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02x03 - Let's Make a Deal

Posted: 04/27/20 06:46
by bunniefuu
CRU - Street

Cappie is down car. Pledges are busy to push it...

Little girl : Move out of the way!

Cappie : Speed kills! She's getting away. Put your backs into it.

Ben Bennett : What's a hernia feel like?

Gonzo : When's Cappy gonna realize that the Broncosaurus isn't gonna start again ever.

Cappie : I heard that.

Rusty : I know you love her. But maybe it's time extinction ran its course?

Cappie : I didn't give up on her when the engine blew, when the backseat caught on fire or when I crashed her into a bog.

Rusty : There's bogs in Ohio?

Cappie : I'm not giving up on her now. Besides, I'm assuming you pledges will be needing her for your monthly supply run to Cost Club, since none of you have cars of your own.

Rusty : But it's 15 miles.

Cappie : The house is woefully low on essentials like moisturizer and butt paper, and I'm sick of stealing it from the sorities. Powder fresh scent makes me chafe.

Ben Bennett : Dude, borrow your sister's car.

Rusty : She'll never go for it.

Gonzo : Why not?

Rusty : When I was 16, I borrowed her car for my DMV test, and I ended up in a grocery store parking lot and I ran over one of the coin-operated horse rides.

Gonzo : Was there a kid on it?

Rusty : No.

Ben Bennett : Then who cares?

Rusty : Casey cared. She doesn't trust me. She never will. I'm also not allowed to install her software or touch her dolls. It's a long story.

Pickle : But you're her brother.

Rusty : Her little brother and she's likely to never see me as anything but that.

Cappie : Less chat, more push. We need more momentum for the hill.

Rusty : I'll ask to borrow her car.

EXT. ZBZ HOUSE – Front door

The postman rings. Someone opens the door...

Postman : Here you go.

A girl : Thank you.

A few minutes later...

Rebecca : Mail call.

Casey : Thanks, Pledge Logan.

Rebecca goes back...

Ashleigh : I hope it's something good.

Casey : She's really starting to embrace her pledge duties and it only took her 7 months.

Ashleigh : No. Not good. It's my credit card bill!

Casey : Ok. We knew this day was coming.

Ashleigh : Be gentle, Credit Plus. This is my first... 1300?

Casey : Dollars?

Ashleigh : And 27 cents. I'm gonna be sick.

Casey : Ok. Don't panic. Just pay the minimum and live to fight another month.

Ashleigh : It doesn't say anything about a minimum.

Casey : Ash. This is a charge card, not a credit card. You have to pay off the entire balance each month.

Ashleigh : But it's called Credit Plus, not Charge Plus! They lied. My parents're gonna k*ll me. They're gonna take away my allowance.

Casey : We can deal with that.

Ashleigh : They're gonna make me get a job, which means I won't have as much time to devote to the house.

Casey : We can deal with that too.

Ashleigh : Which means no more social chair.

Casey : That we cannot deal with. The office of social chair is more important than vice-president!

Ashleigh : Yeah. Of America!

Doorbell rings. Omega Chis come in...

Dino : Afternoon, ladies. As president of Omega Chi, I have an announcement.

ZBZ girl : I thought Evan was the president of Omega Chi.

Frannie : No, Dino's always been president. Evan's the pledge educator. You need to pay more attention.

Dino : This Saturday evening is our Casino Night.

Evan : The 20 dollar cover goes to charity and gets you 2,000 dollars of fake gambling money. However, there is a real 2,000 dollar pot for whichever player wins the most chips by midnight. All right, gentlemen, whip out your decks.

Calvin : Bring your A-game, ladies, because the best card sharks in the Greek system will be there.

Casey : You are the luckiest girl in the world.


OMEGA CHI HOUSE – Evan’s room

Calvin : So, today's the day.

Evan : I think today's the day. I'm meeting my mom in a few minutes.

Calvin : I guess the car my dad gave me after graduation was the closest thing to a trust fund I'll ever see.

