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01x05 - Unfriended

Posted: 06/04/19 05:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on "God Friended Me" Think about the last couple of weeks.

John Dove, Katie and Nate, Ray and Isaac.

It's all been about helping people.

- Cara and I are we're just - Friends?

There is something that I've been wanting to ask you.

- Cara?

- Eli?

Can I text you?

I'd love to catch up.

- Yeah.

- So that was Eli.

Hey, what did you want to ask me?


Oh, take that, old man!


Who are you calling old?

You, Uncle Terrence.

Boy, you know, I'm the youngest member of the board at your daddy's church.

You know, Uncle T?

That's like saying you're the youngest dinosaur.

You still old.

- I see you smiling.

- Yeah.

Just like your momma.


I ever tell you that?


Maybe, like, uh, a hundred times.

How are you doing?

How's things with Arthur?


We can actually be in the same room for more than five minutes without arguing.

- That's a start.

- Just wish he would understand what I'm trying to do with my podcast.

Oh, yeah, boy, you know, speaking of which Now, you know I'm a fan of the podcast, and I'll listen even if I don't agree with everything you're saying, but what's up with this God account?

Where'd you come up with that?

I didn't.

What you mean you didn't?

Oh, oh, oh, I see.

Oh, so you got the direct line to the man upstairs.

It's not God, but the account is real.

I mean, it's someone out there sending me friend suggestions for people who need help.

- Well, who?

- I don't know.

That's the thing.

Hey, helping people is great, but I prefer it to be my choice.

I mean, Unc, these are real people with real problems.

And every single time I help one of them, I think about what would've happened if I failed.


What's that?

The God account?


A girl named Rachel Blake.

I'm sure your daddy told you why he became a reverend.

He's always said it was his calling.

Yeah, see anybody can get a calling.

But why you answer, that's the real question.

Come on, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick.

My parents can't know that you spent the night otherwise they're going to tell your parents and yeah.

I'm going to have to talk to your dad if I wanna - My mom's right up there.

- Seriously?

You're gonna have to talk to my dad tonight anyway.

Yeah, I know.

I still can't believe we're having dinner with our parents.

I thought that Evite from your mom was a joke.

Definitely not a joke.

My mom wants to make sure our parents get along before we get too far into this relationship, so Seriously though, Rakesh, there's something that I've been meaning to talk to you about.



We we can talk about it later.


Don't worry, dinner's going to be great.


- Okay.

- Okay.


- Coffee with Eli.



Privacy much?

Must've been awkward bumping into your ex with Miles.

Why would that be awkward?

'Cause I saw how you and Miles looked at each other at karaoke.

Okay, we looked at each other like friends because we're friends.

Besides, Eli's a great guy, but he's obsessed with work.

- But maybe he's changed.

- Yeah, doubtful.

But it's just coffee.

He said he wants to catch up.

The point is, if Eli wants to see you again, chances are he wants to see you again.

Okay, that is not true.

So just as you're about to ask Cara out, - her ex shows up?

- Mm-hmm.

I don't know.

Miles, I know you don't believe in divine intervention and stuff like that, but maybe the universe just didn't want you and Cara together.

The universe doesn't control our lives, Rakesh.

That would be the God account.

Oh, speaking of which, I think I'm finally breaking through the God account's firewall.

All I have to do is set some data points, and as soon as you get a new friend suggestion, we can finally unmask this madman.

Actually, I got a friend suggestion this morning.

- You did.

- Yep.

- Why didn't you tell me?

- Dude, I don't know.

I I figured I could use a break, you know?

Yeah, oh, I get that.

But show me.

Her name is Rachel.

I think she's artist, but I haven't had a chance to look into her.

Wait, that's weird.

There's no friend suggestion.

Maybe God changed his mind.

Check the God account page.

We couldn't find anything for God?

God account's not on my friend list.

That doesn't make any sense.

I got the code right here.

- What did you do?

- Nothing.


You were literally right here.

I just checked in on the account and it wasn't there.

Could your program have done something?

No, I haven't even run it yet.

Miles, what the hell is going on?

I don't know.

But the God account is gone.

I don't know.

Maybe the God account's down for, like, scheduled maintenance or something?

So it just disappeared?

