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06x03 - Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson

Posted: 05/26/19 06:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...


SIMMONS: I found something inside the chamber.

"Naro-Atzia". I've seen it before.

It's a planet. That's where Fitz would go.

Going that deep is not smart.

No! We can't let this trail go cold.

Enter the coordinates for Earth.

Let's get out of here.

The coordinates are already locked in.


We are approaching Naro-Atzia.

FITZ: Is it safe for us down there?

ENOCH: It will be challenging to conceal

that we have m*rder*d the Controller.

The other crew members...

They could easily find employment on the planet of Kitson.

DAISY: What did you just do?


He's here.

I can feel it.



[g*n CLICKS]






[g*n CLICKS]




DAVIS: She's reckless and dangerous!

PIPER: She deliberately disobeyed your orders.

She seriously compromised our chances of getting home.

We are almost out of food, and we don't even know how many more jumps we can make.

We need to confine her to the cargo hold.

She put our lives and the mission at risk.

Fitz is the mission.

We didn't come this far to give up.



Everybody stand down and take a breath.

Simmons is right.

Fitz is the mission.

But I'm the mission leader, and that was my call to make, not yours.

Whose side are you on?

You know damn well whose side we are all on.

We went to a Fire Planet for you.

We followed every bread crumb trying to find him, and now we're at the end of a galaxy because of a tiny word we can't even read.

I told you what it said!

We need to take a step back, Jemma.

We can't save Fitz if we can't save ourselves.


We're going home.

Hopefully we can make it there.

Go if you want, but I'm staying.

Permission denied.

And if you have a problem with that, I'll have you locked up until we get there.

I'd like to see you try.



What was that?


PRYCE: Greetings.

Welcome to Naro-Atzia.

I am Pretorious Pryce,

your duly sanctioned customs officer.

Your spacecraft has been docked,

and I'm requesting permission to come aboard

for your welcoming inspection.

That won't be necessary.

Not sure I understand.

Change of plans. We won't be visiting your planet, um, but thank you.

It looks lovely.


Perhaps I wasn't clear.

The forms have been prepared,

and you're already in the system.

Okay, well, just take us out of the system, and then we'll be on our way.

Once you are in the system,

you are in the system.

As I said, there are forms, prepared forms.

I don't like the rules, but they must be enforced.

Fine. Come aboard.


Maybe he inspected Fitz's ship.

We can at least ask, can't we?

He could be so close.


BOYLE: These snails should fetch a good price at market, enough to buy fuel and supplies for several cycles.

Where you heading?


ENOCH: And from there, back to our solar system so we can orbit Jupiter for another years, days, after we purchase a Cryo-Chamber.

Your business is your business.

You know, we heard what you did.

You saved this crew, gave the Controller his walking papers.

You're real heroes.

Anyone would have done the same.

[SCOFFS] Not around here.


Those look good.

They taste even better.

These are not meant for Terran consumption, especially not on an empty stomach.


We will find you nourishment after we are paid.

- I know, but I'm starving.
- Yeah, about that.

We're just gonna take the snails and the, uh, ship, too.

Why are you doing this?

My business is my business.

And yours, well...


... seems to be everybody's.

BOYLE: It's really simple.

You can get off my ship right now or we tell the local enforcers you're here.

Take the snails and leave the ship.

It's our only way off this planet.

Tell you what.

I will pay you for it.



This planet has a reputation.

Fortunes are lost here.

But fortunes are won, as well.

Maybe your luck will take an upswing.






Welcome to the House of Games.

Please check your weapons and moral high ground, then walk through the scanner.

Robots, droids, mechs, cyborgs, and synths are strictly prohibited.

Violators will be removed and ex*cuted.

I think maybe you should wait outside.





Hey. Hey!

Welcome to the House of Games.

[WHISPERING] How'd you make it through?

I am not a robot, droid, mech, cyborg, or synth.

I am a Chronicom.

I was designed with internal mechanisms that mask my non-organic structure and mimic human biological function.

I can easily fool any scanner.

[NORMAL VOICE] Cool. Good to know.

