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01x11 - Where the Dead Men Lost Their Bones

Posted: 12/07/16 09:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Aftermath"...

Is this really the time?

3 million people are gone, including my father, Karen. I need to know what happened.

Are those people?

No, no, don't tell me those are people.

Oh, my God, it's here!


We need tetra.

Stop! Dad, stop!

I'm not gonna give up on your father.

[man screaming]

No one survives.

I never thought I'd die by the moon like this.

I thought I'd die by poison kiss.

On my way out of town, roof all the way down.

But me and you and everyone are over and done.

Chips off the old block of a rock in the sky will rain on down.

We got 36 hours to get out of town.

But there's nowhere to go.

So love who you love and remove all your doubt.

Let your last times roll on.

Let your madness roll out.

[murmuring indistinctly]

There's two of her.

Yeah, she'll be riding six white horses when she comes.

There's two of her! [laughing]


Ponaturi's gonna get you.

Ponaturi's gonna get you! Ponaturi's gonna get you!

All right. All right.

Listen to my voice. It's Karen, Josh.

Karen. I should've married that girl.

Yep. You did.

Is there anything I can do?


[speaking incoherently]

Okay. Shh.

I'm getting out of here!


Lie down. Lie down.


I'm not lying down.

Daddy? Daddy, Daddy, shh.

Do you remember when I was little and I couldn't sleep, and you'd come into my room and lay with me?

Oh. Oh.

It's just like that.

Do you remember that?

Babies are sleeping.

That's right. They are.


Babies are sleeping.

[crying] I can't do this. I can't watch this.

Babies are...

We have to get tetra.


Everywhere we've looked is looted for miles.

I found propofol.

What is it?

It's an anesthetic.

We're gonna give him an anesthetic?

It'll put him into a medically induced coma.

Well, you're a doctor now?

We have to try something.

Dana, we can't put him into a coma.

He's a danger to others, including us, Bree.

No, he's not.

At the very least, he's a danger to himself.


If we put him under, it could slow down the disease, and it gives us time to find tetra.

This is really dangerous. And we need syringes.

I got those too.

Of course.

If we give him too much, he could die.

What do you think he's doing right now?

[eerie music]

I can't tell what's happening.

We don't know what's happening yet, Christine, but panic has swept the city for ten minutes now, and...

Go! Get out of here!

Oh, my God.

And who will say that...

Oh, my God. Are those people?

No, no, don't tell me those are people.

Oh, my God, it's here!

Oh, Jesus, it's here! Aah!

Tell everyone it's here!

Oh, my God. Are those people?

No, no, don't tell me those are people.

Oh, my God, it's here!

Oh, Jesus, it's here! Aah!

Tell everyone it's here!

But the many are one!


But the many are one.

What, where...

[ominous music]

What... oh, God.


But the many are one.

[breathing heavily] But the many...

But the many... but the many... But the many are one?

But the many...

Got you.

Where'd you come from?



How'd you get here?

I don't know.

I... I don't remember.

You're coming with us.

No. No, I'm not.

You're showing signs of plague.

We don't let Feverheads in. Come on.

No! Who are you people?

Board of Health.


Let's go!

No! What?

Come on!

Oh, God.

Come on.

Let's go. Let's go.

His breathing's fine. That's what we need to watch out for.

How do you know that?

Michael Jackson's autopsy report.

You don't like Michael Jackson.

No, but I like autopsy reports.

Okay, Matt and I are gonna go find tetra or die trying.

Figure of speech.

You guys stay here, keep your dad breathing, and be careful.

If he starts to wake up, we may have to give him more.

As little as possible, Dana.

Yeah, of course.

Don't worry. It's gonna be fine.

[g*nf*re] [screams]


Doc, it's us.

We got one!

Please, you have to help me!

Shut up.

Where'd you find her?

Peach Street. Those abandoned houses.

She doesn't look sick.

I'm not sick.

She was talking weird. Says she came from Seattle.

I am. I am. I'm from Seattle.

All right. I'll examine her.

Right this way, Miss Seattle.

No, no, no, you have no right.

I've got all the right in the world.

What? Oh, okay, okay, okay.


[door slams]

Think we'll get to do it?

It's up to the doc. Let's keep looking.

