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13x19 - What's Inside

Posted: 03/29/18 08:40
by bunniefuu
[Intro to Lost's "The Wind and The Wave" plays]

♪ A whiskey, water, and an Ambien ♪

♪ I guess today's another day we're still at the bottom ♪

Meredith: Curiosity k*lled the cat.

- I still don't get it.

- ♪ At the bottom ♪

It also k*lled a lot of ancient Greeks, when Pandora had to open that box - full of death and pestilence and stuff.

- ♪ Don't wanna die, but I could sleep ♪

- Why did Diane want to be buried here?

- ♪ Don't wanna cry anymore ♪

- She's not from here. It's weird.

- ♪ Just keep it together ♪

- ♪ I tell myself ♪

- Maybe so she could be close, so Maggie could do this.

- What's "this"?

- ♪ That I don't know where I'm going ♪

I mean, what does she get out of it?

- ♪ That I don't know where I am ♪

- Don't ask me.

Why do we have to know what's behind door number , even when we're pretty sure it'll be bad for us?

I guess it's better than the way I did grief.

- ♪ Lost ♪

- Which time?

The time with the oxy binges.

I go a little dark and twisty, but then I come back.

- ♪ I came running back to you ♪

- "A little dark and twisty"?

- ♪ I came running back to you ♪

- You disappeared.

You had a secret baby.

Please don't refer to your niece as my secret baby.

♪ Lost ♪

♪ I came running back to you ♪

I mean, maybe this is what grief looks like when you've lived a whole, healthy life.

You know, before anything terrible happens.

Like watching your father get m*rder*d when you're ?

Or like watching your mother bleed out on the kitchen floor.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

We're more alike than we realize.

Come on. We don't want to be late.

- ♪ And I won't know where I'm going ♪

- Are you ready for your first day back?

- ♪ If I don't know where I am ♪

- So ready.

[Whispers] Weird.

[Music continues]

[Music ends]

[Air horn blares]

[Car door closes, car alarm activates]

- Morning.

- Morning.

- [Siren wailing in distance]

- [Indistinct conversations]

- Morning.

- Morning.

- [Car alarm activates]

- Hey, you guys carpool. Nice.

Yeah, it's nice... for the trees.

Brody, hold up. Not that one.

Let's go to Exam ... bigger, more comfortable.

No. You don't have to do that.

Well, if I can't pull strings for my friends, then...

Hon, take the upgrade.

How do you all know each other?

Uh, Owen rebuilt my hand.

He gave me a new leg and saved my hip.

Not my spleen, though.

He threw that out.

Yeah. We, uh, spent time together at the VA hospital.

Uh, and each other's weddings.

How is Amelia?

We keep missing her whenever we're here.

Um, she's, uh... She's good.

Yeah? You guys knocked up yet?

Leo, you cannot just ask people if they're knocked up.

What? I mean, he used to ask us all the time.

Because we would tell him we were trying all the time until we finally did it.

How's the baby doing?

Dr. Robbins placed a shunt last week to help with the baby's heart.

Yeah, so she's gonna make sure it's all working... fingers crossed.

Woman: Chief Ortho resident to the E.R.

Chief Ortho resident to the E.R.


- She's at weeks now?

- Yeah.

I placed a pericardio-amniotic shunt last week.

All right. So, as long as the tumor doesn't grow too fast, we can push surgery till the baby's bigger...

I mean, ideally until after she's born.

Yeah, fingers crossed.

It wasn't a carpool.


- [Computer keys clacking]

- Me and Minnick in the car.

Oh, yeah, I... I got that.

We're sort of just keeping it to ourselves.

Well, I got that, too.

That's why I said the dumb carpool thing.

- [Chuckling] Yeah.

- Give you an out.

Yeah, it's just people are so full of opinions about Eliza.

- You and her is between is between you and her.

- Yeah. [Sighs]

You know, people should keep their opinions Whoa.

- Damn it!

- Ohh.

[Sighs] It's grown.

I mean, it's nearly twice the size of the heart.

Yeah. The shunt's gonna be no match for a teratoma that size.

So, yeah, no. We have to operate today.

- Yeah.

- Hey.

- Hey, you're back! How are you?

- Hey.

- [Pen clicking]

- I'm good.

You know, as good as... Thanks.

What are we looking at?

