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04x02 - Getting Naked

Posted: 01/20/17 16:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Being Mary Jane"...

Garrett wants to take you to lunch to talk about your future on the show.


If you play your cards right, you can be in that anchor chair by Spring.

I like you, Mary Jane, I do. That is why I'm gonna be frank.

Garrett, um, has no intention of making you co-anchor.

So, why am I being led to believe that I have a future here, if I don't?

Garrett's trying to pit us against each other.

He's the EP.

Telegenic rivalry between two Black women?

Drive his ratings.

So, tonight's about gettin' your freak outta your system, huh?

The last casual encounter before my husband comes.

Tell me what you want.

Tell me you love me.

[siren wailing]

♪ Cry-y-y-ying ♪
♪ Hello hello hello hello ♪

[knock at door]

Your text, are you... Oh, are you okay?

Mary Jane: [gasping]

Hey, hey, hey. Whoa, what happened? Talk to me.

I'm fine.

I'm fine now.

Dante: [grunting]

Niecy: [gasping]

Woman: Dante?

Oh, shit, my mom.

Niecy: [groans]

Dante: Ma. Take off.

Niecy: [sighing]

Dante: What do you think about us getting our own place?

How are we gonna pay for it?

You have a job you haven't told me about?

Nah, but you got that settlement check coming...

Settlement check?

I told you I was gonna put that in a trust for Treyvion and for your daughter Isabelle.

We could always kick it at your place if your family liked me.

And why is it up to me to put a roof over our heads?

It's not. I'm gonna get a better job.

How are you gonna get to work?

You don't have a car.

Maybe if... you let me borrow your car?

Just once in a while?

Oh, no, I can see that now...

Treyvion stranded at school while you're out joy riding.

Hell, no.

Besides, I don't wanna lie to my grandfather like that, you know?

All right, then.

I'll keep ridin' the bus 24/7 and never see my daughter.



Wake up, girl. What's wrong with you?

I'm sorry.

Oh, my God, these mornings are k*lling me.

Oh, gosh.

[yawning] You're up by 3:00 and finished by 9:00.

It's not even noon. It feels like midnight.

I'm sittin' here trying to make you the new face of "Great Day USA" and you are drooling all over your Prada.

I'm sorry. I'm listening. Yeah.

Let me guess. The comedian.

That boy is no joke.

Kara: [laughs]

He kept me up all night.


Uh, American Legacy Humanitarian Awards.

You two are covering it.

Kara: Isn't that usually Ronda's thing?

Well, this year it'll be a little different.

Ronda's the one getting the award...

For her charity work.

It's the one where they, uh, build all those schools in Kenya.

It's like twice as big as Oprah's thing.

Yeah, the Ronda Sales New Hope Foundation.

That's it, yeah.

Thank you so much, Garrett.

Kara: Thanks.

Having me cover Ronda's story? Really?

The only two Black women in the whole place goin' for the same job.

Ronda was right.

They're trying to pit us against each other.

No surprises there.

If they want a rivalry, let's give 'em one.

What? We're gonna have a bitch slapping contest on live TV?

Look, if Garrett wants Mary Jane versus Ronda, we're gonna make sure you come out lookin' like the heroine and not the villain.

Okay, how?

Get to know Ronda's world.

Figure out what her weaknesses are.

I have been looking up to that woman since high school.

You've gotta look at this like it's an insurance policy.

I'm not a freakin' spy, Kara.

Mary Jane, just follow my lead. Trust me.

If you don't win, I don't win.

[knock at door]

Mary Jane, would you join me in my office for a moment?

I specifically chose you for the story.

I didn't realize that. Why?

Every position I've held, I've always been the only Black woman in front of the camera.

Not too long ago, I was practically the only Black woman in this entire building.

Hm, not much has changed.

They would never say it out loud, but the assumption is that there can only be one Black woman at the table.

Well, I think there's room for both of us.

I say, why don't we work together?

Why don't we get the network to see it, too?

What do you say?

Are you with me?

Yeah, I'm with you. Yeah.

So, what inspired you to start the New Hope Foundation?