All right.

We're okay.

For now.

This is weird, Dana.

Us watching him when he's sick.

Role reversal.

Do you remember when we were little and we got hoof and mouth disease?

Hand, foot, and mouth disease.

I don't know.

Not that it sounds any better.

What, we were, like, six, maybe?


Such a pain in the ass.

Hey, someone's got to keep things straight.

You remember how you were, like, super scared to fall asleep because you thought if you did you were gonna die?

I got bad information.

And then Dad would come in and lay on the floor of our room.


Didn't he tell us, like, a story about a spider invasion or something?

[laughs] "Charlotte's Web"?

I don't know. I was so sick.

And we were, like, six years old.


Same thing.

Dad always had the best stories.

Yeah, he did.

A lot of creepy myths, though.


Dana, do you really think he's gonna be okay?

Yeah. Yeah, he has to be.

There's a hospital down that way and a drug store down that way.

I'd rather not split up.

We're gonna have to if we want to cover everything.

Yeah. Okay.

I'll take the hospital.

You take the drug store. We'll meet back here at the car.

Got it. Let's... have a sign.

You find the tetra, you don't wait for me.

You put this in the windshield.

Okay, good.

I'll know you're at home.

You do the same.

Got it. You be careful.

You too.


Let's get you nice and comfortable.

Any fever or vomiting?


Feel sick at all?

No. I just keep hearing the same words over and over.

And what's that?

But the many are one.

What was that?

But the many are one.

Huh. That's different.

Okay, let's take a look inside.

Open wide.


Well, there's no blood.

I'd say you're clear.

Clear? Clear of what?


What kind of plague?

Where you been?

I wish I knew.

Brain fever.

The rumor is 1/3 of the Earth has already died from it.

Our town was just about wiped out, so if you had been sick...

[suspenseful music]

It wouldn't be good.

What does that mean?

Well, we can't have any chance of infection, so we round up any Feverheads we find, and...

Force them out of town?

♪ ♪

Eliminate them.

And... and you're in charge of this?

Last surviving medical man.

So you say you came here from Seattle?


Well, Seattle's gone.


What do you mean, "gone"?

I mean the buildings are there. The people are gone.

I was one of those people. What happened? I...

How did I end up in...

Where are we?


How did I end up in Idaho?

Beats me.


I got to... I got to get out of here.

I, uh...

I need to know what's going on.

Oh, ah-ah-ah-ah.

Look. If I were you, I would consider moving on.

It's not a good time for strangers around here.

♪ ♪


[breathing heavily] Okay.

Oh, God.

What is taking them so long?

Tetra's hard to find.

Then there should be more of us looking, Dana.

Well, we can't leave Dad.

Yeah, you can't. I can.

Oh, no, no. No, do not start with this, Bree.

Dana, I am useless here, okay? You know what you're doing.

Not really.

Well, more than I do.

That's it. I'm gonna go look.


There's a car in the driveway.

You don't have the keys.

Then I'll hotwire it.

You know how to do that?

Fortunately, yes, I do.

Keep our dad alive. Safety's off.

Don't do this.

Take the g*n, Dana.

I'll be back.

Come on, Bree.

[sighs] [door clicks]


No, no, no, no. Come on.

Come on, Dad, please stay asleep.


[swelling dramatic music]

Come on, tetra.

Come on!



No, I'm not... I'm not...

Have you seen Barry?

You're not Elizabeth.

No. Sorry.

You look like her. I'm so stupid.

No, no, don't. Don't worry about it.

She's dead now. Weeks ago.

It's terrible times.

Family and friends...

Tetracycline. Do you have tetracycline or know where I can get some?

Most of this town died of plague. There's none left.

But have you seen my husband?

No. Sorry.

He's my age. Pajamas.

His glasses are broken, taped together.

Yeah, I'm sorry. I got to go.

His name's Barry.

Okay. I'm sorry.

He's acting strange, but he doesn't have plague.

Well, that's a good thing, right?

See, he went to Seattle on business.

Please. Please.

He went to Seattle?

I didn't see him for weeks.

People say Seattle's gone.

Yeah. Yeah. Empty, actually.

Some say it was the rapture, but Seattle's not all that holy that they'd get taken up.