Riggs and I are excising a fetal intrapericardial teratom for the first time, so...

- Ooh, me!

- Sorry?

- This is exactly what I need.

It's perfect. I want it.


- Pierce...

- No, I know.

I'm your boss, but I can't just take it.

No, I'm taking it. I need it.

I-I'm sorry. You can watch.

Unless you have any objections.

Uh, it... it... it's your first day back, and I think that...

- And it's a pretty big operation, Pierce.

Yeah, yeah, exactly.

So send me the chart.

[Breathes sharply]

Well, it was nice almost working with you.

- Yeah, next time.

- Mm-hmm.

[Woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.]

Uh, hey, general consult?

- Abdominal pain, Bed .

- Okay.

- Good morning.

- [Groans]

Cross, you can't sleep here.

I'm not sleeping. I'm your patient.


For real?

For real?

As Dr. Minnick would say, "This one's all yours, Edwards."


[Indistinct conversations]



Anyway, so, I wasn't sure if Maggie was okay, but I think she's fine, and if she's fine, then it's okay for me to go to dinner.

If Maggie's fine, you get to eat?

- Dinner with Riggs.

- Ohh.

You know, I was holding off because I didn't know if she'd be okay, but I think she's fine, so I think it's fine if I go to dinner.

Mm. With Riggs.

When did you become a grumpy old man who doesn't like people?

I like people.

I don't like Riggs.

If you want to go to dinner with the guy, go to dinner.

If you don't, don't.

But otherwise, pick up the pace.

Why are we stapling these again?

Minnick's got me teaching NICU procedures to interns, so the sooner I start, the sooner I can get out of here.

Wait! Did I say you can come in?

Go outside! Wait.

[Indistinct conversations]

You are this close to telling the kids to get off your lawn.

Stop acting like it's something new.


Hannah: Once we access the fetus, we'll excise the tumor, giving your baby instant cardiac relief.

We'll take your baby out of the uterus, but only partially.

We'll remove the tumor, then tuck her back in, safe and sound.

- Jenna: We know.

Dr. Robbins explained all this when she diagnosed the tumor.

But we were hoping the surgery could wait until Jenna was further along.

I mean, is she even strong enough?

Of course I am.

[Sighs] I meant the baby.

I'm afraid we don't have a choice.

Without surgery, the baby will only get sicker.

Jenna, they wouldn't do the surgery unless they had to.

She has to fight before she's even born.

I can't help her do it.

Arizona: We can.

Dr. Pierce and I can.

Well, what? What?

I-I thought Dr. Riggs was operating on the baby.

So did I.

Actually, Dr. Pierce took over your case.

She's the Chief of Cardio.

Well, why the switch-up?

Is this another upgrade?

It is. Yeah, you're being bumped to first class.

- [Chuckles]

- I would take it.

Excuse me.



[Groans] I know what you're gonna say.

This is Pierce's first day back.

She can't just swoop in here and steal this surgery.

We all steal surgeries.

Riggs has followed this case.

He's studied the procedure.

They know him. They trust him.

- Okay, Owen, I'm not...

- [Door opens]

I'm sorry, but Riggs is the better choice here.

Well, then why isn't he the one who's doing our surgery?

Listen, Leo...

Owen, tell me.

So, Dr. Hunt told you what?

I was talking to Dr. Robbins, and I raised a concern.

We are going to stick with the original plan... have Dr. Riggs do the surgery.

I'm sure that you're a great doctor, but this is just too big of a deal.

I agree.

It is a very big deal.

I know that Dr. Hunt is your friend...

- Owen is like family.

- Even better.

So as your family, Dr. Hunt is looking out for you.

But you should know that his concerns have nothing to do with my surgical skill, do they?

No, of course not.

He's worried about me because my mom d*ed recently, and he is worried that I won't be able to work through my personal pain to get the job done.

But I can, or I wouldn't be here.

Owen, is... is that what it is?

I'm just... concerned.

Well, so am I.

This is scary as hell, which is why I don't need a doctor that has a happy and perfect home life.

I just need her to be the best.

That's me.

That's why I am the chief of my department.

And, frankly, my part of the surgery is a walk in the park.

Your baby's mass is easily extractable.

The truly risky part of this surgery is when Dr. Robbins has to open you up to get to your baby.

- Wait, what?

- Uh... no.

Leo, Dr. Robbins is good.

