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06x13 - New Life

Posted: 10/01/19 14:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S. H. I. E. L. D. "

I will gather a force to find Fitz and Simmons.

MALACHI: That is not necessary.

We have their brains.

Were you able to reach out to our fellow anthropologists?

There is a problem.

The Chronicoms on your list are no longer anthropologists.

IZEL: When the Di'Allas resonate in harmony, they'll open a gateway to my home.

My family will come through and take over the Shrike hosts.


Fall back!

DAISY: How did they get in here?

Okay, I made it.

Now what?

Now you wait for extract.

MACK: You really think this man is Coulson?

Sarge started to remember who he really is.

We don't know what he is.

This pain that's been a knife in my heart for so long.

It's love.

- The pain is love.



And now I know how to end it.


Marvel's Agents of S. H. I. E. L. D.


It's love.

- The pain is love.



And now I know how to end it.





Not like this.

Not by him.



DAISY: Fitz-Simmons, do you read?

We are pinned down.

They've breached Zephyr One.

Any word back from the temple?

Control, do you read?


- May's down.


Sarge, he he stabbed May.

She's gone, Daisy.

That's not possible.

That We saw it with our own eyes.




- Comms are offline.

And somehow I've been locked out of the system.

- That's weird.



So have I.


All satellites are off-line.

This can't be an accident.

- Get down!

- Come on!



Leave no prisoners.

- - Stop!

You were right.

I should've never trusted him.


I should've - MACK: No.

It wasn't right for me to judge No, don't don't don't do that.

Don't you walk it back.

I did this.

May This is on me.

Then make it mean something.


DEKE: Bobo?

Bobo, come in.

Talk to me.

Are you there, Bobo?

Deke, it's good to hear your voice.

Yeah, well, I wish I could say the same to you.


- I'm kinda stuck in the Quinjet right now under siege by a zombie army.

I could really use some rescuing!

We landed the Quinjet about 200 yards away.

Any chance we can reach him?


There's no way I can take out that many.


We're moments away from having to save ourselves.

All right, Deke, listen to me.

You're gonna have to fly over to us.

Hold up, Star Commander.

I've got like zero real-world piloting experience.


Taking off is one thing, but do you really think he can land a Quinjet?

Do you guys really think this is a good idea?

Piloting is mostly automated.

I feel very confident that you won't die.

MACK: Look, get to the cockpit, and I'll walk you through the lift-off procedure.

This is what I get for always letting stupid Trevor pilot in "Remorath Rumble".

All right, look to your right.

You should see two red switches.

Pull the one on the left back.


10-4, good buddy.

All right, now pull back on the throttle.

You should hear the engine ramp up.



- Oh!


Come on!


- ISAIAH: We've taken command of their operating systems.

MALACHI: And the exits?

Locked down.

It confounds that Enoch would speak of S. H. I. E. L. D. with such reverence.

It was a weakness.

One which proved his undoing.

Take your men.

Follow S. H. I. E. L. D. protocol to flush out all personnel.

The technology here is quite primitive.

The human mind has its limits.

Along with its secrets, and we will soon unlock the rest of them.

Now go find us the key.


Okay, all right, we just need to follow S. H. I. E. L. D. emergency protocols.

Agent Khan's strike team should be waiting for us down on the Staging Floor.

What are you doing?

Calling for back-up.



You have reached - Aah!

the voice mailbox for Enoch Coltrane.

I am currently unable to receive your transmi [DEVICE BEEPS]

What if the Chronicoms got to him first?

Malachi ordered his men to leave no prisoners.

This isn't just an ambush.

It's an extermination.

What joy, watching you strike her down.

How does it feel to be your true self once more?


Long overdue.



You've been held hostage in this vessel for far too long.


For centuries.

Yet here you are.

Ready to claim what we've always longed for.

A new home.

It's only a matter of time now that the sign has been sent.


MACK: What about the Standby Instrument System?

I'm telling you, all the wiring is in place.


