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03x12 - The Detour

Posted: 01/16/17 01:22
by bunniefuu
Commander (over radio): All teams in position.

Team One, you are clear to move in.

Rex Mayfield! Federal agents!

Rex Mayfield!

(expl*si*n, agents shouting)

Commander: Men down!

Request immediate medical assistance.

Repeat, multiple men down! We got movement out back!

Cover back!

(a*t*matic g*nf*re)

It's a beautiful day, boys.

We're all part of the Prophecy.

Isn't that glorious?

Elizabeth: Okay, any final thoughts or concerns on the West Africa trip?


I'm just not seeing it.

Seeing what?

The point of the trip.

The trip that leaves in two hours?

Nadine: You mean beyond funding clean-energy partnerships with Nigeria and Senegal that will bring millions of Africans electricity?

Thus bolstering two of the most dynamic nations in the region?

Not to mention locking in education and employment initiatives for women and girls.

Which is key to transforming developing economies.

Matt: So... you're not seeing the point of that?

This is the first trip of the new administration.

Indeed, of Dalton's new Independent party.

There are a lot of eyes on this.

Which is why we're going to Africa.

It has the youngest and fastest-growing population on Earth.

Africa is literally the future.

Sure. But right now?

Congress only gave us a third of the money we asked for.

There's a good chance we could go all the way there and not succeed.

And also, you hate to fly.

That's not it.

That's mostly not it.

Nadine: So your concern, Daisy, is by going with such fanfare, if we were to come up short, it could do a great deal of harm.

To the administration.

And, frankly, to our long-term goals in Africa.

I hear you, but diplomacy is all about representing American values and interests face-to-face.

Sometimes you just have to get on the plane. Let's go.

Even if it's a broken-down plane that was never designed for transcontinental flight.

Shut up. You're not even going.

Which I'm super glad about.

Oh, Daisy, don't listen to him. It's gonna be fun.

Famous last words.

And dinner's served.

(silly high voice): Oh, gee, Dad, enchiladas.

Our favorite. Thanks. You're the best, Dad.

(normal voice): Oh, that's okay, kids.

It makes it all worthwhile...

Okay. All right.

...just having dinner with you.

Oh, hi. Hi.

Okay, fine.


Look, isn't this nice?

No electronics, a little human conversation.

Let's try to keep it going for the seven minutes it's gonna take us to wolf down our enchiladas.

(cell phone ringing)

You were saying?

All right, okay. Oh, sorry.

I've got to take this.


Dr. McCord, it's Marguerite Sanchez from the FBI.

Deputy Director Sanchez, what can I do for you?

We apprehended a suspect today whom we believe is responsible for building the b*mb that was used in the attack at the coffee shop in Illinois.

Yeah, I saw that on the news.

I think you may have some knowledge and expertise that could be helpful to our investigation.

How so?

I prefer to discuss it in person.

Okay, uh, I can clear some time on my schedule tomorrow morning.

I'll be at your house in five minutes.

This is our guy, Rex Mayfield.

He built the b*mb that Atif Al-Mutaya detonated in Illinois?

They met in an !sis chat room and made the deal on the Dark Web.

The b*mb was fairly sophisticated.

Evidence discovered in Mayfield's barn links him strongly to that b*mb.

Did he have any prior ties to !sis, or is he self-radicalized?

That's one of the things we're hoping you can help us with.

So far, he's not really saying much that's useful.

Well, look, I would be happy to help, but you must have experts better qualified in Islamic extremism.

He also has ties to another radical group you're very familiar with.

The Covenant of John?

I haven't heard that name in a while.

Apparently, he's one of the survivors of the raid on their compound in Bolivia.

Yeah, I almost wasn't.

We're hoping your experience with the group can provide some insight into why a former member of a Christian doomsday cult is selling bombs to !sis.

Wait. Bombs? Plural?

When we raided his compound this morning, we found evidence that Mayfield recently built a b*mb even larger than the one he sold to Al-Mutaya.

We don't know where it is or who may have it.

We need him to tell us before it goes off.

Elizabeth: Science, technology, engineering, math.

What do all these fields have in common?

Well, for starters, they were my favorite subjects in school.

And I bet they're yours, too.

(assents, applause)

They're also subjects that, as more than one adult told me, weren't really the right ones for a girl to care about.

And I bet maybe somebody said the same thing to you, right?

So it's a good thing we didn't listen, right?

