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04x05 - Lockup

Posted: 10/26/16 04:04
by bunniefuu
Coulson: Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

Lucy, look at you. What happened?

We shouldn't have used the Darkhold.

That book can fix us.

You can't let him touch you. You'll go crazy.


You saved a friend of mine from a guy my b*ll*ts went straight through.

You're the only one we know that can hurt those things.

You know someone that worked at that Momentum facility?

My uncle.

Doing time at South Ridge Penitentiary?

He always said the guy he beat up was the real criminal.

Who is she?

Dr. Lucy Bauer. Joseph's wife.

They were the project leaders at this privately funded think t*nk.

What is she after?

She's gonna go after the book.

Coulson: It's called the Darkhold.

Look, I know you two like to work alone.

You don't need us? Fine.

Right now, we need you.

Do you have any idea where to start?

Joseph Bauer. He's been in a coma all these years.

Well, he just woke up.

Where's the book?

4x05 - Lockup

[Lock disengages]

[Doors creak]

Joseph: Well, Lucy, this has to be it.

Mildew and cobwebs.

You know, this reminds me of Outer Mongolia. [Chuckles]

You got to admit, the yurt was kind of romantic.

And we were so sure it was there.

So... what are the odds that it's here?

In the family home of the guy who k*lled the last person who had it?

[Chuckling] We've never been this close.

Well, we've said that before.

What if we spent all these years doing the science instead of looking for shortcuts? If we did the actual work ...

Whoa. This is weird.

[Stone scraping]

Is it ...


[Both laugh]



Wait. What the...?

Are you seeing what I'm seeing?

[Exhales sharply]

I didn't think it would be in German.

No, I'm reading English.

Wait. Are you not seeing what I'm seeing?

Joe, German is your first language.

Y-Yes, but this is not possible.


What if, in some way, it is reading... us?

[Suspenseful music plays]


Coulson: Dr. Bauer, stay with us!

Get away! Get away from me!

Get away! I see what you are.

Focus, Dr. Bauer. We need your help.

You ... You're demons.

You're demons. You've come to take me away.

You've come to take me away.

She was here ... your wife, Lucy.

Dr. Bauer, please. We don't want anyone else getting hurt.

It was a mistake. We never should have taken it.

We should've left it buried.

The book?

We need to know where it is.

You can't have it. Get away from me.

Get away!

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

Get away!

Nurse: Stand back please!

Get away!

Dr. Bauer, please, where is the book?

Sir please, I need you to stay back.

I buried it back where I found it!



[Exhales sharply]

You're too late. She knows.




No. No, no, no, no, no!


Mack: If this thing is that dangerous, then why not tell him?

He's the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

We don't know if we can trust him.

So why the hell is he here?

Without him, we wouldn't know the Darkhold had resurfaced.

But the fewer people who know about it, the better.

Fury had no problem opening up Pandora's Box from time to time, but even he was afraid of this thing.

It's powerful, it's deadly, and now probably in the hands of a pissed-off mad-scientist ghost.

So, thoughts, feelings? This is a safe space.

We need another crack at Eli Morrow.

He's the one that knows this book.

He'll know what Lucy Bauer wants with it
and where she's going next.

My uncle is not gonna talk to you.

Well, then this time, we won't give him a choice.

Let's inform S.H.I.E.L.D. we're taking an asset into protective custody as part of a routine investigation.

May, want to go to prison? Could be Taco Tuesday.

I'll call the warden and find out.

Lucy leaves a lot of crazy in her wake.

If we're gonna track her down, we're gonna need that antidote.

Fitz said that they were close.

I don't want it close. I want it here.

Wait. If we're going to get my uncle, I'm going with you.

No, you're not.

If your uncle can lead us to Lucy, then maybe we'll let you out to bust some ghosts, but until then, your ass stays on the plane.

I don't take orders.

Then this will be a new experience.

You can't keep me here.

Maybe not.

But you take this plane down, you'll be burning up the only people in the world trying to help you.

He's growing on me. You?


Robbie: I need to get off this plane now.

That should put you in... rural Utah.

And you think you're pissed off now ...

This is no joke. All right?

I should be down there, getting answers, my way.

Oh, yeah? How you gonna do that?

Cracking skulls?

It's worked so far.


I've been careful.

I've never been caught, not even a parking ticket.

Then you show up, and you bring S.H.I.E.L.D. with you.

Careful? Really?

You've been murdering people while possessed and on fire.

You don't know what you're talking about.

I know you're settling scores, hoping that thing will go away.

How's that going for you?

Look, Robbie, I get that this is personal for you.

But if you want answers, you need to trust S.H.I.E.L.D.

