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02x20 - Collateral Damage

Posted: 04/25/20 16:27
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "God Friended Me"...

I've decided this is how I'm going to face my cancer.

Life's too short not to be honest with the people you love.

I'm about to talk to Cara and tell her how I feel.

I have given up everything for the God Account.

If I had known this wasn't gonna help Ali, then I wouldn't have given up Cara, and we would still be together.

Are you sure you're up for this?

I can't believe I'm gonna date somebody who likes Red Vines.

I'm Corey Smith.

I run R&D for DARPA.

Seven years ago, I created an algorithm, but it was stolen.

So you think whoever stole your code used it to create the God Account?

Yes, but first I need to confirm it.

I need to see the code.

We're all set.

I installed the Raspberry Pi.

Now remember, we only have one shot to pull this off.

But if everything goes according to plan, tomorrow we head to DARPA and get the answers we're looking for.

♪ Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪ ♪ Whoo-ooh, na, na, na ♪ ♪ There's a lot right now ♪ I can't believe we're gonna highjack DARPA's super computer from the inside of a food truck.

Well, we needed to be in the Wi-Fi range of the building when Corey launches your program.

Plus, it gave us cover.

And also, we are not hijacking anything.

You're running diagnostics.

You're, like, copilot at best.

Okay, whatever.

All right.

Well, where'd you get this truck anyway, man?

Cara called in a favor with her food editor, Parker.

Listen, Zach, I need you to focus, okay?

This is the best shot we've ever had of hacking into the God Account's firewall and figuring out whose behind this.

This is important.

Okay, then why isn't Miles here?

'Cause Miles is dealing with a lot.

All right?

That's why he has me.

[Tense music]

Okay, Corey launched it.

We're in.

Rakesh, you copy?

We have 60 seconds to breach the firewall before the security system flags us.

Yeah, my decryption program is already uploaded and running.

And trust me, 60 seconds is all I need.



Firewall integrity's dropping.

75%, 65%.

I can see it.


It's my code.


Okay, I know I'm just a copilot, but we have a problem.


Rakesh, you seeing this?

Yeah, yeah.

I think the God Account's defending itself.

This isn't good.

We're running out of time.

Firewall integrity's increasing 45...


♪ ♪ We're gonna be detected.

Oh, no.

This can't be happening!

I have to log you out.

I'm sorry, Rakesh.


Corey, wait...


We failed.

Damn it.


Didn't work.

I'm sorry, Miles.

I-I really thought it would.

You know what?

Don't worry about it.

I mean, I told you this was probably the outcome.

I mean, it is the God Account.

It is what it is.

What's with all this?

I have to be at Honeysuckle in an hour for my live podcast.

Rakesh, I told you about this.

My interview with Daryl basically doubled my listeners.

FreeVerse thinks this is a great way for me to meet my fans.

Yeah, right.

Sorry, dude.

So wait...

you really don't wanna know who's behind the God Account?


That question has brought me nothing but problems.

Look, I love helping Friend Suggestions, but beyond that, I think it's time to start accepting things for the way they are.

That include Cara?


I mean, she's happy with Adam.

And she's one of my best friends, Rakesh.

I should be happy for her, too, which is why I invited both of them to my podcast today.

That's big of you, man.

Plus it's a great idea.

I mean, you pack the house with as many friendly faces as you can, right?

Exactly, and from the responses online, people seem pretty excited.

Come here.

Check it out.

"Favorite podcast.

So pumped." "A dream come true"?

Except, wait...

"Does this really pass for entertainment?" Who's Trevor091?

Yeah, he's just some troll that's been attacking me in the comments section.

Dude, trolls are, like, the first sign of success.

So congratulations.

You made it.

Trust me, you don't need religion to feel the call to help others.

We just need to have to be there for one another.

[Cheers and applause]

All right, wanna thank you guys for coming down and being a part of this.

[Cheers and applause]

You know, I never really have a chance to do this at home, so I thought it would be nice to open it up for questions from you all about anything.

I have a question.


