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01x03 - Riverrun Dry

Posted: 10/31/16 08:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on Berlin Station.

[Keyboard clacking]

I just sent you a photo.

Who is this?

Daniel: You tell me.

Daniel: Your friend, Claudia... her death was no su1c1de.

Shaw k*lled her.

I said I'm sorry.

I thought she would ruin everything.

Why'd you follow me?

Why did you speak with Ingrid Hollander?

Daniel: A mutual friend died.

Tragic accident.

I don't believe in accidents.

Neither do I.

Lovely to meet you, Esther Krug.

Valerie: I've learned from a former asset that Iosava is soliciting funds for a new refugee foundation right here in Berlin.

We're working on a plan to get one of our agents to infiltrate that foundation.

Until we can prove Iosava is a threat, she won't authorize an audio op.

Then let me do it.

Let my people do what you've been unable to do.

We have a 24-hour audio/video on Iosava's apartment...

Robert: We need Faisal to nail Iosava and to tell us what his government is going to do about Syria and ISIL.

Hector: If we don't do something, his people are gonna nab him!

They'll send you home and k*ll you.

It's okay, Hector.

I'm not fighting this anymore.

Are you seriously suggesting that I chance the exfil of a Saudi out of Germany?

We owe him.

Meeting at a hotel was a bad idea.

But it was something I needed to do.

I need to be myself.

I just got word that Faisal's on a plane to Riyadh.

Get the f*ck out of my face.

Hector: Beneath one secret, there's another and another and another.

One big f*cking mess of our own creation.

You need to be careful, Daniel.

Of what?



I got ya.

[David Bowie's "I'm Afraid of Americans" plays]

♪ Johnny's in America, low techs at the wheel ♪
♪ I'm afraid of Americans ♪
♪ I'm afraid of the world ♪
♪ I'm afraid I can't help it ♪
♪ I'm afraid I can't ♪
♪ I'm afraid of Americans ♪
♪ I'm afraid of the world ♪
♪ I'm afraid I can't help it ♪
♪ I'm afraid I can't ♪
♪ I'm afraid of Americans ♪

[Woman speaking French]

[Metal creaking]



[Breathing heavily]

Robert: Don't tell me to relax, Steven.

Christ Almighty, relax? Look at you.

I said I took care of it.

But how? What does that even mean?

Where there's a paper trail, there's Thomas Shaw to light it on fire and burn us alive.

That's a little melodramatic, Robert.



You think? 'Cause I don't.

This isn't us going down like Gerald.

You know, this is us going to jail for running paper agents and bilking Uncle Sam, for f*ck sakes.

And by the way, if you're looking for a proper place to jump, this is not it.

I got dibs on the TV Tower when the time comes.

I took the files out last week, and I fixed them.

I fixed them.

All the remaining agents are marked as deceased.

Nobody's gonna find anything.

I don't know.

I don't know, I don't know.

I don't know, I don't know.

I feel a f*cking ulcer coming on.

I'm telling you, just watch.

Jesus, God.

Maybe I should refrain from telling you.

Houjin Lin called me last night.

How did he get your number?

Oh, I have no idea.

Said he's antsy, wants to take a walk.


Literally or figuratively?


Well, then tell Hans to buy him a f*cking treadmill.

Jesus f*cking Christ, can anything go our way these days?

[Inhales deeply]

I mean, the one thing is Lin's on all of us, Germans included, so there's that.

Just please tell me we're... we're not going down next.

I don't...

You want a psychic?

They're chockablock in Kreuzberg.


[Cup clatters]

So, did you get a chance to look into that photograph I gave you?

Whoever that freak is, he's of no interest to us.

There's no record of him?

Or maybe you just don't like to share?

What are you implying?

I'd hate to think you were unwilling to cooperate with your new American friend.

Oh. [Chuckles]

Let me be clear, Mr. Miller.

You and I, we're not friends.

Really? After the warm welcome you've given me, I was so convinced.

You know, the only thing I dislike more than predictable wit are invasions of my private time like this.

I urge you not to make the same mistake again.

Or what, Ms. Krug?

Best of luck finding a ghost.

[Dog barking in distance]



Clear... let them through.


[Telephone beeps]



How many?


[Elevator dings]

So, just play it unfazed.

Don't let them have the pleasure of your panic.

f*ck them.


