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07x11 - 43rd and Normal

Posted: 01/17/20 07:12
by bunniefuu
- How you feeling?

- Like I was asleep for a year.

Do you want to come with me?

Did you make a decision or something?


I'm having the baby.

The hell you doing in Chicago, Jordan?

Trey Woodson got sh*t to death, and you got caught on surveillance camera leaving his warehouse with a g*n in your hand.

- I didn't sh**t him.

- Was it Kristy?

She's my girl, bro.

Stay the hell away from Kristy, and keep your damn mouth shut.

Jordan, where you at?

I need you to call me back, bro.

Oh, hell, no.

I wish you would get back in that car.

I've been calling you for four days, Jordan.

And decided to do what?

Track me?

I'm not trying to operate like this, but I'm not gonna let you avoid me.

- You can't cut me out.

- You put Kristy in jail.

And I should've thrown your ass in jail right with her.

You know how many felonies you committed?

- How many crimes I had to bury?

- She's my family.

Your family?

Since when?

- I'm your family.

- No, you're not.

I don't know you, all right?

Jordan, don't just leave like that.

I said, I don't know you, fam.


You know I like it when you come down to my neighborhood.

You sound a little off on the phone.

Everything You went to the doctor?

- Alone?

- Yeah.

Sorry, I wanted to go alone, I sorry.

It's okay.

I can I see?


No, it's it's just I don't know.

You know everybody always says that these things are just like fuzzy clouds, that you can't make anything out, but That's definitely our baby.


I heard the heartbeat.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Like, I'm I'm really having a baby.


You know at some point we're gonna have to talk about how this is all gonna work.

You know, what it's gonna mean for us, - what it'll look like.

- I know.

You know, and I just Hey, hey, hey, hey.

When we were together, you know, we always said that we would Whoa.

- There.

- You see anything?

Yeah, storefront's smashed out.

Ladies, I'm gonna need you to get the hell out of here.

Right now, go.



Please help!


Please help.

Hold on, buddy, we'll be right there.

Please help.

Help me, please.

What the hell is happening?

Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.

5021, we need a ambo to 47th and Wallace.

- I got one down.

- Clear.

- What the hell is happening?

- All right.

- What's happening?

- We'll have to move you.

- Kim?

- Yeah?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop, stop, stop, please, stop, stop, stop.

Sir, all right, you grab my arm.

You grab my arm, we're gonna do it together.

It's okay, it's okay, all right.

Hold it together.

Go, go, go, go, on three: Break it.

- No, no, no, no, no, no.

- One, two, three.


Let's go!

They rammed their damn car in the windows.

I'm gonna go secure the scene.

Drove right through them, started sh**ting.

- Sir.

- The windows, the doors Sir, did you see their faces?

They had masks, but I could see skin.

- They were white.

- Okay.

Damn it, I need to talk to them.

- I'm sorry.

- It's okay, it's okay.

It's the adrenaline.

It's gonna wear off.

Keep going.

They started shouting some racial thing.

"Go back home to New York, Jew boy.

" I'm from Detroit, I'm Muslim.

Did they steal anything, sir?

I thought they were gonna sh**t me.

- Sir.

- I'm not even open yet.

- Did they take anything?

- There's nothing to steal.

You're gonna be okay, sir.

You're here fast.

Did you hear it over the citywide?

No, the superintendent.

Third one like this in a week.

Crawford wants a unit working on it.

All right, what do we got?

One injured, lots of property damage.

Definitely more smash than grab.

Owner said nothing was stolen.

SUV drove into the building, offenders jumped out, yelling racial slurs, sh*t up the place.

- Hate crime?

- We gotta loop in the Civil Rights Unit if it's a hate crime, right?

It's nothing till we can prove it.

Lick the scene clean.

Shells, forensics, anything these guys could've touched.

Let's see if we can lift any paint from where this SUV crashed.

Messy means loud, so hopefully the neighborhood was watching.

Knock and talk the whole block.


- It's crazy.

- Yeah.

How'd you end up catching this with Ruz?

I had a doctor's appointment, and I'm pregnant.

- You're pregnant?

- Yeah.

- 'Cause of Adam?

