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01x03 - Heavenly Taco Truck

Posted: 06/04/19 05:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on "God Friended Me" A few days ago, someone calling themselves God on Facebook started sending me random friend suggestions, like Cara.

You wanna figure out who's screwing with you, I'm a journalist, I know how to find people.

Maybe we'll do some good in the process.

That wouldn't be so bad.

My father's a reverend.

We got the whole Luke/Vader dynamic going on.

- You wanna talk about baseball?

- I wanna talk about anything.

The only one side of conversation that we're having is this one, and you would know that if you listened to my podcast.

My sister Ali, he really wants us to be a family again.

What is it gonna take to bring the two of you back together?

I'm just not good at relationships.

Now that you find someone you actually like, you're scared you're gonna screw it up.

I put my two weeks in.

I'm finally getting out of this place.

I know what's best for your show.

It's not what's best for me right now.

I'm ready to have a real conversation.

Are you?

"Sell out"?


I lost half my listeners?

What the ?

Bro, you got some seriously pissed off atheists on your hands.

Like, what happened in your last podcast?

You interview the pope - or something?

- No, no.

I I talked about how I wanted to start a real conversation, and this was their reaction.

"Hope you burn in hell.

" That's a mixed message for an atheist.

Dude, I gave up the job of a lifetime at Frequency to do my own thing, build my podcast into something real.

Now, how am I ever gonna do that when I can't even hang on to the listeners I already have?

Uh, Miles, I'm gonna need you to head down to HR at some point and fill out all new paperwork.

What're you talking about?

You gave your two weeks' notice, remember?

Technically, you need to be re-hired.

Oh, and, uh, set aside a Saturday for new employee orientation.

Welcome back to iDentitySeal.

I really hate Phil.

I'm gonna be working here for the rest of my life, aren't I?

- Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

- What?

- God likes tacos?

- You love tacos.

God account knows everything about you, man.

Can you be serious for one second?

This is the first time the account has sent us - a like of something - What do you think it means?

I don't know, but we're gonna go down there - and figure it out.

- Oh, oh, we are?

Yes, everything was great until the God account came crashing down on me.

Now I need to get my life back together.

And the only way to do that is to figure out who's behind this and put an end to it.

Come on, let's go.


- Good morning, Ali.

- You're out of almond milk.

Don't you mean, "We're out of almond milk"?

Oh, I I cleared out half the closet for you while you were at work last night.

If that isn't love I don't know what the hell is.

Is this crazy?

Moving in together or coffee without almond milk?

I told Miles, but I didn't tell my dad, and he still thinks I'm living in the graduate dorm.

We've been dating for almost two years.

How surprised do you think he's gonna be?

Surprised isn't the emotion I'm worried about.

Then what are you worried about?

After I came out, it took him some time to make his peace with it.

I know Arthur supports who you are, but do you know in the entire time we've been dating I've only met him a total of three times?

- So?

- So, maybe him supporting who you are and engaging with who you are are two different things.

You have dinner with him and Miles tonight, right?

Mm-hmm, yeah.

Tell him you moved in with your girlfriend, because you're in loving and committed relationship and see how he feels about it.


I will.

But not tonight.

It just posted.

What did?

Your last article is trending at the top of the "Catapult" leaderboard.

Top viewed story two weeks in a row.

What's your secret?

- Cara, Parker.

- Natalie.

I wanted to let you know there might be a senior position - opening in features.

- Really?

We're a few months from making any decision, but I've been thinking you might be a good fit.

She remembered my name.

It's progress.

Granted, I've been working here almost a year, but still.

A senior position in features and she thinks I'd be a good fit?

You'd crush it in features.

You know what?

We're going out.

Tomorrow night, karaoke.

Uh, yeah, yeah, that sounds good.

I have to go.

Is this that guy who thinks he's friends with God?

No, he doesn't actually think that.

He's an atheist.

I'm just helping him - get to whoever's behind it.

- At a taco truck?

I go where the stories take me.

Karaoke, right?

Tomorrow night?


And why don't you invite your professional interest to join us so I can vet him, make sure you're not falling for a Looney Tune.

I'm not falling for anyone.

Guys, I texted Jaya to ask her if she wanted to come meet us down here for some heavenly tacos.

Her response is literally "LOL.

" Mm.

I'm beginning to feel like she's not taking me seriously, like I'm in the friend zone or something.

I'm gonna need to make a bold move, make my intentions clear.

- You could tell her.