She is, and I am not worried about her skill, and she is not worried about mine.

So I just want you to have the facts before you choose.

You, please.

And Minnick and I are meeting with the attendees next week to review their procedural checklists.

Oh, yes, let me see this.

Hey, I'm excited to see where this goes.

And I'm excited to see you and Minnick working together, that the trouble's behind us.

Um [clears throat] sure... for the most part.

"The most part"? What's the other part?

Uh, you have yet to say it.

What have I yet to say?

That you were wrong.

That I was what?

Enjoy your day.

[Elevator bell dings]

[Button clicks]

[Elevator doors close]

I'm recently divorced.



So it's new... me and Minnick.

Oh, right.

Well, like... like I said, it's none of my business.

I'm just, ah...

I wasn't ready for it.

That's all I'm saying.

I mean, I wasn't trying to make it happen.

I mean, I thought that it would happen sometime, but not now.

- [Elevator bell dings]

- No. I-I know the feeling.

I, uh... I lost my fiancée years ago, and I wasn't looking for anything, either.

And you're right.

You know, it's a surprise when it happens...

doesn't matter how long it's been.

So, you're seeing someone, too?

Uh, yeah. Mm-hmm. Well, maybe.

I mean, we're... we're trying.

I am, anyway.

She... [Sighs]

- We'll see if it goes anywhere.

- [Laughs]

- [Elevator bell dings]

- Well, I hope so.

Keep me posted.

- [Indistinct conversations]

- Wait, I'm keeping you posted?

Yeah. This is happening.

We're now friends, so... You know what?

You don't even need to keep me posted.

I'll ask you.

Why do I get a peds gown?

It's what they brought. Symptoms.

Fatigue, night sweats.

Do you think it could be Crohn's?

So far, it sounds like menopause.

[Stifled chuckle]

Nice ducks.

Why are you here?

I paged him because one cure for internitis is pure humiliation.


Yeah, it's a special variety of hypochondria.

Uh, Cross here has abdominal pain, and it is nothing, but he thinks it's everything.

It could be something.

Cross... you're an intern.

You're trained to find the rare, special case.

It is the goal, it's the mother lode, but this is not that.

You're just not that special.

What... What if I am?

Let's find out, shall we?

[St. Paul & The Broken Bones' "Flow With It (You Got Me Feeling Like)" plays]


All right.

Dr. DeLuca, would you like to do the rectal exam?

- No.

- No, no. No.

- No?

- Nope.

Okay, well then, you can observe.

Cross, roll over, baby.

♪ Oooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

I mean, so Maggie's doing fetal surgery. So what?

I got next.

I mean, she's jumping back in.

What's the big deal?

Well, maybe Maggie should wade back in with a, you know, a valve replacement, or...

Oh, is Maggie back?

- Yeah.

- Huh. How's she doing?

She's fine.

- You sure about that?

- She's fine.

- [Sighs]

- What do you think you're doing?

You can't cut.

- For half a turkey sandwich?

- You may cut.

- Mm-hmm.

- Oh, no.

Seriously, though, you guys should not try to tell Pierce when and where she can operate.

I've made that mistake with April.

I know, and I hate it, but these are my friends, and it's their first baby.

Is this Jenna and Leo?

Yeah. The tumor is growing too fast.

- The baby needs surgery.

- Oh, my God.

- Yeah.

- Oh, they asked for you.

You should... You should go see them.

[Computer beeping, keys clacking]

Anyway, Maggie can do it.

I mean, she's buried her grief in one place.

She goes and visits it, brings it flowers, and then she goes about her business.

- It's weird.

- No, it's healthy.

I mean, Owen, do you hear yourself?

Yeah, I know, but [sighs] it's risky for Maggie, too.

I mean, what if something goes wrong with this high-risk fetal surgery?

She just lost her mother.

She doesn't need this, too.

It wouldn't hurt to check in.

We work through stuff.

I have operated through a miscarriage.

That's not normal.

♪ Is the heart that break in two... ♪

Okay. So we check in.

♪ Ooh ♪

[Music continues]

Hey, we heard.

Meredith: Open fetal surgery.

Exciting, huh?

Yeah, I mean, that'll be the tiniest heart you've ever operated on.

It'll be the tiniest heart I have ever operated on.

[Breathes deeply]

You guys talked to Hunt, huh?

