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05x10 - Past Life

Posted: 07/14/19 08:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

Do you see an Earth that can be saved?

It's too late.

It's already been quaked apart.

We need to make sure this world never comes to be.


No matter what.

We found a literal piece of the puzzle.

The Monolith...

it's been fractured.

- The shard fits into the machine right here.

- This could be our way home.

Yeah, but the shard alone isn't enough.

We need the whole Monolith.

You've seen what I can do.

All right?

I can help.

You say his geokinesis is the key to building a new Monolith.

That's the idea.

Won't matter if we can't make it back to the Lighthouse.

Everybody buckle in!

- We spotted something that...

- Let me guess.

The Destroyer and her friends are heading here.

- Yes, but how do you...

- Ready a squad.

Kasius, apologies, but how did you know?

They have a seer telling them what's to come.

Well, I have one of my own.

5x10 - Past Life.


Tear the ship apart.

Find them!

All clear.

Hopefully, we can say the same for Enoch.

No lifeforms detected.

The diversion seems to have worked.

They're still searching the ship.


You're secure?


The machine will be online by the time Flint builds the Monolith.

Easier said than done.

So, one more time...

the machine uses the little piece to trigger the bigger piece through space?

Yeah, or time.

It mirrors the harmonic resonant frequency of photons, which can exist out of spacetime.

Yeah, I...

I hear you saying words, but what...

what do they...

If Flint can't construct the Monolith, none of this matters.

Robin said he can, so I believe it.

We'll talk him through it once we meet up with them.

We can't go yet.

There are still people in danger.

Coulson's on it.

He's rescuing the Inhumans right now.

But not the dead ones.


When I was brought back, I heard someone else going through the same pain, - the same process.

- Being revived?


Some Inhuman.

Has to be.

They're the only thing Kasius values.

Look, if we don't find them, nobody will.

It's a whole other section...

Yeah, but right now, you need to get on that trawler.

People are depending on you to fly them up to safety.

Show me where to go, I'll go.

Tess is needed at the trawler.

You guys meet FitzSimmons.

I'll save whoever I can and meet you at the rendezvous.

- Easy.

- Nothing about that sounds easy.

You two get that thing to Flint.

- We'll worry about survivors...

- And k*ll Kasius.

- Get them to safety.

- And then we k*ll Kasius?

When does that happen?

Because some of us aren't getting out of here on a magic rock.

We won't leave until humanity's in control of its future.

But in the meantime, everyone do your job, meet at the rendezvous point.

Mack, it's an Inhuman in pain.

I have to go.

- Elena, please...

- Look at you.

A few days ago, you were begging for spare mushrooms.

Now you're the kid who's saving the world.

Don't say that.

I liked it better when I was flying under the radar.

Kid without hair...

you were never under the radar.

You'll do great.

Get back safe, okay?

Reading minds is not one of them.

Take care of the big guy.

He worries.



I'm here.

I'm here...

to care for you as you've cared for me.

- Fix her.

- This damage is beyond repair.

You do it all the time for Inhumans, the trash girl I sent as my messenger.

Fix her.

Terran biology is simple.

Sinara is Kree.

It won't work.

You know this.

Stop defying me and fix her.

With respect, she's dead.

I don't know how to remedy that for our kind.

Then I suggest you study the condition more closely.

Fetch the Inhuman trainer.

Look at me, clawing at the walls of my own mind.

I envy your sleep.

You rest while S.H.I.E.L.D.

st*lks my every move.


No, you're right.

They plot to destroy my enterprise as they did the world my father lusted after.

Tell me these scraps are not all that was recovered from the ship.

From the old woman you sent to the surface...

- years ago, who spoke of the prophecy.

- I remember.

She who predicted they'd come through time.

- Yes.

I think she intended them...

- To go back.

Of course.

Every word from my seer's mouth confirms they would.

And if they're here, they have yet to crack the world apart.

Well, picture it, Sinara.

To them, it's still lush, still whole.


You've never seen the Earth as it was.

My father...

who had better vision than his race who shunned him, called it a hidden blue gem.

He and his entire confederacy wanted it for their own.

Gather my Inhumans, a fighting force to crush S.H.I.E.L.D.

With them out of the past, my father will then encounter no resistance.

Earth waiting for his embrace.

Yes, but the remaining Inhumans are barely trained.

My family has a tradition.

When all is lost...

you die with honor.

Drink the Odium.

