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05x14 - Heart Failure

Posted: 02/23/17 06:19
by bunniefuu
[ Sobbing ]

[ Clamoring ]

[ Tires screech, sirens wailing ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Woman shrieks ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ Indistinct radio chatter ]

[ Screaming, shouting ]

[ g*nf*re continues ]

Move! Get down. Move!

[ g*nf*re continues ]

[ Man shouts ]

[ Alarm wailing, g*nf*re continues ]

Nolan: Sounds like it's this way, sir.

[ g*nf*re continues ]

Tao: All clear.

Provenza: All right. Good luck, everyone.

Man: Let's go! Move!

[ g*nf*re continues ]

Woman: No! No!

Okay, as arranged.

[ Alarm continues ]

[ Thudding ]

Don't... don't sh**t! We're not the guy.

Here. Over here.

You're okay now. You're with the LAPD.

Did you see where he is?

Over that way. Maybe?

"Over that way. Maybe," it is. All right.

You heard the lady. You be careful, folks.

We almost just lost three civilians.

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Snaps fingers ]

[ Velcro rips ]

Woman: [ Screams ]

Man: No, please! Let us go.

Woman: Please, don't. Please.

Man: Please!

[ Crashing ]

Woman: [ Screams ]

Man: No, no! ‭LAPD!

Whatever the hell you think you're doing in there, stop!

Put your w*apon down and walk out with your hands in the air.

Woman: Help! Help, we're in here!

Man: Shut up! I said shut up!

[ Thud ]

[ Woman sobs ]

Change of plans.

Since Flynn's not here, me first.

No, Lieutenant, don't! Don't!

Sykes, I'm sorry, we're out of time.

Help, please.

[ g*nf*re ]

[ Groans ]

Provenza: Look up to your right!

[ g*nf*re ]

I shot the lieutenant. Bam. In the head.

There's no talking after death.

And he didn't fall down either.

I didn't come here to hurt myself.

All right, stop. Stop.

H... Hold the exercise.

[ Murmuring ]

Lieutenant, when you are k*lled in active sh**t training, you are not allowed to order anyone to...

That wasn't an order, Chief. Those were my dying words.

Sergeant, can you reset the scenario for Hollywood Division, please?

This is a fail.

[ Cellphone chimes ] - Major Crimes is gonna have to repeat this exercise.

Now I hope you'll take this afternoon's written examination more seriously.

[ Message sent sound ]

Lieutenant, are you even listening to me?


Uh, oh, uh, sorry. We gotta go.

N-No, you haven't completed the exercise.

And Chief Davis wants these exercises...

We caught a m*rder.

And every now and then, we actually have to go out and perform the job that we're training to do.

Let's go.

You caught a m*rder? Where?

Over here, Lieutenant.

Hey, how was training? What was your time?

My reserve group finished in 8 minutes and 10 seconds.

And it was Scenario H, which they say...

Congratulations and whoop-de-do.

Where's the Captain?

Yeah, maybe you don't talk about your time because the lieutenant cheated a little.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Ah, good morning, Captain.

Sorry we're late. But, overall, I'd say that the training went off without a hitch.

Acting assistant Chief Howard already texted me, Lieutenant.

Yeah, but if you don't count that very last moment...

I'm unofficially reprimanding you for failing to comply with the rules.

Buzz, did you get my message to the fire department?

Yes. Captain Hoff said he would send paramedics to transport the body.

Thank you. Kendall.

Okay, no ID on the victim, but she looks mid-20s.

When the two homeless men found her this morning, she was more hidden than this.

I removed some of the brush.

Homeless guys see anything?

No, they live 50 yards up the river.

Heard tires rolling on the gravel path last night.

But that's usually police, so they stayed put.

I jog here sometimes.

There are five or six authorized vehicle access points within a couple miles.

Well, I don't jog here sometimes, so that makes you the best candidate to walk those miles and map out all of the entrances our k*ller might've used.

Sanchez: Any idea when she died?

Given the rigor, time of death, yesterday.

Mid-afternoon sometime.

Enough time to file a Missing Persons report.

I'll check with Oderno.

Thank you.

I think the victim's shape is pretty interesting.

