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02x08 - Stories We Tell Ourselves

Posted: 11/19/16 18:32
by bunniefuu
Graham: Previously on The Art of More...

They're not gonna be sh**ting the whole time, are they?

Yeah. You never know what's gonna make the final cut.

Do the interview later.

We do it now.

People don't like me here.

Are you okay?

Did you get all that?

The night before your wedding, Miles came out. He r*ped her.

Are you out of your mind?

I believe I can help you with your museum.

I want a job.

I think I'll just think of you as my little bitch.

Let's not get into name-calling, shall we?

Davenport: Brukner started work on this, but he soon realized he needed someone to bring it all together.

Man: We'll wait till things cool down.

We sell the jar, then we get you out of the country.

Rice: Good doing business, Uzay.

When the poor lamb doesn't know what's hit him.

And I know you stole from me.

Sorry for the interruption.

See you again soon.

Brukner: You're a married woman.

What do you want?

You don't even have your own shit together.

I'm fine. A friend of mine who I was in Iraq with died.


Where's Hassan's family?

Hey, Graham...


He's never gonna admit to kidnapping him.

You might want to give up trying to find that family.

Miguel: Tommy Connor.

What the hell do you want?

Here's your car, Ms. Brukner.

(engine revs)

Nicole: Mr. Brukner? The police called.

Olivia was in a car accident.


(whoosh, expl*si*n)



Man: On January 5, 2000, Green Beret First Lieutenant Justin Jacobs was k*lled on a covert mission behind enemy lines...


(man groaning)

...sacrificing his life for his brothers in the b*ttlefield.

(flatline beep)

Now, that is what his wife and daughter were told.

That is what the world was told, but it was all a lie.

You see, in reality, Lieutenant Jacobs was recruited into a covert military program.

Experimented on.

m*rder*d by his own country.


So he could be resurrected half man, half machine.

Neither dead nor alive.

An unstoppable w*apon.

That is... until he turned on his masters, taking vengeance on those who created him.

(screams, imitates g*nf*re)


And that's when he starts tearing shit up and wasting those assholes!

(screams, imitates g*nf*re)

What do you think?


Cam, that is so bad-ass.


Seriously. I... I mean, look how d*sfigured he is.

I mean, he can't go back to his old life or... or his wife... or anything!

It's not like she misses him that much.

He wasn't that good a lay anyway.

He was a damn good lay.

(giggles) Okay.

Okay, an above-average lay. Is that better?

Well, it would get a lot better if you would just take the hint and marry me already.

I know it's not much, but it's all I could afford.

At least until after I pass the bar...

Shut up!

(both chuckle)

(heroic music playing)

(exhales) Wow.

As a huge fan, I have to ask, where did you come up with the concept for Archaos?

I was in law school at the time and I hated it.

So, I decided to write Archaos as a way to kind of escape all of that.

You wrote it... all on your own?


I bet you think you were supporting yourself back then too, huh?

Oh, please. You were an art school dropout with a trust fund.

Well, the original concept art is stunning.

I guarantee it'll bring close to six figures alone.

Yeah, I'd be surprised.

It... it's just that the cover art didn't really turn a corner until we brought in a professional artist.

You know, I was gonna try and be the bigger person here, but it is ironically very tough when dealing with such a tiny man.

Oh, I'm sorry, are we talking about your current 20-year-old boyfriend or is it the one before him?

I just can't seem to keep track.

Oh, trust me, Steve is far from tiny.

Oh, I'm sure Okay, let's just get back to the auction, shall we?

No. I can't do it.

I beg your pardon?

The original sketches belong to me.

I did them before we were married, so they're not shared property.

The hell you are.

Don't act like you suddenly care more about the art than you do the money.

Guys, guys, why don't we just take a breather, right? Take a minute God, I am so sick and tired of going round and round with you, Cameron.

Are you really gonna ruin all of this too?

Then we will k*ll the whole auction.

Okay? And I will see you in court.

What a selfish bitch!

Then, maybe now you'll finally put that law degree to some use, you smug piece of shit!

(imitates expl*si*n)

That stupid-ass baby's Los Altos.

Stamp it on all their baggies of H.

Why would they be with Los Altos?

Never got the wild baby thing.

You ever been around a crying kid?

It's not a high, bro.

Miguel, come on.

It's a packing operation.

They mostly use Guatemalan girls.

But I guess they're not particular.

Okay. Where is it?

Are you a narc?