- Oh, yeah.

Well, look who's here.

Welcome back, brother.

Yeah, I'm not allowed to be full duty for another week.

You might as well live vicariously through us.

- We can make a journal for you.

- Glad you're back, Jay.

- Thanks, guys.

- Go ahead, Hailey.

Okay, three robberies in seven days in Canaryville.

But robbery is playing pretty fast and loose with the word since nothing of large value was actually stolen.

The first two places hit were still under construction, the third one wasn't open for business yet, so there's no cash in hand to steal.

All right, so it's about damage, not profit.

Guys, we got nothing on forensics.

Offenders kept their masks on, hands to themselves.

That fits with the witness statements I got.

"Two masked, gloved males.

" They also said they saw shotguns and a black SUV with the plates torn off.

All that is an exact match with the other two, but this is the first time that they're ramming windows, first time they used hate speech.

It's about anger.

Not much planning.

All three were brand-new establishments in the area.

I mean, it is Canaryville.

They're notorious for hating outsiders.

One might call it a tight-knit community.

Yeah, if some still live in the neighborhood.

I ain't you.

Grow old where you grew up, baby.

All right, let's start back from scratch.

Work all three scenes again.

Reopen case files, re-interview the owners.

Let's start finding patterns here.

We'll take 3579 Sangamon Street.

- You take this one.

- Okay.

You sure you don't want the brewery?

- Nope.

- Adam?

I told Kev.

So we're tellin' people, then?

- Oh, no.

- No.


When are we gonna tell Voight?

- We?

- You.

- I guess.

- I don't know.

As soon as I tell him, he's gonna put me on desk duty.

He knows police protocol, so most female cops, - they wait a while to tell - Why?

So they're not out of the action too long.

So their jobs aren't Well, isn't that kind of the point?

You know what?

I'm gonna figure it out myself.

No, listen, I'm not saying you gotta do anything right this minute Yeah, I know, I know, I just I'm gonna figure this one out myself, okay?

Okay, next place we're going to is 4210 Lowe.

Was hit three days ago.

Supposed to sell artisan wine and cheese.

This used to be a family owned Italian joint.

They had the worst chicken you ever had, but old Jackie pretended he didn't see us stealing beers from the bar, so Units in the 9th District, units in the citywide, armed robbery in progress.

4200 South Union 4and20 Diner.

- They hitting another one?

- Caller states 2 masked males armed with shotguns.

Respond with caution.

5021 Henry, call's bona fide.

Offenders may still be inside.

Copy, 5021.



Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

I'm gonna take a peek.

- You good?

- Yeah.

Chicago PD!




Hands up!

Get your hands up!

Come on.

Get up.

- We got one down.

- Police help.

- Ma'am, just stay right there.

- Is anyone still inside?

Uh, they, uh, split up.

One went out front, one went out back.

Okay, we're good here, Ruz.

Get down!

- Hailey!

- I'm good, you?


5021 Henry, roll an ambo to 4200 Union.

- Stay down, stay down.

- Okay.

Copy that, 5021.

Ambo in route.

5021 Ida, offender fleeing out the south exit armed with a shotgun.

I'm in pursuit.

Copy that.

You got eyes on him?




Chicago PD!

I need both your hands in the air now!

Nick, please!

Ma'am, ma'am, please stay in the car.

Don't raise your g*n.

Nick, he's a cop!

Stay down and stay in the car, ma'am!

Nick, stop!

Don't sh**t!

Put your g*n on the ground now!

- Drop the g*n!

- Whoa!

Put your g*n on the ground.

You drop it, I'm police.

You drop that g*n.

I'm not sh**ting, I'm not sh**ting!

Put it down!

Put it down, son of a bitch.

Put your hands on the hood.

I know your plates.

You stay right there.

Go, go!

Son of a bitch.

Son of a bitch.

Advisor responding, offender's fleeing southbound in a black SUV down the alley.

I cannot go with him.

All right.


You need it?

Yeah, for the witness statement, yeah.


Nick Morella.

I take it you work out of the ninth district.

Grew up in it.

43rd and Normal.

Look, man, I know my last name doesn't have the best rep, my brothers, cousins, me But I did two years in Menard, I cleaned up after.