Yeah, looked at the page and it wasn't there.

Can you guys talk anywhere but right above me?


The last time we heard from the God account was this suggestion at the Hayden Planetarium, right?

Yup, that-that-that's right.

Um, no suggestions since the planetarium.

It doesn't it doesn't make any sense.

I mean, we've helped every name they've sent our way.

Why disappear now?

Maybe they found someone who's more qualified to run around New York helping people.

Guys, there isn't a single trace of the God account code anywhere online.

Well, I guess we have our answer.

Aw, come on, don't tell me you're sad it's gone.

Maybe a little.

You know.

Me too.

Guys, the the God account brought us together.

Just because it's gone doesn't mean that it has to change.

- Yeah, absolutely.


Oh, sh**t.

I'm I'm sorry, guys, I got to go.

Call me if anything changes.

See ya.

Why did you lie to her about the friend suggestion?

Ah, come on, man.

God account or not, you know she would've wanted to help.

Oh, and you don't.

Listen, I talked to my uncle earlier and told him how much of a burden the God account was.

Maybe whoever's behind this heard me and realized they had the wrong guy.

Yeah, I get that.

"With great power comes great responsibility.

" - Churchill?

- No, Spider-Man.

Point is these are people's lives, Rakesh.

Maybe it's time I get back to mine.


No this is not a test Never was, never will be You can take my best It's yours, it was never for me I'm just looking for something To get me out of my seat Something that's true, what did I do?

'Cause every time I turn around - I'm back down one - Tell me why it feels like I'm still on the run I need some good news, baby - Feels like the world's gone crazy - Give me some good news, baby Give it to me, give it to me I need some good news, baby Everything okay?

Uh, yeah, yeah, it's fine.

It's just a friend.

The guy from the other night?

- Miles, yeah.

- You guys No.

No, we were just working on a project together.

Is he the same friend who helped you find your mom?

Yeah, how'd you know about that?

I read your article.

You never used to read my articles.

I didn't do a lot of things I should've done back then.

You know, I've been wanting to reach out for awhile now.

Why didn't you?

Is there a good answer to that question?

Secret agent?

Alien abduction?

Trapped under something heavy?

Okay, well, clearly you've thought about this, but no, just good old-fashioned lack of nerve and I don't know, when I saw you at the park the other night, I thought maybe it was fate.

You know, I've seen you twice and you haven't worn a suit.

You used to live in Brooks Brothers.

Yeah, I'm working on something new.

I don't know, maybe I ran into you so I can show you what you inspired.

- Cryptic.

- You free Sunday?


Good, 'cause I think you're going to like it.






- There you go, man.

- Thanks, Melvin.

That new version of your podcast is fire.

- I appreciate you listening.

- No problem, man.

You know what, actually?

Bro, I noticed that we have a mutual friend on Facebook.

- Uh, Rachel Blake.

- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, yeah, Rachel.

That's tough what happened to her, right?

- Yeah, def definitely.

- You going tonight?

- Where?

- The vigil.

For her sister.

It's at the park tonight.

Wish I could make it.

All right, bro, I'll see you.



You got a minute to go over the budget for the soup kitchen tomorrow?

Of course.

Grab a seat.


Ooh, feeling my age.

Played ball with your son this morning.

Ah, he's telling me you two are spending more time together?

We have.

It's been nice.

Seen more of him these past few weeks.

You know, I never I never should've let it get so strained.

I mean, my relationship with my father was so strong.

- So strong.

- Mm-hmm.

And I distinctly remember you saying that you did not want that type of contentious relationship with your son.

Your point?

Just give him some time.

He's just trying to find his way.

He mention something to you?

Yeah, this God account.

Hey, look, it's weighing on him.

You see, that's why you've always been his favorite.

You just indulge him too much.

If by indulge, you mean listen.

Yeah, I do.

I know that you think that he looks up to me more than you, but that is not the case, Arthur.

Just leave the door open.

Look, one day he's going to walk through it.

He's going to need you.


And so we will be with the Lord forever.

As we commemorate this 40th day after Emma's death, we celebrate her soul's journey to heaven.

I'd now like to ask her beloved sister, Rachel, to say a few words.

Hi, um, I'm Rachel.

Emma's little sister.