It burns through the body.

All strength, no pain.

A fearsome last stand.

A brilliant flash of light and splendor.

Go fight.

Until the last moment when your heart bursts with rage.

If we ever get out of here...

I'm gonna tour my bike down a very scenic highway till the wheels melt off.

- Isn't that the thing that kids ride?

- It's a motorcycle.

Imagine a...

a rocket on two wheels...

- with a place to hold on.

- Sounds crazy.

Yeah, you'd dig it.

You know...

Earth isn't a bad place to grow up.

If you want to come...

you'd always have a home with me and YoYo.

Yeah, well, still don't know how I'm supposed to build a time machine.

It's a portal, not a time machine.

And you'll build it with this.

- Let's go!

- Go, go, go!

Get the Inhumans to the trawler!

g*ns, man!

It's like cheating!

They shouldn't give these to anyone that's not a really, really good person.

- You think there'd be a law.

- Daisy!

- What happened to you?

- Kasius freed me.

I feel no pain.


Feel that?

You okay?

- Just a wardrobe malfunction.


- Yeah.

Turns out they have PCP in space.

I heard you were dead.

You look good for...


I mean, I...

You don't look great, but you...

I mean, you've been - through something, but...

- It's good to see you, too, Deke.

I've been where you are right now.

Something like this...

changes you.


I keep questioning what happened, what's real.

That's real, and it's worth the cost.


This trawler's almost ready.

We should get to the rendezvous.

You okay flying them up to the human levels?

I've been watching enough to manage on my own.

I'll be back for Flint, anyone else coming up.


Now get out of here.

You were right.

We can fight back.

The ambush cost us the last of our Inhumans.

But there's nowhere to go.

They will be caught.

Trust me.

"Trust," he says, over and again.

Tye, the doctor, my royal guards...

failures, all.

- Even you, if I'm being honest.

- Sir.

Sir, we need a plan.


Can't you see we're discussing one?

I, too, have failed.

Lost Inhumans.

Lost you.

The glory we sought evades us.

But if I pledge myself...

I could still give my father everything he desired, help elevate the Kasius family name.

I know there's a path back to glory.

A path back to you.

My seer's knowledge has run dry...

that, or she has misled us.

Either way, it's time I used her to send one last message of my own.


I'm here to help.

What's your name?


It's good to see you.

This is a trick.

I thought the same thing when I was standing where you are.

- This isn't real.

- I wish it were true.

An LMD or a Framework illusion...

- but it's me.

I'm you.

- How?


I waited so long to see myself again, still with hope in my eyes.

How are you alive?

They k*lled me, brought me back to take my blood, my DNA, then again and again for years.

They revive me when they want, k*ll me when they don't.



How many times?

I held on to the thought of this moment.

- No.

This is wrong.

- But this time, when they asked me how our team fought back, I tried to give them as little as I could.

But I knew you were close.

You and...



He's still alive.

Hold him for as long as you can.

What happens to Mack?

What happens?

I practiced so many times what to say.

I wanted to be better, save you from the pain.

But seeing you...

- all the pain comes back.

- You've been here this whole time...

Stuck in the loop.

- Like you.

- The loop?

We make it back in time.

But then we bring everything that's to come.

- I...

I don't believe that.

- I know.

I don't think I did, either.

Until I was on fire, reaching for Mack.

And then there was nothing there.

Well, you can tell me how to stop it, right?

- How do we change it?

- I'm not sure you can.

Hello, again.

They have located me.


they have located me.

We copy.

You sure they found you?

The evidence is highly suggestive.

We never should have left him alone.

We're here forever if he loses control of that machine.

Enoch, how long can you hold out?

I calculate 12 minutes.


That is not enough time.

That machine activates a Monolith we haven't even built yet.

- We have to go secure the Zephyr.

- Damn it.


We had to leave the machine in the hands of some automaton?

I knew the moment that I laid eyes on all of you that it was gonna spell my downfall.

I'll go.

I'll secure the machine and...

save the weird robot.

Well, I'll come.

It'd be better if we take the plane together.


No duh.

But none of the time travelers can go, because you all need to be at the rendezvous when it's turned on, so do the math.

You're one guy against the Kree.

You'll be massively outgunned.

I'm kind of trying to do the whole hero thing here, man.

Is that your pep talk?

You guys get k*lled, and who saves the world then?

I told my parents not to believe in this roachcrap fairy tale, and they went and they died for it anyway.