I need to find this woman and her son for a friend.

Even if I was some Captain Save-a-Hoe, which I'm not...

I don't usually ask for favors from the competition.

It sets a bad precedent.

I'll give you a finder's fee once they're safely released, okay?

15 racks upfront.

Every time. I brought 10.

You can owe me the other five.

In addition to 20% whatever they want for the chica and her hijo.

If they're even still alive.

(theme music playing)

She sustained a contusion on her right temporal lobe from hitting the window.

But thankfully, no internal bleeding and very mild swelling from what we can see in the MRI.

I'd say she got very lucky, Mr. Brukner.

Yeah. I can't believe she was so dumb.

Excuse me?

No, I mean, drunk people, they do dumb things.

They... I speak from experience.

She wasn't drunk.

Doc, she wrapped my car around a lamppost.

Tremors can be very unpredictable.

It might even have been a seizure.

But we'll monitor her brain activity over the next 24 hours to make sure that complications don't arise again from the MS.



Roxanna: Going on camera like that... in the state I was in...

(sighs) was so stupid.

I let myself get so emotional.

Tara: Get out of that shame barrel, Roxanna.

But it's such a familiar barrel.

And a drink would probably make it less lonely in there for you, right?

A little warmer, at least.

Do you want a drink right now?


But you in a park isn't exactly a trigger point.


I'm flattered.

How often are you around your trigger points?


They're work and family.

Just take responsibility of self.

Control what you can and accept what you can't.

If I am not in control, everybody else is.

And why is that so bad?

You don't trust that other people can have your back too?

Can you blame me?


But... vulnerability is much more powerful than control, Roxanna.

So, maybe start there.


I'm gonna need two bars.

One here and one in the other room.

What's this?

Wait. What... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


I thought we said highboys.

This is not a sit-down affair.

And I hate the centerpiece.

Get rid of it all. Please.

Will do.

Thank you.


Isabel: That's perfect.


At least this looks right.

You've never produced anything like this before, have you?

Well, not under this tight time frame, and, uh, certainly not with incompetent planners. Hmph.

Wait. Weren't you the one who pushed for this schedule?

Well, fund-raising season is almost over, Isabel.


This museum could be so amazing.

If I could just get Sam to approve things a little quicker.

Ha! Tell me about it.

He drives me crazy every day.

Listen, a piece of advice from one friend to another: be careful around him.


Meaning, I probably shouldn't say this, but... his motives aren't always what they seem.

You don't know what my motives are.

(both chuckle)

Well, something tells me you're a little too classy for that.


You're welcome.

(woman talking on PA)

Sam: Olivia.

Hey, Dad.

Did the doctor okay you to be walking around like this?

I had to pee. Okay?

I didn't really feel like crawling across the floor.



I know about the MS.

Oh, shit.

Why the hell didn't you say anything?

Because of the way you just sized me up looking for the problem.

No. No, I did not.

I didn't.

The whole reason I'm here is to avoid all of that.

I've been getting enough of it in Chicago.

That... that's...

That's why you quit med school?


And everyone knows.

Your... your mom, she... she knows.


Yeah, she does.

I made her promise not to tell you.


I am your father, Olivia.

My father who I see once a year if his work schedule permits it.

You're gonna make this about my parenting skills? Is that it?

No. Actually, you're making this about you.

Look, I have relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis.

Why, how, who knows?

Long-term, I'm f*cked.

Short-term, right now... it's all good.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, it's all good.

You... you're... you're having tremors.

You're getting into auto accidents.

Look at me. It's not all good.

(door opens)

Get out.


Hey, can you come back a little later?

Those were from me.

I left Dave because he couldn't stop pointing out my symptoms.

"Hey, Olivia, you look a little depressed today, a little weak."

I know he loves me, but at some point, all he was seeing was a patient.

And I've got plenty of years to be treated as an invalid.


Well, admit it.

You miss working for me.

I'm managing.

Well, don't let this go to your head, but I could really use your help with this deal preview.

Yeah, I'm just, uh, I'm just going over paperwork for the Biggs photos. What's wrong?


Cold w*r's gone hot.

My only hope is once they see how successful the preview is, they'll change their minds.

I hope so too.

I loved Archaos when I was younger.

Well, I guess we had more in common than I thought, Graham.

Hm. That must be disappointing for you.



Hey, uh, have you seen Roxanna today?

I haven't talked to her since BidHaus launched.

Yeah, you and everyone else.