Greetings, Berlin.

I bring glad tidings from headquarters.

Hey, man. How'd the pep talk go?

You are Robert Kirsch, Deputy Chief. Am I correct?

Very good. What's the occasion, fellas?

Uh, where is the Chief?

I'm right here.

Excuse me.

[Telephone rings]

Steven Frost.

Chris Bolton... Office of Security.

I'm here to get ahead of any further station compromises.

So, you know the drill... we'll need access to every file, folder, and Post-it note in this facility.

This is the way you greet colleagues then?

Well, it is today.

So, uh, just keep your troops out of our way, we'll be fine.

Hm, a little friendly warning would have gone a long way.

A long way towards what?

Time to cover your ass?

All right, ladies and gentlemen, have at it.

People, please, please make way...


Okay, now am I exaggerating?

If it isn't Shaw up our ass, it's f*cking headquarters.

Would you stop being such a g*dd*mn head case, Robert?

What do you want me to do?

[Knock at door]

Well, come right in.

Excuse me.

Can I ask you a question?


What the f*ck is that?


You're in my station, and now you tap my phone.

Well, clearly we had more than enough reason to be concerned.

Houjin Lin, the Chinese most wanted defector, AKA one of the biggest liabilities we have out there, is e-mailing you f*cking photos?

Are you kidding me?

He has cabin fever.

No, he has an Internet account that has your personal address in his contacts.

Do you mind explaining to me how the hell that got there?

I was planning to ask him that question myself.

You know, the guy could probably get f*cking Wi-Fi on his chopsticks.

Let's not waste our time marveling at Chinese ingenuity.

We'll take care of it, okay?

I hope to hell that you do.



Better Houjin Lin than our dirty secret.

Just sayin'.

[Door closes]


[Machinery whirring]

What's this about, Bora?



I asked if you'd met with him.

Why didn't you bring this to my attention?

I've been busy.

Aleksandre Iosava invited me tomorrow for tea, and I declined.

I said I had a business trip.

You came to us after Mohammed Merah shot up a Jewish day school.

You wanted to help rid Islam of its bad name.

And yet, here you are standing in front of me lying about meeting with Iosava.

And I refused his invitation.

I am not going to the home of even a reformed t*rror1st.

Yes, you are.

You will accept his invitation and say that your trip was canceled.

You will go to his home and bring me back a full, detailed report.


Jemma Moore.


What is this?

Director Bennett will be contacting you shortly.

All property of the Central Intelligence Agency must be turned over immediately.

Tell Daddy I'll call back.

[Bag unzips]

[Beep, ringing]

[Cellphone vibrates]

Riverrun past Eve and Adams.

Man: Who is this?



[Glass rattling]

Reporter: We have breaking news on the Thomas Shaw leaks. Reporting with the latest information is Sally Bundock.

Sally: The newest CIA casualty being Deputy Director Jemma Moore here in Prague when a second wave of revelations pertaining to Thomas Shaw leaks broke, exposing questionable ethics at the highest levels of the agency. Accused of endorsing t*rture and extraordinary rendition at the notorious ghost prisons and black sites that have come to symbolize the CIA for many, Moore's expected resignation by day's end...

Can you call the Grand Hyatt Prague?

Find out what room Jemma Moore's in.

Sure. Why?

Because I asked.

Good Christ, what is going on?

No idea.

Chris: Ladies and gentlemen, there you go.

That is why we are here.

Understand... Thomas Shaw will stop at nothing to r*pe this institution dry from the newest recruit to the President.

You mean "bleed it dry."

Excuse me, what's your name?

Hector DeJean.

No, Hector DeJean, I mean r*pe it dry.

Where's your desk?

Stuck up your ass by the looks of it, brother.

Okay, okay, okay.

If you can't keep your f*cking mouth shut today of all days, then get the f*ck out, okay?

[Indistinct conversation]

Sandra. Sandra.


When... when you brought the files to the safe house the other day, did you sign them out in the log?

So, you really did need them.

It wasn't just an excuse to see me?


Is there a good answer to that question?

Yes, I signed them out.

That would be agency protocol.

But it was just your name in the log, not mine.

Is this going where I think it's going?

Look, I... I don't want you to feel compromised.

Good. Neither do I.

If what you're asking is that I risk my job so you could keep yours...

