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03x05 - Argus 2: Battledome

Posted: 10/05/19 06:23
by bunniefuu



Yeah, yeah, yeah!









- How's your back?

- You hit the ground hard.

- I'm fine.

- Steph, that was amazing.

- It was okay?

You got it?

- Y-You okay?

- Good.

I'm good.

- You got another one in you?

- (LAUGHING): Totally!

- I'm kidding.

It was fantastic.

- Okay.

- Thank you.

It was great.

- All right.

Thank you.

That was amazing!

Check it.

Let's go.

- Moving on!

- Let's go back to holding.

So good.





I got to admit my heart was pounding just watching you jump off that bike.

- Why do you do that every day?


It's my job.


Everybody's got to make a living, I guess.

- There's no way I could do that.

- No.

Hey, Steph, uh, I wanted you to know that there is a box waiting for you over at Roy's house.

It's like knickknacks, keepsakes, you know, things like that, things you might want.

- Okay.

- Yeah.


Did Roy ever talk to you about his estate?




You're sure to be getting a call from his executor, but, uh, I'm just gonna tell you Roy willed everything to you.

All the land, house it's all yours.

I don't understand.

Well you were important to Roy.

You and your mother.


It, uh I'm interested to know if you'd want to be keeping that land.

'Cause if you do want to sell I hope you consider selling it to me.

Because I'll give you what it's gonna be worth ten years from now.

That land was Roy's heart and soul, and I just I'd be sad if I saw it go to somebody that, uh, didn't know that.

Or care about it the way that we do.

- Yeah.

- Give it some thought.

All right?

'Cause (SIGHS)

those, uh, vultures, they're gonna be circling soon.

That was great watching you out there.

Go get some bad guys for me, okay?



See you.


Ooh, that was fast!

Oh, come on in.

Room service is here!

Okay, how about just right, um, right here.


Um Billy?

I'm grabbing $20, but, uh, I'll pay you back.

I'm keeping track.


Okay, here, um Jordan, thank you.


(QUIETLY): Okay.


Oh, look at this.




I've got eggs and bacon and muffins and waffles for me, and toast That's great, but you know what?

I don't really eat in the morning, so knock yourself out.

Oh, oh, no, you have to put something in your stomach.

No, no, I'll just have some coffee.

- I'll be fine.

- No, at least have some juice.

Oh, for God's sake.

Okay, drink up.

- Come on.

Take a big - All right, then.

There we go.

No, no, one more sip.

One more

- I don't even f*cking like juice.

- One more sip.

- Thank you.

- Mm.

- Okay.

- Okay, great.



- When we were here before

- Mm-hmm?

I think we had a different room, 'cause I do not remember this view.

- Do you?

- Yeah?

I don't remember anything.

I remember your cousin Lemmy, and we tried to get in the trailer, and we left.

I-I-I don't remember anything, so Oh, really?

Oh, my God, I should have warned you, it's just my head was so clouded with Dan and high school and

- Hmm.


- Do you think that they're selling those g*ns to bad guys?

BILLY: It's better you don't think about it.

All right?

Oh, oh, it's just that, uh, I-I don't know if I'm gonna see you again, and-and, uh, you know, I, um I've got my money now, so out of your hair!

- Yeah.

- But, um, thank you for everything.


I don't like goodbyes, so I'll just say, see you around.

- How's that?

- Okay.

- And you're welcome anytime, wherever.

- Really?

- Of course.

- Oh.

Just you sure?

- Yeah.

- Oh, can Hug?

- Yeah - (LAUGHS)

There you go.


Oh, wow.


- All right.

Well, you be good.

So oh, so good luck in court today.

- Oh, thanks.

Appreciate it.

- Oh!

I was thinking Hang on, hang on, don't leave, okay?

- I was thinking, since your case - Yeah, well, I can't is about water - Yeah?

- And-and so I'm thinking that this guy might be able to help you because he does water deals.

- Oh, cool, yeah.

Who the hell is he?

- Yeah.

Some guy.


We-we met him in there.