I think she's been laying pretty low since the whole documentary debacle.

Documentary debacle?

(phone vibrates)


Oh, I have to get this. Alesha, I'm sorry.


(vibrating continues)

(Graham clears throat)


Nice work, Detective Connor.

Los Altos got your precious peeps.


Are they okay?

I'm sure they've been better.

Can we do a deal for them?

I gotta say, I didn't figure you for the sl*ve trafficker.

Can we do a deal or not?

You got 70K?

I ain't setting the meeting until I have that in hand.

I'll find a way to get it.

Oh, and don't forget the five racks you still owe me.



This is gonna be good.

Howard: Stop daydreaming, girl.

Oh, Howard, Mr. Sudha.

I... I wasn't expecting you.

I wasn't expecting to be here.

All right, let's get on with it.

Navin has changed his mind.

It was never made up.

That BidHaus thing, that's impressive.

Looking at that and speaking with Howard, I'm seeing your proposal in a new light.

That's wonderful.

So, your... your firm will put up the money and buy out the shareholders?

Assuming we could convince them, yeah.

Jianwun has a big head start on us, so you better get to work.

Of course.

Let's get to it.

Fernand Duchesne.

From his first exhibition.

Right before he popped.

I've been following him.

Well, then you'll know collectively they're worth about 20 grand now.

You don't care for them anymore?

I like them. I just need the money.

Is that a Kohner?

It's not for sale.

Add this one to the mix and I'll buy everything, at your price.

Like I said, it's not for sale.

How much do you want?

The price I mentioned for these is more than fair.

And if you ever want to do business at DeGraaf's, I suggest we reach an agreement on the Duchesnes.

The Kohner is not for sale.





Time for a drink.

Or three.


I convinced them it's too late to cancel the preview, but they still want to pull the auction.

It's not the first time a divorcing couple threatened to pull an auction.

It's the first time the couple in question had made something that I loved.


No offense, Foley, but I've never pinned you as such a fanboy.


'Cause I'm a chick, I can't like a kick-ass comic?

No. (chuckles)

No, no, no, that's not... that's not it.


Okay, let me start over.


Archaos is just... you know, such a major freak.

And you... are... are just... not at all that.


We need to figure out a way to convince them that a bitter lawsuit is not the way to go.

Unless we use Archaos against them.

What do you mean?

So why is it that you're never at the stamp auctions?

'Cause nobody is. That's why.


Oh, uh...

I wanted to thank you for the other night.

For listening to me.

You don't have to thank me.

No, no, I do.

I do. Honestly, thank you.

Any time.

You figure out the Miles problem?

Yeah, I think so.


Hey, um, you want to grab dinner later?

Uh, nothing... nothing fancy.

Just somewhere away from this.

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, okay. Burgers?

Yes. Burgers sound great. Text me a place.

I will.

Mr. Connor.

Mr. Rice.

Didn't think comics were in your repertoire.

Well, certain ones.

Like Archaos.

I, uh, brought my grandson to get a look.

You have a grandson.

Why wouldn't I?

I introduced him to Archaos.

It's such a great story.

Soldier screwed over by his country, takes matters into his own hands, does what he can to... disrupt the broken establishment.

So, it's not about the money.

(chuckles) Don't be crass.

You here for the money?



For the money? No. (chuckles) No.

My side business, yes.

To each his own.

I actually have something you might be interested in.

Is it a part of the shipment?

No, that shipment's not due till Friday.

This just came into me.


Eighth century. Jade.

In your buyer's wheelhouse.

That is definitely something my buyer will be interested in.

Who, uh... who did you buy it from?


You know I can't disclose that information, Graham.

Right, no. Of course, of course.

(clears throat)

I'll text you when I have your shipment.

Okay. Perfect.


(whispering) What do you think? Pretty great, huh?

Woman: I always thought you two should be together, so...


Monica. Hi.

You have a second?

I've got my next class soon.

When you were nannying for us, did you have an affair with Miles?



Thank you. I'm... I'm sorry.

People have been telling me stories about Miles lately and I guess it's getting me a bit paranoid.

What were the stories?

♪ It's time to turn my dreams into schemes ♪
♪ Schemes! ♪
♪ Schemes into play ♪
♪ Play! ♪


(music plays loudly)


♪ I'mma show 'em who I am ♪
♪ Talk about it, be about it... ♪

(music stops)


Shouldn't you be working on the fund-raiser?

Nicole told me.


Was she drunk?


