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05x02 - Orientation (2)

Posted: 07/13/19 06:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

Take them.

♪♪ Where'd that rock send us?

I don't have many details, but I do know we're in space.

I don't think humans are running this place after all.

My name is Virgil.

You're not here to save me.

Who, then?


This will make a lot more sense once I show you -- What the hell happened to Virgil?

The Roaches get him?

Sorry to say.

Was he a friend?

All he said was that he wanted to hide some people.

So I was hired to supply the Metrics and swap them out, but you guys don't even have Metrics.

If we can find the ship and fly above the debris field, we can send a message to Fitz back on Earth.

Tell me again about when you were taken.

We were sitting in our favorite diner.

Not where.


That monolith was different, wasn't it?

Simmons: No reason to send a message back to Earth.

We're already here.

♪♪ Simmons: It's gone.

Ever-- Every-- Everyone.

[ Rumbling ]

What was that?

Let's hope this ship is designed to take a few hits.


Hold on!

Thrusters are misfiring!

Talk to me -- what do we do?

You're the pilot!

It knocked something out of alignment.

Nothing's working properly.


we don't want to hit that.

[ Alarm blaring ]

[ Alarm stops, electricity powers down ]

Are you trying to k*ll us?

First rule of I.T.

-- turn it off and turn it back on again.

♪♪ [ Grunts ]


No, this should be working.


Come on!

[ Electricity humming ]

Hang on.

♪♪ [ Breathing heavily ]

♪♪ [ Air hissing ]

This is Earth.

We're in the future!

It's all destroyed.

Coulson, please, tell me it's impossible.

I think we can all agree at this point that anything is possible.

Glad you're all right.

Your guy, Virgil -- he didn't tell you anything else about his plan to bring us back from the past?

I'm just still trying to fit all these ideas inside my skull.

And you haven't heard anything about a gateway?

A rock that transports people?

If I had, do you think I'd still be here?

There was no second monolith when I landed on Maveth.

So we'll have to find our own way back.

♪♪ Well, I'm a biologist, but sure, I can invent time travel.

Just give me a minute.

Well, without some miracle, then we're stuck here, and we need to stay alive.

♪♪ Oh, and you -- you -- you all want me to help you with that, yeah.

Well, that's a big surprise.

Well, all I can offer you is these.

Who's first?

You think I'm gonna let you do that to anyone else?!

You are lucky that I am even offering.

The only way to not die is to blend in and work hard, and you can't do either of those things without these.

♪♪ Come on.

Keep moving.

What do they do?

Track us?

I don't think we want that.

I don't think you have a choice.


Tess, yeah, sure, join the fray.

You took out the damn trawler?

Where's Virgil?

If you lifted off in that thing without...


What's wrong with your face?

I'm sorry.

Virgil's gone.


this true?

Roaches got him on three.

What was he doing on three, Deke?

That's a sealed-off level.

This wasn't my -- What did you get him into?!

I -- He hired me.

What -- Listen!

He hired me to hide these people.

♪♪ From where?

Well, that's the thing.

Remember all that deranged garbage that Virgil was always spouting about people arriving from the past?

I think you're looking at them.

[ Scoffs ]

That's insane.

Doesn't mean it's not true.

We came through a gateway, some sort of temporal shift.

I don't want to believe it, either, but look at their clothes.

They got matching buttons.

Not exactly locals.

How can we prove it to you?

♪♪ Here.

It's from last year.

Still shiny.

♪♪ Tess: You don't have a Metric.

Never did.

♪♪ That's...too weird.

♪♪ Virgil said you'd be Agents of -- S.H.I.E.L.D.

Pleased to meet you.

Then there should be more of you.

There's one girl that went to go pry the others away from the Kree guards.

You let them go face the Blues?

I didn't let them d-- They do whatever they want!

It's like herding rats.

Just go get them.


[ Chuckles ]



Think again.

They are radioactive.