Were you nervous the first time you had to tell someone that they were your Friend Suggestion?

I was terrified that they would think I was crazy.

As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure Cara did, and she's right here.

We can ask her ourselves.

Yeah, definitely crazy.



Next question.

I have a question.

So you guys broke up because of the God Account.

Um, that is not really a question.


Any chance you guys might get back together?


[Clears throat]

We are together.

As friends.

That's how we started and where we will always be.

And that's thanks to the God Account as well.

Oh, please.

You can't be serious.

Excuse me?

All right.

Here's a question.

Have you ever stopped to consider the damage you might be causing as you run around helping people?

Or are you too busy congratulating yourself on your little podcast?

[Indistinct chatter]

As far as I know, I've never met anyone who's been hurt by what I'm doing.

Well, guess what.

Now you have.


was in love with a woman who I knew I was destined to be with, and then you came along and took her away from me.

You ruined my life.

But hey, makes for a great podcast, right?

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪ [Phone buzzes]

[Light music]

Okay, and this is the last question, so I need you to take it seriously.

Yeah, there's really no chance of that happening.

[Both laugh]

I'm just saying.

Okay, for your information, this online relationship test is grounded in science.

And I need to know if we have a future.

So are you a slow flame or a raging fire?

You said this was grounded in science.

[Both laugh]

Okay, fine.


Can't blame a girl for trying to find out where she stands.

And don't worry, I'm not trying to label anything.

I'm just...


I'm happy.

That's all.

I'm just...

I'm happy with us.

I am too.

And that's pretty amazing considering where I'm sitting right now.


Speaking of which, I'm going to get you a warming blanket.

Now, that sounds like some science I can get behind.


[Tender music]

♪ ♪ [Phone chimes]

[Solemn music]

♪ ♪ So you've never heard of Trevor Scott?


Not until today.

Okay, well, you need to figure out what happened so you can fix this.

Wait, fix what?

I didn't ruin his life.

And I certainly didn't take away the woman he loves from him.


All right, okay.

Tell me, when did he start trolling you?

Uh, about six months ago.

Okay, so it would make sense that whatever he blames you for happened around that time, right?

Wait, wait, wait.

Those photos.

That's Rose.


You mean like Rose and Lieutenant Freemont?


That must be the woman Trevor was talking about.

Rose was the love of his life.

Until about six months ago when you reunited her with Freemont.

Looks like he does have a reason to hate you.

All right, well, what do you think the God Account wants us to do?

Like, get Trevor back together with Rose?

No way.

Wait, why?

Do you?

I don't know.

We've never had to think about the negative impact to helping someone.

Yeah, because I thought there never was one.

I guess I was wrong.


Rose and Lieutenant Freemont are getting married this weekend.

Cara and I are invited.

I just...

there must be something else going on in Trevor's life.

I just need to talk to him.

You think you could track him down for me?

When have I not been able to?

[Doorknob clicks]


Hey, how are you feeling?

Outside of being completely exhausted and having no energy whatsoever...



No, she's been doing great.

Plus, I have enough energy for the both of us.

[Both laugh]

Thank you for being there for her.

Yeah, of course.

Hey, I should get going, but we're still on for a movie tonight?



She's great, but you know that.

[Clears throat]


I know that, "Yeah." What's wrong?


I'm sure it's nothing, but I saw a text on Emily's phone.

Some girl named Tracy said, "Great seeing you yesterday.

Been thinking about us." Ali.

I know, I know.

And I'm not the jealous type.

And she's been nothing but amazing, but she called them an "us." I just...

You need to talk to her, 'cause otherwise, you'll just be sitting here driving yourself crazy.


Looks like Trevor's head of a paper company in Brooklyn.

I'll send you his address.

Thank you.

I will let you know how it goes.

But wait, you didn't tell me how your live podcast went.

It's a long story.

Rakesh will fill you in.

I got us a reservation at that new ramen spot in Midtown that you've been talking about.

Oh, great.


Hey, look.

I'm sorry about back there.