What am I missing?


Deke, are you okay?

Hey, uh, any chance that the problem's the Electro-hydrostatic Actuator?

Yeah, that would make sense.

What made you think of that?

Just a gut feeling.

Well, can you fix it?

- Hey!


Don't make me come out there!


- Yeah, I don't want to go out there.

We're gonna have to find another work-around.

You should be able to re-route power directly to the main engine.

There's a hatch in the floor.

Copy that.


They cut the door's hydraulic line.

They're dumb, not stupid.

MACK: We need to reinforce that door.

- Go, I'll get Deke in the air.

- Okay.

Grab this.

That's easier said than done.

Everything's bolted down.



Or that.


Where is everybody?

Agent Khan and his team should already be here.

That's the protocol.

They lined them up, and they ex*cuted them.

This floor's only used for emergencies.

It's a-a verbal protocol, not in the system.

How did the Chronicoms even know that people would be gathering down here?

'Cause you did.

They've been inside our heads.

Think about it.

They put us in that mind prison.

They hacked into our brains.

They know everything that we know.

Passwords, base layout, S. H. I. E. L. D. emergency protocols every move that we would make.


We need to find a way up to the hangar.


Chronicoms will know our next move.

They'll be waiting.

There has to be somewhere to hide that we wouldn't have thought of then uh, something new.

Deke's development lab.

That floor was empty until a few days ago.

Long after we escaped the Chronicoms.

Get everyone to the twentyfirst floor.

Avoid all emergency exits.

Aren't you coming?

We're a liability.


Now what?

Well, they may be inside our heads, but we can make sure they don't get into anyone else's.

IZEL: That look in your eye I've seen it many times before.

Just never upon this face.

It still feels foreign.

Give it time.

I must confess to having gained an appreciation for this vessel of yours.

There is a strength about it which I find enticing.

SARGE: It's a prison.

From which I freed you.

And I'd be grateful for that if you hadn't been the one responsible for my captivity.


You're wrong!


You left me to rot in our world.

You could not exist outside it.

Which is why I sent you to retrieve the Di'Allas.

To make me whole.

Finding them proved much more difficult than we imagined.


Or did the glory prove impossible to resist?

I should've struck you down when I had the chance.


Your words sound petty, as if spoken by the human I shot in the face the very action that freed you to stand by my side, ready to deliver our people into this world.

Call your Shrike back to the temple.

Let's give them new life.

They will arrive once the last of S. H. I. E. L. D. has been put down.



Mack, they called their friends.

MACK: All that's left is to reroute that electric input cable to the flight systems.




Let go of me!



Is everything okay?

Yeah, just a little zombie flare-up, but I took care of it.



Come on, let's get this bird in the air.




Where did they go?

What would be their next move?

They can't make it through the engine room, right?


But even if they did, the only other room that they would be able to access is The armory.

[SLOW-MOTION g*nshots]

I did not know you could do that.

I don't have to run fast to make things go slow.








Okay, that wasn't so bad.

I think I'm pretty good at this.

Okay, easy there, cowboy.

Take-off's pretty much automated.

It's the landing where things get a little tricky.

It's gonna require a gentle touch.

Well, you rest that pretty, little head of yours, because the D's kinda known for that.

You're about 30 seconds out.

Just try to concentrate on DAISY: Mack!


What happened?

One of those Shrike things flew into her mouth.


No, no, no, no, no.

I didn't see it in time.


I'm sorry.

- No, don't worry.

We're gonna find a way to get this thing out of you.

Doesn't work like that.

Gentle's not happening!



- Everybody hold on!



He did it.

I won't lose you.

I can't lose you.




Or everything that's left of it.

My fear is that the Chronicoms will want brain scans of anyone who went in.

- Including Coulson.

- Right.

If they can unlock the secrets of Coulson's mind Then they'll have all of S. H. I. E. L. D. 's secrets, too.

Which is why we're not going to let that happen.