Yeah, I'm just doing what any woman in my position would do, you know?

I'm sure you have a cause that's close to your heart.

To be honest, my whole family is a charity case, so...

I've had my hands full with them the past few years.

If you are interested in getting your hands dirty on a really great charity, what you need is to find someone with boots on the ground, someone, you know, you can really trust.

I should put you in touch with Corey Blanchard, yes.

Oh, my God. He can give you a feel for what it's like to do the day-to-day operations.

He is the president and CEO of my charity.

He is loyal, he's a visionary, he is whip smart, and he is as trustworthy as they come.

Bring him in for an interview.

Oh, he looks great on camera.

Is that so?


Well, thank you, Ronda.

You're welcome, Mary Jane.

So, I was burning my way through Wharton Business School, Ronda was a rising star at ABC, and I had a little bit of a fanboy moment.

I wrote her a letter and a few days later, she responded to me, personally, and offered me an internship at her newly-founded charity.

And $77 million in charitable donations later, you went from intern to CEO.

But I've gotta ask? Why so much money?

Each school in Kenya comes with a $10 million price tag.

What do you get for that amount?

I'll send over the renderings.

Well, it was really great meeting you, and I appreciate you coming on the show to chat.

The pleasure was all mine, and if you have any additional questions...

I've got one, actually.

What made Ronda decide on Kenya?

Because I've spoken to a lot of people that worked there and they said that it's very difficult to do good work because of the political corruption.


It's the cornerstone of our business.

I assure you... we only work with honest, straightforward people.


Again, we appreciate your time.

You really put him on the defensive.

I was just trying to help.

Those eyes of his have probably kept him from answering tough questions his entire life.

Oh, damn, Joseph lover?

Oh, boy, more like Joseph kid.

"I haven't had time to help Max with his history project."

Listen, I was thinking with the gala maybe if we get done early enough, we could, um...


I'd have time to call him, okay?

I'll see you later.

Yeah, sure.

I know. My stylist went just a little bit overboard.

She loves dressing me for award dinners.

Overboard is an understatement.

How do you even choose?

Well, honey, you're gonna have to.


All your size.

Oh, Ronda...

Ronda: [laughing]

Oh, wow...


Hm, no sequins. Unh-unh, that's shiny equals showy.

Why don't you get a little matte fabric.

That's more relaxed and congenial.


Ah, green.

That screams healthy, youthful, but inexperienced.

No, no, no, no.


But it also is the color of money.

And in a room full of millionaires, I'd hate for anyone to think of me as their property.

Oh, you understand there's more to preparing for an interview than just jotting down questions.

Good girl.

Let me see. Let me see. Let me see.

Elegant, eye-capturing.

That's a winner.

Make sure your date wears a black tie.

It's so much easier for men.

$12 crisps?

These had better be gold-plated.

You know what I could go for right now?



Your first-born, please.

Oh, hell, no. No, movie theater popcorn, you know, with a bunch of butter.

What's the difference?


Okay, if you don't know the difference, it's not even worth explaining.

This is silly.

Are you writing a joke about me?

Let me see.


Ah! Look at your cute little "nekkid" ass.

Nekkid? Don't you mean naked?

No, naked is when you don't have any clothes on.

Nekkid is when you don't have any clothes on, and you're up to no good.

But naked means exposed, baring your soul for all to see.

You're supposed to be funny, not philosophical.

Have you not seen movies from the UK?

No, afraid not.

Put your clothes on.

What? Why? Where are we going?

We are gonna get you naked.

So, are we early or, um, does this movie just suck?

It starts in an hour.


So, I figured we could spend some actual time together, you know, talking.


So, what's the movie about?

Oh, it's, uh... it's about this girl, she meets an anonymous guy, takes him home one night for a sex fantasy.

It turns out she wanted him to say, "I love you."

Yeah, yeah, I think I saw that trailer.

Uh, it was called "The Drunken Mess."

Well, it had some redeeming qualities, you know?


An epic romance with a dashing British-Nigerian lead.

Oh, tell me more about him.

Oh, he's a real Idris Elba type.





He's charming, he's funny.

