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06x02 - Window of Opportunity

Posted: 05/18/19 13:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

I'll never be the director Coulson was.

He'd be proud. The job suits you.

I'm close on a Department Head.

Two of our brightest minds are in deep space,they can't make contact, and until they jump back, we need you, or innocent people will die.



At least we have confirmation that it is a person causing this.

Yeah, but we don't know how or who or what he is.

Didn't know if you'd get through.

- Where's Tinker?
- Didn't make it.

And what about Sarge? He's coming soon.

Is his crossing clear?


- Come on!


Let her go.

You're from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Never heard of it.
















PAX: This rock has it all, Sarge.

It's gonna be child's play.


Just take what you want and leave.

You can tell a lot about a world by its currency.

What have we got?


Paper. With faces on it.

Great. One of those.


At least it's lighter than coin.



People fantasize about doing something dramatic in times like these.

[g*n COCKS]

You don't look like a hero to me.


They're still using combustion here.

Might be child's play after all.

Let's vanish.













MACK: Fox told me he wanted to join S.H.I.E.L.D. because we protect people from their worst nightmares.

Or at least we try.

We can't bring him back, but we can save other lives, fix something else, and that's what we're gonna do.

Jaross. Runko.

Keep scanning for any more of these disturbances.

Keller, comb through security footage from the museum again and see if we missed anything.

Yo-Yo, help him out.

On it.

I want you supervising the search for that truck.

Anyone gets a lead, sound the alarm.



So, no mention of the man driving that truck?

One thing at a time.

Do you not believe me?

Look, if you say you saw Coulson, you saw him.

But this doesn't go wide until we know what the hell he is.







Jaco, come on!

- Does he really have to do that right now?
- Yes.

We just filled our stomachs for the first time in days.

And he hasn't had his home atmosphere in nine years, so find a way to cope.

Blending in could be hard.

- [SIGHS] We'll make a stop.
- _

Pax, check the battery.

Make sure this rig stays invisible.

That's not on me. I don't know how it works.

That was Tinker's department, and he turned to stone.


- Whatever.

And could we acknowledge that fact before we cannibalize his gear?

I mean, show some respect, Snowflake.

Just confirming something that will make you unhappy.

We're out of P-E-Gs.

PAX: What?

- We had more.

Where did they go?

Tinker kept them in his pockets.

Why in any world would he do that?

Thought they were good luck.

And his pockets didn't make it?

No, his bottom half didn't make it.

And that's definitely not on me.

You got something to say, Pax?



Mnh. Yeah.

Tinker should have been in the truck.

We all should have been in the truck.

Then we'd all be part of that museum right now.

We send a trailblazer every time to clear a path.

It's supposed to be Jaco the Giant... okay? who can survive a hail of w*r-hammers.

He's an old soul.

But we have to scramble and torch the place early because she can't keep her knife in her pants?

All true so far.

You let her get off!

We had a talker, Sarge, but she made him spill his guts literally.

To be reincarnated.

And it all went to hell, and now we're down a man.

You want to do things differently?

No. But I certainly don't want to go digging for P-E-Gs again.




See? You were right, Pax.

This rock has it all.

Now, are you good to come with me, secure the exit while these two scout the site?

Or should we discuss that, too?


No. I'm good. I'm just... I'm sorting through it.

Tinker died. He was a friend.


That's what friends are for.

Got a possible lead from a convenience-store robbery in Ohio.

I'm having some evidence sent over for you to test.

- Great. Add it to the pile.

I love that I traded tenure for a chance to never leave this room.

Where are you on this doppelganger?

Oh, I have several viable hypotheses.

That's what scientists say when they don't know squat.

Odds are it's related to one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s previous mistakes, which I'm working my way through a very long list... um, fear manifestations, nano-masks, Inhumans...

Though I'm thinking I should revisit the file on those Life Model Decoys, which really shouldn't be a thing, by the way.

[SCOFFS LIGHTLY] No argument here.

Could this guy be an LMD?

Well, if there's already been one of Phil Coulson, it seems like a possible explanation.

But I would need to talk to the idiot who designed them.

That might be hard.






















VIRO: I don't recall letting any Terrans onto my ship.


Take him fellas.



Give these two a better view of the stars.

All right, all right, all right!

Wait. Let's just talk.