Tight, fetal position.

See how her limbs aren't resting on their full weight?

Could she have gone into rigor elsewhere? Someplace smaller.

Possibly, yeah. She's also got a bruised cheek, petechia, bruising on her neck.

I'd say strangled.

You know, with an attack like this, sometimes there's a scream.

I'll check 9-1-1 reports.

So you want to use paramedics, not the coroner's van?

She was hidden.

I'd rather not attract the news choppers and alert the k*ller that we found her body.

The clothing, the... the high-heel shoes, the expensive dress...

Maybe she was going out on a date.

Not with the L.A. River.

Morales: But she wasn't r*ped.

I broke her legs out of rigor.

There were no signs of sexual as*ault, which will have to be our silver lining because the story only gets more brutal.

At first, I noticed bruising on your victim's neck and petechia.

Kendall says she was strangled?

But it's worse than that. Kendall didn't have the benefit of seeing an x-ray.

Unfortunately, I do.

Dislocation of her C2 vertebrae.

Severed her spinal cord.

So the k*ller was very strong.

Or very angry.

Maybe both. The pain would've been unbearable.

And there's these weird post-mortem indentations on her arm.

See these marks running across it?

From something she was lying on?

I wish I could be more certain, but without knowing where she was m*rder*d... this dress... hmm.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Ma'am, text from Skyes. No Missing Persons report with us for someone matching the vic's description.

You know what? Stay here.

[ Door opens, closes ]

Hey, you know my buddy in Operations?

You remember Clint.


He says that Winnie Davis is up in arms about the way Provenza left training.

Claiming he cheated.

Well, it wouldn't have happened had I been there.

Light duty only till the doctor says otherwise.

Anyway, Davis could use this cheating business as a way to push you out of the running for assistant chief.

Let her.

I'm happy where I am.

You would be good at the job, though, ma'am.

Deputy Chief Davis? Who knows how she feels about us.

Well, I think Chief Howard...

Will always be former FBI.

The department will never accept him as assistant chief on a permanent basis.

Uh... My opinion.

I knew it. There was a call earlier asking if we'd found a woman named Allie King, age 26, and the description of her clothes match down to the blue-on-blue pattern of this dress.

It was a call from Missing Persons?

No. Private investigator.

Said he was representing Ms. King's boyfriend, whose name I don't have.

But the PI's name was Clark Farman.

I found Allie King's Facebook page.

Profile pic matches, but her page is private.

Sharon: Clark Farman.

Well, I wonder if he'd sit down with us for a minute.

Farman: You know, actually, I'm fine talking here.

Kind of rather avoid the cameras.

So, honestly, guys, what is this all about?

Sykes: I'm guessing one of your clients, Mr. Farman.

Well, then, this is gonna be briefer than I thought.

I don't discuss my employers with the police, nor do any of the lawyers or investigators at my firm.

That would be unethical. You know what?

You should look that word up. "Unethical." See what it means.

How 'bout if we give the word "professional" a try, huh?

We're probably on the same side, sir.

We're looking for Allie King, and we heard that you were, too.

Why? Find her?

We'll trade information about her possible whereabouts for the name of your client... Allie's boyfriend.

Him? Well, him, I literally can't talk about.

I signed a non-disclosure agreement.

Sorry. You know, and I guess if you'd found Allie, you wouldn't be bothering with me, so...

See ya.

I would say that we got it all on video, but there was nothing to get.

Well, we could notify Allie's family, ma'am.

Not yet, Julio. First redirect Detective Nolan to meet you at the victim's residence for a search.

In the meantime, as far as the rest of the world is concerned, Allie King is missing, and we're doing everything we can to find her.

So what were you thinking, Lieutenant?

Mm, that we had already been in active sh**t situations and pretending wasn't half as real.

Though they did hire some good actors, I'll say that.

Got stuff from Allie's apartment.

Oh, Carl Lewis.

Well, you never updated us on the L.A. River access gates.

Uh, sorry, Lieutenant.

About a mile up from where we found the body, gate at Fletcher looks like it was, uh, pushed in.

New scratches on the metal and paint. Kind of dark.

Which I sent to the lab.