He's a good father... To a boy and a girl.

Aiden and Katherine.

They're 12 and 14.

They live with their mom in London.


Why didn't you tell me about them?

It's been pretty hard to get a word in edgewise when you've spent the last couple of days with my head between your legs.

Right. There was that.


Okay, uh... huh.

So, what's up with you and their mom?

We never married. Co-parenting, you know?

Still friends.

So, why would you move across the pond, if your family's back there?

[sighing] That's a good question.

I, uh, turned it down the first three times my agent asked me.

Because of your kids.


But I got a bit of success in England, which I'm grateful for, but...

I wanted new mountains to climb.

And New York is certainly that.

It felt like the right time to be visiting as well.

The kids are at boarding school and not finding me in the least bit funny anymore.

Plus, I've always wanted to sample real American life, and American food, American women.

What about you?

Why did you move to New York?

You know, the same.

Right, not enough American women for you in Atlanta.

Are you okay... with me having kids?

No, I love kids.

So, uh, I have this really fancy awards dinner for work.

It's gonna be a bunch of old, rich, White, stuffy people.

I can absolutely sense that.

Would you like to come?


Old, rich, White people, they love me.

It's the accent.

I put on a black tie...

I remind them of the butler they always wanted.

Niecy: Where's the rest of it?

Oh, that's the full amount minus legal fees.

Uh, detailed accounting is available here.

Your family had indicated that you were interested in setting up a trust.

Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna do that.

Dante: Niecy.

Is there a problem?

Um, just curious.

How much could I get in cash today?

Kara: Okay, so, the segment will be divided into three different parts...

The red carpet, the nominees, and...

I got you and your date moved to my table at the dinner.

You'll be sitting next to Corey.

Your boyfriend will be okay with that, right?

He'll be fine.

Corey gets along with everyone, except for agents.

Oh, God, your date's not an agent, is he?

No, he's a comedian, actually.


Oh, well, he makes a living doing that?

Yeah, enough to support a family in the UK while he's still here.




By the same woman.

They were never married...

Oh, I'm sure he'll have everyone laughing, dear.

[cell phone buzzing]

Idris here.

Mary Jane: [on phone] Hey, so, you know, I'm realizing that this charity event is probably gonna be so boring for you.

Are you sure you wanna come?

Listen, I grew up in the Church of England.

I'm a seasoned pro at boring, stuffy requirements.

Well, you know, I'm gonna be working a lot more than I thought, so, I don't, you know...

Mary Jane, what's up?

If you don't want me to come, just say so.

It's just... it's... it's a really big event for me, and I can't have any distractions.

Okay, well, I was looking forward to seeing you in more than your underwear for a second time, but... are you being real with me?

No, I'm being real.

Great. Okay.

Well, you can make it up to me another time.

Talk later.

All right.


Salesman: Take a look at this one over here.

It's really clean.

How many airbags does it have?

It actually has 10 airbags...

Dual front and side impact with overhead and knee as well as the rear side impact.

Okay, that's not bad for $13,000.

Salesman: Not bad at all.

What you think, Dante?

This is what I'm talking about.

Dante & Treyvion: [laughing]

See, Treyvion, isn't this cool?

Can a car seat even fit that thing?

Um, I've never been asked that before, but I'll check.

Dante: You like this car, little man?

Treyvion: Yes.

Dante: [laughs]

How much is this one?

Um, after taxes, fully loaded... $45,000.

But I could find something else more in your price range.

Dante: [imitates car zooming]

[laughs] I'll take it.

Dante: Yeah!

Treyvion: Yeah!

Dante: [laughing]

Are you excited?

Treyvion: Yeah.

Dante: [laughing] Woo!

Kara: Look at this.

Ronda's schools are right in the middle of w*rlord territory.

There is no way she is not paying someone off to operate.

That could be the cost of doing business in Africa, right?

Do you think Ronda knows about it?

Why? What are you thinking?

I'm thinking maybe you do some digging around at the awards ceremony.

It's not like they're gonna be thanking the warlords during their acceptance speech.

I'm serious. Get Lee to help you.