Look, today all I care about is the guy that attempted to jack your car.

I really wasn't trying to hurt him bad.

He went for my wife's door, and he had a g*n, my kid was in the back.

I would've done the same thing.


Did you get a good look at him?

His mask went up a bit.

Was just a kid.

19, 20.


How do you, uh, how do you feel about getting together with a sketch artist?

- Nah, it's fine.

- Great.


Uh, go check on your kid, I'll be back in a few.

So we're still running it through the system, but you know, white, 19 to 21.

Lot of white guys in Canaryville got one foot in crime.

Yeah, a lot with two feet too.

Forensics is hoping blood samples from the street fight aren't too contaminated.

May get a match in CODIS, but long sh*t.

So I pulled up as much footage as I could from traffic cams within a three mile radius of that diner, and all I got is one sh*t of this SUV.

One sh*t?

How is that even possible?

Because whoever it is knew what streets to avoid, and they kept blind damn near the whole time.

Now I did as much homework as I could, but all we got is this torn off sticker that we can't even throw in the system.

No, no, no.

sh**t, you don't have to.

I know this.

My dad's got one.

It's from a locals only bar.

Well, I they lost their liquor license.

Too many vice calls, so club is probably more accurate, - but I definitely know it.

- All right, check it out.

I heard the good news, dawg.

Yeah, right.

I wanted to tell you - Congratulations.

- Thank you, yeah.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm good.


'Cause you don't seem too excited, man.

No, I'm excited, I just It's all kind of happening a little fast, you know?

I understand that.

So what's going on?

Y'all together, or what?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, nothing like that.

We just hung out a few times a couple months back, - that sort of thing.

- Mm-hmm.

Bro, if we were together, you'd be the first to know.

Well, I was the first to know this.

Thanks for telling me.

I didn't know I was allowed.

I didn't know Dude, she and I are so out of sync.

I mean, if I ask a question, she gets annoyed, if I don't ask questions she gets annoyed.

It's like, I don't know if I'm supposed to zig or zag.

If I zig, she's angry I didn't zag, if I zag, she's angry I didn't zig.

It's all very confusing.

And I get that she's the mother.

You know, that's her baby.

I get that, you know?

I don't know, I'm trying to do the right thing.

I clearly don't know what that is, but I'm still the father, or I wanna be.

Bro, you know that fatherhood ain't no joke.

Because your father did it right.

So just be there.

No long distance, no every other weekend.

Just be in it, and you'll be good.

Probably best I do the talking in here, bro.

Copy that.

After you.

- Heya, Sul.

- I ain't got nothing for you.

You don't even know why I'm here yet.

Not unless you're looking for your dad or a beer.

Don't really matter, answer's the same.

Sul, I don't really wanna be here any more than you want me here, so just let me ask the questions so I can get the hell out, okay?

He just told you, answer's the same.

Oh, we got a chorus, huh?

Just trying to not waste taxpayer dollars.

- Is that so?

- Yep.

Take a look around, you think anything in here's changed of late?

I think it smells worse.

But the women continue to be the prettiest in town.

How you doing, sugar?

Hi, darling.

Hey, how's Bobby doing?

Uh, you know, getting older and more stubborn every day.

You know him.


How I like 'em.

Know nothing, know nobody.

Listen, I'm looking for a black SUV.

It's got a torn 49 decal on the back of it.

Never seen a black SUV.

You should probably get out more.

Don't got nothing for you.

Sul, if you keep playing it like this, I gotta pull your footage, you know?

Don't got no footage here.

That used to be true until your nephew jacked your back door, ripped your safe out the wall, stole $800 and got high on blues with it.

Don't got no footage.

You do.

That's your last violation till you're shut down.

You can read it, but it doesn't change either.

I mean Thank you.

Right there.

Uh, that's two months ago.

See that plate.

Yep, here we go.


Ben Wilcomb.

White, 20 years old, two priors for as*ault and attempted armed robbery when he was a minor.

Grew up in Canaryville, and Kid's never been outside the borders of New City.

Got kicked out Tilden High at 16, In and out of juvie, zero social media, but he's pure canary.

