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02x19 - The Fugitive

Posted: 04/25/20 15:40
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "God Friended Me"...

We're about to start the second round on a promising new drug that's shown remarkable results in shrinking tumors like yours, Ali.

This new drug trial could be the difference between life and death.

Kylie's mom. She's in charge of Ali's cancer trial.

I think the God Account is trying to help Ali by sending Kylie as a Friend Suggestion.

An issue showed up in your final review.

Any condition, no matter how small, disqualifies a candidate.

I'm so sorry, Ali.

Miles and I are just friends.

And I'm gonna tell him about us.

I just need to find the right time.

I know Corey works for DARPA, and I know what he's working on.

The code he wrote that he's been testing on my friend, Miles Finer.

I heard you have some questions for me.

Are you behind the God Account?

I run R&D for DARPA.

Seven years ago, I created an algorithm.

It was gonna revolutionize predictive analytics, allowing our m*llitary to get ahead of future threats.

But before I could present it to my superiors, it was stolen.

By who?

I don't know.

Or at least I didn't until you two showed up, asking questions about this God Account.


So you think whoever stole your code used it to create the God Account?

Yes, but first I need to confirm it.

I need to see the code.

I mean, the God Account did come online around 7 years ago.

Timeline makes sense. Yeah, so what?

We're just supposed to trust you?

That's up to you.

But seeing how we're both searching for the same thing, I figured we could help each other.

You work for DARPA.

You have unlimited resources.

Why do you need us?

Wait, they don't know it was stolen, do they?


I was responsible for its security.

If I would have come clean, my career would have been over, so I covered it up.

Told my superior the code failed to work, but I've been searching for it ever since.

So you're no closer to finding out the truth than we are.


But if we work together, maybe we can figure this out.

Well, we've been searching for this for a year and a half.

Following lead after lead.

And it's never gone anywhere.

Do you know why?

Because whoever's behind the God Account doesn't wanna be found.

I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to figure this one out on your own.

Miles. Miles, hey, wait.

Look, I know you're frustrated.

But we can't just give up.

I mean, what about Ali? What about her?

The God Account made it pretty clear a few hours ago it had no intentions of helping her.

If it did, she would be in that trial.

You know, I am tired of getting my hopes up and tired of thinking that after everything I have done for the God Account, that it would somehow repay the favor.

'Cause the truth is... it won't.

Hey, Ali.

Do you want your tea for here or to go?

Huh, I'm running late for work, so you better make it to go.

You got it.

You know... if I knew you were gonna take care of me like this, I wouldn't have waited till my second round of chemo to stay here.

Ali, you are welcome to stay here for as long as you want.

Thank you, Miles.

So how'd your meeting go last night with Corey Smith?

It was a dead end.

And honestly, I don't even know why I got my hopes up.


Hey, did you forget we were having a conversation?

Ali, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I mean, it was gonna happen sooner or later.

Yeah, I know, but that doesn't make it easier.

I mean, there must be something I can do to help...


I have to go to work. See you later.

I'm so sorry.

How did Ali handle it?

She said she was fine, but it was clear she was upset.

And we all knew this was coming, but to actually see it...

Look, Ali's gonna get through this, okay?

She's a fighter. Right.

I just have to trust the doctors and the power of modern medicine.

That's what's gonna help her.

Nothing else.

Miles, I know you're still upset about last night.

But I did get a text from Corey this morning, and he thinks he may have figured out a way that we can track down who's behind the God Account, and he still wants to meet if we're interested.

Cara, I already told you I'm not.

H-hang on.

Shouldn't I get a say in all of this?

Especially since I was excluded from the meeting you guys had with the government super hacker last night?

Look, Rakesh, there is nothing to talk about, okay?

The God Account is not gonna help Ali.

Miles. Look.

This could be our last chance to find who's behind all of this.

You can't say you don't wanna know.

Yeah, and if it doesn't work out, we move on, never look back.

But at least we can say we tried.

Okay. Okay, fine.

All right? We'll tell him we'll meet.

I can't find my wallet.

Excuse me. I think you dropped that.

Oh. Hey, thank you. Must've fell out of my pocket.

Yeah. No problem. Have a good day.

You too. Vicki, thank you again.

So much.

You're a real life-saver.

Anything for my favorite customer.