Virgil already got himself wasted.

I intend to learn something from his vacancy.

[ Pipe clatters ]

I'll double his price.

♪♪ You don't even know the number that you just agreed to.

♪♪ All right, fine.

You stash these people, you make them blend in.

I'll see if I can...

talk the others out of certain death.

♪♪ [ Grunts ]

I just -- I can't believe this.

Me neither.

♪♪ No, no, no, no!

He's all right.

He's all right.

♪♪ How did you get that Kreeper's axe?

Please tell me he was sweet on you.

You k*lled a Kree?

It was us or them.

Well, you made the wrong choice.

Is that gonna be a problem?


You k*lled two?

It's only a problem for the herd of people they will k*ll in retaliation.

We got to cover this up.

What do you think we're doing?

We could just make it look like an accident.

Shut up!

Just let me think.

Wait a minute.

What if we leave them upstairs with the other bodies?

Use the elevator?

♪♪ We can't exactly be seen in the lift with a pair of dead guards.

Well, maybe we don't put them in the elevator.

All right, well, I hope you saved some of your energy there, Tiny.

♪♪ [ Air hissing ]

What happened to the Earth?

♪♪ Good question.

Ask anyone, they'll give a different story.

What's yours?

All we really know is the planet was torn apart -- some cataclysmic event.

And the Blues showed up, restored order, but destroyed all historical data -- files, books.

Said it would keep us focused on the future.

Now they oversee everything that's left.

What is left?

What do people do here?

[ Indistinct conversations ]

We survive.

♪♪ Welcome to the end of the world.

♪♪ Tess: It's called the Lighthouse.

Back when Earth was round, this was an underground survival bunker.

This is the Exchange.

Need anything...

this is where you get it.

Virgil mentioned stories -- about us.

Stories from when we were kids.

Some of the elders swore that a group called S.H.I.E.L.D.

would come from the past to help us.

Can we talk to these elders?

That would be nice, but the Blues got rid of anyone who believed in the movement.

Fed them to the roaches.

k*ll the belief.

And it worked.

Only Virgil held out hope, and everybody thought that he was a crackpot.

I'd like to see where he lived, see if we can find any clues as to what his plan for us was.

I can take one of you there.


♪♪ [ Woman sobs ]

[ Speaking native language ]

May: Hey.

Why don't you fight them?

We depend on them to survive.

That can't be true.

It's not right, but it's true.

Coulson: That's a lot of pressure to carry the fate of humanity on your shoulders.

It's taught us the value of a life.

Everyone has a role to play to keep the Lighthouse from falling apart.

What's her role?

♪♪ Sometimes the Kree take humans to their levels to serve.

Call it an honor.

But when they visit, they don't talk much.

I don't see many guards.

We've got the numbers.

And they've got the weapons.

We're not exactly military-trained.

We are.

Maybe it's how Virgil thought we could help -- to fight.

Keep it down.

Deke was right.

You have to blend in.

Hear me?

♪♪ Coulson, right?


I'll take you to Virgil's room.

You two gonna be good?

We'll get the lay of the land.


Keep your head down, do what the others do, you'll be fine.

♪♪ Great.

Mack: You couldn't have told us there was a skylight?

What's a skylight?

Oh, boy.

It is what it is.

I just can't picture somewhere

How did you make that much air?

We didn't make it.

It was just there.

You've never been in a place without four walls, have you?

Do spacewalks count?


What about all the dangers -- earthquakes, floods, sharknados?

Feels safer inside, no?

Okay, hold up.

The whole sharknado thing...

that's just entertainment.

Who would put a shark inside a tornado?

They wouldn't.

It's fiction.

A movie.

L-Like I said, we have pieces.

[ Chuckles ]

It -- It seems like it was nice.

I'm working in there.

I deserve it.

You would've liked it.

Grill: Quit howling!

Holt: Look, I did the grind.

I should get my share!

You were docked for insubordination.

