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01x06 - A House Divided

Posted: 06/04/19 05:51
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "God Friended Me.

" - Take that, old man!

- Old, who you calling old?

You, Uncle T!

I know that you think that he looks up to me more than you, but that is not the case, Arthur.

- What did you do?

- The God account is gone!

It must have been awkward bumping into your ex with Miles.

- You free Sunday?

- Maybe.

Helping people isn't a burden.

- It's an opportunity.

- I testify [GROOVY MUSIC]

Six weeks ago, I got a friend request from someone calling themselves God.

They started sending me people in need of help.

For the very few of you that have stuck around to listen, you know that I have resisted.

Not anymore.

I am going to see where this road takes me.

Now, that doesn't mean I'm going to stop looking for who's behind it, but there's a freedom in accepting this new path.

A clarity for what I'm trying to do.

I am ready to start growing my audience one listener at a time.

So if you see any of my posters, please get the word out.

The Millennial Prophet is making a comeback.

You know, I got to say, bro.

This poster is pretty fire.

Yeah, it's smart, Miles.

I mean, grassroots marketing will get you a new audience.

Yeah, well, it's what I need, you know?

Considering I lost most of my listeners after I changed my message.

Well, you are the atheist working for God now, so I kind of understand the confusion.

Dude, there is no confusion.

We all know it is not God.

True, but whoever's doing this already unfriended you.

All right, this could have all been over.

You know, you're the one who chose to friend that maniac back.


Because it gives me a sense of purpose.

So you're basically working for the God account?

I'd say it's more like a partnership.


- - What's up?

- Uh, it's Eli.

He wants to get dinner.

- Official date?

- Yeah, but I'm I don't know if I'm ready to go there again.

- Why not?

- I mean, we broke up for a reason.

Who's to say it doesn't end the exact same way?

Just because you guys have a history doesn't meant it'll repeat.

Okay, all this talk about dinner has got me starving.

Dude, you're always starving.

- You know what?

- What?

- Dinner's on me?

- What?

Just a little thank you for helping me spread the word.

You guys figure out what you want, - and I'll just hail us a cab.

- Okay.

Taxi, taxi!



- Look, guys, guys.

I just got a new friend suggestion.

- Who is it for?

- Some guy named Hasan Amir.


Hey, there's our cab.


Where to, my friends?

Have you decided where you would like me to take you?

The Lower East Side is a big place.

Can you narrow it down a little?

Uh, no, yeah, we haven't decided where we want to have dinner, but if you could just give us a second, please.

- Of course.

- Just pick a place, and get him talking.

Ooh, can you drop us off at Insomnia Cookies on Orchard?

- Sure.

- Cookies, really?

What yeah, that was the first thing that came to my mind.

Besides, you love desserts.

That is true.

So, um, how long have you been driving a cab?

Almost 15 years, since I moved here.

- Where are you from?

- Afghanistan.

I was an engineer in Kabul.

We won the green card lottery, - so I moved my family here.


I'm sorry, my wife.




I I'm sorry, there is a problem with my son.

I have to drop you off, but we are on the highway and I can't pull over.

Yeah, no, don't stop for us.

Family is important.

Thank you.



I'm 24 years old, I can't live like this anymore.

Please, don't go.

At least talk to you father.

Mateen, your mother told me that you have a cell phone hidden in your room.

Who are you talking to that you don't want us to know about?

Why do you have to know who I call, who I talk to?

You don't have to control every aspect of my life.

I feel this guy's pain.

As long as you live under this roof, you will listen to what we are telling you.

Then I guess I shouldn't be living here anymore.




Uh, this really isn't necessary.

Oh, you said you were heading out for dinner.

True, but when we got in the cab, we were just expecting the ride, not the actual meal.

- It's really good.

- After my husband drove you all the way out here, the least we can do is feed you.

Well, thank you.

Um, and really, with everything that's going on, I hope that we're not intruding.

Oh, things will blow over with my son.

It always does.

If you will excuse me, I need to study.