Looks like we're not the only good Samaritans around here, huh?

Corey, this is Rakesh.

He is our tech expert on all things God Account.

Nice to meet you. Same.

So, quite the operation you got going on over at the National Sewing Company.

So, uh, you said you found something?

Yeah. After we talked last night, I took a closer look at the God Account.

I wasn't able to see the code, but I think I figured out a way to break through the firewall.

Stop you right there. We've tried everything.

And spoiler... nothing works.

Well that's because the only computer powerful enough to pull this off is at DARPA.

Fair point.

Okay. Great. Let's go.

I've always wanted to get my hands on a government supercomputer. It's not that easy.

I can't have anybody know what we're up to at DARPA.

We have to access the system remotely.

You mean hack?


But I haven't been able to figure that part out yet.

Would a Raspberry Pi work?

Long story, but my intern used one to hack the DOD and remotely access its system.


Hey, guys.

I just got a new Friend Suggestion.

For who?

Hey, it's the guy who found my wallet.

Russell Hill.

Well, maybe this is your chance to repay the favor.

Let me see what I can find out about him.

So, how does all this work?

Usually the God Account sends me someone who needs help, and we help them.

Well, he makes it sound a lot easier than it is.

Do you know how it's choosing its Friend Suggestions?

Well... all of them happen to be clients of an insurance company.

New York Sun, run by your father, Alphonse Jeffries.

Talk about a coincidence, right?


Uh, but it's nothing more than that.

Trust me, Alphonse wouldn't do anything to help anyone.

And please, don't call him my father.

He's never been anything close to that.

Okay, guys. This is interesting.

Russell was arrested last month for stealing a car.


So you're saying the guy who returned my wallet is a criminal?

Yeah, it looks that way.

Charged with Grand Larceny, and according to his court records, his trial starts today.

Well, then I guess we're headed to the courthouse.

Hey. You okay?

I'm sorry.

Just feel like I am dealing with a million things at once.


You wanna get a drink tonight?

Just not think about things.

I-I'd love to, but I kind of have plans.

Like a... like a date?

Actually, yeah.


I've been meaning to tell you.

I'm sort of seeing someone.

Let me guess.



Look, I wanted to tell you sooner.

I just didn't want things to be awkward between us...

No, I get it. I get it.

You deserve to be happy.

All rise. Court is now in session.

The Honorable Judge Henry Rockwell presiding.

Everyone, please be seated.

It's my understanding the prosecution and the defense have come to an agreement on Russell Hill to serve a three-year sentence, is that correct?

Yes, Your Honor, um, but unfortunately, my client was unable to appear today.

I'd like to ask the court for a continuance.

He's known about this hearing for a month.

Where is he?

I'm not sure, Your Honor.

Motion denied.

I'm issuing a bench warrant for failure to appear in court.

If your client isn't here tomorrow morning, I'm throwing out the deal.

And he'll be subject to the maximum penalty of 15 years incarceration.

Looks like our Friend Suggestion's a fugitive.

Okay, we need to find Russell and make sure that he's in court tomorrow.

I mean, where do we even start?

Hey. What about his lawyer?

Uh, excuse me.

Hi, my name is Miles. This is Cara.

We're friends of Russell Hill's.

We saw that he wasn't in court today, and we were wondering how we could help.

You wanna help?

Make sure he turns himself in and doesn't try to leave town.

You think he's gonna run?

For his sake, I hope not.

Gill, your client skipped bail.

So why don't you make it easy on everyone, and tell me where he is?

I have no idea, Bonnie.


Doesn't matter. I'll find him.

Who are you?

Uh, we're friends of Russell's.

I wouldn't say anything.

She's a bail enforcement agent.

Actually, I prefer bounty hunter.


You two don't look like you'd be friends with a criminal.

Hey, we just wanna help, okay?

We think there's more to the story.

He's running from the law.

Seems like the story's pretty clear.

You don't know that he's running.

His cell is disconnected, and he recently cancelled his credit cards.

In my line of work, that means you don't wanna be found.

Luckily, I'm very good at my job.

It's nice meeting you, friends of Russell's.

Okay, Miles.

How are we going to find Russell before Bonnie does?

We don't know anything about him.

That's not true.

We know his favorite diner.

Good morning, sweetheart.