Now piss off.

♪♪ Tess!

Trawler went out, but I didn't get a drop.

You hauling for somebody else?

No, Grill.

We were training a new pilot.

Virgil's dead.



You the one filling his seat?


I'm just passing through.

♪♪ That's a shame about Virgil.

I didn't trust that head case, but I liked him.


vacancy or no, next time...

you owe double.


What did I just say?


Got it.

♪♪ Avuncular fellow.

Just like anyone else.

Makes trouble if you make trouble.

Mack: We got to come up with a system, 'cause I'm not doing this every time we take out a Kree!

Deke: The system is, "No more dead Kree"!

We're two past maximum!

Hopefully, the bodies are still warm enough for the roaches to take 'em.

Here, right here.

That's the door.

[ Door opens ]

[ Grunts ]

♪♪ Daisy, the door.


Pretty name.

Like the flower?

Does that line work in the future?

I guess not.

[ Vrell Nexians shriek ]

♪♪ Virgil loved his artifacts.

You should've seen my office.

♪♪ Don't suppose you ever saw "Singin' in the Rain." ♪♪ What about just plain old rain?

♪♪ Only drips from reclamation pipes.

But you fear sharknados.

We need to fix everything.

What about the surface of the planet?

Will it ever be livable again?

For humans?


Land of the roaches now.

♪♪ Virgil always kept this in the trawler.

Said the world might look this way again someday.

Crazy, right?

But he was right about you guys, so...

♪♪ You two were close?


Not as close as he would've liked, but...

He was crazy Virgil, you know?

Could never take him too seriously.

I'm sure he knew you cared.


You know anything about this?

♪♪ Maybe a flight log?

Think it's important?

Coulson: Important enough to hide.

Virgil's the only one who had answers.

I just wish we'd spent more time with him.

Me, too.

♪♪ [ Tablet beeping ]

♪♪ That's the first piece of tech I've seen on this floor.

They keep people in the Dark Ages here -- no progress, no innovation.

Meanwhile, the aliens are so advanced...

Fitz would be going out of his mind.

♪♪ Time is strange.

Somewhere out there, he's still fighting.

But from our reference point, he's lived his life.

♪♪ Or not.


[ Dishes clattering ]

Something is going down.

♪♪ Today, Kasius has seen fit to feed the most vulnerable amongst us.

We've hit the North-Korean-dictator level of creepy.

[ Buzzer ]

Man: Food!

Get some!


Move over!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Give it to me!

Get out of my way!

Me first!

Out of my way!


Hey, me first!

Give me that!

Man: You got your share!

[ Grunts ]

Come on!

[ Bowl clatters ]


May: It's a knife.

[ Groans ]

♪♪ [ Grunts ]

♪♪ [ Groans ]

♪♪ [ Groans ]

I need to cauterize his wound.

Man: What's she doing?

What's that?

Woman: She's crazy.

What is that?

What's she doing?

♪♪ Okay.

I'm very sorry about this next part.

♪♪ Aaaah!


♪♪ No, no.

You can't move him.

No, don't move him!

You can't -- ♪♪ [ Chatter ]


♪♪ At least you're okay.

Daisy: What do you mean?

Wait, where's Simmons?

[ Sighs ]

The Kree took her.


Yo-Yo: How?

Can I talk to you for a second?

This is not exactly flying under the radar.

What the hell happened to her?

A servant got stabbed, was bleeding out.

The girl saved him.

She thought she was doing a good thing.

These people -- they're...

they're not like us.

No, they're frickin' hazardous.

They'll get us all k*lled.

Maybe not.

Maybe Virgil was right -- Just -- Just stop it.

Just the fairy tale was toxic.

The morons that believed it were eaten alive.

I know, Deke.

Okay, I know what you lost.

But maybe they didn't die in vain.

Maybe it's real.

And that's worse.

If it's real...

it'll be a m*ssacre.

We have to get Simmons.