We're having guests, Tarah.

Our guests aren't going to help me study for the LSATs.

Tarah graduated top of her class at Colombia.

One day, she will be a great lawyer.

- Go ahead, bubbah.

- It was nice meeting you.

My children have spent more time here in America than in Afghanistan, and I'm grateful that they have grown up here, but it's very difficult to maintain our Islamic faith and values.

My daughter, Tarah, remains devout.

But I fear my son is slipping away.


Faith is the most important thing in our lives.

Clearly, you feel the same way, Miles.

Where'd you get that idea?

I saw the poster you had in my cab.

Um, The Millennial Prophet?

Clearly, it's a podcast about your beliefs.

Yeah, it's more of, like, a play on words kind of thing.

- What do you mean?

- I'm an atheist.



- Thanks for the ride, Hasan.

- My pleasure.

- All right.

- May I say something?


You are a very nice person, Miles, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I believe you are lost.


Just because I don't believe in God doesn't mean I'm lost, just like Mateen wanting some independence doesn't mean he's slipping away from you.

You should talk to him, try to find some common ground.

- I appreciate your concern.

- Mm-hmm.

But I have faith that my son will return when he is ready.

See, me and my dad disagreed about that same thing in the past.

Trust me, the longer you let this go, the harder it will be to fix it.

It was very nice meeting you, Miles.

You, too.

- Good night.

- Good night.

No, no, no, no, no.

The inspector comes tomorrow, which means I need the windows installed today.

Hell, my brother-in-law baptized your first child, which makes us practically family.

Great, thank you.


Arthur, I'm sorry.

Sometimes, I just have to use our relationship to push people.

Don't apologize.

You're in the home stretch.

Yeah, that building's going to be a game-changer.

- Hey.

- Hey.


- Lena, how are you?

- Eh, doing okay.

Just wish I could see a little bit more - of my husband these days.

- Ah-ha.

Uh, baby, baby, I know I've been working long hours, but I promise you I'm going to make it up to you, okay?

Well, just as long as we're together tomorrow night.

That's all I care about.

- What's tomorrow night?

- Our anniversary?


So help me, Terrence, if you forget our anniversary, you will be sleeping in that building of yours.

- You think she bought it?

- I believe she did.

And Ali has everything set tomorrow night at the bar?

- It's all taken care of.

- Which reminds me, - the jazz band we hired.

- Mm-hmm?

They can't do it.

So, you mentioned that that woman that fixed your sax is tapped into that community.

So do you think you can make a call?

See if she can get someone else to do it?

Sure, I'll go down there this afternoon.

And, uh if you want to invite her to the party, uh, I'm cool.


- If you want to invite her - I heard you the first time.

BOTH: Yeah.

- What's this?

- Your son dropped that off - earlier to promote his podcast.

- I wasn't aware.

- What?

- Nothing, it's I mean, things have been good between us lately.

I thought maybe we'd start sharing stuff.

Well, did you ask him to, yet?


I found out something really interesting last night about the God account.

They changed the firewall.

- Whoa, what?

- Yeah, completely rewrote the code.

Wait, so what do you think this means?

What if God unfriending you was about me getting too close to cracking the firewall?

Okay, yeah, it's always about you, Rakesh.

Oh, my God.

It's just a theory, Miles.

Either way, I'm running this new decryption program.

- I'll tell you what I find.

- All right.

So what's the deal with, um, Hasan?

You think you're supposed to help him and his son?

It looks that way.

Look, the problem is Hasan is relying on his faith to fix things instead of actually doing something about it.

I got to talk to Mateen.

Cara's tracking down his class schedule now.

Yeah, well, that's assuming she's not busy texting Eli.

Hey, you, uh you all right with that?

Yeah, yeah.

The timing just wasn't right for us, you know?


You're experiencing regret, though, right?

I mean, it's in your eyes.

No, dude.

Our poster!

Someone covered it up.


Who's DJ Trek?

I spent $200 getting my posters made, and after one night, they get h*jacked by this guy?

