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01x09 - Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two

Posted: 12/10/19 05:17
by bunniefuu

SARA: Never thought we'd be pouring one out for Oliver.

We're not gonna wait for Barry?

I don't think he's ready to say good-bye.

So anybody want to Say some words for Oliver?

He sacrificed himself for me and Barry.

Shouldn't have done that.

His sacrifice saved a billion more people.

Let's not call that a mistake.


Oliver died the way he lived, a hero.


Not to rush a tender moment, but I think the multiverse is ending soonish, so No.

I can't, I can't.

Barry's right.

It feels like giving up.

We managed to get billions of people to safety.

There has to be a way we can undo this.

Oliver, my mom, Argo, Earth ugh all those Earths, all those people who vanished.

There has to be a way we can get them back.

Or we focus on stopping it from happening to every other universe.


Oh, hey.

Welcome to the joy zone.

- Where's Dig?

- At home with JJ.

He still doesn't know about Oliver.

- Lyla, you - I know.

I just I need to figure out - how to tell him.

- Yeah.

RAY: You can't just hijack the Waverider.

Our crew is still on there.

MONITOR: If there is any chance at surviving the Crisis, we need its technology.



I kind of promised our crew they'd never have to do another crossover.

We don't need your crew, just Ray's lab, and we have an entire multiverse of Waveriders at our disposal.



- LYLA: Is anyone here?

- COMPUTER: Welcome aboard.

My name is Leonard, an interactive, artificial consciousness programmed to operate this vessel's critical systems.

I know who you are.

Always pleased to meet a fan, but you're trespassing.

Any preference on how you'd like to die?

What he's saying is flame or frost?

I thought the Legends of Earth-74 all retired.

We did.

Well, some.

One died.

No one was using the ship, so I took it.

It's my ship.

- Why are you here?

- I like the quiet.

LEONARD: He's trying to be a writer.

- Shut up.

- Of romance novels.

Well, you can see how that's going.

It's going fine, you piece of You're basically living out of your car.

Listen, snowflake.

I'm just Boys.

Come with me, Mick Rory, and I promise you'll have plenty of beer to drink and stories to tell.

The multiverse needs saving, and its heroes need a ship.


You had me at beer.

MONITOR: You have all lost a great hero.

The wrong hero.

I do not disagree.

You have suffered a horrible loss, but you have every reason not to lose hope, 7, in fact.

Across space and time [BABY JONATHAN CRYING]

Across space and time exist 7 heroes, beings of the purest will who can ultimately [CRYING CONTINUES]

- Sorry.

You want to try?

- What?

MONITOR: Beings of the purest will who can ultimately It's not working.



MONITOR: Beings of the purest will, who can ultimately defeat the Anti-Monitor LOIS: Go, go, go.

And help save the multiverse.

They are known as Paragons.


And you're just dropping this on us now?

I only recently learned of their existence by consulting "The Book of Destiny".


We destroyed it last year.


After Oliver's early demise, I went back into the time stream and retrieved it intact.

It is now safely stored in this ship's library.

BARRY: So it's what, plan "B"?

That's comforting.


Anyone else wishing they'd done that shot?

Uh, but wait.

If the book can rewrite destiny, can it bring back Earth-38 or any of the other Earths?

MONITOR: Trying to re-create an entire world would surely drive one to madness.

What about my dad?

Could it bring him back?

I wish it could.

While Oliver Queen was to die in this Crisis, this is not how I saw events unfold, but as the Anti-Monitor gets stronger, I grow weaker.

We must find all 7 Paragons.

How about, like, a hint?

I have 4.

Kara Zor-El, despite all you have endured, you are the Paragon of Hope.

Well, you might want to double-check your omnipotence because I'm not feeling that hopeful right now.

Sara Lance is the Paragon of Destiny.


Well, that makes sense.

Captain of time travel and all that.

I have only descriptions for the other two paragons.

One is of a second Kryptonian, who is said to have suffered a greater loss than most mortal men could endure.

Today, he stands as the Paragon of Truth.

I'll find him.

I'll go with you.

And the fourth?

The Paragon of Courage is known only as the Bat of the future.

Seriously, where do you get these names and pseudonames anyway?

I enlisted the assistance of Felicity Smoak, who earned the wisdom of a second book.

That's a lot of books.

The Tome of the Guardians.

It revealed the names of Ms.

Zor-El and Ms.