He said (IMITATES MACHO VOICE): "I make big f*cking secret water deals," like, whatever that means, right?

- Oh.

Well, I-I don't remember the cat.

- Yeah, we met him in there - at the party.

- I-I don't remember him.

Anyway, I got to go.

- So, fair warning - Yeah?

- The guy is really a piece of work.

- Okay.

Hey, hey, do you want me to wrap up the toast - for you to take?

Um, I - No.

No, I'm good.



I'm waiting for my dad.

I'll leave as soon as he comes.

He should be any minute.

I'll be brief.

I'm sorry about Roy.

He was a good man.

I know your relationship with him was was complicated.

You know, your mother wanted to tell you about him a long time ago, but Roy wouldn't let her.

He didn't want to interfere.

He didn't want to cause any friction between you and Joe.

I think of Joe as my dad.

For better or for worse.

You know, Roy meant a lot to Wade.

And to me.

He was there when when our mother took her own you know, when she passed.

Anyway, you and I have both suffered terrible losses, so if you ever need a shoulder You want my land.

But what you really want is a seat on the water board.

- Okay, yes, but that - First Wade, now you.

It must be more valuable than I realize.

So I think I'll hold on to it.

There's my dad.

It was nice seeing you.

Okay, Diana's kicked me out of my restaurant.

It's gone.

I don't even have a place to stay for me and Maya.

I just can't stop now.

- I'm sorry.

- No, no, no.

- You good?

- Yeah.


All right.

The f*ck are you doing?

Give me that.

Give me that.

Give it to me.

Let's go.

Come on.

You too.

Let's go.

Everybody in.

Everybody in Briefcase.

g*dd*mn it.

(SIGHS): God.

90% are showing up, right?

So there's you know, we have ten percent.

I can't With all this going on, I can't - This is not - Look.

- What?


- Look.


So confident.

Did you know the crow is the most intelligent non-mammal?

They're smarter than dolphins.

And they're, like I mean, for Christ's sakes, you see rainbows in their wings.

Jesus, f*ck, okay.

And they're just set in stone.


Would you like me to get you - a cup of coffee or something?

- Oh, hey, Martha.

I don't see enough of you.

I'm so glad you came.

Oh, I'm happy to be here.

- You're-you're beautiful.

- Thank you.

- f*ck it, Martha, you're a distraction.


- BILLY: You're beautiful.

- JUDGE: Your proposed class is limited to county residents who don't have working water.



Your proposed class is limited to county residents who don't have working water.


Um, yes, that's correct, Your Honor.

- Is everything all right?

- It's very, very good.

- Yes.

- Uh-huh.

And they just fly away.

They just fly away.

- They come check in - Okay.

make sure their domain is all in order, and then they just fly away.

It's like They're protectors, really, I think.

JUDGE: to discover who in the county doesn't have water, and then just add them all in as individual plaintiffs?

Yes, uh, Your Honor, but our class largely consists of undocumented workers - who are afraid to join a lawsuit and - Oh, got it.

Sir, it's an emergency.

These people don't have water.

- (QUIETLY): It's urgent.

- And we don't have time

- (LOUDER): It's urgent.

- to gather everyone individually.

- It's urgent.

- It's urgent.



- JUDGE: Right.


Sen, do you have anything to add to this?

- Would you look at that?

- Mm-mm.

Would you look at that.

- SUMI: Permission to approach the bench?

- Granted.

Your Honor, this class action was illegally solicited.

I am moving to dismiss this case based on professional misconduct.

Whose professional misconduct?


Yours, Ms.


- What?

Billy - Well, if you don't know, I'm more than happy to enlighten you.


- JUDGE: Mr.


- PATTY: Billy?

Your first class representative, Eugene Bennett, originally hired you to file a wrongful death action, correct?

- Yes.

- But that case wasn't viable.

So you convinced him to go with a class action instead?

Uh well, that is a loaded question that someone should object to very quickly.


Bennett wasn't happy with the new direction of his case, was he?

PATTY: Uh, well, his wife croaked, so he wasn't a really happy man.

