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04x06 - The Good Samaritan

Posted: 11/02/16 06:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

This is S.H.I.E.L.D.

So tell me, are your people aware they're harboring a m*rder*r, or do they just not care?

Gabe doesn't know about the night job.

And he never will. Understood?

Dr. Lucy Bauer. Joseph's wife.

Hugo: We could've been in there for hours.

We have been in there for years.

You shouldn't have used the Darkhold.

This is all because of your obsession with that damn book.

Coulson: I don't know what it is, but I do know that it's in all of our best interests to keep it out of the wrong hands.

May: What does she want with him?

Lucy: We are going to fix me...
and then finish what we started.

4x06 - The Good Samaritan

[Engine revs]

[Indistinct conversations]

Vincent: Systems online.

Everyone make a final crosscheck.

Hugo: You want to check that cable again?

I just got your message. How?

We're months away from a beta test.

Joe had a breakthrough.

Where did that come from?

I built it.

It's the secret sauce that we've been missing.

[Air hissing]

You guys know anything about this?


Thanks. I feel so much better knowing that if I die in a fiery expl*si*n, my eyeballs will survive.

[Computer beeps]

[Energy humming]

[Electricity crackles]

Maybe we need more power.

[Electricity crackles]


Is everyone okay?

[Clicks, air hisses]


No way.

Is that...?


That's impossible.

Not anymore.

Nothing is.

See, it gets absorbed into here, okay?

And then it gets broken down and stored in a quantum state.

It can be kept indefinitely, or it can be discharged back into the chamber and converted into matter.

Think of it as a Quantum Power Cell.

I don't know how you made the leap.

It's beyond belief.

Well, before we publish, we're gonna need to replicate the cube and scale up the chamber, but if my calculations are correct, I mean, we're gonna be able to eventually create complex compounds, and then organic materials ... wheat, rice.

I mean, who knows? Maybe we can even end starvation.


Hey, it doesn't add up.

There was more energy at the end of the experiment than there was at the beginning.

Yes. That's the genius of it.

But it violates the first law of thermodynamics.

I mean, how do you create matter from nothing?

We had help.

A book. It showed us ...


What ... What book?

Uh, sweetie, uh, maybe we've done enough celebrating for tonight, huh?

Hey, Joe, what's this book she's talking about?

I mean, maybe we can we see it.

It's mine.

You just do whatever I tell you to do, and everything's gonna work out fine.

Agents down.


Lucy Bauer was here, but she's long gone.

Wait. Hold ... Uh, Agent May, can you go back and give me another look at where the cables connect to the chamber?


Yeah, okay, that's ... that's ... that's definitely different from before.

Uh, there's a number of pieces missing. She must have taken them.

She already has the book, the power cells...

my guess is she's trying to replicate the experiment and reverse the process.

Un-ghost herself.

Is that why she took Eli Morrow?

He's part of her original dream team.

Maybe she needs him to do something she can't.

What? Show her face without scaring children?

The Momentum facilities are controlled by us now, so she needs a new place to work.

We need to find her before someone else gets hurt.

Hey, Mr. Canelo, it's, uh, Gabriel Reyes.

I was just wondering if Robbie showed up to work this morning.

No, he ... he took the Charger a few days ago.

I haven't heard from him.

Oh, no, I ... I-I-I tried. I just ...

[Knock on door]

Gabe? It's Daisy Johnson.

Can I call you back?

Where's my brother?

I'm here to take you to him.

How come he didn't come? Or call?

I think it'd be better if you heard it from him.

Okay, if you think I'm just gonna get in some car and ...

[Engines firing, walls rattling]

Who said anything about a car?

Simmons: Can't you just send Nathanson?

Mm, it's not so much a request as an assignment.

A top-secret, very classified, "for your eyes and ears only" assignment.

But I thought the new S.H.I.E.L.D. was transparent, limited only by your colorful spectrum of security.

That's mostly true, uh, but this assignment isn't coming from me or anyone else within S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's a favor for the United States government.

Could you be more specific about the details of this assignment?

Only that, as the leading scientific authority on Inhumans, your expertise has been requested by people at the very highest levels.

Agent Simmons, I'm sure you can appreciate that cooperation with the U.S. government is crucial as we begin a new era here at S.H.I.E.L.D.