All: Yeah.

Instead, you guys came here from all over Africa...

Togo to Tanzania, Mozambique to Morocco... to learn and to make new friends.

Let me tell you about why I love math.

When I was 15, I lost my parents in a car accident, and school became my refuge.

Especially math.

Because math... math is elegant.

Math is fun.

And in a chaotic world, math made sense.

Well, maybe not calculus.


So when someone tells you that math isn't for girls, or when someone calls you a nerd, they don't know it, but they're paying you a compliment.

Because, believe me, your passion for these fields will take you places more incredible than you'd ever dreamed.

And for me, this is one of those places.

So it is an honor to be here with you today.

Thank you. And I am looking forward to talking with you guys about your projects.



See? Not so bad.

So far, so good.


(cell phone chimes)

Looks like you spoke too soon.

Madam Secretary, I have some bad news.

Elizabeth: President Diome, all of the leg work on the solar farm has been done.

Why on earth would you turn around and give the contract to the Chinese?

They offered us better terms.

Let me guess, no money down in exchange for exclusive rights to your, what, titanium reserves?

The oil and gas fields recently discovered off our coast, actually.

Susan: China's been making these deals all over Africa.

They rarely work out well for the host nation.

You know that.

The Chinese will import their own workers to build the solar farm, and then, most likely, they won't train local engineers to maintain it once they're gone.

So you're looking at five years max of actual use in exchange for decades of unfavorable terms on the oil field.

Yes, but Senegal is booming.

We're building an entirely new city outside of our capital.

We need electricity today.

China can offer that.

Susan: You're right, Senegal is booming.

That is why the United States wants to invest in diversifying your economy and your workforce.

Then why didn't your Congress fund the project fully?

Foreign Minister Chen assured me that China has no such problems with cash flow.

When did you speak with Minister Chen?

He came to town yesterday.

Elizabeth: Not only did Minister Chen undercut our deal at the last minute, he chose to do so in a very public and embarrassing way.

So he... he trolled us?

Arguably tried to Bigfoot us.

I believe the correct diplomatic term is he "pantsed" us.

Can I use that quote for the media?

Because the gaggle's already wondering what the hell's going on.

What's going on is China is sending a message that they are a bigger player in Africa than we are, regardless of whether what they're up to is actually beneficial in the long term.

Call the advance team. Fire up the jet.

Chen knows our itinerary. We have to beat him to Nigeria.

Let's move. Nobody pantses America.

I know a guy at the Department of Transportation.

Ironically, he never goes anywhere.

Good for him.

The secretary needs to brief the gaggle.

Susan: Nigeria's a giant in the energy sector, but they're losing out in manufacturing and human capital due to their lack of electrification.

That's the case we need to make.


Is it time for you to tell me you told me so?


But I do think you should go back and speak to the gaggle.

They want answers about the change of plans.

I-I'm just a little busy here.

Let's-let's do it tonight in Abuja, okay?

Yes, ma'am. No problem.

Woman: Daisy, why can't the secretary just come talk to us herself?

She's 20 feet away.

Believe it or not, Pilar, the secretary of state has other things to do than talk to you, lovely as you all are.

Go ahead, Ethan.

Shouldn't the secretary have anticipated that China might try to undercut her initiatives, especially when the funding she received from Congress is so far below what she asked for?

Actually, Ethan, the secretary is confident that both her visit and the initiatives that were launched will be highly successful, because they're doing something...

All right, everyone, uh, great talk.

I will address the rest of your questions later.

Thank you. Bye.

What the hell was that?

Turbulence, right?

Tell me that was turbulence.

Mechanical failure.

Not funny.

I'm not kidding.

Daisy: Oh, God.

Stewardess (over P.A.): Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has requested that you return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts.

So, um, here's the thing, listen, we kind of lost an engine.

That's not good at all.

We're gonna make an emergency landing in Togo.

But the thing is, Daisy, we're not gonna die. Come on.

The odds of us dying in a crash are 11 million to one.

That's slightly lower than getting k*lled by lightning, but admittedly higher than being k*lled by a falling coconut.

But, look, the point is, the chances of us dying in a crash are astronomically improbable.

We're gonna be fine.

(gasps, then groans)

Daisy: No offense, ma'am, uh, that would all be much more comforting to a math major, so if you don't mind, I'm just gonna close my eyes now.



You're going to prison for the rest of your life.