I mean, Miles talks about everything in his podcast, so his listeners tend to have strong opinions about his personal life.


I picked up on that.

Hey, we're just friends.

Friends who never actually broke up.

What are you talking about?

Of course we did.

Cara, there's a big difference between choosing to break up and being broken up because of the God Account.

What difference does it make?

The end result is still the same.

We're not together.

No, but it's hard to shut your feelings off for someone, especially when you see them every single day.

Hey, you have nothing to worry about.

I mean, in case you haven't noticed, I moved on.

Yeah, but maybe be hasn't.

All I'm saying is, what happens whenever Miles wakes up one day and he realizes that he walked away from the woman that he loves because someone on the internet claiming to be God told him to?

There's only room for two in a relationship, and I just...

I don't wanna be the odd man out at the end of this.

I get that.

And you won't be.

I promise.

♪ ♪ Hi.

Can I help you?

Yes, I'm here to see Trevor Scott.

He's in a meeting right now, but he should be out any minute if you'd like to wait.

Thank you.


Rose, what are you doing here?

I work here.

It's my father's company.

What are you doing here?

I'm here to see a friend, Trevor Scott.

You're kidding.

I didn't know that you guys were friends.

Yeah, yeah...

for a few months.

How well do you know each other?

Pretty well considering I've known him my whole life.

He was best friends with my brother, Joseph, and after he died, Trevor was really there for me.

He's like family.


What are you doing here?

I was just in the neighborhood, and I thought I would stop by to say hi.

I didn't realize you worked with Rose.

Dad, this is Miles.

This is the guy I was telling you about.

He's the whole reason that James and I are together.

I owe you a big thank you.

It's nice to meet you.

I'm really sorry, but we have to get going, sweetheart, if we're gonna make our lunch.

Oh, it was great running into you, Miles.

Oh, but you and Cara are coming to the rehearsal dinner tomorrow, right?

Wouldn't miss it.


See you there.

What the hell are you doing here, Miles?

Look, man, I'm sorry to just show up like this, but I needed to talk to you about what you said at my podcast.

There's nothing to talk about.

Yes, there is.

The woman you're in love with is Rose.


Keep your voice down.

You never told her how you felt, did you?


Because of you, no.

I never got the chance.

Look, after her brother died, things were really hard for the both of us.

We started to spend a lot of time together, and...

I fell in love.

So why not tell her?

I was going to the night she got back from Paris.

We were supposed to meet up, but she never made it 'cause she got sidetracked in Times Square, I'm sure you remember.


I am sorry about that.

Yeah, well, unfortunately that doesn't do me any good now.

Anyway, I think we're done here.

Actually, we're not.

You're my new Friend Suggestion.

So I am here to figure out how to help you.


Are you kidding?

I don't want your help.

Look, I know why you're mad at me, but you gotta let that go.

Rose and Freemont were meant to be together.

[Tense music]

Unless the God Account was wrong.

Think about it.

It sends you a Friend Suggestion for me two days before Rose is getting married?

That can't be a coincidence.


I thought I lost my chance with Rose.

I was gonna get over it and move on with my life.

But now that I'm your Friend Suggestion, I think the God Account wants Rose and I to be together.

What are you saying?

You wanna help me?

Figure out a way to break them up.



No, no.


I can't do that.

Sure you can.

You just don't want to.

But seeing as I'm your Friend Suggestion, you have to help me.

Wedding's in 48 hours, Miles.

Better work fast.

Okay, Miles, you can't seriously break up Rose and Freemont.

Hey, of course I'm not gonna break them up, but there must be something else I'm supposed to do for Trevor.

I just have to find a way to back him off of this until I can figure it out.

Or you can convince him to tell Rose the truth, have him lay it all out on the line, you know?

Maybe that way, he can finally move on.

Rakesh, that is a terrible idea.

Rose is getting married this weekend.

Not to mention they work together.

I mean, if he told her the truth, that could ruin their friendship.

You're right.

So how am I supposed to get through to him?

I mean, is it too much to hope he meets someone who sweeps him off his feet in the next 24 hours?