You know, use his comedic charm or something.

Lee's not gonna be going anymore.

What? Why?

Is that your suggestion or his?

Meet Lee's baby mama.

Kara: Oh?

Zoey Skye.

Kara: Wow.

Oh, she's got her own moccasin line?

Look at these. They're so cute.

Oh, so it was your choice.

He's got two kids already anyway.




He's a 40 year old man.

If he ain't got some kids and some hot exes, we'd be worried.

I guess I just don't think he'd be my Black Unicorn.

Oh, God, please.

I mean, besides, what would we tell our kids about how we met?

Oh, babies, daddy was horny and mama was a freak.

Eat your peas.

First of all, every story starts out that way, and, secondly, every parent knows you lie to your kids about two things...

Sex and Santa Claus.

See, Lee, he would tell them.

That's another problem.

He's open and honest.

So, he's real, emotionally available, good in bed, and a proven father figure?

Girl, you need to stay far away from that one.

Hell, yes, right? Don't you think so?

[siren wailing]

Mary Jane: And "Great Day USA" is excited to be a part of this inspiring event.

I'm Mary Jane Paul.

I bet you there's like three-quarters of the New York wealth in this room right now.

If the b*mb dropped, you could t*nk the economy.

*** rich folks patting each other on the back, girl.

Okay, grumpy, let's go. We've got work to do.
I would like you to meet my incredible family.

My husband Ellison.

Mary Jane: Hi.

Pleased to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

My daughters Dawn and Camille.

Camille will be attending Yale this Fall.

Oh, wow. It's great to meet you.

Mary Jane Paul, we know who you are.

With all of Ronda's bragging, I feel like I know you already.

I don't even know what to say.

Say you're liking your new job.

Ronda's delighted to have another woman like you on the show.

And we're gonna grab a drink.

[laughing] Come, darling.

Nice to meet you.

Bye, sweetie.

Ellison seems nice.

Oh, well, he knows talent when he sees it.


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


Darling, there are billions of dollars in this room...

And they all ain't married.

I can't say the thought has not crossed my mind.

Oh... it's probably a good thing the comedian couldn't come.

Tequila, please.


♪ I'm in over my head ♪
♪ I can't catch my breath ♪
♪ I'm slipping into the deep end ♪
♪ Feel the current within ♪
♪ I can't help, I give in ♪

♪ Darkness is sinking ♪
♪ Darkness is sinking me ♪

Guests: [applauding]

[classical string quartet music]

Mary Jane: Okay, seriously, though, there's no cameras around.

It's too good to be true.

I mean, you're secretly a Kenyan w*rlord, right?

Corey: [laughs]

You know, not everything in Africa is run by warlords.

Come on, you can tell me.

You've been asking me questions all night.

When's it my turn?

Well, I'm a journalist.

All right, what do you wanna know?

You just moved here, right?


Where are you living?

Hotel Verite.


Until I find something more permanent.

You should check out Ditmas Park.


In Brooklyn. Yeah.

A great place. I love it there.

A great place to raise a family.

Oh, you have a family.

No, not yet.

But when I do settle down, I damn sure am not gonna raise my family in Manhattan.


I've kind of fallen in love with the city.

All the lights, the action, the hustle.

Which is what everyone who's just moved here says.

Ouch. Okay, I'll check out Ditmas.

But I'm not, uh, I'm not in a rush to lose my turn-down service.

You know, I do a mean turn-down service, myself.


A little chocolate on the pillow and everything.



Kara: [silently]

Can you excuse me for just one second?

Where are you going?

I told you.

I have to go home and help Max with the report.

Too bad you wasted so much damn time playing Cinderella with that Andre 2.0.

I'm getting good intel.


Don't forget he runs Ronda's charity.

He's an enemy, Mary Jane.

You don't think you're taking this a little too personally?

You're the one that's getting all personal with her.

Because you told me to get personal with her to learn her weaknesses.

Not like that.

Ronda is a roadblock, Mary Jane.

She's not an ally. Come on.

She's Ronda f-in' Sales, Kara.

Oh, so what?