Your ship won't survive the next re-entry.


What do you mean?

Your heat shields are misaligned.

Your crew hasn't spotted it, and I haven't had a chance to fix it.

You throw me out into space, you lose your best engineer.

I'm more productive than the rest of your crew combined.

I doubt that.

You do the math.

I patched all your fuel lines and rebuilt your entire t*nk irrigation system.

He also increased the efficiency of the CO scrubbers by percent, which has the added benefit of making the Xandarian snails more fertile.

Yeah. And Enoch here
[CHUCKLES] you'd be hard-pressed to find someone that knows more about snail farming.

You're still a filthy Terran liar.

When you crewed up on Sivos, you told me this was your first haul.

You're obviously running.

I'll be doing someone a favor.


We'll work for free.

Finally a persuasive argument.

Fix the heat shields.

And, actually, that airlock's been leaky since we shipped out.

No one's been able to pinpoint the problem.

If you can get all that done before we arrive at Naro-Atzia,

I'll consider not kicking you out that door.

Nice to have breathable air again.

Yeah. It'll be a shame to see it go.

Is there any interference?

Straight shot. Plenty of leeway.

Should be fun.

You know, each of us...we have a very different definition of what that word means.

Why do I feel like you're about to enlighten me with yours?


PAX: You know, why not take a breath here?

This place has sugar water, blue sky.

Maybe kick back before it's reduced to ash.

Sounds like powering down.

Or charging up, right?

I mean, didn't you ever take a load off back in your home turf, your past life or whatever?

One day, you're gonna tell us about it.

Don't hold your breath.

MAN: Hey!

You two have some I.D.? This area's restricted.


You must not have known we were coming.

Uh, we're almost done here, so you can...

Done with what? Who are you?

We were hired by the Conglomerated Ministry of Shipping.

- The Shipping Department?

The... The Min... I don't know.

It was worth a shot.


MACK: These guys must need something.

And when they go for it, we'll be watching.

MAY: Agent Fox was a good kid.

You might want to spend some time with Keller, talk him through this.

He recommended Fox for this job.


I think he'll be going to someone else for comfort.




Don't t*rture yourself.

Just going through it.

Gotta do something.

I'm sorry.

He was from your hometown, right?


He was me years ago.

That's giving yourself a lot of credit.


You know, I'm here if you need me.

I'll be okay.

But you don't have to get there alone.

And yesterday, when you said...

That was yesterday.


- There's been a sighting.


Heard some chatter about a man firing a strange g*n outside a shipping yard.

Security was able to make a positive I.D.


Just outside Cincinnati, not far from that convenience store.

One of the guys was with him.

I need you two to canvass the area.

And everyone else?

I'll instruct all agents we have a new target that looks exactly like Phil Coulson.


I only took the job because you promised me full transparency, and you're keeping me in the dark.

Listen. We've given you everything we have.

Yeah, but you forgot to mention the fact that your former boss had died and come back to life before.

- That's not what this is.
- Are you sure?

This LMD theory's not panning out...

LMDs don't have DNA.

We didn't bring him back to life... trust me.

That was a hot topic.

Well, maybe he never died in the first place.

You love secrets, Melinda. Anything you want to share?

- Hey, take it easy.
- I was there... until the very end.

He's gone.

You have no right to question that.

Find me a way to k*ll that thing out there pretending to be him.

And if that's too hard, you know your way back to the bar.

That sounds nice right about now.

And good luck sorting out this evidence alone.

Okay, that's enough.

Now, is this the DNA you're talking about?

[SIGHS] Yeah.

This is a sample from the convenience store.


At first, I thought it was alien radiation markers I've never seen, foreign methyl groups.

Strip that all away, and what you have left is a -percent match for Phillip J. Coulson.



I want you to keep an eye on Pax.

He's starting to sound like Tinker.

[CHUCKLES] They all crack sooner or later.


Might not be a bad idea to start looking for replacements.


Are we happy?

Tinker would know for sure.

But I think once we have the P-E-Gs, this will sing its beautiful song.


First, the lock-in.

Then we rampage.

FITZ: He's gonna k*ll us.


[HUSHED] I thought you said this ship was safe.

[HUSHED] It was... until your curious aversion to Xandarian snails

exposed you as human.

Sivians are notoriously xenophobic.

Are they really?