Evan : So, is it a lot?

Calvin : No, don't answer that. Just give me a hint. No, don't do that, either.

Evan : I have been waiting for this day, well... since forever.

Calvin : I mean, haven't you been rich since... well, forever?

Evan : My parents have, but this is my money, my freedom. I'll be able to do anything. I can go off the map. I can do whatever I want. Escape the Chambers prison.

Calvin : Sounds like a rich kid thing. "The Chambers prison." What does that look like? Diamond latrines and bars made from gold?

Evan : Nope, but with my trust fund I can probably build you one of those.

ZBZ HOUSE - Hallway

Rusty : Hey case. That's a cool shirt. Where did you get it?

Casey : Why? You going shopping?

Rusty : No, I was just paying a compliment to my super-awesome sister.

Casey : What do you want?

Rusty : Your car.

Casey : No.

Rusty : Come on.

Casey : We have a good thing going here. A year ago if someone asked me what your favorite color is I would have assumed you were colorblind, given the way you dress. Now I know it's brown.

Rusty : Actually, it's green.

Casey : My point is, let's cherish and protect our new relationship, not muck it up with something like sharing things.

Rusty : 2 hours. That's all I need.

Casey : Rusty. 2 hours was all you need for your driver's test, remember?

Rusty : I knew you'd bring that up.

Casey : It took 4 produce men and 5 quarters to get my car off that horse. I had to take the school bus for a week.

Rusty : It was one honest mistake.

Casey : Your sketchy history spans decades. What about my Cabbage Patch Drink'N'Wet Newborn?

Rusty : Your stupid doll that could pee?

Casey : You filled her with cranberry juice. That doesn't look like pee.

Rusty : I was six years old. I was six!

Casey : Or the time that you erased my online'N Sync diary.

Rusty : I was 12. I'm 18 now.

Casey : Oh my God. Six, 12, 18. Six, six, six. This explains everything.

Rusty : Stop treating me like a kid! Or Damien. I'm a grown up. When are you gonna see that?

Casey : I see you just as you are. As my little brother who's not borrowing my car.


Cappie repairs his car...

Cappie : Wade? Are you waxing again?

Rebecca : I'd be offended if Wade didn't have such great legs.

Cappie : I haven't talked to you in a few days.

Rebecca : Sorry. I've been busy. House stuff. You should really put this poor truck out of its misery. It's a total POS.

Cappie : And by that I can only assume you mean "total piece of super-badass".

Rebecca : It's not looking too badass right now. There's been a lot of stuff going on lately with my family and Spring Break. Just a lot of drama.

Cappie : I love drama. Remember when Locke blew open the hatch? Finally?

Rebecca : I don't want my family stuff to weigh us down. So I've decided to keep that part of my life over there and this part of my life over here. Focus only on fun when I'm with Cappie.

Cappie : I love fun, too. Whatever you want.

Rebecca : Casino Night at Omega Chi tomorrow night. Wanna go?

Cappie : With Evan and the Chipmunks? Is that a pitch for fun or drama?

Rebecca : Good point. Hmm... Cap ? You know What you're doing?

Cappie : Does this look like a transmission to you?

Rebecca : OK. Let's go. Fun awaits.

Cappie : Wait, wait.

Cappie locks his car...

ZBZ HOUSE – Ashleigh & Casey’s room

Ashleigh : Let's go with The Zen of 21.

Casey : You know, we only need one book, right? How did you afford all these? You put them on your credit card?

Ashleigh : Charge card! Who cares? We're gonna win.

Casey : Maybe we should learn how to play 21 first, then get cocky. We each get two cards and the one closest to 21 wins.

Ashleigh : Do you have a queen?

Casey : This isn't Go Fish. You hit if you want more.

Ashleigh : OK. Hit me. Hit me again. Again. Come on.

Casey : Forty-two!

Ashleigh : I got double blackjack.