But... but I was right.

Barry came back last night.

Honey, I got to go.

Barry came back!

What do you mean he came back?

In bed. With me. I never even heard him come in.

He came back?

He doesn't remember anything, and he says something's coming!

He's... he's all worked up...

I got to go! I got to go!

And he says something's coming!



Hold on! [g*nshots]




You bastard!

Just take it... hey! Easy! Relax!

Get off me!

Stop! I'm trying to help you.

I don't want to be sick! Get off me!

I'm trying... hey! Hey!

I'm trying to help you!

Yeah, there's no denying of what we saw today.


[screeching] [g*nsh*t]


[shouts indistinctly]

The two guys in the jail.

Oh, no, no, there was nothing inside them.

They were just batshit crazy.

If there's a cause, then it's not random, then there's a purpose, and then life has meaning, and then...

Of course life has meaning. It's just not good.





Hey, hey, hey. Hey!



Please, please... What do you want?

Hey, little girl.


Hey, hey.

What were you doing in the drug store?

Let me check her purse.

I said, "What were you doing in the drug store?"

None of your g*dd*mn business!

If you don't play, this gets a lot worse, pretty-pretty.


Whoo! Look at this.


Shh. Shh.

Let me check your pockets.


Pretty pretty.

You looking for makeup for that face?

Tough score with the corporations dead.

The people rule now.

There are no rules. What do you got in here?

Ugh! Nothing.

Hey, shh.

What do you got in here? Shh.

[speaks indistinctly]

You got dr*gs?

I have nothing!

There's no tetra in the store!

I said dr*gs, not tetra.

Check her back pockets.

Check those back pockets, yeah?

Please let me go.


Ahh, okay.

What do you got in here?

Aah! Just let me go!

Come on.


Shh. Hey, shh.

I haven't decided what to do with you yet, pretty-pretty.

I can think of things.

So boring.

Okay, look out. Look out. Look out.

Look out. The whirlwind's coming.

The white whirlwind's coming.

You got to look out. You got to look out.

Look out. The white whirlwind's coming.

The whirlwind's coming. The white whirlwind's coming.

It's coming. It's coming.

Look out. Look out. The white whirlwind.

Hey, are you Barry? You Barry?

Your wife's looking for you, man.

The white whirlwind.

Your wife is looking for you.



Ah, the white whirlwind! It's coming!

Don't go in there.

[speaking indistinctly]

You can't. You can't.

[Barry screams]

Aah! [sobbing]



My Barry. [sobbing]



All right, it's time for one more shot.

We got this.


[mysterious chirping]


We don't know what's happening yet, Christine, but panic has swept the city for ten minutes now.

[overlapping screams]

Oh, my God. Are those people?

[overlapping screams]

No, no, don't tell me those are people!

Oh, my God, it's here!

Oh, Jesus, it's here! Aah!

I think you're one of them.

One of who?

An adept.

[glass shatters]


And it goes in about that much.


[dark music]

Dad. Dad. Dad! No!

No, you won't get me!

Dad! No!

♪ ♪

Sorry, I don't wanna leave, but I have something important.

Nothing's important.

That's why I don't want to leave.

You'll do it again.

Soon as I can get back up there.


Self-hate. End of the world. You pick.

You have tetracycline?

Town's fresh out.


I don't want to leave you alone, but I need tetra.

You know, we're all going through shit, but we're not trying to off ourselves.

I did something.


Doesn't matter.

Talk fast.

I hung with the same crew since tenth grade, and when the end of days hit, we just kept having fun.


Yesterday, my friend Kimmy started raving.

She att*cked Jaimo. She was apeshit.

She had the plague.

That's what I thought.

So when she came at me, I shot her in the head, twice.

She was my friend.

Hey, you had to.

No, I didn't have to.

She wasn't a Feverhead. She just ate something bad, like molly or bath salts or some shit like that, and...

I k*lled her.


I'm sorry.

But I got to go.

Same thing happened to me.

I know what you are.

I know what you are too.


Show yourself!

He wasn't possessed.

He was just off his meds.

It isn't your fault.

You don't need to hurt yourself.

Jury's out.

Come with me.

Who are you trying to save?

My father. There's a mall this way, right?

Not much of one, but yeah.

