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06x04 - El Cuegle

Posted: 01/28/17 02:47
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "Grimm"...

It's powerful, but we don't know where that power comes from.

What is it?

I didn't want to put it back.


I felt like I needed it.

Do you?

Well, it saved my life.

And mine.

I suppose you want your old job back.

Wu and Hank, too.

Sure, anything else.

I raise my son.

I raise my daughter.

And Adalind comes with me.

You're not my daddy.




I tried to tell you. You chose the wrong side, Sean.

[dramatic musical buildup]

You're not real.

Real enough that you're talking to me.


No, you're dead.

Does that really matter?

What do you want?

What do you want?

I want you to get the hell out of here.

I'm not gonna make it that easy for you.

Oh, I'm here. You sure you wanna do this so soon after your little tussle with Nick?

[phone rings]

Go ahead, take it. I'm in no hurry.



I saw what you did

on the news.

That wasn't me.

Do you know how much time and blood it took

to get you elected mayor?

That was the Grimm.


If you really want to know, it's an ancient Hexenbiest shapeshifting spell called the Verfluchte Zwillingsschwester.

You're a Zauberbiest. You should have known

this would happen.

Oh, really?

You have a lot of experience with the Verfluchte Zwillingsschwester?

If Bonaparte was still alive, you wouldn't be.

Your mistake has cost us more than you know.

No, my mistake was thinking that you knew what you were doing.

[suspenseful music]

Why did Nick look like Daddy?

Uh, it's complicated. Daddy was in trouble, and... we were trying to help.

Why didn't you help him?

I did.

We all did.

But... Nick was the one who had to become him so that he could do what your daddy couldn't do when he needed to... to... do something he couldn't really do.

Because, well, you know...

Nick. Nick's here.

Okay, glad you got those clothes changed so quickly.

Those are my daddy's clothes.

Yeah, I had to borrow them.

Is Daddy okay?

He's better now.

Are you okay?

I want to see my daddy.

Uh, we'll see Daddy soon, honey, but, right now, we are gonna go and live with Nick and Kelly.

It's Kelly's turn to be with his Daddy now, okay?

[softly tense music]

♪ ♪

You have a baby in you.

No, not a baby.


Oh, God.

More than one.

I'm guessing we didn't know this.

How many more?

I don't know. Just more.

Well, congratulations.

I think we should be going now.

Yeah, I'll... I'll get Kelly.

Come on, honey.

What kind of look was that?

I don't know... That was a look.

Yeah, that was a look. That was a creepy look.

I mean, am I the only one who thinks that was a creepy look?

Don't go there.

I've already gone there.

"More than one." Huh!



[indistinct echoing sounds]

[keyboard keys clicking]


[dark music]

♪ ♪



Okay, we're done.

No, no, just a couple more.

No, no, no, no, please. No more.

You have enough to choose from, don't you?

You've got a hundred you took yesterday, and the day before that and the day before that.

Get that little head down.

I think he feels a little warm.



Maybe it's a fever?

I don't know.

I was holding him for a long time.

I'm taking his temperature.

Just don't take any pictures of him.

One day, you'll thank me for recording our son's young life.

I don't think I'll live long enough to go through all the pictures.


If it gets any higher, you should take him to the doctor in the morning.


Going to bed.

Yup, I'll be right there.

I'm just gonna upload these photos.

Yeah, I know.

[ominous music]

[baby crying]

Is it my turn?


I'll go.

Thank you.


Thank you.

[baby fussing]


Oh, my God, what are you doing? What are you doing?

Put him down! Put him down!

Put him down!






Haley, Haley.

It took our baby.


It took our baby!

[dramatic musical sting]

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[dark music]

♪ ♪


Home sweet home.

Welcome back.

I've been here before.

Right. So I guess you don't need a tour.

Where's my room?

It's not like Daddy's place, honey.

We've got a little less space here.

What's wrong?

A lot of people died here.

[ominous chords]

♪ ♪

I wanna see Daddy.