So please, help me, help the U.S.A., help us.

Fine. I'll go.

Just give me a few hours to pack, gather my equipment, and tie up some loose ends.

Uh, I guess I wasn't clear.

You have to leave now.

Can you at least tell me where ...

The Quinjet is ready, sir.


Oh. We're going together.

No. The Quinjet's for me.

I have my own mission. Uh, but this is for you.

"A team that trusts is a team ..."


Gabe: Robbie.

Hey, what's up, man?

Look, uh, sorry about all the drama.

I'm just glad to see you're safe.


What about you, disappearing like that?

I thought you trusted me.

Well, I do.

Then why are you hiding such a big secret?

I didn't tell him anything.

She doesn't have to. I can do the math.

The nights you're away, the blood on your clothes.

Now this?

I wanted to tell you... for a long time. It's just... how do you tell your brother that you're ...

A secret agent?

You know, he wanted to, but he couldn't.

He took an oath, 'cause, well, it's a secret.

Hey, I ... I get it.

This is... super-dope.

And kind of a relief.

Sometimes I'd find blood in the sink.

I was afraid it was something else.

Like what?

Something bad.

Well, you can relax now that you... know the truth.

How come you're telling me now?

We had to bring you in for your protection.

Tío got snatched out of prison.

We were worried that the person who took him might try to grab you for leverage.

But the important thing is that you're safe now, and we're gonna find your Uncle Eli.

This chamber should work.

Yes. But it's these power cells that'll save me.

What's the book telling you?

Why the experiment failed before.

It didn't fail. It was sabotaged.

Even if Joe had completed it, there wasn't enough power.

That's why we're here, isn't it?

This facility can generate close to 20,000 megawatts.

You realize that if anything goes wrong, thousands could die.

Not my problem.

Any updates on Lucy Bauer and Eli Morrow?

No, sir, but there's a Quinjet approaching.

[Comms beep] Agent Coulson, this is Director Jeffrey Mace.

You're harboring two fugitives ... the Inhuman known as Quake and an enhanced individual who can control fire.

I'm here to take them into custody.

Prepare to be boarded.



As a former Director, I have a better sense than most at how precious your time is ... how important it is to prioritize the critical from the trivial.

Which makes me wonder why you'd wasted half a day flying here on a wild goose chase.

Oh, it's not a wild goose chase if there are geese.

Do you deny they're on board?

Geese? I have zero geese.

We are goose-free.


Find them.

Into the containment module ... now!

The new Director boarded with a Tac Team, and he wants to take you both into custody.

What? Why?

Why? Really? Just get in the damn box.

You, too, Ironside!

Hey, screw you, Black Kojak!

No one moves this thing except for me!

I like this kid.

Look, no offense, but you can't be here, any of you.

Going down.

You know what a hero is? You really gonna do this?

Everybody loves Han Solo ... rebel, rule-breaker, a lone wolf ... but to my old-fashioned sensibilities, he's not a hero.

He's just a guy who always puts himself first.

I agree.

A real hero is a team player, someone who acts selflessly.

Not sure you heard the part where I agreed.

Personally, I always felt that Admiral Ackbar was the unsung hero ... a strategic military man who led combat ops against the Empire.

Is that how you see it, Phil?

S.H.I.E.L.D. is the Empire, and your ragtag group is the Rebels?

I've devoted everything to S.H.I.E.L.D.

I gave my life for it, literally.

Oh, I don't deny that you've done a lot of good in the past, but a true hero doesn't protect a brutal k*ller.

What are you talking about?

Yesterday, your fiery friend k*lled a prisoner named Santino Noguera.

Was the man a m*rder*r with three strikes?


But the legal system sentenced him to prison... not to death.

Listen, Phil, I understand your desire to protect Daisy Johnson.

She's a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

But this other guy is a problem.

The world has its eyes on S.H.I.E.L.D., and we can't afford to be in business with a m*rder*r.

Now, where is he?

Daisy: Don't worry.

You're safe. Even if we detach, it has thrusters that ...

I understand the science.

I'm not worried we're gonna fall.

Worried about what you're not telling me.

Why are we hiding in here?

Daisy: It's because of me.