Lance, as well as the other two.

Bummed out Kryptonian and future Bat, which technically means Earth-99 exists in a future time where Bruce Wayne has dedicated himself, body and soul, to fighting crime.

I'm sorry.

Go back.

Bruce Wayne is the Dark Knight?

If we could all keep that to ourselves, that'd be great.

MONITOR: The path to find him will lead you to the Paragon of Courage.


Who wants to meet Batman?


LEX: An entire universe wiped from existence distilled down to a computer graphic.

Got to say missing that wow factor.

Lena k*lled you.


Only for a little while.


MONITOR: Everyone has a part to play, even Lex Luthor.

You did this?

You brought that poisonous snake back?

His destiny was unfulfilled.

Lex Luthor still has an important role to play.

So you can revive him, but you can't bring back Oliver?

I restored Luthor long before the crisis caused my power to wane.

KARA: And what about those innocent lives on Earth-38?

Did they not have destinies to fulfill?

I'm sorry, but I can't trust a man who thinks Lex Luthor is an ally.

All I got from that is that if you die again that dude can't bring you back.

And you are?

New and unfriendly.

Lex Luthor kind of a d*ck, huh?


When I think of all those people on my Earth that we wanted to save but couldn't, it just feels unfair.


A day ago, I didn't think my life could get any worse.

My sister m*rder*d my stepmom and framed my dad for it.

That's dark, even for Gotham.

I'm fighting for a chance to make it right, and this fourth Paragon, my cousin Bruce on another Earth, finding him might help me get that chance.

Only if you believe the Monitor.

What kind of talk is that from the Paragon of Hope?


Come with me.

Let's go save the universe.


MAN: Stop him!


- WOMAN: Stop him.

- MAN: Before he finds the book.

BOTH: Stop him before he finds the book.

Find the book.

Stop Lex Luthor.

You're not supposed to have that.

And man was never meant to fly, but here we are.

Good-bye, Superman, all of you.

VOICES: Stop him!

MONITOR: Lex Luthor has the Book of Destiny.

He's going to use it to k*ll Supermen.

If he kills the Paragon, we're all doomed.

What have you done?

As I said, everyone has a part to play.

I'm glad you're here.

Me, too.

From what you told me, the Monitor was wrong about Oliver, so I don't know, Barry.

Maybe he's wrong about you, too.

Maybe you're not supposed to die.


Oliver told me about how he brought Sara and his sister back to life using something called a Lazarus pit.

I don't know.

That sounds too good to be true.

Well, it I mean, it is.

It turns out Thea destroyed all the pits on this Earth, but there are more Earths to choose from.

I know that you want Oliver back more than anything, but this is He can't be dead.

Not him.


Funny enough, the Monitor gave me a mission of my own.

To find our hopeless Kryptonian Paragon.


Did you ever think this would be our life?

I will take whatever life with you I can get.

SARA: So I miss one group chat, and now there's Paragons, and I'm supposed to be one of them.

Yep, and Barry and I are gonna use a Lazarus pit to bring my dad back.

Mia, it's not that simple.

The Lazarus pit isn't some magical mud bath where you get your soul and a cup of cucumber water at the end.

You lose your humanity.

Nyssa told me everything I need to know about Lazarus pits, and she told me everything I need to know about you.

Why don't you share your opinion when it's about your life?

Why don't you share your opinion when it's about your dad?


So the Paragon of Courage is apparently afraid of yardwork.

Better let me do the talking.



That's a really impressive six-pack.


Do I know you?

- Oh.

- No.

No, but I know you.

Well, a different like, a less this version of you.

I I'm Kate Kane.

I'm Bruce's cousin.

Yeah, no.

Earth-one villain?

Only friend actually.


Well, at least, he's cute.



Let's not make that weird.

That's weird.


Ttt, ttt, ttt.

Can I just - Please.

- Okay.


[g*n COCKS]

You need to leave Now.

MAN: Don't be so rude, Luke.


You'll have to forgive him.


We're not used to having guests.



KATE: Where is Luke taking Kara?

BRUCE: Library.

Just while we get to know each other again.

Well, the Bruce I knew wore a different kind of suit.

Lifetime of injuries, but you've aged well for a dead girl.

- I died?

- 5 years ago.


Never been a ghost before.


Plenty of ghosts in this place, but you're not one of them.