I'll take you to see him tomorrow, okay?

I know it's hard moving around this much, but I'm just trying to keep us together and safe.

I'm so proud of the way you're handling all of this.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[faint voices]

Diana's asleep.

You sure?



She knew Rosalee was gonna have a kid.

She could sense that people died here.

She has amazing abilities, ones I don't understand, and I don't know where they came from.

And Sean doesn't know either.

We have to protect her.

I know.

I'm so happy to be back here with you.

Yeah, me too.

I thought I was gonna go crazy without you.


[edgy music]

♪ ♪




All right, hey!


Welcome back, guys.

Good to see you.

Good to see you.

Thank you so much.

[applause, chatter continue]



Thank you.


Look at that.

Thank you.

How's the Captain taking it so far?

He hasn't come out of his office.

Well, he's probably waiting for us.

Well, let's not rest on our laurels too long.

Aw, can't we bask in our glory a little longer?

Uh, nope. We got work to do.

We have an attack and kidnapping.

You three.

My office.

I'm guessing this will be the presentation of medals.

Why don't you close the door?

[clears throat, sniffs]

[sighs] Well, we've all made mistakes.

That was one hell of an undercover operation that "we" pulled off.

Yeah, you looked pretty good on TV.

Yeah, well, you didn't.

People really seemed to like it.

I know I did.

Sometimes, Captain, you have to sacrifice for the good of the pe...

Shut up.

Let's get one thing straight here: I'm in charge of this precinct.

Any of you get out of line again, you will be outta here.

So... no medals, then?

Get out.

Well, I don't think that was in the spirit of reconciliation.

You can get out too.

I would, if I was here.

You think I'm scared of you just 'cause you're...

'cause you're dead?

Is he talking to himself?

It looks like it.

Maybe he's on speaker phone.

Aren't you worried about the fact that you're talking to someone who isn't even here?

Oh, let's see how here you really are.

Whoa, now wait a minute, Sean, that's hot coffee.


Well, whoever he was talking to got him hotter than his coffee.

Not our problem. Let's go.

Talk about coffee going right through ya.

Why are you doing this?

Well, my calendar's pretty open, seeing as how I'm dead.

Look, if this is some kind of revenge haunting, don't forget I shot you to put you out of your misery.

Oh, thank you for that. Really.

But don't forget you betrayed us all.

It's the real reason I'm dead.

No, I gave you an opportunity to join me.

Don't think you cleared that with your friend Bonaparte.

All right, I don't have to listen to any of this.

And, by the way, Bonaparte says hi.


Parents were asleep when they heard the baby crying.

Mom got up and went to the nursery to find her son Auggie in the arms of a monster.

She said "monster."

According to first officer on scene she said, quoting now, "monster."

So we're thinking Wesen.

Yes, we are.

[sighs] What else is new?

Mrs. and Mr. Maler?


Detective Burkhardt. This is Detective Griffin.

Thank God.

Please, you have to do something, my baby...

We're doing everything we can.

First, just tell us what happened.

Um, we were... we were asleep, and Auggie started crying.

About what time was this?

I don't know... What?

We went to bed about 10:00, 10:30.

I heard Auggie crying about 1:30 in the morning.

We called 911. I mean, don't you have this information?



Just walk us through what happened.

Okay, sorry. Um, like I said, Auggie was crying, and I went up to go get him.

I thought maybe he had a fever, but when I walked into his room, there was this... this man standing over his crib, reaching in.

And when he turned around, he had Auggie, but he wasn't a man...


He wasn't a man, Paul.

He wasn't a man!

Haley, stop it!

I know what I saw.

You didn't see this, sir?

It was some kind of monster.

She doesn't know what she's saying right now.

With three arms and three eyes.

She hit her head.

When I came into the nursery, she was on the ground.

She clearly hit her head, and when she woke up, Auggie was gone, okay? And that's what we know.

So can we please find the person that took my son?

Paul, I am not making this up.

Please, you have to believe me.