But if you tell us where the other b*mb is, we can take death off the table.

Oh, I'd argue death has a mind of its own.

Where's the other b*mb, Rex?

(over speaker): Don't know.

But like you, I'm all atwitter to find out.

You said you built the bombs to bring about the prophecy.

Which prophecy is that?

Rex: Well, that would be the final battle between the Crusaders and the Faithful on the plains of Dubuque.

And what have you.

Dubuque, Iowa?

Dabiq, Syria.

Sanchez: Henry McCord, Special Agent Mohammed Maloof, Counter-Terrorism.

Great to meet you, Dr. McCord. Familiar with your work.

You can call me Mo.

Henry, please.

Dabiq is a town in northern Syria that devout members of !sis believe will be the site of the final battle with the West that will usher in the apocalypse.

So why did he mispronounce it?

Is he joking or ignorant?

Either or both.

After listening to him talk all night, I'm not convinced he's a particularly devoted convert to Islam.

Sanchez: But does that necessarily mean he wouldn't give a second b*mb to !sis?

What's up, Mo?

Now we're still mapping Mayfield's communications, but he seems to have tried to reach out to a few other Covenant of John survivors.


What about known Islamic State operatives or sympathizers?

After Al-Mutaya, none.

Sanchez: If the first b*mb was for them, odds are the second is too.

Then I'm curious why he would contact members of his old cult.

So am I.

(plane engine running)

Blake: Thanks, Scott, we owe you one.

Yeah, all right, thanks, talk to you soon.

All right, the good news is the Ops Center got us all booked on a commercial flight to Nigeria on Air Abuja.

That's an airline?

What's the bad news?

Uh, yes, the bad news is it leaves in 20 minutes from the opposite end of the terminal.

Then we better hustle. We ready?


Susan: Yeah.

Elizabeth: Okay, let's go.

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.

(softly): Okay.

(band plays "The Star-Spangled Banner")



Come on.

Yeah, we're gonna miss that flight.

President Fabre: Madam Secretary, welcome to Togo.

Mr. President, what-what a pleasure to be here.

Thank you.

It will be my great honor to show you the sights of Lomé, Oh. our beautiful capital city.

Please come with me.


He knows this isn't an official state visit, right?

It is now.

So let me understand: the secretary of state is on an extremely high-profile, official trip, and you're telling me that the soonest you can get her plane fixed is next week?

Major Farkis: Affirmative.

Because the replacement part is being held in reserve for another plane which might go down but hasn't?


Surely, Major Farkis, you can see that makes no sense.



Right, it makes negative sense.

I'm glad you agree.

Ma'am, the issue is that the high compressor drum requires special MHE before we reroute it to the APOE.

I've pulsed the AMC for guidance.

Why can't these people speak English?

'Cause then we could understand what they're saying.

I hate the Pentagon so much.

Major Farkis, what I believe you are saying to me, with all these ridiculous acronyms, is that it's a really big part and it would be very hard to move it.

I've pulsed the AMC for guidance.

Haven't we all?

One last question, Major.

Your commanding officer is Colonel McKay, correct?


Okay, well, I'm just gonna go ahead and pulse him.

Thank you, Major.

Over and out.

I don't think you say "over and out" to end a phone call.

It felt right.

Get your things, we're going to the Pentagon.


President Fabre: As you can see, Madam Secretary, our nation has a rich history.

It's very impressive.

Ah, but our future will be even more impressive.

Wait until you see our new telecommunications center.

Ooh, uh, President Fabre, would you excuse me just for one second?

Of course.

Oh, gosh, this is...

Blake: Isn't this beautiful?

.. this is really beautiful.

This a nice one? Yes.

What's up?

There's a flight that leaves to Nigeria in one hour.


But there are only four seats available.

Oh, less great.

In coach.

Not great at all, but we'll deal.


Susan: Four seats. That's you, and a minimum detail of two Diplomatic Security agents, and Blake.

Daisy and I will bring the gaggle as soon as we can.

Wait, wait, ma'am.


They're already smelling blood in the water, now you want me to spend the night in Togo while you jet off to Nigeria?

They're gonna mutiny.

Well, I know it stinks, Daisy...

Admire the statue.

Just admire the statue.

And on top of everything else, Minister Chen is probably already in Nigeria eating our lunch.


Speaking of lunches, did we have lunch?

We did not have lunch.

No wonder I want lunch.