Well, that would have been a nice detail to include when you taught me the language.

These guys are very unpleasant.

Still, we have managed to remain hidden from whomever cut our previous ship in half.

Doesn't matter how well you're hidden if you're dead.

By your tone, I gather you are not optimistic about our chances.

Call it a hunch.

I, on the other hand, am confident we will find a way to return you to cryostasis.

According to the Seer, you are needed in the future to prevent an extinction-level event.

I just want to find Jemma.

Oh, hey. Hey. We're done. We're done.







Airlock's fixed, and your heat shields are realigned.

A diagnostic will confirm it.


I don't know what scared you bad enough to hide on this ship, but... pbht! it sure worked out for me.

You're right... the rest of the crew is lagging.

In fact, while you were being so productive, I took your advice... did the math.

And I realized it's wasteful for me to pay employees when I have two harder-working slaves.

So I thought, why not let the dead weight go?

You're relieving the engineering crew of their duties?

I don't think that's what he's talking about.

They'll be getting off before we land.

Glad that airlock's working again.


I-I can train them to be more efficient.

Or... you could shut your mouth and be thankful I let you live.



I'm not known for my tact, but more my honesty.

And while I know this is not my business, perhaps now it is my job to ask.

What do you want to know?

Who was this Coulson guy, really?

He started out as a dedicated agent, and he...

Who was he to May?


You know what it's like to have a memory that's too painful to revisit.

Of course.


May's pain is running around, k*lling people.

Then it's my job to help stop it.




Can I help you find something?

I was hoping you could fill me in on what a woman really wants around here.

I'm looking for something...

- Special?



Let's see what we can do.


- What do you think...
- Mm.

... about this?

A little plain, don't you think?


What about the pieces you save for your most loyal customers?

The ones you don't keep in these cases?

Price is not an issue here.

I could pull some items from our vault for you.

The vault. That sounds impressive.

I know.

Right now, you're sizing me up, wondering how much paper money a guy like me has to spend.

Could be a big sale.

Your heart rate goes up a little.

Can you feel it?

We always do our best to meet our customers' needs.

Oh, don't worry about me. I'll be leaving satisfied.

Worry about you, your heart rate, because it's about to go nuts when we rob this place.

People fantasize about doing something heroic in times like these, but I'd save your own skin.

My crew is about to incapacitate these guys.


Hold it!


- Don't worry.


You'll be a beautiful butterfly.

They don't all become butterflies, sweetheart.

Not everyone comes back as a butterfly.


Okay, that was a touch more violent than I expected, but it proves my point.

A hero after all.

The good news is you won't pay for it.

Right now, you're very valuable to us.

No one else can get us into that vault.



You think Coulson's crew swapped out their rig?

We would have found where they ditched the old one.

What were they doing? There's nothing here.

There was something worth defending.

Or just another person in the way.

How's Keller holding up?

Not great, but he's still in the game.

Are you two a thing already?

'Cause Mack thinks so.


Well, he's Director for a reason.

That man is too observant sometimes.

He's got bigger things to worry about.

But... be careful with Keller.

That's how things get messy.


You're the one that told me to go for it just, like, yesterday.

Yeah, but that was before I started hunting someone with Coulson's face.

- MACK: Yo-Yo, May, he's been sighted.

His crew is raiding a jewelry store a half-mile from your location.

Keller and a Tac Team are en route to meet you there.

But be careful.

Copy that. We're on our way.






- [MUFFLED expl*si*n]

That won't be opening anytime soon.


Death is just the beginning of a magnificent journey.

You don't have to k*ll everything.

We might need her.







Well, what are you all waiting for?




- ♪♪

FITZ: It's our fault that the other engineers are in trouble.

We've got to help them.

Our options were limited.

If the end goal is finding your friend Jemma in the future...

Yeah, end goal, sure, but I can't just sit here.

Can you?

Okay, cool, cool. Cool, cool, cool.

Well, I would never be able to look Jemma in the eye again, so...

If we take action, we risk conflict with a superior force.

I do not see how we can achieve all desired outcomes.

We find weapons, and we fight.

I am not that kind of Chronicom.

Well, then what? What?

I'm sorry to say, but if you plan on going against Viro, you may as well join the crew and step into the airlock yourself.


Suppose I don't have a choice.



