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02x08 - The Last Grenelle

Posted: 11/19/19 17:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on "God Friended Me" The diocese would like me to be the next bishop of New York.

Arthur, how could you not tell me this?

I can't marry you.

My parents said we should break up, but we're not going to.

We just need to keep our relationship between us.

Fake break up.

Miles, I love you.

I love you too.

Are you Audrey Grenelle?

Did you know there was a message hidden in the painting?

How could you possibly know about that?

Because it was meant for me.

That's the first place that Cara and I tracked the God Account to - when this first started.

- Yeah, but why is it sending us there now?

I don't know, but that's what we're gonna find out.

I can't believe that unlocking the painting revealed the house in Jersey.

Like, the same house where it all began?

What do you think it means?

I don't know, but after everything the God Account has put me through, I'm just hoping to finally get some answers.

- Hmm.

- Hey, were you able to find out who owns the house?

Yeah, uh, Gideon and Erica Moore bought the place about six months ago.

Gideon's a teacher, Erica's a stay-at-home mom, so as far as I can tell, no connections to the God Account.

There must be a reason the God Account is sending me there.

Well, maybe the God Account's getting sentimental.

Cara did finally say she loves you, right?

- Hey.

- Hey.


I'm so happy for you guys.

- Uh Thank you?

- Okay, that's enough.


So, did you hear from Audrey?

Yeah, she said that she doesn't "go" to Jersey, and to call her if we find anything.

All right.

Oh, that's our lift.

Rakesh, do you wanna ride shotgun?

Actually I'm gonna pass on the mysteries of the God Account today.

- What, you're not coming?

- Yeah, it's Jaya's birthday tomorrow, and I'm pulling out all the stops, so I still got a lot to do, but text me - if you find anything.

- Yep.

- You ready?

- Next stop, Jersey.

- Hey, can I help you?

- Uh, yes I hope so.

My names is Miles Finer, this is Cara Bloom.

Um, look, I I know this might sound crazy, but I'm about to tell you a story, and when I'm done if you wanna head inside and slam the door in my face, I totally understand.



About a year ago, I got a friend request on Facebook from someone calling themselves God.

Whoever's behind the account led us here.

Right This is the part where you head inside and slam that door.


It's not.

I I know you're telling the truth.


'Cause seven years ago I was friended by the God Account.

- I'll be right back, honey.

- Wait, I don't get it.

If you were friended by the God Account, what happened?

After a few years of helping Friend Suggestions, I fell in love.

I wanted a normal life, so I walked away.

I don't mean to be rude, Miles, - but what do you want?

- I just want answers.


The God Account brought me here for a reason.

I think it is to tell me what it wants me to do next; what my bigger purpose in all this might be.

You haven't figured out who's behind the God Account yet, - have you?

- No.

But something tells me you have.

It's God, Miles.

I don't believe in God.

You say that like it matters.

I know how it sounds, but, yeah, like it or not, you've been chosen.

Chosen to do what?

What else does God choose people for?

To be a prophet.

Wait, a prophet, like beard and long flowing robes, destined to change the world kind of thing?

I'm sorry, I know it's not the answer you wanna hear.

- I gotta get back to my family.

- Wait!



Why do you think I was chosen to become a prophet?

You were with the God Account for almost two years.

You have to know something.

Look, whatever you're not telling me, I need to know.



But not here.

Okay, my sister runs a bar in the city.

Honeysuckle Rose.

I'm gonna need a couple of hours.


I can't believe it.

Dad, you are going to be the bishop of New York, in two days.

It will be an honor.

The church will be filled with dignitaries from all over New York.

- Here's the seating chart.

- Thank you.

The first pew will be reserved for your friends and family, so if you can just - take a moment and give us their names.

- Of course.


What did I miss?

We just walked through the consecration process, and now we need to fill out Dad's guest list.

So, who do we have?

- Trish?

- I'm cautiously optimistic.

Uh, have you spoken to her?

Yes, I've told her how much I love her and that I'd do whatever it takes to balance bishop life and married life, and she said she needed "a little more time.

" I'm gonna write Trisha's name down.

Okay, I will give this to Cheryl.

Hey, Dad, I am sorry I missed your walkthrough.

I was In New Jersey.

- Yeah?

- The God Account led me to a man named Gideon Moore.

And apparently, he was the first person to get friended by the God Account.

- You're kidding!

- Yeah.

Did he have any answers?

He said that God was behind the God Account, and that I was chosen to become a prophet.