- Oh.

When you guys are done talking about Rakesh's love life, I could really use your help.

I'm starting to sense this is about more than just a taco truck.

He lost half his podcast listeners and now he's blaming the God account - for getting in his head.

- I'm sorry.

- Yeah.

- Is there anything we can do?

Let's just find this guy and tell him I'm out.

I need my life back.

No more God account screwing stuff up.

Okay, well, even if they are here, how are we gonna flush 'em out?

They could be anyone.

We could poke 'em.

- What?

- Like, on Facebook.

We could we could we could poke 'em, and see if they react on their phone, - and if they do - Then we know who they are.

Bro, this is a great idea.


Hey, that kid just took my wallet.

- Dude, that was crazy, man.

- Did you catch him?

Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse.

Yo, log into your iDentitySeal account, - cancel your card, okay?

- Thanks, yes, yes.


The God account liked the taco truck.

I come down here, poke the account, basically announcing that I'm here, and seconds later this kid steals my wallet?

Wait, so you think the pickpocketing kid - works for the God account?

- I think any person who's able to hack into my life up to this point could pretty much do whatever they want.

- - Perfect timing.

Ray Nicolette?

Forget him.

We gotta find this kid.

Hey, uh, Miles, you might wanna see this.

I don't care about another friend suggestion, okay?

We find the kid, we find out who's behind the God account.

Look what Ray Nicolette does for a living.

He's a private investigator?

Who better to track someone down?

- That's a good idea.

- Just so we're clear, you wanna hire one of our friend's suggestions - to track down the God account.

- I absolutely do.

And when we find him, we put an end to this once and for all.

Okay, so How did you hear about me?

Uh, we found your name on the internet.

Uh, your website hasn't been updated for a while.

You used to work for the NYPD?

Twenty years.

Pension allows me to work when I want, not work when I don't want, so, why don't you just tell me what this is all about - and we'll go from there?

- Well, I was at this taco truck and some kid stole my wallet, and we need you to help us find him.

You wanna hire a private investigator - to help find your wallet?

- It was a gift.

Sentimental value.

Why don't you take a swing at it?

Okay, look, we can give you a good description of the guy.

And he probably works the area, might even be in the system.

So all you would have to do as an ex-cop is pick up your phone, call up some of your cop buddies, and see if our guy rings any bells.

Well, you put it that way, sounds like an easy gig.


You're sure you don't wanna tell me what's really going on here?

Might make it a little easier.

Like I said, we just need you to help us find the kid - that stole the wallet.

- Sentimental.

- Yep.

- Wallet.

All right.

I'll play along.

For now, uh, I'm gonna need a little retainer in lieu of the truth.

Hi, I am so, so sorry that I'm late, but I'm here.

- Did you order for me?

- Yeah.

Hanger steak, medium rare, 20 minutes ago.

I'm sorry.

- So how's everything.

- It's good.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

Oh, thank God.

Thank you.

Lord, we thank you for your grace and for gathering us here tonight.

Is my giving thanks interrupting whatever it is that you're doing?

- No.

- Oh.

I take it we're done with grace.

- Okay, amen, let's eat.

- Just so you know, people from all walks of life, all faiths, give thanks for what they have.


And your point being?

You don't have to go out of your way to be rude.

My salmon looks amazing.

Dad, how's your pasta?

Miles, your steak good?

It's very good, sweetie.

Thank you.

- Yeah, it looks great.

- Yeah?


It's very good.


So, our choices are arguing or deafening silence.

Is that it?

There's nothing - we can talk about?

- Could talk about baseball.

Or we can talk about the movies.

"Star Wars," it's a it's a classic.

Luke Skywalker battling his evil father Darth Vader.

Wait, did you listen to my podcast?

- I did.

- Oh.

Okay, so what did you think?

I think that propagating what you believe is one thing, mocking other faiths Hmm.

S what what what're you talking about?

Oh, come on, pretending that you've been friended by God.

I mean, do your followers think that's funny?

My followers, well A lot of my followers have jumped ship, so I guess your prayers have been answered.

My podcast is failing.

My prayers?

I mean, what do you think, that I I'm moving in with Dee.

And when I say "moving," I mean "moved.

" Past tense.

You're living together?

Yeah, it just it just sort of happened.

You knew about this too?

Moving in with someone does not just sort of happen.

Why didn't you tell me about it?

I'm telling you now, Dad.


All right.

Whatever makes you happy.

- Really?

- Really?