DJ Trek.

Yeah, I've seen his posters all over town.

They're cool.

If you're into that sort of thing.

This isn't over.

I'm going to print a whole new batch of posters and plaster them over every single one of these.

Don't you think you might be taking this a bit personal?

My podcast is on life support, okay?

I need new listeners.

These posters were supposed to do that for me.

So yeah, I'm taking it personal.

Okay, moving on.

Did you get the food for Aunt Lena and Uncle T's - party tomorrow night?

- Yes, yes, Sylvia's.

Everything is taken care of.


- Um, I'm sorry, Ali, I have to run.

What, no wait, we're supposed to have lunch - and go over the appetizers.

- I know, I know.

But something came up.

Let me guess, the God account?

I'll see you tomorrow.

Talk to you later, Dee.

The God account?

You were serious about that?

Any idea what you're going to say to him?

One of these times, I'll actually have an answer for you.

Look, there he is.

I can't keep doing this anymore.

You know we don't have a choice.

It looks like Hasan was right about his son.

He's definitely into something shady.


Yeah, let's find out what.




Are you guys following me?

- Actually, yes, we were.

- Yes.

- We are.

- Uh why?

We're friends with Mateen's father.

Okay, I don't know what you want, but you need to leave.

And we will once you tell us about the cell phone Mateen gave you.

What's going on?


- Tarah?

- What are you two doing here?

Uh, yeah, we could ask you the same thing.

Ooh, nice ring.

Please don't tell my father.

He can't find out about us.

Why not?

Because David's Jewish.

He'll never allow this to happen, but it doesn't matter.

We're getting married.


Mazel tov?

So the cell phone Mateen was hiding, it was yours?


He's been covering for us.

But after everything that happened at the house yesterday, he said he couldn't be a part of this anymore.

Have you told your parents?

I told them about Tarah right before I proposed.

- They lost it.

- Well, at least you asked.

You don't even know what your father would say.

Yes, I do.

My dad's a reasonable man, but not about his faith.

Why do you care?

You just met my family.

Look, I know, but after seeing what happened yesterday between your father and your brother I happen to have experience with that, and honestly, I was just seeing if I could help.

We didn't mean to spy on you.

We'll totally respect your privacy.

But if there's anything we can do for you, please, let us know.

Well, there is one thing.


Mateen was supposed to be our witness at the ceremony today.

He's the only one who knows about us.

Wait, whoa, wait, wait, wait.

You two are getting married today?

At the city clerk's office.

Once we're married, we're hoping our families will have no choice but to try and accept this.

You want to help?

One of you can be our witness.

Oh, no, no, I don't think we can do that.

Yeah, I can do that.



Thank you!


- Miles, we can't do this - Yeah she's right.

I don't think this is a good idea.

Guys, I'm helping two people who are in love and want to be married get married.

Yeah, behind their parent's backs.

- How is that right?

- How is it right for a father to pick religion over his child?

Okay, well, Hasan hasn't made that choice.

- Tarah's made it for him.

- Yeah, not to mention, the God Account's not going to be happy about this.

Hasan's your friend suggestion, not Tarah.

There's no way this is helping him.

If the God account thinks that I am going to stop Tarah from getting married, then they chose the wrong guy.

Well, technically, Miles, you did the picking this time, remember?

That doesn't mean that I'm going to do its bidding.

For this to work, I need to do things my way, make my own decisions.

Tarah and David deserve to be happy.

Yeah, no, of course they do.

But that's not why you're doing this.

What are you talking about?

This is about you and religion.

That's why you're taking such a hard line, Miles, and you know it.

Well, that doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Okay, well, right or wrong, you're not the one who has to live with the fallout.

They do.

I have to go meet Liv and my mom.

But I'll catch you guys later.



This is a nice surprise.

It is?

Um, uh, I mean thank you.


How is your sax?

Oh, you did a a great job of fixing it.

Well, this is the part where you tell me why you're here.



Um, I'm sorry.