Look, son, um we can't agree on much when it comes to religion, but we can agree God is not behind the God Account.

Agreed, but I do think Gideon knows more than he's letting on.

Well, who's behind the God Account aside, you can always learn from people who have walked that path before you.

Thank you for meeting with us.

Sorry if I was a little stand-offish before.

I haven't thought about all this in a very long time.

We totally understand.

Two strangers walking up to your door asking about the God Account, it's Yeah, we're used to that reaction.

Are you two together?

Yeah, yeah, we help Friend Suggestions together.

No, I got that.

I meant are you a couple.



Um, a few months before I decided to walk away, the God Account sent me a message about the sacrifice that I'd have to make if I wanted to become a prophet.


What did it say?

That I would have to give up love and walk alone.

That's why you felt you had to walk away from the God Account?

Well, it seemed pretty clear what the rules were gonna be going forward.

And I was already having a very hard time balancing the God Account and love.

And you really didn't think you had a choice?

Have you ever known the God Account to be wrong?

Look, I wish that I could be more help, but I can't get involved.

I have a wife I love, and a son I adore.

I made my choice.

I put the God Account behind me, and that's where it needs to stay.


We got your message.

- This him?

- Uh, yeah, Gideon, this is my best friend, Rakesh.

He helps with the God Account.


You're the first Miles, huh?

- I I guess so.

- And this is Audrey Grenelle.


The God Account brought us together too, but I'm still not sure why yet.

Actually, I think I know.

You do?

She was the last Friend Suggestion I got before I unfriended the God Account.

You are the person that I never helped.

So wait, you got Audrey as a Friend Suggestion right before you walked away?

When I saw that you lived in France, I took it as a sign.

It was a perfect time to leave.

I'm getting that exact same vibe right now.

No, Audrey, Audrey, it's starting to make sense why the God Account brought us all together.

Look, you were Gideon's last Friend Suggestion.

He was supposed to help you with something five years ago.

Do you remember what it could have been?

Any problems in your life back then?

Any big events?

Nothing comes to mind, so whatever it was, clearly, it wasn't all that important.


Your God Account got it wrong.

No, it didn't.

It never does.

What are you not telling us, Audrey?

You're reading into something that isn't there.

So if you'll all excuse me, I'm heading back to Paris tomorrow, and I have a ton of packing to do.

It was nice meeting everyone.

No one believes her, right?

Did you look into Audrey five years ago?


And I can't get involved.

Come on, the God Account wouldn't have brought us together if you weren't supposed to be a part of this.

- I can't.

- Gideon!

I know you made peace with the God Account, but Audrey needs your help.

I haven't made my peace.

I thought I did, but, uh six months ago, I was watching the news, and I saw one of my Friend Suggestions she's a police officer, and she had just saved someone's life.

When I first met her, she was thinking about leaving her job.

I helped her reconsider.

It just reminded me that I used to make a difference.

You miss it.

Ever since I've seen that report, I've felt lost and shut off, disconnected from my family.

I don't know how to move on.

Well, maybe helping Audrey can let you do that.

I'm sorry.

I have to go.

Good luck with everything.

What do we do now?

We find out what was going on in Audrey's life five years ago.

- What?

- You know how the God Account works.

Audrey Grenelle was Gideon's Friend Suggestion, doesn't Gideon need to fix it?

Gideon made his choice.

We have to fix it.

The God Account led me to Paris, to Audrey, and to Gideon.

It's like I've been collecting the pieces along the way, and now we get to put it together.

We're supposed to help Audrey.



What are you doing here?

I'm on my lunch break, and I really wanted to see you.

- I miss you.

- I miss you too.

Look, I know it hasn't been easy, us spending less time together, but I thought I'd make it up to you.

- Here?

- No, Rakesh!



- My treat.

- Right.

Hey, but tomorrow's all on me, okay?

I'm pulling out all the stops for your birthday.

It's a date.

Speaking of dates, how was your night - with what's his name?

- Rakesh Really, what are the odds?

I thought his name was Kamal.

You know it didn't mean anything.

Kamal's just a friend.

Wait, I'm sorry, what?

I thought your parents set it up.

They did, but Kamal and I grew up together.

One of the things I love about our relationship, Rakesh, is our trust.

That date was only for appearances.

I love you.

I love you too.

Now take me to lunch.


- Trish!

- Hey, Miles.

- Thanks for meeting me.

- So good to see you - back in the city.

- Oh.