I'm sorry that I didn't talk to you about this, but can we talk about it?

There's nothing to talk about.

Like I said, whatever makes you happy.


To new beginnings.

Here you go.

- Ooh, how much do we owe you?

- No, it's my treat.

Since you don't have a wallet.

Not a single cinnamon raisin in the bunch.

How purist.

I like your style.

Back at ya.

Speaking of style, have you figured out your grand romantic gesture - to win Jaya over?

- No, not yet.

Wait, let me let can I ask you something?

So, what is the most romantic gesture a guy's ever done for you?

It's kind of personal.

Uh, fine, hypothetical.

What would sweep Cara Bloom off her feet?

I'm kind of desperate here.

Yeah, come on, help the guy out.

Okay, um All I know is that it wouldn't be some over-the-top message on a jumbotron type of thing.

Just gotta come from the heart.

Be honest and vulnerable and let her know you're the one.

So how much would this jumbotron idea cost again?


Please tell me that you've heard from Ray so we can talk about literally anything else.

- No, not yet.

- Well, I did do some digging.

On Ray?


Well, he's still our friend suggestion.

Like, he doesn't have much of a digital footprint, no friends or family, except for his wife, but she died last year.

His Facebook hasn't been updated since.

Well, I was thinking, we could go analog.

Follow him around today, see where he goes.

Could uncover how we're supposed to help him.

I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I just want him to help us find the God account.

- Why can't we do both?

- She's got you there, bro.

Come on.

We've never tailed anyone.

We could get baseball hats, sunglasses, go full spy.

It'll be fun.


Thank you.

This place must be important for him.

Yeah, what do you think it means?

Boy, you two are really bad at this.

Uh, heh hey, Ray.

Okay, new rules.

You want me to help you?

It's time you told me the truth of what's really going on here.

Okay, you're telling me you were friended by God on Facebook?

No, I'm telling you someone calling themselves God friended me.

And you think the kid that lifted your wallet is somehow involved with him?

Look, I don't think random coincidences are a way to explain what's been happening to me.

Now, if he's connected and we can find him, maybe he can lead us to whoever's behind this.

- I've heard crazier.

- You have?

I was a cop for 20 years.

You know how many people told me they could talk to God?

The social media thing's new.

I'll give you that.

All right, a assuming I accept all this at face value, I mean, it seems pretty benign.

Why not delete it or just ignore it?

Because, A, they won't stop, and B, I wanna know who's behind it before I do.

Now can you help us?

- Please.

- Can I?

Come on, guys, I've been around long enough to know when a piece of the story is missing.

There's a reason you came to me specifically, isn't there?

I always hated that picture.

And hey, let me save us all some time, okay?

I don't need any help.

Yeah, well, no one ever really does.

Not at first.

Well, I made some calls and got a match on your pickpocket, so I guess we might as well play this record to the end.

Isaac Delgado, 15, he was picked up in the area for some petty things.

Okay, he's a minor, which means his records are sealed, but he lives with his mother.

I should be able to get her address downtown.

You think I can meet you there?

- I have to handle something.

- Yeah, sure.

Nancy Drew and I will get the address and text it to you.

Nancy Drew, really?

Being a private investigator must be exciting.

You know the difference a P. I. and a peeping tom?

Fifty bucks a day plus expenses.

So why do it?

Eh, after I retired from the force, I got my license just so I'd have something to do, but, uh, Abby worked.

We were never lucky enough to have kids, and all of a sudden I got nothing but time on my hands.

- Can I ask you something?

- Mm-hmm.

That, uh that flower you left at the bridge, that was for her?



She passed away a year ago.

You know, uh It's weird how a single year can feel like forever and just yesterday all at the same time.

Anyway, that was our spot.

I go there sometimes and just talk to her.

Don't worry, I'm not crazy, she doesn't talk back.

What was she like?

Abby was, uh, she was a social worker.

I mean, quintessential too.

I never seen anybody more dedicated to helping people.

Enough of me, what about you?

What do you mean?

All right, well, you told me Miles got the friend request that helped reunite you with your mother, so, why are you still helping him?

- I mean, why stick around?

- Well, I'm a journalist.

I'd be crazy to walk away from a story like this.

I see.

So you're hanging out with this guy because of the story.



Um, what're you doing here?

Um, I wanted to talk to you about Ali.


About what happened at dinner.

Look, I know you were hurt because Ali moved in with Dee - without telling you.

- She is an adult.

- She makes her own decisions.