Come on, she's been fighting off b*tches like us longer than anyone in this business.

We... we could learn a lot from her.

Yeah, you know what?

I totally get your fascination with her because every time she talks, all I hear are your cliché little Post-It notes.

You just don't get it.

I'm not a Black woman?


Kara: [scoffs]

¿Sabes qué?

Tú hablas mucha mierda.

Mm-hm. Mm-hm.

I'm leaving. Yo me voy.

Adiós puta. ¡Adiós!

[heavy sigh]

Hey, G.

Patrick: Hey.

Aren't you supposed to get ready for bed?


What's this?

Let me see this one.

I haven't seen this before. Is it new?


Hm, where'd you get it from?



Uh, when did you see Dante?

When we were sitting in the red car that we drove in. Vroom!

Oh... okay.

Let me get you ready for bed.

All right, let's go.

Come on. Come on up.

Come to Granddad. [groans]

You're gettin' heavy.

Niecy: Hey.

When were you gonna tell me you were seeing Dante?


Look, Dante's been really steppin' it up these past few weeks.

His timing is questionable as you're just getting that settlement.

You know how hard it is...

Two kids with two different fathers.

Dante doesn't care.

He's just as cool with Treyvion as he is with Isabelle.

They don't need Dante. They have us.

And what if that's not enough?

You know, he ain't perfect, but Dante is good with those kids.

Please, don't tell Granddad and Grandma.

You know, if they find out...

Just promise me you won't give him any of the money.

I promise.

To the girls of Kenya, may you continue to be bastions of hope in the...

What did you say?

Ronda: [laughing] bastions of hope in the tempest of fear.

Oh, that was so good.

Thank you.

You wrote that yourself?

Ronda: [laughing]

Darling, I've been writing my own copy ever since my nomination as Davis Elementary hall monitor. Mm-hm.

Although, I just realized I missed something very important.

And, finally, I'd like to dedicate this award to a very special man by the name of Steve Pardini.

Steve, if you're out there listening, despite your best efforts, I win and you can kiss my voluptuous, multimillion dollar ass.

[kisses award]


Who is Steve Pardini?

A producer during my early days at Channel 5...

A young, White boy that didn't know his ass from his ankle.

But he was a whiz at putting the blame on me.

It was my first, and last time, ever getting fired from a job.

I know that story all too well.

You have a Steve Pardini?


And he is not worth the story.

Oh, now, come out with it.

Unh-unh. Unh-unh.

Come on.

Justin Talbot.

CNN, a Black man, and this brother told me that he had my back.

What I didn't realize is that meant stabbing me in my back and then walking over my dead body.

Wow, and now you're a correspondent on one of America's top-rated morning shows.

I'd say Justin Talbot, he did you a favor.

Here's to Steve and to Justin.

[glasses clink]

Ellison: Babe?

They're kickin' us out.

Yes, darling. I'll be right there.

I have to know.


Whatever became of Steve Pardini?

Selling lawn furniture off the Garden State Parkway.


Are you ladies still here?

I'm waiting for my Uber.

You know, uh, maybe Corey can do something to fix that.

Goodnight, you two.

Hm... [chuckling]

Well, I'm not one to disobey my boss.

We couldn't have that.

Ah, the hotel with the infamous turn-down service.

Ah, yes, home sweet home. Do you like it?

Corey: I love it.

Mary Jane: [laughing]


Um, can you excuse me for just one second?

Corey: Yeah, of course.

What are you doing here?

Lee: I left my notepad in your room.

Since you weren't responding to your texts, I thought I'd check if the concierge would let me in.

The problem is I totally forgot my token White friend at home, so, no go.

I'm sorry, I was working.

Yeah, I can see that.

That your driver? Did you tip him?

Because it looks like he's waiting for something.

I should have known an Old Spice man was your type.

First of all, you wouldn't know what my type is, and second of all, we never said we were exclusive.

Fair enough. I just...

The girl I met in the comedy club that night seemed like she wanted more.

Maybe you didn't really know that girl that well.

Can't argue with you there.

You certainly are a riddle, Mary Jane.

Maybe that's what makes it so intoxicating.