Maybe not.

I mean, Rakesh, your soul mate app.

Oh, yes.

Dude, that is a great idea.

Yeah, give me your phone.

I can download it right now.

Guys, I was just joking.

There's no way that Trevor's just gonna get over Rose because some app tells him he's compatible with someone else.

Well, when Jaya broke up with Rakesh, he said he couldn't imagine himself with anyone else, and then the app matched him with Lulu, and...

Yeah, I could finally see that there was someone else out there for me.

I mean, granted she's off running a country and stuff, but still.

It's worth a shot.

All right.

Okay, now we just need to find Trevor.


It's not like I caught her kissing someone in the kitchen.

This is Times Square!

On every single JumboTron for the entire world to see.

And to make matters worse, he's a soldier.

[Audience groans]

I'm talking Captain America here, right?


So I march right up to him, look him dead in the eye, and I say...

"Thank you for your service." [Laughter]

Thanks very much, everyone.

You've been great.

[Cheers and applause]

Miles, how did you know I was here?

Well, I saw you check in on Facebook.

I thought you were just coming down for a laugh.

I did not expect you to be on stage.

You know, you're pretty funny, man.

How long you been doing stand-up?

About six months.

After everything with Rose and Freemont, I was in a bad place.

Wandered in here hoping to get my mind off things, it was open mic night, figured what the hell...

I needed to vent.

Turns out it's pretty good therapy.

And now I'm in here every chance I get.

Well, it doesn't hurt that the audience seems to like you.

You ever thought about making a career out of it?


Maybe in a different life.

But in this one, I'm a paper salesman.

Hey, if you don't like what you're doing, why not do something else?

I can't.

Why not?

I made a promise to Joseph that if anything ever happened to him, I would look after his family.

But I'm not complaining.

It brought me closer to Rose.


Look, Trevor.

I want you to end up with the right person.

I really do.

But I don't think it's Rose.

And before you say anything...

I think I can prove it to you.

You know I appreciate the company, Dad, but Emily will be here any minute.

I know.

At least let me finish my drink before you kick me out.

[Both laugh]


Hi, Arthur.

Hey, nice to see you.

You too.

I'll just grab my coat.

Oh, actually, I am so sorry, Al, but I have to cancel our plans for tonight.

Something just came up, but I promise I will make it up to you.

Can I talk to you a sec?


When you say something came up, do you mean Tracy?

Ali, how did...

This morning, a text from her popped up on your phone.

I didn't mean to look, and I was even debating saying anything, but...

She's just a friend, so there is nothing to worry about.

You're canceling plans with me to go out with her.

How can you say there's nothing to worry about?

Because there isn't.

Look, all I'm asking is for you to trust me.


Thank you.

Call you later?

[Tense music]

♪ ♪ Wanna talk about it?


You heard all that, didn't you?

Well, I'm not that far away.

I just can't shake the feeling that Emily is lying to me about seeing someone else.

Ali, if she wanted to walk, she could've the moment that you told her that you had cancer, and she didn't.

That says something about a person.

Yeah, but maybe...

maybe things have gotten too hard.

Become too real.

Or maybe she's just trying to protect herself in case...

There isn't going to be an "in case." But the foundation of every relationship is based on trust.

Regardless of what else is going on in your life, if you don't have that, it'll never work.

The Soul Mate app?

You gotta be kidding me.

You've listened to my podcast, which means you've heard me talk about it.

Yeah, I heard all about Rakesh and Lulu, but still...

Look, how about we make a deal, hmm?

I'll put your name in, and if Rose comes up, I'll help you, no questions asked.

But if she doesn't, you hear me out.

If Rose is supposed to be your soul mate, then you have nothing to lose.

Okay, deal.

All right.

Marla Fields?

It says she's from Wichita.

I know the location isn't ideal, but this app matches people who are compatible on all levels.

But it can't tell me how I feel.

Love doesn't work that way.

Do you have any idea what it's like to watch the woman you love be with someone else and nod along like you're okay with it?

