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05x06 - The Road Trip

Posted: 07/09/19 06:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch.

- It's from Wellingsly.

- My alma mater.

I got an acceptance letter!


We'll make Middleton our own little Tinseltown.

- Or Tinsdale town.


- My fiancée and I split up.

- That must be hard.

- Meeting you has made it a little easier.

- Why am I so nervous?

- You like him.

- I've liked plenty of guys.

- Your romance is doomed.

Because of a 200-year-old curse?


It was the beginning of the end for every Merriwick and Davenport couple ever since.



How am I supposed to know which college will make me happy?

- Well, which one feels right?

- I'm not sure yet.

That's why going to Wellingsly with your mom this weekend is such a good idea.

Yeah, if she ever gets packed.

How about you?

You're gonna be able to hold down Grey House all by yourself?

I do run a hospital.


So you should have no problems with our two guests.

They will be here at lunch time.

Leaves me plenty of time to work on my pudding.


- Oh, how is your speech going?

- Oh, um What speech?

We're going to Wellingsly this weekend.

Mom is being honoured by the Holistic Medicine Department.

Well, it's not a department, but they are offering their first official class - through the medical school.

- Sounds like a good reason - for a mother-daughter road trip.

- Yeah.

And I am being hosted by a student in the dorm, getting to experience a weekend of life at Wellingsly.

Is your mom pushing you towards her alma mater?

- Not pushing, but hoping.

- You should totally come.

I would, but I have no one to watch the flower shop.

Bring me back a Wellingsly sweatshirt.


I couldn't wait to do that again.

- Then why did you stop?

- To tell you I'm picking you up at 7 to take you to dinner at Bella Cucina and then a moonlit harbour cruise.

You are awfully confident.

Confident in how I feel about you.

- - See you tonight.




Theodore, just the producer I was looking for!

- What is all this?

- Change.

Glorious change.

Is the light too harsh?

The light is perfect down at the studio where you're supposed to be filming Middleton Today - in five minutes.

- The TV business is changing, Theodore, we must change along with it.


You've done one show!


One, two, three!

That was before I was back in office.

Like Roosevelt's fireside chats, Tinsdale shall have her cozy corner.

You wanna sit here for half an hour and talk to the camera about current events?!

- It'll never work!

- We're on in ten.

Trust me that I have my finger on the pulse of this city and prepare to be dazzled.


- Ah - Three, two Greetings, Middleton, and welcome to Mayor Martha's Musings, a new series where I, Mayor Martha, shall delight you with all the goings-on within our magical city of Middleton.

First up, stop signs versus yield; what's the difference, you ask.

Ooh, don't forget the trail mix.

Getting it.

I hope you brought better snacks than that.

Wait, you changed your mind?

What's a Merriwick road trip without all the Merriwicks?


You're in room 9, top of the stairs.

If you need anything, suggestions on what to do while you're in town, just let us know.

Unfortunately, we won't have time for sightseeing.

Jack's auditioning for a violin master class.

How long have you been playing?

- Since I was 5.

- Hmm!

That's dedication.

He's made it his life's work.


What are you, like 16?

When I was 5, I couldn't even tie my shoes.

He still can't.

Practice makes perfect.

Actually, I forgot to mention, Jack practices early.

It's not a problem.

We're up early anyway.

Nick will - help you with your bags.

- I will?

I will.

And we were gonna sh**t some hoops out back a little bit later on, if you wanna join us Thanks, but I know Jack.

He won't risk getting hurt before his big audition.

Fair enough.

I'm not sure why we had to stop in a diner.

Uh, we're on a road trip, we have to stop at a diner.

Yes, especially one with legendary chili cheese fries.

I cannot imagine you eating chili cheese fries.


I've been imagining me eating them - for the last hour.


Oooh is it your "boyfriend"?

- We've been on one date.

- But don't you like him?

Where are those fries?


Hey, what are you doing?

Taking an interest in your romantic life since you took one in mine.

Prepare to be disappointed.

Just a cat video from Luke.

Luke, my former intern Luke?

- The guy you work with?

- Yes, and we are just friends.

Cassie, what's your opinion on cat videos?

- Friends or more than friends?

- I don't know, I'm gonna have - to see for myself.

- Mom!

Mom, stop!

You ladies are sure in a good mood.

And only one thing can put us in a better mood, - three orders of chili cheese fries.