Can you draw what you saw?

Yes, yes I can.

No, we don't have time to be drawing pic...

Sir, it's okay.

Can you show us where this happened?

Yes, of course. It's... It's upstairs.

This way, please.

So, uh, this is where he was taken.

I found Haley on the ground right here.

Look, my wife's not thinking straight right now.

And I'm sure you guys understand she's freaking out.

We're both freaking out, but she hasn't been sleeping well, and...

Listen, I love my son, all right?

But she's obsessed with him.

She spends all day glued to her phone, posting pictures of him on the Internet.

A lot of new moms do stuff like that.

Not like this. She hasn't been herself.

What she saw isn't real...

Stop saying that, Paul.

Just because you don't believe me doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Haley, that is not helping us find our son.

[edgy music]

Please, you've gotta help me find my baby.

♪ ♪

[baby fussing]

[breathing hard]

[baby wailing]


[echoing sounds]

[groaning, panting]

[baby crying]

[baby wailing]

[baby crying]

[baby fussing]


[snarls softly]

[baby quiets]

[soft purring growl]

[baby fussing]


[baby grunting]

[speaking Spanish] _

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[rocks scraping, clattering]

He was not exaggerating when he said Haley posts their entire lives on the internet.

Clearly she thinks there's no such thing as TMI.

And every photo is tagged with a location, usually their house.

Could be how our monster found them.

Well, her account isn't private, so that's a possibility.

I dug through some old case files and found three other kidnappings with the same M.O.

Baby taken straight from the cradle by a supposed monster.

In Portland?

Nope, all over.

One in Nova Scotia 2 years ago, another in Chiapas 5 years ago, and the third in Idaho Falls 18 years ago.

The parents in Nova Scotia are Trevor and Darla Shabtai.

Take a look at Dad's profile.


Their social media addiction sure made them easy targets.

We're gonna need some book time.

Something wrong?

I don't know, I... got light-headed.

I must've stood up too fast.



[dark music]

♪ ♪



Three eyes and three arms?

You sure it wasn't a one-eyed, one-horned flying purple people eater?

Well, I've got one with two heads.

Maybe it isn't Wesen.

What do you mean, like a real monster?

Please don't don't me you think they exist.

Wait, I think I found it.

You don't need to see that.

Why not?

We're pregnant.

Oh, my God, don't tell me it's another baby eater.

Well... "I've had the good fortune to never encounter this Wesen personally. However, I knew of a woman who was not so lucky. She was preyed upon by the savage three-eyed, three-armed beast in the mountainous region of Cantabria, a part of Spain where this notorious Wesen is known as El Cuegle."

Okay, so, at least we know it's Wesen.

"The Evil El Cuegle st*lks mothers and kidnaps their newborn babes. He keeps them for the Hours of Dread."

What are the Hours of Dread?

And how many are there?

I don't know, it just says "until El Cuegle is certain."

Certain of what?

Something called "Abortar Mal Futuro."

Even I hablo enough Español to know what that means.

"Abort the bad future."


How does he do that if the baby's already born?

You know, he gets rid of them.

You mean he eats them.

Yeah, something like that.

This is just wrong... and we have gotta stop this baby-eating bastard.
[upbeat Muzak plays]

♪ ♪



[overlapping yelling]


No, no, no, no, no!



Sir, are you okay?

Could somebody call 911, please?




[dramatic musical sting]

Nova Scotia, Chiapas, Idaho Falls... the description of the kidnapping monster is the same in all the cases.

Then El Cuegle has broadened his hunting ground outside of Spain.

Yeah, and these are the only cases where we have a description of him.

Could be more babies he took without being seen.

Or the ones that saw him and didn't want to say anything 'cause they didn't want to sound crazy.

Paul wasn't exactly supportive of Haley's side of the story.

There's a lot more unsolved cases involving abducted newborns.

El Cuegle has to be responsible for some of those.

Well, how many babies can one guy eat?

Is that a real question or a riddle?

It's Wesen.