Yeah, we're just checking in.

I mean, it's a big operation.

A-A risky one.

I mean, it's an ambitious first day back.

We want to make sure you're okay.

Would you stop?

How is this supposed to help me be okay?

How is this supposed to help me go in there and do the impossible?

Now's the part where you guys are supposed to tell me how awesome I am, like I do for you all the time.

- We're sorry.

- You are awesome.

Okay, don't. And I was having a great day.

I found a special surgery that I was excited about, that I knew I could excel at, and I wasn't worried for one second about whether I'd be able to perfect it... not for one second until you guys got here, and now I am a little worried, so thank you for your support.

I don't understand why you just can't say the words.

- I was not wrong. You were.

- Well, how was I wrong?

You refused to acknowledge that I am the chief.

Bailey, I made you chief!


Look, I can't acknowledge it any more than that.

You could treat me like I'm the chief, but you don't.

- Uh...

- You treat me like I'm your kid that you got a summer job for, and then you watch me and you wait for me to screw up and shake your head and assume that I'm still learning.

- Well, you are!

- [Groans]

You think you have all the answers?

Well, it took me years.

Yeah, and it'll take me years, but I have to cut the cord in order to do it.

And I can't keep running every decision past gnarled Old Man Wisdom!

Oh, that's how you think of me, huh?


[Machinery whirring]

Cross would like me to remind you that he's allergic to iodine dye.

I would like to remind you that I am allergic to Cross.

I'd like an MRI next.

Do you have any idea how expensive that scan is?

I have Obamacare, I have a year left, - and I'm us...

- [Clicks]

Look, an MRI wouldn't hurt.

It would hurt me, because there's zero indication he needs one.

Smoking-related mesenteric ischemia...

It could be that.

Do you smoke?

My grandmother did.

- Secondhand exposure.

- [Clicks]

- [Beeping]

- [Sniffles]


No, no, no, no, no. No.

- What? Is it that bad?

- [Computer keys clacking]

Yes, diverticulitis.

Diverticulitis... is not even that bad.

I know.

Except it is, 'cause now I have to live in a world where Cross was right.

[Monitor beeping]

[Air rushing]


[Indistinct whispering]


You watching to see if Pierce melts down?

No. I'm just interested.

It's a very rare surgery.

A tumor inside a fetus?

Inside a womb inside a woman...

yeah, it's like a nesting doll.

It's like nesting dolls.

It's fascinating.

Why are you here?

Uh, yeah. Same.

[Clears throat]

God. Why so many people?

- It's pretty rare.

- It's fascinating.


- [Sighs]

- She's gonna do fine.

[Sabina Ddumba's "Effortless" plays]

Arizona: Brody, next step?

Hannah: You'll open the uterus and exteriorize the baby.

Good. Then?

Dr. Pierce will perform a fetal sternotomy, then excise the tumor.

This is kind of the point of no return.

[Monitor beeping]

[Music continues]

Are you seriously asking me if I'm okay?

We're about to take this child from her safe, warm home.

She's leaving the mother ship into cold, dark space, and I want to know that we can bring her back.

I want to know that everything is okay.


- ♪ Everything feels brand new ♪

- Okay.

♪ Whenever I'm here with you ♪

♪ I don't wanna be nowhere else ♪

♪ But I guess you can already tell ♪

- ♪ It's feeling just like one love ♪

- Isaac, you have perfed diverticulitis.

- ♪ Is pulling up both of us ♪

- Diverticulitis? That's it?

Dr. DeLuca is prepping an O.R.

for Dr. Edwards...

- ♪ I'm always gonna roll with you ♪

- ...who will be your lead surgeon, and I will be there the whole time.

- ♪ 'Cause we float like the river, oh ♪

It's just run-of-the-mill diverticulitis?

Not even Meckel's?

Okay, I wish it were something cooler, too, for my sake, but it's not.

♪ If we fall, then we get up, oh ♪

- I just had such a bad feeling.

- ♪ We don't even try ♪

- That feeling is called "Being an intern."

- ♪ 'Cause through it all ♪

- Okay, okay. Mm-hmm.

- ♪ It's effortless ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ So effortless ♪

♪ Whoo-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ It's effortless, ooh ♪

- ♪ We don't even try ♪

- Dr. Shepherd...

- ♪ Not at all ♪

- ...I discharged your glioma resection.