Come with me.

I don't think so.

But hey, you're on the clock, so I...

I won't try and do it again.

You don't have to worry about me, okay?


[dark music]

♪ ♪

[whispering] You're not a child anymore.

[whispering indistinctly]

♪ ♪

[voices whispering indistinctly]

♪ ♪

[intense music]

♪ ♪

[garbled beeping noises]

What is happening?

What is happening? Do you know?


Okay, your husband.

I need your help. I need your help.

Can you help me? Your husband knew something.

I need to know what it is. What did he tell you?

That the white whirlwind... The white whirlwind.

Okay. It had a sound. I heard it.

You heard it?

Yeah, it was on footage from, um... Footage from Seattle.

My husband showed me.

He was there?

Your husband was in Seattle.


When everyone disappeared.


But he... but he came back.

He disappeared and he came back.


For you.


Tell me why.



Someone knows something.

Okay. Okay.

And they need to tell us what's happening.

I think it's my husband.



It's my husband.

Okay? I have to keep him alive.


Thank you. I have to go.

He's my husband.




I know where there's dr*gs.


You said you wanted dr*gs?

I didn't say anything because we were keeping it for ourselves.

Who's we?

Me and my sister.

We're squatting at a house just east of here.

Not impressed.

Yeah. This city's dead.

There's, like, plenty of squats.

No, no, this guy... This guy was a drug hound, man.

We couldn't get through the stash in a month if we tried.

Why you telling us this?

Because I'm offering you a trade.

You get the shit.

My sis and I walk.


Cool. Let's go trade.

To the car.

dr*gs! Let's get those dr*gs!

Cars are the chief exemplar of the destructive consumer society.

[grunts] Cut it out.

You're lying, you're dying.



I should've told you earlier.

You were really good to me. I wasn't thinking.

Told me what?

Kimmy, that girl I...

You made a mistake.

Yeah. Well, she had a stash.


It's tetra.

I have it.

Come on.

*** through the hollow glass my fellow travelers, the first grains of the wounded moon are suckered in by Mother Earth's fatal attraction, meaning time is tied and not quite right, and soon will fall that wicked night.

So dig the still and eerie calm of resignation shot through with a million little tales of final desperation.

[breathing heavily]

Sorry about the running, but we're out of time.

I can handle it.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

What are you doing?

It's a sign.


Are you coming?


Let's go.



Oh, hey, Dana.

It's me, Dad.

I'm not Dana. I'm Sherry.

Yes, you are. Dana.

We named you Dana.

Where's your sister?

I don't have a sister.


Yes, you do.

Don't say that.

She makes me mad sometimes too.

Are you a Feverhead?


No. I was... brought up Presbyterian, but my father... said something.

It was important, but I can't remember.

[machine g*n firing] [screaming]

On your feet. Up. Up!

[g*n firing] [girl screaming]

Get away from the girl, Feverhead.

No, no, it's fine. It's okay.

I knew it!

Guys, it's the... One and the many...

Oh, there's no doubt on this one.

Signs and portents. Signs and portents.


Knew it.

Yes. Way to go, Matt.

I got it! I got the tetra!

Dana! Dana, Dana, Dana!

Hey, hey, hey.

Are you all right? Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

Where's Dad? Where's Dad and Brianna?

Bree went to find tetra, and Dad... Dad woke up.

Is... is he here?

No, no, he's not here. Okay.

Who's she?

This is Sarah.

She brought the tetra. When did he go?

20 minutes maybe.

Okay, we have time to go catch him.

No. Dad's fast.

We have to go find him.

He's got fever.

You are gonna come with me 'cause you know the area.

I need you to stay and watch out for Mom.

I'm not staying anywhere alone.

Where's Bree?

The answer to that is never good.

Can we just go, please?

Yo, where's this house?

Hurry up.

It's right here. It's right here.

All right, let's go.


Out, out, out!

Hey, hey!

You take pretty.

Go, go, go.


Come on, move!

Move it.

Bitch. You set us up?

No! I swear to God I don't know who that is!

That's my crew. They want to k*ll me for Kimmy.

They have weapons?

Oh, yeah.


[screams] Matt!

Matt! Dana, get me the shotgun.

Bree? Bree!