Juvie records got him with his address tattooed on him twice.

Okay, last known?

Uh, an apartment off of 42nd, but we're having some problems with the SUV.

Right, being reported as stolen to CPD three weeks ago.

- Covering.

- Right.

So I'm pretty sure those plates are probably in a river by now.

All we have on him is that car and the sketch.

It's nowhere near enough.

We could bring him in, but he grew up in Canaryville in juvie.

He's not gonna cr*ck.

Well, we need to make a positive ID.

Get a six pack in front of Nick, and get coverts on Ben's apartment.

Let's keep eyes on this kid until we can move.

Let's put his ass at these robberies.

So anyway, I was talking to Kev about all this, just got me thinking, I'd really like to talk.

Yeah, we will.


Hey, Nick.

Officer Ruzek.

- Hey, uh - It's all right.

- Sorry, it's Friday night.

- No, no, no.

I apologize for interrupting.

Uh, do you have a few minutes to talk?

Sure, but why don't we go around back?

No problem.

Sorry, I don't recognize anyone.

- You sure?

- Yeah.

- You can take a minute.

- No, sorry, guy's not here.

A man d*ed.

We're talking m*rder, Nick.

If you recognize somebody, you gotta say something.

Can't magically recognize someone that I don't see.

- Oh, is that so?

- Yeah, that's so.

I think you guys should go now.

Nick, bro, how did we go from "I'll do anything I can to help you guys," to whatever it is you're doing right now?

- You're from here.

- Yeah.

- You know how this is.

- Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

I didn't know the kid was local.

All right, I've got nothing to say.

My loyalty is to my home, my neighborhood.

I'm not gonna help you.

This is Okay, we build it up?

No, we got nothing to build with, Sarge.

Ben's phone was off during the hits so we got no GPS, no calls or texts to link to the robbery.

Accomplices are the same.

Running Ben's circle up against robbery priors There's like eight dozen guys it could be, they all fit.

All right, what about Nick?

Did he make the ID?

No, no.

He came up short.

Neighborhood whisper a name in his ear?

Yeah, he said he couldn't put his arm around a local kid.

Okay, fine, so we put the arm on him instead.

What do you mean?

Well, you told me Nick b*at the offender - with a glock, right?

- Yeah, but - But he's on probation.

- The g*n's not registered.

- Even better.

- Boss.

You wanna jam this guy up for defending himself?

Offender was trying to jack his car, his kid was in the back seat.

He was doing the right thing.

Yeah, then, maybe, not now.

I'm done doing the Canaryville thing.

Look, we got a dead 35-year-old who had a wife and two kids, and we got nothing.

- Right, right.

- We need something.

- Bring his ass in.

- You got it, boss.

I already told you.

I don't recognize him.

It happened fast, I was all juiced up on adrenaline He tried to steal my car so I hit him.

All right, playing me for a fool that's not your best move right now, Nick.

They showed me a photo lineup.

I didn't see the guy, simple as that.

There's nothing that you two can do about it.

Oh, I wouldn't go that far.

You're in possession of a firearm, you're on probation.

Yup, and that's a twofer, bro.

With your résumé, you're looking at least five years.

I can't ID him.

I did nothing wrong.

I was protecting my family.

Family, huh?

You ever stop to think about the family of the dead guy?


'Cause I'll tell you, they ain't eating, they can't sleep.

They're sitting at home right now wondering how the hell they're gonna get through this day.

And the only thing that will give them a little peace, is us catching the k*ller.

But for us to do that, you gotta ID the offender!

Otherwise, I don't know why we're sitting here.

We'll just charge you and leave.

I'm not just gonna roll on some neighborhood kid, just ruin his life Ruin his family's life.

I'd be more worried more about your family right now.

Find another way to nail the prick.

You don't need to thr*aten my family.

Oh, you think we're bluffing?

That ain't a thr*at, Nick.

I will put your ass in jail, you understand?

Yeah, I read your file, Nick.

I know what you did.

Where you come from.

You're doing better now.

You got a wife, kid I mean, that's all that really matters, right?


I mean, there's nothing more important than that.