Casey : No. You busted.

Ashleigh : What? They make it look so easy in that movie,21.

Casey : But they weren't just adding cards. They were counting them.

Ashleigh : Too bad we can't fly in a geek from MIT to teach us how.

Casey : No, but maybe we could find a geek a little closer to home.

EXT. CRU - Street

Evan’s Mom : Your father and I are so excited about your plans for the future. Harvard. The Senate. We just want to make sure you remain on that path. It's an incentive trust.

Evan : But Mom, can't you just trust that I'm gonna stay on that path? I mean, those things, I've wanted those my entire life. Isn't that enough?

Evan’s Mom : Of course it is, but Evan, this is a lot of money. And you didn't expect us to just hand it over after your brother's debacle?

Evan : But I'm not Patrick. I'm focused.

Evan’s Mom : So was Patrick. It seems when kids your age receive this much money it can provoke some fairly ridiculous responses, and we just want some peace of mind. As a future lawyer, I'm sure you can understand that. Which is why we've included certain lifestyle provisions.

Evan : And what are those? How old I have to be before I'm allowed to get married?

Evan’s Mom : Well, actually, yes. Not before you're 25, which I can't imagine you were planning on, anyway. You aren't hoping to rush to the alter with that blonde Casey, are you?

Evan : She and I are done.

Evan’s Mom : Sorry to hear that.

Evan : And what if I do choose to pull a Patrick and do something different with my life? Would you sue me?

Evan’s Mom : Don't be petulant, Evan. If you chose to do something else you'd be wasting a tremendous amount of potential and you would lose your trust fund. If you're not prepared to invest in us, then how can you expect us to invest in you?

Evan : I need to think about this.

Evan’s Mom : All right. Look it over and let us know.

CRU – Rusty & Dale’s room

Rusty : I'll have to call you back.

Casey : Hey !!! There's my little... big... brother! You busy?

Rusty : I'm kinda in the middle of something.

Casey : We need to learn how to count cards.

Rusty : There are 52 in a deck.

Ashleigh : We were thinking more like in that movie.

Rusty : Like "counting" counting? The MIT guys?

Casey : Yes. Do you know how?

Rusty : It can't be that hard. I turned down MIT. Why do you need to learn to count cards?

Casey : It's not for me, it's for Ash. And the folks at Credit Plus.

Rusty : I don't know. You know, with my sketchy history with peeing dolls and horses...

Ashleigh : I won't ask.

Casey : OK, assuming you're every bit the math geek we need, you can borrow my car for one hour.

Rusty : Two hours.

Casey : Fine, fine. But only if Ash wins Casino Night.

Rusty : You got a deal.

Ashleigh : Yay !!! Cartwright powers, activate.

Casey : Oww !! You always squeeze so hard!

Rusty : No, I don't.

Casey : Yeah, you do.

A few minutes later...

Rusty : I think you're distracting my floormates from their studies.

Ashleigh : It's like I'm their queen. I'm gonna come here every time I feel down.

Casey : Can we get back to this? I haven't learned a thing.

Rusty : Maybe if you applied yourself a little more, like you didn't do in algebra.

Casey : Or you in your driver's test, Damien.

Rusty : I hate that you keep bringing that up.

Casey : And I hate being talked down to.

Ashleigh : Children!

Rusty : It's simple math.

Casey : "Simple math" is an oxymoron, whereas you're just a...

Ashleigh : 10 minute break. Everybody out of the pool.

Casey : You know what? Forget it. We're out of here.

Rusty : What about the car?

Ashleigh : What about my debt? I’m sorry that you think your brother is the demon seed but I need 13 hundred dollars and 27 cents.

Casey : The deal is off. We'll formulate a Plan B. No more deals with the devil boy.

Max comes...

Max : Hey I got your note. Sorry. I'm car-less. Also, I'm sorry about your sister. She sounds terrible.

Rusty : Max, this is my sister, Casey, and her friend, Ashleigh.