I used to be an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., but I left, and now the Director's hunting me down.

Why do Robbie and I have to hide?

Aren't you a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, too?

Yes, he is, but ...


I appreciate what you're trying to do here, but...

I can't lie to him anymore.

You deserve the truth.

All of it.

[Gears click]

Uncle Eli know you're borrowing his car?

Why aren't you in bed, boy?

Bed's for people who aren't taking honors classes, who don't have soccer practice, who don't want to go to college. So why aren't you in bed?

Business opportunity.

You're racing again?

What can I say? This cholo's like an ATM.

I won a grand off him last week. Now he wants a rematch.

Is that guy with the Fifth Street?

There's a reason they call them the Locos.

Naw, he ain't like that. He just likes to race.

You want to come?

No, I can't.

Got to finish a lab report for science.

"All work, no play..."

Gets me into Stanford or Berkeley.

Yeah, I know.

But will it make you happy? I mean, look at Tío.

He's got all those degrees, bought this sweet car, never has time to enjoy it.

All he does is work. You want to be like him?

Come on. Live a little.

I'll help you with your homework when we get back.

Okay. But you are not helping me with my homework. [Laughs]

Need to get an "A."

[Engine starts]

So, what is different now?

Why does Lucy Bauer think that she can succeed this time?

She has the book.

Yeah, but she had it back then, too.

Didn't stop her from getting ghost-toasted.

There must be something... something new.

Did you get my inventory from Momentum Labs?

Yep. I'm looking at it just now.

It seems like they took everything crucial, apart from the main ...

[doors open up]

Hey. Hey! What the hell?!

Director's orders.

Here is clear.

Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. Well, in that case, you should check under the microscope and in the fridge, 'cause those Inhumans can be tricky bastards.

Yeah, you can tell the Director this is just one giant snark hunt.

That's British for "a bloody waste of time."

[Door closes]

Feel better?

Nope. Not in the least.

'Cause I don't like the way they're hunting down Daisy like an animal. I don't trust the new Director, and if Simmons doesn't call me back soon, I swear, I'm gonna...

You worried about her safety, or are you two going through something?

Not sure. Maybe both.

Power. Yeah. It's power.

Momentum couldn't produce enough energy at their lab, so she needs a place with more power.

I start looking into it.

Are you still beating yourself up about that night?

What night?

He blames himself that I'm in the chair.

'Cause it's my fault.

It was bad luck.

There's no such thing as luck.

There's decisions and consequences.

And I made a whole lot of bad decisions that night.

Like bringing you along.

Hey, so how fast are we gonna go in this race?


First of all, we aren't racing, all right?

I am. You're gonna watch.

Secondly, it's not about fast. It's about torque.

Quarter mile, 0 to 60, max acceleration.


How come you didn't go back and finish school?

You know why.

That was then. We're doing okay now.

I mean, if you went back, maybe you could be an engineer like Tío.

Gabe, I love what I do, man. I'm good at it.

Besides, I'd rather be working on cars than getting worn down in an office.

You noticed that Tío's been acting different lately?


It's this project he's working on.

Says his boss is out of control, like he's gone power mad or something.

See, that's another reason I like what I do.

Only power I got to worry about is horsepower.

Ah, come on.

[Horn honks] iAndale, viejo!

We got some money to make.

Fifth Street!

Just stay down! We'll get out of this!

[Tires screeching]


[Tires screeching]

I couldn't move, couldn't feel my legs.

I was just lying there.

And I saw you.



No... No!

I was sure you were dead.

'Cause I was dead.

Oh, hey, uh, Coulson?

Uh, he's still escorting the Director around.

I need access to some redacted SSR files.

Well, I can't help you. Doesn't Simmons have clearance?

Yeah, probably, except she's not answering her phone, and no one seems to know where she is.

Uh, May's found some equipment at Momentum Lab which was originally manufactured by a company called Isodyne.

Never heard of it.

Right. Well, that makes two of us.

But May has, so might point us in the direction of Lucy Bauer.

Oh, uh, the...

Director hasn't found you-know-who and you-know-who?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Right. Me neither.

Come on, man, you're crazy.

Am I?

What do you remember about the Fifth Street attack?

You mean after I thought you were dead?