Are you here for Dad's consecration?

I don't know yet.

That's why I wanted to talk to you.

Being bishop is gonna require 100% of your father.

And even if it didn't, we both know he's not built to give anything less.

You don't think he can change?

A part of me is desperate to believe that he can find the balance in all this.

And the other part?

And the other part feels That when he agreed to be a bishop, he made his choice.

He chose the church over us, over the plans we had for our life.

I understand that.

But how can you walk away before you really know?

If Dad believes he can find that balance, doesn't he deserve the chance to prove that to you?

Prove it to himself?

Hey, Rakesh, we got your text.

Please tell me you found something on Audrey.

I did.

August Grenelle, Audrey's father: He d*ed five years ago.

That's when the God Account sent Gideon Audrey's name.

Mm-hmm, there's more.

August d*ed here in New York, and he was in the hospital for weeks leading up to it.

But when I checked Audrey's digital footprint, she was 6,000 miles away.

So for whatever reason, she never made it back to New York.

Because that's what Gideon was supposed to do.

He was supposed to make sure she was here.

But he walked away.

And Audrey never got to say good-bye.

We need to figure out a way to help Audrey find closure.

I mean, look, Miles, we don't know anything about her relationship with her father.

I mean, if August was in the hospital for weeks, chances are she knew he was sick, so why didn't she come back to New York?

Wait, you think she stayed away on purpose?

I don't know, but I think there's a good chance that it's not that simple.

Something else is going on.

Yeah, I think she might be right.

Audrey's AI program was designed to paint.

In order to do that, she had to teach it.

So when she gave me access to her program, I found she had used hundreds of paintings as reference.

- And?

- They all belong to the same artist: Her father.

It's like she's trying to keep his memory alive.

Clearly, she hasn't gotten over his death.

Maybe, but August d*ed five years ago.

We can't change that.

No, no, but we can change how she feels about it.

This is Audrey.

Leave message.

Hey, Audrey, it's Miles.

There's, uh, something that I want to talk to you about.

You give me a call back when you get this message?

Once I hear back from Audrey, I'll let you know.

It is in this lesson that we are reminded of life's journey.

We must not only trust that God will put us on the right path but that He'll give us the strength to walk it.

Proverbs 16:9, but the story misses the point.

And that is?

That we don't have to walk this path alone.

And what brings you back down here?

Actually, it's Trish.


She reached out to me.

She's back in the city, and she wanted to meet, so, I did.

And What did she say?

She wanted to know if I thought you could make this work.

Of course I can.

And - I told her as much on the phone.

- Yes, I get that, but when I talked to her, I got the sense she was not sold.

- I will have to convince her.

- Yeah.

If she's in the city, then there's still hope.


Thanks, Miles.

You know I feel like one of your Friend Suggestions.

Trust me, what you're going through with Trish, at least there's a solution.

What I got going on with the God Account, I am not so sure.

Wanna talk about it?

When Gideon walked away from the God Account, he never helped his last Friend Suggestion.

As a result, she never got a chance to say good-bye to her father before he d*ed.

I see, and who was the Friend Suggestion?

- Her name is Audrey Grenelle.

- Grenelle?

I I recognize that name.

About five years ago, I was visiting a church member at the hospital, and while I was there, I was asked to deliver last rites to a man and his name was August Grenelle.

That's Audrey's father.

The only reason I remember is that the room was filled with these beautiful paintings.

Apparently, he was an artist, and his name just stuck with me.

Did he say anything before he d*ed?

No, um, sorry.

He he wasn't alert.

But if it'll bring Audrey any comfort, he didn't die alone.

There was a a woman with him.

I don't remember her name, but it was clear that he meant a lot to her.

Whoever that is, she could be the key to helping Audrey.

- So we have to figure out who it is.

- Yes, but first there's someone I need to talk to.

So how are your plans for Jaya's birthday going?

Great, actually.

I just want everything to be perfect.

Yeah, of course.

I mean, cannot imagine how difficult it must be keeping your relationship a secret.

Honestly, I don't know what we were thinking.

Well, you were thinking that you love each other, and you would do anything to protect that.

You okay?

What's going on?

Gideon told us that before he walked away from the God Account, it left him a message about what he'd need to sacrifice one day.

It said that he'd have to give up love and walk alone.

Which is why Miles is throwing himself into helping Audrey so he doesn't have to think about it.

- But you are.

- How can I not?

And if it comes to it, do you think Miles would make the same choice?

No, but I don't think he'll have to.