I was in the car with her when the accident happened.

I walked away with a couple of bruised ribs, so Lucky me.

I just want to say that I am I'm sorry for your loss.

I mean, believe me, I wake up every morning and think about how unfair it is that Emma is dead.

I wish that I could go and take back everything that happened that night.

Change it somehow, but I can't, and I have to live with that for the rest of my life.


Hey, Miles, it's Cara.

Just wanted to check in on you.

Look, I understand why you're glad the God account is gone.

It totally disrupted your life, but I just want you to know what we did was kind of amazing.

Anyway, talk soon.

Gonna be right here People come and people go Where the wind blows I don't know Hey, um This must be yours.

You were at the vigil.

Yeah, I'm Miles.

I just wanted to come by and see if you were okay.

You and everyone else.

So how did you know Emma?

Oh, I didn't.

No, I I live in the neighborhood, so I stopped by and paid my respects.

Great, that's nice, I guess.

I lost my mom in a car accident.

So I know how lonely it can feel after something like this happens, but know it doesn't have to be that way.

There are support groups, there are therapists You know, unless one of those people has a time machine, they can't help me.

No one can.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


At least let me walk you home?

Are you trying to be some kind of guardian angel?

No, I don't believe in God.

You a guardian atheist?

Okay, I will let you walk me home.

You're cute.

You want to come in?

No, no, I just wanted to make sure you got home safely.

Here I am.

Safe and sound.


Just come in.


Your art is amazing, Rachel.

Yep, I'm a tortured artist who drinks too much.

Not exactly reinventing the wheel, am I?

So what is all this?

I've been drawing the accident.

That's Emma.

The one with the red hat?


She was a native New Yorker, but somehow a Red Sox fan.

It was the one imperfect thing about her.

Who's this?

Ah, the hero.

Jack Campbell.

He pulled me from the car after the accident.

Or so everyone tells me.

I don't really remember anything until I woke up in the ambulance.

He stupidly pulled me from the car and then boom.

It exploded with Emma still inside.

- Have you talked to him?

- What's the point?

When my mom died, my dad tried to shield me from all of the details.

It wasn't going to change anything and he didn't want to relive it.


Thing is, I couldn't stop asking questions.

I wanted to know everything, no matter how irrelevant.

I don't know why, but for some reason it helped me come to terms with it on my own.

Come to terms with it.

Right before the car spun out, Emma and I got into an argument.

I had stopped going to AA, and she was disappointed, and I felt like she was judging me.

So I screamed at her and said a bunch of things that I can never, ever take back.

And that look she gave me.

She hated me.

And that is the last moment I will ever have with her.


Maybe taking to Jack will help.

Look, I I appreciate you trying to help me, Miles, but nothing you or Jack Campbell can say will ever change what happened.

Just go.


Thank you for having us over, Mrs.


Jaya, will you have some more daal?

Oh, no.

This is plenty.

You must keep your energy up for medical school.

She is at the top of her class.

You know Rakesh used to be at the top of his class too.


He invented an app for mobile phones.

- What?

- Oh.

You didn't ever tell me anything about that.

- Yeah.

- You work at IdentitySeal.

Right, Rakesh?

Um, customer service, correct?

Yes, sir.

Why do you not work in IT?

It is a technology company, is it not?

Yeah, I just, uh, I don't have my bachelor's degree.


Our Rakesh is taking time off to pursue his next business venture, but he will be returning to school soon.

That's not true.

I'm not going back to school.

He's still deciding.

Well, he will have plenty of time to make a decision while our Jaya is attending her fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.


Wait, you're leaving?

I just found out.

I was trying to tell you earlier.

For how long?

Six months.

A year, maybe.

A year?

What, I Is that why you didn't want to label this relationship?

Or is it just because you didn't think I was good enough for you like they do?



Man, I'm sure Jaya has a good reason for not saying something.

She was probably just going to leave town for a year and hope I forget all about her by the time she's back.

That doesn't sound like her.

You're just hurt.

Where have you been anyway?

I was with Rachel Blake.

Wait, the God account's back?


Can't quit the God account, can you?

After all that talk, deep down Miles just wants to help people.

What difference does it make?

There is nothing I can do to help her.

- What do you mean?