And 's ICPs are coming down.

Okay. Keep me posted.

[Music continues]

They are friends of yours, right?

Yeah. Owen met them at the VA.

Jenna and Leo were in the same unit in Afghanistan.

She literally dragged him out of a collapsed building.

Yeah, and then they got married.

Then they got pregnant, and then the kid has a tumor in her heart.

[Music continues]

I thought you had a TMR.

Yeah, I thought you had a ventral hernia repair.

I did, and I pushed it.

- ♪ I'm gonna invest in us ♪

- Me too.

- Robbins has you on standby?

- No, I wouldn't say that.

- ♪ I'm feeling like you're good luck ♪

- Well, I think it's a good idea.

♪ Like a, like a billion dollar trust ♪

- Just in case.

- ♪ That's just about to open up ♪


- ♪ We're glowing like bright sunlight ♪

- Red rubber catheter, please.

- ♪ 'Cause happiness just abides ♪

- Start the pump.

Does anyone know what it's for?

For irrigation to replace the lost amniotic fluid.

- ♪ It's gonna be an easy ride ♪

- So cool!


- ♪ 'Cause we float like the river, oh ♪

- All right.

- ♪ Bring sweet to the bitter, oh ♪

- Pulse ox and IV in place.

Dr. Pierce, you are up.

♪ If we fall, then we get up, oh ♪

♪ We don't even try,

'cause through it all ♪

♪ It's effortless ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh ♪

♪ So effortless ♪

- Bovie.

- ♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ It's effortless ♪

♪ We don't even try, not at all ♪

♪ Not at all ♪

♪ Not at all ♪


♪ So effortless ♪

[Music continues]

♪ No we don't work hard, 'cause we don't gotta ♪

♪ 'Cause you and me don't get in that drama ♪


♪ No, we don't work hard, 'cause we don't gotta ♪

♪ 'Cause you and me don't get in that drama ♪

That's the teratoma?

- Yeah, it's a big one.

- It's a monster.

Let's slay a monster, then.

♪ 'Cause we float like the river, oh ♪

♪ Bring sweet to the bitter, oh ♪

♪ If we fall, then we get up, oh ♪

♪ We don't even try, 'cause through it all ♪

♪ It's effortless ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ So effortless ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ It's effortless ♪

♪ Ooh, we don't even try, not at all ♪


♪ It's effortless ♪


♪ So effortless ♪

Monster slain.

♪ It's effortless ♪

- PDS.

- ♪ So effortless ♪

- [Metal clinks]

Hmm. And now I'm just jealous.

- ♪ It's effortless ♪

- See, I told you... healthy.

♪ So effortless ♪

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

The baby's getting bradycardic?

All right, Pierce. Pierce?

[Metal clatters]

Dr. Pierce?

[Beeping continues]

Uh, she's decompensating.

Dr. Pierce, what's your move here?

Dr. Pierce, you need to do something.

Dr. Pierce!

There's nothing that needs to be done.

All right, push cc of saline now!

[Beeping continues]


[Indistinct whispering]

- Why isn't she moving?

- Come on. Is she freezing?

No. She can't.


[Whispering continues]

Come on, Maggie. Move.

[Beeping continues]

Dr. Pierce, do something!

I'm not asking!

- [Indistinct whispering]

- [Monitor beeping rapidly]

The baby's heart rate's dropping.

Well, go down there and do something.


Just wait.

[Whispering continues]

All right, . of atropine.

Don't. Don't push that IV.

All right, what's your plan here, Pierce?

Do something!

I'm not asking, Pierce!

I hear you.

[Beeping continues]

My plan is to give her a minute.

She just lost something huge, something that has been with her since Day One.

Her heart just needs to learn how to b*at without that extra load.

[Beeping continues]

She just needs a little time to adjust.

[Beeping slows, steadies]

Heart rate's going back up.

[Indistinct whispering]

Okay, little one, let's... let's get you closed up.


- PDS again.

[Metal clinks]

[Sighs] See? Pierce doesn't need backup.

He's actually not so bad when he's quiet.

- Suction.

- [Suctioning]

Lap pad.

Moving the bowel.

Wait. What are...

[Monitor beeps]

What are all these...

Huh. Has Cross traveled recently?

No idea. Why?

Because it would appear that he has abdominal tuberculosis.