I guess... it was the good Samaritan.

[Engine revs]

I heard his motorcycle pull up.

Help! [Crying] Please, sir!

Please help me!

Next thing I know, he... pulled me to safety.

Who was this guy?

Don't know. Never saw him.

Just some good Samaritan.

He stopped, saved us, and moved on.

[Breathing heavily]

I remember he went over to you.

He bent down to check on you.

And then you moved.

That's when I knew you were alive.


That's not what happened.

Well, the first part is like you said.

The fire, the chase, the sh**ting.

But what I remember most is feeling like I screwed up...

...that because of me, you were going to die.

We both were.

We didn't. We survived.

Now, this is the part I never told you, the thing I tried to hide.

When I was thrown from the car...

I begged God, I begged the universe, I begged anyone who would listen, that you be spared.

I swore that I'd give anything to save you.


Don't stop there.

Then what?

Then I hit the street... and I died.

And there's nothing.

It's just darkness.

Then I heard a voice.

It was asking me if I wanted a second chance, did I want to punish those who hurt my brother, did I want to avenge my own death.

I answered, "Yes. More than anything, yes."

And I was alive again.

And you're right.

There was someone there when I came to.

But it wasn't a good Samaritan.

It was the Devil.

[Breathing sharply]

And whatever was inside him, he passed it into me. [Screaming]

Ghost Rider.

That's the deal I made.

I swore to go after those who spilled innocent blood.

And then I was reborn.

You k*lled all those Locos.


No. That wasn't me.

The thing inside me.

It craves vengeance.

Those gangsters got what they deserved for what they did to you.

Did to me? I'm fine.

You ever hear me complain? So I can't walk anymore.

I didn't ask for that, but I'm fine with it.

Don't you put their blood on me.

[Whistles] Oh, she's a real beauty, Phil.

'69 Charger, BDS blower, am I right?

Yes, you are.


I collected Hot Wheels as a kid.

Well, they don't make them any hotter than this one.

So, I hope you're satisfied that the enhanced people you're searching for are nowhere in the plane?

I am.

And I appreciate your respect for the Directorship, Phil, that you didn't lie to me. 'Cause, technically...

[Motor whirring] ...they're not inside the plane, are they?

I've been on the Zephyr enough to notice when the containment module is missing.

Okay, this looks bad, but I've seen Coulson talk his way out of tighter spots than this.

Sir, I know the timing isn't great, but I need you to authorize clearance so I can access redacted SSR ...

I'll take that, Agent Fitz. We have a more pressing issue.

I-I know, I know, but it's just a few signatures.

I believe it could lead us to Lucy Bauer and Eli Morrow.

Finding those two is our top priority.

If Fitz can determine where they are, we have to act immediate...

You know where my Uncle is?

You'll get a fair trial.

What about my Uncle?

We'll take every appropriate action once we've landed.

Turn your plane around. We're going back to H.Q., where these people will be detained and charged.

There's no way I'm going back to their base.

My uncle's in trouble. [Grunts]

It's called a containment module for a reason.

Coulson: Sir, I don't think you're considering the threat level that these two people represent.

Securing a known fugitive and a k*ller is more important than rescuing an escaped convict.

Yeah, but it's not just Eli Morrow who's in danger.

I believe that what Lucy Bauer is trying to achieve could theoretically affect thousands of people.

Jeffrey, I'd argue that Daisy and Robbie are already secure.

We should listen to ...

It's Director Mace, and I'd be more amenable to your suggestions if you'd been honest with me from the start.

But by wasting my time, you've wasted my goodwill.

Now turn the plane around and return to H.Q.!

I'm not going back to their base!

Daisy: Robbie!

Don't give them more reasons to be afraid of you.

It's not me they need to be afraid of! [Grunts]

It's the other guy... and he wants out!

Will it hold?

No one's broken out yet, and it's held some pretty potent individuals.

Robbie, stop! [Grunts]

What's gonna happen?

Close your eyes.


[Metal clanking]

Is he an Inhuman?

Claims he made a deal with the devil.

Which is nonsense.

You know, the rationalist in me wants to agree, but... skull on fire presents a pretty compelling argument for "Hail Satan."

Fitz? We still good?