Dad, hi. What are you doing here?

Well, I had some free time, so I thought I would drop by and have a coffee.

Miles called you, didn't he?

He did.

When your mom started losing her hair, I saw how unsettling it was for her.

So I called Lydia at Harlem Hair and Beauty.

And what did you tell her?

I told her what was going on, and asked her to pick out a few wigs for you.

My treat.

Dad, if I wanted to order a wig, I would've done that myself.

How could you go behind my back and make that call?


I was trying to help.

You put on a brave face.

But you don't have to go through this alone.

We can get ahead of this.

Just like Mom did.

But I'm not Mom.

And I may not survive this.

Look, I get that you wanna help, but the last thing I need right now is to think about what comes next.

I have customers.


Hi. Excuse me.

Hey. You remember us?

We were here this morning. Yeah.

You didn't lose your wallet again, did you?


But it's funny that you should mention that.

I was hoping to thank the guy who returned it to me, Russell Hill?

Sure. Nice guy. Good temper.

Any idea where he might be?

Or a way to get in touch with him?

Sorry. No.

Our conversations are pretty much limited to the specials of the day and how bad the Knicks are.

What about where he works?

Look, it's very important that we speak with him.

What's this really about? Is Russell okay?


He was supposed to appear in court today, but he didn't. And if we don't find him, he's gonna go to jail for a long time.

Oh, my God. What?

I bought him a train ticket this morning.

You don't understand.

He told me that his bank froze his credit card by accident.

So he gave me cash to buy the ticket online.

I had no idea.

Where's he going?

Um, Buffalo.

Empire Service Line, inside of Atlantic Yards.

Yeah, that's only a few blocks away.

You better hurry. Leaves in 20 minutes.

Hey, thank you.

Bonnie was right. Russell's on the run.

Yeah, but it doesn't make any sense.

I mean, he's already guaranteed no more than three years.

Why would he risk it for 15?

I don't know.

But his train leaves in, like, five minutes.

We need to find him.

Any sign of him?

No, not yet.

Hey. Cara, look.

Russell was wearing that same jacket this morning.

Russell Hill?

Wait, you're the guy from the restaurant.

Yeah. You have a baby?

Yeah, she's my daughter.

Look, Russell, we know that you're running. That you skipped court.

What... how do you know that? It doesn't matter.

We're here to convince you not to get on that train.

Look, Russell, just follow us, and we'll explain everything.


No, I'm getting on that train, okay?

Stay away from me.

Hey, hey.

Do you see that lady down there?

She's a bounty hunter. She's here for you.

Now you can either go to jail or you can come with us.

Your choice.

Empire Line to Buffalo arriving in three minutes.


Okay, yeah. Let's go.

Miles, we can't outrun her.

Hey, I have an idea. Come on.

It's over, Russell. Excuse me?

You gotta be kidding me.

Okay. Hey.

Time to explain.

Who are you and why are you helping me?

Hey, look, it is a long story, and I promise to tell you everything.

But that bounty hunter is not gonna stop until she finds you.

You need to trust me.

You're helping me because something called the God Account sent you my name?

Maybe I should have chosen the bounty hunter.

Look, we're not always sure how to help at first.

But we always do.

And in this case, it seems pretty clear.

You need to turn yourself in.

I can't do that.

Do you really wanna raise your daughter on the run?

At least I'll be the one raising her.

Look, if I go to jail, there's no one to look after Maya.

Her mother's gone, and I have no family.

So she'll go into the system.

I, uh...

I never had a family.

You know, I grew up in foster care.

Bounced around homes.

Raised by people who saw me as nothing more than a government paycheck.

I'm not gonna let that happen to her.

So why steal a car?

I didn't.

Look, this guy I knew, Emmitt, offered me some quick cash to drive a client's car to a transport depot.

I had no idea the car was stolen until the cops pulled me over.

Then why plead guilty?

Because my public defender said since I had no priors, I'd get probation.

But then the DA came back with three years.

I couldn't believe it.

You know, I told my lawyer, "We gotta fight.

I'm innocent."

He said if we took it to trial, we'd just lose.

And I'd end up with the maximum sentence.

Which is 15 years.

And Maya's raised in the system.

What was I supposed to do?

Well if you're innocent, then maybe we can help you prove it.