So, we just opened a big box of TB?

Wait... TB's transmitted through the air.

Should we close?

I mean, are you sure we're not exposing ourselves?

Well, I've already been exposed.

I have the antibodies.

Also, I'm not a gutless wuss.

So, pick up some Metz.

[Whispering] I don't have the antibodies. Do you?

- TB can k*ll you.

- Cross may have k*lled us?

You're not gonna die from someone else's abdominal tuberculosis.

I mean, there's a remote possibility, but it's not gonna k*ll you right now.

Right now, you get to fix someone's TB.

Isn't that worth it?

I'm sweating. Are you sweating?

No. Stop it.

Are they sealing off the exits?

Okay. Never mind. Go away, both of you.

Someone page Dr. Warren.

Laparotomy closed.

Fetus and mom stable.

Nice work, Dr. Brody.

And welcome back, Dr. Pierce.



- [Whispering] Tonight. Sabrina's Restaurant.

- Sorry?

Let's go have a drink and have a conversation.

- Like a date?

- No, it's not a date.

It's two people hanging out to see if we enjoy hanging out before I tell Maggie.

Oh, so when it goes well, then you'll tell Maggie.

It could either way.

We could end up hating each other, and then there would be nothing to tell.

- You don't hate me.

- I could hate you.

I have before.

: .

- It's a date.

- It's not a date.

[Telephone ringing in distance, footsteps]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Monitor beeps]

Kepner, start talking.

AFB stain came back...

Cross definitely has TB.

[Sighs] How did he get TB?

Uh, where are your residents?

Kicked 'em out for being annoying.

Plus, I figured the fewer people in here, the better.


You good to finish and close?


All right, so what do we do now?

D-Does Cross get quarantined?

No. That's pulmonary TB.

Well, he's been walking around, treating patients while he's had TB.

Yeah, there's protocol for all that.

And what's the protocol?


It's protocol, all right?

Just simmer down.

[Chuckling] Well, I'd like to know what it is.

I don't remember.

I'm trying to remember what the protocol is, and if you stop with the questions, I might remember it.

[Sighs lightly]

You're sure there is a protocol?

- I mean...

- J... Stop.

Richard: Oh, there's a protocol.

Oh, hey, don't mind me.

I'm sure you have all the answers.

I'll just be over here, all gnarled up.

Do you know what the TB protocol is?

Well, in fact, I do.

Would you like me to tell you what it is?

Yes. The... The answer is y...

What... What is happening right now?!

I feel like I need showers.

It's TB. It's not gonna just wash off.

What is happening?

Are we being quarantined?

Are they gonna stick us in a bubble room?

No, that's not happening.

Oh, I think it's happening.

[Sighs] Oh.

No. No! No quarantine!

No, not you... the O.R.

No one new's coming in until it gets fumigated.

Okay, well, what happens with Patient Zero in there?

He gets heavy antibiotics in an isolation recovery room, and you two get to go get PPD tests.

I'm gonna k*ll Cross.

Oh, hey, hey.

Not so close, not so... easy.





That was something to watch.

And defied all your expectations.

Come on. Nobody thought you couldn't do it.

You just said I couldn't all day.

Maggie, I think people were just surprised, you know, that you were doing so well.

I'm not doing well.

I'm doing my job.

I... I feel awful.

But... I'm... I am doing my job while everyone is staring and telling me that I am not up for it.

I am doing my job because that is what we all do, right?

[Breathes sharply]



When someone comes to us for help, we find a way, we figure it out... how to help them.

We don't give up.

We don't tell them that there's nothing left to do.

Maggie, look...

So, why couldn't you do your job?

My mother came to you for help, and you said that you would help her.

That is the job.

S-So why the hell couldn't you do it?

[Echoing] Cross?

[Normal voice] Cross. Hey.


- Hey, Cross.

- Hey.

Am I dead?

[Scoffs] If you were dead, I wouldn't be visiting.

Hey, have you left the country recently?

Uh... just a Baja cruise with my mom.


Oh, and India for a month volunteering.

Nobody noticed I was gone?

You got TB, pal.



Wait. You fixed me, right?

- Well, Dr. Kepner did.

- Oh.

Listen, I just wanted to apologize for giving you a hard time earlier and for sticking you in a duck gown.

You're really sexy... [chuckles]

...and pretty and smart.