I'm telling you, once it's fractured I mean, you jeopardize its safety, stability You can never get it all back.

Show me the photos.

That's him.

His name's Ben Wilcomb.

I know his old man, Marty.

Yeah, he's a good man.

All right, two tact guys out front say the exit's been quiet.

Ben's still inside.

Got an anchor out back.


Holding down the lobby floor.

I've got eyes on north and south exits.

Copy you.

We're on the second floor.

- Approaching Ben's apartment.

- Copy you.

Back inside.

Back up.

We're ready to crash.

All right, copy that.

Chicago PD!


The apartment is clear.

We do not have the offender.

It's quiet in back.

Lot's clear.

Got eyes, the offender's running towards the basement.

Copy you, we'll cut him off from the back.

Move, get, get.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

I'm in the basement corridors.

I've lost eyes on the offender.


Drop your w*apon!

Ben, drop your w*apon, now.

- Ben drop your w*apon - Stop!

- Don't come any closer!

- Okay, okay, okay.

Come on, man, I don't want to sh**t you.

Look, this shouldn't be the way it ends for you.

That guy that d*ed, right?

That was a mistake, I know that.

Come down to the station and tell us your side of the story.

Give us your partner's name.

That will help you out.

- You don't mean that.

- I do mean that, man.

I mean it.

You wanna end your days in a dingy basement?

- Come on, put the g*n down.

- Don't come any closer!

Okay, okay.

Look, I'm gonna show you something, okay?

I'm gonna show you something.

I'm moving real slow.

I'm just gonna talk to my friends.

I'm with Ben.

We're talking things out.

No need to approach, I've got things under control.

Repeat, do not approach, I've got it under control.

Did you hear that, Ben?

I trust you.

Okay, now put the g*n down.

- Stop!

- Okay, okay.

Chicago PD, you drop the w*apon, right now!

No, no, no, no!

- Adam, Adam listen, Ben.

- You lied to me!

No, no, no, Ben, put the g*n down, all right?

I'm telling you, drop that w*apon right now, - or I will sh**t.

- We're good, Adam, we're good.

Come on, Ben, put the g*n down!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

5021 Ida, roll an ambo to Garden Grove apartment complex on Union Street.

sh*ts fired by the police.

Offender down.

Copy that, 5021.

I have the ambo en route.

I announced my office several times, told him to drop his w*apon, he pointed his g*n at me, I feared for my life, for Officer Burgess' life.

I fired off two rounds.

So you didn't sustain any injuries?

- No, ma'am.

- Okay.

You still gotta piss and blow and take more pictures back at the Area.

- I'll meet you there.

- Thank you, ma'am.


How'd it go?

Good, I think.

It was a good sh**t.

Pretty black and white.

Adam, I told you to stay back.

I had it under control.

Kim, I was I gave you an order over the DC.

- He could have sh*t you.

- He could have sh*t you too.

- But that's not the point.

- That is the point.

He had a g*n on you.

I came in to back you up.

No, you came in 'cause I'm pregnant.

Adam, I'm a cop.

If I tell you to stay back, I mean stay back.

I heard an altercation over the radio.

I heard him tuning you up.

What did you want me to do?

You want me to leave, grab a coffee, hope it all works out for you?

- Oh, God, you don't get it.

- No, no, no, I get it.

Hold on.

I get it.

I totally get it.

I just don't like what I'm getting.

You wanna tiptoe around this?


But things are different now.

You're pregnant with my kid.

My kid.

And so when I heard him working you, I did what I had to do to make sure that the both of you were okay, and if that pisses you off, I don't really care.

g*dd*mn, all I've been doing is trying to help you.

That's what I've been doing since we found out, - trying to help.

- Adam, I don't want your help.

I know that you're the father, but I'm the one having the baby, okay?

I'm the one who has to change her whole life, I have to put my career on hold, and I have to hope and pray that it's still there when I get back.

Do you think that's easy and fun?

This may not be what you wanna hear, but we're not together.

So this isn't gonna fall on us the same.

I get to do this part This pregnancy part My way, on my terms.

That's it.

For what it's worth, black, beaten-up SUVs, parked underground, tanks of gas inside and suitcases.

