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01x06 - A Tincture of Madness

Posted: 11/21/16 07:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Graves"...

It's just the Senate.

And if I decide to run, it would mean a lot to know that you were on board.


Man: Jeremy, picture this.

Son of a president, newsman.

Jeremy: Like Wolf Blitzer?

Lil bro's gonna be a TV star.

My assistant will give you his private number.

If there's anything you ever need, call me.

This came for you.

It's divorce papers.

Man: You've had a panic attack.

It felt like a heart attack.

I need you to come with me.

Not what I was expecting.



I like you.


Former Prime Minister Trevor Lloyd has cancer.

Samantha: This was his friend.

Graves: I watched as he shed the anchor of regret.


(cannon blast)


Man: Today, a nation in mourning honors Former President Richard Graves, dead at the age of 80.

The son of a cattle rancher, Richard Graves was a true cowboy turned conservative icon, and arguably the most polarizing president to occupy the Oval Office.

Despite his critics, he garnered respect for his commitment to his hard-line beliefs and celebration of American idealism.

But mostly, he was a f*cking assh*le.

So, I've been contemplating something recently.

A very big decision I have to make.

Your father knows about it, of course.

And since I have you both back home again, which makes me so happy, I've been asked to run for Senate.

Cool, yeah. Good for you, Mom.

Thomas Nash would be my primary opponent.

He is not fit to run.

Yeah, well, you'll k*ll it, no problem.


Mm-hmm. Sure.

Hey, Charlize went brunette again.

On me... what do you think?

"Mad Max" hot or, like, "Monster" not?

Graves: I'm dying!

Mags. Maggie, I'm gonna die.

Yes, dear. We all are.

No, I can't.

Not yet. No.

Not yet. Not yet.

Oh, what fresh hell is this?

Richard, wait!



I love it.


(theme music playing)

Hell on Earth, getting old.

Just remember not to move, sir.

If you move, they'll have to start the whole thing over again.

Just nice deep breaths, in and out.

Nice and calm.

Shut the f*ck up.


I've got an email from Jacob, ma'am, about issuing a statement regarding Martin Treadwell's furlough hearing.

As usual, no comment.

We also got a letter from the Colorado corrections facility, offering someone from the family to be at the hearing, a victim impact statement as to why Treadwell shouldn't be allowed out to see his dying mother.

The man shot a president. I don't care how long ago.

And tell Jacob I want to keep that victim impact thing away from Jeremy.

Yes, ma'am.

Man: We're talking about g*ns today.

We have one side who says we need to control these g*ns.

And we have the other side, who says, "Hey, Second Amendment."

g*n v*olence. What do we do?

Well, I like g*ns.

I mean, I own a whole slew of 'em.

But who gives a rat's ass what I like?

Let's say you're, I don't know, any guy with a wife and kids at home while he's out of town and some scumbag breaks in to do harm to your family.

Well, where I'm from, a 911 response time is basically like ordering a pizza.

You know, you pray that it arrives in 30 minutes 'cause you're starving, or in this case, dying.

So, if the difference between this guy being a childless widower and being able to keep his family is his wife blowing that scumbag's face off, then I say "Annie, get your g*dd*mn g*n."

But let's defer to the Supreme Court.

Yeah, we've got a problem, but g*n control isn't gonna fix it.

The only thing that's gonna fix it is an amendment.

And that's the Supreme Court talking, by the way, not me.

And the only way that's gonna happen is if two-thirds of the same people who can't even agree on whether or not the world was created in seven days or a billion years suddenly agree to give up their g*ns.

It's just not going to happen.

Right or wrong, g*n control is nothing but a bleeding heart circle jerk with zero chance of a happy ending.

Jeremy Graves, folks.

Beating the truth, his version of it, right into me.

Thanks, Jeremy. We'll do this again.


You shouldn't be in here, mijo.

Oh, no, no. Ramona, it's fine.

I'm working, so...

Okay, okay.

This one's for you.

I'm gonna make you some lunch.

♪ I know you're weary, baby ♪
♪ I know you're worn ♪
♪ Trappings of this life ♪
♪ Have your heart tattered and torn ♪

(phone ringing)

♪ There must be a better way ♪
♪ Is there a chance? ♪
♪ I know there's a better way ♪
♪ To save this romance ♪

Would you like to buy some cookies?