SUMI: Permission to treat her as a hostile witness?

PATTY: Oh, my God, please do.

JUDGE: Granted.

A simple "yes" or "no" will suffice.

- PATTY: I'm on it, Your Honor.

- JUDGE: Not "on it"!

- Yes, Your Honor.

Copy, yep.

- Thank you!

SUMI: Was Mr.

Bennett happy with your class action?

- (CHUCKLING): I'm gonna need a new pen.

- No.

So you were afraid to lose him as a client, and you went on TV to invite others to be part of this landmark class action.

That's not what I that's not how I said it, - and it's not what I said, so - Bailiff?

PATTY: Right.

So, um, if you, if you live in Blackwood County, um, and you don't have working water in your home, we want to hear from you, 'cause you could be part of this, um, landmark class action.

Sounds like a solicitation of clients to me.

I mean, you know that wasn't my intent.

SUMI: Intent or not, words have meaning.

Didn't Violet Webster attend your little town hall and listen to everything you had to say there?

PATTY: Right.

Listen, Fatso, you were there, so you know JUDGE: Counselor!

She is blessed with child.

Let's be very careful.

- SUMI: Thank you, Your Honor.

- Take this outside.

- JUDGE: You're welcome, my dear.

- Take it outside.

PATTY: Listen, you were there.

- Okay.


- PATTY: You know that we were just looking - for witnesses, not clients.

- Uh, but you told me that it was a privileged attorney-client meeting, didn't you?


You considered all those people there prospective clients, not witnesses.

- That is not accurate.

- Yeah, but when Mr.

Bennett dropped out, as expected, you went to Ms.

Webster and you asked her in person, one-on-one, - to be the face of your class action.

- You.

Didn't you?


(LOUDER): Yes.

- Your Honor, Ms. Soulless-Papagian - Solis-Papagian - Solis-Papagian - Solis-Papagian - Did you take it outside?

- I did.

I got rid of it.

- JUDGE: We've got it.

Thank you!

- SUMI: We got it!

- PATTY: She don't got it.

- JUDGE: Continue, Ms.


- SUMI: Ms.

Solis-Papagian - PATTY: Papagian has just admitted to soliciting litigation in violation of the rules of professional conduct.

She's unfit to practice law, and cannot be trusted to protect the interests of the class.

The court must deny certification and dismiss this case with prejudice.


McBride any thoughts?

Your witness, Mr.


COOPERMAN: Drunk and pathetic sad little man in a sad little suit.

You don't look so good either.

SUMI: What?

- What?

- SUMI: No, what did you say?

PATTY: Doesn't matter.


: Hi.

- Hi.


- Hello.

- Hi.

So um why, um Why-why was the lady delivering water?

Um do you mean why was Ms.

Webster delivering water when I first got to town, got stranded and she picked me up?




Because the residents didn't have water.

They didn't have water?

- That's terrible.

- Mm-hmm.

And I went with Ms.

Webster on one of her deliveries, where I saw the problem firsthand.

And this all happened before the idea for the class action occurred.

- It all happened before.

- Yes.

I would go so far as to say that my interaction with Ms.

Webster was the foundation for the idea of the class action, and not a solicitation.

COOPERMAN: Billy boy, it fills my heart with joy and sparkles to witness such loyalty to a partner, even a bottle-blonde loser ambulance chaser.


Why don't you shut your f*cking trap about her.

All I said was that the witness is clearly leading her own examination.

- No.

- I will allow it for now, Ms.

Sen, but, Mr.

McBride, you seem very distracted.


He abandoned me.

He'll abandon you, just as he has all those he's loved.

And someday very soon, he'll die, lost and alone.

A sad ending to the sad tale of the town drunk.




I know I never said goodbye.

I didn't say goodbye either.

Never said who?


I didn't say goodbye.

Billy, you know there's no price on anything you want to do for free.

That's right.

That's right.

Your Honor?


You see, my-my partner You don't know you don't know my partner.

It doesn't matter what she said or she didn't say.

You know, that's not the point.