Look, stop saying "lunch."

Look, Daisy, part of your job is to take the hits, okay?

So I need you to cover my ass while Blake and I make a run for this plane, okay? Thank you.

Yes, absolutely, ma'am.

Mr. President, regrettably, I have to take my leave.

But Assistant Secretary Thompson and my spokeswoman, Daisy Grant, are very much looking forward to visiting that telecommunications center.

You have been such a gracious host.

Oh, no, the pleasure was all mine.

Oh, well, thank you so much.

Oh, God bless Togo.

Okay, thank you.

Thank you.


Where is the secretary going, Daisy?

Ethan, isn't the more relevant question, where is Togo going?

No, that's an absurd question.

And we're gonna find out some pretty exciting answers on the next stop on our tour, okay?


This is nice. It's cozy.

Agent Matt: Well, just to remind you, ma'am, we won't have secure comms until we reach your motorcade in Abuja.

So we're off the grid.

Flying blind into an unpredictable situation.


Hey, that's diplomacy, right?

At least we're finally gonna get something to eat.

Blake: Ma'am, I am so sorry, it turns out they are not serving a meal, even though it clearly stated so on our tickets.

All they have are peanuts or plantain chips.

Thanks, Blake.

Yeah, okay.

Matt, I'm sorry, could I just... ?

You know what? Stay where you are, I'll come over.


Ooh! Sorry.


Agent Matt: Oh, okay.


Uh, hair.

Sorry. Okay.

You know, I actually think it's a good thing that we're flying commercial.


How so, ma'am?

'Cause it sends the message that the United States isn't hung up on the trappings of power.


Because we have the power of our ideas.


China's trying to flex its muscles in Nigeria and we're gonna have to deal with that, but everybody knows it takes real strength to be humble.

Yes, ma'am.

(relieved sigh)

Are you gonna eat those?

(quietly): Starving.

Thank you so much.

As I've already stated, the nearest replacement component for the secretary's plane is at...

Nadine: Is at Aviano Air Base in Italy, yes.

And it's being held in reserve for...

Another plane that might need it but doesn't.

Nadine: Colonel, I'm sure you get as frustrated with those cheapskates in Congress as I do.

Goodness sakes, they won't even give the secretary of state a plane that's designed for trans-continental flight.

Of course it's going to break down.

But now America looks bad.

So why don't you do me this favor, and let's help the secretary get back to doing America's business?

I can be a very good person to know in this town.

Unfortunately, ma'am, the Air Force doesn't run on favors.

My hands are tied.

So, if that'll be all...

Interesting fact: State Department officials actually carry equivalent military ranks.

Guess what mine is.


Colonel, like me.

Not even close.

Matt: Although, technically, I think, I'm a full-bird colonel.

Ha, look at that.

A full-bird colonel.

You don't even outrank the speechwriter.

(quietly): You don't have to say "even".

I am, in fact, a major general.

As such, I'm giving you a direct order: sign those forms and get that part from Italy to Togo today.

Do you read me, Colonel?

Those ranks aren't part of the actual chain of command.

Oh, well, is that right?

Well, you know who might settle that for us, is the commander-in-chief. May I borrow your phone please?

I will get the part for you, ma'am, ASAP.

Then we're done here.

Good day, Colonel.

Good day.
We've been offline for two hours.

And we're a half-day behind Chen.

With any luck, the Nigerians will remember all of our support on HIV/AIDS and Ebola.

And malaria, and counter-terrorism.

They know who their friends are.

Or not.

Madam Secretary.



The Nigerians really rolled out the red carpet.

Welcome to Abuja.

Thank you.

Madam Ambassador, thank you.

Apologies for the small reception, ma'am.

Uh, apparently President Akinagbe had some urgent business to attend to.

Is there any chance we're still all set for the announcement about the wind power project?

About that...

I wanted to get in touch earlier, but since you were flying commercial, you lacked secure...

Secure comms, yeah.

I'm sensing there's been a hiccup.

You're not going to believe this.

Oh, I bet I will.

And this is our room for secure comms.

You can contact Foggy Bottom or the secretary safely from here.

Excellent. Thank you, Darren.

And this is also where you'll be sleeping tonight.


Uh... what?

Yeah. See the thing is, there's a big soccer tournament in town, and all the hotels are booked up, and there is literally not a single room available in all of Lomé. I am so sorry.

We've been traveling for 20 hours straight.