You don't even trust them.

Why else are you up here hiding from them?

I keep my distance because it's what's best... for everyone.

I'm starting to see why.


Fitz: We can learn a lot when someone dies, as was the case when you and Radcliffe k*lled Agent May.

Actually, that was less of a k*lling and more of a-a full system reboot, which is brilliant.

And her brain scan allowed us to create an antidote.

[Exhales sharply] Bold strokes. Well-played.

Excuse me?

[Tablet beeps]

Thank you.

I think we're gonna need bold strokes, 'cause, apparently, that thing that Lucy Bauer's after, Coulson is saying it's pretty serious.

Something called the Darkh...

All right, stop.

Not another word.

At least you finally said one to me.

I have my lie-detection today, and I do not want another secret.

Along with Daisy, Robbie Reyes, and your pet project Aida...

Oh, come on. How many times have I got to say it?

The polygraph is the reason I didn't say anything.

Forget the polygraph.

This isn't about the polygraph!

What was I supposed to do?

We're supposed to share everything!

We share a bed, but this whole time, you were lying there, keeping things from me.

Oh, come on. I wanted to tell you, of course.

I ... and ... and I-I knew that you'd think she was fascinating ...


It's fascinating. And now it is going to get me sacked.

Did you know there are over 212 micro-expressions that can betray a lie? One eye dart to the left, and I'm finished.

Unlike some people, I'm terrible at keeping secrets.

So... it is about the polygraph.

All right, well, okay.

Well, look, I'll just stay here, and I'll help you practice.

We could do the ... the penny in the shoe thing and the thumbtack under the tongue.

It's the other way around.

And no, just go. Coulson needs you.

I'll work it out. I am not getting fired today.

Hey, no eye dart to the left. I 100% bought that.

All right, I'll see you later, then.

[Sighs] Who am I kidding?

They'll skip right over the firing part and throw me behind bloody bars.


You know, I ask for field work, you give me paperwork.

What's wrong with taking it easy? [Sighs]

Come on. You had a near-death experience.

It was a death experience. I'm over it.

Well, I'm really not over mine.

I thought you'd want to talk about it.

You know, what it felt like.

Didn't feel like a trip to Tahiti.

Which means it was something else.

[Cabinet beeps, lock clicks]

See, I died, but anything I would've seen or felt was wiped away.

I don't remember anything, but you do.

What do you want to know, Phil?

What did you see?



No. W...

Agents, follow me.

So, we're transferring into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody one Elias Morrow.

Everything should be in order.

Agent May called ahead just to cut down on paperwork.

She really hates paperwork.

Don't you?


We'll get this taken care of.

One last thing.


[g*n cocks]

You can't fool me, you demons!

[g*n cocks, g*nsh*t]

[g*n clicking]



Demons everywhere!




I'm gonna state the obvious. Dr. Bauer's here, and we need to get to Eli Morrow before she does.

Our ICERs are in lockup.

Mack, do you read me?

The prison's compromised.

Mack: Let me guess ... Lucy Bauer?

Lucy and the whole "Peanuts" g*ng.

So... she has friends.

We'll have to assume they're targeting Eli Morrow.


Well, he put her husband in a coma, right?

Coulson and May are barricaded in the Warden's office, here, on the west side.

And Eli Morrow is located in the east wing, here, in cellblock E.

We'll split into two teams.

Daisy, you lead a team to extract Coulson and May.

I'll lead a team to grab Eli.

I'm going.

This is my family. You have no reason to keep me out of this.

Because you only k*ll people that deserve it.


Well, down there, everyone deserves it, so you stay put.

No, we need an advantage down there. It's him.

We can't even touch these things. He can k*ll them.

You said if you needed some ghosts busted...

Okay. But you don't leave my sight.

And just so we're clear, this is an ICERs-only op.

Anyone could have the psychosis, so they can't be held responsible for their actions.

Now, S.H.I.E.L.D. is marshaling forces to control the perimeter, but that's hours away.

Right now, we're the only ones going in, and we'll be outnumbered.

Works for me.

[Device beeping]

Fitz's Quinjet is five minutes out.

That means we leave in six. Gear up.


You sure you're up for this?

Let's find out.

Yeah, new and improved gauntlets, but Simmons said if you quake ...

I could shatter every bone in my body and be crippled for life?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Daisy ...

I'm not gonna risk it.

Besides, I didn't always have powers, and...

I did all right.

Cases of sanity, as ordered.

Hey, I'm gonna need you up here quarterbacking us on comms.


Yeah, it means that you, uh ... you call the plays.

Oh. Well, see, I was under the impression it was the coaches who called the plays.