What is the point, Mr.



Well, the point is that she saw people were suffering, and she did something I-I can't do.

They didn't have any water.

And she needed to help them.


(WHISPERS): No more questions?

No-no more questions.

Well, that was something.

Take a seat, Mr.



JUDGE: I believe you gave it your best shot.

But I also think you solicited your class.

(QUIETLY): Oh, shit.

JUDGE: I am gonna rule in favor of the defense and grant their motion to dismiss.

I am also going to contact the state bar.

- This kind of behavior - Your Honor, I'll do it for free.

JUDGE: Pardon me?

I said I'll do it for free.

There's no prohibition against solicitation in pro bono, so I'll do it for free.

Well As long as you don't stand a chance of making any pecuniary gain, congratulations.

You got yourself a class.

Your Honor, you can't be serious.

Take it as a win, Ms.


You're not going to do better.

Court dismissed.

All rise.

So, I'm officially suing the water board?


I thought that went very good.

- Okay.

- My God, take me.

The f*ck was that?

The f*ck was that?

- Look - Don't-don't say a word.

Don't say a word, all right?

We're making decisions separately now as partners.


Again with the pro bono?

- That's not what it was.

- Don't say a word.

Go sleep it off.

I don't want to talk to you right now.

Something's wrong here, and I don't know what it is, but you could at least give me a chance to f*ckin' talk to you.

g*dd*mn it.


- Hey.

- BRITTANY: Hey, Billy.

- Um, listen.

- Yeah.

I just stopped by Denise's dorm while I was on campus.

Um, when I showed up, Denise was passed out; middle of the day.

Her roommate said that she's been drinking a lot.

Like this wasn't the first time.

I'm kind of worried about her.

Is she there with you right now?

No, I put her in the shower.

Yeah, well, tell her to call me.

Okay, but I mean, you should come down here, okay?

You know, talk in person.



Hey, listen, thanks for taking care of her, okay.


Of course.

What's wrong?

I think I'm going crazy.

I keep seeing things.

I don't know if I got a brain tumor, or I don't know what happened to me.

But I'm seeing things.

All kinds of things.

Billy, you're scaring me.

I'm sorry, I-I'm not trying to scare you.

I'm just trying to tell you the truth.

I love you.

You don't have to say you love me, too.

I get it.

It's okay.

I just wanted you to know.

Listen, you know I care about you, right?


One thing at a time, okay?

Your daughter needs you.

Yeah, she does.

Just call me when you get back to L. A.

Hey, Brittany you hang up first, okay?







- Finally found you.

- Yeah.

I-I gave your mother my answer.

Yeah, well, she didn't like that answer.

Diana doesn't do noes.






You never did fight fair!


- Quit before I break something.


- I hate you!

- You're such a little bitch.

What'd you call me?!







f*ck you!








Are you okay?



- You're not.

- Yes, I am.

I think your arm's broken.

It's not.

You want a ride?


I'm okay.

Thank you.

I will walk.

f*ck you!


f*ck out of my way!






- MAN: What are you doing?

Come on, lady, move your ass!


It's a parking space!


Are you for real?

Hey, how long have you been out here?

The hell are you doing out here?


I was (GRUNTS)

I just had the most amazing experience.

- How long you been out here?

- (LAUGHING): No idea, but I was gonna leave, but then my ex-husband was standing right there.

- What was he doing here?

- And we just went for a walk, and we talked and I feel so much better about my divorce.


And then this man came up from the ground like he was coming out of the top of a submarine, and the top opened like a hatch or something, and he goes, "Are you lost?" And I said, "I'm actually not anymore. "

- Let me, let me ask you a question.

- And he was very dirty.

Listen to me, listen to me.

Did-did you have, like, an alcoholic drink or something that tasted weird or did you take some kind of medicine

- or anything like that?

- No.

I just 'Cause I've been having these weird things, too, and I've been seeing shit that, uh, I-I'm not sure is there, so I-I just had breakfast, like (GASPS)

Maybe it was the waffles.

Well, I didn't have any waffles, though.