What's your name, little scout?


You want to know what I really think about your little... cookie cartel?

I was one of you once, part of the self-oppressed harem of little diabetes pushers you've got yourself mixed up with.

I mean, look at you, Tanya.

All whored up, turning sugar tricks for your corporate pimp daddy.

But hey! Hey, hey, hey.

Who needs dignity, when we can have more American fat kids who will eventually die of horrible heart-related diseases just so Mommy and Daddy can brag about your quarterly sales at Thanksgiving dinner?

Don't let them do it to you, Tanya.

Do you hear me? f*ck them.

Sam: Hello?

Hey, Sammy. It's me, Isaiah.

Isaiah, you just caught me at a really bad time right now.

I can't talk.

Oh, that's fine. When would be...

That call was so tragic, my hymen grew back.

Man: For a man your age, Richard, everything's normal.

Anything else?

No, thank you.

I'm fine. Thank you, doctor.

I do have one more thing I'd like to talk about, sweetheart.

Your mood swings... the recent highs and this particular low.

Let's not kid ourselves, Richard.

We're getting older. You just lost a friend.

At our age, you can't help but start thinking about our mortality.

Depression, anxiety, that's all part of it.

I'm fine.

Based on conversation I had with Margaret earlier, I recommend psychiatric evaluation.

A shrink?

Lawrence told me you had a panic attack after his rehearsal dinner.

I didn't even know that.

I want you to talk to the therapist.


Dr. Sandra Schwartz is the top of her field.

She's been fully vetted by me.

A lot of her clients are high-ranking officials and politicians. She gets it.

You know what? We'll all sit down with her, the whole family.

God knows, there's a lot of shit we could work out.

Bullshit. The doctor said I'm fine? I'm fine!

I'm fine.

Margaret: Damn it, Richard, it's already arranged.

She'll be at the house in a few hours!

♪ You've got your problems ♪
♪ You've been put to the test ♪
♪ You've had your hard times ♪
♪ Well, man, so have the rest ♪
♪ Enjoy ♪
♪ What you have ♪
♪ You've got life, you've got breath ♪
♪ You've got time to live ♪

Rockefellers wanted mediation, so no court, which is good.

But what if I want to go to court?

No, you don't want to go to court.

With mediation, the records are sealed from the public.

(phone chimes)

Jacob: They can say whatever they want about you in open court, and he's claiming gross misconduct on your part.

Clearly, William thinks he's got dirty laundry he can air that'll lower any monetary settlement.

What haven't you told us, honey?

I need a break.

I can hardly breathe in here, okay?

(phone chimes)

(hip-hop music playing)

And in other Graves news.

(music continues)

♪ Booty on your face, booty on your face ♪
♪ Booty on your face ♪
♪ Booty on your face, booty on your face ♪
♪ Eat it ♪

Who has this?

It's being shopped.

A contact at Gawker just sent it.

I don't want you worrying about this. I've taken care of it.

No one will ever see it.


(cell phone buzzing)

Hi, Annie.

Look, I talked to my kids about maybe running, and because Richard is so depressed, I don't think this is the right time.

Annie: Are you near a television?

Turn on channel three, right now.

Man: Richard Graves is the very model of an establishment politician that Americans are sick of... the worst.

And now we hear that Margaret Graves may jump into the race at the last minute?

Oh, come on.

I think the people of New Mexico are smarter...

This man is a disease.

I care about action, not dynasties.

And with all due respect to the former First Lady, stick to your socialite fund-raising while I get down to the business of radical change, because this state, this country, is in big, big trouble.

Listen to that son of a bitch.

Everyone is. He's polling through the roof.

And that's how he's responding to rumors of your possible run.

♪ It's such a beautiful day ♪
♪ I wanna say ♪
♪ Hooray, hooray ♪
♪ Such a beautiful day ♪
♪ Everyone say "Hooray" ♪
♪ It's such a beautiful day ♪


(crowd screaming)

f*ck you, you m*therf*cker.

(phone ringing)


Sam: Hello?

Sammy? Is that you?

I'm so sorry. You gave me your number, and I swear I wouldn't have called if there was anyone else, but I really need your help.

So, what exactly did Sammy say?

Just said she needed me.

Are you sure it was you?

You know, are you sure it's not "you" plural, as in both of us, or just me, maybe?

No. No chance.