[screaming] Please!

You shut up!

[screaming] Matt!


Get off me! Let me go!


Bring that bitch.

[g*nsh*t] [screaming]

Holy shit!

[intense music]

♪ ♪

Who would drive this thing these days?

Probably a military mom and her g*n-toting son.


Let her go!

[laughs] You missed!



You got something we want.

Come on out, everybody. It's execution time.

What the hell is this?

Got a sure thing, Doc.

Yeah, caught him just in time, too, before he k*lled little Sherry.

Get down. Say your prayers.

Shut up.

Who are you?

Out of one is many. But...

E pluribus unum... No, not right...

I had a father. He went...

Who are you?

He went away. I...

I had a dream.

We have to keep our town safe.

It's important and it...

We have a total elimination policy when it comes to plague.

It was real. Please help me.

It was important.

I can't help you if you're sick.

I just can't remember!

What did he say?

Can't remember.

It'll all be over soon.

Can't remember what it was.

No one has to get hurt here. Just give us what we want.

Sarah's with us now. She's not coming out.

Why would we want her?

Because I shot Kimmy.

Oh, hey, you had to. That chick was dusted.

Forgive and forget.



Don't listen to it.

If Sarah wants to come back again, that's cool, but you got something we want.


Kimmy's tetra.

You know how much that shit is worth?

I don't have it!


Okay, look, we have to flank them, ambush them from behind.


I'll do it.

Okay. Take this. Go to the front.

Wait for my signal.


Are you crazy?

I like our chances with her help.

[g*n clicks]

Give us what we want.

Out of... out of one is...

But I... it wasn't even... It wasn't a dream.

Say your prayers, Feverhead.

Wait. I want to make a...

A final speech, but it's...

I can't remember the...

The one thing is... The one...

The one is many.

But the many are one!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

But the many are one.

The one is many!

But the many are one. The many are one.

The one is many.

But the many are one.

The one is many.

But the many are one.

I'm getting tired of this waiting!

Tell Sarah it's about to happen.

We can't. They've got Bree.

They're gonna k*ll her at any minute.

Now our only chance is to take out the girl.

She's the leader. The others might quit.

What if they don't?

Just go and tell Sarah. Go!

Go. Now.

[laughs] All right, here we go.


So here's your tactical report.

Son of a bitch!

Get down!


You got our dr*gs, but we got your toughie little blonde.

Now, we want the dr*gs, but you love the little blonde.

So we win.

She's gone with the g*n and the tetra.

We don't have the dr*gs, okay?

I don't know what you're talking about.

The one is many!

But the many are one.

The one is many.

But the many are one.

The many are one.

You... you can't k*ll this man.

You can't k*ll this man. He knows something important about everything that's going on.

He's a Feverhead. We're protecting ourselves.

You know what? I'll take him with me, and you'll never see me again.

He'll skin and eat you.

One is many.

But the many are one.

The one is many. One is many, honey.


He'll be my problem.

He'll be my problem, not yours. Not yours.

Please. Please.

No. No, we can't take that chance.



Oh, no. Oh, my God, it's back. We got to run!

If you know what's good for you, run!


Oh, God. Oh, my God, it's back!

Oh, my God.

Take him. Take him.

What kind of bullshit trick is this?

[all screaming]

Go, go, go!

With a b*llet through her head.

You calling me on this?

Okay. That's it.

Time's up.

[g*ns clicking]

[g*nsh*t] Aah!


Get on your knees. Get on your knees.

Mom. Let's go.

Down. Put the g*ns down!

Put the g*n down.

Get on your knees.

You don't want this.

Okay. Okay.

You don't put a g*n to my kids.

Please. I'm sorry.

Oh, you're sorry? You're sorry? You want to die?

Mom. Mom. Not again, okay?

Who's that? Who are you?

That's Sarah. She's with us.


You gonna k*ll my kids, huh?

Mom, no, not again.

No, no, no, no!


Look at me!

Mom, Mom, they didn't k*ll us, okay?

Look at them. They're not a threat anymore.

You don't want to end it like this, okay?

No more blood, all right?

No more blood.

You know I'm right, Mom.

You know I'm right.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

You're the one who taught me right from wrong, remember?



All right, get out of here. Come on. Get out.