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

The module's poly-adaptive material is the most sophisticated compound that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s...

[Metal crunching]


That's not possible.

Mace: Stay back, I've got this.

No, I have to see this.

Robbie, that's enough! [Grunts]

Stop! We'll do what you want!

Robbie! No!

We'll find your Uncle! Stop!


Robbie, look at me! Stop! Robbie!


Get me out of here.


You find anything?

Yeah, but I tell you, though, whoever created this tapestry of security nonsense is a total w*nk*r.

Honestly, even with Coulson's signature, do you know how hard it was for me to find someone with a ROY-G-BIV clearance just so I could unredact these files?

Uh, do I have to pretend to be outraged, or can we get to it?

Frustrated that nobody seems to know where Simmons is.

Anyway, it looks like Agent May was right about Isodyne.

Peggy Carter and her team encountered them back in the '40s.

They were conducting experiments on something called "Zero Matter," or "Dark Force."

Who names these? Are there focus groups for evil things?

Isodyne doesn't exist anymore.

Its assets were acquired by Roxxon Corporation in the '50s.

And guess who holds all the land deeds to Momentum Lab facilities.

Are you gonna guess?

Well, seems like kind of a no-brainer, but is it... Roxxon?

It's like you're psychic.

This Roxxon power plant closed down years ago because of safety violations.

But if Lucy Bauer can get it operational, it's got more than enough power for her experiment.

Let's reroute the Zephyr and send the coordinates to May's Quinjet. We can rendezvous there.

Shouldn't we wait until Coulson convinces the Director to go along with the plan?

No. Mace is a reasonable guy.

We do not negotiate with t*rrorists.

I don't think it's fair to paint Mr. Reyes as a t*rror1st.

He's a m*rder*r who att*cked us and threatened to take down this entire plane if we didn't cede to his demands.

How is that not a t*rror1st?

It sounds a little Fox News to me, but... you're not wrong.

It doesn't change the fact that we have no way to contain Mr. Reyes.

He's also the only person we know who can take out Lucy Bauer. We need him.

He'll have to pay for what he did.

I agree. But today's not that day.

Okay, I've done everything you've asked. There's no way to turn this off.

This plant was shut down for a reason. It could blow at any time.

Well, then, you better work faster.

I wish Joe were here to see this come to life.

This was his crazy dream.

Joe was a genius.

And you ruined his life.

Joe got what he deserved.

My nephew's in a wheelchair because of those thugs he hired.

Oh, don't act like you're innocent in all of this.

It's that damn book! I tried to warn you about it.

You wouldn't listen.


[Gasps] I told you to stay out.

You need help. Hey, look, we're worried about you.

Okay? Just ... Just give me the book.

Get out!

Get out!

[Mug thuds]

He's insane.

Changing the specs without consulting us?

We got to get that book away from him.

You have to trust us.

Trust? [Scoffs] "Trust."

Did you just see what happened? This is about safety.

The energy stored in those power cells could k*ll all of us if anything goes wrong.

You know, I ... I don't even know what this project's goal is anymore.

The goal... has changed slightly.

We are still creating matter from nothing, but the book revealed something exciting.

We no longer need a machine to generate it.

Joe's trying to generate matter himself?

Think of all the good that we can do!

We're not just creating elements, but compounds, material, life.

He wants to be a god.

Where do you think the book came from?

You're just as insane as he is.

God didn't write that book! The devil did.

You are just jealous. Because you want the book for yourself.

You're damn right.

I want it so I can destroy it, before it destroys all of us.

They're definitely here.

The plant started producing energy about an hour ago.

Mack: The stats are high and very unstable.

Turbines can blow and destroy the whole building, or the dam could break and wipe out everything in its path.

So, no pressure.

What are we waiting for?

Remind me why he's here after what he did to Mace.

Mr. Reyes wants the safe return of his Uncle as much as we want the power plant shut down.

And I'm gonna stop that lady the way I stopped the other ghosts.

And who's gonna stop you?

Daisy: Hey, guys?

I've got some big, fat, disappointing news.

I can't hack in and shut down the plant's operating system from here.

Well, you're out of practice.

Too much punching, not enough hacking.

Very funny. No, I can't hack in because their system isn't on a network.

It predates the Internet.