Like, in order to do that, I'd have to hire a real lawyer, and I don't have the cash for that.

Actually, we know two great lawyers who could do us a favor.

Cara, Miles? Come in, come in.

Hi, Judy. Nice new office.

Things have really turned around since you came into our lives.

Sameer, Jai, look who's here.

Miles, Cara.

It's great to see you. What are you doing here?

Uh, this is our friend Russell and his daughter Maya.

We need your help.

Let me get this straight.

So hacking into the Department of Defense is off limits.

But hacking into DARPA, one of the most top secret government think tanks in this country, is cool?

Well, actually, Corey works for DARPA.

So technically, we'd just be helping him gain access to his own facility.

Oh. Great.

I'll make sure to tell that to my lawyer when I'm arrested for treason.

I'm kidding. What's the plan?

We're talking about building a souped-up Raspberry Pi.

Similar to the one you used to hack into the DOD.

But even if I could get it into the building, the moment I plug it in, it'd be detected.

Yeah. Yeah, I hear that.

If only we could get it to be wireless.

Wait. That's it.

Can you use a phone inside of DARPA?

Government-issued. Okay. Yeah. That works.

I just have to reprogram the code I wrote for the Raspberry Pi.

And I could put an app inside your phone.


And then once he's inside, he launches it, connects to the Wi-Fi, gives me remote access to the supercomputer that we are gonna use to break through the God Account's firewall.

How long would it take you to modify your code?

I can get it done in 24 hours.

That's genius.

Thank you. Can I get a raise?


Get to work.

Kid's impressive. Where'd you find him?

Friend Suggestion.

So you had no idea the car was stolen?


And your lawyer couldn't find this Emmitt guy so he could corroborate your story?

I mean, I was one of, like, 50 cases he had that week.

So he wasn't really going the extra mile.

Okay, so what do you guys think? Can you help him?

Based on what you've told us, I think we can get you a new trial date.

Hopefully buy us some time to track down Emmitt.

Well, we have a friend who's a PI.

I can give him a call.

I can't thank everybody enough.

Uh, so, uh...

What's the next step?

The next step is the hardest one.

You're gonna have to turn yourself in.

Or we can't engage with the judge or the DA until you're back in custody.

Yeah, but what about Maya?

I mean, she'll be placed in Child Protective Services.

Given the extenuating circumstance, the judge may allow you to remain out on bail while we're waiting for a new trial.

All goes well, we'll have you out in a few hours.

But only if you turn yourself in.


If you get caught, all bets are off.


I'll do it.

We just need a couple minutes.

You're in good hands, Russell.

Going somewhere?

How did you find us?

After that stunt you pulled at the train station, I looked into you two and tracked your phones.

It's time to go, Russell.

Wait, wait. You don't understand.

Russell has agreed to turn himself in.

Hmm, then it's a good thing I found him before he did.

Please don't do this.

Look, if you let Russell turn himself in, there's a chance he and his daughter could stay together.

I get it.

But Child Services will take good care of her.

No. They won't.

You have no idea what the system can be like.

Russell is innocent, and we can prove it.

And you will have your day in court after I take him in and collect my fee.

You know, I...

I'm no lawyer, but...

It's my understanding that Mr. Hill can assign temporary guardianship of his daughter to a family member or friend.

She's right.

We can draw up the petition immediately.

That sounds great, but I don't have any family or friends that I can trust.

You can trust me.

I helped raise my baby sister.

I can watch Maya for a couple of hours.

Maybe more than a couple of hours now that the situation's changed.

Russell, we're gonna go with you.

Okay, we can explain to the judge that you were preparing to surrender.

And hopefully still negotiate the same terms and get you out on bail.

Are you sure?


He won't be doing it alone.

Thank you.

Both of you.

Hey, baby.

Hey, Daddy's gonna be back before you know it, okay?

I love you so much, all right?

My sweet girl.


Okay, ready?

There you go, there you go, there you go.

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

It's okay.

What the hell did I miss?

This is Russell's baby, Maya.

We are helping out while the Patel Brothers work to get him out of jail.

Okay, but does anyone here even know how to take care of a baby?

Relax, okay?

It's just for a few hours.

I have everything under control...


Here you go.

What? You think just because I'm a woman, I instinctively know how to make that baby stop crying?