Can't we stay at the ambassador's residence?

You could, but his kids have the stomach flu, so...

We picked a really bad time to crash-land in Togo, huh?

Okay, where do I put the press traveling with us?

The Ops Center is into it, but... they're kind of on their own.

These people are tough. A lot of them have covered w*r zones.

Which is where I'll be when I tell them they don't have a place to sleep tonight.

They'll be fine. Take a deep breath.

This trip is coming off the rails, Susan, just like I said it would.


So, a trip to Africa turned out to be complicated.

Congratulations, Nostradamus.

You didn't see it coming.

Really? That's where you want to take this?


So... should I have your luggage brought up here or...?

Yeah. Why not?

That'll be fine.

Jenny Bach?


I'm Special Agent Maloof from the FBI, And this is...

I remember you... from Bolivia.

Henry. I'm glad you made it out okay.

Yeah, from a doomsday cult right back to my parents' guest room.

I am totally crushing this life thing.

I guess... this is about Rex.

I saw him on the news.

Come on in.

Thank you.

Thank you.

How well do you remember Rex?

Well, we spent every waking hour together in the mountains of Bolivia praying for the end of the world, so, you know, pretty well.

He tried calling your old phone number several times.

Look, I don't want anything to do with those people, okay?

I have a job. I can finally sleep again.

Don't worry. We're just talking.

So, what do you think Rex wants?

Probably nothing good.

He was a weird guy.


Did he really make a b*mb for !sis?

Does that surprise you?

The !sis part, yeah. The b*mb part, no.

You don't think he'd convert to Islam?

Rex was hard-core into the Covenant, the end-times prophecy, the rapture to come, all that stuff, even more than the reverend.

And the b*mb?

I mean, those !sis types want to blow up the world, and that was definitely on Rex's agenda.

Henry: But not on Reverend Finch's.

He thought the Covenant should welcome the apocalypse, but not cause it.

Yeah, well, that's where Rex and the reverend disagreed.

He thought we should follow Revelation:

"Go your ways and pour out the vials..."

"Pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth."

If you remember anything else, please give us a call.

Um... Henry?

Uh, my parents had to take out a double mortgage on this house to get me deprogrammed... and, uh, I lost custody of my daughter.

My life's, like, a complete disaster...

...but still, I am so glad to have it back.

So, thank you.

You're welcome.

Whatever Rex is doing... stop him.

(indistinct chatter, laughter)

Elizabeth: Wait here.

Foreign Minister Chen.

Madam Secretary, welcome to Nigeria.

A word?

Ming, if you're trying to send me a message, you don't have to follow me all over Africa.

Why, you could have just called.

I'm simply offering Senegal and Nigeria competitive deals...


...for the benefit of both parties.

So, they get a wind farm, you get 100-year leases on oil and gas.

Sounds fair.

At least they get the wind farm... instead of empty promises and hypocritical lecturing from western countries who have undermined Africa for centur...

The United States is trying very hard to turn the page, and be a force for constructive engagement.

Cleaner energy, economic diversification and greater transparency, educating and empowering women and girls.

Spare me your idealism.

More importantly, spare Africa.

I lived through the Cultural Revolution.

My father was not so lucky.

Idealism kills.

Mutual interests save lives.

I'm sorry about your father.

I lost my parents young, too.

Yes, I know.

I'm... sorry as well.

Oh, damn it.

Now we're gonna have to start seeing each other as human beings.

Can you just imagine what we could accomplish if we worked together?

Don't pretend your interests are so pure, Madam Secretary.

I heard about your little detour to Togo.

Our plane broke down.

It was an emergency landing.


Yes, really. Togo wasn't even on our itinerary.

Why would I lie about having to land there?

Even if I were to believe that the world's most powerful diplomat would travel in a run-down plane...


...which I do not... how do you explain the fanfare President Fabre gave you at the airport?

Fine. Believe whatever you want.

I will.

Namely, that more phosphate has been discovered in Togo, and a U.S. company plans to mine it.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a celebration to return to.

By all means.

It was nice chatting with you.

So, he actually believes we're here to strike a deal, and not because our crappy plane broke down?

Apparently, but the good news is, we can use this.

To do what?

Actually accomplish something positive on this trip.

Just sit tight, I'll see you soon.

All right.

Blake, wake up.

We're going back to Togo.



I am so sorry that I had to leave before I got a chance to meet with you and-and see your project back in Senegal.