She's got MS.

What the hell are you talking about?

Just what I said.

I just found out.

Good times, huh?

Can you sit up please, Sam?

It's good she's here.

And you're here for her.

Yeah. I got a call into the top specialist in Zurich.

And Nicole, she found this experimental drug in Brazil that's supposed to be just ungodly expensive, but it's supposed to slow the damage down.

That's good.

It's not exactly what I was talking about.


You can't manage this for her.


You can't.

I'm supposed to do something by not doing anything?

What kind of a strategy is that?

Well, it's not strategizing. It's parenting.

Which apparently is a crapshoot.

That's why I prefer business.

'Cause you're good at keeping business all separate and professional?

I make the rare exception.

For what?

For the rare exception.

All I taste is sweat.

I'm sorry.

Hey, Peter. How you doin'?


Sorry I'm late.

You beat me here.

I couldn't wait to try a Shockley burger.

They taste better than they sound.

I hope they're shockingly good.

They are, trust me.

I already put in our order.

Oh, thank you.


Hey, thanks for coming over to Bensonhurst.

Of course.

Are you here seeing your family?

Yeah. Uh, yeah.

I like to get back as often as I can.

My brother's still in rehab, so...

Me too.

What's that?

I'm getting sober again.

Well, that's great news, Roxanna.

I'm pleased for you.

Thank you.

(baby crying)

Although, that may drive me back to it.

(both laugh)

Yeah, maybe.

You want kids, Graham?

What would I do with kids besides mess 'em up?

Mm, that's pretty cynical.

Even for you.

Well... you know I haven't had the best role model, so...

Yeah. That doesn't mean we have to be... locked into the cycle, you know?


I've been doing this exercise recently.

Oh, yeah?


I'm trying to visualize the future that I want.



And I think I want kids.

Maybe even a husband.


You deserve both of those things.

Thank you.

Let's just be clearer, we're just having burgers tonight though, right?

No proposal?

Come on. I didn't bring a ring.

Thank you.

Thanks, man.

All right, let's get into this.


No, you go first.

No, you go.

I have something to discuss with you, Al-Masrifi.

You have me mistaken for someone else.

It won't take long.

I'm sorry, I don't know who you are.

You don't come to me here.

Hear me out.

What are you talking about? I thought you were trying to get to Uzay.

I am, I am, but right now, he's not the most important thing.

You gotta help me with Miguel.

Come on, Tommy. You're the one who told me to stay away from him.

I know. I know I did. I'm sorry, but you don't even have to deal with him.

You just... you answer the call, you go to the address, and Vashti and Ammar will be there waiting. It's simple.

I don't know. This is all kinds of messed up.

You know what's messed up? A 10-year-old kid and his mother packaging heroin in a basement somewhere.

That's messed up.

Look, that's not on you, Tommy.

You don't have to win every fight.

Alesha: This is one of my favorite issues.

How Jacobs realizes that he's putting his daughter's life in danger, so he decides he has to leave.

I remember. I wrote it.

But before he goes, he gives Abigail his dog tags.

So, whenever she looked at them, she remembered her father, the guy he used to be before he got transformed into a monster.

Why don't you get to the point?


I'm suggesting you keep something from the auction.

Something that has sentimental value to you.

Something that reminds you of what you created and accomplished, not what you're losing in your divorce.

You don't know anything about it.

No. I know more than you think.

The preview was an enormous success, and trust me, an auction is the cleanest, fairest way to end your partnership...

Don't talk to me about fair.

That bitch tried to keep me from seeing my kids.

Right. I'm sorry about that. I truly am.

But don't you think it will be less painful than a long and drawn out lawsuit?

I'm the child of a 15-year divorce.

I saw how bad it gets.

How much they hated each other.

But as long as they were in court, they were tied to each other.

It only hurt them more.

And me.

Do you want to put your kids through that?

Talk to me when your husband cheats on you with your best friend.

What do you say?



If I can keep the original sketch, he can sell the rest.

Man: Tell the bitch she can keep the g*dd*mn drawing.

I don't want a thing.

Except to be out of this marriage.

I never quite know what to expect when I find you two in my office.

You should always be delighted to see me.

Please, have a seat.

We've made the offers and we have everyone we need except one.

Drew Gilman.

Self-righteous prick.

We're gonna need the full wine-and-dine with him.

Yeah, the full rub-and-tug.


Actually, you're not so far off.

Gilman has been using company funds for personal use.

Are you sure?