Three arms, three eyes?


We got a name on this baby-munching Wesen?

El Cuegle.

Well, you can tell me on the way, 'cause we got a call reporting a monster in a mini-mart.

How are we gonna do this?

What, catch El Cuegle?

I don't know, but Nick and Hank better think of something, or I'm go rogue on this creep.

No, stay here in Portland.

Wait, what?

I mean, after everything that's happened around Nick and us, he doesn't exactly attract family types.

I mean, he's a cop.

And a Grimm.

Yeah, and a close friend, but now you and I are starting a family.

[sighs] No, I know.

I've been thinking about that too.

I mean, I never, I mean, honestly never cared about having kids or getting married. It wasn't a priority to me.

I couldn't imagine putting anybody's needs before my own.

But you changed all that.

And you changed all that for me.

But listen, Monroe, I am...

I am... I am scared, I am, like, heart-racing, pit in my stomach, I can't breathe type of scared because now that I have everything that I never even knew I wanted, I feel like it's all going to get taken away from me.

And I can't...

I will not live like this.

I can't be this vulnerable all the time.

I know, I know. It's exhausting.

You know that saying, "Waiting for the other shoe to drop"?

I do.

It surfaced in the late 19th century when people started moving to big cities and living on top of each other in these massive apartment buildings, where night after night after night they had this shared experience where the tenants would hear their neighbors, like, by the thousands, come home after work, sit down, take off one shoe, drop it on the floor, right?

Then there'd be this pause between the first shoe and the second, where the downstairs neighbor would cover their ears...



For the other shoe to drop.


Right? I mean, we live in a world full of, you know, people with shoes.

I mean, several pairs each, and so we can't go through life with our ears covered or our eyes.

We have to just be prepared for that... other shoe.

No matter where we are.

[soft music]

♪ ♪

I just want to live in a place without shoes, okay?

You told the officer he stole something?

Infant cold medicine. There, that's him.

Looks like he's in some kind of pain.

Can't really see his face.

Any more cameras?

No, it's just these two on the inside and one outside for the parking lot.

You can see how freaked I was. If that was a mask, it looked way real. I mean, I hope he wasn't a disabled person or something. I mean, that wouldn't really explain the third eye, but maybe he was d*sfigured in a nuclear accident somewhere.

Here's the parking lot stuff.

There he goes.

[dark music]

♪ ♪

Stop it.

Well, we got a plate. It's a little blurry.

No, we can clear that.

Then run it, put out an APB.



[tense music]

♪ ♪


[intense musical buildup]



[rapid scraping]

[dramatic musical sting]


Hey, honey.

Oh, I'm so happy to see you.

I missed you.

I missed you, too.

I will be ready to pick you up tomorrow, or before, if you change your mind.

I'll be okay. I love you.

I love you too.

Oh, listen, there's something you both need to know.

Um, we're gonna be moving.


Because I'm not gonna be the mayor anymore.

Where are you going?

I'll send you the address.

Okay. Bye.

So what do you feel like doing?

Do you, uh, wanna watch a movie, or are you hungry?

Why don't you love Mommy?

Well, um... your mommy and I just haven't had a chance to really get to know each other.

Is it because of Nick?

Yeah, it is.

Mommy said you'd say so and that I shouldn't believe you.

Well, maybe you shouldn't listen to everything Mommy has to say either.

[sigh] Mommy loves Nick.

And I love you.

I guess we all love each other, then.

Come on, I'm hungry.

Let's go.

Why woge inside a store just to steal some medicine?

Built-in mask.


He fell to the floor.

Why? He didn't slip, he didn't trip, nobody was around him, he wasn't pushed, and he's holding his head like it was about to explode.

Okay, he had a migraine.

Before he has the migraine, he takes infant medicine off the shelf, not adult, and it's not for migraines.

Well, Paul and Haley said baby Auggie was coming down with a fever.

But why would El Cuegle take a chance stealing baby medicine?

Maybe he is keeping Auggie healthy until, you know, he... dines.