Max : Hi.

Rusty : Do you know anything about counting cards?

Max : Counting cards? Yeah. Why?

Ashleigh : 'Cause there's this big fraternity Casino Night tomorrow. I'm trying to win two grand.

Max : It's just keeping track of the ratio of high cards to low cards. A fraternity wouldn't use six decks like a real casino so there's even less to keep track of. I'd say two decks, tops. Anyone can count that. Bye.

Max goes back...

Casey : Almost anyone.

Rusty : Wait. Casey, wait. I need a car. Don't go anywhere. Max? Max, hold up. If I help them win the money Casey's gonna loan me her car. But in order to help them win the money, I need to teach these two how to count cards. Can you help me?

Max : I don't think so.

Rusty : Case. What if it's me and Max? He gets... What do you want?

Casey : 5%?

Max : 10%?

Rusty : 10%? And we get his knowledge.

Casey : Fine. Welcome aboard, Max.

OMEGA CHI HOUSE – Evan’s room

Frannie : Evan. These deal points aren't that bad.

Evan : I can't even get married till I'm 25.

Frannie : Should I be flattered?

Evan : You know, it's not the rules. It's the finality. I'm 21, and the idea of legally committing the rest of my life to the order of a document... it's a little daunting.

Frannie : Why did you want to go to law school in the first place?

Evan : It's all I've ever wanted. My grandfather attended Harvard Law. My father attended Harvard Law.

Frannie : So, your family influenced this path?

Evan : It's not the same thing.

Frannie : What's so different? Either way you're set for life. Why get cold feet now?

Evan : I don't know. What if I want to go off the map and be someone else?

Frannie : Like who? You're Evan Chambers. You're going to be on the map no matter where you are. Might as well make it a treasure map.

CRU – Car Dealer

Cappie : Feel like I'm cheating on Broncosaurus.

Rebecca : A guy can still look, right?

Cappie : What's that, KITT? You say you want me to buy you? You say together we can fight the forces of evil? Affirmative, Cappie. We can use my grappling hook to steal the Omega Chi wet bar. Becks, did you hear that? He likes wet bars too.

Rebecca : Then let's get it. Or him.

Cappie : Too bad I can't afford him.

Rebecca : I can buy it for you.

Cappie : It's a car.

Rebecca : According to you, he's your crime fighting partner to be. Come on, let's have fun.

Cappie : There's this whole thing called the male ego.

Rebecca : Calm down, caveman. My father's been trying to buy my love lately and this seems a good place for him to start. It's a gift. But if it makes your ego feel better you can always pay me back in trade.

Cappie : Trade? That's gonna be a lot of sex.

Rebecca : I know.

Cappie : Think I can make an advance deposit?

CRU – Max’s room

Max : Ok. Tens through kings, minus one. Aces are minus two. The more of these left in the deck, the better. Cards two through six are plus one. A lot of these left, not good. Bet small amounts.

Casey : I knew it wouldn't be that complicated. You're a good teacher.

Rusty : Yes. It's easy when you pay attention.

Casey : Did you say something, Damien?

Rusty : Car. Car. Car.

Max : So let's try one. Start with dollar bets. They're the Flintstones Chewables. Don't bet the horse pills till the count gets to plus seven.

Casey : Can I split these?

Max : Yes. But not if I'm showing a ten. Unless you're a complete dweeb.

Casey : Like Rusty. Minus three?

Ashleigh : Minus 2?

Rusty : Plus three. Minus three? With all the low cards showing? Who's the dweeb now?

Casey : Shut up, Little Man Tate.

Ashleigh : Are we gonna have to have another time out?

Max : OK. Round two. Ready?

Rusty : Begin.

Ashleigh : You're going too fast. I'm getting card sick.

Max : Who's got it? Rusty, put your hand down.

Casey : Plus 7? So now we bet big.

Max : We bet huge.