Hit them hard and fast and get up to the surface.

There's barely any surface left, Daisy.

The planet's been blown apart.

And what's there is uninhabitable.

So out, not an option.

As far as in here...

We get Simmons.

I'll do it.

They won't know what hit them.

Mack: Hey, hold up.

No one knows you two have abilities, so let's keep it that way.

For the moment.

But right now...

at this moment, we don't know jack squat about anything.

Including where Simmons is being held.

♪♪ Deke.

He seems to have this place dialed in.

He might know.

He's too afraid to make noises.

Yeah, but that's 'cause he's protecting himself.

He has a scam up and running.

He's afraid we're gonna blow it for him.

I agree.

I'll tail him, dig up some dirt, encourage him to help us.

Those tablets -- could have intel.


Yo-Yo, master thief.

I am not gonna tell you this again.

Get them to blend in.

♪♪ That's my ride.

Wish me luck.

We'll meet back here, yeah?

♪♪ You really don't know where they might've taken our friend?

Someplace I've never been.

♪♪ Kasius welcomes you to his suites.


Someone who talks.

Please, tell me how the injured man is doing.

♪♪ Please take this opportunity to undress and clean yourself.

♪♪ Even Hala doesn't have a view like this.

♪♪ So...

you're the one who saved a life.

♪♪ [ Indistinct conversations ]

♪♪ [ Door creaks ]

♪♪ [ Door closes ]

♪♪ [ Machinery beeping ]

♪♪ So, all this talk about protecting people, you were worried about your speakeasy.

♪♪ ♪♪ I'm in a Framework program.

Oh, no.

[ Thud ]

♪♪ She must feel like she's stepped into a new world.



But she appears more dormouse than medical practitioner.

Your actions caused quite the stir.

I was only trying to save a man's life.

By rather elaborate means.

Do you have a name?


And where are you from, Jemma?

♪♪ Processing.


Good we had you bathe.

So, tell me, Jemma, how does one learn such specific curative skills working in sewage all day?

♪♪ My mother taught me.

♪♪ How resourceful.

♪♪ Did she also teach you the cost of interfering in my affairs?

The man would've died.

A life spent, a life earned, yes?

♪♪ You thought this law did not apply?

I only did what I thought would make you happiest in the end.

♪♪ That is the superior answer -- to any question, really.

♪♪ This was a fight over food, Sinara?

The pressure must be building up there.

Tell the guards to give them some breathing room, for mercy's sake.

A renewal will do them some good.

♪♪ Life is a fragile thing.

We must cultivate the beauty...

and prune back the rest.

[ Clippers clack ]

♪♪ I always found humans to be inelegant creatures, but you...

♪♪ Your Metric -- it's gone.

I removed it.

I'm sorry.

♪♪ No scar.

Not even a scratch.

Just a pristine canvas.

♪♪ Such marvels make me wonder if you're even from a place as tough as Processing.

♪♪ I think I would like to see how my Servitor fared under your handiwork, and if your wrist is any indication...

I should be quite pleased.

♪♪ Mack: They keep the tablets in there.

Once May gets Tess out of the picture, we'll go.

♪♪ Hey, I rustled up some grub.

Pre-packaged, but it's decent.

Oh, great.

Listen, Tess, is there somewhere I could change my bandage?


How sure are you that's actually a steam pipe?

Um, say 50/50.

Either Coulson's gonna release hot steam or...

raw sewage.

Either way, it'll get attention.

♪♪ [ Steam hisses ]

[ Kree speaking native language ]

Ready, and go.

♪♪ You should see go-face in slow-motion.


You're showing off.

If you got it, flaunt it.

♪♪ They'll never know what happened.

Let's hope not.

[ Indistinct announcement over P.A. ]

[ Alarm blaring ]

♪♪ Remove the children.

[ Alarm continues ]

♪♪ Line up and present your Metrics.

♪♪ This is not a good thing.

