02x08 - Prosopagnosia and Parrot Fish

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rosewood". Aired: September 2015 to April 2017.*
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"Rosewood" is about a private pathologist (Dr. Beaumont Rosewood Jr.), who works in Miami, Florida, in high demand with law enforcement.
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02x08 - Prosopagnosia and Parrot Fish

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Turn up the bass, adjust the treble ♪
♪ I'mma live life like I only get one night ♪

Yeah, a really good time. [Laughs]

♪ I'mma do it so right, I'mma kick it so tight ♪

Ike: Ricky.

I see you, Ike.

Yeah, Rick.

Beach, couple of fly mamis.

What up, fam?

Clearly your taste in the ladies.

One of the many things you teaching me and still teaching me.

You good, Rick?

Yeah, yeah. I'm good.

So, listen, I'm gonna be late tomorrow, so I stopped by to give you something.

♪ And people celebrate it like a special occasion ♪


Those other crews won't see this coming.

It's time for you to take off those training wheels, put in some grown-man work, Ike.

You down?


Good lookin' out, Rick.

You want to come hang?

No, I'm good, man. I got to roll.

All right. I'll check you.

♪ Got me off the bench so you know I'm about to go in ♪

[Breathing heavily]


Hey! We need... No, no, no.

No, please, come help me!

This guy... he's, um...

You're bleeding!

No, it's... It's not mine.

Hey, do... Do either of you know CPR?

I do.

Come on! Please!

Call 911! Please!

Do you know him?

No, I don't know him.

Come on, wake up, man! Wake up! Come on!


He's gone.

[All breathing heavily]

So, it's come down to this, folks... Game 7.

My baby Kayla is leading this basketball game 118-117.

Yeah, not for long, not for long.

Over Rosie, my boo, with only three seconds left.

Rosie has the ball but no more time-outs, and the championship rests on this final shot.

Mm-hmm, he might be black, but he looks like he's about to crack under pressure.

Wait, what?


[Door opens, knocks]



Hey, girl.

Oh, video games.

[Dance music plays]

Ah, music.


Interesting choice.

Is this a Jedi move on Rosie's end, or is he just postponing the inevitable?

Well, you don't worry about all that.

I'm just saying. What are gonna do, jump shot, lay-up?

Or a miss? Because my money's on the miss.

Oh, your money's on the... Okay, we'll see about that. Mm-hmm.

Boom! Yes!


It's all right, my bad...

You said "Miss" or "Dismiss" as in "You're excused."

Man, you got lucky.

Almost ready, Villa. Rosewood out.

Your first win in, what, 27 games?

Uh, 20 games. First 7 were practice.

Oh, not including the times you practiced in the middle of the night?

Oh, why are you calling me out?

No, that wasn't practice. That was study time.

There was a fine line between the two.

Fine line or lying?

You know what? It doesn't even matter.

I start my new streak tomorrow morning.

Same time, same place?

Oh, most definitely.

I will be there, but we're gonna play a different game.

You ever heard of Double Dragon? Double what?

Yeah, see, that's the game we're gonna play.

There you go.

I got to get ready for school.


You know, ever since you two started playing this "Wreckless Breakfast" thing, I have seen a spark in Kayla.

I mean, she's more helpful, she's more focused, but my favorite is she won't stop smiling.

Well, as far as the smiling, guilty as charged.

But as for the video games, it's a healthy vice.

Sorry, Rosie, but we got to get to the crime scene.

All right. Here you go.

So, be smart, be sexy, but most importantly, be in control, all right?

Okay. Bye, girl.

All right.

Rosewood: GTO is Tawnya's for the week while her car's in the shop, hence the reason for the carpool time.

And, Villa, guess what.

Day after tomorrow, 10:00 A.M., I convinced Elena Santiago's mother, Beth, to sign off on her daughter's exhumation.

[Speaks Spanish]

After what I just saw back at your place, you're starting with the professional update?

Well, I figured the personal might take a minute.

Agreed. Continue.

So, by the time Elena's father, Carlos, finds out...

It'll be too late for him to do anything about it, getting us one step closer to exonerating Gerald.

You really are a Jedi.

Thank you.

Nice work.

I thought so.

And, look, Villa, she's my baby, all right?

The hip-hop to my hooray, the one woman who's never let me down.

Aside from my mother, Pipp, and Grandma Acee.

Who, Tawnya?

No, Villa, the GTO.


And what's the harm in sharing something that I care about with someone I care about?

This past week with Tawnya and Kayla's been on point.

I think it's time to double down.

As in move them in permanently?

Yeah, why not?

When it's right, it's right. Right?