(siren wails briefly)
Oh, my God.

Graves: Well.

Yeah. Oh, shit.

Olivia: Relax, mother.

Olivia, why would you do that to yourself?

Why not?

Because you're too upset right now!

You might regret it.

I just want to be anyone else for one moment, for one f*cking moment!

Okay, we are postponing your divorce mediation.

You are clearly not in the right headspace.

No, this isn't about me and my hair.

This is about you wanting me to stay that perfect little Livvy!

That's why you keep my room...

I keep my children's things! All mothers do this.

No, that is like a shrine to someone who doesn't even exist anymore.

Mrs. Graves?

What a lovely home, Mrs. Graves.

You must be Dr. Schwartz.

Olivia, this is the therapist, Dr. Schwartz.

Oh, you didn't.

(siren wails)

Thanks, Jimmy.

Man: You got it, Mr. President.

Well, Jimmy is one of the good guys.

So, it's okay. No report.

Thanks, Prez.

Sure, sure.

It just sucks.

I'm gone, Sammy. So f*ck you and the space you need.

Oh, yeah, take all your ironic Pearl Jam shit and jet, man, 'cause I'm done with your possessive bullshit.

You knew the deal with me.

You knew!

Hey, everybody, calm down.

Calm down.

And are these two the ones that have been flying you around on private jets?


Oh, no, actually,we've already met before.

f*ck you.

Okay, f*ck me, yeah.

Okay, seriously, Heller, you just need to go.

You're gonna be alone for the rest of your life because you're a closed-off, self-hating bitch.

Okay, man, time out for a second...

What are you doing?

Oh, my God.

Are you f*cking crazy?


I don't know.

Isn't this great?

♪ The man has a g*n ♪
♪ He knows how to use it ♪
♪ .9mm Browning ♪
♪ Let's see what it can do ♪

(crowd screaming, g*nshots)

♪ He'll point it at your mouth ♪

(crowd screaming, g*nshots)

♪ Says that he'll blow your brains out ♪



♪ Don't you mess with me ♪


I know why you're upset, kid.

God damn it!

Oh, yeah.

Does Dad know?

We don't want either of you worrying about this.

Sure, yeah, I mean, why would I worry?

It's not like this hasn't stuck to me.

It's not like, you know, this is, like, my own f*cking private boogeyman, you know, that sometimes it never goes away.

f*ck this. I got it, I got it.

Look. Never happened, okay?

It's all good, Uncle J. Jeremy's been handled.

Okay? Fantastic talk.

Who the f*ck are you?

So, I want everyone here to know that this depression your father and husband is experiencing is totally normal.

And we're gonna show your father as much love and support as we can.

I have never seen him this low.

Hey, babe!

Daddy's home!

Margaret: Oh, my God, honey!

What the hell happened to you? You're bleeding.


Where have you been?

Well, we were defending the honor of a fair lady.

Yeah, it was actually more of a domestic disturbance, ma'am.

Speaking of honor, dear, may I have a hug?

Hello, President Graves.

I'm Dr. Sandra Schwartz.

She's Al Gore's shrink.


Mother thinks you've gone all blow your brains out sad on us.

So, honestly, I can only mourn so many things at once.

Sweetheart, we're just sitting down, all of us, as a family.

We have a lot of shit to deal with.

We're just gonna talk.

Just talk?


Just talk about everything.

Well, I don't know.


So, there's a cure for everything except death.

I mean, my funeral will never be about me.

They maybe romanticize my presidency or might put my face on a mountain, and probably remember me on President's Day, but I have no control over that.

What really matters is right now, today, this breath, this moment, helping whomever I can, and feeling everything.

Well, that seems to be a very healthy perspective.

Okay, I'll go now.

I'd like to discuss in this open forum, something that has been nibbling at me today like an anorexic on her last almond... my mother running for Senate.

Okay, you did not even so much as grunt when I mentioned this this morning.

Yeah, but you didn't really ask us if you should.

You just sort of told us that you were.

Margaret: That is so not true.

I can't even tell you how much I've agonized about this decision.

Let's listen to Olivia.

Thank you, doctor.

You know what this means for me.

This is campaign stops, Chanel suits, standing next to you at the end of speeches just waving at the middle class.

You don't have to do anything you don't want to do.


My entire life has been about doing things that I don't want to do, but have to.