So far, any new development in this place is not a good thing.

Why don't we put those on?

Because they go through your damn wrist!

But without them, who knows?

♪♪ I want to make a trade.

Not the time.

♪♪ I think it's exactly the time.

[ Scoffs ]


So much for "passing through." What do you want?

I have a working Kree tablet.

I'll trade it for three Metrics installed.

I was right to be suspicious of you.

A tablet's not worth three Metrics.

But anyone who can steal it is, so...

I'll get you hooked up.

Thank you.

But you'll work for it, and it won't be fun.

Guard: Line up and present!

We can work.

We're in.

Get inside.

[ Alarm continues ]

♪♪ [ Laughs ]

Deke: Where is it?

Did you throw out the old papers?

Rick: Yeah, it was a mess.

Stop doing that.

You're always cleaning.

Yeah, you programmed me to.


Because I don't remember programming you to talk back to me.

It was a joke, because I -- I did program you to talk...

Just will you find the papers, please?

♪♪ [ Sighs ]

You may as well pull up a stool and have a beer.

[ Scoffs ]

Clearly, you're a talented pusher, but I will pass, thanks.

It's probably for the best, because I have no idea what actual beer tasted like.

You want to tell me where I am?

You're passed out at my place of business.

You got too close to my transmitters when you were stalking me.

Daisy: So this is your racket?

You're -- You're pimping out the Framework?

♪♪ I never called it that, but yeah.

That's the technology the hardware interface is based on.

I-I had to rebuild the software from scratch because Kasius had the historical archives erased.

But I was able to get my hands on the servers.

I gathered bits of data here and there, and...

the rest is guesswork.

But your customers don't know the difference.

You've got them addicted to Earth-as-it-was scenarios.

Among other simulations, yes.

So this is the business that you're protecting?

Your creepy opium den of fantasy?

Well, I can't get real opium, so...

I'm selling escape.

The only other way out of here is the final exit.

They're trading one prison for another.

♪♪ You think the Lighthouse is a prison?

♪♪ Sweetheart...

prison would be nice.

♪♪ [ Tablet beeping ]

♪♪ No.

Is this about my team?

It's much worse.

It's a renewal.

♪♪ [ Grunts ]

♪♪ I feel less good about this.

♪♪ [ Tablet beeping ]

♪♪ What's a renewal?

Tess: A low-earner will be selected.

Their Metric will turn red.

Then they owe a life -- their own or someone else's.

♪♪ A life spent...

A life earned!

A life earned!

♪♪ [ Metrics beeping ]

♪♪ [ Metrics beeping loudly ]

♪♪ Let's go.

Come on!

♪♪ [ Grunts ]

[ g*n cocks ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ People screaming ]

♪♪ [ g*nsh*t ]

♪♪ [ g*nshots, screaming in distance ]

What's going on?

It sounds like people are dying out there.

A life is owed.

Now, we stay safe in here, but if that fails...

[ Magnets humming ]

...we make sure they find you first.

♪♪ [ Choking ]

Oh, thank God.

Thank God.

[ g*nsh*t ]

♪♪ Hey!

You gonna leave us here to die?!

That's the hope.

If we don't, you and me are gonna have a conversation.

♪♪ Where's an axe when you need one, huh?

Still too soon.

That's not something to joke about.

[ Knock on door, door opens ]

♪♪ [ g*n cocks ]

Where's Grill?

♪♪ Grill!

My tab was low 'cause you didn't pay me!

Now you owe me a life!

Grill: I left you three out there.

♪♪ Grill's the one you want.

Don't forget that.

He's got to come out sometime, right?

He strung you up for me?

That's twisted.

[ Grunts ]

♪♪ [ g*nsh*t ]

[ Grunts ]

♪♪ Aah!

♪♪ I'm sorry.

I owe a life.


[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Metric beeps ]

♪♪ He didn't have to die.

Somebody did.