Provenza: Well, thanks for answering a question I never should've had to ask.

Five years undercover teaches you to withhold everything, Lieutenant.

Yes, another argument for too much training.

So, back to my favorite question...

What do I think?

Well, this Clark Farman is no ordinary low-rent PI.

This is a big-time fixer whose firm rakes in millions.

Now any non-disclosure agreement that would scare him must come from a seriously rich client.

Hey, guys.

Who died?

It's my first day interning at the D.A.'s office, and Andrea sent me over to get video from your m*rder.

How's it going so far?

It's fine, fine.

But the, uh, the servers are down, so I'm running around picking up stuff... documents, briefs, crime scene videos, and, um, coffee.

Mom, do you have a second?


First you wanna be a journalist, now a lawyer.

Where did I go wrong?

I'm irredeemable, Lieutenant.

Um, okay, so I just got this really weird text from Gus this morning from Vegas. Um...

"Visit with Mom okay.

"Been thinking when I'm back we should sit down and discuss the future."

Did you call him?

Yeah, of course I did, but he said that...

[ Beeps ]

That he... he couldn't talk and that what he had to say needed to be done face to face.

Are you two having problems lately?

N-No. I mean, I've... I've been watching myself for things, like, unconscious selfishness...


...and... and not paying attention and not wasting other people's time and...

Gus may have something good to say, Rusty.

Try not to worry so much.

Here, Rusty, this has all the video from where the body was found and part of an interview with the P.I. who claimed to be searching for the victim.

Thank you. Hey, Buzz.

Is everything okay?

Sure, fine. Just, um, just working.

Tao: Okay, this is promising.

Potential boyfriend for our victim and so our probable employer of Clark Farman.

Allie's Facebook password was saved on autofill.

This is his picture.

We've been going through photos, and this guy keeps popping up with her in Hawaii, Paris, New York, Cabo.

Next to Allie at her birthday party just a few weeks ago.

Jeffrey Day.

They look date-y.


But he seems a little, um, nerdy for her.

Uh, I don't think you can determine a woman's type from a picture.

Is he rich?

Sanchez: Uh, no, sir. He's really rich.

He dropped out of Harvard because he sold his first web company in '04 for $15 million.

[ Phone ringing ]

And then he created a car rental app called Wheel Around in '09 and a parking app called Watch This Space in 2011.

Seriously rich, as I said from the beginning.

Hold your applause.

What kind of net worth are we talking about?

What? $50 million?

Try $700 million.


And that was last year.

Okay. In addition to those other fun facts, Mr. Day just checked into the building and is on his way up here right now.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

I'm not gonna give them any more information...

Okay, okay.

That's not... that's not.

Hello, Mr. Day. I'm Lieutenant Michael Tao.

This is Detective Amy Sykes.

I'd like to speak to your Chief.

Chief's out of town.

Okay, then whoever's just below him.

Well, that would be Assistant Chief Howard, but he's supervising active sh**t training for the next three days.

Would you care to wait?

Mr. Day, our division's been assigned to find your missing girlfriend.

If you've come to complain, you can do it here.

Or if you'd like to help, we have a visitor's conference center just down the hall where we could talk.

Yes. Great, thank you.


Wherever they are taking you, they're gonna have video cameras recording your every word.

So it would be best if you just...

[ Lowered voice ] Clark, finding Allie is my number one priority.


And apparently, you can't do it.

[ Sighs ]

Stop interfering with the professionals.

Wait till I get back.

Gosh, that must've felt embarrassing.


‭Pardon me.

I gather from how upset you are, Allie's never disappeared before?

No, she can't disappear.

Our cells are linked. I always know where she is.

She always knows where I am, and now she's gone.

Okay? She is off the grid. Meaning that her cellphone...

[ Exhales ]

Look, Allie would never turn her cellphone off for this long.

It wouldn't happen.

Now when did you notice Allie was missing?


First, we had a conference together at 3:00.

Allie works for a consulting firm that I hired.

It's how we met.

After, Allie wanted to get ready for dinner, so we went back to my house.

Uh, the one in the hills, not the beach.

I had to leave a little early...

Two houses in one city.

Well, where do you expect him to summer, Julio?