I do not understand her.

I don't understand her at all.

Can we talk about my shit now?

Let's take a breath. What would you like to address?


Aw, Jesus! Here we go.

You don't even know what the f*ck I was gonna say.

You never listen to me, either of you.

Watch this.

What have I been doing for weeks now that I'm actually really f*cking good at, and might be able to make a credible if not also lucrative career out of?

Anyone? Anyone at all?


Not you, Liv.

I think Jeremy might be feeling you are undervaluing him.

Ding ding ding!

We want to know what you're talking about.

Doesn't matter.

We're listening to you!

It's not the listening.

It's the f*cking machine that doesn't end.

It's the Graves engine that just like runs over any grain of truth.

And what for, to protect us?

Who gives a shit?

Okay, enough!

Oh, my God!

All of this has to stop.

We all have to pull our shit together.

Okay, I'd like to address my two children.

Forgive me, but the two of you need to grow up.

And, Olivia, you know, you're going through a terrible, terrible time, and my heart breaks for you every single second, but this pain will be over soon, and how you show up in the world, who you decide you are is up to you.

And, Jeremy, honey, you're just finding yourself.

You were a late bloomer and who cares?

Whatever you choose to do, you will do it, I have no doubt.

And your father and I want you to do whatever it takes to make that happen.

And you, oh, my God.

I love you so much, but you are driving me crazy!

And whatever it was that was happening, and whatever it was that happened today that made you snap out of it, I am really happy for you.

Now, let's see if after 40 years, you can find a way to do the same thing for me, for f*ck's sake.

If I might make a few observations?


I would assume we're paying you enough.


Well, Mr. Graves, of course, we would need to speak one on one, but on the surface, I see nothing suspect about your mental state.

Mortality is real.

It's scary, and you are smack dab in the middle of it.

I also might suggest you could be suffering from a debilitating sense of guilt brought on because you are only now coming to grips with the truth that dedicating your life to serving your country came at the expense of raising your children, who, as we have just witnessed, regard you as little more than an absentee landlord.

Jeremy, Olivia,
your mother makes a very good point.

You both need to find a way to let go of some adolescent wounds for either one of you to move forward as healthy adults.

Now, I understand that as children, very little could grow in the shadow of parents as large as yours.

The shadows are long gone now.

That said, Mrs. Graves, what is not helpful to your children is the near-constant hypomaniacal state you appear to be living in.

Excuse me?

You have a son on the verge of an emotional break in his search for identity, as well as unresolved issues of his past... issues, Jeremy, I would recommend you finally confronting with a hope you could lessen the grip they have on you...

not to mention you're so hypercritical of your daughter.

She can hardly function at any level of normality,
all of which could be rooted in a parental narcissism you each feel borne out of overcompensation and shame regarding the past, and from what I am now hearing, the possible future.

f*ck you, lady.



How's Al Gore?

♪ What would you do ♪
♪ If it all came back to you ♪

(phone chimes)

How did you even find me?

I was thinking the whole time...

I was excited that you texted...

♪ What would you say ♪

What are you doing?

I almost never know what I'm doing.

♪ Leave everything behind ♪
♪ Even though, for once, you're shining ♪
♪ Standing on higher ground ♪
♪ When you hear the sounds ♪
♪ You realize it's just the wind ♪
♪ And you notice it matters ♪
♪ Who and what you let under your skin ♪

Are you okay?

Yeah, are you?

Are you?


♪ If put to the test ♪
♪ Would you step back from the line of fire? ♪
♪ Takes you as you fall ♪
♪ No one else around you ♪
♪ No one to understand you ♪
♪ No one to hear your call ♪
♪ Look through all your dark corners ♪
♪ You're backed up against the wall ♪
♪ Step back from the line of fire ♪

(music continues faintly)

I can't remember the last time you made pasta for me like this.

Oh, let's just leave. Get out.

Go to Provence, France. Just live.

Just us, like we always talked about.

You know, the last time you suggested that we had just won a second term.

Well, I meant it then.

I mean it now.

Oh, honey.

You know we can't do that, sweetheart.

Why not?

Because my wife is going to be a senator.

Honey, don't say that if you really don't mean it, because I want it.

I just can't do it.

I won't do it if it means everything else falls apart.

Do you want me to call Annie?

Or do you want to call Annie?

So, I got your letter...