Actually, I do.

The other night, I was on my way to tell Cara that I was still in love with her and that breaking up with her was the biggest mistake that I had ever made.

I got all the way to her office when I saw her with her new boyfriend.

And as hard as it was to see, I knew she was happy and that she had moved on and that it was time for me to do the same.

Maybe you shouldn't have.

Maybe if you told her how you felt, you'd be willing to help me.

Maybe the God Account wants us to help each other.

Trevor, I cannot break them up.

You're really gonna turn your back on a Friend Suggestion?

I'm sorry.

So am I.

[Phone chimes, buzzes]

[Eerie music]

♪ ♪ [Phone chimes, buzzes]


The God Account sent five more likes since I left the club.

Well, maybe it's the God Account trying to help you out with Trevor.

I don't think so.

Likes are usually weird, but always specific and never halfway across the world.

Wait, do you think something happened to the God Account when you tried to break through the firewall?

I don't know.

I mean, yeah, I guess it's possible.

I'll reach out to Corey and see what I can find out.

Meanwhile, how'd it go with my...

my app?

Good and bad.

It said that Trevor's soul mate was some woman named Marla from Wichita.


He didn't buy it and refuses to back down.

Hold on.

He didn't buy it?


Okay, first of all, as the inventor of this app, I am insulted.

And second of all...

There is no second of all.

I'm just insulted.

Look, you said when you met Lulu, the chemistry was undeniable.

If we can get Trevor in front of this Marla person, maybe he'll feel the same.

Hmm, that makes sense.

Okay, yeah.

I'll see if I can track her down.

[Notification pings]

Uh, Miles?


Did you happen to tell Trevor how you feel about Cara?


That you were gonna tell her you love her and breaking up with her was the biggest mistake of your life?

Wait, dude, how did you know that?

'Cause he posted it on your website where everyone subscribed to you can see it.

Including Cara.

Rakesh, you need to delete those posts, like, now.

Yeah, I am, okay?

We can't delete them with our minds, so it's gonna take a few seconds.

If Cara sees this...

Things will be awkward.

We know.

Not just that.

You heard what she said about Trevor telling Rose how he felt, how it can ruin their friendship.

I can't risk that.

Well, you won't have to.

All right?


Gone, deleted.

Unless Cara was on your website at this exact moment, we're good.

Okay, well, can you block Trevor from posting just to be safe?

Already did, but you know, all he has to do is create another username and he can start blasting you again, so I suggest you just talk to him.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

I'm gonna talk to him.

And let me know if you hear back from Corey.

See if we can get to the bottom of what's going on with the God Account.

Will do, and I'll look into this Marla from Wichita.

Show Trevor not to doubt my app.

[Ambient music]

♪ ♪ Hey, what the hell are you thinking, huh?

I am trying to help you, and this is how you're gonna repay me?

You're not trying to help me.

You said it yourself.

Your posts could've ruined things between Cara and I.

Or it could've gotten you everything you've ever wanted.

Look, I get what heartbreak feels like more than anyone else.

We're the same, Miles.

We're both in love with women who are with someone else.

Just promise me you won't ever try anything like that again.

I won't.

And I'm sorry.

I love her, Miles, and I don't wanna wake up one day and wonder "what if." Hey, guys.

Did I interrupt something?

No, we're good.

What's going on?

Well, I know it's last-minute, but I was hoping you might say a few words at the rehearsal dinner tonight.



You know how important you are to me.


Just speak from the heart.

You've always known what to say.


I'd love to.


Well, I'll see you guys tonight.

I'm out of time, Miles.

I need to tell her tonight.

Just like she said, I need to stand up and speak from the heart.

I am pretty sure that's not what she meant when she asked you to speak.

She deserves to know, and I deserve to tell her.

Okay, what happens when she tells you she doesn't feel the same, hmm?

What then?


It can't hurt more than the pain of sitting by and watching her marry someone else.


You're off the hook, Miles.

I'll see you tonight.

So what do you mean the God Account is glitching?