Look at you. You were about to say "Right."

I did not want to say "Right."

It's all in your eyes. You wanted to say "Right."

Okay, well, one piece of advice from someone who used to be Kayla...

This "plus-two" way of life is about all of you now.

You ready for that?

I am.

[Police radio chatter]

Villa: Unis has canvassed the area, but still no m*rder w*apon in sight.

Based on the V-shaped laceration to the back of the head and the neck, he was att*cked from behind.

This looks like vomit.

I'll have it tagged and analyzed back at the lab.

What is Slade doing here?

Oh, Hornstock took the day off, Feldheim's getting hitched to his taxidermist girlfriend, Agnes...

A real peach of a woman.

And you know this how?

Group e-mail.

Oh, oh, that "Reply all" chain that took a year off my life?

Oh, that's right. You love "Reply all."

That's for joining us, Captain.

Aww, if only you meant that, Villa.

But, hey, your effort was admirable, and I'm a softy for for effort.

Not really.

Villa: The victim's wallet was stolen, so we have no I.D. nor cellphone, but based on the brown bandana around his belt, he has ties to Carol City Syndicate, one of the biggest gangs around.

Did I miss something?

Active members of Carol City always wear their rag outside of their right pocket.

This one's tied to his belt loop.

Feels more like a wrong-place, wrong-time scenario.

Yeah, but, I mean, an attack like this is usually driven by rage and more than likely premeditated.

Any witnesses?

Yeah. Guy's name is Ben Kapono.

Two college girls said that he discovered the victim, tried CPR to no avail, but...

I mean, I tried questioning him, and he still seems a little shaken up, so...

I suggest we take him back to the station, get him talking there.

Hey, yeah. We'll make it nice and cozy for him...

Ice-cold beverage, ham sandwich without the crust.

See what he has to say.

Yeah. That.

We're gonna have to keep your shirt, maybe get a trace of the k*ller.

Yeah, no problem. I'm, uh...

I can help.

So, where were you headed?

Well, I, um...

I go to that park from time to time.

Actually, a lot.

And, uh, I heard a scream, a loud scream, and then, uh...

Then he was right there, um, the victim.

And I just... I froze up.

I just saw him laying there, bleeding.

I heard a... I heard a voice.

I think it was the suspect's voice.


Why don't we, uh, just start with the suspect's face, hmm?

Let's try him out.

He's a pretty good sketch artist.

Teeth, chin, unibrow, eyes like Ren, nose like Stimpy...

That kind of thing.

I'm not, uh... I'm not... I'm not really good with faces.

Well, I'm not too good with taxes, but I still got to pay them.

Come on, man.

We all have to make our contributions, Ben.


I just... I know...

I know what I heard, which was, uh, voices...

Male, female...

And then, uh, he grabbed me and threw me to the ground.

So, it was a "he."

Yeah, I mean, well, I think...

It happened... It happened real fast.

So you heard the suspect, even better, he or she physically assaulted you and you can't remember their face.

Excuse me, one second. Ben, I'm Dr. Rosewood.

Tell me, when you look at us, do you feel like you're staring into a room full of identical twins?

You're nervous about this, and we understand that.

Tell me if I'm wrong, but do you suffer from prosopagnosia?


Facial blindness.

It's a disorder where one's ability to recognize faces is impaired.

Is that what you have?


Even my own, sometimes.


[Voice breaking] I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

So, we have an eyewitness who can't see faces.

But our k*ller saw his face.

S02E08 Prosopagnosia and Parrot Fish So, what caused the prosopagnosia?

Stroke... about a year ago.

But it didn't stop there, did it?

Based on the hemorrhaging in your eyes, a persistent thirst, minor hand tremors...

You suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure, don't you?

I was 11 when I had my first stroke, and it left me with a laundry list of problems.

Life has a way of punching us all, Ben.

But you got to keep sparring.

Sports photography was my thing, faces in particular.

You know that pic of LeBron celebrating after Ray Allen hit the three in Game 6?

Yeah, I do. That was you?

That was me.

That's good stuff, good stuff.

So listen, Ben... In order to catch this k*ller, we need you to unlock all of your senses.

Like, what I smelled or touched?

Or heard.

Earlier you mentioned voices.

Was there anything else?

Yeah, there was a... There was, like, a rattling...

It was a necklace or a... Maybe a, uh, a bracelet.

I'm not sure.

Then after I got pushed to the ground, I also noticed that... That the person was limping.

You really think this k*ller is gonna come after me?

All we know for sure is that you are the one thing standing between the k*ller and his freedom, so we're gonna have you stick around for a while, keep you safe.