Lock it down.

He's dead.


The lock's blown.


So they're still in there?

No one's left the building.

Check the perimeter.

YO-YO: There's no other exits.

If they want to leave, they'll have to get through us.

This all feels wrong.

I know.

Why follow a t*rror1st attack with a jewel heist?

What could they want?

Not sure.

But no version of Coulson would come in here without an exit strategy.

I need to see into that vault.



How many people did Mack say went in there?

Three plus a hostage.

Then why do I see five heat signatures?

SARGE: Still nothing?

They're all shiny but totally useless.

This place was supposed to have the good stuff.

Where the hell is it?


Time's a factor now.

Listen... "Dah-nah,"

Snow here is dying to spill your spiritual energy all over the floor, but I can hold her off.

Just need you to point us towards your premium merchandise.

You have hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of diamonds right there.

What more do you want?


You people care about this junk?


I'm talking about P-E-Gs.

You know, P-E-Gs. Help me, Jaco.

Piezoelectric gems.

Crystals that are naturally polarized and can generate electric charge under applied mechanical pressure.

What? Crystals?

We have some quartz... or topaz in the bottom drawer.


Finally. Thank you.

Keep looking. Better stock up while we can.


Let's see whether this one's a winner or not.

YO-YO: Wait, wait, wait.

That wall is two feet thick, steel and concrete.

They have a way out.


Some kind of tech?

Must be.

It seems like every time we get close, they vanish.

The museum, the shipping yard, the store.

We're missing something.

We're missing everything.

There's no way to know where they're going.

Or maybe it's somewhere they've already been.









I can't let you do this.

VIRO: You may be a good engineer, but you do not look like much of a fighter.


Yeah. Maybe not.

But if you listen to me, I can make you a lot more money.

No one has to die.


Sounds like more trouble than it's worth.




You might not need them...

but you need me.

Is this about being a hero?

It's about a woman, being able to look her in the eye again.

Well, you've shown me that everyone is replaceable.

And that woman?

She'll have to replace you.




Okay. Hey.

Wait. Trust me you'll regret it.

It doesn't have to end like this.

Yes, it does.

You're forcing me to make a point.

Enjoy your last few moments of moral superiority.

Looks like your friend here made the smarter choice.








Come on. Come on, Enoch.





The snails may not have fared so well.

Yeah, well, I can live with that.

Viro could not be reasoned with.

You were right in preparing for the most violent outcome.

It wasn't so hard to predict.

There's a part of me that knows how uncompromising hateful men can be.


I'm stepping outside... see if I can get this thing powered up.

Hey, Jaco. Take everything.

It's all worth something on this turf.

All right.




That was fast.


Where is he?





Little help!

I'll finish up in here.

Don't k*ll her without me.



I'm in here! Help!

How much longer?

A couple more minutes.









DANA: Please, don't k*ll me!


Drop the knife, and tell me where the hell your boss is.

I'm picking up on a lot of unhealthy anger from you.


Come on!

- Run. Don't look back.









Help! Somebody help!







- SARGE: Seriously?

I leave for three minutes, and the plan goes all to hell.






No! Wait!




How did you get in here?

What happened?

I lost.





Sarge... you froze.

Back there? Not really.


A little.

That word.



What does that mean?

I don't know.

But it rings a bell.



- This one's not for me.

I thought you might need it after you see this.

Now, I finally cracked that chip we found on the concrete guy.

- It's a biological hard drive.

Speaking of painful memories.

So they have advanced tech.

Yeah, but that's not the alarming part.




End of the line!

Let's get out while we still can!


Wherever these people came from, I think they destroyed it.



We'll return in a moment.

We are approaching Naro-Atzia.



Is it safe for us down there?

It will be challenging to conceal that we have m*rder*d the Controller.

The crew will be labeled mutineers... a death sentence in this section of space.

So we'd need to sneak off the ship.

It is possible you and I could escape by submerging ourselves in the Xandarian snail tanks before they're unloaded.

But the other crew members...

Firstly... no.

But more importantly, we did this to keep them alive, so where do we take them?

They could easily find employment on the planet of Kitson.

We should have just enough fuel to reach it if we change course now.

But what about your plan to go back into cryo-sleep and join Jemma Simmons in the future?


I've got time.





What did you just do?


He's here.

I can feel it.