And I'm probably next in line.

But there is no way in hell that I am gonna let some blue Kreeper destroy that machine before I get to see whether or not that damn thing was worth any of this.

Look, I'm sure you put up a good fight, but if my ride home depends on that machine, I'm gonna secure it myself.


You drive me out of my skull, this part of you...

this impetuous, bullheaded squabb...

I was offering backup, genius.

No, when the other side of you is a friggin' hero who can't help herself but do good, then be great.

The world needs that person to make it home.

Just try not to destroy it when you get there.

- It was almost nice knowing you.

- And you're a pain in my ass.

- I'm not sure I'm ready for this.

- Okay.

Close your eyes and concentrate on the stone.

Can you feel it?

- Yes.

And I can move it.

- Not yet.

So, every part of the universe, from the stars to this stone, are basically made from the same things.

And you're in touch with its mineral composition.

You can manipulate it, yeah?

So now I want you to feel how this stone is different from others you've felt before...

but its internal structure.

Can you?

II know it's a stone.

But inside, it's intricate, complex.

You know, parts hardened by pressure, hollowed by loss.

I feel...



Like someone carved patterns at a micro level.

- It's beautiful.

- Yeah.

That's right.

- He's good at this.

- Yeah.

So are you.

It's a composite, we think.

Mostly limestone.

I can't generate rock.

No, that's okay.

We know where to find plenty of limestone.


But if it's a composite, what about the rest?

We have a plan for that.

- They're coming.

We got to move.

- Let's go!

Hey, how are you with confined spaces?

- I grew up in a tin can.

- Okay, good.

What about vast ones?

- Hey.

- Submit and avoid pain!

- We got to run now.

- This was your way out?

Can't fight them all.

The rest need to be afraid to follow us.

Whatever's coming, I'm not afraid to hear it.

- Tell me how to fight.

- I want to.

I want to help you fix the mistakes.

I want to tell you something different than last time.

But the more I talk...

the more I hear my words echo all over again.

It's okay.

Take it slow.

- Just tell me what you remember.

- I remember feeling helpless.

Not being able to change people's choices.

His choices.

- Mack?

- No.


- How we looking?

- Almost done.


All set.

Express train to the bottom of the Lighthouse, no stops.

Right to the belly of the beast.

Daisy, can't waste time.

I'm not coming.

I know you're scared about going home.

No, I'm terrified.

Look around.

Billions of people gone.

If there's a chance I'm the cause...

I can't go.

We can get through this together.

You don't even have your powers anymore.

It's only a matter of time, and you know it.

If there's an emergency or if one of you are in danger, I will need them, and we will find a way.

If I go through that portal, you know it's the beginning of the end.

- I don't.

- We made it back home, and we fought to save the world from a future we knew was coming.

- We have to fight.

- Of course.

But the more we fought...

the closer it came.

We don't even know you did this.

- I was right in the epicenter.

- I won't let you sacrifice yourself because you're scared of what's to come.

What's to come is the end of everything.

If you can change the future here, you can change it from back home.

But we know this solution works.

We can stop this today.

No, it's not about today.

It's about tomorrow.

Even if we solve this problem, the world is never safe.

The job goes on.

We go on.

The team makes one choice, and it ruins everything.

A choice to do what?

- To save him.

- What do you mean?

- Please.

- Maybe I don't go with you.

You know it's the right move.

Coulson, as an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., you trained me to fight.

Now I'm making my stand...


May trained you to fight.

I need you to lead.

Phil Coulson is dying.

And you have to let him.



How does he die?

It's already begun.

He's sick, and he knows it.

We tried to stop it.


it cost us the world.

You heard all this, and still you couldn't change anything.

I know.

Stuck in the loop.

But you can forge a different fu...

Even as I say the words, I realize I've heard them before.

Are you telling me to go back and change the world, or are you warning me that I can't?

You need to go.

They're coming.

- No.

Not yet.

- I hope you travel a path to a world I've never seen.

Now go.

Not until you come with me!


This is not my path.



Go now!

They were sweeping the floor, but never reported in.

We underestimated their strength, sir.


They cut off their heads.

They must answer for it.

They have nowhere to run.

We have their ship.

Next, we secure all of the trawlers and squeeze the Terrans until they drop at our feet.


You okay?


that worked.

My last experience will be a new one.

Where has this been all my life, right?

Level three, hidden in a wall cavity.