Get up and get out.

Get the g*n. Get the g*n.

Be cool. We be going. Be cool.

Get out.

Where is Dad? How is he?

[yelling] How is he?

He knocked out Dana and he ran off.

He's gone, Mom. He's gone.

He's gone.

[shaky breathing]

He can't be.

Mom, Sarah has tetra.

I don't have much, but it's yours.

[speaking indistinctly]

All right, all right, look. Look.

We're gonna go one block apart, okay?

At every intersection, look left and right.

We're gonna go north-south first, then east-west.

Dana, that way. Mom, that way.

Bree this way. Me and Sarah are going this way.

Be careful!



Come on, please.

My name is Audrene. What's your name?


Do some research...


Okay. Okay now.

That thing. That thing you said back there.

The... the one...


The one...

The one is many.


Where did you hear that?


I don't know.


Okay, did someone teach it to you?


No one taught me either. I just...

I just woke up with those words in my head.

"But the many are one."

The one are many.

But the many are one.

Were you in Seattle when it happened?

You're the girl on TV.


You were?

Yeah. That's right. I'm a reporter.

I'm a reporter. And then there was this thing, something in the sky, and it was all white, but like it wasn't there.

It took everybody, swallowed us up.



And then I was back.

I woke up here, and I had those words in my head.

"But the many are one."

Where did you go?

I don't know.

No, that's not true. I... I went nowhere.

No place.

No time.

I don't know why I'm telling you this.

It's important, I think.

Yeah, it's important. That's right.


It's important.



[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Dad! Dad!

You can stop fighting.

There's no point.

Those lights in the sky and what people are saying about the moon...

There's no point.



I just wish I knew what to call you.




Where's my family?


Where is my family?

Family? I don't...


Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Oh, my God. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

[yells indistinctly]

Okay, okay, okay.

Okay. Oh, God.

Oh, geez.

No! Wait!






God damn it!

[breathing heavily]

Oh, God damn it.


Hi. Hi. Hi.


I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. I have tetra.

You're gonna be fine, Josh. Take it. Take it. Take it, baby.

You're gonna take it and you're gonna swallow it and you're gonna be fine. You're gonna be just fine.

Come on. Swallow it, sweetie.

You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be fine.

Don't! Don't!

He's getting tetra. He's gonna be fine!

I know him. He's a good man.

He's... he is a good man.

He's a good man and he's a wise man.

That's right.

You're that reporter from Seattle.

Swallow it, baby.

If he could just focus.

Swallow it, honey.

He knows things.

Swallow that.

And I know things, and maybe we could figure this out.

You hear that, honey? You're gonna figure it out.

You know things. You guys...

[whooshing] Oh, no.

Oh, no. Oh, no.

Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.


Oh, oh, no!


Josh, I got to get us out of here. Honey.


[whooshing stops]

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

Are you feeling better?


Yeah. The tetra's working.

Sorry if I...

What are you reading? What is that?

These are Gloria Douglas's research.

They're punch cards from the 1970s.

So you need a '70s computer to read them.

Yeah. Do you have one?

Not handy.

You guys, maybe Bob Black is on.

Don't you hate him?

Yeah, but he seems to know things, and he might know how much of the fragment field is gonna hit us.

Yeah, 'cause we all want to know that.

[radio static]

With the jazz from Alcatraz, the Moondog, who howls without a home these days, since his old one on the moon blew up.

I'm reminding you about that lunar landing, baby, and I'm not talking Wild Buzz Aldrin, either, fine a man and prophet as he is.

I'm talking a totally different trip.

Ooh, crowds are hip like those impacts when the loony lunar hardballs come busting down on Earth in two days' time, my chimes, surprise, surprise, surprise.

Two days?

But just because we're gonna die don't mean our contest was a lie.

Just remember the Moondog Mystery Phrase, and you could go from sinner to winner.

Say it loud and say it proud and you'll be done: The one is many, but the many are one.


That's it. That's it.

That's what?

That's the key.

We have to find him. He understands how to survive.

We have to find Bob Black.

Everyone pack up. We're going.

Ain't no point, wishing on them sh**ting stars lightning up the heavens pilgrim.

Those are the first traces of the hard rain are coming.

*** on the final event.