Glad you made it.


I must admit that this journey together, from the moment our ship was att*cked until now, barring perhaps that one incident with the MazTats, has been quite stimulating and informative.

Are you seriously trying to tell me that you're having fun?

It would seem that, yes, I am having a facsimile of what you would call "fun".

And Fitz...

Yes, Enoch?

I think, during this past year, you have become what one would call my best friend.

Is it safe to assume you feel the same?

Do you want to know how I feel?

I feel like we are Xandarian snails.

Keep moving, but we're not getting anywhere.

We need money to get off this planet, and all we have is this... one lousy chip.





Not exactly Monte Carlo.



One chip is all we may need.

I am well-versed in over , intergalactic games of chance, several of which are being played in this casino.

And you're only just telling me that now?

Which games are you good at?

Approximately... none.

I have no experiential knowledge.

I have only been an observer.

I'm never gonna see her again.

PRYCE: You'll be on your way in no time.

Please surrender your weapons per section - , paragraph of boarding protocol .



We better get those back.

I don't carry one.

Your weapons shall be returned upon satisfactory completion of your inspection, per section - ...

Yeah, we got it.



What is your planet of origin?



Purpose of your visit to Naro-Atzia?

We're looking for this man.

We believe he may be down on your planet.

His name is Leopold Fitz.


You shouldn't have said that name.



Because he's here, listening.

Fitz is here?







PRYCE: Please, friend.

There is no need of further v*olence.

I am confident the remaining crew will submit peacefully.




Guess we didn't pass inspection.

- Yo. Here we go.


I really-really don't know which game gives us the best chance.

Perhaps a drink will help us decide.

- Two Barracooladas, please.
- Of course.


What the bloody hell?

Not to worry. They're quite delicious.

It's not about how they taste.

It's about how much they cost.

How... How do you expect to pay for those liquid monstrosities with one lousy chip?

Your point is well taken.

Perhaps I should not have ordered such premium beverages.

Let me remedy this situation.


Hey, hey! Enoch. Enoch!



How did you do that?

It had been over rotations since the marker last landed on the Beast of Clovers.

My computations had the precise odds of it occurring on that spin as...

You're an advanced computer.

- That feels reductive.
- No.

Nope, not reductive.

This is exciting.

You can win us the money.

It was unwise for me to have gambled.

The rules are quite clear on synthetic beings.

Hey, hey.

That's what best friends are for.

Think about it... for breaking the rules, putting it all on the line.

I am aware of instances where best friends have committed lawless acts together.

- Exactly.
- Even m*rder.


No. That's...

That's, um... that's a really worrying thing to have said.

Why not maybe just stick to gambling?

This is where fortunes are won, right?

You and your friends are out of time.

Says the guy who is chained to the stairs.

Why were you asking the inspector about Fitz?

Leopold Fitz is a wanted man.

Wanted for what?

Tampering with the universe.

What made you think Fitz would be here?

Was it the Cryo-Chamber?

I cannot speak to his purpose, only that Leopold Fitz was scheduled to arrive

in the next incoming vessel.

You're right.

He's alive.

And close.


The inspector.

- Maybe he can help us find that ship.
- On it.


Leopold Fitz should not be here.


He should be with us, back on Earth.

Earth is where he died.

Over a year ago, if I'm not mistaken.

What are you?

A hunter.

As I said previously, you and your friends are out of time.




The brine really is the best part.

Wouldn't you agree?

As far as I can tell, that's where the big fish are playing.

The table appears populated with degenerates and outlaws.

It shall be an honor to join their ranks.

That depends on your poker face.

I'm afraid this is the only face I have available.



Hello, fellow brigands.

I look forward to playing this game of chance with you.


- No need to make conversation.
- Next game. Ante please.


- ♪♪
- First down.

Call the bet.



- Winner player .


- That's a gutsy move there, buddy.

Why thank you, agreeable companion.

- Place your bets.

So, it turns out another ship was supposed to arrive when we did,

- but it turned around last minute.
- Where'd it go?

Well, it says here, the planet Kitson.