And, oh, the best sports pic of last year...

Jarvis Landry, one-handed catch.

Oh, man. I was at that game.

I was 10 rows up from where he caught it.

And the best part about that picture?

You didn't need to see his face.

So, for the real reason that you three are now crowding my space.

Process of elimination... That leaves you, Pippy.


Let's say, Mom, that the exhumation of Elena Santiago goes very well, okay, and Rosie finds that one piece of magical evidence on her body that sets Gerald free.

What happens next with you and him?

My only focus is the release of an innocent man.

Let's go, let's go!

Mitchie put a collection of potential weapons together.

We have ancient knives? No.

Brass knuckles? No.

Pruning shears. Why?

Oh, that's a morning star.

Yeah, 14th century.

Yeah. How'd you know that?

Uh, Medieval Times.


[Chuckling] Yeah, I love that place.

Rosewood: All right, come on, guys. I need you to focus.

I want to run a full tox profile and a soft-tissue survey.

We're looking for any hematomas and ecchymoses to determine the trauma, the location, and how many times our victim was hit in the body.

There are remnants of what appear to be cornstarch in the victim's right ear canal.

With the signs of significant head trauma, should we add skull X-rays and a CT scan to the laundry list.



Bingo. I got it.

Victim's name is Ricky Dawson.

Not only was he a member of Carol City Syndicate, but he was a two-strike felon, multiple narcotics charges.

I say we look into his old crew.

[Exhales sharply]

You know why Hornstock and I thrive?

We use our words.

But, hey, if talking isn't your thing, that's fine.

I'm flexible.

Text, e-mail...

Long as you don't hit "Reply all."

Close the door.

Ricky was raised at a place called Saint Mels Home For Boys, same place I was.

Anything great that happened in my life happened there.

So as far as I'm concerned, Ricky's family.

We have to make this right. I did some checking.

Ricky hadn't returned to jail in in 18 months, so there's a good chance that this m*rder is tied to his present.

Something we won't know until we look into his present.

Saint Mels.

Ricky lived across the street.

You want to start here first?

No. His apartment.

Mm, not a lot of space to work with.

I mean, vials, beakers, measuring cups?

Makes sense... Moving coke was Ricky's thing.

Rosie called earlier and mentioned how they discovered cornstarch inside his ear.

Cornstarch is a necessary tool of the trade when stepping on coke.

I don't know.

Woks, stainless steel pans like this...

It's not exactly high on the wish list for someone who's cooking dope.

Well, if he wasn't cooking dr*gs, then what was he cooking?

Risotto, perhaps... Maybe a nice lamb shank.

Oh, yeah, low and slow until it just drops off the bone, at least that's how I do it.

In a Crock-Pot... Just load it up in the morning.

Rosie, get to the point.

Okay, well, based on the hard skin between his forefinger and his thumb, and you couple that with the pink and brown burn marks on his hand, all signs point to him being a chef.

Look... scuff marks.

Okay, Rosie. Come quick.

Put your back against this door.

You, too, Captain.

Come... Just come on. Just don't make this weird.

Trust me.

You're the one making this weird.

I'm not making it weird.

Neither am I.

Okay. No, wait.

No, this is kind of weird.

Okay, guys, would you shut up?

I'm trying to figure something out.


Ricky was recently in a fight, and the person who he fought was about Rosie's height, slightly smaller.

And Ben did say that he saw someone limping away from the park, so maybe the injury happened right here.

And as an act of revenge, he or she followed Ricky to the park.


Hey, yo, Ricky!


Yo, Ricky!


Let's go talk to these kids.

Detective Villa.

You guys looking for Ricky Dawson?

Detective? What happened to Ricky?

He was m*rder*d.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hey, whoa, whoa.

Where you going?

You know what? I'm gonna handle this my way.

Hey, man, let me talk to you for a second.

Ricky was my dude, man.

Real talk... Without him, most of us from Saint Mels would have been stuck in that street life.

So, fall back, bruh, 'cause you don't even know how I'm feeling right now.

You don't think I know how you're feeling, man?

Is that it? Come here.

See what that says right there?

"R. Slade '89."

That's me... Ryan Slade.

You was here?

That's right.

You and I...

We may not look alike, but we're still family.

I know you have this burning rage to do something in the name of your friend, but there are things called consequences, something I strongly recommend you avoid.

We'll figure out who k*lled Ricky, all right?

You have my word on that.

What else can you tell us about Ricky?

Every day around this time, he would cook for us before me and him would take would take his food truck out.

Food truck?

Yeah. I was his sous-chef.

What do you got in the bag?

It's a cryo-g*n.