Uh, my brother-in-law is throwing an anniversary party for his wife tomorrow.

Oh, really?

And well, um, the band cancelled at the last minute.

Oh, really?

I was hoping, maybe, you would know a band that was up for a last-minute gig?

Okay, I mean, I I could think of someone.

Um actually, there is a great trio you can call.

Great, thanks.

Um, this is a number for the band?

That's mine.


You can call me if they can't do it.

Right, okay.


- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

It's just a concert, Mom.

Cara, tell her it's just a concert.

Uh, yeah, you know, Taylor Swift is pretty cool.

Just think about it.

I know you'll make the right decision.

Everything okay?

Yeah, I just I had a disagreement with Miles.

Anything you want to talk about?

You know, I could use your advice about Eli.

He asked me out again.

And I assume you wouldn't be asking for advice - if you'd said yes.

- Right.

Things with Eli and me, they didn't really end well.

- And you want to be careful.

- Yeah, but I don't know.

I mean, he has changed.

He quit his finance job, and he seems really happy.

He's kind of like a whole new person, which is great.

So what's the problem?

That's the thing, I don't know.

I like Eli.

So why am I hesitating?

What am I afraid of?

Can I ask you something?


If you knew things would work out with Eli, would you still be hesitating?

I don't know, maybe.

So maybe this isn't about Eli at all?

Maybe it's about someone else?

Sorry, sorry I'm late.

We were beginning to think you'd changed your mind.

No, just my shirt.

I wanted to make sure I was a witness with style.

So - want to get married?

- I do.

Come on.

- You two look great.

- Tarah.


You told him.

How could you?

I'm sorry.

He has a right to know.

What are you doing here?

He's going to be our witness.

You were going to marry him without telling us?

I knew you wouldn't understand.

And that makes it okay?

I know it may be hard to accept, Hasan, but it is their decision.

Stay out of this.

This is not your family.

Let's go.


We love each other.

That doesn't matter, Tarah.

You know that.

- Hasan, please.

- He's not Muslim.

- No, I'm not.

- Are you going to convert?

No, and I'm not asking Tarah to convert, either.

If you marry this guy, you're no longer welcome into our home.

- You're not my daughter anymore.

- Hasan.



I don't agree Every wound leaves a scar They're all over me They remind us where we've been I'm sorry, David.


You stay away from my family.

Both of you.

It's to let them know I know it's hard It's time to carry on [KNOCKING]

- Dad, what are you doing here?

- I was on my home you know, to get ready for the anniversary party.


- I thought I'd stop by.

- Come on in.


Oh, you know, but if you're busy No, no, what's up?

Um how's it all going?

Are you asking me about my podcast?


I'm still trying to figure it out, but I appreciate you asking.



You know, Dad, I'm actually glad you stopped by.

There's something I could use your advice on.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Fire away.

Um I have a friend from a devout Islamic family.

Ah, beautiful faith, Islam.

She fell in love with a Jewish guy.

- Uh-huh.

- They were going to get married, when her father found out.

He stopped it, forbid her from seeing him.

I see.

How does a father choose religion over his own child?


You really think that faith and fatherhood is that simple?

I think if her father could separate the two, he would have made a different choice.

Maybe he's thinking about his daughter's happiness in the way that you can't.

Your Uncle T and Aunt Lena almost didn't get married because he was Episcopalian, and her family was Catholic.

- Oh, I didn't know that.

- Before I got a chance to speak with her father, they were planning to hop a train to elope.

- What did you say?

- At first, I just listened.

Because I wanted to understand.

And when I did, I realized that her father was simply afraid of losing his only daughter, and not just to an Episcopalian with a dashing smile.


Most of the time, our fears are more universal than we would like to admit, which is why we feel compelled to wrap them up in things like religion.

Thanks, Dad.


Hey, Miles, I need you to come meet me at work.

I can't, I have my aunt and uncle's anniversary party.

No, Miles, I found a crack in the God account's firewall.

My decryption program is about to breach, but I need to tether it to the IdentitySeal mainframe to boost my processing speed.