Well ...

And that's why American footballers need those little radio things in their ears to tell them what to do for the few minutes that they're on the field.

Yeah. Got it, Coach.

So, these work like EpiPens?

Fitz: Almost, but more efficient.

To counteract the psychosis, the serum needs to be delivered directly into the brain stem, so... the injector... needs to be placed at the base of the skull.

Oh-ho-ho, no. Now, you know I don't like needles.

Well, I mean, it's a bee sting, really.

Oh, hell ...


Where are the guards?

That's a good question.

Keep your heads down.

[g*n cocks]

Not all of them will be friendly.

Yes, sir.

Harlan: A few more questions.

Agent Simmons,
are you now, or have you ever been, a member of Hydra?



On assignment, undercover.

My allegiance has always been to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Almost done.

Have you ever obtained sensitive information that you are obligated to report up the Security Spectrum or to the Director?

[Polygraph machine beeps]

Agent Simmons, would you like me to repeat the question?

No, it's j... it's very wide-ranging.

Mace: Agent Simmons.

I'm gonna need you to come with me.


Man: Hey, who are you guys?!

How's it looking, Coach?

Where the C.O.s at?!

Fitz: Well, from what I can tell, Lucy and her cohorts
are searching cell by cell for Eli Morrow, which means they don't know where he is.

Mack: Oh. That's good.

Yeah, except I have now lost them.

So they're either avoiding the cameras or they've reverted to a halituous state.

Say what?

A hali... They've gone all ghostly.


Yeah. Well, they are scientists.

They tend to think strategically in these situations.

That's what makes us such formidable adversaries.

Mack: At least they haven't infected the prisoners.

This is not the objective.

Come back any time, G.

I didn't bring you down here to settle scores.

I'm good.


'Cause I don't think you can control that thing inside of you.

And if I have to sh**t you to keep him from coming out...

I will.


We're here to, uh... rescue you?

Thought we'd meet you halfway.

Do we have Eli Morrow?

Not yet.

Then we back up Mack and Robbie.

Agents, we need Warden Green and his C.O.s lucid if we're gonna retake this place.

Plus, the "demon" conversation gets stale.

Copy that.


Stop whining.

I know it's a little public, but it's the fastest route to Eli's cell. Believe me.


Coulson: I see it, too.

It's how they're organizing.

All the new Watchdogs, they're recruiting in prison, uniting against us.

Man: Hey, you seeing this? It's S.H.I.E.L.D.

They protect those freaks.

Which one of you's the freak?

Come on, let's go.

Hey, stop.

[Locks disengage]



[Prisoners talking]

Fitz, we could really use that exit.

If I release the door, all the doors in cellblock A open.

The s-security wings, the exterior exits ...

Just do it!

[Console beeping]

Go, go!

[Prisoners shouting]

I get it. You and Phil Coulson are close.

I'm the new Director, your boss, so you think there are things that I don't need to know.

But I do.

Agent Simmons, can I trust you?


Great, 'cause, boy, do I need your help. [Chuckles]

I'm debating Senator Nadeer on television about the "Inhuman w*r on Humans."

I hate that the media's calling it that.

Burrows says it's terrible branding. But either way, this is a battle for hearts and minds.

What can I do?

Facts, Simmons.

I need cold, hard, scientific facts to back up our case during this debate.

I can put together a PowerPoint on, um, Inhuman genetics, biology, sociological impact ...

Yeah, here's the thing.

I think it might be better if I literally had what's in your head... in my head. [Chuckles nervously]

Even S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't have that kind of technology.

Oh, sure it does.


So, all you need to do is listen in, tell me exactly what to say, and know that any error, slip-up, or mishap could endanger the lives of humans and Inhumans alike.

Ah. [Chuckles]

Also, we're live in 15 minutes.

About back there ...

Forget it.

Uh, I can't do that.

That thing inside you is my responsibility.

No, it's mine.

And if you can't control it?

Look. My uncle can't know what I am.

So I'll keep it down. Not for you, for him.

I need you to do something for me.


Ghost busted.



Unless your face also does a-a Clown Posse thing, I'm infected. Give me some space.

[Breathing heavily]


Are you okay? Can you hear me?

Mm. Mm!

Yep. You can back off the mike.

Copy that, sir.

Woman: Everyone set? Quiet, please.

We're about ready to roll.

Man: Our end is live in 4, 3, 2...

[Triumphant music plays]

Stephanopoulos: Many of you are familiar with Senator Ellen Nadeer.

She's head of the Finance Committee and outspoken advocate of the so-called Humans First movement.

Thank you for having me.