- Extra chili, extra cheese.

Sorry, the fryer's broken.


No chili cheese fries?!

Um, what else are you famous for?

I'm pretty confident you'll like our apple pie.

- What do you think?

- I think we should - get back on the road.

- OK.

- Two slices to go, please.

- Coming right up.

Yes, I like this.

You know, like all of it.


Hey, you!

- The usual?

- You know my usual?


It's my job.

Remember that dinner for two you donated - to my Junior Eagles?

- Of course, - yeah.

Who was the lucky bidder?

- I was.


I'd like to redeem it tomorrow night.

Sure, I can do that.

Is it for two?

It is.

Is 7 o'clock, OK?


Sounds great.

I can have a table and food ready.

Thank you, Stephanie.

We'll see you then.

See you then.

- Bases are loaded, Dad.

- You can't hit my fastball.

- Bring that cheese.


- Swing now, Nick!



Going going gone.

How is that fair?

It's two against one.

You want to jump in?


Push A and B to throw a fastball, B and C for a curve.



- What game you guys playing?

Your son's getting a crash course in the art - of video baseball.

- Not really.

- I was just heading to practice.

- Ah, yeah, you probably should.


You sure you guys are on the same page?

About practicing?

Of course.



Oh, you see that bench?

- [GRACE.] : Yeah.

- That is where I studied for six hours straight for my art history final.

Please tell me you got an A+.

And Oh!

That tree is where Howard Langfield asked me out on our first date!

And look at you, still bragging about it - a decade later.

- Willow!

Cassie, it's been so long.

Thanks for coming.

Of course.

Willow, this is my cousin Abigail.

- Hi.

- And my daughter Grace.

- This is your daughter?

- Yeah.

- A daughter!


- So nice to meet you.

- My mom has told me - so much about you.

- Yeah.

Willow and I went backpacking across Nepal the summer after I graduated.

- We did.

- Man, that's so cool!

Well, your mom inspired me to do a lot of cool things.

She's actually the reason I'm a professor.

She is the head of the Humanities Department.

Yeah, hello, we spent the last year trying to launch our holistic medicine course.

That sounds like that was worth it.

- Willow, hey.

- Oh, hey.

I just wanted to let you know that arnica you suggested worked wonders on Jen Cavanagh's ankle.

Well, high five.

Good, I told you.

This is my dear friend Cassie and Grace, Abigail.

Matthew is our volleyball coach.

He's also a very vocal supporter of our eastern medicine curriculums.


Without it, I wouldn't be coaching today.

- We need more coaches like you.

- Yes, we do.

Will you be at the reception?

Wouldn't miss it.

It was nice meeting all of you.

Ohhh I love that the students are still leaving their handprints on the rock.

- [WILLOW.] : Me too.

- Why do they do that?

Just to show their commitment to the school.

- Did you do it too, Mom?

- My handprints are under there - somewhere.


- Maybe your handprint will be there one day.




Well, the numbers are in, and it's official Let me guess.

Mayor Martha's Musings is the binge-worthy sensation of the season!


A cult hit among my "musers.

" Those are my most passionate fans.


- Oh, just hand it over.

- There you go.


I had two viewers?!

Technically, that is record breaking.

Well, that's impossible.

You need to run those numbers again.

You've been hacked!

- "Hacked"?

- Sweep the computers!

Only thing we need to sweep is this show, under the rug.

I don't understand.

Was it the tone?

The content?

Couldn't have been the performance.

Is there an option D for all of the above?

There must be a way to jolt our ratings.

Let me know if you figure it out because the show will not go on as is.



- - So, this is it.

- What?



This is amazing!

How did you get your own room?

Well, I had to agree to host two incoming students a month, - but totally worth it.

- Yeah.

I hope you don't mind the blow-up bed.


No, not at all!

It looks, uh perfectly inflated.

Um, the Prospective Student Committee left this for you.


- It's even my size!

- They're one size fits all, - so - Alright.

What are we gonna do first?

Because I just want to soak everything in.

Don't worry.

We'll make sure you see everything.

So what made you consider Wellingsly?

Oh, um, my mom.

Yeah, she went here.

She has told me so many great stories.

That sounds like my dad.

He still wishes I went to UCS.

Oh, wait.

That's where my stepbrother got in.


Do you regret not going?