Chefs use it when they're experimenting with molecular gastronomy...

Spherical olives, ice cream made with liquid nitrogen.

Man, I just saw him yesterday.

He... He wasn't doing too good, though, like... like he was nauseous or something.

Where's the food truck now?

I don't know.

Ricky got into a fight recently.

Either of you see a person leaving his home the past night or so?

I saw the taillights of something peeling off the other night.

Could've been a food truck, but it was too dark to tell.

Slade: All right, look.

Call me, okay?

If you remember anything.

Goes for you, too.

Rosewood: Mitch Speezio... You familiar?

Yeah, man, who isn't?

I mean, he's like a legend in the photography world.

Well, he and I... We go way back.

I reached out. He's ready to meet when you are.

Wow. Why would you do that?

'Cause I've been there, Ben.

Down on myself, lost confidence, But, hey, we just got to keep sparring, right?

Rosie, according to this food-truck app over here, these are the trucks that are working today.

Rosewood: We got to narrow it down.

And I think I know how.

Nah, the kid has given us nothing.


Wait. I mean, come on.

Just because he can't recognize faces doesn't mean he can't use his other senses.

Rosie does have a point.

The BOLO out on Ricky's truck has yet to turn up anything, and we need to find who he was fighting with.

Right now, Ben's all we got.

[Singing in Spanish]

Slade: Down to our last group of trucks and not so much as a whimper from Mr. Magoo.

Rosewood: Well, the day's still young.

Right, Ben?

Everything okay?

Yeah, I don't know.

Any of these people could be the k*ller.

And, like, what if I can't recognize them?

I-I just don't know about this. I'm sorry.

We have additional cops patrolling the area.

If anything feels suspicious, they'll alert us.

That's right.

You are with the Dream Team, my man.

I've seen a raid or two in my day.

I got my beak wet.

One raid... One and done.

It was better than that. Come on. Come on.

Man: Thank God it's Fryday! Step right up!

Gummy bears, bacon, butter.

If you buy it, your boy Duane will fry it.

That's right. Get it, get it.

Wait a minute.

It's a dark truck. He's walking with a limp.

Is that the voice you heard?

Yeah, I think so.

Ben, my man, you've come through in a clutch.

Get between these trucks.

All right.

Man: Step right up.

Get your gummy bears, bacon, butter, it doesn't matter.

That's right, your boy Duane here is a specialist in all the fried foods.

Hey, something you need me to fry?

You know, I'm thinking about it. You mind if I take a look?

Not at all. Go ahead.

All right.

No, no, you can't go...

East Miami P.D. Easy, Duane.

He can't do that.

Uh, looks like he just did, my man.

I'm not sure if you know, but your g*ng-banging buddy Ricky is dead.

Rumor has it the two of you got into a fight the other night.

No, not me.

Well, I saw Ricky had bruising on the distal phalanx of his right forefinger.

And let's not discuss the traumatic edema on your lower lip there.

Yeah, looks like it hurts.

Must have stung you pretty good, huh?

You got the wrong dude.

Show of hands if any of you have seen a m*rder w*apon.

It's about a foot in length, it's got blood all over it.

Hell, it's got Duane's stubby little digits on it, too.

Anybody? Come on.

Your prints aren't just on the w*apon...

We found them all over Ricky's apartment.

'Cause I've been there before... Several times actually.

What, is that a crime, now?

No, no, that's not a crime.

But you know, what's interesting to me is that the theme of your truck here is fried foods, but yet no one's approaching you.

And your baked-goods line was packed.

What's the secret?

I think the secret's quarter Sugar Plum, a quarter of P91 with a little marshmallow, sugar, and butter mixed in.

I used to work narcotics.

Selling this gem of decadence in a setting like this is highly illegal.

Oh, get what I just did, Rosie?

Love that. Like what you did, Slade.

Hey, hey. You catch that Duane?

Didn't catch it, huh?
You know, people take fruit for granted.

You know, Captain, maybe we should just...

When I was growing up... Getting my hands on an apple?

Harder than you might think.

And I got really good at just... you know, slicing 'em up just right.

[Cuts apple]

Cathartic, actually.

You know what else is cathartic?

Sussing out people's intentions.

Rosie and I, We did a little recon on your medical history.

Yeah, just a little.

A few trips to the E.R. for b*llet wounds to your shoulder, your calf, and your ass cheek.

Guess somebody bust a cap in your ass.

In every instance, you're getting shot from behind.

Why is that?

You running away like a little b*tch?

I don't run from nothin'.

You don't run from nothin'?

Hmm. You run away from the crime scene after you att*cked Ricky from behind.