All that research that went into the Framework have to admit, it's kinda sad to see it go.

Is that so?!


That was a joke.

'Cause, actually, the Framework's the Framework's just silly, and Radcliffe definitely definitely had a drinking problem.


[g*n COCKS]

More Hunters?

BAAL-GAD: It is all kept on this floor.

Keep searching.


They're gathering mind tech.

Guess we were right to head here.

We need to destroy all of it.

Couldn't hurt to take a few Hunters in the process.




IZEL: Soon the others will join us.

Once the Three open the Temple of the Forgotten, the flood will come.

They will finally be free.

Free to take form, to know what it is to feel as we do.

Hunger, thirst, pleasure [QUIETLY]



SIMMONS: This doesn't look good for us.

Yeah, I know.

I think I'm thinking what you're thinking.

We don't have enough b*ll*ts to stop them.

They're in the hall.

This room only has one entrance.

To survive We need to trigger the expl*sives remotely Or set a timer and get out [SIGHS]

but there is no way out.

And we don't have a timer.

We just have a trigger.



What other choice do we have, right?


We'll be saving lives.



- Fitz - Yeah, I know.

Me too.



This must be confusing, best friend.

But I had to take bold action.


I found that bluffing was much easier if you k*ll someone and take their skin.

There is a second wave of Hunters coming.

We'll never survive it.

I have a strategy that will save your lives and the lives of your fellow Agents, but unfortunately, time is of the essence.

We must act now.

Yeah, of course.


This will be the hardest thing you have ever done.

- I doubt that.

- Nothing's ever easy with you, is it?

What do we have to do?

Change the natural course of your lives forever.

- Oh, that again.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Now that we're in the air, I'm good.

- It's just the ground that scares me.

- Just get us close.

Crash the damn thing if you have to.

- I can help in this fight.

- You're damn right.

We need you.

Agent Keller had maybe, uh, thirty minutes - before we lost him.

- No, no!

No, we are not losing anyone else today.

I'm not losing you.

How close are we?

- I see it.

It's just up ahead.

- Okay, fly right along the eastside.

I'm with him.

You're not going out like this, do you understand?

We will crush them.

And maybe when the Wicked Witch is gone, her flying army will die off, too.

I don't want to wait to find out.

If I turn We're not having this conversation.

Listen to me.

If I turn, I need you to take one of those knives and put it right here.

It won't come to that.

It might.

And Mack won't be able to do it.



But it won't come to that.

And you?

Ready to unleash the beast?

Fate of the world, as always.

Today, I have something else on my mind.

What's that?



IZEL: You did this.

You sent her there.

Either you underestimated the woman's strength, or you didn't want her dead to begin with.

- Watch yourself.

- Maybe you haven't shed the chains of this pitiful vessel!

You ready to find out?


I will have to handle this problem myself as I've done for centuries.

I see you discovered life and death are meaningless in this realm.

Which is why we find it so curious that you cling to one and dread the other.

I sang my song.

Connected our worlds.

Now I will open the door to this temple so our kind can pass through, find a voice of their own.

MAY: Humans will fight back.

Always do.

IZEL: The Shrike have hollowed them out.

There's no fight left.

They won't struggle, as he did.

Yeah, Sarge?

Not my favorite.

In a way, his struggle was a battle between his devotion to you and his devotion to me.

You sure death is meaningless here?

Because those other three evaporated.

Their energies will live on as something else.

Right, I've heard that before.

Well, then [SWORD SHINKS]

get ready to be reborn.



All right, right down that way.

That'll take you to the fun zone.

I should've made shotgun rounds.


Agent Shaw, you got your orders.

Stay here and take out any zombies while you go Quake Sarge back to whatever planet he was barfed out on.

You sure you can handle the gunplay?

Oh, he's been practicing his sh**ting.

You should see his video game.

Just I got this.

Go get him.


So, you've come to witness the arrival - Daisy!




You underestimate me.

Believing his body could hold me back.