It sent Miles, like, a bunch of random likes that couldn't possibly have anything to do with his Friend Suggestion.



Look, the God Account doesn't always point him in a straight line, but this is something more than that.

Look, I'm saying what if we inadvertently did something when we were trying to hack it?

Like what?

I don't know.

But like you said, you saw your code when we were trying to break through the firewall, which means it was exposed, even if it was only for a few seconds.

Yeah, and then it shut us out.

Look, I can't speak to what the God Account normally does or doesn't do, but even the best of codes can glitch.

I mean, yeah, I guess.

[Phone ringing]

Excuse me a moment.

Hey, honey, I'm kind of in the middle of something right now.



Is he okay?

No, I'm glad you called me.

Yeah, yeah, I'm on my way.

I have to go.

Everything okay?

Yeah, just some family stuff.

Hey, before you go, can I check your phone real quick?

The Raspberry Pi that Zach installed, it had, like, a traffic log on it.

Maybe something was happening with the Wi-Fi during the hack.

Sorry, I deleted the app.

Can't take a chance of DARPA finding out.

I'll see you later.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪ Zach.

Dude, I was in the zone, okay?

Hey, I'm sorry.


listen to me.

Corey deleted the Raspberry Pi app from his phone.


Well, can you do me a favor and recover the data?

You mind telling me why?

Just need to check something.

All right.

Give me a few hours.

I'll drop it into your drive.

All right.

[Romantic music]

♪ ♪ [Sighs]

Miles, Cara.

So glad you guys could make it.

Yeah, of course.

I mean, we wouldn't miss this.

Be prepared to be treated like celebrities.

You can't imagine how many times my father has told the JumboTron story tonight.

Somehow it gets bigger and more outrageous every time.


I'm gonna grab us some drinks before things get started.

Thank you, Miles.

It's not every day you get to live out your own fairytale.

Hey, you two deserve it.

Oh, I gotta...

excuse me.

There's Trevor.

All right, wish me luck.


Whatever you're gonna say, don't.

You're not gonna talk me out of this, Miles.

I have to tell her.

Okay, look.

If that's what you have to do, fine.

But you need to ask yourself, who are you doing this for?

Look, you said we're the same, right?

You know, I look at Cara and I see someone I love.

But real love is putting someone else's happiness above your own no matter how hard that may be.

Because at the end of the day, having them in your life means so much more than the alternative.

[Glass clinks]

[Clears throat]

Well, Rose and I just wanted to thank all of you for being here with us tonight.

We can't imagine starting this next stage of our lives together without you.

Look at her.

Look how happy she is.

Now, when Rose and I found each other, I knew that I was the luckiest man alive.

And then I met her family, this amazing group of people who've loved each other through good times and bad.

And I'd like to introduce you to one of them.

Now, while he may not be related by blood, I know he's both a son to Charles and a brother to Rose and someone who I hope to call family as well.

Trevor, get on up here.

Come on.


I don't wanna lose her.

You don't have to.


Thank you.


Do you think you got through to him?

I hope so.

Thank you, James.

Uh, tonight, we're here to celebrate love, pure and simple.

And while I don't claim to be an expert, I know it when I see it.



I've known Rose a long time, and all I've ever wanted is for her to be happy.


[Clears throat]


she'd be happiest with me.

[Crowd gasps]

You said to speak from the heart.

Well, my heart belongs to you.

I love you, Rose.

I love you.

[Ambient music]

♪ ♪ Trevor.


Trevor, wait.

I needed to know.

And now that I do, I've lost her.

She'll never wanna see me again.

None of them will.

That is not true, okay?

That is your family.


I don't think they are anymore.

[Knock on door]

Rose, come on in.

What's going on?

God, I'm sorry for showing up like this.

Have you heard from Trevor?


I tried calling him, but I think his phone is off.

I know.

I went to his place.

He wasn't there.

I'm worried.

Hey, don't be, okay?

We're gonna find him.

I promise.

Let me ask you something, Miles.

Is Trevor your Friend Suggestion?