He was definitely about to bounce out of town.

- Glove up.

- Oh, thanks.

Other than this, nothing too interesting.

Unless you consider a half-eaten salami sandwich with yellow mustard and pickles interesting.


Well, I think this is pretty interesting.

Okay, let's get all this over to OCD, and meet Sarge at the district.

Atwater, talk to me.


Are you sure?

Okay, good looking out.

I'm on my way.

- Slow down, man.

- You gotta be kidding me.

So you don't return text messages?

You cut your phone off?

That's what we doin' now?

Leave me alone, Kev.

I'm not gonna talk to you right now.

- Huh?

Why's that?

- Why's that?

Really, bro?

You lied to her.

Come on, man, she wasn't trying to hurt nobody, bro, and I was trying to help her.

She k*lled a guy.

You can't fix that.

You don't back that up.

You play her, you play me.

You make me look like a little bitch, all right?

I love her.

I love her, and I got nothin' no more!

You got nothin'?

Come on, Jordan, you got me, you got family, you got so much.

- Don't talk to me, bruh.

- Don't walk away from me, Jordan!

Listen to me.

I don't want you.


Listen, stop coming.

I'm not telling you no more.

I'm all you got, Jordan!

Believe it or not, I'm it!

Shells recovered from the brewery and diner are a match to the shotgun we found in Ben's apartment.

So it confirms what we already know: Ben's one of the offenders.

Who the hell is the other guy?

Hey, Sarge, I just ran Ben's burners.

There's a lot of messages on there from an unregistered number discussing the robberies first.

The sender tells him to lay low and hide, then he tells him to run.

I think we got there - as he was trying to.

- Yeah.

That number's also a burner phone that's been shut off.

- You run the IMEIN?

- So I did.

Uh, the phone was bought at a corner store in Back of the Yards.

Same place Ben bought his burners.

- Upton's checking it out.

- Uh-huh.

Okay, owner remembers faces real well.

Said he know Ben Wilcomb, comes in all the time to buy beer and cigarettes, and he came in last month to buy a burner phone.

And the accomplice?

He said his father, Martin Wilcomb, also came in to buy a burner phone around the same time.

Guy goes to the 49.

Atwater and I saw him when we were there.

Martin Wilcomb, 52 years old, a few misdemeanors from when he was younger.

Looks like, uh Ah, he owns two liquor stores and a diner in Canaryville.

This says he filed for bankruptcy two months ago.

He named his LLC "Canaryville Hospitality.

" - Huh.

- Okay, that fits.

Marty's a believer in the neighborhood.

That neighborhood.

And he blames the demise on all the new businesses coming into town.

Him and the kid, they start robbing and vandalizing these places to push 'em out.

IMEIs are a match, owner has meticulous records and footage.

All right, so let's go grab him up.

- Levels.

- Halt.


We're good.

- You see the blood?

- Yeah.

All right, you go left, I go right.

On my count.

One, two, three, go.

- Body!

- Clear.

Yeah, he's still breathing.

5021, roll an ambo to 3711 Wallace.

Sir, can you hear me?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


- Nick - Hey.

Nick, it's Officer Adam Ruzek.

Do you recognize me?

What are you doing here, man?

- What happened?

- I came to talk to Marty.

Apologize, tell him the cops are looking for his kid, and he He grabbed a bat and he - Hey, Adam.

- What?

You get anything from Halstead?

I'll call.

Can you believe this guy?

Tells the father of the kid he just ratted out, that he just ratted him out.

Yeah, well, not a smart move, all things considered.

The fact that Nick was in there purging his Canaryville heart out, means that Marty knows we're looking at him, and he's got a jump.

We gotta move fast.

This guy can't be far.

Let's patrol the neighborhood.

Hey, Jay, it's Adam.

Where we at?

Ruz, I got a bolo out on his car and investigative alerts out at all the airports, train stations, and bus stations.

What about his cell phone?

So I ran his registered phone and his burner phone.

Both are shut off, no signal.

Wait, his SUV is damn near new.

We should be able to track him down - with the navigation system.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

All right, I'm gonna start writing you guys up a warrant.

- You hear that?

- All right.

Call me when you got a location.