Let me see that.

Your friend must be a man of perverted desire.

- Hey.
- Why would you say that?

Because the planet of Kitson is a nasty place, absent any basic scrap of decency.

Someone just described Florida.

Most are ashamed to utter the word "Kitson" as it sounds like the braying of an animal in heat.

There's even a well-known saying...

"What happens on the planet of Kitson"...

"Stays on Kitson"?


"Is contagious and burns".




DEALER: Player wins again.

Mm-mmm. Look at you.


- Ante up.
- How 'bout one for my pal here?

Maybe I can get some of that good luck of yours to rub off.

I assure you luck has nothing to do with it.

Uh-oh. [LAUGHS]



- Place your bets.
- ♪♪

GAMBLER: Whoa, now. Shades is all-in.

- Bets.

That's a little bit too rich for my blood, compadre.

- That is quite useful to know.
- Sir, your bet.

Wait. Hey. Hey. Hey.

I don't really think you want to go in on this one.

Not to worry. We are in good standing.

And also, I may have found a like-minded friend to join in our adventures.

Oh, he's not our friend.

Certainly not with that attitude.


On second thought, maybe I will play this hand.

All bets in.



- Player wins.

Looks like you could've used some of that luck after all, hm?

But you professed the hand as being too rich.


Was that statement intentionally false?

You bet your ass it was.

See, it didn't take long to realize that you are great at cards but dumb as hell at people.

Thanks for playing, buddy.





There it goes again.

BOYLE: It's someone trying to contact the ship.

Before anybody realizes what happened, we'll be living like kings on the unsullied shores of Leitner.






Who the hell are you?

Who the hell are you?

I'm the Controller of this ship, and you're trespassing.

[g*ns CLICK]

Okay, everybody just suck on some calm.

We're looking for this man.

He was on this ship.


What's it worth to, uh...



What are your bones worth to you, 'cause I'll break every single one of them until you start talking.

[GROANS] H-How did you...

[SCREAMS] Okay! Okay...

W-We didn't hurt him or do anything wrong.

We just... They're outlaws.

We could have turned them in, but we didn't.

We just took their ship and let them go 'cause we're nice.


Yeah, that...ah, that guy and his friend, some creepy bald dude.


Fitz... he's here and not alone.


Do you guys need anything else?


They're all yours.

They look really good.


Oh, my God. So good. Take some. Food.


Where did our friends go?

On this planet, it could be one of two places the casino or the brothels, depending on how well they did at the casino.


FITZ: You lost everything.

He intentionally deceived me.

It's called bluffing.

You should know. You do it all the time.

I most certainly do not.

You're a robot pretending to be a human.

That's bluffing.

I am not a robot.




Were you bluffing... when you said I was your best friend?

What does it matter?

I have disappointed you, and we may be, as they say, down on our luck, but there are other ways to earn money.



The brothels of Kitson.

We are both healthy and not unattractive specimens, and I am well-versed in over ...


Brothels are not an option.


Then perhaps a game that doesn't require bluffing but has a strategy based entirely on mathematical odds.

Why wouldn't you start with that game?

Because the stakes are very high.

How high?

- Ah.
- Hmm.


Guess you don't need much muscle when you have a sizable brain.


You earned a very good price.

Wait, what?

I'm the collateral?

That is correct.

If you lose, you will be sold into sl*very.

PERSON: No. Oh, God, no, please.

No, no, please!

Please, oh, God!

Your seat is now available.


I... yeah, yeah, no.

This was your idea. You play.

I'm the one who has to count the tiles.

I will signal you using a high-pitched tone that only human ears can register.

One tone for a hold, two tones for hit.



Also, make sure you do not get a .

Wait, what?

What's that mean? Don't get a ?



Let's begin the game, shall we?


DAISY: Once we get inside, we'll separate and search, and if he's not here...

He better be dead.


Better dead than in the brothels.




GREETER: Welcome to the House of Games.

Please check your weapons and moral high ground.

Robots, droids, mechs, cyborgs, and synths are strictly prohibited.