- She was in a car accident.

She lived and her sister died.

Oh, wow.


It sounds like someone who does need help though.

What she needs is time.

That's the only way she's going to be able to heal.

- You going to tell Cara?

- There's nothing to tell.


How did everything suddenly change, man?

I don't know.



- Hey.

- We need to talk.

Come on in.

So is there anything you want to tell me about?

Not that I'm aware of.


So you didn't get a friend suggestion for a woman named Rachel Blake before the God account disappeared?

How did Okay, don't get mad.

I might've texted her last night and told her that you went and saw that girl and that you didn't want to get involved.

Why would you lie to me about it?

Because I knew you would've pushed me to help her.

And, to be honest, I saw this whole thing as a chance for a clean slate.

Look, I'm sorry.

For real.

Do you forgive me?

Well, that depends.

You want to help Rachel Blake?

I do.

I read all about the accident.

Yeah, but what you didn't read is that she got into a fight with her sister before the crash, and there is nothing we can do to change that.

The God account wouldn't have sent you a name unless there was a way to help.

She has a point.

Yeah, but the God account went away, remember?

Yeah, but she didn't.

She doesn't remember the crash.

I told her that if she talked to Jack Campbell, the guy that pulled her from the car that night, maybe he could tell her something that would give her closure.

Okay, so let's go talk to him.

Even if we wanted to, how are we going to find him?

Easy, I looked him up.

Look, Jack was homeless when he saved Rachel.

The community rallied around him, he was able to turn his life around.

Even got a new job at a high school downtown.

Look, you want the God account to be over, and it is, I get it.

Why not put it to bed?

Look, no regrets.

No questions.

Let's just see it through to the end one last time.

- Jack Campbell, right?

- I know you?

Uh, you don't, but we know you.

- You're a hero.

- Hero's a stretch.

We actually know the woman who you pulled from the car.


She's trying to move on with her life.

We thought maybe you could help her do that.

How's that?

She doesn't remember anything from the accident.

So I thought you can talk to her.

You know, walk her through what happened.

The details might be able to bring her some closure.

Yeah, but there's nothing to walk through.

I was leaving the soup kitchen and I came across the accident.

It's it's all in the papers.

Yeah, I read them.

But you saw Emma in the car, right?

Was she conscious?

Did she say anything?

No, no.

She was unconscious, I think.

You think?

Yeah, her hair was covering her face.

What do you mean?

She was wearing a hat, right?

I'm done talking about that night.

You didn't save Rachel, did you?

Look, I've got nothing else to say about that night.

I just want to move on with my life, okay?

Why would he lie about being a hero?

I don't know.

But if he didn't pull Rachel from the car that night, who did?


So this Jack Campbell guy didn't save Rachel - but he took credit for it?

- Yeah, I mean, I can see why a guy in Jack's position would lie.

From homeless to hero, there's a lot to lose.

Yeah, makes sense.

But then why would the person who saved Rachel vanish and not take credit for it?

Maybe they're hiding something about what really happened that night.


- Here we go.

I just got the police report from that night.

How did you get the police report?

Well, it's public record, Rakesh.

Not everything requires hacking.

Okay, it looks like the accident happened just after nine p.


up in Harlem.

148th and Bradhurst?

That's a few blocks from Dad's church.

Jack said that he had just left a soup kitchen right before he heard the crash.

I didn't realize it was the same one ran by Dad and Uncle T.

Soup kitchen's open tonight.

Maybe someone else saw something.

Wait, so listen to this, there was a 911 call from that intersection at the time of the crash.

Lasted just under a minute.

Do we know what the caller said?

No, they hung up before they said anything.

Maybe that's our vanishing hero.

I have a friend who can run this number, - try and get us a name.

- Okay, I'm going to go down to the soup kitchen and see what I could find.


This is a surprise.

What brings you down here?

Well 'cause, you know, Finer men love to help people out.

Isn't that right, Miles?

Actually, I was hoping to see the sign-in sheets from a few weeks back.

And what's this about?

I've been just looking into something for a friend.

Name is Rachel Blake.

And she's come to the soup kitchen before?

- Not exactly.

- Look, why don't I help him look through the log-in books, see if he could find anything.

- I mean, that'll be fine.

- Thanks.