So what did you have?

I didn't have anything.

I drank that f*cking juice, a little bit of it, that's it.

- I finished that juice.

- You did?

- The whole thing.

- Come here.

I was all right For a while I could smile For a while But when I saw you last night, you held - You okay?

- Mm-hmm.

And you stopped to say Hello Listen now, why don't you just go back up to the room and I'm-a come get you in a little bit and get you home, - okay?

- Okay.

I want to take a shower.

I smell like asphalt.


- Can you smell it?

No, no, honey, no, no.

- Bye.

- Yeah, bye.

Then you Said, "So long" I see your wife joined you.

Well, she's not my wife, but she did tell me what happened, and, uh, you were right, I have been here before.

So, you remembered what I told you.

Well, I know this: if I were you, I'd talk to the kitchen staff about some of the breakfast items 'cause I think they're a little sketchy, if you get my drift.


Is there something wrong?

Maybe it was an accident, probably not.

One way or the other, you could be facing a lawsuit.


I do not know what you are implying.

I think you do.

I'll just leave it at that.


So true I love you even more Than I did before But, darling, what can I do?

Diana, it's Joe.

The little fucker knows.

DIANA (ON TV): and boost your mood.

Shake your stress (AUDIO DISTORTS)

- Patty.

- Whoa!


Miss Blackwood's ready to see you now.


Okay, follow me this way, please.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right.

What are you, a compass?

Hold on.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- How are you?


- How've you been?


- Hi, hi.

- Thank you.

Thank you so much.

So do you want something to eat?

Like, a snack or juice, or

- No, I'm good, I'm good.



Here, why don't you sit right over here.


Well Oh, yeah.

I am so happy that you dropped by.

- What can I do for you?

- I want to talk to you about the situation with Gloria's Restaurant.

Oh, yeah, that's a, that's a tough one.

Is it?

Well Yeah, I-I, um, I talked to my brother about it, and, um (CHUCKLES)

I really didn't want to fire her, but it probably is for the best.


- A small town.

- I thought you and your brother kept your business affairs separate?

We-we normally do, but your lawsuit has made life complicated for everyone.

Well, you should reconsider how you mistreat your employees since they're the ones that are suffering because of your business practices.

(LAUGHING): My business practices?

What, like-like the free clinic and the organic cafeteria?

That's I was talking about the organic cafeteria.

- Right.

It's a problem for them, I know.

- Yeah, yeah.

Look, as-as sweet as Gloria and Violet are and they are I mean, I don't fault them for taking sides, but it's a lawsuit, you know.

They took a side and we had to respond.

Yeah, and your response was shitty.


You really care about them, don't you?


Just forgive me, but, um I have something here.

I just couldn't help myself.

Okay, what's that?

Well, I-I don't, I don't know if you know, but, uh, I adopted my boys, and I'm very sensitive to children who have spent time in the foster care system.

- Okay.

- And who may or may not know anything about who or where they come from.

So I know that you were in the system for years, and I had a friend of mine from Social Services look into your history.

So I don't know if you've ever had interest in meeting or talking to your birth mom So inappropriate.

Well, I-I don't see it that way.

Yeah, f*ck you.

I don't.

Patty, th-this information was actually - very difficult to come by.

- I don't care.

Hey, Patty, Patty.

I am just trying to help.

Help Violet and Gloria, that's who you help.




I will talk to my brother, and we'll see what we can do, okay?

Especially about Gloria's housing situation.

- Do that.

- Okay.

Would you like some of this?

It has CBD oil.

I would like you to shove that up your ass.

It could help with your stress.

- Did you get everything, baby?

- Yeah.

You didn't leave anything under the bed, right?

- No.

- Okay.

I don't want to move, Mommy.

I know, baby.

I don't want to move, either.



Hi, I have your check.

My check?

For what?

Oh, for whatever.

Maybe you could use it as a down payment for a little something.

Something for yourself, for the little princess over here.

Condo, a new car, whatever.

Holy shit.


Who Who is it from?

Don't worry about it.