Summer's a verb?

...but she never showed.

Were you there when she got ready for dinner?

Do you happen to remember what Allie was wearing?

Yes. Yes, that was Clark's first question, as well.

It was a blue dress, darker blue lines, blue high heels.

She had a jacket laid out on the bed.

Silk trenchcoat, lighter blue, Burberry.

I actually bought it for her for her 26th birthday.

She loves it.

Hmm. Burberry, silk. That's very pricey.

Yeah, well, if I don't buy something really expensive, I look cheap.

Plus I am asking her to marry me soon, so I guess the gifts are beginning to reflect that.

You know what I mean?

Tao: You left her for...

It's always the fiancé.

What kind of business meeting?

[ Sighs ] Ah, I can't say. Is that important?

Well, yeah. What's the problem?

It just... it has to do with a significant purchase involving my new company.

And saying any more than that creates multiple SEC violations.

But Clark dropped me off at the bank where the meeting took place.

Waited for me outside the conference room.

Does that help?

Oh, great. His alibi has an NDA.

Sykes: Did Allie know about this deal?

Yeah, she helped put the whole thing together.

But the meeting wasn't about...

Allie would never take part in some kind of insider trading scheme.

You never know.

Let's move on.

Uh, Sharon.

Deputy Chief Winnie Davis is here.

Now? I'm watching an important interview.

Tell her I'll be out in a second.

It can't wait.

If you could please join me.

If I'm seeing multiple people, she'd figure that shit out before I even got home.

Sykes: And you said you guys met working together?

Grab me if something happens.


[ Door closes ]

Headphones, Buzz. Headphones.

I mean, how do you expect us to hear them?

I expected more from you, Captain.

More what? ‭An e-mail, a text, anything to explain your division's disrespect for training on the biggest safety issue we face as a department.

Did you not hear about the young woman that we found strangled to death?

You could've kicked that case up to Hollywood.

And violate LAPD policy. Why?

Because when our most overly resourced division blows off training, it sends a message across the rank and file.

Overly resourced?

And Lieutenant Provenza's dismissive attitude set a poor example.

For which he has been harshly reprimanded.

Do you mind if we step over here?

So who's that?

That is Deputy Chief of Operations Winnie Davis.

And she's here because you guys cheated during training.

No, we didn't cheat.

The lieutenant sacrificed himself for others.

As is my nature.

All right, get rid of the headphones.

We need to go back to work.

Why are you publicly challenging my authority?

I didn't... Look it up.

A m*rder victim found on public property is de facto a major crime.

Which I hope you can solve by tomorrow, when I expect your division to at least take the written tests.

And while you're at it, why don't you schedule a new training session?

Uh, Captain.

Interview's getting good.

I'll be right there.

We'll do everything we can, Chief.

[ Door closes ]

Should I expect to be seeing more of you while these promotion issues get sorted?

I think I made my point.

Go ahead.

Your boyfriend's calling you.

[ Door opens ]

Ah. Pleasant conversation?

It was bound to happen.

[ Door closes ]

She's been desperate to complain about me for months.

So what's going on here?

Victim has a violent ex.

Breakup is a bit of an understatement.

Allie had to get a restraining order against Trent.

That didn't show up in our background report on Allie.

...Trent wrote Allie a letter saying that he had changed.

So she didn't renew it.

Her ex's name is Trent. Trent what?

Myers. Something like that.

Tao: Okay. Do you have a private Facebook page, Twitter account, any other social media platforms?

Yeah, of course.

Skyes: Mind giving us the names on those accounts and the passwords?

Trent Myers. Right age.

DMV shows him living in Los Feliz.

And yeah, she did have an old restraining order against him.

We need to talk to him, but not alert him to Allie's death.

Any possibility of getting a search warrant?

Well, maybe we won't need one, sir.

[ Knock on door ]

Detective Julio Sanchez, LAPD.

Detective Sykes. Detective Nolan, sir.

Uh, what can I do for you?

Well, Allie King is missing, sir.

We're trying to find her.

She... Allie's not here. Mind if we rush through?

It's faster than getting a warrant, which would keep us here for hours.


Were you having a party?

Oh, I have a prescription for this pot.

