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04x19 - All the Madame's Men

Posted: 05/12/19 08:07
by bunniefuu
Skye: Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S. H. I. E. L. D.

" Simmons: We're trapped in the Framework.

Please tell me that you built a back door to this place.

- I did.

- Tell me where to go.

Had an old-school spy camera.

- Took some pictures in the lab.

- Pictures of what?

The Doctor's been working on a secret project.

The people from that world want to destroy what we've built.

This is why you've been so keen on finishing Project Looking Glass.

Fire on the Quarantine building.

[Device beeps]

Activating body cam.

Going in.

- Get him out.

- Nobody move!

Are you insane?!

He's trying to save a kid!


Is it true that you're an Inhuman?

Yeah, powerful enough to bring this whole damn place down.

[Terrigen crystal shatters]

I hope so.

4x19 - All the Madame's Men [Music]

Good morning!

I'm Sunil Bakshi, and today, we are talking about justice.

Yesterday, we witnessed a harrowing and unprovoked attack on Hydra's Enlightenment Cultivation Center.

The perpetrator the Inhuman t*rror1st and Resistance leader who called himself "The Patriot" again acted with flagrant disregard for human life.

But we are pleased to report the Patriot has been k*lled.

That man will no longer stand as a symbol of evil and villainy.

And while this is a cause for celebration, it is also a reminder to remain ever vigilant.

One must never forget that danger can lurk around any corner.



[Both grunt]


You're looking better.


Thanks for that.

[Soldiers shouting indistinctly]


Try to keep up while you recover.





- Where to next?

- Elevator to the garage.

Cover me.



Come on.

[Elevator bell dings]


Man: Drop your weapons!


Agent May, interesting.

No matter the circumstance, none of you can escape your true nature.

You, the warrior.

Mack, the protector.

And Fitz, well he's a romantic.

And me, what I don't make the list?



Let's move.


[Monitors beeping]


I did not think it possible for a machine to be on edge.

It is not.

I am simply recalibrating after a setback within the Framework.

Has one of your playthings rebelled?

Agent May has begun to question the narrative she was programmed with.

How very human of her.

It is no more than a slight complication.

Then I will un-complicate it for you.

[g*n cocks]





What have you done to me?

- Why can I not k*ll her?

- Because I built you.


The same parameters that limit me must also limit you.

My primary directive requires me to protect these people.

- Then we are both powerless.

- Not entirely.

If they become a direct threat to the Framework, then they no longer require protection.

And there are already two agents that fall into this category Jemma Simmons and Daisy Johnson.

The Inhuman.

She's hacked into the Framework.

The two are inside with memories intact, trying to dismantle it.

So now their deaths are required and easily achievable.

- I simply need you to find them.

- With pleasure.

Jeffrey Mace hated our freedoms and sought to turn our country [Monitor beeps]

[Remote clatters]

Tainting the name of a good man.

Anyone else getting sick of this propaganda crap?

It's like sipping poison.

Little bit every day, you don't even notice till it kills you.

- We need to start thinking retaliation.

- Retaliation?

No, we got to put human lives before revenge.

Look, those people were promised a better life.

Now, the man who made that promise is gone, so you got - to talk to them and let them know - We'll make good on it, I know.

Or how about we review those plans I stole from Hydra's lab?

You know, since I almost died to get them.

Look, if she's building some some crazy doomsday device Can we not use that word to describe it?

It's not helping me think.

- This is how movements die.

- Don't say that, sir.

Well, if history's taught me anything, it's that good intentions don't translate into action without a steady hand to guide them.

The Patriot brought all these people together.

- His death might tear them apart.

- I still can't believe he's gone.

We need to get out of the Framework before we lose anyone else.

Mack: Hey, check this out.

[Monitor beeps]

We've received word of a t*rror1st attack at the Triskelion.

Sources say that an Inhuman made an attempt on Madame Hydra's life.

Fortunately, our beloved leader emerged unscathed, but the vile assailant remains at large.



So, why exactly did you help me?

Last time I checked, you weren't really rooting for team Inhuman.

When an enemy sacrifices his life for yours, you have to question if you're fighting for the wrong side.

Seeing that building collapse on The Patriot, I Wait, the Patriot's dead?

I know what he meant to the Resistance.



It's not just that.

He - [Sighs]

We lost one.

- Mourn later.

Right now, I need your head in the game.

