feet, me in the head, and Teddy is our eyes and ears in the butt.

Teddy gives us all a somewhat long and detailed but still very helpful tutorial on how to work the robot's buttons.

Uh, this button makes it squat.

This one does silly wrists.

This one is a "Oh, no, you didn't."

And, uh, all the others are for fighting.

ALL: Robo-burger-bot, engage!

GENE: And we're off to defeat the drain lizard.

Let's go drain that lizard.

GENE: The battle rages for hours, the two giants evenly matched, crushing buildings and sending people running in terror.

(wails) I'm totally in terror.

GENE: But the lizard's flatulence

- is its most effective w*apon.
- (farts)

- Ugh!
- (all groaning)

- Oh, God. Oh, pew.
- Oh!

GENE: That's when Teddy has one of his great handyman ideas.

Wait. I think I know what to do.

I just got to wire this one thing together with this other thing really quickly and safely.

It just might be our last shot.

Now we just got to hope it takes the bait.



- Yes!
- GENE: It works!

Teddy knows the only thing that could stop the lizard was the power of farts and laughing about farts.

The lizard stops attacking and pulls the robot's finger over and over and over and over and over!

- Uh, okay, Gene. We get it.
- Anyway, Robo-burger-bot and Pizzilla become best friends who spend all their time splashing in the ocean, pulling each other's fingers, and farting and laughing. The end.

And that's why we need you to fix the light in the walk-in...

- I'll do it.
- Oh. Oh.

- Wait, what?
- That's what did it for you?

- Yeah.
- Really?

The lizard and robot farting on each other?

That's what changed your mind?

I-I don't know. All of them.

All of these stories made me feel a little bit better.

I guess it just helps to know that you guys really believe in me.

And it makes me, you know, believe in myself.

Aw, you see? All you needed was a little pep talk.

A little handyman-yes-you-can.

Yeah. You don't need a licensed contractor.

I mean, if we could afford it, we would...


You just need someone with a good heart and good ideas,

- like me.
- Yep, yep. Right.

You know what? I'm gonna call Reggie and tell him

I'm gonna build him a bigger and better gazebo, no problem.

Reggie? Hi. It's... Oh. Got it.

No, I know. Okay. Bye.

Yeah, he's still pretty mad at me.

You're not gazee-bros yet?

No, Gene. We're not gazee-bros yet.

Well, I better go grab my tools and get started on that walk-in, huh?

I'll get to that robot hot-air balloon barge stuff later.

- (door opens, bell jingles)
- Good job, kids.

I guess you win. And we all... lose?

Our restaurant's probably gonna burn down now, but at least you get to go to the trampoline park.

- Yes! - Yay!
- I'm gonna dislocate something and I can't wait to see what it is!

♪ Girl, you're at the top of my world ♪

♪ The view from up here's the best ♪

♪ So cute in your puffy vest ♪

♪ Girl, you're higher than all the birds ♪

♪ The one I could never get ♪

♪ I'll love you for Everest ♪

♪ I want to climb with you in the snow ♪

- ♪ Even if it gives me a cold ♪
- Achoo.

♪ Don't care if my lips turn purple ♪

♪ Girl, you'll always be my Sherpa ♪

♪ Girl, you're at the top of my world ♪

♪ The view from up here's the best ♪

♪ So cute in your puffy vest ♪

♪ Girl, you're higher than all the... ♪
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