I'm sorry, you're right, um...

Oh... oh. Oh, my God.

Oh! She needs... okay.

Uh, she needs her diaper changed.

So let me just, um...

Hey, baby. It's okay.


Maybe I do have all the answers.

Okay, I'll meet... I'll be right back.

Come on, baby. Come on.

Hey, so how'd it go with Corey?

Uh, actually went great.

Yeah, I think we figured out a way to hack into DARPA.

I mean, I won't bore you with the detail and stuff, but, Miles, I think this could work.

You know how many times you've told me that?

A few.

What? Doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Okay, dude, I get how you're feeling...

Do you?

Rakesh, I have given up everything for the God Account.

If I had known this wasn't gonna help Ali, then I wouldn't have given up Cara and we would still be together.

So this is about Cara?

What if I made a mistake?

Then you need to tell her that!

I can't do that.

She's with Adam now.

Dude, they've been dating for, like, a couple of weeks.

That's nothing.

Do you still love her?


Then that's all that matters, Miles.


Diaper's on. Maya's good.

What's going on with you two?

I was just telling Rakesh that we have to track this guy down, Emmitt, to prove Russell's innocent.

Oh, yeah. That's right.

Ray just texted me, and he's visiting colleges with Isaac, so we have to find someone else to track down a criminal.

Who do we know who could do that?

What about a bounty hunter?

Thanks for meeting me. Sure.

After turning in Russell and collecting my fee, I've earned a drink.

And you have until I finish it to tell me what's up.

I need to find a criminal, and I want to hire the best bounty hunter I know.

Okay. The only one I know.

Let me guess.

You want me to find this Emmitt.

Yeah, Russell told me the whole story in the car.

Look, I know that we're on opposite sides...

I'm on nobody's side, Miles.

It's just the job. It's not personal.

You know, you say that, but there was a moment back at the law office where you seemed to care more than you were letting on.

You told Russell he could assign temporary guardianship of Maya.

You wanted to keep her out of the system.

The system isn't as bad as Russell makes it out to be.

Come on. You don't know that.

Yes, I do.

I was raised in it.

I had an incredible foster parent.

And if things don't work out for Russell, there are plenty of loving families who are willing to open their homes to his daughter.

I don't doubt that.

But Russell wasn't as lucky as you.

And he doesn't wanna take that chance with Maya.

If we can prove his innocence, he won't have to.

Order me another one while I make a few calls.

Oh, my God.

Why won't she stop fussing? I don't know.

Okay, we've tried everything.

Changed her. Fed her.

I sang to you.

Yeah, oh, I can't imagine why your rendition of "Old Town Road" didn't do the trick.

What was wrong with it? Was it off-key?

No, she's just tired, okay? She needs to go to sleep.

Uh... bedtime stories?

Yeah... yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah?

Yeah, okay. Oh, it's okay.

How about "A Godless World"?

Okay. All right.

We're just gonna do some old-fashioned cuddling and swaying.

That's right. It's okay, Maya.

Oh, that might be Miles. Will you check that?

Hey. I know.

I know.

Uh, unless Miles is using Adam's phone to ask about dinner plans, I don't think it's from him.

Miles said you told him about Adam.


It was hard, but I'm so glad I was honest with him.

So things are going well?

Actually, yeah.

I didn't think that I would be able to move on from Miles.

But for the first time, I can actually see myself with someone else.

And I'm happy.

Oh, my gosh.

Look. She stopped.

Hey. You got a minute?

Yeah, yeah. Look.

I appreciate you looking out for me.

But do you have to tell Dad every little thing that happens?

Right, I'm... I'm sorry, okay?

I just figured because he's been through this before, he would know how to help. If I wanted his help, Miles, I would have asked.

You need to let me handle this my way, okay?


It is hard enough dealing with all of this.

Being sick.

But the last thing I wanna feel is like everyone is looking at me like I need help.

Hey, Ali.

Ali, look. I get it.

You are the strongest person I know.

And no matter what you do, no one is ever gonna look at you like you need help.

Thank you, Miles.

Hey, Miles?

Hey, excuse me.

It's your lucky day.

I found Emmitt.

Finally some good news. Okay, where is he?

In lockup.

He just got picked up two days ago for a different crime, which means...