Clayface is a puddle of mud, and last I checked, Jane Doe was locked in Arkham, so who the hell are you?

Can you, uh can you sit in that thing?

Because you're gonna need to for this.

LOIS: Hang on.

- What is it?

- Iris.

We have a new problem.

It turns out Lex Luthor is alive.

- What?!

- According to Iris, Lex is jumping from universe to universe, k*lling off Supermen.

If one of them's the Kryptonian Paragon It's game over.

We need to find this Earth's Superman before Lex jumps here and offs him.


I think it's a little late for that.

Disappeared into thin air.

Lex k*lled him and breached out.

He won't stop until we're all dead.

You sure you want to do this?

A Lazarus pit's nasty business.

- MIA: We're sure.

- BARRY: We don't have a lot of time, so could you please take your smoke break later, maybe just do the spell?

Simmer down, speedy.

This is the spell.



It's all in the wrist.

What is it, some kind of star map?

Parallel Earths spread out by vibrational frequency.

We are well and truly bolloxed.

So many Earths already gone, and more vanishing as we speak.


I give you the needle in the celestial haystack, an Earth with a functioning Lazarus pit.


Well, now what?


Perhaps a thank you and a little well-earned awe for a magical job well done, eh?

How about I thank you when you bring my dad back?

All right.

Come on.

Let's go.

We can't screw this up, okay?

When we bring Oliver back, I need you to promise me you can bring back his soul.


One thing at a time, right, love?

I need to hear you say it.

- I'll do it.

- Thank you.

To the best of my abilities.



IRIS: Is that him?

It's either him or the buff guy on the paper towel rolls.

I can do that with one bare hand.



You are Clark Kent, right?

Can I help you?

IRIS: Uh, yeah, hopefully.

Heh heh.

Um, so, uh, this universe and an infinite number of others is in the process of blinking out of existence, and there are 7 people in all of space and time who can supposedly Lex Luthor is gonna try to k*ll you.

- Lois.

- He is.

- Lex?

- Yeah.

I didn't know the President was in town.


I've faced a lot of these type of things LEX: Hello, old friend.

Who are you?

Don't you know me, Clark?

I'm Lex Luthor.


You're not Lex.

Maybe not the Lex you know.

The multiverse has a way of aligning fates.

What'd you do with those people?

Sent them back to their flying tin can in the sky.

Let's hope they learn from this teachable moment.

Now I'm here for you, not them.

Whoever you are, I'm just a guy working on his farm.

You will always be my greatest enemy on any Earth.

It's written in the stars and in this book, or I wouldn't know that on this Earth Clark Kent heh heh is Superman.

Where I come from, that would be ridiculous.

He can't see past his glasses.


So what do you want?

Why, to k*ll you of course and every version of you across the multiverse so that if the, uh, super friends somehow find a way to save existence there won't be a single Superman to stand in my way.

That's Kryptonite.

Which has no effect on me ever since I gave up my powers.

You gave up your powers?

Can't say I've missed these chats.

You were basically a God.

You could fly.

You could see through walls.

You had superstrength.


You're kidding me.

That is worth more than any superpower.

LOIS LANE: Hey, Clark.

The girls want to show you what they've made.

I think it's time for you to Ah.

Still stronger.

You took all the fun out of it.

Enjoy your little slice of mediocrity while you can, Clark.

You're all doomed anyway.


Was somebody here, or were you talking to the cows again?

That was Lex Luthor from another Earth.

Apparently, the multiverse is ending.

Ha ha!

Smallville, you made a funny.

It's taken you about a decade, but you're getting the hang of it.

- Hmm.

What'd the girls make?

- A mess.

They can't wait for you to see it.


That sounds like a job for Us.

I thought you told them not to.

Ha ha ha!

Paragon of Courage?

Ha ha ha!



You're a few years too late.

"Reign of terror"?

It's like a wise man once said, "Battle not with monsters lest you become a monster".

I've lost track of how many people I've k*lled.

The Bruce I knew had a code.

You start with a code, you hang onto it with every self-righteous breath, but then you take one life, then another, then another, then another.

You'll see.

My Kate My Kate put on the cape, thought she'd succeed where I failed.

All she did was get herself k*lled.

Well, I'm not her.

And I'm not an old man held together with wire and metal.


You're a broken, pissed off, old hermit waiting to die in this 11-bedroom, 7-bath coffin, but apparently, you're needed.