Yeah, so first her parents judge me 'cause Well, my app failed.

Then everybody freaks out 'cause Rakesh doesn't have a degree.

Then I find out that Jaya hid the fact that she's moving away for a year.

Why is she moving?

She got a fellowship at the Mayo Clinic.


She's moving to Minnesota.

Paul Bunyan's from there.

What if she, like, discovers she has a thing for lumberjacks?

That just Can I make an observation?

Sounds to me like Jaya has an incredible opportunity, and you're complaining how it's going to affect you.

I'm being totally self-centered, huh?

And I didn't even tell her how proud of her I am.

Rakesh, I know you don't think you deserve her.

But you do.

I mean, not when you're acting like this.

In general, I mean.

- When does she leave?

- A few days.

You still have time to fix this.

Don't let her leave without her knowing how you feel.

So the God account went missing, huh?

Yeah, and the suggestion for Rachel Blake.

But you're still helping her out, even though you don't have to.

Yeah, I guess so.

Look, Unc, this girl, she is in a bad place.

And you're worried about what happens if something goes wrong.

If you can't figure out a way to help her.


Yeah, I am.

I just need to figure out all the people that were here the night Rachel was pulled from the car after her accident.

If I can track these people down, maybe one of them might know something.

Well, I remember that accident.

It was Jack Campbell who pulled her out of the car.

Yeah, I don't want to call him out, but I don't think he did it.

What do you mean you don't think he did it?

I talked to him.

His story doesn't add up.

Well, I I don't know what he told you, but he was the first person on the scene when the police arrived.

Now his story has been an inspiration to everybody around here.

Actually, he's here tonight.

Your father and I are the ones that asked him to volunteer once he got back up on his feet.

So, I mean, if he's not the one who pulled the girl out of the car, then there's a good chance that he knows who did.


You following me now?

No, this is my dad's church.

- You're Reverend Finer's kid?

- I am.

Look, I know you lied about saving Rachel.

I need to know the truth.

Her life may still depend on it.

Look, I was there when the paramedics arrived.

So they assumed that I pulled Rachel from the car before the expl*si*n.

But you didn't.

I never meant to mislead anyone.

But then your dad and and your uncle stepped in and and I couldn't deny the help.

Jack, who pulled her from the car that night?

- No one.

- You're lying.

I heard the accident.

When I came around the corner, Rachel was already outside the car laying on the ground.

No, no, no, someone pulled her from the car.

- She told me.

- I am telling you.

If someone else had been there, I would've seen them.

That girl crawled out of the car herself before the expl*si*n.


Just Hello?

Whoa, wait, wait.



Melvin, what happened?

Rachel came in looking for you.

She was drunk and she fell down and hit her head.

It was bad.

Hey, excuse excuse me!

Excuse me, that's my friend.

Is she going to be okay?

She has alcohol poisoning, a concussion.

She's lucky, it could've been worse.




You okay?

How's Rachel?

Ah, they think she's going to be okay.

I got the name of the person who called 911 the night of the accident.

You're not going to believe it.

It was Rachel's sister, Emma.


Wait, this this doesn't make any sense.

She must've been trying to call before the car exploded.

- Unless - What?

I saw Jack at the soup kitchen.

He admitted to me that he did not save Rachel.

That night he thought Rachel crawled out of the car by herself because there was no one else there.

But there was.


You think she saved Rachel?

She could've pulled Rachel out of that car and went back to call 911.

I mean, what what other explanation is there?

Okay, well, you have to tell her.

I can't.

I don't have any proof.

Maybe there's another witness out there.

- We just have to keep looking.

- And then what?

I mean, Rachel is barely holding on as it is.

If she finds out her sister died trying to save her that could be the thing that pushes her over the edge.

Yeah, or it could save her.

This is why I lied to you about not getting the friend suggestion.

I should've walked away from the God account when I had the chance.

But you didn't.

I have to go clear my head.

I'll talk to you later.


Oh, hey.

Oh, your Uncle Terrence is gone for the night.

Oh, it's all right.

I wasn't looking for him.

What's going on, son?

Dad, can I ask you a question?

Why did you choose this life?


"Why" implies choice.

And I didn't have a choice to become a minister.

The ministry chose me.