Maybe, but this guy's got a car.

You're telling me he can't afford 10 bucks for some medicine, he's gonna risk getting caught for that?

Maybe he didn't mean to woge.

I got a feeling something's really off with this Cuegle dude.

Got a good read on the license plate.

It's a rental... address given on the rental contract is an apartment in Santo Domingo Pueblo, New Mexico.

I ran that address. The apartment building's owned by Mr. De La Torre, but Mr. De La Torre doesn't live there. He rents the apartment out, most recently to one Isidoro Malpica, who has a New Mexico driver's license.

Doesn't say anything about a third eye or a third arm. Makes you wonder which hands they printed.



Hold on.

They got the rental car. Apartment building in St. Johns.

[police radio chatter]

Where's the car?

Parking lot of the building.

Third spot from the entrance on the right.

Anyone approach the car?

Not since I've been here.

We know which unit it is?

It's parked in the spot for unit 64.

Now you stay here, we'll check it out.

Confirming the address, 3710 South.



[both grunting]

Wu, get the baby.


Baby's fine.






I got three arms and two cuffs.

You don't see this every day.


Settle down.


That was really weird.

Baby seems okay.

No, no, no, no, no, you can't take him!

You don't understand. Ahh!

You have the right to remain silent.

No, don't take him!

Anything you say or eat will be used against you in the court of law.

No, honey, you have to wait till the water boils until you pour that in.

It is.

Sweetie, the stove's not even... on.


[chuckles] It must be fun being you, isn't it?


Honey, do you know what happened to Daddy's friend, Bonaparte?


You wanna tell me?

He died.



Do you know how he died?

You k*lled him, Daddy.

Did I?


Do you know why I did?

Because he hurt Mommy. Men shouldn't hurt mommies.

Well, that's very true, they shouldn't.

[solemn music]

♪ ♪

You know, honey, you don't always have to protect everybody.

You can always come to me.

But if you ever do see something when I'm not around, like, uh... well, for example, if... if Nick was ever to hurt Mommy.

Oh, he'd be very sorry.

Yes, he would.

Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God!

My baby.

Can't tell you how grateful we are.

You have no idea what this means to us.

Actually, I do. I have a son.

How did you find that monster?

Honey, it's just a man. Give it a rest, okay?

I know what I saw, Paul.

Auggie's safe, that's all that matters now.


Where's the baby?

Oh, that's not how this works. We ask the questions.

You can't let him live with his parents.

You don't understand.

Yes, we do understand.

El Cuegle.

Hope that's how you pronounce it.

You may be a Grimm, but you don't understand this.

Why don't you tell us how many kids you kidnapped?

It's complicated.

It's not complicated.

It's cannibalism. If I wasn't a cop, you'd be holding your head in your hands right now.

All three of them.

I don't do this because I want to. I have to.

What, do you get a headache if you don't?

I get visions.

And these visions tell you to do what?

Stop the evil.

You Grimms think you know El Cuegle, but you don't.

You never have. You don't know the horror of why we have to do this terrible thing.

If you think it's so terrible, why don't you just stop?

Because I can see the past with one eye and the present with the other, and the third... with that eye, the future can be seen.

So you're some Dickens character in "A Christmas Carol."

I am not a monster.

No, you're Wesen.

My visions tell me about children who will do monstrous things.

That is why I have to take them.

That is why I have to eat them.

That's your reason for kidnapping Auggie?

You might wanna rethink that if you're gonna use that as your defense.

When Auggie turns 19, he will do something terrible.


His parents' marriage will continue to fall apart.

It will become violent.

Auggie will grow up isolated and unstable.

That is not a crime worthy of your punishment.

On his 19th birthday, he will m*rder his parents.

And that is only the beginning.

How do you know that?

I know when the Hours of Dread have run their course.

And how many Hours of Dread are there?

They're never the same.

It's never more than two days, never less than one.

So let me get this straight.

You want us to let you go so you can chomp down on Auggie?