Like, the God Account sent you to New York five years ago to meet Miles and become a team, and the moment you left, it sent Miles to Paris to bring you back.

It wants you together.

What Gideon said, that's about his path.

All right?

You guys get to choose your own.

It's Jaya.

She wants to meet.

I'll admit secret get-togethers don't suck.

Miles What are you doing here?

I know what you were supposed to do five years ago.

You were supposed to make sure that Audrey Grenelle saw her dad before he d*ed.

She never did.

Sorry, but I can't change that.

No no, but there may be a way to fix it.

Look, I know you don't wanna get involved again, but I do not believe the God Account brought us together to tear you away from your family.

I can't take that chance.

You said you have been feeling lost ever since you started thinking about the God Account again, and then we showed up to your door and led you to Audrey Grenelle.

I think if you help her you will be able to move on, once and for all.

Gideon, honey, what's going on?

Erica, this is Miles.

Gideon told me about you.

I know you've been struggling with this, but you promised me - you weren't going to get involved.

- I'm not.

What's he doing here?

I guess I have my answer.


I walked away from the God Account so I could have a family.

- I won't lose them.

- Gideon I am sorry.

Miles, please Don't come back.

Fancy seeing you here.

- What's up?

- Um Look, there's something I need to talk to you about.

- Okay.

- I just found out my parents are throwing me a surprise party tomorrow night.

My cousin let it slip.

Jaya, I had plans for us tomorrow night.

I know, but I really can't miss this.

My entire family's gonna be there.

I promise I'll make it up to you.

Jaya, I don't want you to make it up to me, I just wanna be with you on your birthday.

I know.

So do I.

Okay, then why don't I come to your party?

Rakesh, you know that's not an option.

Why not?

Your parents never said we couldn't be friends.


Can't a friend come and celebrate your birthday?

I'm sorry.

I just really don't think it's a good idea.

Rakesh, I know this is hard, but I need you to trust me, okay?

We'll get through this.

Uh where's Gideon?

He's not coming.

Well, you said he needed to tell me something.

I guess I've been sitting here for nothing.

That's not true.

Five years ago, Gideon was supposed to make sure that you made it to New York so you could see your father before he d*ed.

But he never did, and you never got a chance to say good-bye to him, did you?

Not that it's any of your business, but no.

It doesn't matter.

I wasn't close to him anyway.

Well, we know that's not true, otherwise you wouldn't have re-created his paintings with your AI program.

Clearly something happened between you two.

I had a falling out with my father a few years before he d*ed.

We never spoke again.

I wish I could change that, but I can't.

No, you can't, but there might be a way for you to get closure.


There was a woman that was by his side when he passed away.

If we track her down, then maybe she can help somehow.


No, she can't.

- Why not?

- She betrayed me.

- She destroyed my family.

- What are you talking about?

She ruined everything.

My life wasn't supposed to turn out like this.

I was supposed to be someone else.

- Who?

- It doesn't matter.

You can't fix that.

You can't fix any of it.

Okay, so how do we find the woman that was with August Grenelle the night he d*ed?

Well, that's a good question.

Hey, hey, Rakesh.

You okay?

Jaya's parents are throwing her a birthday party so she had to cancel our plans.


I'm sorry.

It's fine.

I just don't wanna talk about it, okay?

Could really use some God Account distraction right now.

Great, well, how about pulling the visitor logs from the hospital five years ago?

Shouldn't be too hard.

Gideon What are you doing here?

- Do you have a minute?

- Of course, come on in.



After you left, I talked to my wife.

She decided to take our son to her parents' house for a few days.

She needs some time to think things over.

Look, Gideon, I'm sorry.

That is not what I wanted.

You said that helping Audrey will let me move on and that I have to trust - the God Account.

- Yes.

It's just been such a long time since I've done that.

- I hope you're right, Miles.

- I am.

Okay, so How are we gonna help Audrey?

- That's what we're working on.

- Yeah.

You know, I was thinking about what Audrey said, and how that woman betrayed her.

I mean clearly she blames her for destroying her relationship with her father, so, maybe fixing whatever between them could be the key to all of this.

That makes sense.

So, we just have to find this woman and hope that she'll tell us what happened.

Yeah, we have to do that before Audrey leaves town in a few hours.

No pressure, Rakesh.

Oh, your mystery woman is named Madeline Bouchet, and according to the visitors log, she was at the hospital every day that August Grenelle was there, and not only that, she's also a professor of medicine at NYU.