Yeah, I kind of figured when you started showing up in his life out of nowhere.

I just never thought that this was about me.

I'm so sorry about yesterday.

I did not think he was actually gonna go through with it.

What did he say to you after he left?

He said he thought you'd never wanna see him again.

Oh, but I do.

I can't lose him.

He's too important to me, to my family.

I just have to find him and make him see that.

Okay, well, I mean, do you have any idea of where he could be?


I wish Joseph was here.

He would know what to do.

He was the one person that Trevor would turn to.


Hey, maybe he still is.

♪ ♪ Trevor.

What are you doing here?

Looking for you.

Well, you found me.

Sorry for...

ruining your night, ruining everything.

Trevor, you didn't ruin anything.

Of course I did.

I can't take back what I said.

I'm not asking you to.

All I'm asking is that we find a way to move forward.



You expect me to walk into work Monday morning?

Face your father?

Face you?

Pretend like none of this ever happened?

So what?

That's your answer?

You're just gonna walk away?

Never see any of us again?


Well, you don't get to do that.

You don't get to walk away from the people that love you.

And I'm sorry that it's not the kind of love that you want, but we need to get past this.

[Exhales shakily]

What if we can't?

We have to.

I already lost Joseph.


And I won't lose you too.

[Solemn music]

♪ ♪ [Sniffles]

[Bell jingles]


Do you...

do you have a second?

I owe you an explanation about last night.

Tracy's not just a friend.

She's your ex.

Yeah, I looked her up online.

Yes, we dated, but I told you, you have nothing to worry about.

How can you say that?

You asked me to trust you, and then you lied to me.

Yes, and I'm sorry.

But that's why I'm here, so...

so that I can explain...

There's nothing to explain.

Yes, there is.

Look, Tracy was the first woman that I fell in love with, and when we broke up, I never thought that I would have those feelings again.

And then I met you.

When I ran into Tracy a few days ago, she said she wanted to get back together.

And that's why I met up with her, so I can tell her.

Tell her what?

That I fell in love with someone else.

You love me?

Yes, I do.

And look, I know I didn't handle things right, so I promise if you need to...

[Stirring music]

♪ ♪ I love you too.

All right, so next up, we have some great performers for you.

Thanks for coming, Miles.

Hey, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

And I heard that you quit the paper company.

Yeah, thanks to you.

What do you mean?

Well, if you didn't get involved in my life, I'd still be there wondering "what if." You know, it's funny.

Six months ago, when you brought Rose and Freemont together, I thought that was the worst day of my life.

Turns out, it was the best.

How so?

That was the night I first ended up in here, first discovered what I was really meant to do.

Well, maybe that's what the God Account had in mind the whole time.

I'm sorry to interrupt.

I'm following you on stage tonight.

I just wanted to introduce myself.

Yeah, I'm new to town, so...

My name's Marla, by the way.

You wouldn't happen to be from Wichita, would you?




How did you know that?

It's a long story, one I'd be happy to tell you about.

Uh, maybe we should grab a drink.

Yeah, I would love that.

Meet you at the bar.


You know, for what it's worth, telling Rose how I felt worked out.

Maybe you should tell Cara.

You did say she was coming tonight.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪ Hey.


Perfect timing.

I'm all set.

Actually, I don't think I can go tonight.

Is everything okay?

Not really.


You remember when I told you that Miles would wake up one day and realize that he made a mistake?


I was right.

I was listening to Miles's podcast the other day, and his latest Friend Suggestion posted a message to his website about you.

He said he still loves you and breaking up was a huge mistake.

I told you I...

I can't be the odd man out.

Adam, I mean, I didn't even...

Cara, I'm sorry.



[Relaxed music playing]

♪ ♪ Miles, we need to talk.

Yeah, yeah, what's up?

Corey lied to us.


Yeah, when we were hacking the God Account, he launched a virus, and it's corrupting the account.

Wait, that's why it's been glitching.

Yeah, but there's more than that.

If we don't figure this out in the next 24 hours, the God Account will be destroyed.

[Dramatic music]