I am giving you the chance to be a hero again and not just to Gotham.

The whole damn universe.


Uh, Mick, if you could I just i really need to concentrate if I'm ever gonna finish this Paragon detector the Monitor asked for.


"Once he awoke her desire, he was hers to explore willingly".

- Is that your - "Caged Passion", my romance novel.

LEONARD: Your only novel, self-published.

Still counts.

Uh, Mick, your book doesn't sound too kid-friendly.

It's very friendly.

Kid loves it.

Look at him.

Anyway, "Chapter 19.

As he caressed the nape of her back, he struck like a cobra".

Heh heh.

You like that.

So do I.

It's my best writing.


Now this is a newspaper.

Ray tracked Lex's last breach to this Earth, so he can't be far.

Well, let's find him me Clark before Lex does.

- Ohh!

- Oh, excuse me.

So sorry.

I'm so sorry.

- It was my fault.

- It was mine.


Heh heh.

I'm sorry.

You seem so familiar.

Have we met before?


Uh, he looks just like Ray Palmer.



Nice glasses.



Um, do you have a second?


For a citizen of Metropolis, always.

If you wouldn't mind contacting my assistant.

It's about Lex Luthor.

How did you say you knew Kate?

I didn't.

We're still sort of Getting to know each other.


What are those?

Mementos From Batman's greatest victories.

You mean trophies.

Um Yeah.

Those belonged to Superman, his alter ego at least.

Bruce k*lled this Earth's Superman?

Who do you think put him in that exoskeleton?


Big mistake.

I appreciate your concern, but this isn't my first go-around with Luthor.

I can handle him.

CLARK: That's what you're not hearing.

He's changed the game.

IRIS: Yeah.

The the book allows him to do anything.

He made us vanish right in front of the last Clark.

What is this?

Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane?

Why are all these names on your wall?

A reject from Gotham felt that we didn't cover him enough, so he played what he called a practical joke and gassed the building.

All these people died?

My friends, my wife.

I lost everyone in one fell swoop.

Almost as if you've been through more loss than any mortal man could endure.

I think we just found our Paragon.

We need you to come back with us.

I know this sounds insane, but you might be the key to saving the multiverse.

That's actually one of the least insane things I've ever heard.

First, we stay and face Luthor.

And you won't do it alone.

LOIS: We won't let him k*ll you.

LEX: Oh, I've moved on from that.

Never thought I'd say this, but I'm tired of k*lling Supermen.

So much more fun making Superman k*ll Superman.

You don't belong here.

We're here because we need your help.


I couldn't even save my wife, my friends.

I don't care about your universe.

Yes, you do.

You're the Paragon of Truth.

There's only one truth.

I serve Lex Luthor.

Kal, stop.



What did Lex do?


You have to get Luthor out of your head, Kal.

The multiverse needs you!

And what about what I need?


Come on, honey.

You got this.

Kal no.


Let me show you how it feels to lose the ones you love.

Oh, my God.

Get away from the window!

This should be fun.



You can read about it later.

Help me with the book.


Picture the Clark that we met.

Focus on what the universe knows he's meant to be.

There's only room in this world for one of us.

IRIS: I'm pretty sure it's not working.

It's like it's like Lex turned all of his love into hate.


Clark, this isn't you, not the real Clark, the one that Perry White respected and Jimmy Olsen looked up to and Lois loved.

You know nothing about me or them!

We know more than you think.

They would want your memories of them to lift you up, not drive you to darkness.

That's the truth, Clark, and the truth means everything to you.

Remember who you are.



You okay?

Actually, this is the second time I've gone nuts and fought myself.

I can see why you married her.


This is the place.


That's clean enough.


We'll clear this out.

All right.

We'll go get Oliver.

Are you sure that you want to do this?

More than anything.


Your father wouldn't take no for an answer either.

When I think of all the stupid stuff we got into when we were your age, it's amazing we didn't get arrested more.

Arrested more?

But you're way smarter than him.

You get that from my your mom.

JONAH HEX: Seems you little ladies have tied your horse to the wrong saloon.

This mine is off limits.

MIA: I don't care who owns it.

We need to use this pit.

Well, I'm a-sure we can come to an arrangement.

The mine is ours.

The hell it is.

Guess you were gonna get this scar eventually, hex.

Ease up, cowgirl.

The mine's yours.

The mine's yours.



So did you change your mind about us using the pit then?