[NORMAL VOICE] Violators will be removed and ex*cuted.


- Are you feeling okay?
- Are you?

- I asked you first.
- I asked you second.

On .

, , ...

- I'm tripping balls. I'm tripping balls.
- I'm not okay at all.

Oh, we seem to be experiencing some kind of adverse reaction to something.


Perhaps the atmosphere.

Maybe sending Davis back to the Zephyr was a bad idea.

No, I'm sure this is just temporary.

Our bodies will adjust.





So pretty.


DAISY: I'm just gonna say it.

I don't think it's the atmosphere.

- No. That was silly.
- Yeah.

It's clearly p-psychopharmacological expiali...

- docious.
- Docious!



Oh, I think it was the things, the little puffies that we ate.

Bad little puffies.

[LAUGHS] Davis ate, like, six.



I hope he's okay.





What is wrong with you?


I ate the yummies.


Who else had them?

Daisy, Simmons, all those giraffes.


Stay here.

Do not mo...

Do not move.

I'm gonna try and reach them.






We made it.

Yes, we did.


Why are we here?

- Because we're on a mission.
- Right.

What is the mission?

The mission is...

Ladies' night!

Yeah! Ay-ay-ay-ay!



Do you remember when we first met?


You lived in a van.

- Mm-hmm.
- And it really smelled.

- No, it didn't.
- Yeah.

- We called it the Fartmobile.


You had... You had big hair.

You had big... nerd face.

Do you... What house are you in, hm?


Uh, Ravenclaw. Girl, please.


Do you know any spells?


Expecto Patronum!


Hello, little monkey Fitz.



This might sound so weird, but I feel such a strong connection to you, like we're both different parts of the same cosmic being.

Do you feel it?


I can feel it.


Your ship or mine?



I'm a secret agent in space.

I'm supposed to be watching...





Uh, hey, there.


Hey, Davis, you in here?

Got you some animal crackers, you big, dumb baby.


Oh, crap.



Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Davis.

Wake up.

- Davis. Davis! Wake up!


That guy is like some sort of shape-shifting contortionist assassin.

Yeah, I'm sure he is, reliable witness.

Any idea where he went?


Oh. Animal crackers.


- DAISY: Things were definitely getting weird.

An alien had just propositioned me at the bar...


... my little British friend was missing...


... and everyone around me

smelled like cheese.

Panic was starting to take hold

when I suddenly noticed a dainty pair of feet.

Don't worry, everybody.

I got this.



Hey, I think my parents are mice.

That makes sense.

I'm sorry for dragging you across the universe.

Oh, no, don't be.

It's good.

It's only made us closer.

I just miss Fitz so much.

Aw, yeah. I'm sorry.


I wish I had my own Fitz.

Well, not Fitz, but, you know...

No, I know.

[VOICE BREAKING] You've had just awful luck in that department.

It's so sad.

But you are so strong now and so confident.

I'm so proud of you.


It means so much coming from you.

You just mean so much.

You're my best friend.

[VOICE BREAKING] I love you, too.

Your skin is so soft.

I know.

- Shh.

[NORMAL VOICE] What is it?


- Do you hear that?



I mean, it sounds almost like a dolphin.



Hit me.


. Well played, sir.


Are you sure?

Come on, green bean.

I don't got all day.


Oh, God.

No, please.

No. No, no, oh, God. Oh, my God.

Oh, please, please, please, please.

No, no, no, no.

Please, oh, God, oh, God.



What the hell was that?

Never hit on .


Five players remain.
As we begin Round .

Players, please place your wagers.




Would you like to place a wager, sir?


Sorry, yes. My turn.


What are the odds of me getting a or less?

Any dealer caught giving odds is fed to Mr. Kitson's Vrellnexian.

Sorry. I didn't know that.

Uh, okay, hm.

So, to hit or to fold...


[SLOWLY] That is the question now.



Aah! Aah!


A synth.

Everybody, vacate the room.


The two of you arrived together.

[YELLING] No, that was just a coincidence.

Which would explain your good fortune.


See that he and his robot friend stay put.