- Oh, come on, Dad.

I thought you guys had a close relationship, that you talked about things, especially important things.

Well, so did I, but apparently my relationship with my daughter is no better than my relationship with m my son.

Then change it.

Ali wants to talk to you about this.

No, look, if she wanted to talk to me, she would have.

Maybe she doesn't know how.

Maybe she doesn't know how to navigate this part of her life with you.

Maybe neither one of you do.

But the good thing is, is that it's never too late.

Mm, well, I'd like to believe that, but All right, well, I should get going.

Of course.

Oh, did Ali ask you to come down here to talk to me?


I figured after all the time she's come to you on my behalf, I owed her one.



Hey, you remember me?

If not, check my driver's license.

Let's go get your mom.

We can all have a nice little chat here, huh?

I don't think that'll be necessary.

I don't got your wallet, man.

I tossed it after I took the cash.

- And by "cash" I mean, $4?

- All right, forget the wallet.

You tell me who told you to take it.

Hey, I'm a retired cop, kid.

And you just admitted to theft.

That plus being a Jets fan, that's all I need to call my cop buddies down here to haul your ass downtown, cause a whole lot of unnecessary grief for your mother.

- Or you can give us a name.

- I never got a name, okay?

They just told me to snatch your wallet - and take it to some building.

- Who?

Who who What did they look like and why did they tell you - to take it?

- I just took the money.

- Didn't ask any questions.

- Building, building, what building?

Come on, we need an address.

32 West 17th Street.

Took it to the third floor.

That's all I know, I swear.

Cool, so what's the plan here?

We knock on the door.

I tell whoever's behind this to stop all of it.

Yeah, he's never been big on plans.

So I gather.

You've gotta be kidding me.

Sorry, kid.

We been played.

He lied to us.

I'm almost impressed.

Kid's good under pressure.

I'll give him that.

All right, well, we're gonna go back and talk to him.

- Call up your cop buddies.

- That's a waste of time.

- Why?

- I saw the look in his eyes when I threatened to call the cops before.

He was scared.

So he told us what we wanted to hear.

That's all he's got.

Well, I still need to figure out who's behind this.

That seems like a "you" problem.

No, they sent us your name too.

Aren't you the least bit curious?

Look, I have no idea why anybody sent you my name, but if all this account wants you to do is help people, what's it matter who's behind it?

Help or don't help.

It ain't a tough choice, kid.

Hey, wha what about our retainer?

Sorry, no refunds.

Hello, Dee, um, I hope it's okay that I dropped by, uh You're welcome any time.


- I'll go get Ali.

- Okay.

Oh, uh, a housewarming gift.

Um, pasta strainer.

Top of the line.

I don't know.

Thank you.

I thought that we talked about stuff, that we had that kind of relationship.

I know, Dad, me too.

And we do talk about stuff.

Just not this.

Well, I wanted to, but What?

I don't know, I just I felt like we we've always had this unspoken thing between us, where you would ask how things were going.

I'd tell you fine, but I'd leave out the details, and I didn't talk about this part of my life.

And Dad, you never asked.

It's not what I want.

It's just that after your mother died, I knew that there would be things that I wouldn't be prepared for, things that she was gonna take care of.

I just didn't know there would be so many, and that I would be bad at all of them.

Part of me knows I don't have much to offer this part of your life.


Look, I don't need you to offer me anything.

I just need you to be here for it.

And let me tell you about it.

I would like that very much.


But wait, if you don't mind me asking, what prompted this amazing Arthur Finer self-reflection?

Your brother.

He came to see me.

- He did?

- Mm-hmm.

Turns out that, um, we agree on one thing.



Next up to the mic, Jaya.

You got me right here in your jean pocket Laying your body on a shag carpet You know I love it so please don't stop it You're still thinking about what happened today with Isaac?

Isaac, Ray, the podcast, listeners leaving me.

Isaac steals my wallet, and then we get a friend suggestion for a private detective?

And you think there's a connection between them?


Did Ray say anything to you today?

Uh, he mainly just talked about his wife.

You know, she's been gone almost a year and he still goes to the Bow Bridge just to talk to her.

Maybe we're supposed to help him get over his loss?

Maybe we are, but how?

It's an alert from my iDentitySeal account.

Looks like Isaac tried to make a couple of purchases before I cancelled my card.

That's just the way you make me feel - Oh, my God, that was so much fun.

- Yeah.

Have you picked your song out yet?