It's a two-person job, man.

If this works, it could tell us who's behind this.

Okay, look, I'm sorry.

Call Cara, see if she can help.

There's something I need to do before the party.



All right.



What are you doing here?

I spoke to your wife, and she said you would be here.

Look, I just want to understand this.

No, you don't.

You are here to judge.

Look, I didn't come all the way down here to judge you.

I'm supposed to be with my family right now.

My aunt and my uncle are celebrating their 25th anniversary.

Right now, my whole family is at my sister's bar, waiting for me, but I'm here.

I know how much your faith means to you.

You think this is about my faith?

That I'm blindly following some edict in the Quran?


This is about me being her father.

If Tarah wanted to drop out of the law school, and I said no, would your opinion be still so self-righteous?

- But this is different.

- To you, maybe.

To me, I see a mistake.

A life of struggle, separated from her family.

Why would I want that for my daughter?

Why would I not try to protect her from that?

Because she is in love.

Yes, she is.

But she is an amazing woman, and she will find love again.

This time, with a man who shares the same beliefs.

Who raises the children with the same beliefs, so they can be part of our family.

- Part of our community.

- Look.

I think you're scared of losing her, and there is only one way that's going to happen, Hasan.

But David has nothing to do with it.

Thank you, Miles.

I think it's time for you to go.


About time!

Uncle T and Aunt Lena will be here any minute.

- I hope they didn't see you.

- Yes, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, hello.

I had to take care of something.

Oh, you got the band, Dad.

Yeah, Dad's friend, Trish, really came through.

- Oh, the Trish from Music Inn.

- Yes, why?

Nothing, she's really nice.


- ALL: Surprise!

- Oh, my God!





- All right, so - Thank you.

I just want to thank everyone for coming out and helping celebrate my aunt and uncle on their 25th anniversary.


More and more each day, I realize how much family is important to me.

You two are reminders of what love and commitment is all about.

Uncle T, you're like a second father to me.

You've always been in my corner, and I love you.

- I love you.

- To Aunt Lena and Uncle T.




Hey, thanks for doing this.

I can't believe Miles ditched me.

Yeah, no offense taken, by the way.

Hey, can I get a quick tour?

Uh, that's my desk over there.

Miles is right behind me.


- You're an excellent tour guide.

- Sorry.

IT's on break, and we don't really have a big window.

Are you sure it's okay to be doing this?

Uh, yeah.

I'm just rerouting the access point to my desk.

All I need you to do is go to my monitor and hit "session configuration" when I tell you to.

Okay, seems easy enough.

Uh, yeah, there's a small chance we might trigger a system-wide security reboot, in which case, we're going to have to exit through the side doors.

There are no cameras.

Excuse me, what?

Cara, we're this close to breaking through the God account's firewall.

We need to do this.




- This band is all right.


Please thank your friend for me.

I will.

Speaking of which, how'd it go?

- Just fine, thank you.



You know, it's not like I haven't dated before.

When's the last time you actually asked a woman out on a date?

Your sister, and that went very well.


I know how much you loved my sister.

We all did.

But there is a difference between letting go, and moving on.

Come on, come on.

- Almost there.


We're in.


Yes, it's working.


- What is that?

- Uh, it's definitely not a server address.

It could be the latitude and longitude, but not with a letter.

NO dot MTR.


North MTR?

North Metro?

Could it be a train schedule?

Look, 9:02, that could be the time, and then, 35A could be the track number.

You're right.

It's for a train leaving Grand Central today.

Dude, you are way better at this than Miles.

Thank you.


- Oh, excuse me.

I have to take this real quick.

- Hey, Rakesh, what's up?

- Miles, we did it.

Cara and I hacked the God account, bro.

They're on the run, literally.

What are you talking about?

Well, when we breached the firewall, they gave us this info about this train leaving Grand Central in an hour.

- Yeah, can you meet us there?

- Train schedule?

That doesn't make any sense.

Well, unless the person behind the God account is on that train.