I'm a riddle?


A woman so magnetic, millions of people watch you on TV, and so... broken she pleads for love with a perfect stranger.

But from where I'm standing, her life looks pretty damn good to me.

Yet she's running from the things she wants most.

The question is why?

You know, I'm done trying to figure you out.

Are you all right?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Yeah.

Are you sure?

I'm sorry about that.

Oh, it's no problem. Don't worry about it.

So, how about we grab that drink?

How about we save that drink for another time?

I had a lovely evening. Thank you.

It was my pleasure.


[cell phone buzzing]




Kara: Just 'cause we're splitting a cab doesn't mean we have to talk.


Look, I'm still in this.

Come on.

This is what's known as an olive branch.

Did you sleep with Corey?



I didn't.

But I can't ignore that Corey might be my Black Unicorn just because he's connected to Ronda.

There is no such thing as black unicorns.

He makes good money, has a steady job, and his own place in Ditmas Park.

The brother's got a little cash.

Did you... did you just say Ditmas Park?

Hello, and he has a back yard.

Do you wanna see?

What? Yes.

Oh, you pulled it up already.

Oh, my gosh.


Look, there's two listings here.

Does he have another place on the Upper East Side?

No, no, that... that has to be a mistake.

He said he hated Manhattan.

There's a Claire Davenport listed on the Manhattan property.

Maybe an ex-wife?

He's never been married.

Oh, boy.

I don't like where this is going.

You don't wanna see this?


He lied, right?

Girl, this shit is bigger than I thought.

What? What's going on?

It all makes sense now.

This brownstone sold for $5,374,920.

Now look how much this Sawyer Holdings LLC, whatever that is, charged for building one of the unfinished schools.

The same exact amount.

Okay, so that's not a coincidence.


Wait, how did you figure this out so fast?

Girl, because when you're going through a divorce, you know where to find this stuff, that's why.

Okay, so, if they spent this money on the property, couldn't it just be like a, I don't know, the local office for the charity?

So, how come it's not showing up in the financials?

And why have we never heard of Claire Davenport?

[typing on keyboard]

Please, Lord, be a wrinkly old grandma.

Oh, yeah, that's definitely not a wrinkly old grandma.

So, Corey's been stealing money from African orphans to pay for Becky with the brownstone.


He said he was single.

He was supposed to be single.


Don't... don't even do it.

Don't say "I told you so."

I'm not... I'm not saying a word.

You know there's only one way to know for sure, right?

Oh, no, I know that look.

Don't you get crazy, Mary Jane.

Listen to me... there's a smarter way to handle this.


MJ, listen to me.

Wait! Stop it! Hold on one second!

MJ, wait a minute!

I've done this before.

Yeah, my point, exactly.

It's frickin' crazy.

[siren wailing]

Oh, oh, wait a minute.

Oh, my God...

Oh, no, no, shit.

Kara: Corey isn't stealing from the charity for his model girlfriend, Ellison is.

You know what?

I bet you he's using Corey to help with this.

No, no, we don't know that.

It doesn't matter, 'cause we've gotta blow this thing open and let the pieces fall where they may.

No, if Ronda finds out...

If Ronda finds out?

No, no, no, no. Listen to me.

We are calling Garrett like now.

Wait. Let's make sure our information is airtight.

Then we go to Garrett first thing in the morning, before the piece airs.

We're trying to get a little dirt on Ronda, not trying to ruin her life, okay?


All right, fine, but we go to Garrett first thing, I'm telling you right now. [sighing]

Do you think he's gonna sh**t the messengers?

Are you kidding me?

He's lucky it was us and not "60 Minutes."

At least this way, Garrett can control the story.

What do you think he's gonna do?

I don't know, but there'll be an investigation, and do you know what?

Ronda can't sit in that anchor chair if she is at the center of a controversy, can she?

Good morning. Come on in, darling.

I wanted to tell you you did a marvelous job on the segment.

Thank you.

Oh, we make a good team, you and I, and I was thinking, you know, I have some story ideas I think you would be great for.

I'm gonna call Garrett today.