It's all good, dude. Nice, uh, nice pad.


How'd you hurt your eye?

Oh, it's a long story.

Um, can I help you guys with anything?

Sure. Which way is the garage?

I'll check the backyard in case he buried some of the evidence.

How, uh, how long has Allie been missing?

Not even 24 hours.

Mind popping the trunk?
[ Door creaks ]

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

Other than the black eye, I didn't see any sign of a struggle. You?


You guys done already?

I just got a text.

Allie may have last been seen closer to the L.A. River.

We need to set up a grid search for there tomorrow morning.

All right, thank you.

You hear from Allie, though, give us a call.

All right. Sure. Sure.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

So now what, sir?

Well, now we get our undercover stuff out here and see if he panics.

Hobbs: Her ex had Allie's coat.

Sharon: But we can't say for sure how it got there.

But if he tries to get rid of it, it will go a long way to making our case.

Provenza: Captain, we've got a live one.

Yes, Lieutenant. We see it.

[ Radio static ]

Sykes, take the point.

No blinker. I hate that.

[ Blinker clicking ]

Okay, he's going east on Appleton.

Sanchez: Copy. We're running parallel.

Hey, man. Is anything wrong?

What's going on?

Sorry. Still working.

If he turns on Glendale, he might be checking on the body.

Or ditching the coat someplace.

Wouldn't that be helpful?

[ Tires screech ]

Oh. No signal again.

Wait, is he turning?

[ Tires screech ]

Damn it!

[ Tires screeching ]

Did he make us?

Possible blown cover.

Tao, pick it up.

He could be on track to the Burbank Airport or the river.

We're on it.

[ Sirens wail ]

Scratch that. Flag on the play.

Patrol car coming up quick.

[ Siren wailing ]

Northeast Division pulling suspect over probably on suspicion of drunk driving.


‭[ Radio static ]

4-King-60, Communications. We have a Northeast Division unit making a stop on a vehicle under surveillance by Major Crimes.

Corner of Glendale and Edenhurst.

Woman: Hold on, Major Crimes. I'll transfer you to Patrol.

[ Indistinct radio chatter ]

[ Slurred voice ] Did I do something wrong, officer?

Woman: 11-A-62, come in. 11-A-62, come in.

You wait right there. 11-A-62, go ahead.

Officer, this is Captain Raydor of Major Crimes.

You stopped a m*rder suspect we have under surveillance.

Request you discontinue.

Sorry, Captain, that's a no can do.

The guy is blasted.

And he can end up k*lling someone.

[ Radio static ]

He already did.

You tried to bully an officer into actions that could've made her liable for a crime.

Bully? I made a request.

We had reason to believe our suspect was heading to a location of interest for...

He was driving drunk, and Officer Ahern felt...

We did not know he was drunk when I made the request.

Everything I've done is by the book.

If you would like to have Professional Standards look into it...

Wow! Offer to be interviewed by your old friends over at PSB? How brave.

Okay, I don't know about brave, but an Internal Affairs investigation is completely unwarranted.

Major Crimes was set up outside the suspect's house.

How could they know he was drunk?

But he's sober now, and the sooner I can talk with him, the better.

Thank you.

[ Door opens, closes ]

If you really wanna replace me, Winnie, you're going about this the worst way possible.

Thanks for your advice, sir.

But in the absence of firm leadership, I have a duty to prevent this department from breaking up into self-interested factions.

Anything else you'd like me to know?

What else is there to say?

I was just driving over to my ex-girlfriend's house.

That's all.

Allie lives on the west side with her new boyfriend.

Not Allie. Diana.

Why would you think I was with Allie?

We ask, you answer. Who's Diana?

Diana Velez.

I tried to break up with her yesterday.

I told her that Allie and I were working things out.

I've been going to anger management.

I've been drinking less.

Well, don't see how you can drink any more.

Hey, that wasn't re...

Look, I didn't appreciate Allie the way she deserved.

Okay, I was immature. I, uh, I didn't listen to her.

What I wanted to do was always more important.

And I... I felt that I did things my own way.

But I owned all that, and I apologized to her. I did.

So you tried to make things right with Allie.

She came over. It didn't work out.