Excuse me, sorry, sorry.

Okay, text me the info.

I'll meet you there.

- Hey, what are you doing?

- I need to talk to you.

I saw that you posted a picture of this place on your Facebook.

Yeah, well, what's wrong?

Tarah is gone.

- Tell me, where is she?

- I don't know.

Don't lie to me, you helped them the first time.

- I'm not - Everything okay, Miles?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, just give us a second.


Look, Hasan, I am telling you the truth, okay?

I didn't help them this time.

What happened?


After we talked, I went home to talk to her to tell her exactly what I told you.

To make her understand, or at least help me to understand.

And when I got home, she was gone.

She packed most of her things, and she left a note that she's leaving town with David tonight.

- Wait, leaving town tonight?

- Yes.

Grand Central Station!

- What what - And I know where they are.

- Where, how?

- Just trust me.

I'll explain on the way there.

Come on.

So you're telling me the God account sent you my name and a train schedule?

Look, I know how it sounds, but it's true.

Now, my friends are already on their way down there.

If they find Tarah and David, they're going to try to talk to them, keep them from leaving.

Thank you for doing this, Miles.

I'm grateful that you are helping me to stop them.

I'm not.

You can't stop them, Hasan.

Look, even if she was to come home with you, what are you going to do?

Padlock her bedroom door?

Yes, if she hates me for the rest of her life, so be it.

And you think that's going to be the only thing she's going to wind up hating?

What do you mean?


After my mother died, my father turned to his faith to get him through it.

He relied on God for answers, and without meaning to, he shut me out.

A drunk driver took my mother away from me, and religion took my father.

If Tarah thinks that your faith is more important to you than she is, how much longer do you think before she gives up both?



There they are.

Come on.

- Anything?

- Mm-mm.

Couldn't find them.

- The train's already boarded.

- Yeah, it's leaving right now.

All right, let's go.

Let's go.

Tarah, Tarah!

Tarah, wait!

Tarah, wait, wait, wait, please.

Stop, please!

Please open this door!


Whatever you're going to say, it won't make any difference.

Maybe not, but I have to try.


Please, you cannot do this.

- You cannot marry him like this.

- Good-bye, Dad.

Please let me finish.


You cannot marry him like this because I must be there when you sign the Kitab.

I'm sure your parents, they want to be there when you sign the Ketubah.

Know from the day you were born, I swore to protect you, and I won't let anything stand in the way of your happiness.

I just didn't imagine that, one day, that would be me.

I'm so sorry.


I love you.

I love you.


I can't believe the God account played us again.

- I'm sorry.

- You know what?

It's time to bring out the big g*ns.

I'm going to reach out to an old friend.

- Okay.

- I'll talk to you guys later.

You're feeling pretty good, huh?

Yeah, well, I went against the God account, made my own choices, and everything worked out.

Unless that's what it wanted the whole time.

Look, and you were right.

Hasan just needed an opportunity to make his own choice.


And speaking of choices.

It's Eli.

So, you going to give him another shot?

I don't know.

I'm not sure what to do.


Maybe Eli's the one.

Maybe he's not.

There's only one way to find out.

And if he's not?


Then you'll know.

I'd say this party went off without a hitch.

I agree.

You okay?

Why wouldn't I be?

Miles' speech about Terrence being his second father.

Ah, well, he loves his uncle.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't [CLEARS THROAT]

Envy it every once in a while.

Oh, I'm sorry.


- I had to step out.

- Mm-hmm.

- You were gone?

- Ha, ha, ha, hilarious.

Hey, Dad, you remember the friend - I was talking to you about?

- Yeah.

Guess what, she's getting married after all.

- Her father came around.

- That's great, that's great.

I assume you had something to do with it.

I did, but also, the help of some good advice.


What were you two talking about?


We were talking about cake.

- Hey!

- I think I'm going to try - and find your aunt and uncle.

- Yeah.

I thought you were enjoying yourself.

I was just putting on a good face for our family.