- Who was that lady?

- I don't know, baby.

Come on.


- Hello?

Hi, uh, this is Gloria from Gloria's Restaurant.

Is this Brittany?

Oh, hi.



Uh, sorry to bother you, I wasn't sure who to call No, what's up?

A woman I don't know handed me a check for $20,000.

No explanation.

I mean, I'm-I'm happy for the money, but I don't recognize the company.

- I know, baby.

I know, baby.

- I'm hungry.

I don't recognize the company or why they're even paying me.

Um, what's the company name?


Could you take a picture of the check and just text it to me?

Yeah, sure.

It-it-it sounds weird, right?

We'll look into it.

Don't worry.

- Okay?

- Great.

- All right.

- Thanks.

- Thanks, Gloria.


- Bye.

DENISE: I had a bad day and a couple drinks.

You're making a big deal out of nothing.

That's not nothing, okay?

I just don't want you going down the wrong road, that's all.

- You of all people.

- Yeah, exactly.

Look, this is how it started for me when I was a freshman.

It wasn't a problem until, you know, it suddenly was a problem.

Well, thanks for the after-school special, guys.

Are we done?

Oh, can you hand me those things there?


What's up with devil bitch pictures here?

She's a f*cking criminal.

- You got to let it go, honey.

- How can you just let her go?

- Why aren't we doing anything?

- What do you want me to do?

Well, I don't know.

You're the genius f*cking lawyer.

Hey, thanks.

It's sick she's not in prison.

I have class.

Well, see ya if you ever decide to come back to L.


BRITTANY: I'll keep trying.

BILLY: Yeah, I appreciate it.

BRITTANY: Oh, remember Gloria from Gloria's Restaurant?

Yeah, yeah.

She, uh, she received this suspicious check - for a lot of money.

- Uh-huh.

I don't know, may or may not be case-related.

I'll have Marva look into it.

Hey, I'm sorry I scared you, okay?

It's fine.

Don't worry about it.

And when I was saying that stuff to you on the phone, I you know, I was just in a weird - Billy.

- sort of moment.

It's okay.

Anybody got anything to say about anything?


Got a black eye here, arm cast.


I know there's a story behind that.




You got anything?

Why don't you tell us about your day.

Well, my day, my day was uneventful.

Visiting a movie set was uneventful?


You talked to Stephanie?


Now I get it.

- Do you?

- Yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Let's talk about it later.

You're making plans for our future, that seems like a family discussion.

Okay, then let's talk about it now.

Actually, no, I don't, I don't feel like it.

I think I'm gonna go to bed.

Mom, what about the cake and gifts?

I don't really feel like that either.

Then what the f*ck do you feel like?!

I feel f*cking betrayed.

Gosh, that feels bad, doesn't it?

(LAUGHING): What, are you gonna teach me a lesson?

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Old dogs and all that shit.

- No, no, no.

- Y-You can be a f*cking spiteful prick.

Let me ask you something.

When you offered to buy Roy's land from Stephanie, whose money were you planning on using?

Every f*cking penny I made for years.

I will gladly cut you a check right now - for services rendered!

- Approaching Stephanie should've been a discussion between the two of us, as a team.

Stop that, Anton!

I do not remember my phone ringing off the wall when you talked to her!

Maybe I was going to surprise you!

Maybe I was going to give you the signed deed as a gift.

BLACKWOOD: Maybe, maybe.

- It's always maybe - Because I love you, - I was gonna - maybe with you!

Now let me tell you something!

All right.

You let me handle Roy's land.

After the way he went out of this world, that's the least you can do.


I love both of you very much.

But you have both disappointed me, and that cannot go unpunished.

So, I need both of you to tell me what you did.


And why you're making me punish both of you.

I failed you.


It won't happen again.



So, one watches and the other receives.


Anton, you choose.


Remember: I love you.

I love you.

I don't even know why you're going back up there.

I just won't order room service anymore.

What does that even mean?

Look, they've been watching me, now I'm gonna watch them, okay?

That's, that's a terrible idea.

You want to come do it?