Coulson, how did anything ever get done back in the old-timey days?

I ask myself that all the time.

Okay, you heard Daisy ... we're gonna have to do this from the inside.

Fitz and Mack are the engineers.

Focus on shutting the power plant down.

We'll rescue Eli Morrow.

Got it.

Okay, then.

West and down another level to the control room, and not that you care, but the power surges are growing more frequent and more intense.

Coulson: You're just full of good news today, aren't you?

Daisy: If it makes you feel any better, I'd rather be there with you than up here on... injured reserve.

[Electricity crackles]

May, are your comms working?

Negative. Just static.

Daisy, do you copy? Are you there?

No. But I am.

Find my Uncle. I've got this.

Am I supposed to be afraid of you?

My Uncle is Eli Morrow.

Of course.

I've seen your picture.

You're his nephew Gabriel, like the angel.


I'm the other one.

It wasn't supposed to be you boys.

Joe hired that g*ng to take out Eli.

You think that makes me feel better?

I don't care how it makes you feel.

I just wanted you to understand why I'm going to k*ll him.

May: They've re-created the entire experiment.

I need you to get this out of here.

Okay, but shouldn't we dismantle all of this first?

If this book is half as powerful as everyone thinks it is, then getting it out of here and hiding it somewhere safe is our top priority. You're the only one I trust.

Fitz: Oh, this is bad, very bad.

Why won't this power down? It's not like we're idiots.

I've built boards like this before.

I understand what's supposed to happen.

Yeah, well, maybe they did something to it with that book that they have.

What? Like put a spell on it?

No, no, of course not.

But the book could've showed them a different way to power it.

I mean, think about it ... their power cells are full of quantum tech that we might never understand.

What ... What about one of those, uh ... those perpetual EMPs from Miami?

Maybe it would disrupt all of this without blowing us to Kingdom Come.

Yeah, let's do it.

All right, there's one on the Zephyr.

I'll have Daisy send it down in the containment module.

Daisy? You copy? Coulson?

All right, hold down the fort. I'll be right back.


Fitz, I found the chamber. Does anyone copy?


Mr. Morrow, we have to get you out of here.

Where's the book?

Did she take the book?

S.H.I.E.L.D. has it. It's safe. You're safe.

Stay away from this equipment. It's very dangerous.

You understand how this works? Can you help me dismantle it?

Yes, of course. But why would I... when it's taken me this long to achieve?

[Lock clicks]


Stand down! Stand down!

We got a situation!

I need your help bringing an EMP back inside!

Man: Let's go! Move out!

I had a husband I loved, work that challenged and thrilled me, and just as everything that I dreamed of was within my grasp, this happened.

But I'm gonna make it all right.

Don't take this personally.


Maybe I wasn't clear about who I am.


How many innocent people have died because of what you've done?

I'm here to make you pay for your actions.

There are consequences for playing God.

Me? Your uncle is the one who wants to play god.

He is the one who started this whole nightmare.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wh-What ... What are you doing?

This is not finished yet.

Look, I'm part of this team.

And I refuse to be kept in the dark. I want to see the book.

Well, I don't have it. Joseph does, and he's not here.

And you will never get it.

Where is Frederick? Where are the others?

What have you done with them?

Same thing that I'm gonna do to you.

No, no, no, no, no! Eli, no, please!

It's not finished yet! Please don't k*ll me!



You weren't against Joseph getting the power.

You just wanted it for yourself.

Goodbye, Lucy.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

[Lock clicks]

[Keys clacking, energy humming]

No, no, no.

You're just like your uncle.

You have the same fire.


Mine's worse.


What the hell you doing here?

An errand for Coulson. You?

Waiting for the Zephyr to send down an EMP.

[Electricity crackles]

It was you the whole time.

It took a lot longer than I had hoped.

But all those years in jail, I had to plan very carefully.

The attack on Joseph Bauer, that wasn't payback.

You just wanted the Darkhold.


He was a lot tougher than he looked. I beat the hell out of him.

He never gave up where he hid that book.

Listen, if I were you, I'd get the hell out of here.

[Panel beeping]

[Energy humming]


[Electricity crackles]

[Alarm blaring]

Oh, no...




[Lock clicks]