Mr. Kitson would want to deal with them personally.


Back away from the computer.


Don't even think about it.

Totally evaporated.

Big guy's two for two.

Yeah, well, he got away, big guy, and you totally destroyed our fuse box.


But where did he go?

The real question is, who was he trying to contact?


- Ohh.

Ohh, I'm never eating alien food again.

No, but is it possible to share auditory hallucinations?

I think this is something different.


And why does nobody else seem bothered by it?

Maybe it's only perceptible to humans.

Like a secret signal.


- Fitz.
- Fitz.

- Ow.
- Ohh.

FITZ: Ah. Come on, now.



What are you doing?

I'm rebooting you.

I am not comfortable with this level of intimacy, even with my best friend.

Well, you shouldn't set off a bloody air-raid alarm, should you?




What's whoops?

That noise you refer to as an air-raid alarm, it is, in fact, a remote override of my system.

Something did that to you?

Not a thing. A Chronicom.

I fear we are in grave danger.

I'm pretty sure Chronicoms are the least of our worries.

You are unaware of the varietals of Chronicoms.

I, for instance, am an anthropologist.

My primary functions are intended for research and sensual gratification.

Moving swiftly on to the types of ones that are coming here.

Those would be hunters.


Welcome to the House of Games.

Please check your weapons and...






- Excuse me.
- Oh.

- Hello?
- Oh.




Oh, man.

Do those guys look like the guy that we have tied up on the Zephyr?

I see them, too, which means they're very real, and they're here for Fitz.

They'll have to get by me first.




That was way off.

Shut down.

Which can only mean I am decommissioned.

I am useless now.

I have soiled the integrity of Chronicoms.

The name Enoch will be an unspeakable sound.

This isn't helping.

We need to find a way out of here or they're gonna skin us alive.

They can have my skin. I don't need it anymore.

It is my uniform of shame.

You're not useless, Enoch, okay?

You're not.

So please, shut up and help me get thi...


What is that smell?

The foul stench of the name Enoch.

No, it's coming from him. What is that?

He's a Crepetolian.

Their blood is % sulfur.


[GRUNTS] Hey! I got him.




You go. I got it from here.

Are you sure?

Yeah. If I can't quake it, I'll break it.



Sorry, boys.

It's ladies' night.







Why do I exist?

I am nothing.

I'm a speck of dust in the infinite.

Okay, Enoch...

An afterthought in the worm-ridden mind of the black void.


I'm gonna need you to spark up.

So you take a break from being infinite nothing and do that for me?

Why would I do anything when there is no purpose?

We will all soon be dust and rust.

'Cause you're my best friend.


That's your purpose.

You're bluffing.

No. I'm not.


[SIGHS] I can't believe I'm saying this, because you are...

Chronicom. Decommissioned.

Gonna say a massive pain in the ass, but...

You've grown on me.

So, yeah.

You are my best friend.


For you, my best friend, I would do anything.

- ♪♪
- Come on.



P-Pardon me, sir, but I have reason to believe that my husband, sorry, uh, my future husband is behind that door.

And what reason is that?

Uh, the... the... the dolphin told me in a secret signal only I can hear that was meant just for me.

You need to lay off those puffs, lady.

Is it that obvious?

You've been under that gaming table for the last minutes.

That long?


I've lost my mind.

I've completely lost my mind.



[g*n COCKS]



Please let that be the last of them.


I don't even know what I'm doing here.

Then maybe it's best you just go on home.

This isn't a place for a nice girl like you.









Jemma Simmons?

You should not be here.


We'll return in a moment.


They have nice stars here.

Seen better, seen worse.


Okay. It's ready.

How many do you think there are?

Stars? I don't know.

Not stars.

Guess we're about to find out.







Seen better, seen worse.

Let's go make a mess.


I have a mission for you.

This is your chance to catch Tal.

- Can I trust you?
- (BOOM)

I will know where your loyalties truly lie.

- ♪♪
- k*ll him.

Get into the season finale of "The Enemy Within" Sunday on CTV. Then stream anytime.