There's a pattern here, Duane.

When checking your food truck, we noticed the tire iron was missing.

That's consistent with the m*rder w*apon used to k*ll Ricky.

I bought the truck used. It never had a tire iron.

[Scoffs] It doesn't matter, man.

See, we know how it went down.

The other day, you approached Ricky, because you wanted to do a new food truck venture, and he shut you down.

Pissed, you guys got into a little fight and, surprise, look at that, tuned your ass up.

A few days later, you follow him the park, and... the rest is tragedy.

My gift to you.

Decent fruit in prison's gonna be hard to come by.

We have an eyewitness who put you at the crime scene.

Uh-oh. [Laughs]

Hey, you know what I should do?

I should carry you like a baby, you know, to your own food truck and just drop you in a hot vat of peanut oil.

But I guess I don't really have to do that, 'cause you're already fried.

For what?! You don't have anything!

Hey, Duane...

No, it's all right, Detective. That's okay.

What are you gonna do?

Go ahead. Show me how you k*lled Ricky.

Rosewood: Captain, listen. I realize your connection to Ricky, but I'm gonna need you to find your happy place.

Oh, this is the happiest I've been in years.

You want to try it with the knife, make you feel better?

Go ahead. Take it.

No. I want a lawyer.

Get me a lawyer.

Rosewood: Not even the marijuana charges will stick?

Well, he posted bond, and without a w*apon, Ben's testimony isn't enough to charge Duane with m*rder.

Captain, if Duane is indeed our guy, he'll bob to the surface again.

I'll track the phone records of people in Ricky's circle...

Ike, anyone else connected to Saint Mels.

We only have two options for our lead suspect...

Ben or Duane.

Ben has zero motive.

And no connection to Ricky.

Well, then Duane it is.

Listen up!

Everybody on this floor is on notice until Duane Posada's ass is behind bars!

You got it?!

[Cellphone vibrates]


Kayla's teacher just called and said she ditched school after lunch.


Pick a reason...

A boy, her friends, it's too bright outside.

Anyways, someone's already headed up here to cover my shift.

But I need you to pray for me, and more importantly, pray for Kayla.

Okay, wait, wait. How about this?

How about you stay at work and I'll go look for Kayla?

I think I have a pretty good idea where she might be.

Rosie, no. No.

Hey, I got this, okay?

W-Wait. Wait. How are you gonna pick her up when I have your car?

[Back-up alarm beeping]

[Calivision's "La Vida" plays]

♪ Ohhh, ohh, ohhh, oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ Ohhh, ohh, ohhh, oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ Ohhh, ohh, ohhh, oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ Ohhh, ohh, ohhh, oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ Ohhh, ohh, ohhh, oh-oh-oh ♪

Nice shot.

Why are you here, Rosie?

I think you know why I'm here.

♪ Ohhh, ohh, ohhh, oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ Ohhh, ohh, ohhh, oh-oh-oh ♪

How about for every shot I make, you tell me why you ditched school.

All right.

♪ Ohhh, ohh, ohhh, ohh ♪
♪ Ohhh, ohh ♪

I got into a fight at school today, because this other b*tch...

I'm sorry.

This other girl was throwing all types of shade, trying to bully my best friend.

Yo no quiero la envidia
Solo quiero amistad y cariño en mi vida

It was my third fight this year.

I'm getting expelled, so I thought, "Why not get a head start?"

Okay. If I were you, I would turn myself in, get ahead of the situation.

Principal Jepson is not trying to hear that.

All right, how about this?

How about me, you, and your mother, we go talk to her.

I happen to know a thing or two about principals.

Okay. All right. Now, you see these?

I've only had to use these a few times in my life, and that was as a last resort.

Now, I admire you having your friend's back, but your verbal jabs are always more lethal.

Remember that.

And use that gift as your first, your second, and your tenth option.


All right.

All right. Let's see what you got.

Solo quiero amistad y cariño en mi vida

And here it is... The Magic City Lab.

And this game system is a gift for you.

It's a gift for being honest, and that holds special merit in this family.

And I promise you moving forward that I will treat both you and your mother with respect.

[Elevator bell chimes]

Oh, here's Pipp.

Pipp, Kayla. Kayla, Pipp.

[Giggles] Yes, it's Pippy or Tee Tee.

I mean, I'll make it your call.

Listen, I'm on my lunch break.

You want to go grab a bite on Rosie's dime and then we have a little video-game battle?

You play?

Do I play? Oh, girl, please.

Gaming is in my blood, okay? Don't get it twisted.

Come on, let's go get something to eat.

So, you want to... Where you guys going? You guys getting...