Well, it's closer to home, - but bio program here is amazing.

- Yeah.

Anyway, let's show you what it's like at Wellingsly.

- Hmm!

- I love it already.


- [NICK.] : What is that?!

Sounds like we're being haunted by Tchaikovsky.

- Morning, Jack.

- Sorry, - didn't mean to wake you.

- Nah.

We always get up before sunrise.

Maybe we can find you a room that's more soundproof.

Yeah, like the basement or a hotel across town.


Shostakovich's Concerto number 2.

Sounds great.

- Thanks, Dad.

- That used to be his weakest piece.

We've got this audition in the bag.


" We've been doing this together a long time.

- Team Stafford.

- Team Stafford.

I'm gonna get some coffee.


Room service!


Here you go.

I am so full from the four courses of ramen we had last night.

Are you sure?

I got you tea.

I'll take it.



And I got these.

There is crispy sweet, and sweet and sour.

Those are my two favourite words of the English language.


You really are the best host.

- I am?

- Yeah!

I don't know, I could I could really see myself here, putting my handprint on the rock.

You do that, you're all in.

Well, didn't you do it on your first day?


Uh, I never did, actually.

How come?

I guess I'm waiting for my dad to get here, but he hasn't been able to get the time off work, so Yeah, I get it.

I would want my mom to see.

You, um you really miss your dad, don't you?

It's just been tough being away, you know?

I guess I never really thought about everything that you leave behind.

Hey, we should go.

We're running late, - we gotta get to the career centre.

- Right.

Uh lucky for us, I'm already dressed.

- Fantastic!

- Mm-hmm.

Hey, uh, do you wanna come to this reception that's honouring my mom?

I heard it's being catered.

Hmm, I would, but I have study group.


I'll bring you back food.

- Cool!

- I know.

- Thanks.

- I'm cool like that.

Hi, Martha.

What can I get for you?

An ice tea, please, with two sh*ts of sweetener.

One for each of my viewers.


Uh you wouldn't happen to know who Adam is bringing here on his private dinner tonight, would you?

Adam is bringing a date?!


I don't know what's more shocking: the date or the fact - I didn't know.

- It's weird though, right?

Me cooking for them?

As I recall, you turned him down.

- You can't fault him for moving on.

- No, you're right.

- I'm happy for him.

- Doesn't sound like it.

Methinks thou dost protest too much.

Way too much.

Why is this so hard to figure out?

I could offer some advice, but I'm dealing with my own problems.

- Oh, what happened?

- Martha's Musings is a flop, and I have no idea how to save it.

Well, when I had a rough month here, I brought out my spicy tapas.

Not everyone liked them, but everyone remembered them.

Of course!

I need to be the spicy tapas.


- So there are over a hundred students in your new class?

And it all happened because of your first holistic club.

And all the work that you have put in it.

Well, good thing I had the flu that day, right?

- What are you talking about?

- You don't remember?

- No.

- I was your art history T. A.

and I got the flu, and you gave me elderberry tincture.


I didn't want you sick while you were grading my final.

Oh, thank you.

And that was my very first taste - of holistic medicine.

- Literally.

- Literally.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

- To elderberry tincture.

- Cheers to that.


Hey, Coach.

How's your team looking this year?

Uh Yeah, a few spots left to recruit, but I have my power players.

Think you'll make the tournament?

That would be a first.

I'd settle for winning a few games.

- I loved winning.

- Oh, you played?

- Wing spiker, right side.

- Ah Any good?

- I could hold my own.

- Haha!

I have no doubt.

Listen, why don't you come by practice, maybe show the girls a few things.

I appreciate the offer, but we're heading home tomorrow.

Excuse me, everybody.

If I could have your attention, please.

Thank you so much for coming.

It's so good to see your faces today.

I have to tell you, it is a privilege for me to call this beautiful woman my friend.

She has affected all of us.

Her passion and belief in the benefits of holistic medicine is why we're all here.

So please help me welcome the wonderful Cassie Nightingale.

[MAN.] : Whoo!

Thank you so much for that.

Love you.


It is great to be here again.

You know, they say that when mind, body and spirit are aligned, that you can truly harness your full potential.

Well, that has never been more true than right now with this incredible woman's program that she has put in place.


- Think fast.

- I probably shouldn't.

It's one shot, it's no big deal.

I should go practice.