But... what do you have here?

Madam Secretary, as you know, open-flame cooking has negative health effects for women and the environment, but solar cookers were not readily available, so we did research on the Internet and designed our own, out of material available here in Togo.



We would like to present you, a proud fellow nerd...


(girls laugh)

...with our prototype.

Wow. Thank you. That is... that is so... nerd cool.

(laughter) I can't even tell you.

Thank you very much.

I will... I'll send you pictures of the first meal that I cook with it.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

Excellent job.

Can we take picture?

Of course.

Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you.

Two visits in as many days.

I'm honored, Madam Secretary, but I must confess, a bit surprised.

Mr. President.


I came back to discuss a deal with you that could bring significant investment to Togo.

Might even provide jobs for them one day.

That would be wonderful... but U.S., historically, has avoided investing heavily in Togo.

Why the change?

You notice I didn't say, "significant American investment."

Uh-huh. Now I am officially intrigued.

You want responsible foreign investment that lifts up the Togolese people.

So do we.

China wants to beat us by outspending us in Africa.


I think there might be a way we can all get what we want.


Hopefully, they'll buy what the secretary's selling.

We'll see soon enough.

Listen, we're off the clock for a little while later today, and I was gonna go someplace you might find interesting.

Would you like to come along?

Uh... okay. Sure.



Well, look who it is.

The interloper.

The deceiver.

That was quite an experience we had in Bolivia.

Hmm. It all worked out according to God's will.

Speaking of God's will, remind me, what are the Five Pillars of Islam?


Henry: Why is Al Masjid Al Aqsa significant to Muslims?

The Dome of the Rock where the Prophet Muhammad ascended into heaven.

Peace be upon him.

Henry: That's what you say when the prophet's name is mentioned.

Congratulations, Mr. Mayfield.

You are officially not a Muslim.

Henry: That didn't take long.

Much shorter than it took to prove that Reverend Finch didn't understand the first thing about the Book of Revelation.

You watch what you say now.

The reverend was a brilliant man.

He really wasn't.

In just two hours, he was questioning everything he'd told you.

Liar. His faith was strong... and so is mine.

Which faith? Your pretensions to Islam or your misguided Christian cult?

Mo: You know, Finch should have really listened to you, taken steps to bring about the end.

Henry: But, as I said, he had doubts about the entire enterprise.

So, in my professional opinion, you've made some grievous theological errors, Rex.

Just you wait and see.

I am the Lord's messenger.

I ride upon the pale horse.

My angels are legion.

And they will go their ways...

"And pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth."

(chains clatter)

Thank you. You've been very helpful.

(Rex hits table)

(door opens)

Sanchez: So he's still Covenant of John.

Oh, he's more than that.

He sees himself as the architect of the apocalypse.

And I think he believes that the way to do that is to foment a cataclysmic w*r between Islam and the West.

Hence making the b*mb for !sis.

He wants to motivate both sides.

But he wants us to chase !sis, because at least a few of the surviving cult members will be his "legion of angels," and help him start the w*r.

We need to track down the remaining followers of the Covenant of John.

One of them has the second b*mb.

Susan: First, the Europeans called this part of West Africa, the Gold Coast, and then after, of course, the sl*ve Coast.

They built forts like this up and down the coast to hoard what they came to take.


Sorry. It's just really emotional.

I know.

The psalm says, "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat. And yea, we wept when we remembered Zion."

You think you understand it, then you come to a place like this, and you just... you can feel the suffering.


And how the hell can it be pretty?

Susan: I grew up in the church.

My father was a deacon.

He worked two other jobs besides, to put me and my sisters through college.

"If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill ".

Psalm 137.

Whenever I find myself near one of these forts, I make the time to pay my respect to my daddy, and to all those who came before me, who gave so much so that one day, I could thrive.

That's why I push so hard to try to make a difference, both at home and abroad.

It is the least that I could do.

And I do admit, sometimes, I push a little too hard.

Well, I can be a little pushy myself.

That's why I like you.

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the messaging that I forget about the message.

Well, you may have been right about the timing of this trip.

Well, something good might still come out of it, if the secretary's plan works.

We'll see.

I'm just sorry that the logistics have been such a nightmare.

Sleeping on those couches, the plane almost going down.

(laughs) Don't even get me started on that plane.

Ooh, ooh.