Yeah, now you tell me.

Well, that's not good.

What's it gonna take to fix you up?

I think, at this point, our efforts would be best spent...

repairing that.

You got this.

Just concentrate.

He's a bright kid.

Sorry I k*lled the guards in front of him.


It's good to see him building something.

There's too much death in this place.

And asking him to blow out that window and the Krees didn't help.

That wasn't me.

That was the fiancée.

- Fiancée?

- Two...

- Okay.

- Aah!

So, it's going to feel strange at first, - but your hearing will normalize.

- I can hear you.

I can hear...

my voice.

What happened?

He ICE'd her.

She didn't want to come.

I'm not leaving anyone behind.

Where's YoYo?

She didn't find you?

- She's not with you?

- No, she was picking up some survivors.

She should be back by now.

She'll make it back.

She's strong.


Who knows when that portal's gonna open.

- You're Flint?

- Yes.

- You're gonna get us home.

- Yes.

I am.


What are you waiting for?


Let her go!

Mack, no.

Elena told me I'd find you here.


what'd they do to you?

I've gotten to know Elena quite well.

Pain can be so persuasive.

Mack, run!


Go home!

I'm not leaving.

I said let her go!

Look at her tremble.

Perhaps she knows what comes next for you...

for me?

For all of us here, standing on the edge of timeless, violent glory.





Take the Orchard!

- Slaughter the rest!

- It's not gonna happen.


I'm gonna beat your body with your own skull!

She didn't deserve to die.


Stop it!

I'm trying to fix you!

It does one thing...

it opens a door.

- You'd think they'd make it simple.

- I think this vessel is too damaged to power the Monolith.

- Then what can?

- Me.

My battery has sustained me for more than 32,000 Earth years.

Modifying the cell stack could create a thermal feedback capable of delivering more than enough power.

Thermal feedback?

What happens to you in that scenario?

I will expire knowing I returned my friends home.

And then my battery chemistry will consume my body in an exothermal reaction violent enough to decimate several levels of the Lighthouse.

So it's not great for the guy that's standing next to you flipping the switch.

That person...

would be completely atomized.

Deke, come in.

I'm liking this plan less.

Yeah, we're here.

We got the Monolith built.

I think it might work.

How's the machine coming?

Yeah, all right.

It's great.

We found a fix for the machine.


You were right about taking the Zephyr.

Just make sure everyone's in place the second we get it powered on, all right?

We're only gonna get one shot at this.


You know, your parents would be proud of you.

I'll find out soon enough.

Well, we're about to give them a hell of a show.


We'll have everyone in place.

That machine's going to explode.

- It's not safe down here.

- What?

You're welcome to come back with us, but if not, you got to leave now.

- Meet Tess at the trawler.

- Where?

Which one?

But Mack, YoYo, they're not back yet.


Tell them I had more work to do.

- Come on.

I know the way.

- Thank you.

- Coulson, what's happening?

- Where are they?


There's nothing you can do to me.


I want to watch the light die in your eyes.


My father will see me.

He will have his world!

Not just the sliver Quake left behind.









You were k*lled.

Cant't be...

I'm so sorry you had to see that.

It wasn't me.

- But you were dead.

- No.

I'm here.

And it's time to go home.

Just a few more.

I will be offline sooner than anticipated.

Far sooner.

You need to patch in immediately.

Okay, okay.

Just hang on.

We're going, we're going.

- Guys, we got a problem.

- What's wrong?

I'm using Enoch to power the machine, but I'm losing him.

You got to launch now.


No, Deke, it's too early.

The team isn't back yet.


Enoch, buddy, hang on.

I know that you've done so much already, but, please, please, just hang on.

Guys, I'm buying as much time as I can here!

Let's go!

The rock's gonna open!

Get here now!

I always knew that working with you guys was gonna blow up in my face!

It's about to get literal!

Come on, buddy.

Just hang together, okay?

You know she'll never forgive you, right?

I have to hope.

We're losing him!

I'm out of time!

Son of a bi...

We'll return in a moment.

You sure Deke didn't make it out?

He would have been standing right in the middle of that expl*si*n.

Maybe he at least got the rock open.

Some of them had to make it home.

They made it back.

I just know it.


in any case, we got a second chance.

Our friends from S.H.I.E.L.D.

gave us that, yeah?

Clean slate.

Future's up to us now.

There's a lot that needs fixing.

You're right.

Here's your blueprint.