Aren't you bored of practicing all the time?


So, you're doing it because your dad makes you?

He doesn't make me; I just know it means a lot to him.


Check you out!

The prodigy's got some skills.

Had a hoop at our house.

Dad and I used to play all the time.

- What happened?

- I landed first violin in the school orchestra.

It kind of takes up all your time.

Here, toss me the rock.

- Hey, hey, hey.

Are you OK?

- I'm so sorry!

I - I think I jammed my finger.

- Come on, - let's get you inside.

- I'll go call my dad.

Can you bend them?


That's enough.

- Good news is they're not broken.

- But the bad news?

It's probably a mild sprain.

Which means he won't be able to audition.

Well, that depends on Jack.

I-I guess I could try.

Not sure that's a good idea.

I don't want it to get worse.

- Sorry.


There'll be other auditions.

Now, let's get those fingers taped up.


- I'll be right back.

- OK.

Hmmm You and the volleyball coach seem to hit it off.

He's interesting.

More interesting than Donovan?

Oh, there's that smile again.

- What smile?


You know, you're not fooling anyone, except maybe yourself.

OK, fine, I really like Donovan.

- So what's the problem?

- I really like Donovan.

Then you should tell him.

Another text from Luke?

- I think he misses me.

- Hmm, I think you're right.


So how is it going with your student host?

Ella's great.

Yeah, she and I can totally be friends.

That's great to have a new friend in a new place.

I'm not sure she'll be here next year.

Why is that?

She's having a really hard time being away from home.

I mean, her and her dad are really close.

Like us.

I was so caught up with the excitement of going away to college Mom, what if I feel the same way that Ella does.

Hmm you might.

But I can come visit you anytime It's a three-hour drive.

It could be a 300-hour drive.

If you need me, I will be here.

You promise?

I promise.

Trust me, moving back into the studio - is not the answer.

- And this is?

Your first show was a disaster!

Oh, that was a small stumble in our ascent to the mountaintop.

Get ready for in-depth stories that will rival the best in investigative journalism.

This show is going to be muy "salentro.

" You mean, muy caliente?

Oh, well, however you say it.

It's going to be spicy.


Three, two Greetings, Middleton, and welcome to Mayor Martha's Musings.

We've got a great show tonight, so lower your lap-bar, and get ready to roll as we welcome my friend and yours, City Comptroller Harold Bunker.

This is so neat.

Thank you for having me on the show.

Oh, well, we go back a long way.

So, Harold, tell us, what exactly does a comptroller do?

Oh, I suppose I'm like a chief auditing executive.


So you catch mistakes.


Like in a budget or a proposal.

But not in city parks?

Sorry, I don't follow.

My question or the law!

This is a water bottle that you threw in the trash yesterday when there was a recycling bin two feet away.


I was in a hurry, you know.

My dog was pulling on the leash.


The I-I tried.

Did you?

Did you really, Harold?

Or did you leave this plastic blight to pollute our waterways?

It's just one bottle.

This is a This is a hit piece.


Well, it seems Harold needs to learn a little "self-comptrol".


This looks incredible!

You look incredible.

I look like I was cooking all day.

Thank you.

Where is your date?

I'm looking at her.

You want me to have dinner with you?

I do.


Well, I am flattered, but we talked about this.

We talked about being friends.

Friends can have dinner together, right?

- - Can't argue with that.


Since you cooked I'll serve.



- This is for you.

- Thank you to you.


Peppermint tea.

- That's an interesting choice.

- To calm the nerves During times of stress, hmm?

Is it that obvious?

That you have a decision to make?

How do you know what's in my head without me telling you?

Stop it.


I'll never tell.

Hill Valley U, they asked me to come head their Holistic Medicine Department.

All of it.

- That's amazing!

- Yes.

- What are you gonna do?

- I have no idea.

I mean, this has been my home for 20 years.

What would you do?


Oh, I would take a walk.


I knew you were gonna say that.

I've taken so many walks on this campus.

You should be really proud of everything - you've accomplished here.

- Yeah, I know, but I just want more for the school.

I mean, one holistic medicine class isn't enough, you know that.

I have no doubt that this is just the beginning.

- I missed you, please don't go.

- Aww!


- You know what I miss?

- What?

Late-night runs to Mikey's Burgers!

Those burgers and those strawberry shakes and - those really well done fries!