- And you just accepted it?

- No, not at first.

You grandfather wanted me to be a minister just like him.

Uh, but, um, I had another calling.


Oh, man.



I wanted to play my sax and [CLEARS THROAT]

go on the road with my band.

- So what happened?

- Vietnam happened.

What I experienced there I mean, you can't imagine the fear and anxiety.

And suddenly, I'm offering scripture and prayer from my childhood to these men around me.

The power of the Word got us through those dark days.

I knew that if I made it back home that I would go to a seminary and dedicate my life to the ministry.

- Did you ever want to quit?

- Absolutely.

But that simple choice of not walking away is a powerful thing.

I mean, people feel it.

The honesty of it.

I've found that people are not looking for miracles, Miles.

They're looking for hope, and they only get that from people who have struggled and make the choice to keep going.

You've got that strength.

Whatever choice you're trying to make, you Just know that.


Do you mind if I sit here?

You spend every night here?

Yup, re-upped the lease last week.

So, you wouldn't so happen to have seen a car accident on this street about a month ago?

Yeah, and I know it wasn't the guy everyone says it was.

So you saw the person that pulled the woman from the car?

I didn't get a good look at him.

They pulled the girl to the curb and then they went back to the car and it exploded.

The person who pulled the woman from the car were they wearing a Red Sox hat?

How did you know that?


Stopped by the hospital.

Said you'd been discharged.

Look, I do not need another reminder of last night or accident.

So appreciate you coming, but you can just You told me that I couldn't help you unless I could change your last moments with your sister.

What if I told you I could?

What are you talking about?

Jack didn't pull you from the car that night.

Emma did.

- It's not possible.

- I talked to another witness of the accident and he said that the person who pulled you from the car was wearing a Red Sox hat.

- No.

- Yes, she went back to the car to get her phone and call 911.

You thought your final moments with your sister were filled with anger, but they were filled with love.

You should go.

You have a calling.

That calling is art.

It's life.

Now you can go on living like you're unworthy of it, or you can start living like your sister's choice matters.

It's up to you to decide.


Okay, now take a step.


Almost there.

Can I open my eyes now?

Yeah, go ahead.


This is amazing.


Yeah, our breakup hit me pretty hard, so, I, uh I took a hiatus from finance and took up landscape architecture.

This is actually my first client.

I just booked a couple more.

You've changed.

I guess we both have.

- Hey.

- Hey.

You called me here.

What do you want?

Um, to apologize.

And to give you a proper sendoff.


ALL: Surprise!


- Hi.

- Congrats.

Thank you.

What is going on?

Um, today we celebrate Jaya.


You didn't have to do this.

Yeah, I did.

I need to do a lot of things.

I need to change.

I need to find something to do with my life.

Something that matters.

Something without a headset.


Besides, you can't be the only superstar in this duo.

So I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you too.

So have you heard from Rachel?

No, no.

I think she just needs some time.

It's good she knows the truth.

I'm proud of you, Miles.

You know, you could've walked away but you didn't.

Admit it, you're going to miss the God account.

Maybe some of it.


Hey, I'm, uh I'm glad you called.

How are you?


Back to AA.

I am going to get sober and live like I deserve it.

That's good.

You really are my guardian atheist.

- Yeah.

- Although, I do like the "Millennial Prophet" better.

You listened to my podcast?

How can I not?

You're the only person I have ever met, other than Emma, who walks the walk.

Thank you, Miles, for finding out the truth about Emma.

I never would've known she saved me if it weren't for you.


All right, well, good luck in there and keep in touch.

Already have.

Check your email!

This is where we come alive Ooh, ooh, ooh This is where we come alive Out of the shadows And into the light This is where we come alive I started this podcast with a simple goal.

To help people.

Somewhere along the way, I think I got a little lost about what I'd hoped to accomplish.

But here's the thing, there are moments in life where your beliefs are challenged.

Where you find your true calling.

And sure, it may not be exactly what you set out to do, but it's the way you respond that matters.

Out of the shadows And into the light Breathe in the unknown This is where we come alive Ooh, ooh, ooh - Ooh, ooh, ooh - What I've realized is helping people isn't a burden.

It's an opportunity.

Breathe in the unknown This is where we come alive