No, seriously. What time you guys getting back?

I just want to make sure I get in.

Talk to me.

Well, as cool as this South-African knobkerrie is, there were no wood fibers found near or around the victim's lacerations.

It's just a crow bar and a lug wrench.


And Pippy passed the tox baton on to me before lunching with Kayla.

I found a an excessive amount of oxalic acid crystals in the victim's urine, prompting us then to check the vomit, were we discovered pink Himalayan salt and green veggie debris.

So it is possible that our victim was dosed with something.

So, something in the veggies?

Is that a reach, though?

He was pummeled to death.

No, our victim was nauseated before he died.

Maybe he was poisoned as a precursor.

Okay, use the ribosomal RNA sequencer to amplify the RNA gene.

Maybe that'll get us to the bottom of the green stuff.

[Cellphone vibrates]

Hey, Villa.

Hey, we just got a hit on Ricky's truck. It's on the move.

How is that possible?

The less we talk, the quicker we'll know.

It was heading into the Wynwood area.

See you in 15.

[Sirens wail]

[Tires screech]

Blue Thunder?

You say that with such disgust.

Try driving this baby.

The respect it commands on these neon Miami streets.

Epic. Epic.

Knife! E.M.P.D.! Drop the knife.

[Knife clatters]

So, you k*ll Ricky and then you wait 12 hours to haul ass across the border?

Seems a little counter-productive.

We couldn't find a match to the name you gave us.

Leticia Cortez. You here illegally?

Look, our only focus is the k*ller.

What's your connection to Ricky?

He was my boyfriend.

So, Speezio hit me up.

Saw your gallery online, couldn't stop raving about that Jack McKeon pic.

Yeah. Yeah, that one was total luck.

I caught him on the beach smoking a stogie and just snapped a pic.

Well, look, he's here till Monday, so if you want to meet up, talk some photo shop.

That's... That's amazing.

Thank you.

No, no. It's all good.

Hey, I'm...

I'm sorry about that Duane guy.

I mean, I was pretty certain.

No, he's still a person of interest, and you mentioned you heard multiple voices...

Male, female...

And here we are with a female suspect.

So it's all good.

You good?

Oh. I don't know.

Stress, anxiety?

Like, allergies, maybe?

I'm a freakin' mess.

No, you did your best. We appreciate that.

So, if anything in her voice feels or sounds familiar, you just chime in.

Villa: You and Ricky were in an accident.

No, not me. Ricky. Night before last.

Your busted-up face tells a different story.

Our guess?

You were the one driving the car.

You're undocumented, right?

Not only would you be deported for hit-and-run, but Ricky would lose his business, right?

[Voice breaking] Ricky felt so bad about leaving the scene, he memorized the person's license plates, spent the morning trying to find them.

Why were you driving and not Ricky?

He was too sick... Something he ate.


Last night, he went to the store to get something to help with the nausea, but he never returned.

I called his phone all night, but it kept going to voice-mail.



No. Nothing about her reminds me of anything.

I just want to go home.

Just for a little bit, if that's okay.

Oh, yeah, of course. Get some rest.

Thanks, man.

[Door opens, closes]

[Cellphone vibrates]

What's up, TMI?

[Woman speaking Spanish]

Hey, we found rhubarb leaves in Ricky's stomach, which are loaded with oxalic acid.

It's possible he was poisoned.

Wait. Ricky had dinner with Simone Kilgore, my ex-boss.

Master chef Simone Kilgore?

Master chef, shady b*tch, r*cist.

Sounds like you ladies had quite the friendship.

She's not a good person, okay?

Her and Ricky were supposed to go into business together, but she screwed him over.

She screws everyone over.

What's the name of her restaurant?

There is no name. It's a pop-up.

Change locations daily.

And we find that how?

Social media.

Great. Another thing I hate.

Pippy: Best two out of three?

We already played two, and I was the best in both.

Three out of five? Four out of seven?

Okay, it's time for me to get my crown back.

All right? You had a decent run, little girl.

Brief, but decent.


That child is still here?

Yes. I am on full-time auntie duty.

She's smart, quick-witted, maybe a little bit too much of both.

Remind you of anyone? [Scoffs]

Been a whirlwind relationship for your brother, but to my surprise, he is sticking to it.

You know what? It's amazing what happens when you, uh, open yourself up to new possibilities.


Just sayin'.

Thank you.

Mom, Pipp, I want you to meet Tawnya.


Hi. [Laughs]

What a pleasure to meet you, my dear. I've heard so much about you.


Uh, we should probably get going.

Uh, Kayla, come on.

Mom, do we have to?