Ashleigh : We're so gonna win. If all we're doing is increasing our odds, won't adding more players better our percentage? What? I totally get percentages. Why don't you guys come with us?

Max : To a fraternity party?

Rusty : An Omega Chi fraternity party?

Casey : Another half hour in the car and we'll add another five percent. We'll consider it an advance against your expenses.

Max : Expenses?

Casey : Do you own anything that doesn't look like you want to climb a mountain?

CRU - Shop

Rusty : Thanks for including me on the deal. I love my sister but when I try to explain anything to her, it's like we're polystyrene and polybutadiene.

Max : More like polyvinylchloride and polyurethane.

Rusty : No wonder you worked for NASA.

Casey : The grey or black?

Ashleigh : Black, but with a red tie. No. Wait, green.

Casey : Why green?

Ashleigh : The color of money.

Casey : You're a genius. More.

Rusty : I'm so sorry for Casey. She's so annoying. Just roll with it.

Max : No, it's fine.

Casey : Try these on.

Max : Right here?

Casey : Just put them on over your cargo shorts.

Max : Really?

Rusty : Trust me, Max. Resistance is futile.

Casey : Let's just see if that jacket matches. There you are. Snazzy.

Max : Me?

KT HOUSE – Living room

Heath : Does this make you a kept man?

Cappie : She's just buying me a car, that's it.

Wade : Be careful, Cap. Reese and Ryan. Madonna and Guy. All wealthy women in history who could afford to buy their men.

Cappie : OK, would you simmer down, Us Weekly, she's not trying to buy me.

Heath : This one girl I used to pretend to date, she got to choose all the movies because she paid. I lost years of my life watching nothing but chick flicks. Euro Trip? Never seen it. Ella Enchanted? 16 times.

Wade : I think I read somewhere that Julia Roberts literally owns Danny Moder.

Heath : Smart investment. He's hot.

Wade : I wonder how he doesn't feel beneath her, you know?

Cappie : OK, guys, Rebecca's not trying to control me or buy me. She's been through a lot lately.

Wade : We're trying to get back to some reality-free fun. I thought you were way too different to make it for the long haul, but I guess I was wrong. You really got to like the girl a lot to take a car. There's no breaking up after that.

Cappie : Nope. No breaking up.

OMEGA CHI HOUSE – Evan’s room

Evan : So, the Bentley GTC is amazing, but the Iron Man Audi is just plain disgusting. I hear they literally raise the cows in the shape of the leather seats.

Calvin : All you have to do is drive only to the places you're allowed to go. I'm sure it's worth it for a few dollars.

Evan : Try a few million.

Calvin : I told you not to tell me.

Evan : Why did you rush Omega Chi? That's right, your dad told you to.

Calvin : My dad didn't make me sign a contract. I still maintain some semblance of freedom.

Evan : Freedom's an illusion.

Calvin : Frannie said that, 'cause I just got goosebumps.

Evan : Come on.

Calvin : I know. You like her. I'm sorry. It's just that this is a huge decision. I'd hate to see you at 40 regretting a choice you made at 21.

Omega Chi guy : Calvin, get down here.

Calvin : That's my cue. I got a pit to boss.

Evan : All right, let's go.

OMEGA CHI HOUSE – Casino Party

Casey : Ash, you and Rusty take that table. We'll go over there.

Ashleigh : Happy counting.

Casey : Follow me.

Betsy : Hi. I'm Betsy.

Max & Casey : Hi, Betsy.

Betsy : I've been playing at this table for two hours and loving it. That's because I don't need alcohol to have a good time. I'm high on life.

Max : Cherish every moment.

Casey : That's very sweet.

Croupier : Twenty-two. You bust.

Betsy : Son of a bitch! I gotta win that back. Deal me again. Let's go.

Evan : What are you doing here?

Cappie : I heard this was for the Omega Chi's official charity. Erectile dysfunction. A terrible affliction. I know how much you guys want to b*at it.

Evan : The cover just went up to 120.