She hit you. And then...

No. No.

We were supposed to have a date yesterday.

And Allie never showed.

Okay, I thought that despite what we talked about, maybe, uh, maybe in the end I just hurt her too much.

Yeah, well, that's the understatement of the year, pal.

That... That's Allie?

You wanna skip the acting and tell us how her coat wound up in your closet?


Her coat? I have no idea.

Get that picture away from me, man.

I don't understand how... She really...

I-I-I don't understand how this happened.

Well, maybe it had something to do with your black eye.

My ex did that. Not my ex, Allie. Diana.

Diana hit me when I told her that I was getting back together with Allie.

He really thought Allie was leaving Jeffrey Day for him?

Well, if he told Diana that, it probably didn't go very well.

She's been arrested twice for domestic v*olence issues involving her ex-husband. Once after the divorce.

Of course I was mad. I was blindsided.

assh*le texted, "I promise it'll all be good in the long run."

I went to his house and walked into a buzzsaw.

That text was deliberately misleading.

He brought me over there just to break up with me.

Why the hell is LAPD even interested in my dating life? Huh?

Tao: Only because we have to be.

Oof. This guy's a peach, huh?

Tao: Did you have a key to Trent's house?

Maybe. Why?

Did Trent file a complaint because I hit him?

[ Laughs ] That little bitch.

Guess you were pissed at Allie, too.

I mean, she took your boyfriend.

Well, Trent said they were getting back together.

¿Pero sabes qué? I highly doubt it.

She's with this super great, super successful rich guy.

Why would she go back to a middle school douchebag track coach, huh? [ Scoffs ] Lo dudo.

Trent must have something to offer.

You were really mad when he called the whole thing off.

Keep falling for the same kind of jerk.

Anger issues, won't listen.

Thinks that I should always do what he says.

Five years of therapy, and I can't break the cycle.

Maybe the cycle broke Allie instead.

I have been patient, Gus. I waited an extra day.

O-okay. Well, if you weren't ready to talk to me about it, then why text me?

One of the things I love about living in a house with a kid again is realizing how happy I am to be older.


Relationships were so complicated at that age, weren't they? And breaking up is tough.

Even if there's no other choice.

Okay, I... yeah, right.

But just... just know that it's incredibly frustrating and... yeah, well, I love you, too.

Okay. All right, bye.

[ Phone clicks ]

Well... that sounded more positive.

He says that he thinks it's all good, but he can only talk to me about whatever it is face to face.


Nothing, it's just... well, when I think about good things that can only be talked about face to face...

You mean like marriage?

Lieutenant, I'm not even out of college yet.

And then, I have law school after that. I can't...

Oh, my God.

This is gonna end no matter what I do.

Either he's preparing some kind of, "It's for the best" way to break up with me.

Or he's going to ask me to marry him and then break up with me when I say no.

But getting married right now, that would be crazy.

Wouldn't it, Mom?

[ Utensils clink ]

It depends on how you really feel about the other person.

It's always the ex-boyfriend or the ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend.

Before we go and arrest Diana or Trent, we need to eliminate Jeffrey Day and Clark Farman.


Because Diana has a type.

Turns out, Allie has the same type.

So Trent is one version.

Jeffrey Day could've been another.

Might be good to talk to some of Jeffrey's exes, see what they say.

We identified a few on their social media accounts.

But none of them posted anything bad about Jeffrey after the breakups.

Yes, well, I'll be willing to bet you that every one of Jeffrey Day's exes has a non-disclosure agreement, and they're all prepared by Mr. Clark Farman.

Well, Clark could've driven off in one of Jeffrey's cars... the Bentley he bought last year, or the fully loaded Model X Tesla he purchased on his Amex Black card two months ago.

Bentley and a Tesla.

It would appear that Mr. Day is environmentally confused.

Model X Tesla could explain the cramped position of Allie's body in rigor if she was in the frunk.

Oh. The "frunk"?

Tesla have front trunks... frunks... because there's no engine there.

They're smaller than the standard rear trunk.

If Allie had been in a space that small...

I'm gonna bring up the dimensions and photos, and I'll show you.