Kayla. Let's go.

Hey, is everything okay?

Yeah, yeah.

Um, I'll see you later.

And, um, we're just gonna take the bus.

Donna: Bye, sweetheart.

[Softly] What?

Kayla: Bye.

Nice meeting you guys.

You too.


[Door closes]

[Cellphone vibrates]

One second.

Hey, Villa, what's up?

You found the pop-up?

No, no need. I'll bring the Queen.

To be continued.

♪ Mere sight of her silhouette ♪
♪ Most are frightened, yet I sat and lit a cigarette ♪
♪ Lost in excitement ♪
♪ She breathed life into my cold strife ♪
♪ Plus got fight, like 300 without a bowled strike ♪

So, I read up on Simone Kilgore.

Every word out of her mouth was either "foraged," "sumptuous," or "toothsome."

Ooh, I can still smell the pretentiousness on my fingers.

Woman: Here you go, Daisy.

[Indistinct conversations]

So, people are just sitting here in an empty movie-theater lobby eating?

Simone Kilgore?

Detective Villa, East Miami P.D.

W-What can I do for you, Detective?

We're here to talk to you about Ricky Dawson.

Rosewood: She's making a break for it.

She's not that dumb.

No, she's not that dumb.


She is that dumb.

She is that dumb.

So... you needed to be somewhere?

I-I'm here because of those people who work for me.

"Those people"? Really?

Mexicans, Guatemalans, Cubans.

They're undocumented workers, human beings.

Come on, Simone. Come on.

You ran because you poisoned Ricky with the rhubarb leaves.

That's a bit rich.

He's allergic to them, so I put it in his curry and made him nauseous.

Oh, then you beat him to death?

He was beaten to death?

You know, y-you and Ricky were gonna open a spot together right before things got sour, right?

We were, but... it didn't work out, and...

It doesn't mean that I k*lled him.

Why am I even here?

Well, um, we don't have an account of your whereabouts between midnight and 3:00 A.M.

Fishing... Bouncing between Black Point Marina for the tarpon and Matheson Hammock for the snapper...

The catch of the day.


The boat captain confirms Simone's alibi.

She was telling the truth.

Oh, look who's here.

What's up, Ben?

Ah. I was too wired to sleep.

You mentioned allergies, right?

What specifically? Shellfish, soy, legumes?

"Legumes." Just say "peanuts."

I like "legumes." Sounds professional. "Legumes."

Well, I mean, yeah, as a kid.

The suspect grabbed your arm and shoved you to the ground, right?

Maybe they had been in contact with peanuts, more specifically peanut oil.

The k*ller transferred it to his arm, and now he has a rash.

And that jewelry you heard... I think I know the answer.

Man. Y'all been here an hour and still ain't found nothing.

Got me handcuffed here like I'm Marilyn Manson or something?

You mean Charles.

Charles Marilyn?

Yep, him.

No luck finding the w*apon.

All right. Maybe we don't need it.

If Duane's peanut oil caused Ben's rash, should be enough to push this through.

It's circumstantial at best.

Found it!

There we go.

Oh, you got to be kidding me! Hell, no, man! That ain't mine!

You set me up, man!

I didn't do it!

[Water running]


I'm sorry.

But seeing Kayla with your family...

The fun, the laughter...

I didn't have that growing up.

Look, what me, you, and Kayla have is...

Is fun and unique and surprising.

Let's live in that for a little.

The family stuff will come.

Well, my family, blood or not, means everything to me, so the deeper it gets, the more they're gonna be around.

I understand that, Rosie.

It's just... in the past when I rushed things, it didn't end well for me or Kayla.

Which I don't want.

So I think it's best if we slow things down.

What we have is special, and I don't want to ruin that, so maybe it's best for all three of us that we get you and Kayla your own place.

And, look, I'm sorry if I was rushing the whole family thing.

It's just... I get caught up, and I'm always gonna get caught up, so...

[Laughs] Me too. Guilty as charged.

Wait a minute.

Guilty... as charged.

We have a problem.

We do?

No, I mean... Not us. The case.

Bye. I got to go.

Okay, nothing weird about this.

Wait. Hold on. I need you guys to back up.

Just back up.

We arrested the wrong person.

Villa: They say a picture's worth a thousand words On this table alone, there's at least 10,000 of them.

Not worth the oxygen, so we'll paraphrase.

There was a car accident on the corner of Coral Way and 58th yesterday.

Villa: That ring a bell?

This is the bumper to your car, Ben.

This is the person that ran into you... Leticia.

The accident took a bad turn when she and Ricky left.

The way your health has been spiraling lately, you snapped.