I'm not really a singer, so Oh, okay.

It's no big deal.

- What's so funny?

- Oh, nothing.

It's just some of my friends.

Actually, would you mind if I invited them?


- Now?

- They love karaoke.

I'm gonna go look at the song list again.

You good?

Man, we're supposed to be on a date and now she's calling her friends here and I don't know what to do.

I meant, did you need anything else?

I'll do one more of these.

A lot of household things.

Grocery store, drug store, no high end electronics or clothing.

- It's weird.

- Wait, wait, wait.

- Stop right there.

- "JPay, NY City, and DOC.

" - What's that?

- Yeah, JPay, it's a it's a service used to wire money to people in prison.

It doesn't say on the charge who he sent the money to.

How can we find that out?

Well, luckily we still have an ex-police officer on retainer.

Sorry I'm late.

No excuses.

Parker, this is Miles.

Miles, Parker.

- Pleasure to meet you.

- Likewise.

Uh, sorry, I have to make a call.


The God account my ass.

He's hot.

Hey, hey, Ray.

Yeah, it's Miles.

Hey, can can you please do me one more favor?

About to sit down to my famous homemade lasagna and a nice glass of Chianti.


You're k*lling me.

Come on, Ray, it's important.

Okay, one of the charges that Isaac made to my credit card was a money transfer to JPay, but the prisoner's name wasn't on it.

Well, there should be a seven-digit NYSID number attached to the charge.

If I text you the number, can you give me the name?

Yeah, I guess I could call a buddy in the DOC.

I'm gonna charge you, though, if my lasagna goes cold.

Look, whatever you're thinking, you're wrong.

I can't hang out with someone just because they're cute?

So you admit he's cute.

Why am I friends with you?

Because you need someone who doesn't overthink everything.

That's your pitch?

I should listen to you because you don't think about things?

You should listen to me because you like him.

You haven't talked this much about someone since cute banker guy.

Miles and I, we're just friends.

We like hanging out.

And, yeah, hanging out has led to some great stories.

- I see.

- What?

You're worried that if you go for it with Miles and it ends badly, there goes all those stories.

Ray said he's gonna call me back.

Who's Ray?

A story you two are working on?

Hey, where's Rakesh?

He's not back from the bar yet?

Oh, my goodness.

Rakesh is about to sing.

Oh, he changed his mind.

- What's the big deal?

- No, no, no, you don't get it.

Rakesh does not do karaoke.

So why is he doing it now?

Isn't it obvious?

Next up to the mic, Rakesh.

Uh, hey, hi, guys.


Uh, sorry, um, you're probably gonna miss that high-pitched squeal in about ten seconds.

Here I am Six o'clock in the morning Still thinking about you Oh, God.

It's still hard At six o'clock in the morning To sleep without you And I know that it might Seem too late for love I need you now More than words can say I need you now And I've gotta find a way I need you now Before I lose my mind I need you now Hey, oh, oh, oh Hey, eh, eh, ey Too late for love Can't believe I'm doing this Jaya.

I need you now.


It's Ray.


So what're you gonna do?

Come on.

I was picking up on way more than a friendship vibe between you two.

I'm just saying, if it was me, I'd take the risk.

Ray just called and said he knows who Isaac was sending money to in prison.

- It's his mom.

- But that doesn't make sense.

He's supposed to be living with his mom.

Exactly, so who's he living with?

I think we need to go down there.

- Okay, yeah.

Uh, I'm so sorry.

- I get it.



Excuse me, officer.

Could you please tell us what's going on?

We're friends of Isaac.

Got a call from ACS.

Kid's been living on his own.

Ho how's that possible?

His mother went to prison a few months ago, but nobody knew she was gone until he tried to wire her some money with a stolen credit card.

So where are you taking him?

He'll be processed at the station and turned over to Social Services.

Thank you for seeing us.

We were hoping you could tell us what's going on with Isaac Delgado.

We're still trying to figure out where the screwup was, but when his mother was arrested, that information never made it to us.

Right, so what's gonna happen to him?

He has no other family.

I'm afraid our hands are tied.

He'll be processed into the system tomorrow, which is a shame.

I've been going over his files.

He's a good kid.


Mom's been in and out of jail his whole life, but he had a social worker who'd been keeping him on the straight narrow.

They had a bond.

One of those relationships we all hope for.

She died last year.

I don't think Isaac got over it.

Wait, his social worker died last year?

Can you tell us her name?

Abby Nicolette.