Do you trust me?

Everything's going to be fine, Lena.

How can you say that?

Because I have it under control.

But you shouldn't have kept it from me.

This is what I do!

- Lena - No, just I'm going home.

- Lena, Lena.

- Goodnight, Arthur.


- Is everything okay?

- Yeah, yeah.

She she just wants to go home early.

You know, and I want to enjoy myself, right?


- Ah, nephew.

- Mm.

Man, that was a beautiful speech.

I love you for that.

So I've been meaning to ask you.

How's it going with those posters?

I can barely keep them up.

This DJ plastered all over them.

You're thinking too small, man.

Look, I got a good friend, my first mentor.

He's a brilliant man, teaches marketing over at Harlem College.

You should take his class.

And I can make a call, if you want.

Yeah, yeah, that'd be awesome.

- Thanks, Uncle T.

- You know.

I do do I not do anything for you?

It feels so good, so good And we carry on the beats, like Bang, bang, skrrt, skrrt Yeah, yeah, g*ng, g*ng Bang, bang, skrrt, skrrt Yeah, yeah, g*ng, g*ng Bang, bang, skrrt, skrrt Yeah, yeah, g*ng, g*ng Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah - Hey.

- Oh, um, hey.

- How was the band?

- Um, they were They were good.

- They were very good.

They were - Good?




You haven't done this in a while, have you?

You can't imagine how long it's been.

Um, I've actually been outside for the better part of 20 minutes.


- Okay.

If it makes you feel any better It's been a while since I've wanted to listen to jazz with someone.

Actually that does.

- The Blue Danube - Mm-hmm.

Has a standing house band on Tuesday.

Now, we could meet here and walk over.

Yes, that sounds that sounds great.

- Great, okay.


All right, Tuesday.

Tuesday it is.



Well, I'm glad you called.

To be honest, I thought this was going the other way.

How come?

Well, you definitely took your time.

Well, I I just needed to be sure.

And are you?


From now on, take all the time you need.

Oh, yeah Ooh, I feel so good, so good I feel so good, so good And we carry on the beats, like Bang, bang, skrrt, skrrt Yeah, yeah, g*ng, g*ng Bang, bang, skrrt, skrrt Yeah, yeah, g*ng, g*ng Bang, bang, skrrt, skrrt Yeah, yeah, g*ng, g*ng Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah k*ll them, I k*ll them, for sure Oh, yeah, Chengdo to Brooklyn, New York Down into New Mexico Ooh Government watching my flows Pull up to Shanghai, don't even say hi Straight up just cancel my show It's cool, I got plenty of those Millions from millennials Feeling this, I'm feeling you - You're DJ Trek?

- I also go by Nia.


Oh, yeah Ooh, I feel so good, so good And we carry on the beats, like Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah I just want to thank you both so much.

- How are things going?

- Sharah and I, we are meeting our future in-laws tonight.

I guess the only thing we will agree on is how crazy this whole thing is.

Well, that's not a bad place to start.

Yes, yes.


Miles, the atheist.

I can't help but think that you were actually sent by God.

Believe me, I wasn't.

No, no, I disagree.

What about the God account?

This is the second time in the past few months - that God has sent me a sign.

- Oh, yeah?

You have to tell us the story?

Well, I was driving a gentleman six weeks ago.

The traffic was very bad, so I decided to take a shortcut.

I turned right and boom, there's an accident.

A lady was hit by a car, and she was laying in the middle of the street.

My passenger jumps out of the car and runs to help the lady.

It turns out he was a doctor.

Can you believe that?


I mean, I don't know what happened to the woman, but I I would like to think that God used me to send her help.

Actually, the woman is is all right.

How do you know?

You've been here before Because that woman was me.

Giving up is letting go You see, Miles?

You may not believe in God, but God believes in you.

Think about it.

God bless you.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Have a good day.

Love this delight, stay through the night I'm walking in your shoes - Don't you even say it.

- I'm not.

When nobody's here for you Let me make it clear It all should, it all should appear