Absolutely not.


- That's what I thought.


- All right, my food's here.

- Okay.

I'll call you when I get back from Sacramento.

- Yeah, okay, cool.

Bye, cuckoo.

- Okay, bye.


- God.


- Yes.

Cool your jets!


On a long-lost journey I'm going ANTON: Me?


When Pocahontas bats her eyelashes, you believe everything she says!


- Don't call her what?




You're being a f*cking assh*le!

f*ck you!

That's because she didn't f*cking do it!




DEALER: Here we go, folks.

MAGICIAN: Keep your eye on it.

I know you are.

With the big glasses, okay?

Watch this.

There's nothing here.





TEX RITTER: Some folks do a lot of good in the world.

That encourages us to do good.

A few people start off on the wrong foot.

Their black deeds serve as a warning post to us.

The song I'm gonna sing for you now, boys and girls, is about a boy who sort of wandered off the straight and narrow trail, took up a crooked course.

As usual, with all outlaws, he paid with his life.

His name was Billy the Kid.

I'll sing you a true song of Billy the Kid I'll sing of the desperate deeds that he did Just like poor Billy He wanders astray And loses his life In the very same way.


Spencer Jackson.

- Billy McBride.

- Yeah.

Yeah, we've met before.

Yeah, well, I don't remember everything, but I-I hear it was a wild night.

(LAUGHS): Yeah.

You are a m*therf*cker, you know that?

You got me so g*dd*mn drunk that night.

Hell, I hadn't been that wasted since college.

Yeah, well, I have that effect on people sometimes.



And what about that, uh, that roulette chick you were with?

What's her story?

- Well - How'd she win all that g*dd*mn money?

I guess the Rising Sun's a good luck charm for her.

- I don't know.

You got me.

- (EXHALES): Oh, man.

I f*cking love that place, huh?

- Yeah.

- It's a real sh*thole, but it's way out there and you do a lot of fun stuff off the record, you know?

Oh, yeah, no doubt about that.

Yeah, yeah.

- So what can I do for you?

- Well, I'm an attorney, - and I - Uh-oh.

What'd I do?

- Uh, we'll see.


No, uh, w-we've got a class action lawsuit against the Blackwood County Water Board.


Well, how can I help you with that?

Well, I was hoping to get some information about the Big Sur Agreement.

- Big Sur?

- Yeah.

Y-You were there, right?

Well, sure, I-I've been to Big Sur, but I don't know anything about an agreement.

Oh, right.

Yeah, the NDAs.

Well, I'm gonna crack those.

And when I do, I'm gonna find out exactly who was there.

Find out who the big players were, and what each person's got to lose.

You know, like reputation and career.

Little shit like that.


If I were you, I'd think about this long and hard.

Figure out if you want to be at the head of the train or the end of the train.

Because as a representative of the state, I'm pretty damn sure that I'm gonna find your name on the dotted line as the guy who signed off on privatizing a public resource.

That ain't cool, you know?

Well, Billy, I have an 11:00, so Oh, do you?

That surprises the shit out of me.

- Yeah.

I got work.


Well, I'm not worried about it.

You'll call me, as soon as you find out that these fat cats you've been playing with, these billionaires, they've got a whole team of lawyers who are just salivating.

They can't wait to nail your g*dd*mn ass and pin everything on you, so I figure I'll hear from you.

I was gonna give you a card, but most of those guys have my number, so you can get it pretty easy.

You be good.



It's Spence.

Uh, what the f*ck is going on in Blackwood County?


How do you mean?

Well, Billy f*cking McBride just left my office is what I mean.

- Oh, did he now?

- Yeah.


Just tell me this: how worried do I need to be?


Spencer wants to know how worried he should be.

He should be shaking like a sh1tting dog on a thin sheet of ice.

Wha I-I, uh - Feel better?

- Now, just Can you sh**t me straight, please?

Are we in trouble here?

Or are we good?


And what about me, Donald?

When a rose as lovely as you blooms, the bees come, uninvited.

I will pin and mount every single one of them.