He isn't going anywhere.

All right, so if we can get him to talk, then Russell may walk free.

I can't believe you found Emmitt.

Even better.

He's gonna back your story.

Now Jai and Sameer are talking to the DA right now, and if all goes well, you will be out of here in no time.

I don't know how to thank you.

Man, I wish I could take the credit, but it was all her.

I was just k*lling time between drinks.

It was nothing.

No. It was everything.

Because of you, I...

I won't lose my daughter.

Hey. So?

We presented the DA with Emmitt's deposition.

They're gonna drop the grand larceny charge.

That's incredible. I can't believe it's over.

Actually, it's not.

The judge refused to dismiss your failure to appear.

He's sentencing you to six months.


I'm sorry, Russell.

There's nothing else we can do.

Okay, here we go.

Please take good care of her.

Guys, this doesn't feel like a win.

I mean, an innocent man is in jail.

And his daughter's on her way to foster care.

Look, maybe this was best case scenario.


Russell will be out in six months.

And if you hadn't gotten involved, that could've been 15 years.


Look, we can make sure that she's well taken care of.

Okay, we'll get her foster home info from Child Protective Services, and we'll update Russell on how she's doing.


Wait, the God Account just liked a house for sale.

It's being sold by the owner.

Her name is Joan Holbrooke.

All right. Let's pay her a visit.

We're here for the open house.

Feel free to look around.

Let me know if you have any questions.

If you're looking for a first home, you're not gonna find a better place.

Do you mind me asking why you're selling?

Kids are grown.

It's just me, so I don't need all the space anymore.

How many kids?


I was a foster parent.

For 30 years, this house provided a lot of great memories.

You're not gonna believe this, but we have a friend whose daughter is about to go into the system.

Look, she only needs a home for about six months.

Maybe it's not a coincidence that we ran into each other?

I'm sorry. I'm retired.

I'm moving to Florida next week, but if you give me your friend's name, I can refer him to some families that might be right.

Yeah, his name is Russell Hill, and I'm sure whatever you can do, he'd appreciate it.

Hold on.

Russell Hill?

Yeah. Why?

I don't know if it's the same person, but a Russell Hill came through our home.

It's been at least 20 years.


That's my oldest daughter holding Russell as a baby.

He was in our family for just a few months before the state moved him to another home.

I never knew what happened to him after that.

Mom? Sorry I'm late.

I made a bunch of For Sale brochures.

Miles? Cara?

You know each other? Yes.

What are you doing here?

I wasn't sure until now.

You're the girl in the photo, and the baby you're holding is Russell.

Russell needs someone to take care of Maya.


Look, he said that he didn't have any family, but that photo proves otherwise.

This is us.


You were barely a year old.

I remember how excited I was to have a baby brother to look after.

When you were taken away, I asked Joan if there was anything I could do to find you.

To help bring you back to our family.

If she had, think how different your life would've turned out.

Or Maya's.

And that's why she's here.

Look, she couldn't help you then.

But she can now.

You weren't lucky enough to get the home I did.

Let me give that to Maya.

Would you really do that for me?


We're all set. I installed the Raspberry Pi.

Hey. Thanks, Zach.

All right. It's go time.

Now remember. We only have one sh*t to pull this off.

But if everything goes according to plan, tomorrow we head to DARPA and get the answers we're looking for.

All right. See you then.

Ali texted and asked me to come over.

Yeah, she messaged me too, but didn't say why.



How do I look?


You look beautiful.

I couldn't agree more.

Look, I've decided this is how I'm going to face my cancer.

Not by covering it up or running.

But by embracing the reality of what lies ahead.


Luckily for you, like your father, you were blessed with a perfectly shaped head.


I want your support, your strength, your hope.

But what I don't want is to pretend like everything is going to be okay.

Because that only makes me more terrified.

You're right.

And I'm sorry about yesterday.

So am I.

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings...

Oh, no. But... life's too short not to be honest with the people you love.

Hey, Miles.

Rakesh, I gotta call you back.

I'm about to talk to Cara and tell her how I feel.

Uh, I don't think that's a good idea actually.


Because she told me that for the first time, she could actually see herself with someone other than you.

And, uh...

She said she's happy.


Are you there? Uh, yeah.

Yeah, I'm gonna call you later.