You guys are crazy.


Hey, hey! Slade, get off!

Who's crazy?!

Get off him now!

[Exhales sharply]

I got it from here.

Sit down!

Villa: We tracked your phone, Ben.

You made stops outside of Ricky's apartment, the beach, and the park where he was m*rder*d.

You were following him.

To pull off the perfect crime, you need three things.

You need time, access, and alibi, none of which you had.

But you had luck.

You were almost gone up until you heard a door slam and the voices of those girls in the distance.

You were convinced that they saw something, so you needed to pull an audible and grab Ricky's cellphone.

Nowadays, a person's whole life is stowed inside their phone...

Debit-card info, contacts, texts.

Duane was a perfect mark for you.

You spent the whole day going through his texts between he and Ricky.

There was stuff about their contentious past, Duane's food truck, and the fight that caused Duane's limp.

You even claimed that you're allergic to peanut oil.

If it were true, the swelling on your arm would be a lot larger.

That rash is from lavender.

All in an effort to build a suspect and plant the m*rder w*apon.

But Duane's shoulder was toast.

He had two b*ll*ts lodged in his scapula and his humerus.

There's no way he would've been able to swing that lug wrench with the same amount of force you used.

You had two blood patterns on your shirt...

Back spatter from when you hit Ricky and low-velocity transfer stains when you pressed up against him, your way of "saving" his life.

It's over, Ben.

I had your back.

I looked out for you.

I didn't mean to take it that far.

[Knock on door]

Captain, we're good?


Great work today, Detective.

Come on in.

You know, the first time I fell in love, it was a '69 Chevelle from my old neighborhood...

Midnight blue, racing stripes, chrome Rally's.

Beautiful car.

Oh, I wanted it so bad, I was willing to steal it.

And one day I... Right there, about to break in when out of nowhere, I mean nowhere, a local priest, Father McRaney, just appears.

Doesn't say a word.

Just smiles.

I turn around, I go home, and I never think about stealing it again.

[Inhales deeply]

You see, my life is full of stories like that, just chock-full of serendipity.

Every time I feel that push to... to go left, there's someone or some thing that steers me right.

Mm, they call it favor.

You know, if you hadn't stopped me in there...

I know.

I know you've been through some things.

How'd you come out the other side?

My mom.

My brother, Marcos.


And every now and then, I pull a passage from "The Book of Rosie."

What about you?

Ah. I'm still sorting that out.

I mean, one day my luck might run out, but until then...

I am who I am.

Have a good night.

[Johnny Adams' "Your Kind Of Love" plays]


[Indistinct conversations]

Oh, wow. Okay. Wait, wait, wait.

Okay, we have the yams, Mitchie, and all the leading ladies in my life.

I missed somebody's birthday, right?

No, I called your mother and Pippy... to apologize for yesterday.

And since this yam recipe's going with me to the grave... the next best thing is stop by and prepare a quick meal.

Mitchie: Hey, Rose-Man, legend has it these yams brought you to tears one time.

Oh, and crocodile tears. Ahh!

Oh, see You got... No, no.

Mitchie, it wasn't just the yams.

"Shawshank Redemption" was on... and the Brooks thing... it gets me every time.

Okay. Oh, please.

Pippy: Yams, yams.

Eat some more yams.

Mm-hmm. Right.

Hey, can I talk to you for a second?

Yeah, yeah.

So, I'm a little confused, because you said you wanted to slow down with the whole family thing.

I know, but I talked to Kayla.

And I can't be afraid of what I might lose.

Now, I do think it's a good idea... that, you know, we have our own space for right now.


And I've got a lead... on a, uh, two-bedroom apartment not too far from here.

So I'm gonna give you your keys back.

Okay, no, no, no. All right?

Because one of the perks in this family... is we have at least five potential babysitters.

And six if you count Villa.

Or it's five.

It's five, for sure. [Both laugh]

Hey, I'm gonna talk to my mother for a second. Can you excuse us?

Okay. All right.

All right?

♪ Can go on and on ♪

Smells really good.

Hey, baby.

[Laughs] Hey. Mm.

So, tomorrow's the big day.

It's only a matter of time before Gerald is on the right side of those bars.

I could barely sleep last night.

So much time and energy and hard work... has gone into making this exhumation happen.

It's just... It's still so uncertain.

Okay, but... but you should know that there may be a few surprises... only because sometimes in cases like this there just are.

But there's not gonna be anything that we can't handle.

Gerald's in good hands.

And speaking of which...

I care about him, son.

[Sighs] A lot.

I know. I know.

I know.

Rosie, everything okay?

It's empty.
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