No. Sandra, just...

Just forget I said anything, okay?


[Train rumbling]

Uh, Steven Frost and Valerie Edwards fuer Hans Richter.



Steven, I thought you might bring your new deputy, Daniel Miller.

No, it's only his second week.

Still breaking him in.

Where's your handkerchief, Steven?

No tears for Jemma Moore?

Oh, no, don't gloat, Hans.

You might miss her when they find a new replacement.


I'm sure of it.

How can we help you on such short notice?

Oh, take your pick.

Houjin Lin, Aleksandre Iosava.

Double pain in my ass, one on each side.

Yeah, Lin is, uh... he's feeling and he's acting cooped up, and I think if he continues to play the restless prisoner, we may consider a conjugal visit.

A prost*tute?

You would have to pay her a million Euro to have sex with Houjin Lin.


We'll work on it.

What about Aleksandre Iosava?

One of our assets is meeting him.

We have full coverage from an LP van, but we would very much like for this to be a joint venture.

But I'm not even aware that I let you bug the Iosava home, am I?

[Sighs] Hans.

It's your country.

I don't have the means to arrest him if and when the time comes.

Come on, do you think that a German court will begrudge you a warrantless wiretap urgently needed to stop a possible t*rror1st attack?

What attack would that be?

Would you rather get ahead of it or find out after it happens?

Business as usual, Steven, even with Thomas Shaw out there to expose it?

I'm sorry.

When I draw a line, I don't redraw it.

I believe you're done here.

[Door opens]


Week two in Berlin for Daniel Miller... that's not what my team says.

I'd look into that if I were you.

Hello. Uh, yeah, room service for 306, please.

Uh, wait a second. I'll call you right back.



So, did you escape from the ticker tape parade upstairs?

Breath of fresh air.

Where you headed?

Got a meet.

Someone's having a nic fit.

Maybe you should treat it, not manage it.



Oh, sweet Jesus, don't look.

[Both giggling]


How are you?



What's so funny?

I... I think they're laughing at you, not with you.

Oh, yeah?


Looking for a good time, baby doll?

I hear corn-fed diplomats are where it's at.

Easy, he's not your type.

Clare, Daniel. Daniel, Clare.

The infamous Clare. Hi.


You ready?



[Tires skid]

Sorry about that.

Uh, room service for 306, please.

Tomorrow evening at 1800 hours...

Hey, don't talk to me like a g*dd*mn grunt.

I'm still your Deputy Director.

We will return to escort you to the airport.

Room service.

Steak sandwich for Adams.

Wrong room.

No Adams here.

I'm sorry.


[Crow caws]


Don't stop.

Don't stop, keep going.

Keep going, keep going.

Don't stop.


Oh, f*ck.

I'm sorry. It's been a f*cked-up week.


Next time, you owe me.


Let's eat.

Worst thing about the food in Saudi... you can't wash it down with alcohol to k*ll the taste.

[Engine starts]


It's like just I had sex or something.

Come on.


I'm kidding.

Have some pork and beer with me.

I'm good, I'm good.

So, uh, were you able to look into that thing for me?

I did.


And... it's not good.

I can take it, Clare.


Saudis are trying Faisal for sodomy.


So, uh, they appoint a judge yet?


They call him "al-Jazzar."

That's Arabic for "butcher."



I'm sorry, Hector.

It's okay.

See you later.

See you later.


You wanted to see me.

[Door closes]


Yeah, I just wondered how you were settling in.

Sometimes it takes longer than a week.

I'll get there soon enough.

[Keyboard clacking]


Haven't seen much reporting from you.

Valerie's handling Swingset.

My other agents are on ice since Gerald was outed.

Oh, well, let me see what I can do for you, get you in the swing of things.

Sounds good.

I was wanting to follow up with Joker anyway.

Uh, that's the one in network security.


What about?

Just get to know her.

I think she took the loss of Gerald pretty hard.

Plus, an agent in the tech field... can't let that gather moss these days.

I'll get to it.


[Telephone beeps]

[Clears throat] Sandra?


Uh, could you get me Jemma Moore's mobile, please?

Of course.


Jemma: Steven.

You're on speaker phone, but we're secure.

Um, Jemma, I just... I wanted to express my regrets despite any disagreements we may have had.

That's awfully thoughtful.

What? Bygones can't be bygones?