So, I looked up her class schedule, and she's teaching this morning.

So, if you leave now, you might be able to catch her after class.


I was, uh, just coming to meet you.

I I know I was just uh in the neighborhood so I thought I'd stop by.

I'm glad you did.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier that I was back in the city.

It's okay.

Miles told me that the two of you talked.

- We did.

- I can make this work.

- Arthur.

- I can.

Just give me the chance.

Can you promise me that I won't always take a back seat to the church?

Because that's what I need to hear right now.

I'd love nothing more than to promise you that, and I'll do anything to fight for us, to keep you in my life, but I won't lie to you.

I can't pretend becoming bishop won't impact how much time we'll be able to spend together.

There will be sacrifices, but I promise there's a life for us.

What will it look like, Arthur?

What will it feel like?

Because at this point in my life, I don't think I wanna be second.

Well Trish, please Don't do this.

You will make a wonderful bishop.


- Uh, excuse me.

- Yes?

Hi, are you Madeline Bouchet?

- Yes.

- I'm Miles, this is Cara, and Gideon.

Um We're friends of Audrey Grenelle.

Okay, what's this about?

Do you mind telling us what happened between you two?

Look, we know Audrey wasn't there when her father passed away, and for some reason, she blames you.

Uh, I'm aware.

She's here in New York, but not for long.

We were hoping that you two could talk before she leaves.

I first met Audrey when she was a student of mine at the University of Paris Medical School.

Wait, Audrey was gonna be a doctor?

Not just any doctor.

She was one of my most gifted students.

Audrey might have been raised in privilege, but she had an amazing heart.

She was planning on working with Doctors Without Borders after graduation.

She wanted to spend her life - helping people.

- So what happened?

She and I become close, and eventually I met her father, August.

We fell in love.

He left his wife to be with me, and Audrey was just devastated.

She dropped out of med school, became a socialite Yeah, we've seen her Instagram.

The pictures that she puts up on her Instagram feed You see a beautiful woman without a care in the world, but the truth is, she's very much alone.

Did August try to reach out after he got sick?

Of course.

We both did.

I'm guessing she just erased the messages without listening to them, because as angry as she was, she loved her father.

She would have been by his side in the end had she known.

But she wasn't.

And I have no doubt she blames me for that.

In a way, I I do as well.

Would you be open to seeing her and telling her that?

I would love nothing more.

All right, we need to convince Audrey to sit down with Madeline.

I can't believe she was gonna be a doctor.

So how are we gonna find Audrey?

I take it you didn't have a Rakesh, did you?

- What are you working on?

- God Account.

Miles needed to find Audrey Grenelle.

And I just did.

I just texted him.

She's at Belvedere Castle.

- You got a sec?

- Of course, what's up?

It's just this whole birthday thing with Jaya.

She doesn't want me there.

I keep telling myself it's no big deal, but that's just a lie so I don't freak out, you know?

Of course, but just so you know, this has nothing to do with you and Jaya.

This is about you.

Rakesh, you're not built for this.

You're not built to pretend you don't care, when you do.

I know, but What choice do I have if she won't stand up to her parents?

You are the smartest person I know, Rakesh.

There has to be an option you haven't seen.


I knew I should have gone straight to the airport.

We spoke with Madeline.

She told us you were gonna be a doctor.

That's why the God Account brought us together.

Look, you need to find a way to make peace with this.

So you can get back on the path you're supposed to be on.

Even if I could It's deeper than that.

This was my father's favorite place in the city.

He used to take me here when I was little.

He only painted the castle for me.

If I had one wish It would be for him to paint that castle for me one last time.

To tell him how much I love him; how alone I'll always be without him.

That's the reason I ran.

I understand the decision to run away from a life; tell yourself you're never gonna look back, but you can't do that if you've left something unfinished.

Just talk to Madeline, 'cause if you don't, you won't be able to move on from this.

I appreciate what you're trying to do, but talking to Madeline isn't going to bring my father back.

No, but if you can make peace with her, then you'll be able to remember him with love and not regret.

And that's a powerful thing.

You want me to trust the God Account?

- Is that it?

- No.

Audrey, I want you to trust me.

Hello, Audrey.

- Can we come in?

- Of course.

I know that there's nothing I can say that can make up for what happened.

No, there's not.

So why don't you apologize for blowing up my family, and we can go our separate ways?

Audrey, please.

Okay, you said that you would listen.

- I'm listening.