- Yes!

Should we go?


No, they closed a couple of years ago.


Uh, we'll always have the memories, right?

Yeah, some really good memories.

The best.

I just don't know.

It just would be really, really hard - to say goodbye to this place.

- Sounds like you already made a decision.


I still want that walk.

- [CHUCKLING.] : Let's go.

- Let's go.


[TOGETHER.] : Step left, step right.

Jump back and slide.

- I'm sorry!

- I'm sorry.

No, I thought it was jump back then slide.

We should have done the beginner video.

Ah, this is the beginner.


OK, so we just have no rhythm.

It's fine.

Well, if I come to Wellingsly next year, we can work on that.


- Are you OK?

- It's just I, uh I may not be here next year.

Because you miss home?

I just really miss my dad.


Oh, um Hey, Dad.


Of course I'm here, why?


- Just wondering.


- Hope I didn't crash your party.

- No, of course not!

- What are you doing here?

- I was in the neighbourhood.

Something told me I should come check on you.

I'm gonna let you two catch up.


- Um, I'll see you later?

- OK.

- So how's it going?

- Hi!


How's that finger?

I guess it's a little better.

My guess, it's a lot better.

- Or was never hurt at all.

- Are you gonna tell my dad?


We've got doctor-patient confidentiality.

Why don't you want to go on the audition?

I'm just not into violin like I used to be.

- Nothing wrong with that.

- To you.

You know, dads can be a lot more understanding than you think.

He's always talking about me going to Juilliard.

It's his dream to see me play in the Chicago Symphony.

I'd bet he'd rather see you achieve your dream.

I don't know.

I think he's gonna be disappointed at me.

Not if you're honest with him.

Honest about what?


Oh, well - Something I need to tell you.

- I'm gonna let you guys talk.

I'm really glad your cousin got honoured.

Yeah, me too.

She deserves it.

She does.

And I also got to meet you.

Don't you coaches have a curfew?


We're playing near Blairsville next week, why don't you come to the game and I can take you for dinner afterwards.

That's really sweet.

But you have a boyfriend.

I think this is the closest thing to euphoria.


So what would you have done if I said no?

Requested one large doggie bag.

Well, I am really glad you surprised me.

Me too.

- Can I ask you something?

- Uh-oh, sounds serious.

Are you dating anyone right now?

Umm I went on a couple of dates with someone, but we both realized that we were better off as business partners.

So no, I don't have a boyfriend.

Can I ask you something?

Uh-oh, sounds serious.

What made you want to be a chaplain?

When I was a kid, my grandma took me to church every Sunday.

- I never really wanted to go.


But then I'd see how much her faith meant to her.

When she got sick, her faith got even stronger.

I remember the chaplain would come to visit, her face would light up.

Knowing that someone could bring that kind of joy to another person Hmm that he can inspire her even when things got rough I I just knew that's the kind of man I wanted to be.

You really love that stuff, don't you?


Yeah, I do.


Hey, can I ask you a question?

I'll take out the garbage as soon as I'm finished.


Actually, I was wondering if you ever worry about disappointing me.

Uh Kinda.

Didn't you with Grandpa?

I guess.

But he always made me feel like I could tell him anything, good or bad.

I hope you feel the same way.

No, don't worry.

I do.

Hey, Dad, thanks.

You're welcome.

- Now, take out the garbage.


You're not gonna believe this: the ratings for the show are through the roof!

- You mean?

- You're a hit!

A phenom!

Middleton loves you!

Well, of course they do.

When you think of investigative journalism, you think of me.

It's time to go bigger!

- Bigger?

- Yeah.

More gossip, more dirt, more spice.

More spice.




I gotta say, perfect colour choice.

It stands out, and it blends right in.

Your turn?

I, um I think I'm gonna wait 'til fall.

Does that mean you're gonna come here?

It means maybe leaning towards yes.

"Maybe leaning towards yes"?

- Don't get excited.

- Oh, I would never think of it.

Ella, this is my mom.

- Hi.

I'm Cassie.

- Ella.

And I'm with you.

I want Grace to come here too.

This is my dad.

- Oh, hello.

- Professor Addams!

- Yeah.

Hi, Ella.

- Wow, I can't believe - you recognized me.

- Yeah, you are left side - back of the lecture hall.

- Her holistic medicine class is really popular.