We've never had business in Bangkok, but we paid for him to go five times.

That's fantastic.

We'll rake his pervert ass over the coals and he'll have no choice.

Didn't I tell you she was tough?


This is a bitch.

Graham: Well, you must come to London all the time for work, right?

Amanda: London? Oh, never.

(Sam chuckles)

Amanda: Not really, but that's easier.

Do you go there often?

Graham: Rarely.

Long distance relationships can work...

What are you doing?


Thought the movie was interesting.

I just... thought I'd join ya.

Do you mind?




Hm. Hm.

This is me being here for you.


Don't you have that museum party tonight?

Eh, I don't have to go to that.

You should go.

Do your thing, see Isabel.

Be there for her.

(laughs) Okay.

That'll be a thrill. It's not like we're ever gonna bump into each other.

All right. Thanks, Mom.

I'll see you soon.


Who are you talking to?


That was Cindy Petersen.

She's taking the girls out to the Hamptons for a week and wants us to join.

You know I can't leave right now.


Right. Um, well, maybe I'll take the girls for a few days and you can come when you can.

Are you leaving tonight? You'll miss the fund-raiser.

I don't really need to see Roxanna.

That's fair.


You should go though.

Make the rounds after everything that's happened at DeGraaf's.

People need to see you out.


And not to mention with everything that's going to happen at DeGraaf's.


Then join us when you're free.


I'll call you later.

(door opens, closes)

(techno music playing)



There he is. The man of the hour.

Hey, Reverend.


How's the shrimp?

Oh, fine, fine, fine.

This is quite the lavish event, Sam.

It'll go a long way to solidifying this museum as a cornerstone of the community, along with our continued partnership.

You got a great line of bullshit, Reverend.


Enjoy yourself.




Both: Muah.


Hey, hey.

You remember Clint, don't you?

Oh, yeah. Hey, big guy.


How are ya?

So in addition to Disintegration of Order, he also donated this beautiful piece, which is called The Last Drop of Water.


It's brilliant, isn't it?

Yeah, that is... is... that is one hell of a pile of garbage you've got there. That's great.

(heavy accent) Twet.

It's pronounced "twat," prick.

Arthur thinks I'm too classy for you.

Is that true?

Could be. Could be.

Listen, I really wanted to thank you for the other day.

Yeah, um...

Just you really helped me out.

Yeah, you don't...

You know, I'm new at this, this being a real dad, and I don't know what I'm doing.

I know, and you don't...

And you are so great...

There you are.


I've been looking everywhere.

Both: Muah.

Isabel: Thank you.

Uh, hi.


Uh, Henry Perry.

Oh, oh.

Sam Brukner.

Well, uh, this place is fantastic.

The two of you are really doing something special.


It's all her.

I mean, she does everything. I... I... I only take the credit.

That's all. She's great.


She's fantastic.


Don't I know it.

Lucky guy.

Oh, thank you.

Enjoy the evening.

Mm, mm.

Oops. (chuckles)

You're... you're excused.


(chuckles) Bye.

There you are, sis.

You know, my skin crawls when you call me that.


Is my actual sister here?

She's bummed to be missing it, actually.

She was looking forward to seeing you.

She was?

Well, your face at least when I let you know that you're done at DeGraaf's.


You are mistaken.

You and Jianwun have lost.


I have something to show you.

Guess how little a documentary cameraman makes.

Actually, no, don't guess. It's, uh, it's too depressing.

I paid only $2,000 for this footage.

Roxanna (on video): I hate these g*dd*mn chairs.

Can you believe that?

I hate this room.

As you would imagine, Navin Sudha was very shocked to see this.

I believe the term he used was "game changer."

So, maybe I didn't lose after all.

Maybe I won.

You're a prick.

Pack your bags, Roxy.

Miguel: The cash.

And mine?

Ryan's ready to pick up the mom and kid?

Yeah. Let's get this over with.

In case of emergency... break glass.

(breathing heavily)


Que paso, Miguel?

How's business?

It's a'ight.


Graham: You got the money. Make the call.

Slow down, blanquito.

Don't worry about him. He's just excitable.

Aren't you?

Drop 'em.

Highland and Jefferson.

Highland and Jefferson.

You hear that, Ryan? Highland and Jefferson.

Let me know when they're safe.

We good.

Graham: No.

Not until I know they're safe.

That wasn't a question, puta.

Hey, hey, don't worry, Wilmer.


He's cool, Wilmer.