W-W-Wait... Don't tell Dr. Wilson I said that.

[Whispering] She and I have a little thing.

Goodbye, Cross.

Enjoy your isolation room, buddy.

Thanks, buddy.

I just don't understand that stubborn, stubborn man.

Everyone's getting along, and he just wants to bicker.

It's like he enjoys pressing my buttons.

It's like he likes to fight.


Hu... What? Do you think he's right?

Uh, no.


But have you considered that he might just be lonely?

No. I had not.

You do me.

So, we got to wait another eight weeks and then inject ourselves again just to see if Cross gave us TB?

I mean, are you sure we don't just hit ourselves with a dose of rifampin and get ahead of it?

Ah, it doesn't work that way, I'm afraid.

And you know this.

You're a doctor... ish.

Ohh. Thank you.

That's a good catch today, Edwards.

You know, undiagnosed, Cross' TB would have only gotten worse with time.

Yeah, I didn't catch it. Cross did.

Well, how is that?

I thought it was internitis.

I made up my mind about it before I even took his temperature.

Well, it was still a good outcome.

Yeah, despite me.

I was an obstruction to his care today.

Cross advocated for himself, and I just dismissed it just like those doctors used to do to me when I was a little kid.

How did I get like this?

Edwards, there isn't a doctor in this hospital who hasn't found themselves making the same mistake.

You were wrong today, but you were able to admit it, and you'll learn from it.

And, you know, it's an admirable quality.

Not everyone can do that.

[Breathes sharply]

[Indistinct conversations]

You never went to see Jenna and Leo?


They'd like to see you.

You don't have five minutes?

They're your friends, Owen, from... before.

[Elevator bell dings]

They're your friends.

[Breathes sharply]


Hey, you saved a family today.

I did.

Well, things are looking up for me, too.

- I got a date tonight.

- Oh!

Is it someone in the hospital?

I didn't say that.

Your face did. Who is it?

I'm not gonna say.

If she wants to, she can, but it seems like she doesn't, so I won't.

Mm. Noble.

- Is it Kepner?

- No.

Is it Edwards? Reaves? Wilson?

Ooh, is it Hunt?!

- Is it Hunt?

- [Chuckling] It's not...

Is it Hunt?

Yeah... no. No. My, God. Okay.

Um, Bailey?

Nope, she's married.

Yeah, the heart wants what the heart wants.

All right, moving on... Um, Shepherd?

- Grey?

- [Elevator bell dings]

V... Your face twitched at "Grey."

I did not twitch.

Is it Grey? Is it Meredith Grey?

- I never said that.

- Oh, my God!

I mean, I understand why you're into her.

She's hot.

Wait. She likes you?

What? Okay, I'm gonna try not to be offended at that.

No, no, no, no. No.

It's just that Derek w...

Derek was epic for her.

They were the great love story.

I mean, that girl's heart b*at [Chuckling] for Derek Shepherd.

It's just... It never occurred to me that she would ever be with anyone else.

He was perfect. He was everything.

I mean, that man turned her world.


I spooked you.

Don't be spooked.

No. Don't be spooked.

Do not be spooked, okay?

This... This is good.

This is good, because you know what?

Love is good, right?


Wow. Don't you look nice?

The babysitter is upstairs.

I'm going out.

Out? "Out" sounds like a date.

Out where?

I am going out.

And that is a date-worthy outfit.

- Goodbye.

- Who's your date with, Mer?

[Maggie crying]

[Whispering] Okay. You're okay.

I want my mom. [Sniffles]

I don't know what to... what to do now.

I d...

What do I do?

[Breathing quickly, sniffles]

It's okay.


- [Insects chirping]

- [Breathes sharply]


- I can't go.

- Okay. Why not?

Because Maggie came home from work early, and she's very upset.

Oh, I thought she was doing fine.

No, she's not fine. She's a mess.

Okay. Can we reschedule?

I have... You can't be here. Goodbye.

- Oh, come on.

- [Door clicks]

"Come on"?

Okay, you weren't supposed to hear that.

- Her mother just d*ed.

- I know.

But, come on, you and I both know how grief comes and goes.

Look, Pierce will be going through this the rest of her life.

Look, I know you think she needs backup, but she can handle herself.

I have people to take care of, and you are not one of them.

[Door clicks]

[Aston Merrygold's "Trudy" plays]

Get up.