Calvin : Come on. He's got the cover. Let him play.

Cappie : Thank you.

Croupier : Here you go.

Calvin : Cap. Don't steal our booze.

Rebecca : You're here! Why'd you change your mind?

Cappie : And miss all the fun?

Croupier : Place your bets.

Rebecca’s cellphone rings...

Rebecca : Hello? I can't. That's between you two. I'm at a party. I'll call you tomorrow.

Cappie : Everything all right?

Rebecca : Of course. It has nothing to do with us.

Waiter : Here you are.

Croupier : Blackjack!

Cappie : Yes !

Rebecca : Right on.

Croupier : You're tipping me with fake money?

Cappie : Yes, but the feelings are real.

Rebecca : You keep this up you'll be able to get satellite radio for your new car. Assuming you didn't want the super retro tape Deck you already have.

Cappie : Double down.

Casey : Yeah. Looks like someone's gonna win their 15 percent.

Max : I'll probably just take five percent. Your friend needs it more.

Rusty : Excuse me. We have a problem.

Casey : Calm down, Chicken Little. The sky's not falling.

Ashleigh : Yes, it is. It's Jason. He's b*ating all of us put together.

Casey : Oh, my god. The dork in the Travis suit?

Jason : Yes!

Max : Is Travis a designer?

Casey : No, he's Ashleigh's evil ex. Jason is his clone from the shallow end of the gene pool.

Rusty : That's kind of harsh.

Ashleigh : He said polymers are as interesting as a dirt sandwich.

Rusty : A dirt sandwich that's found in almost every adhesive.

Max : And lubricant on the planet. Stupid knuckle-dragging astrophysics.

Casey : Is he counting cards too?

Rusty : His winning percentage is higher than ours. His bets are mathematically insane. He's got to be cheating.

Casey : How ?

Rusty : Sunglasses?

Jason : It's got to be.

Ashleigh : X-ray vision? No way.

Rusty : He's marking cards.

Max : It's probably a substance on his fingers that he can see with his glasses.

Rusty : I read about that in one of my 21 books, so if we don't stop Jason there's no way we can win for sure.

Ashleigh : Then Caseys and gentlemen, I think it's time for a little sting.

Ashleigh : Allow me.

Jason : Ashleigh! What do you want?

Ashleigh : I wanted to apologize.

Jason : Why? 'Cause you realize the last time I saw you, you were a total loon?

Ashleigh : I'm trying to be nice now.

Jason : I should pay attention here.

Ashleigh : But I want to apologize, maybe rekindle our friendship.

Jason : Seriously?

Ashleigh kisses Jason taking something from his jacket...

Ashleigh : Only if we can be friends... with benefits.

Casey catches this thing to give it to Rusty...

Calvin : Warned her bout that credit card.

Rusty : It's actually a charge card. New deck.

Calvin : Yeah. Just like you asked. So which ones do we mark?

Rusty : The twos, threes and fours. So when he thinks he's getting a high card he's getting a low one, baby.

Calvin : Don't call me baby.

Rusty : Right.

Croupier : You're a winner.

Cappie : Chicken dinner. What the hell does that mean?

Rebecca : I don't know. I want to play.

Cappie : Let's not jinx my system.

Rebecca : What gives?

Cappie : What do you mean?

Rebecca : Well, this is just for fun, right? If you don't win I can just get you a satellite radio.

Cappie : I don't want the radio.

Rebecca : I would. Terrestrial bites.

Cappie : Or the car. I just want to get some money and fix the Broncosaurus.

Rebecca : OK. I can pay to have that fixed, too. I just thought...

Cappie : I got it. And that's blackjack.

Frannie : Hey. Why aren't you playing?

Evan : I'm down to my last 45 dollars.

Casey : Sister.

Frannie : Casey. Casey has a warped sense of sibling relationships. I'm starting to understand her brother better. Ever since I came back to the house I've done nothing but support her, advise her constantly, and this is the thanks I get.