Now that I'm gone?

Tell me why you really called.

Daniel Miller.

What about him?

Well, I thought maybe you could tell me.

Did his posting here pass by your desk?

If so, with countless others.


Oh, well, I don't know.

I thought [sighs] you know, is there anything I should know about him that wasn't on his nomination cable?

Well, I would like to look into it, but, um, don't exactly have access to the files.


Well, uh, you take care, Jemma.

You too, Steven.

[Keyboard clacking]

Hector: Hey, Robert.

I just, uh, thought you should know Faisal's on trial for sodomy in Riyadh.

In case, you know, he gets, uh, convicted or beheaded.

It's unfortunate he decided to play the moth to the flame and...

No, no, no, what's unfortunate, Robert, is you didn't give me a chance to resettle him in the U.S.


We could've got him a PL-120.

Hector, I understand you're upset.

Don't f*cking patronize me, Robert.

What do you want me do then?

Blame you for catering to the desires of a wayward agent?

Wayward agent?

You f*cked him, didn't you?

He played that shit up to protect me, so you and I and every other two-faced f*cking coward in this place could keep our cover.

He's more loyal than the rest of us combined.

Speak for yourself, Hector. I got to go.

[Engine starts]

[Tires screech]

The United States Government can afford a trip to Mars but not a cleaning service?

I've been waiting for over an hour.


Unless you want me to tell my boss why I had to leave.



I don't suppose there's a match in this dump.


Oh, smoker's gum.

You're welcome.

So, no more Gerald.

No, it's just you and me now.

Is this where we're supposed to get to know each other?

This is where you're supposed to give me useful intelligence.

You asked for the meeting, Kevin.

A.S.P... Applications, Services, Products.

Is there anything going on there at the moment that I should know about?

Nils is f*cking Anna.

Rebecca wants a promotion.

Lana, cut the crap.

Unless you also think it's funny that I could expose you for embezzling from your employer.

Am I free to go?


I know one of your masters lost her job today.

The Deputy Director?

Don't take it out on the rest of us that Thomas Shaw makes the CIA look stupid.

[Glasses clink]

Bartender: Your Wiener schnitzel.

Oh, thank you.

Bitte schoen.


Funny seeing you here.

Are you following me now?

And if I was? Do you mind if I join you?

Hey, could I get a... Moscow mule, please?

Of course.


So, let me guess... you're gonna buy me my dinner if I look the other way at the station?

No, Chris, I don't eat pork, let alone pay for it.


And if... if the hammer's gonna fall, I'd...

I'd at least like to see it coming, you know?

This Shaw shit's been a raw deal.

Raw deal?

Wasn't it Thomas Jefferson that said something about needing a rebellion every now and then?

That's one way to look at things.

That is the only way to look at it if you want to get through it, pal.

I mean, plus Jemma Moore?

I mean, was that really such a f*cking loss?

Come on.

You like the old face of things.

I like the right person getting the job, okay?

Not some politically correct appointee.

I'm just sayin'.

So, where do you put your money on her replacement?

I'll tell you who it's not gonna be.

It's not gonna be any of pencil pushers or, you know, the Beltway types that are f*cking straightening their ties as we speak.

No, word from on high is that next Deputy Director is coming from the field.


Somebody like Steven Frost.

[Chuckles] Jesus.

I'm afraid that's a bit above my pay grade, Robert.

No, he fits the profile, you know?

Long career.


Brought us out of the Cold w*r, strong ties to the China, managed to stay friends with Germany even after the NSA shit.

Now the Shaw leaks.

Well, sounds to me like someone sees an opening.

Yeah, Chris.

I do.

Excuse me.

The... the young woman here at the end of the bar... could you buy her a nice glass of wine from my friend here?

Right away.

[Cellphone beeping]


[Cellphone clicks]

Oh, f*ck me.

I got to go.


[Indistinct conversation]

So, uh... Clare's back in town.

Shirley: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.


'Cause you only think with your schnitzel when that one is around.


Don't worry. My schnitzel was on the fritz.

Because of the man trouble recently?

I wouldn't call it man trouble, Shirley.

I was just doing my job.

[Clears throat] Losing control?

Okay, we can change the subject now, please.

You take control, Hector.

You be potent.

Or the next thing to shut down may be your heart.

Good, Max.