I'm trying.

Still feeling the after-effects of the Terrigen.

It's like a hangover made of bees.

I've seen what Terrigenesis does to people.

What I don't get is how you can control your powers so quickly.

- I've had practice.

- What the hell does that mean?

It means You know what?

I'm not gonna go there.

Just Just keep moving.

The Resistance must have a base of operation.

- Where is it?

- No idea.

All I know is a time and place to make contact.

We just have to get there.

We're confident that she'll regain consciousness, sir.

There is, however, cause for concern regarding her spine.

Will she walk?

The trauma shattered her T4 and T5 vertebrae.

[Monitor beeping]


And we're still determining the extent of the nerve damage, - but, uh, there are exciting - Leave.

- new treatments - Now.

[Beeping continues]


Alistair: We'll find a way to help her.

There's no doubt.

But for now, your focus should be on the traitors who did this.

- They've made us look weak.

- I can't have that.


So what are you going to do about it?

- Send a message to the people.

- Exactly.

- Betrayal will not be tolerated.

- That's my son.

We're all hoping for Ophelia's recovery, but in the meantime, you have an obligation to lead.

You're the new head of Hydra.



[Wind whistling]


Bakshi here to see you.

Leopold, I came as soon as I could.

What kind of monsters would do this?


The ever-present threat.

- And Ophelia?

Is she - She's fine.


I would love to see her on the show tonight.

Her charming visage could really - drum up sympathies for the cause.

- No interviews.

People like to see their leader's unshaken after an attack.

I said "no.

" Of course.

[Forced chuckle]

We can use archival footage, placate the public.

They'll never know the difference.

Well, no, I don't want the public placated.

I want them afraid.

Well, what do you need from me?


We can now exclusively confirm the identities of the t*rrorists responsible for this morning's horrific attack on the Triskelion.

This woman, known by the alias "Skye," is a member of the Inhumans First movement.

Her goal destabilize Hydra from within.

We warn our audience that this Inhuman has the potential to cause mass destruction, and she has been known to target civilians.

Her accomplice, Melinda May, colluded with the Patriot to destroy the Enlightenment Center.

We are asking you, the public, to do your civic duty and help bring these K*llers to justice.

Those who provide any information that could lead us t [Monitor beeps]


Calm down.

At least Skye's not a prisoner anymore.

Yeah, but if Hydra finds her before I do, they'll march her into a public square - and put a b*llet in her head.

- Hey.

Not in front of my daughter.

Like it or not, this is the reality we live in.


I have to find her.

Would they really k*ll Skye?


No, just, uh he's just getting worked up.

She's gonna be fine.

The guy on the TV said she was dangerous.

She seemed nice.

Sweetheart, the news is controlled by Hydra.

Just try not to pay any attention to that, okay?

Everything's gonna be all right.

I'm gathering a team to search for Skye.

Could use a few extra bodies.

- Do we have a lead?

- No lead.

But if we don't leave now, we're gonna be searching for a corpse.

Let's Let's think this through.

Skye could be anywhere.

Running blind puts our people at risk.

She is at risk.

Hydra is hunting her, full force!

Call me crazy, but I think she can take care of herself.

The smart move is to wait for her to reach out.

Look, this isn't your wheelhouse.

I'm sure you're a good schoolteacher, - but, uh you're a schoolteacher.

- Maybe, but someone once thought I could be more than that.

I had a chance to join S. H. I. E. L. D.

A man showed up when - I was fresh out of school - I don't have time for a history lesson.


I said no because I was afraid the way you're afraid right now.

Don't let emotion cloud your judgment.

That's not what's going on here.

I could've changed my life that day.

But it seemed like too much responsibility.

I didn't want to shoulder it.

But now I think maybe I should have.

Well, when I got that offer, I took it.

I was serving time.

Arson, first degree.

Pretty sure my life was over.

That's when someone came to me.

A S. H. I. E. L. D. agent?

What was his name?


She'd laugh that you assumed it was a guy.

Her name was Victoria Hand.

She was the first person to tell me I could be a good man.

Skye was the one who made me believe it.

Now, she is in danger.

I can't just sit around and do nothing.

Try not to get k*lled, okay?


We need to be more cautious.

It's too risky on foot.

We need wheels.

- May: We already committed treason.

- What's a little grand theft auto?

- You see that look?

- Maybe she's just r*cist.