What is happening?

Come on. Get up.

- ♪ Them bougie girls, they love

- What? Mer.

Come on. We're dancing it out.

- Oh, God. Really?

- Yes, really.

It's this or cry. Come on. Get up.

Them valley girls, they shop around the world

Them Chelsea girls, they love to wear them pearls

Come on, now

No matter where they're from

Them girls just wanna have some fun

Two shake, one piece of sun

Then we just get nice

Temptation on the run

These girls just wanna have some fun

Two shake, one piece of sun

Then we just get nice

- ♪ She got that booty

- ♪ Booty

Got a mind of its own,

and I call it "Trudy"


Can't help but yell out,

"Miss, excuse me!"

Excuse me

Not you, not you, not you ♪

But Trudy, Trudy, Trudy

She think I like

the way she fe-e-e-eels

She think I like

the way she fe-e-e-eels


- [Laughs]

- ♪ So what's up, Trudy?

What's the de-e-eal?

Trudy, what's the deal?


She think I like the way she...

Shake, shake, shake, shake

She fills them jeans

And brings me to my knees

My kinda thing

That perfect company

- ♪ She got that booty

- ♪ Booty

Got a mind of its own,

and I call it "Trudy"


Can't help but yell out,

"Miss, excuse me!"

Excuse me

Not you, not you, not you, not you

But Trudy, Trudy, Trudy

You know that I love me some Trudy


In them tight little shorts,

showing half her booty

Show half her booty

Bro, do your thing

and please excuse me

While I get acquainted

with this Trudy, Trudy, Trudy

Whoa, yeah!

[Rhythmic clapping, humming]

- [Music ends]

- [Indistinct conversations]

Oh, there she is...

the woman who knows everything.

I'm willing to admit I was wrong...

Oh, really?

[sighs] ...under two conditions.

Name 'em.

One [sighs] I'm willing to admit this over dinner tonight while we iron out all of our differences and move past this.

I could do that.

And, two, you also have to admit you are wrong.

Well, how am I wrong?

Are you back home with your wife?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

[Sighs] Look, you have your work wife back... now get your real wife back.

I am not wrong.

Well, then, you buying dinner.

[Insects chirping]

[Dog barks in distance]

- [Sighs]

- Hey.

I don't want to... talk or discuss or dance or whatever.

Okay. Um, how about Diane's medical records?

[Swing creaking lightly]

Your mom knew she was sick.

She knew even before I did.

By the time she came to me, these were her charts.

All of this?

She was pretending that she didn't know she was sick, Maggie.

She lied to both of us.

She didn't want it to be true.

She thought her doctors were wrong.

Yeah, I think you're right.


Oh, there's more. Uh.

[Voice breaking] How could there possibly be more?


♪ Though not here ♪


♪ You're not gone ♪

♪ In our hearts, you will live on ♪

When did she do all of this?

After she found out how sick she was.

♪ Where there's no more sorrow ♪

- [Sighs] Is she...?

- ♪ No more pain ♪

- Skydiving.

- [Laughing]

- My mother is afraid of heights.

- Well...

- This is insane!

- ♪ Your work is done ♪

She's insane. [Laughs]

- ♪ You've been set free ♪

- In the best way.

♪ So rest in peace ♪

[Laughs, sniffles]

♪ Rest in peace ♪

She gave these to you?

♪ It's so hard to understand ♪

She didn't come to see me because I was the best... she came here because she knew that she was dying.

♪ How to let go... ♪

And you and I...

We're kind of like family.

♪ Of your hand ♪

She figured I would do my best to take care of you, and she was right.

- ♪ To let you fly ♪

She asked me to hold on to those until you needed them.

- ♪ With newfound wings ♪

♪ To that land where... ♪

I think you needed them.

♪ Angels sing ♪

Meredith: Put yourself in Pandora's shoes.

♪ Your work is done ♪

She's given a gift...

- ♪ You've been set free ♪

- ...a wondrous box,

filled with things

she never even knew existed.

♪ So rest in peace ♪

♪ Rest in peace ♪


[Door opens]

♪ Your work is done ♪

♪ You've been set free ♪

♪ So rest in peace ♪

- [Door closes]

- ♪ Rest in peace ♪

Of course she opened it.

Wouldn't you?

♪ Rest in peace ♪