And of course, our next guest needs little introduction.

He is a patriot, a public servant known all over the world.

He put his life on the line to save others during the U.N. bombing in Vienna.

He's now the Director of the newly reformed S.H.I.E.L.D. ...

Jeffrey Mace.

It's an honor to be here, George.

Let's get started. Director Mace ...

After an intro like that, I think I deserve some equal time.

I'd like to ask the Director a question.

Go ahead, Senator.

Just what is S.H.I.E.L.D.'s purpose if it's not protecting us from the Inhumans?

Why are human lives not S.H.I.E.L.D.'s priority?

Actually, Inhumans and humans share 99.8% of the human genome.

Inhumans are human, and the science is in agreement with me.

In fact, we share 99.8% of the human genome.

It really is that close. I had no idea.

It really is, George ...

Genetics can't explain the blackouts that plunged parts of the world into darkness.

People were terrorized. Lives were lost.

Two people died in a helicopter crash...

Let us never forget...

...while 17 Inhumans were m*rder*d.

...that more Inhumans than humans were lost during that crisis.

And yet every day, there are reports of disturbances in Hong Kong or blue-skinned K*llers in Wyoming.

Well, if I was to respond to every tabloid story and ... and ... and Sasquatch sighting,

I couldn't do my job, which is to protect this great nation.

What about the very real situation happening right now outside of Los Angeles?

Is it true that S.H.I.E.L.D. has compromised a prison?

We have... no data on that, do we?

It's our policy not to comment on ongoing operations, but I can assure you that S.H.I.E.L.D. has the situation completely under control.

Let's go, go, go, go!

[Door slams]

Come on, come on, come on!

Fitz: Coulson, the exit is on the north side.

I'm gonna try and get you
to a secure cellblock.


[Prisoners shouting]

Let's go!

We're gonna make it!

Man: Come on! Come on!

Let's go! May! Go through!

You're gonna make it.


Daisy, no! Open the door!

This is my fight, not yours.

Don't do this!

Damn it!

[Whistles] Here, boy.

Fitz, change of plans.

Find us another way into the cafeteria. I don't care how.

Get them!

[Dramatic music plays]


[Prisoners shouting]

Hey! Where are the guards?!

Where are the guards?!


Robbie, what are you doing here?

We're getting you out of here.


[Device beeps]

Step back, please.

No, no, don't. This is S.H.I.E.L.D.?

You're in danger.

Lucy Bauer is here, and she's coming for you.

Robbie, I told you to stay away from this.

Mr. Morrow, Dr. Bauer can walk through walls, so we got to go.

Walk through walls?

Yeah, S.H.I.E.L.D. said she had abilities.

Yeah, and now we think she has that book.

So who knows what else she's capable of.

The book?

Yeah. Let's go.

[Shouting continues]

People are scared that Inhumans don't share our core values.

And who could blame them? How many of our citizens have died under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s watch?

Fatalities have decreased since the signing of the Sokovia Accords.

We're proud to say that fatalities have actually decreased sharply since the signing of the Sokovia Accords.

It's a legacy I hope to build on.

Treaties mean nothing to the Inhumans.

We're dealing with something different here.

Senator, when you say "different," that sounds like a dog whistle aimed at hate groups.

There's no dog whistle needed, George.

Just the word "Inhuman" is frightening enough, and yet they choose to define themselves that way.

See, that kind of comment, uh, illustrates the problem.

If we can't talk about Inhumans with respect ...

You can't talk about them with honesty. How can people trust you?


Director Mace, you take a damn good photo, I'll give you that, but that doesn't make you the man for this job.

Simmons: Stick to the facts.

Since S.H.I.E.L.D. has been re...

Hmm. [Earpiece beeps]

So, you don't think I'm the man for the job. [Music]

Well... I became the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. because I believe in their mission.

Protecting and integrating Inhumans is part of that.

Senator, I promise you that I am the man for the job,
because I'm not just a man.

I'm an Inhuman.

Director Mace, just to be sure I'm hearing you correctly, you're saying you are literally Inhuman? [Crew murmuring]

Yes. I'm an Inhuman.

You know, my life didn't just change when that b*mb went off in Vienna or when I shielded that woman from harm.

It also changed when I went through Terrigenesis.

So, yeah, this is personal.

And people like me that are different should not be hunted down.

Fitz: I'm sorry, but it's the fastest way in.

Yeah, and, um, you're looking for the chute
in the northwest corner.

Got it.

Whoa. Guess it really is Taco Tuesday.


You know, you never did tell me what you saw when you died.

Really? Now?

Is it because it smells like death in here?

You saw something.

You want to know what I saw, Phil?