Well, that's pretty smart, because if the car was pulled over on the way to the river, patrol might not check the frunk.

Sykes: And there are two recent charges on Jeffrey's Black card that stand out.

The night Allie disappeared, he was billed exactly $200 at L'Etude, the restaurant.

That amount seems kind of light for a guy like him.

I mean, weirdly even.

Which is why we called.

L'Etude has a missed reservation/cancelation fee of $100 per person.

Jeffrey Day was a no-show for his 9 p.m.

2-person res where he had a $20,000 bottle of Cristal standing by.

Ah, well, it would appear that Mr. Day was prepared to celebrate.

But to celebrate the business deal, or was it something personal?

Well, the other charge on his account wasn't as specific, but it was from Harry Winston Jewelry.

$600,000. 4 days ago.

Mr. Day, Mr. Farman, thank you very much for coming down.

Have you found Allie? Is she okay? Where is she?

In the L.A. County Morgue.

[ Whispers ] Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Okay, guys, how about some tact? Some decency?

This is Jeffrey's girlfriend.

You should be focused on your behavior, Mr. Farman.

Not ours.

The fact that you called the morgue is mildly interesting, you know?

Called the hospitals, too.

Morgue was just a shot in the dark.

He was just doing what I asked.

Is this why you read us our rights?

Don't let Clark Farman drag you down with him, Mr. Day.

Investigators like Farman know their way around the laws, sir, and do some pretty shady stuff.

Lieutenant Provenza, Detective Sanchez, will you please take Mr. Day's statement while we have a very frank discussion with Mr. Farman about his search for Allie King?

What the hell is going on?

Oh, we'll explain it to you, sir. Come with me.

It's okay.

Bet you wish NDAs work two ways.

Jeffrey: Do you really think Farman did this?

Provenza: How much do you know about him?

His firm works for lots of people in my business, but in my position, people tend to know more about me than I do them.

Sanchez: How long have you known Farman?

Let's see if that's true. Buzz?

[ Volume increases ] ...four, five years.

Tao: Just tell us what you really did for him, Clark.

I looked for Allie. That's all.

And put her coat in Trent Myers' house and alibied for Jeffrey.

What? That... that's, uh... [ Laughs ]

Oh, look. I can't talk about this.

I signed an NDA with Jeffrey and his...

m*rder isn't covered by NDAs.

Okay. Wait, I...

[ g*ns shuffling ]


Touchy. I'm just getting my phone.



Look, he texted me that he wanted me to find Allie.

Give her the usual NDA agreement.

Why would he text me that if I was with him?

And we're back to neither guy having an alibi.

My boss won't move forward on a case like this without a lot more.

To me, either Jeffrey Day did it, or he paid to have it done.

What do you have to hold him on? Not one thing.

I think we can fix that. Buzz, Interview Two.

...end of the relationship.

Do you know if Allie kept a key to her ex's house?

She would've been able to let herself in if she stopped by?

Okay, forget everything we've discussed so far, Mr. Day.

Let me ask you a question.

After all the gifts you gave her, after all the trips to Paris, Hawaii, New York, even linking your phones so that she could keep tabs on your wonderful life, Allie King had the nerve to turn down your marriage proposal, didn't she?

We found the $600,000 charge at Harry Winston's.

Ring like that... burns a hole in your pocket, doesn't it?

You just needed a special place to ask for her hand.

Like a house in the Hollywood Hills, dinner at L'Etude after.

Yeah, but you missed your 9 p.m. reservations.

Of course, by then, Allie had already been dead for hours.

Her body stiffening in the front trunk of your Tesla, developing indentations in her arm from your hood.

You knew how she was dressed, not Clark, and you made the whole thing up about her wearing the blue coat so that you could place it in Trent's closet.

Hold on a minute.

Shut up about the coat. Okay? The coat, the coat!

What does that assh*le Trent have to do with any of this?

Because after seeing you up close, Allie preferred her ex.

You popped the question, and Allie said no.

She was leaving to make up with Trent Myers, is that it?

And then she thrust the very expensive blue coat back into your hands and said she didn't want it.

Oh! Captain, I think you hit a nerve.

Yeah, and I'm gonna hit back, too.