We cool.

We're cool.


You got jack, bitch!

Now you're gonna take me to your crib.

Then we're good.

Let's go! Let's go!

What are you doing?

Get out of here, Tommy.

Go get your prize, baby.

Ryan: I'm at the address. They're not here.

What do you mean they're not there? What do you mean?

No one dropped them off.

What are you talking about? Hey! Hey! Hey!

What are you talking about? Hassan's wife and kid.

They're not here, Tommy.

They're not there?

No one dropped them off.



(tires screeching)

(techno music playing)

Isabel: How are you?

I can't not bring Henry to something like this.

Oh. Yeah.

He is my husband.

Seems like a great guy.

Big smile.


Great smile.

Well... well, you asked about him the other night. There he is.

Yeah, well... doesn't mean I wanted to meet him.

Sam, you and I, whatever this is, has been going on for a few weeks.

And they've been an amazing few weeks, but I think we need to keep everything in perspe...

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Are you... are you giving me the "it's just sex" speech?


Is that what this is?

No, no, no.


I'm just saying with everything on both our plates... we need to be real about what this is.

What is this then for you?

A professional partnership...


...and a friendship... with occasional benefits.


I've only started collecting just a few months ago with an excellent Ruscha.


Burning Gas Station.

Gosh, I'm a huge Ruscha fan.

In fact, my gallery specializes in similar artists.


Let me give you my card.

Thank you. I'll give you a call.

Enjoy your evening.

Davenport: Sure.

Have him set up in the atrium and I'll be right there.

Hey, Sam.


Thank God you made it.

Got some press here and I want you to do some interviews.

Of course I made it. It's my museum.

Well, what I meant is I... I spoke to Isabel and...

Yes, I know. So?

Well, I'm just happy...

What? know that everything's all right with your daughter, that's all.

So, what do you think?

It's a pretty good turnout, right?

People love a free party, Arthur.

I mean, people, they come to these things, they want to get their picture in Gotham Magazine and they want to soak up all my free booze.

They don't give a shit.


Oh, this is my friend Joseph.

Sam Brukner.

Mr. Brukner.


Joseph Chukwu.


I'm a colleague of Arthur.

Oh, really? You're a colleague of Arthur's?

Oh, what, so you're both trust fund babies together?

Is that it? I beg your pardon?

Oops, I'm sorry.

Look, I just... I never see this guy work hard at anything other than trying to stay relevant.

(both chuckling)


Don't you think you've had enough to drink?



Hey, do I work for you?

Or... or do you work for me?

I... I mean, one of us has forgotten.

Why don't you go piss away the rest of your inheritance on some boy toy?


Excuse me.


(indistinct shouting)


(indistinct shouting)


(indistinct shouting)

(indistinct shouting)

(Graham grunts)

(woman crying)


Vashti. Vashti.

Vashti. Anybody know who Vashti is?

Hey, you know who Vashti is?

No? Vashti. You know where she is?

No? Vashti. Anybody?

Ammar, Ammar. (speaking foreign language)

I'm a friend of your dad's okay?

I'm gonna get you out of here. Where's your mom?

Where's Vashti? Where's your mom?

Where's your mom? Where's your mom?

Okay, okay. Hold my shirt. Hold my shirt.

Stay behind me at all times. I'm gonna get you out of here.


Stay close. Keep your head down.

(indistinct shouting)


(indistinct shouting)

(shouting continues)

Okay, stay close.

Stay close, all right?

(indistinct shouting)

Miguel? Miguel!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Put your g*n down!

Miguel, put your g*n down.

You see, Tommy?

If I didn't jack them... they was jacking you.


Come on! Let's go! Let's go!

(shouting in Spanish)

I got you. I got you.

You're welcome.

Ammar! Ammar!

Vashti. Vashti. Vashti.

(woman sobbing)

My name's Graham Connor.

I'm a friend of Hassan's, okay? I'm a friend of Hassan's.


I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?

Come on, come on, come on. You're okay, you're okay.

Okay, come on. Stay close at all times.

Hold my shirt. We're gonna get out of here.

Hold my shirt. Keep your head down.

Stay close at all times.


I love you.

Keep your head down. Stay close.

Okay, come on, come on.

Hold my hand. Let's go, let's go.

Keep your head down. Stay close at all times.

Okay, you're safe now.

Come on, let's go, go, go, go, go.

Stay close. Come on.

Come on. You're safe, you're safe.

Come on, come on.