Evan : Maybe you should stop being so nice. Just get back in the game.

Frannie : Well, maybe you're right.

Cappie : Blackjack!

Frannie : What's going on? You still thinking about the trust fund?

Evan : Yeah. You know, growing up, I was always referred to as the oungest of the Chambers sons. When I came to Cyprus-Rhodes, I thought I could be my own man and not just an extension of my family.

Frannie : You sound like you're about to break into song. I mean, everyone comes to college wanting to exert their independence, Evan. To have fun...

Evan : Right now college doesn't seem like much fun.

Frannie : Don't confuse a fake casino in a fraternity house with real life. Stop gambling with fake chips. What reason do you seriously have to go off the map? You have a trust fund and a birthright. Embrace it. Come on.

Evan : Where are we going?

Frannie : To be the center of attention. That will make you feel better.

Omega Chi guy : All right, everybody. Listen up. It's almost midnight and we are down to the final high rollers.

Calvin : High rollers, you ready to gamble?

Jason : Yeah. It's time to get paid, y'all.

Cappie : Big money, big money. No whammies.

Casey : Jason, if you're so confident, why not just bet it all?

Jason : Are you crazy? I'll bet half, Carrie.

Casey : It's Casey.

Max & Cappie : It's Casey.

Max : So, I heard you compared polymer science, to dirt sandwiches.

Jason : Well, it's just that we astrophysicists, we discuss big things. Like the string theory of matter.

Max : We work with real world stuff, like self-healing rubbers.

Jason : Get out.

Cappie : Seriously? Any chance that'd hit stores before Christmas?

Rusty : Not those kinds of rubbers, Cap.

Cappie : Tease.

Jason : Hey, polymer boy. How much you want to bet I get a 21? I'll double down.

Rusty : Hey, Jason?

Rusty shows him something written in his arm...

Jason : Wait. I thought you had a ten.

Calvin : Why would you think that? And ten makes 18. Max and Casey push. Rusty wins. Better Luck next time to our friend, Jason, who's out.

Casey : Yes.

Jason : Come on, Ashleigh.

Ashleigh shows him something written in her chest...

Calvin : Don't ever let me catch you in here again.

Cappie : That's pretty awesome, Cal. By the way, I won.

Calvin : It's too close to call. We'll play one more hand.

Omega Chi guy : One minute to midnight. It all comes down to this hand.

Casey : OK, the deck's minus two, which means crazy low card time. Let's play it safe and keep our lead.

Max : Let's split these aces.

Calvin : Splitting aces?

Casey : Not safe. Calvin has a ten. He probably has a 20.

Max : This will work. High risk, high reward.

Casey : Remember splitting aces? Ten? Complete dweebs? Rusty?

Max : Hit this one. And this one. Split them again.

Rusty : Max!

Calvin : Sorry, guys.

Rusty : Nineteen, 17, 18. That's...

Casey : Bad if Calvin has a ten.

Max : I gotta go.

Ashleigh : What just happened?

Casey : Sorry.

Calvin : Cappie, it's your move.

Rebecca : Hey, how's it go...? Oh Wow...

Calvin : Hit or stay? b*at the house, win two grand. Cap? Cap ?

Cappie : I'll stay.

Calvin : Dealer gets 20. Cappie wins.

Cappie : I just saved the Broncosaurus. 200,000 miles and counting.

Rebecca : Congratulations.

KT HOUSE – Cappie’s room

Cappie : Ready for an indecent proposal, Miss Logan?

Rebecca : I think we've probably had enough of those for one night?

Cappie : Come on, let's just have sex and money.

Rebecca : Why couldn't you just tell me you didn't want me to buy that car?

Cappie : 'Cause I didn't want to make an issue out of it. Instead it looks like I made an entire newsstand.

Rebecca : Let's be serious. For once. I'm the one who's been a downer lately so I was just trying to keep things fun. I'm really sorry if your male ego can't handle a girl buying you something expensive.