Abby Nicolette, Ray's wife.

That's the connection.

The lady we spoke to said they had a pretty close relationship.

That's why he's been acting out this past year.

Abby was the only person who ever really cared about him.

He never got over losing her.

I know that feeling.

So she never mentioned him?

No, not not by name.

Uh, she talked a lot about a kid that was really special, like a survivor.

She was determined to keep him out of the system and make sure he had a stable life.

- He have any other family?

- No.

And with his mother in prison, the system is exactly where he's headed.

He needs someone, Ray.

What, you mean me?

I'm not equipped to take in some kid.

- Come on.

What - I think there's a reason we were sent your name.

And you cannot deny the connection between you.

Abby was the social worker.

She was the one who connected with people.

I'm a I'm a ex-cop.

I got a freezer full of TV dinners.

Look, I understand this kid ain't got anybody, but I am not your answer.

I'm sorry.

Cara said that you still talk to your wife.

What do you think she would tell you to do?

Well, I met Isaac.

What're you doing to me, Abby?

Is this your answer?

Tell me what to do.

Oh, this is about your wallet.

I've got bigger problems.

We spoke to Social Services, see if we can help you out.

Are you sure you don't have any extended family somewhere?

An aunt, an uncle, someone that we can track down?

No, there ain't.

It's just me and my mom, when she was around.

Why do you two care about this so much anyway?

Because they're annoying people, but they do grow on you.

We haven't been properly introduced.

You came all the way down here to tell me your name?

Yeah, as a matter of fact, that's exactly what I did.

I'm Ray Nicolette.

I believe you knew my wife Abby.

She ever mention me?


So what?

Yo, why are you here, man?

I mean, you ain't nothing to me.

Hey, maybe not.

But I think Abby wanted you and I to meet.

So I'm gonna talk and you're gonna listen.


I have an empty room in my place.

It's not much, nothing fancy, but I'm guessing it beats the hell out of wherever Social Services is planning on sending you.

But there's something very important you need to understand if we are to move forward.

What's that?

I've been a Giants fan since before you were born.

So yeah, that Jets hat, gonna be an issue.

Hey, we have to head out.

I just wanna say it's really nice what you're doing here.

Uh-huh, guess we'll see, huh?

Can I ask you a question?

What made you change your mind?

I know you don't believe in this sort of thing, but two days ago I'm over on Bow Bridge and feeling sorry for myself, I start talking to Abby about how alone I am, how lost I am without her because she was my purpose in life.

Without her, I don't know what the hell I'm doing, so I asked her, send me a sign.

And the next day you two showed up.

Hey, call me if you two need anything.

I do not want you having TV dinners every night.



Not a hugger.

- See ya.

- Bye.

You two make a good team.

It's more rare than you think.


Thank you for doing this.

Seriously, kid, you gotta do something about this hat.

Cara, I just finished reading your new piece about the P. I. and the pickpocket.

Nice job.

Thank you.

Whatever you're doing, keep it up.

That promotion's in sight.

Hope it's not too late.

No, no, please, come on in.

Hey, is everything okay?

Yeah, as a matter of fact.

Um I took your advice.

Spoke with your sister.

- Thank you.

- Yeah, no problem.

She also told me that I occasionally put out a vibe that certain subjects in my children's lives are off limits.

Yes, I'm very familiar.


There is something I've never shared with your sister.

Um, anyone, actually.

Something that happened after Ali came out.


People who were with me from the beginning, people who were friends, people whose children I had baptized, whose parents I'd laid to rest, decided they could no longer attend my church, that they could no longer worship under the leadership of a man who had the audacity to accept his daughter for who she is and love her for it.

You're telling me those people left because of Ali?

Yeah, they did.

I mean, you know, it happened over several months, so Ali never realized the timing, but in the end, I lost almost a quarter of my congregation just like that.


I mean, I gotta tell ya, it scared the living hell out of me.

I mean, I have dedicated my life to building that church, so to lose so many people in so short a time?


So what did you do?

- Nothing.

- Mm Sundays are standing room only.

You had to do something - to get those people back.

- I wish I had.

I mean, one of my great regrets is that I was unable to reach them to change their minds.

So what happened?

New people started to show up.

People who wanted to hear from a reverend and a father who had the belief that faith is something that unites us rather than divides us.

And the people that left, I don't know, maybe they did me a favor, made way for the people I was supposed to reach who were ready for a new message.

So why are you telling me this?


It's a good story.