All right.

Boss, that's his car.

- Mm, call it.

- We got eyes on his vehicle.

Southeast corner of the park.

In the back in the bleachers over there.

- Copy that.

- Yeah, that's him.

We got Marty on the bleachers on the west end.

I want you to clear the park.

Adam and I are approaching from the north side.

Kids, kids, I'm with Chicago PD, all right?

Everything's gonna be okay, but I want you to find your parents.

Hey, buddy, go to your parents.

Come on, come on, let's move.

These kids.

Hey, guys.

Move on, fast, will you?

g*n, g*n, g*n, g*n, g*n, g*n, g*n.

Move, move, move.



Hey, Marty.

Marty, listen to me, I'm Sergeant Hank Voight, Chicago PD.

I need you to put that g*n down.

Marty, look at me.

Put the g*n down.

You gotta drop the w*apon.

Come on, Marty.

I used to play with my son here when he was little.

Always made me happy.

It's a great place.

There's a lot of families here, that's why I need you to put the g*n down, Marty.

I'm supposed to meet Benny here.

I was gonna get him out.

You arrest him already?

Marty, we can talk about Benny later.

Right now, we gotta deal with the g*n in your hand.


Let's do that first.

We didn't mean to hurt anybody.

We were just protecting what was ours, - what we worked to build.

- I get it.

I mean, that's what guys like you and me do.

We protect our families, but Marty A man d*ed, and you gotta answer for that.


I just, um I had a life.

I looked up one day, and it was gone.

I thought if I could scare them away, things would go back.

Whoa, whoa, Marty, whoa.

- I wanna know where Benny is.

- Okay.

Put that g*n down, we'll tell you.

- Yeah.

- He in jail?

He's dead, isn't he?

That's why you won't tell me where he is?

Marty, give me the g*n.

How'd he die?

You guys sh**t him?

Marty, give me the g*n.


We can work it Whoa, Marty!

Do not!

Whoa, easy.


We had a hell of a run.

Good business, good family.

Now it's over, and it's all my fault.

- It's not over.

- I, um Take it easy.

- I screwed up.

- Yeah, Marty.

Yeah, you screwed up, you made a mistake.

It happens all the time.

We can work with you.

But put the g*n down.

You should've let me die.

You should've let me k*ll myself.

All right, Marty, it's over.

- Jay, any word on Nick?

- Uh, yeah.

Vince said he's critical but stable, they think he's gonna pull through.

- That's good.

- Yeah.

- I heard you made a nice disarm.

- Oh, man.

- You want details?

- Yeah, I'm losing my mind.

- After six days?

- After six minutes.

- Hey, Burgess, you got a sec?

- What yeah.

Uh, I'll meet up with you guys.

What's up?

Internet said it was an appropriate gift.

How'd you know?

I've been a cop a long time.

Plus, if you listen hard enough, you and Ruzek have voices that really carry.

Am I crazy?

Maybe, but I don't know, some of the best decisions we ever make start out as crazy.

So go with your gut, Burgess.

What's going on?

Nothing, just wanna talk.



I was hoping for something a little more specific.

I've been thinking about things.

- Okay.

- About Thinking about, uh, you know what we talked about, - about you and me, the baby - Okay.

Us, and um I think maybe we should get married.


Yeah, married, like for real married.

I mean, I know I screwed up last time But things are different now.

I'm different now.

So, married, yeah.


You have any thoughts on this?

'Cause I'm just kind of standing here.

I think it's a really bad idea.


- I didn't mean to be so - Honest.

- It's all right.

- No, it's just come on.

I don't wanna get married right now, and you don't either.

You're just scared, you're trying to do the right thing.

Yeah, I'm definitely trying to do the right thing, and I keep failing.

It's just like I don't know what to do, Kim, I'm just trying to be a good guy.

Yeah, I know.

You are a good guy.

Come on.

That's why I love you.

But we are different, and we're not meant to be together.

Not now, not as husband and wife anyway.

But we're meant to be family, right?

It may not be perfect, or what either one of us imagined a long time ago, but From now on, no matter what, we'll be in it together, okay?



- Thank you.

- Yeah.

Thank you