Go, Maximum!

With you here, it's like having a dad around again.


It would be better he doesn't get too attached.

In case the job takes me out of Berlin sooner than expected.

That's one way to go about life.

Oh, don't listen to me. I'm just having a bad day.

I know it can't be easy coming back to Berlin.

Tell me about your day.

I lost a co-worker.

Puts me in a little hole on a project we started together.

You'll pull it off.

I have confidence.

That makes one of us.



That's okay.

He'll get up.

Just like you when you were his age.

So, you lost a co-worker.

That's such a big deal in the life of Daniel Miller?


I guess it isn't.



Single shot to the head, compliments of your friends at the Ministry of State Security, huh?

They are not my friends.

That's my point.

I'm using the term ironically, Lin.

Walk with me. Step into the alley.

Let's go.

What, are you f*cking thinking of making a run for it in your little slippers?

Walk with me.


What do you think I am?

Criminal or something?


I am former Major General, People's Liberation Army.

This is the gratitude I get for trading secrets?

You know what? Let me remind you... you're actually the lucky beneficiary of German state protection, aided and abetted by the help of its American partners.


You're also the same f*cking individual who oversaw nuclear testing on his own fellow citizens.

Don't ever forget it. So, f*ck the MSS.

Do you have any idea what would happen to you if some...

I don't know... German leftist radicals recognized you out here window shopping in Prenzlauer Berg?

So f*ck them, too.

Chop suey, my friend.

With Thomas Shaw out there, you're a big enough risk just sitting at home watching TV, okay?

German TV sucks.

Can you get me the Apple TV?

No Internet, remember?

What about this?

That work for you?


You think that might help?

Or that?


[Keys clink]

[Cat meows]

Steak sandwich for Adams?

They didn't have trout. [Exhales]

How'd you get out from under things?

If I can't lose a tail for half the night to sh**t up from Prague, I never should have been Deputy Director in the first place.

I fly tomorrow.

Thought I'd make one last contribution while I can.

I am so sorry, Jemma.

You didn't deserve to go out like this.

It was a good run.

It's my shot at the buzzer getting that before shit hit the fan.

k*ll list?

He isn't dead.

Not according to you he isn't.

Julian De Vos.

Your mission doesn't end because I'm finished, Daniel.

I know.

But let's face it... Shaw's winning.

And taking you out, what if... what if he knows you sent me?

What if he's just taunting me?

f*ck it.

Wouldn't be the first time I've pulled myself up by the bootstraps in this town.

That's what I'm talking about, Daniel.

But watch yourself.

Frost called asking about you.

Really? Why?

I don't know.

Just be careful, Daniel.


[Cat meows]

[Door opens, closes]

Me? Deputy Director?

Why not?

Well, my age, my disinterest.

The false f*cking modesty.

The subpoena with my name on it.

He's gonna start scratching around the wrong files.

Or asking the wrong questions.

What... what does that mean?

Is there some other liability I don't know about?

No. No, no.

[Knock on door]


Where are we setting up for Iosava?

Looks like the SCIF is still under siege.

Steven: We'll do it in here.

So, we just get through today, okay?


You come out looking like that someone in the field they want second-in-command at headquarters.

Corner office is yours for the taking.

Well, you make it sound so easy.

Well, maybe it is.


Hello, stranger.


How was Saudi?


Hot, barbaric.


Oh, you know, same old circle jerk as when you left.

But you didn't bring me back on short notice for the estrogen.


Are you familiar with Aleksandre Iosava?

Georgian, potential overlap with the Boston bombers, supposedly reformed.

Operative word is "supposedly."

We're starting to run an op today.

I'm in?

Not yet.

But stand by.

I left pertinent reading at the drop.

What we can prove, what we can't.

We have a lot riding on this one.

I'll get right on it.

You seen Hector?

Yes, Mom. Why?

I just have one thing to say.

You jump back in the sack with him, you are filing the paperwork, not me.

I'm sorry. That is so f*cked up.

I believe that is called protocol, my dear.

It's pornography, Val.

We're consenting adults.

I got to go.

Good to see you.


Good to see you, too.

[Speaking German]

Sure can turn on the charm, can't he?

German as they come.


[Door closes]

I noticed you served in the same capacity under Steven Frost in his last posting...

COS Vienna.

Yes, I did.