I saw you.

Don't let it go to your head.


You didn't think of that before I jumped in the trash?

What's the fun in that?

[Dramatic music plays]

Man: Finish her!

You're done!



It's been a while since I stretched my legs.

That was suicidal and stupid.

And you weren't supposed to come back for me.

We just saved your life!

And risked your own!

I never asked for that.

Let's argue about who should've left who to die later.

You need a medic.

I'll be fine ...

Fine? No. You won't.

Fitz, what's the status on Eli Morrow?

Quinjet's on its way to the yard for extraction.

Mack has him in his custody.


[Prisoners shouting]



Mack: The exit's just ahead.

[Alarm blaring]


Man: Hey. A little help here.

All right, get Eli out of here! I'll be right behind you.

Stand back.

[Prisoners shouting]


It's going down!

It's going down!

It's going down!

Hey! Come on.


Hey. Robbie.

Just keep going.

S.H.I.E.L.D. will meet you out in the yard.

What about you?

I got one last thing to take care of. Go.

I'm right behind you! Go!


[Alarm blaring]

[Prisoners shouting]





[Sirens wailing]

[Tires squeal]


[Police radio chatter]

They'll get you set up, lead you back inside.

Where's Eli Morrow?

I sent him out with Robbie. He should be out here.

[Breathing heavily]

Where's my uncle?

He's supposed to be with you. What the hell happened?!

Move, or I will take your mind apart piece by piece.

Burrows: Director Mace, that confession of yours was unbelievable!

You were a hero to people before you had super-strength.

But now your approval numbers are through the roof.

Thanks, Burrows. Uh, if you don't mind...

Of course. Huh? [Chuckles]

Well, sounds like you were a hit.

Oh, this is your victory, too, Agent Simmons.

You were a great help. It's like I always say ... a team that trusts is a team that triumphs.

But trust must be earned... with random, non-invasive testing.

Your, uh ... your polygraph this morning generated some alarming results, so I'd like you to give it another go.


About that...

Do you happen to know what a micro-expression is?

The dart of an eye, tensing of forehead ... the littlest thing can say a lot.

More specifically, they can say if a person is lying.


What are you getting at?

I don't think you want me to strap back into that machine.

He may ask me what I thought of that story you told on television today.

You know, the one about becoming a hero in Vienna?

Because if asked, I would have to tell the truth, which we both know you didn't do.



I'm gonna exempt Agent Simmons from any further testing.

Thank you, sir.

He's right, you know.

A team that trusts is a team that triumphs.

If you're looking for Robbie, he's off hating himself somewhere else.

Good. I came to see you.

The arm is fine.

I didn't ask.

I know what you're doing.

Trying to distance yourself from everyone else so they don't drown in your wake? I invented that move.

It doesn't work... for one simple reason.

Phil Coulson.

He found me in that cubicle and dragged me out.

He didn't give up on me... and he won't give up on you.

I never wanted that.

Mnh-mnh, no.

You don't get to choose who cares about you.

And Coulson... he's got a bigger heart than most.

[Somber music plays]


Lincoln wouldn't want you k*lling yourself over what happened.

I promised Coulson I'd see this operation through.

After that, I'm gone.




What'd you say to her?

Nothing she didn't already know.

Well, we're gonna need her.

Fitz found Eli Morrow and Dr. Bauer on the security-cam footage outside the prison.

Hmm. She didn't k*ll him.


She forced him to leave with her in an ambulance.

What does she want with him?

I don't know.

But I got a feeling he's about to find out.

[Suspenseful music plays]

[Alarm blaring]


What do you want me to do?

Read it.

'Cause I can't.


We are going to fix me... and then finish what we started.

Coulson: We'll return in a moment.

Don't see why this couldn't have been a phone call.

Never underestimate the power of human connection.

Or should I say "Inhuman"?


Either way, congratulations on those poll numbers.

I have you to thank.

You gave me no option but to tell the truth.

Speaking of the truth, I went looking for some, and guess what I found?

This is S.H.I.E.L.D. working with a former Agent, now known as Quake, a walking w*apon of mass destruction.

[Tablet beeps]

This one was new to me.

New to you, too, I see. We're not sure what the hell he is, but we do know he's a cold-blooded k*ller.

Santino Noguera ... a model prisoner looking at early release.

That is, until he ran into whatever that... thing is.

We know he came in with S.H.I.E.L.D., and he left with S.H.I.E.L.D.

So tell me, are your people aware they're harboring a m*rder*r, or do they just not care?


In two hours, these will go to ABC News, just in time for this evening's broadcast.

How do you think those poll numbers will hold up?


What do you want?