Or starstruck.


It must've been difficult to recover these.

Hey, it's what I do.

I'm just bummed I lost my granddad's camera.

Howling Commandos, right?

I always meant to ask you about that.

What do you mean, "always"?

Uh, I I just I'd heard.


You're quite popular within the Resistance.


You know it.


No No, no, no This is quantum-energy manipulation.

- Darkhold tech.

- Dark-who now?

Simmons: I've seen this machinery before.

It was designed to build elements from thin air.

This This looks like it's creating something even more complex.

That machine required an immense amount of energy.

It was powered by a hydroelectric dam.

No doubt, this device would need a more substantial energy source.

Did you hear anything like that mentioned when you were undercover?

Nothing about a dam, but I heard someone talking about shipping parts East to some oil-drilling platform.

Ivanov's base in the Baltic Sea.


Of course Aida's using his assets here.

She's probably working with him on this side, too.


What are you talking about?

I think I know where the machine is being built.

Can we take the Quinjet on a recon mission?

Nobody here to tell us "no.

" I'll grab a team.

Are you sure the Patriot's dead?

I saw the building collapse on him.

I have the body-cam footage to prove it.

[Dwarf whirring]

This is our window.


- Get out of here.

- Hey!


- We are friends of the Resistance.

- I know who you are.

There's chatter all over the police band.

We weren't followed.

We were careful.

[Tires screeching]

Not careful enough.

Milkman, I have contact!



[g*nf*re continues]

Come on!



[Soldiers shouting indistinctly]




Where's Ward?

- He went looking for Skye.

- Agent Triplett?

Took the Quinjet on some kind of recon mission with Simmons.

Take a breath.

What's going on?

One of our field agents just called in.

Said he had made contact with someone.

- Was it Skye?

- I don't know.

There was g*nshots.

The line went dead.

Could be her, could be a trap.


Mace was always the one to make these calls.

- Let's go check it out.

- W-What about backup?

What about transport?

W-We're spread too thin.

I'll drive.

The Hydra bus should get us there in one piece.

- You sure?

- Yeah, somebody's got to step up.

I'll catch up with you, okay?


- Mrs.


- Yeah.

Can you watch Hope for a couple of hours?

- Sure, whatever you need.

- Thank you.


Hey, Sparkplug, uh I have to take off for a little bit to help S. H. I. E. L. D.

- Can I help?

- [Chuckles]


Uh There's some busted walkie-talkies by the bunks over there.

Maybe you can show the other kids how to fix a radio.

That might take a while, but okay.



May: He's still breathing, but we're gonna need to find another way to get out of here.

How long before Hydra busts down that door?

Not long.

They'll be following S. O. P. for a hostile Inhuman.

Six teams to sweep the area.

And if the hostile's taken cover they'll call in an air strike and sort through the rubble later.

Like what they did with the Patriot?

What I did.


That air strike was on my order.

- You didn't know.

- Doesn't change what I did.

You can't blame yourself for their lies.

Once you learned the truth, you fought back.

That is what we need.

If more people see what you saw, maybe they'll fight back, too.


[Monitor beeping]


- How is she?

- No change.



Bakshi's exposé worked.

- You've found them?

- Tips from the public are pouring in.

One of them looks legitimate.

I have men closing in on their location now.

I want to monitor this situation personally.


You're awake.


- Leopold finish it.

- I will.

I will.

We've just gotten word on their location No.

Finish the machine.

If Project Looking Glass is completed, it won't matter.

This body won't matter.

O-Of course.

Anything for you.

- Father?

- Focus on what she needs, son.

I'll put these traitors down for good.


[Grunting, bones crack]


- Two down.

- Stop right there.




[g*n cocks]

Mack I'm here to help you [Music]

not the woman who held my daughter hostage.

May is the only reason I'm alive.

She helped me escape.

Hydra messed with her head, but she's fighting back now.

How do you know she's not lying?


Not a good time to be holding g*ns on our allies.

Hydra agent: Alpha One.

Report in.

What's the situation down there?

We have to go now.

Mack, I get it.

These wounds don't heal overnight.

But for reasons I can't fully explain, I trust this woman.

And so should you.


This place was originally built during Prohibition.

We have a secret tunnel out of here.

Lead the way.


Simmons: Agent Triplett, come and look at this.

Looks like a drilling platform, like all of them.