[ Door opens ]

♪♪ [ Device beeps ]

♪♪ Is this the last life owed?

Grill: Yes, Commander.

[ Clears throat ]

♪♪ [ Tablet beeps ]

♪♪ [ Tablet beeps ]

♪♪ [ Tablet beeps ]

This is unformatted.

Who are you?

I've been recalibrating their Metrics, but I...

do pledge that they work for me, sir.

Is this true?

Where's your station?

It's true.

We work in Salvage.

Grill: They owe me a sizable debt, sir, so they will be stationed here a long time.

♪♪ Hmm.

Carry on.

♪♪ [ Clears throat ]

I am happy you came to your senses, and I will be happy to call the watch commander back if not.

♪♪ Trying to preserve humanity.

♪♪ Feels like they lost it a long time ago.

♪♪ What are you doing on your feet?


She is right.

What is this man doing up in this condition?

Of course, that you made the effort shows why you're the finest of your people.

♪♪ Will it heal?

He is my most precious.

Of course.

It's barely been hours.

But it'll scar.

Um, or with time or advanced procedures, it can look much better.

My servitors must symbolize perfection when they represent me.

♪♪ Perhaps with his tunic on, no one will notice.

♪♪ This, however...

No, I can -- That can be minimized.

No one will notice.

I will notice.

It's a miniscule cut.

On the man's face.

Please don't -- I'm sorry.

I demand perfection.

He's now marred.

♪♪ Unh!


♪♪ [ Coughs ]

Whereas you were made immaculate.

And a woman of your talent...

What is wrong with you?

A life taken...

a life earned.

What is wrong with you?!


You are a beauty worth cultivating.

But you must...






[ Breathing heavily ]

[ No audio ]

♪♪ [ No audio ]

♪♪ The Kree have her.

You can't help her.

To try is too dangerous.

You said the same thing about Mack and Yo-Yo.

How'd that turn out?

A catastrophe!

This entire place is a very delicate ecosystem, and you all just keep taking a leak in the water left and right!

You're worried we'll mess this up or we'll mess this up for you?

I mean, do the Kree even know about this operation?

Because -- Of course they know about it.

They're crazy about it, because I'm -- I'm improving people's lives.

I'm giving them something other than just hour after hour of endless grind.

They condone it 'cause it keeps them placid.

I have seen the Framework in action before.

Pretend that wishes are coming true so the real hope dies.

Hope is what gets people k*lled.

Make them forget reality so they don't try to make a move to fix it!

No, I'm making reality livable.

Don't make any waves, because -- No, you don't want to make any waves, 'cause if you start a fire, you want to know what's combustible in there.

We're mixing metaphors all over the place.

Telling them to just chill so they don't rock the boat is so wrong!

No, the boat sank!

Do you understand that?!

♪♪ We are a breath away from extinction.

We make one wrong move, and in a blink, mankind is gone for good.

♪♪ Wait.

That -- That -- That -- That's it.

That's what I'm looking for.


♪♪ Daisy Johnson.

♪♪ And you say you're not dangerous.

So you know who I am.


You see, I'm the one person that's pieced the history together, who has an idea of what happened.

You want to know what kind of force can tear a planet apart?

It was you.

♪♪ You think if you work hard enough...

if you inspire them, that...

you can put the pieces back together?

♪♪ You think you can save mankind?

♪♪ Give them back a world with justice and freedom and all that other pledge-of-allegiance garbage?

♪♪ I'm telling you to make peace with it.

♪♪ Surrender to it and make this your home, just the way it is.

♪♪ Because S.H.I.E.L.D.

tried to save the world.

♪♪ And you want to see the consequences?

♪♪ Take a look.

♪♪ Do you see an Earth that can be saved?

It's too late.

♪♪ It's already been quaked apart.

♪♪ ♪♪ [ No audio ]

♪♪ Jemma.

You look wonderful.

And I hear you're learning well.

That's good.

Just in time for my guests.