Cappie : It's not my ego, it's my pride.

Rebecca : Your pride?

Cappie : It's just another reminder of how I'm beneath you.

Rebecca : Beneath me? Are you talking about Spring Break? I apologized for that. I was drunk.

Cappie : As someone who's drunk a lot, I know when someone says stuff like that, you might not mean to say it, but there's usually a part of you that does mean it. And it wasn't the first time. Remember Parents'Weekend? Whenever your family comes into your life, I instantly become the poster boy for the Rebecca Logan Make a Wish Foundation. And I just... I don't want to deal with it.

Rebecca : That the reason I can't even talk to you about my family without you consoling me by offering to drink apple juice through your nose? You didn't want the car because then we'd ha to get more serious and that freaks you out. And with everything happening right now... My parents'divorce, my father's trial, Zeta Beta... I need something more than just fun.

Cappie : Well... Then I'll be serious. I can step up and be that guy.

Rebecca : I know you can, Cap. But just not for me. Deep down I think you know that. You're just too Cappy to say so.

Cappie : So, are we...?

Rebecca : Broken up? Yeah. I guess so.

Cappie : I'm sorry.

Rebecca : I'm sorry, too.

ZBZ HOUSE – Casey & Ashleigh’s room

Ashleigh : I have to get a job, Case. A job! What did I do to deserve this?

Casey : I think the answer is, taking up both of our closets.

Ashleigh : I don't even know how to look for a job. Where do you start?

Casey : OK, job or no job, you can't drop your office. I need you. Laura wants to pass a bylaw instituting an annual hayride mixer.

Ashleigh : I will fight her every step of the way.

Casey : You will?

Ashleigh : Yes, I will. If I can find a job working 25 hours a week at 20 dollars an hour, that's $500. Or I could find a job working two hours a week at 250 dollars an hour.

Casey : Either way you're still my social chair?

Ashleigh : Till death do us part.

Casey : Yeah!

Ashleigh : So... What do you think happened with Max? That whole Runaway Bride thing was so weird.

Casey : I know, right.


Evan : Cal! What do you think?

Calvin : I see you made a choice.

Evan : We all make choices.

Frannie : And we're choosing to go to Martha's Vineyard for a very long weekend.

Casey drive in front of them...

Calvin : Careful, Ev.

Evan : See you next week. Here we go.

CRU – Dale & Rusty’s room

Rusty : You are here to chew me out for losing Casino Night.

Casey : I'm here to say that I was wrong. I've always seen you as my nerdy little brother. You're not little anymore. I see you as an adult now.

Rusty : Why now?

Casey : Because we wouldn't have had a chance to win Casino Night without you.

Rusty : But we didn't win.

Casey : True. But the way you carried yourself, catching Jason cheating, that thing with your arm, that was pretty cool.

Rusty : My big sis thinks I'm cool.

Casey : I said you did something cool. Two hours. No, really, I'm timing you, so...

Rusty : OK, I'll gas it up for you.

Casey : Just avoid mechanical horses.

CRU – Max’s room

Casey knock on Max’s door... Max opens the door...

Max : Oh. Hey...

Casey : You bailed with barely a word last night.

Max : Yeah. You know, I thought I'd... That's not entirely true. I just... had to go.

Casey : No worries. Just wanted to make sure you're OK.

Max : Thank you. I...

Casey : Yeah. You?

Max : What?

Casey : You started to say "I."

Max : Did I?

Casey : Yeah. What were you going to say?

Max : I forget.

Casey : Did you have fun last night?

Max : Yes. My first fraternity party.

Casey : Very exciting. What do you normally do for fun? Seriously?

Max : Dr. Who?

Casey : The British guy with the hat? That's neat. We should get you out more. Have you ever been to Doblers? Or maybe we could just fly to Vegas and practice our card counting superpowers in the big time.

Max : Sure. Maybe. I don't know. I gotta go, though. Bye Casey.