What do you think of it so far?

It's amazing.

I've learned so much.

It's very flattering, thank you.

I know a lot of bio majors feel the exact same way.


Um, but we should head out.

I just got an alert.

There's free pizza in the student centre.

- Who'd turn down free pizza?

- Not me.

- I'll see you guys later.

- Enjoy.

Students love your class.

Must make you so happy.

Yeah Actually, it makes me sad.

I mean, one class isn't enough, right?

There's just so much more that I want to teach these students.

It's it's not gonna happen here at Wellingsly.

Your passion could make it happen.


So, who was Adam's date?

I was.

Well, this just got interesting.

How did it go?

- It was a disaster.

- How so?

Well, because I - I like him!

- What's wrong with that?

Now, I'm the rebound girl.

This is definitely a spicy situation.

I really like him.

Considering all he went through to arrange a date, I'd say he really likes you too.

I guess that's true.

It's absolutely true.

And sometimes, people rebound right into love.

Thanks, Martha.

You're a really good friend.

Well, you can always count on me.

Someone looks happy.

You aren't gonna believe what just happened.

- Yeah?

Try me.

- Dr.

Shapiro calls me into his office and he said, "The school would suffer if they lost me.

" I agree.

Sounds like he's finally getting the value of holistic medicine.

Well, he's coming around.

He wants me to build a specialized curriculum for the pre-med program.

- And you said yes?!

- Of course I said yes!

Thank you so much for helping me make this decision.

I just suggested we take a walk.

I think you did more than that.

I mean, it's everything I ever It's everything that we ever wanted for this school.

You've definitely left your mark.

You know, now that you re-committed to Wellingsly Ah Only if you do it with me.

Let's do it.

Come on!

- Come on.


- [PLAYFULLY.] : Aaaaah!


- OK.

- Got room for two more?


Why don't we show these kids how it's done.


- They can't handle us.

- Ah!

Hey, Dad.

Thanks for getting Jack to open up to me.

Ah, we dads gotta stick together.

Sometimes, when you want the best for your kid, you can't see the obvious.

Yeah, but they'll always see how much we care.

- [JACK.] : Ouf!


- Haha!

Come on.

We're playing or what?

- Let's go.

- Here.


- Oh!


Greetings, Middleton, and welcome to another episode of the smash hit Mayor Martha's Musings.

Today, I want to talk about relationships.

Rebound relationships!



Actually, Middleton, I wanna talk about our relationship.

You've given me your trust, but yesterday, in a feeble attempt to boost my own ratings, I betrayed that trust.

I cannot be a TV star and a mayor, so I choose to be your mayor, your friend, your family, someone you can confide in.

And so, effective immediately, I am resigning as host of Mayor Martha's Musings and reminding you, dear Middleton, that my door and my heart are always open.

Too many things I haven't done yet Wait a minute, where am I going?

This is my office.

That's a wrap!


Can't waste the day Wishing it'd slow down You would have thought by now I'd alert someone So, which do you like better, volleyball or politics?

Chili cheese fries?


You're in luck, the fryer's fixed.

- Extra chili!

- Extra cheese!

- Coming right up.

- So what do you think - about college life?

- I, uh I think I'm gonna love Wellingsly.

You decided?

It's officially a family tradition!

- Ah!

I'm so proud of you!

- Thanks, Mom.

- They're lucky to have you.

- Thanks.

And I am so lucky to have the both of you.


- Thank you.

- Ohhh I am so ready.

- Me too.


- How far do I have - Cheers.


- To go to get to you Many the miles Many the miles Oh, whoa oh oh oh How far do I have to go to get to you - Camomile?

- Do I know you or what?

- I missed you.

- Prove it.

So, how was being back at Wellingsly?

It was nostalgic and wonderful.

How was it running Grey House?

Ah, piece of cake.

As you can see, everything's exactly as you left it.

Yeah, not exactly.

I did see a TV in the living room.


Did I say how much I missed you?

- Prove it.

- And spreading it around Yeah, yeah 'Cause I've had my fair share - Of take care and goodbyes - Lie down.


- Good boy!


- I've learned how to cry And I'm better for that Sing How far do I have to go to get to you I couldn't wait to do that again.

- Then why did you stop?

- Many the miles Whoa oh whoa oh How far do I have to go to get to you [THEME MUSIC.]