You can expect to hear from my lawyers.

Now get out of my way.

You're not going anywhere. Sit down.

It's okay.

You can dish it out, but you can't take it, can you?

Being told what to do, being told you're not getting what you want.

I don't like the way he's standing next to Mom.

Is it always like this?

Strikes me as an entitled kind of guy, Captain.

He's used to everyone giving him whatever he wants.

What was it like when you proposed?

Did you drop down to one knee so certain, so confident...

[ Whispers ] Oh, shut up.

That the word "yes" was just, a what? A formality?

Shut... shut your fat mouth!


Hey, hey, Mr. Money Bags, when you found the access gate to the L.A. River, you left paint flecks from your Tesla.

What do you wanna bet we can match it up to your car?

That Tesla is filled with DNA, proving that Allie dumped you, so you dumped her back.

And he kept her keys so he could get into her ex-boyfriend's house where you put the Burberry coat.

The Burberry coat that you oh-so-clearly described so when we found it in her ex's closet, we would arrest Trent and nobody would know that Allie King had dumped you flat.

[ Exhales deeply ]

That all your money and your power and your position can't make up for the self-entitled, conceited little... oh!

[ Grunting ]



[ Grunting ]

[ Handcuffs clink ]

No, Andy. No, no, no.

Let him go.

[ Panting ]

You try anything like that again, and I will personally beat you to a pulp.

And just like my lawyers will beat your lawyers.


Your lawyers might see this differently when they look at this video.

Anyway, you're under arrest.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Mom, are you okay?

Oh. One second.

So, Andrea, as*ault on a police officer... that gives you enough to hold him while we make a deal, correct?

If the Tesla turns out to be what you guys think it is.

It's okay.

Now we're getting her some ice.


Excuse us.

Oh, Hobbs.

How much trouble could I get into if I short the stock from Jeffrey Day's company?

I've got a hunch it's about to dip.

I didn't hear that, Lieutenant.


My mom's a badass.

Hey, Buzz.

You still busy?

Well, not like earlier.

So... if I did something to bother you, it was definitely an accident and... and I'm sorry.

No, no, it's not you at all. No.

Uh, I received a letter from Gabe Jones yesterday.

Gabe Jones?

Son of Bill Jones. The guy who k*lled my father.

Gabe says, "Dear Detective Watson..."

That's what he thinks I am... a Detective.

"My father explained what he did to your dad and uncle. And I wanted to tell you how sorry he is about it. He wishes so much it had never happened. He's a better person than he was then. And I was wondering if..."

"I was wondering if you could forgive him, so that he could come home. We're having to move him, we're running out of money, and we would do whatever you wanted to make things better for you. Very sincerely, Gabe Jones. P.S. This is also tough for my mother, who has been crying a lot. And I can't do anything about it."

So... it's that.

It's a shame you had to get sucker punched, but...

[ Grunts ]

Great work, Captain.

Tesla's coming through for us. And apparently, Mr. Day really doesn't want any of his exes revealing what's in those NDAs.

Of course not.

There could be a pattern mitigating claims that his attack on Allie King was a one-time-only crime of passion.

Hobbs says he'll settle on m*rder Two with a parole date in 20 years.

And also, thank you for getting your team out here for the written part of the active sh**t test.

Calms down, uh, you-know-who.

I've been thinking about this a lot, Chief.

And when it comes to Winnie Davis...

[ Lowered voice ] Watch... your... back.

You may need to watch yours a little, too.

I hate to bring it up.

But there's evidence that Phillip Stroh may have returned to the country.

The report's from Pennsylvania.

Connection is thin, but I didn't feel right holding it back.

The past is never really over, is it?

Rusty: The kid... he just doesn't understand.

I mean, Buzz, what happened to Gabe's family, that is not your fault.

Isn't it?

You have company.

Why do you think I want to break up with you?

Why wouldn't you talk me about, whatever this is over the phone?

Gus, you have no idea how nervous this whole thing is made me.

Yes because thing are going to where you are.

I know... but any of this question just come out of the blue.

And I really wnted to see your face.


Because I-I... I really don't know how you are going to react when I ask you put out... here goes... I want you... to move in with me.

What do you say?