I miss Ollie, too.


Did we miss something?

Just put him in the water.


See for yourself.

I can barely walk, let alone wear that again.

KATE: Do you understand how many people, how many worlds are going to die?

Well, if they're anything like this world, maybe that's for the best.

How can you even say that?

There was no hope for this world.

KARA: That's because you k*lled Superman.

This guy's not a Paragon of anything.

I was right.

We can't trust the Monitor.

What did you do?

Clearly what you couldn't.

How was he a treat?

Strange visitor from another planet comes to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men?


Clark always said yes to anyone with a badge or a flag.

He gave them too much power.

My parents taught me a very different lesson life only makes sense if you force it to.


A little souvenir from the old hometown.

It's not working.

Just give it some time.

Guys, Mia's right.

This isn't [GROWLING]

- You good?

- Thanks, mate.




You tranqed him?

I tranqed his body.

We have to get his soul back.

That isn't Oliver yet.

The Kate I knew didn't trust anyone, let alone a Kryptonian.

KATE: I don't know what happened to you, Bruce, but it ends now.


Let it end.

Let it all end.

This world's not worth saving in any universe.

If you really think that, you're gonna have to k*ll one more person.


Don't be a fool.


It'll k*ll you.

Kate listen to me.

There is no hope.


So, uh, do you have a gluten sensitivity too?


Not that I know of.

LEX: Congratulations.

You're a ringer for a filthy Kryptonian.

Your mom must be so proud.


MICK: Kid was a piece of cake.


There's someone I want you to meet.

Hi there, handsome guy.


He looks just like my son Jason.

MONITOR: Well done.

You have succeeded in finding the Paragon of Truth.

Lex Luthor played his role.

He led you to him.

KARA: Yeah?

How many more people did he hurt to do that?

You think you're a good guy, but you're not.

I think he's kind of neat.


Well, we still only have 3.

Bruce Wayne wasn't the Paragon of anything, so Whoa, Ray.

You are looking jacked.

CLARK: No, no, no, no.

This is your cousin sort of Huh.


Uh, so Batman tried to k*ll Kara, and now he's dead, so we're doomed.

We shall see.

I believe Dr.

Palmer's work is now finished.

At least I think it is.

I've never actually built a Paragon detector before.

Uh, okay.

This will be the trial run to find the final 3.

Everyone might want to take a step back.


And which Earth is that?

None of them.

That's us, this ship.

Apparently, there are still a few bugs.

MONITOR: Your machine works just fine.

That light is the Paragon of Courage.


Well, Bruce's body isn't on the ship, so MONITOR: No, but you are.

I said the path to Earth-99 would lead you to the Paragon, and that has come to pass.

You are the Bat of the future, Kate Kane.

You are the Paragon of Courage.


- Huh.

- What?!

It's, uh something's wrong.

This has, uh this has never happened before.

With all the anti-matter in the system, I've lost my magical mojo.

BARRY: If we can't get Oliver's soul back, he's gonna be a monster forever.


Do these things even work on you?

Not really, but you looked like you could use a drinking buddy.


Time travelers, Aliens.

I've barely even started this whole vigilante thing.

How am I a Paragon?

I've seen you in action.

You saved me, and last year, you saved Oliver and Barry's asses, thank you very much.

- Accurate.

- Heh.

How much you care, how hard you try, those are the things that make you hero, not powers or time travel, and you may not feel like you have the experience now, but you have the heart.

You're one of the bravest people I know.

That Bruce was brave once, too, and he had heart.

What if I end up like him?

You won't.

You'll make your own destiny.

I found this in his library.

That's Beth and me.

From Earth-99.

I wish I knew her like this.

Maybe you still can.

Sounds like the Paragon of Hope just got her hope back.


Hope, help, and compassion for all.

That's what I'm gonna do for Earth-38.

But Earth-38 is gone.

I know, but maybe I can use the Book of Destiny to bring it back.

The Monitor said that would be really dangerous, Kara.

I know what he said But what good is being the Paragon of Hope if I don't have any?



Please stop.

VOICES: Come to me, Harbinger.

It is time.

MAN: Lyla Michaels, Harbinger, I need you.

Who are you?

Universe after universe has fallen before my power.

World after world consumed.

With every death, I steal my mirror's strength, and mine grows every stronger.

Who am I?

I am the Anti-Monitor.

Come, Harbinger.

There is work to be done.