Ronda, there's something I have to tell you.

Thirty-one years... for the past 31 years... we promised each other we'd share everything.

I suspected there was another woman.

But never this.

I'm so sorry.

I built that charity from nothing.

It was my brand.

Now it's poisoned.

I understand that you... you have to tell Garrett. [clears throat]

The segment can't air.

This is not how I wanted it to happen.

I'm sorry.

Do what you have to do, Mary Jane.

[knocking on door] Ready?

Ronda: [on air] We're celebrating New York's...

Garrett, we have to cut the talking award segment.

Why? It's great.

Because we've discovered...

Man: Ronda's going off script.

Ronda: Before we move on to the next segment, there's something I need to say.

To the network, my business associates, my family, and my trusted friends, this morning, I learned that an associate that I trusted with running my charity has been embezzling money.

Mary Jane: She's gonna put this on Corey?

Garrett: You've gotta be kidding me.

I'm incredibly sorry for the oversight and I take full responsibility.

She got ahead of it.



Did you two have something to do with this?

Effective immediately, I will be stepping down from the charity board and a third party will be put in charge of all future operations.

I urge the public to please do not lose faith in an organization that has done so much good for the young girls in Kenya.

And not to let one man sully the invaluable work we intended to do in the future.

I thank you so very much for your time.

Now Natalie will fill us in on the rest of the details.

Garrett: [sighing]

So, when did you tell her? This morning?

Kara, she mentored me, okay?

She let me into her world.

I wasn't just gonna let her whole world blow up without telling her first.

I brought you into my world, Mary Jane, me.

I got you this damn job.

It's out there. The whole world knows.

She is ruined.

That's what you wanted, right?

You know what?

Next time you decide to make a decision on my behalf, have the decency to loop me in, okay?

Kara. Kar...

Corey, Corey, I am so sorry.

I had no idea that Ronda...

Put me under the bus?

It's cool. Don't worry about it.

But you're gonna face charges.

Yeah, and I'll take the plea.

Minimal probation time. No jail time.

Then I'll just go overseas and manage Ronda and Ellison's account in St. Croix.

Ronda cut you a deal.

You agreed to take the fall for her and her husband.

When Ronda offers you a deal, you take it.

She's not somebody you wanna mess with.

♪ I didn't mean to hurt us ♪
♪ Just the thought I'd cry now ♪
♪ Love you never hurt us ♪
♪ To be this kind of hurter ♪
♪ Hurter ♪
♪ Live and do right ♪
♪ Try to lead a good life ♪
♪ But we go on that dark side ♪
♪ Just hope to make it feel right ♪
♪ Feel right ♪
♪ No love no love ♪


The MC from the comedy club told me I might find you here.

And I wanted to return this to you.

Yeah, I bought a new one.

You can keep it.

Can we talk?

You want to talk?


♪ Black out the sunlight ♪

All right.

It turns out you were right.

From the outside, it does look like I was dealt a winning hand, but I...

I've played it wrong.

If you wanna know what my type is, scoundrels, really.

Liars and cheats. I've dated them all.

But there are merits to those relationships, right?

Because I get to be the perfect one and they are always the problem, you know?

I'm never seen and I'm never checked, and then here you come with all your probing questions [sighing]

I mean, I put a lot of work into putting this facade together.

My own whole family has bought into it.

And it just feels like one look from you and the whole thing can just... come tumbling down.

So, when I see you, Lee, I run, and I keep running.

But it's so lonely.

I'm so tired.

So, stop running.

Take a risk.

What's in it for you?

The answer to a riddle...

A complicated American woman.

My complicated American woman.

Will you forgive me?

I forgive you.

Got it. Okay.


I've gotta go.

What the hell is going on?

What do you mean?

Him. What is he doing here?

Kara: What are you talking about?

Mary Jane: Justin Talbot from CNN.

Justin as in got you fired Justin assh*le Talbot?

Oh, my God, what is he doing here?

I don't know. But I'm about to find out.

What are you doing here?

I'm your senior producer.

Producer here?

When Ronda Sales calls and invites you on the biggest morning show in the country... you answer.