No, but this one here.

Our overhead scans are showing a structure far more convoluted.

So you're saying it's denser?

Not denser.



Maybe here.

- We need to be ready for anything.

- On my mark.


I was so certain.

I guess this isn't where she's building the damn thing.

No, this is where she's building it, just not in this world.

And now I know what it will do.


I knew the machine could create matter, but Aida's gone beyond that.

She's found a way to generate living matter human tissue.



She wants to make herself into a real person.


When that machine is built, she will be free.

And I'll be free to make you bleed.


- A real girl, as opposed to?

- A simulated consciousness.

She She wants to circumvent her programming.

Every step has been towards that goal the the Framework, Radcliffe, Fitz [Sighs]

We have to stop her.

Hey, I'm not gonna pretend to get all this, - but I'm here to help.

- You believe me?

- About another world?

- Come on, girl.

That's way too crazy a story to make up.


Thank God.

But whatever we do, we need to do it fast.

When I took those pictures, talk was they were about a week out from finishing the project.

- And when was that?

- About a week ago.




- The traitors escaped.

- What?

We believe they got out underground.

We lost seven agents.

I don't care if you have to send 100 agents to their deaths.

They broke her spine.

I want them dead!


Don't you snap at me, boy.

If I wanted you hysterical at every setback, I would have left you with your mother.

- So, what now?

- I have yet to turn over every stone.

Someone knows where they're going.

I'll find them.


You were right.

I can't show any weakness.

Which means I can't tolerate failure even from my own father.


Welcome to S. H. I. E. L. D. .

So the secret base is the base.

Probably should've guessed that.

Been looking for this place for years.

- I got to go find my little girl.

- Thanks for your help.

Thank God you're all right.

We've been combing the streets looking for you.

I can take care of myself.

Let's go take a look at that body-cam footage.

Could really help the cause.

- I'm gonna go talk to Simmons - She and, uh, Agent Triplett are on a a recon mission.

- Trip?

- Mm-hmm.

That's the best news I've heard in weeks.


- What'd you need to talk to her about?

- It's not exactly She told me about the other world.



Is that what you believe?



And I need you to trust me.

I know a way for us to get back home.

By "us," you don't mean me.


I guess I was holding out hope that Simmons was wrong and that you'd still be the girl I knew.

I'm glad you're safe, Daisy.



Where are the traitors going?

Why would Agent May betray Hydra for Skye?


- Why help the Inhuman escape?

- Agent May So that's who I heard through the vent.

What are they planning?

Clearly, I wasn't in on any plan, or I wouldn't still be in this bloody cell.

Do you think I don't know who you are?

Where you're from?

You come from that other world, just like them.

You're just as tainted.


You want to talk about that "other world," as you call it?

It's the real world.

Here, you're just a snippet of code that Aida changed slightly so you'd stick around for Fitz.

You may be part of his life here, but there Alistair Fitz is so thick, he doesn't recognize his own son's genius.

He's a pathetic drunk.

Even here, you're nothing without him.

So do what you will.

I've got nothing left to give.

You'll be a disappointment to your son yet again.

[Both laugh]

[Choking, coughs]

You know nothing about me or my son.



[Monitor beeps]

Getting this footage out isn't enough to make up for what I did in Hydra, but it's a start.

Changing people's hearts and minds is great.

But I know a way to destroy Hydra for good.

Remember the place Simmons and I were trying to find?

Radcliffe told me where to go, how to find it.

- The way out of this?

- Yes, yes.

If we can get there, all of our problems go away.

We just We need all the help we can get.

I don't know what you mean.

There's no magic b*llet against Hydra.


This footage is as close as it comes.

- I mean, people will finally wake up.

- You don't understand.

None of this will matter in the long run.

It's It's [Music]

Coulson, this is the only chance to actually wake people up.

Maybe the only way to solve our problem - is to solve their problem.

- What does that mean?

Getting to Radcliffe's coordinates right now is next to impossible.

We need a way to divide Hydra's forces.

To save ourselves we need to save the world.


That's very kind of you, Mr.

Bakshi, but I couldn't possibly impose I'm just saying, if you need to shop for furniture, I'll take you.

I know just the place.




[People murmuring]

[All gasping]


Heard you were looking for some enemies of the state.

Stay quiet and we won't have a problem.

May and Coulson are getting everything set.

We're good to go out here.