And was it a request on either or both of you parts that you follow him out here?

Or did it just kind of work out that way?

I didn't follow him.

I presumed that headquarters wanted the tight ship we ran there and set down anchor here in Berlin.


I just couldn't help but notice.


Is there a clerical question I can help you out with?

Otherwise, I have work to do.



Well, indeed there is, Sandra.



Easy, Bora.

You're getting ahead of yourself.

[Chuckles] Perhaps a su1c1de vest or two.

Do not say yes.

Just tell them you will think about it, Bora.


Whoa, what is he doing?



He... he said yes?

He's saying yes?

What is that?

I don't know.

Hopefully, he lied for us, like a good agent.



Can I have a word with you?

In your office, please.



We're done.


They found out?

Oh, holy f*ck.

It's over.

Wait, you... are you f*cking with me?

You're f*cking with me?


You're f*cking with me?


You're f*cking with me.


f*ck you.


[Telephone rings]

[Sighs] Thank you for lying.

For protecting me.

Fake agents, Steven?

You know?

The last five of whom were alive when I brought you the files, then deceased when you brought back the box?

The only problem being they never existed in the first place.

Gemstone, Woodlawn, Mariner, Sundial, Pitchfork.

Yeah, I know. The list goes on and on and on.



In 2008, Kelly and I were hit hard by the subprime crisis just like every other fool for real estate in America.

And we had to cash in our 529 fund, which was Laura's college tuition.

And I had to borrow money from friends because no bank would take us.

[Sighs] And at the same time, Robert was squeezed out of every last penny by his ex-wife for alimony.

So, there we were, these two broke schmucks, who watched Langley's budget skyrocket after 9/11, but our shit salaries never moved.



...we started running fake agents.

They existed only on paper.

And we took...

We took the payments for ourselves.


And that was a... that was a world that I lived in... seemed like forever.

And then something extraordinary happened.



And you were real.

But no games.

First real thing in my life [sigh] long time.


You were like a sunburst on a gray German day.




And so I stopped.

[Breathes deeply]


[Keys jingle]

How did it go?

[Exhales] Fine.


Define "uneventful."

I arrived, we talked, we had tea, and talked some more.

I left.

Bora, this is a debriefing.

It's not a dental appointment.

What did you talk about?

Politics, faith.

His wife was there.

They didn't reveal anything?

There was no sense of hidden agendas on their part?


There were no overtures to get you to help them?

Just a nice invitation to tea?

That's it. It's, um, tradition in Islam, you know?


All right, Bora, thank you.

Have a good night.


Good riddance to the suits, huh?

I'll drink to that.

So, come on, give me the highlights reel.

10 years in 10 minutes.

Where did they post you after Chechnya?

Don't ask.

Come on, I'm asking.


They sent me to hell.

[Cheers and applause]

It's your lucky night, brother.

No, no, no.

Go get him.


I got to take a leak.

Hi, how you doing?




[Shirley singing in German]

What? I have to ask if I want another round, huh?

Does the Pope shit in the woods?

Is the bear a Catholic?

You want another one?

Yeah, sure.


Happy birthday. Happy birthday.


Are we having a senior moment?


I might have a shot at Deputy Director.


Yeah, what if?

Means no Provence, not now anyway.

Do you want it?

I don't know.

I don't know.

With all the shit that's going on at the agency now, it's...

I don't know.


[Cellphone beeping]

[Shoe clatters]


[Footsteps approach]

You're home early.

Told my employee to shut up shop.

You just got a message.

[Drink pouring]


You're worried you're gonna find out some deep, dark secret about me thanks to Thomas Shaw?

What about yours?


You don't mean Isolda, do you?

One of my beverage distributors.



[Thunder rumbles]

Perhaps I should've called you to a safe house.

Seeing your cover's been blown.

Now, do you want me to explain how I figured out what you're doing here in Berlin?

Or you just believe me when I say that I know you came here on Jemma Moore's bidding?

Do you care to respond?

I'd rather not.

Because you can't trust me?

Is that what Jemma told you?

Well, she's gone, and you can't do this alone.

I'll be the judge of that.

And I decide who does what in my station.


Besides, I want to help you find Thomas Shaw.

Why? 'Cause he'll take us down if we don't take him down first.

[Thunder rumbles]


[Thunder rumbles]