That's pretty damn bold.

Look up Kenneth Slater.

See what happens when I don't do what I must.

Kenneth Slater?

He's one of the victims that was kidnapped on the case I was looking into.

But he was returned alive. This has nothing to do with you.

It has everything to do with me.

You know what Kenneth did when he grew up?


He k*lled 10 innocent people in Idaho last year.

And I could've stopped him.

But I was weak.

I couldn't do it. I took him back, I failed.

Please, you have to let me go.

I can't afford to make the same mistake again.

If you could stop Ted Bundy, wouldn't you want me to?


[dark music]



Kenneth Slater. Kidnapped in Idaho Falls 18 years ago. Missing for two days, found on his own front porch on the third day.

Baby was in good health, suspect never found.

Look at this.

Kenneth Slater was arrested for k*lling 10 people in a local diner in Idaho Falls last year.

What, so El Cuegle wants us to believe he knew Slater would grow up to do that?

That's what he's saying.

He's screwing with us. He could've looked that up in the newspaper.

Unless that explains the migraines, which could be the visions.

Hank, you said something is off with this El Cuegle dude.

Maybe he is telling us the truth.

How do we find that out?

Dig deeper.

See if he was anywhere near Idaho Falls 18 years ago.






Son, son, don't do this. Auggie, please, listen to me.

Please don't do this.

I'm sorry, okay?


Auggie, please, baby, listen.


Why are you doing this, huh?

Auggie, please, listen.


We're your parents.

We love you, Auggie.

What do you think you're...


I'm your... [grunts]



We have a medical emergency.

We need paramedics in interrogation room 2.



Even if he is telling the truth, what are we supposed to do, let him eat... Oh, crap.

He got a DUI. Idaho, 19 years ago.

Isidoro was in the state.

We need to talk to him again.

Oh, that doesn't look good.

[overlapping chatter]

He's going after Auggie.

My baby boy.

I was so worried about you.

This is the best day of my life.



Honey, I'm...

I'm concerned.

Paul, Auggie's back. We have nothing to worry about.

No, I'm talking about you. You're gonna have to deal with what you think happened here.

With what I think happened?

I need you to go see a psychiatrist.

I can't believe you.

I really think that you need to cons...

[phone rings]

Hello? Yes, this is...

Wait, what?

Yes, yes, it...

What are we supposed to do? I...

I'm locking all the doors and windows right now.

Paul, what...

It was Detective Burkhardt.

The man who kidnapped Auggie just broke out.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God, no.

[glass clatters]

Paul! [screams]

[baby crying]


No, no, please, please, no! No!

[sirens blaring]




[muffled screaming]

[El Cuegle pounding, grunting]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪






The bears. The bears.

[sirens approaching]


What do you think he meant... "the bears"?

What's that supposed to mean?

People say a lot of weird things when they're dying.

Never heard "the bears" before.

Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Do you have any idea what you sound like right now?

Do you have any idea what you sound like?

I'm not the one telling everybody I see monsters!

Oh, go to hell, Paul.

Haley, Haley, do not walk away from me.

Don't touch me.

Haley, would you listen to me for a second?

Paul, Auggie needs that blanket.

Forget this damn blanket and talk to me.

Hey. Let's tone this down.

I think you guys need to leave our house right now.

No, you need to cool it.

Unless you want to leave this house with us.

Maybe you don't care if everybody thinks my wife's crazy, but I do.

I'm not crazy.

Yeah? Haley, Haley...

Listen, you probably don't want to hear this right now, but your wife is not crazy.

[scoffs] Wow, I guess you would know, huh?

Haley... Haley...

No, no, I'm done talking to you, Paul!

I'm not done talking to you!

Paul, I know what I saw!


Haley, wait...

Oh, my God, don't you trust me?

I don't know. You're not thinking right!

Paul, look at me! I'm not lying!

The bears.

[thud] Why can't you just believe me?

Because, Haley, I live in the real world!

[intense musical buildup]

♪ ♪