You should have seen your face, holding the secretary's hand. You were like, "I'm gonna die in a plane crash, and I didn't even want to go on this damn trip ".

(both chuckle)

I'm really glad I came.


Well, I'm gonna pray now.

Would you care to join me?

I'd like that.

(marching band music playing)


Mr. Foreign Minister.

It is an honor to welcome you into Togo.

The honor is mine, Mr. President.

We have a mutually beneficial opportunity to discuss.


If you'll excuse me just a moment...

Of course.

Madam Secretary!

Mr. Chen, we've got to stop meeting like this.


I would think your plane would've been repaired by now.

Or perhaps, something else is keeping you here.

I-I'm not gonna comment on that, either way.

Enjoy Togo.

Whatever you're offering in exchange for the mineral rights, we can pay more or build faster.

Never underestimate American ingenuity, Ming.

Never underestimate Chinese will, Elizabeth.

Safe travels.

Was I convincing?



Thank you. - Mm-hmm.

Hello, hello.

Hello. - Hello.





So are we good to go?

Let's do it, ma'am.

I've never seen DoD send a replacement part to such a remote location so quickly.

It came on its own cargo plane.

That's my chief of staff for you.

So, just to be clear, we're not actually trying to invest in Togo's phosphate industry.

No. We just want to make China think we are, so they do.

But President Fabre's price for letting them beat us out is to force China to agree to benchmarks for sustainability as well as female education and employment.

Which could tie them to similar benchmarks in the future.


It's a big win. Not just for us, but for Africa as well.

Blake: So we got China to spend the money we don't have in the way we wanted. Even if it looks like we got...



Which the press is gonna grill you about, again.


Elizabeth: Sorry about that, Daisy.

Not a problem, ma'am.

We should know if the plan worked by the time we land.

Of course, even if we succeed, it'll look like we failed, so next time we go out, Congress might give us even less money.

But let's worry about that tomorrow.

Who's ready to go home?


God bless Nadine.

(both laugh)

(mechanical groaning)

Captain: Hey, folks.

We seem to be experiencing some, uh, unforeseen electrical difficulties.

Still vectoring the issue.

It could be a while.


It's gonna be okay.

Elizabeth: Hey, look at that.

Jason: Huh?

Elizabeth: We have liftoff!


I've never been this hyped for a pot of boiling water.

You should be happy.

It's weird.

Thanks to China's investment in Togo, these girls are gonna get scholarships to go to university and study the sciences.

They deserve it. I mean, I barely know how to use an oven, let alone make one.

Yeah. I know.

Okay, okay.

Let me get a picture for them.

Okay. Yeah.


Ready? Everybody say, "Science, Technology, Engineering and Math!"

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math!

But I just got to say, arts are of equal value. I'm just saying.

Or... just say "Cheese."



Thanks for breakfast, Mom.

You bet.

Oh, and tell the STEM girls they rock.

Oh, they will be tweeted at accordingly.

Bye, Mom.


Thanks for looking at us, and not your phones.

Thanks for being interesting.

(Jason laughs)

Another argument in favor of solar cooking.

Work hard in school today!

Totally useless statement.

Yes, but delivered with total commitment.

Parenthood in a nutshell.


So, I've been convincing myself that we actually accomplished something on the trip.

Are you kidding me?

Getting China to commit to sustainable investment and development goals for the first time? It's huge.

Is it?

Chen said, "Idealism kills.

Mutual interests save lives."

Do you think he's right?

Uh, well, for starters, "mutual interest" aren't always the same as equal ones.

So, his own statement is an ideal, used to justify his self-interest.

Oh, man!

I wish I would've said that.


But maybe he's right.


It's just...

Yesterday, I was face-to-face with a guy who was convinced that he was fulfilling God's will by giving bombs to t*rrorists.


Oh, it can be scary, seeing fanaticism up close like that.

And humbling, too.

All my fancy talk won't be worth much if they can't stop him in time.

So, you're sure you haven't heard from Mr. Mayfield or any of the other former members of the Covenant of John?

Like I said, I'm not into that stuff no more.

And what about your cousin, Ted? Is he still in the militia?

You know, I don't really keep up with Ted.

I just go to work, come home.

Sometimes see my mother.

Well, thank you, Mr. Hobson.

If anything comes up, give us a call.

Will do.

Y'all take care now.

(door closes)

(line ringing)

Ted, it's me.

They were here.

The time is nigh.

(engine starts)