- If you want an apology, I'm happy to give you one.

Because I am sorry, for so much of what happened and for how it happened.

But I will not apologize for falling in love with your father.

I loved him.

You could've walked away, Madeline, but you didn't.

- I couldn't.

- Right.


- This was a mistake.

- Audrey - No, I'm leaving.

- Wait.

Audrey, stop.

Don't go.

Where did you get that?

It looks like one of my father's paintings.

Did my father give it to you?


Then where did you get it?


Who are all these people?

Hey, honey.

This is my son.


Auggie, this is Miles, Cara, and Gideon.

And this is Audrey, your sister.

Go say hello.

It's nice to meet you.

You too.

- Why didn't you tell me?

- We tried.

My mom told me all about you.

Did you know I'm a painter?

Just like our dad.

So you painted that.

Belvedere Castle used to be his favorite place in the city.

I know.

My mom told me you live in France.

I can't wait to go there one day.

Have you ever been to the Louvre?

Yes, I have.

In fact, I had an exhibit in the Louvre.

You did?

What kind?

It was called The Future of Art.

At the time, I didn't know what it was.

But I think I do now.

Good afternoon.

Uh Rakesh, what are you doing here?

Um, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Rakesh Singh, and, uh I'm Jaya's boyfriend.

Um, Mr.

and Mrs.

Desai, the only reason Jaya and I were dishonest about our relationship was because you said we either get married or break up.

And so we thought we didn't have any options.

But, uh We do.


I love you, Jaya, and I don't care who knows it.

Will you marry me?

Rakesh, I'm sorry but I'm not ready to get married.



Okay, um I'm sorry for interrupting.





What were you thinking?

Oh, I don't know, Jaya, maybe I was thinking I love you; that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but clearly, you don't.

That's not fair.

You're not ready to get married either.

- Jaya, I just proposed!

- That wasn't a proposal!

That was you declaring you're done sneaking around, whether I like it or not.

Look, all I want is to be with you.

You were with me, Rakesh, in the only way I could handle right now.

I asked you to trust me, and you didn't.

I get it, I'm sorry, but, Jaya, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

And not being able to spend time together, be a real couple, it's it's - it's k*lling me.

- I know.

This isn't fair.

I'm sorry.

Jaya, what are you apologizing for?

You deserve the romantic comedy, Rakesh, all of it.

And I can't give that to you right now.

I wish I could, but I can't.

Jaya Don't do this.


I love you.

But we can't be together.

But we're soul mates.

I wish I believed in soul mates, because then I'd know this wouldn't really be over.

But it is.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- Thanks for coming.

- Of course.

But, like I told you on the phone, I spoke with Arthur, and I got my answer.

- He made his choice.

- No.

His choice is to try to keep you and the church in his life.

And look, I know that is asking for a lot, but if he believes he can find that balance, isn't it worth seeing if he's right?

Up until a few days ago, I thought I was the first person friended by the God Account.

Turns out there's someone who came before me.

Someone who's walked this path and knew the sacrifices that come with it.

That even if we get lost, it's never too late to find our way back I've been thinking about moving to New York permanently, and was wondering what you thought.

I think that sounds great.

And when we do, we often appreciate it even more.

- I'm happy for you, Gideon.

- Thanks.

- Yeah.

- You know I think I can finally put the God Account behind me.


All you had to do was help the last person you were supposed to.

No, no, that's not the reason.

It's you, Miles.

The God Account wanted to show me who's really supposed to be doing this.

How can I regret walking away from something that I was never destined to do?

You were the one destined to become a prophet.

Ey Gideon, I don't believe God is behind the account, or that I'm supposed to become a prophet.

Now wh what I do believe is that the God Account wanted Cara and I to find each other.

It wanted us to be a team.

The choice you had to make, I won't have to.

The God Account might have brought you two together, but how do you know it wasn't to test you?

To make sure you would sacrifice love to prove your worth?

Well, if it comes to that, I'll choose love.

- I will choose Cara.

- Miles I don't think that the God Account is gonna give you that choice.

That's why it put you through all this the painting and Paris and Audrey is to lead you to me.

So I could tell you what you needed to hear, and that you could make your peace with it.

Why should I?

Because the world needs hope.

Miles the world needs you.


In the end, we know we're on the right path when the people we love choose to walk it with us.

But what happens when we find ourselves on a path someone has walked before and warns us of the dangers that lie ahead?

I have to believe when that happens that we can choose to walk it differently.

And not walk it alone.