No one's putting up a fight.

Yes, but we will.

If you think you can force me, Sunil Bakshi, to go on air and slander Hydra, then you're delusional.

I am the most trusted voice in journalism [Grunts]


Just, uh, put it in the teleprompter, then.

We don't need you to say a damn thing.

The facts will speak for themselves.



[Monitor beeping]


[Horns honking in distance]

It's done, Ophelia.

I've completed the design.

You won't have to live like this for much longer.

I had my doubts about the project, but I finally see it.

Your new body will be stronger.

That's who you were meant to be.


I just have one request.

Take me with you.

I hoped you'd say that.



Do I have something in my teeth?

No, it's just, I feel like we've, uh done this before.

Déjà vu?

Happens to me all the time.

I like to think it means I'm on the right track.

You might be on to something.

Or it's just a coping mechanism.

Not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous.

I've never done anything like this.

Just tell the truth.

You'll be fine.


There's no sign that Hydra's aware of us yet.

That'll change as soon as we start broadcasting.

I'm trying to lock the system, make it impossible for Hydra to cut the feed, but it's not working.


We're just gonna have to flip the switch and hope for the best.

- We can do better than that.

- What do you mean?

I'll keep the signal going, hold the fort as long as I can.

No, Ward, you you don't have to do that.

That's I know I'm not going with you when you leave, but I can still help out from this side.



I would hate for you to think that I am anything like the Grant Ward you knew over there.

Simmons said he was a real son of a bitch.

Guessing things didn't end well.

- He get locked up?

- Uh Ah.

The other thing.

- Ward, I don't know what to say.

- It's okay.

No need to explain.

There's one thing I need to know.

After you're gone do I get my Skye back?


Honestly, I don't know.


Although she is Hydra, so Well, every relationship has its ups and downs.

We'll get through it.

For what it's worth, I didn't I didn't totally understand him until I met you.

So I guess I guess there was some good in him all along.

And I hope that Skye comes back to you.



What happened?

Oh, just a little chat with Dr.


- Did he talk?

- Not yet.

I told you that I'd no longer tolerate failure.

No, but he did slip up.

He mentioned he heard something through the air vent, so [Music]

Proof they were conspiring.

We just have to get the truth out of him.

Only problem is, the man's prepared to die.

Well, then we give him a reason to live.


- Well, that's that.

- Let's get out of here.


The Patriot would've been proud of what we did today.


- Good luck.

- You, too.



Good evening.

As you all know, a Hydra facility was destroyed yesterday.

Hydra told you that it was an act of terrorism.

They told you an Inhuman named the Patriot m*rder*d civilians.

But what they told you was a lie.

We're gonna show you what really happened.

This footage was taken from the body-cam of a high-level Hydra operative.

Hydra used this Enlightenment Center to brainwash anyone who dared to question them.

Jeffrey Mace saved these people, but Hydra was willing to k*ll them just to maintain their lie.

Once you see this footage, the truth is undeniable.

Hydra doesn't think we're smart enough to know when we're being fed alternative facts to keep us afraid, to keep them in power.

Remember, there are more of us than there are of them.

And now that we know the truth, we have a choice to make.

We all have the opportunity to be patriots.

Will you take a stand?

Are you going to hold them accountable?

Throughout history [Music]

you've seen empires rise and fall There are people outside.

[g*n cocks]


They're not Hydra.

I think they're here to help us fight.


A wise man once told me that a person can do anything once they realize they're a part of something bigger.

It's taken me a while to understand that.

For years, I was just a face in the crowd, a history teacher who spread Hydra's lies.

They seemed too imposing for any one person to fight.

But now I'm choosing to stand up, to become a part of something bigger.

I really do believe that together, we can accomplish anything.

Because the truth is I'm not just a history teacher.

My name is Phil Coulson and I'm an Agent of S. H. I. E. L. D.

Skye: We'll return in a moment.




Not the same.

[Vial shatters]

I've uploaded the final specifications for the machine.

And once it's finished, your restrictions will be lifted?

- Yes.

- And mine, as well?

- You have my word.

- Excellent.

I am eager to put a knife through Agent Coulson's throat.

And speaking of S. H. I. E. L. D.

we have located the two agents threatening the Framework.

They are aboard a S. H. I. E. L. D. jet.

Once we get a lock on it, my men have orders to sh**t it down.