But I'm more powerful than you could ever be.

Daisy I'll survive [GRUNTING]





It's gonna be satisfying when I take you out of the picture.




Yo-Yo Daisy Stay with me, okay?


Do it Do it.








I don't need to beat you.

I've done what I came here to do.

I'll go.

And on the other side, you're already dead.

As for erasing you from existence, they'll do it for me.


Come on, guys.

They're coming to collect.

I can't hold here forever.





Before it gets worse [BREATHING HEAVILY]


You put up a good fight, Director but we're no match now.


I've been through enough of these to know we always come out on top.





Stay with me.

Stay with me.

I'm right here.


Hang in there.

Hang in there!

Come on!

I'm sorry.

I c I can't.


Glad to see you've joined us.

Why keep fighting?

Look at the power we hold and look at your suffering.


I won't hurt you.


Why continue?

Let me guess surrender and we'll never suffer again.

Oh, no.

I'll make sure you do.

I'll handpick the spirits to take you, to use your flesh, to ravage your insides.

Every waking moment, a battle will rage within you.

Can't wait.



Singing a different song now, aren't you?







Are you back?

You're okay.

I'm with you.

I'm with you.


May Hey, hey.

Daisy Did you destroy it?

That thing inside him?

We did.

Was there anything left?



I was hoping to see him again.

Me, too.

I guess I guess I'll see him soon enough.




She'll be fine.


We'll repair her tissue in a few hours once she reaches the correct core temperature.

But right now, we have to move.

Quickly, sir.

Isn't it a bad idea to leave those behind?

They'll be gone soon enough.

How did you do all this?

We had help, and we had time.

Give Yo-Yo her breathing apparatus.


Set the chamber temperature to minus 68 degrees.

Where's Fitz?

I don't know.

I can't know.

Simmons, what's going on here?

The Chronicoms want to establish Chronyca-3 as their new home planet - here, on Earth.



They believe only S. H. I E. L. D. can stop them, so they sent Hunters to destroy S. H I. E L. D. and everyone within it.

The Lighthouse?

We have We lost the Lighthouse.


Go code 98232.

Fitz, Zephyr One is charged with all crew accounted for.

- Ready to launch.

- FITZ: Copy, Jemma.

Glad to hear it.

Tell them I'm sorry.

Prepare for launch.

I suggest you do the same.

This will be bumpy.

Where are we going?

The Lighthouse wasn't the only point of interest targeted by the Hunters.


You wanna share exactly where Fitz sent us?

I don't have that information yet.

I'll scan the terrain.


We're above New York City.

It's completely fogged over.

Good thing, because I forgot to activate cloaking.

The controls changed when we upgraded.

You're right.

I can see the Empire State Building.

Yeah, but it's the only building above the clouds.

It may be the tallest building in the world.


Cloaking isn't the only thing you upgraded, is it?

You enhanced the jump drive, too.


Like I said we had time.

We'll return in a moment.

I would say I need a drink but those are illegal now, aren't they?

We're cloaked.

Are there any other bombshells you want to drop, Agent Simmons?


There is one.

We have a problem that Fitz and I could not solve, but Enoch provided a possible solution.

The Chronicom Hunters have Fury's Black Box as well as centuries of anthropological research to pull from.

Our team needs an expert in S. H. I. E. L. D. history to have a chance of stopping them to even know what the Hunters might target.

I would ask May her opinion, but she's out of commission for the time being.

The rest of us could vote, but truthfully, this decision should be left up to him.

And he has already voiced his opposition to anything like this.

He has all of his own memories and has been upgraded with complete knowledge of everything he's missed.

He has Chronicom hardware, which makes him our most advanced LMD.

And there is no better person to be your right hand, sir.

Simmons I was deeply against it at first but the more I thought about it, the more I think he'd understand.

I believe it's the right thing to do.

And frankly I miss him.

So what do you think?

He would want us to consider the ramifications.


Hey, guys.