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01x04 - Fever of the Bone

Posted: 10/19/16 10:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Aftermath"...

Why are you dressed like that, like Pioneer Village?

Devyn brought an outside girl here?

We'll see you shortly.

What do you want?


They're herding all the Feverheads into one zone.

I'm gonna get our baby back.

I put cyanide from the bug spray into their drinks.

It was coming to take her, but it recognized her.

She brought that demon here.

How can you say that?

She knows everything about it.

She's seen it before.

She hasn't just seen it. She commands it.

She's casting spells on Devyn now.

Lily, who'd bother?

You know what's weird?

Mean girls are usually pretty.

These ones are total mutts.

It's not you.

They're like that to everyone.

We should go for a swim in the lake.

You should go for a cold shower.

No, I didn't mean anything by it.

Go now. Find hard work to do.

Like cleaning the eaves, for instance.

Yes, ma'am.

You think I'm into him?

You're tempting him.



No, no, I... He's way too young for me.

Look, I'm so in your debt. God, I would never...

If you're in our debt, would you please not take the lord's name in vain over and over again?

Look, I'm sorry, all right?

I just meant that if it weren't for you guys, I'd be completely screwed.

I will not accept profanity.

Everything was fine here until you came.

What's that supposed to mean?

You know a great deal about demons.

I just know what I've seen here the past few days.

That's it.

So you say.

The reverend brother will decide your case.

In the meantime, you'll go where others are safe from you.

Come with me.


You'll wait here until the reverend is ready for you.

What am I supposed to do in here?

Righteous hands are never idle.

You might want to wash your things.

The reverend brother teaches us that cleanliness is holiness.

Right, well, how long am I in here?

Put your faith in the lord.

[lock clicks]

[ominous music]

So who would you eat first?


We're all dead except you, and there's no other food source.

Whose body would you eat?

This is too dark.

You haven't thought about it?


Have you?

Nothing but.

All the time.


Bri and Mom would suck.

Just bones.

You and Dad, that's where the protein is.

I liked it better when you were just quiet and sweet.

For real, though, I could go for pizza right now.

Even just a slice.

The apocalypse sucks for pizza.

If it keeps you from eating me and Dad, I'm all for it.

Mom! Dad!

Oh, my God.

Oh, God. Awful.

Oh! Car's clear.

Let just see if any of them are still alive.

Oh, look at the eyes.



No other signs of predation.

This is awful.

You guys, we got to get them out of the way.

Do you hear that?

[rattling noise] Oh.

Hang on a second.

What's that noise?

[rattling noise]

What's that sound?


He's alive. He's moving!


Be careful.

I will.



What is it?

Oh! Bugs! Oh!

Oh, no!

What are these?

Get away from him!

Get away from him!

Get back! Get back!

[people yelling]

Get them off!

[ominous music]

Oh, get off! Get off!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait.

What, don't get them off?

Get them off!

Get them off her!


What are they doing? Oh, my god.

Trying to get inside you.

Oh! Is it gone?

Are they gone? Oh!

All right, clear.

Guys, get in the trailer! Get in the trailer!

Let's go!

I don't want to detour.

No, we're going through.

Just roll up the windows.

Matt, get out of there!

Yeah, roll up your windows!


If we can cut through the airport, Brianna's about five miles on the other side of it.

What is this?

It's where Dr. Rawlins must have brought the tetracycline.

What's going on?

It's locked.

We're gonna have to find another way around for Brianna.

Oh, no, we're not.

We don't have the time.

We can't go in there. People are affected in there.

So? We have tetracycline.

Which is useless if you walk into a full outbreak.

They'll just k*ll you for it.

The gate's locked. We can't go over the razor wire, Mom.

We're getting Brianna.


Sally, move.

What's the plan?


All right.

[engine turns over]

[horn honks]

Karen, what are you doing?

Oh, no.


What's the damage?

It is broken?


Can you fix it?

Help you guys?

Whoa. No, no. We're okay.

Broke the fence. There's gonna be trouble.

Yeah, it's okay, Matt. I got it.

You don't look very well.

Never better.

Well, I'm a nurse, and we have some medicine here that could help you, okay?

Dana, could you go grab the tetracycline, please?

So just stay calm and keep a lid on it, and everything will be okay.


Matt, clear.

[g*nsh*t] Oh!

You all right?



Demon didn't come out.

It's definitely a Feverhead.


My dear young lady.

Welcome to our home.

Thank you.


We should talk about what att*cked our cattle.

Honestly, I don't know anything about the cattle.

She was very familiar with the demon, Reverend Brother.

Only because I've seen it before.

Some sort of... bird or...

All right, bottom line: I saved her life.

That's because she controls the creature.

I don't think that you consort with demons.

I can see that you're afraid.

I'm not afraid.

Elena, would you excuse us for a moment, please?

Reverend Brother, the devil's boots don't creak.

Helena, honestly.

I know that.


I've been looking for you, k*ller of hosts.

How wonderful to see you once again.

Reverend Brother!

I heard a demon's voice!

I was defending myself.

The voice came from inside of her.

Are you crazy? He att*cked me!

You certainly don't expect me to believe that.

Oh. Oh, Reverend Brother.

She's put some kind of spell on you.

No, he is sick, all right?

He is possessed, and he's dangerous, and he will k*ll all of you.

What do we do with her?

It's almost night.

We'll put her in the barn.

The community will pray on it.

We'll decide what's best in the morning.

[groaning] Oh, this is as heavy as a t*nk.

Yeah, a t*nk made of scrap metal.

Just a little further, guys.


Little bit further. [coughing]

My torn ACL is gonna give out.


Okay, right there.

[all grunting]


Holy crap. Aunt Sally, are you all right?

I just need some more water, honey.

Your skin is really red.

Is it?

Oh, I'm sorry I'm such an idiot.

We have tetracycline, so it should be able to take care of this.

Okay. What about this hunk of metal?

Well, fate.



You still believe in fate?

Till there's something else to believe in, yeah, I do.


I'm gonna fix it.

Oh, honey.


You have... you have quite a rash.

Do I?

Yeah, don't touch it. Don't... don't touch it.

What if it's a reaction to those bugs?

No, it's probably all the tinned food.

I mean, I'm just so used to organic, you know?

Right, right. I'm sure. I'm sure.

Don't... don't... don't itch it.


Oh, my god. Okay.

Aunt Sally, drink this.

You're gonna be okay.

Thank you.

Here, take the g*n, take your sister, and go find Dr. Rawlins.

Oh, Karen, it's not that bad.

It's okay.

No, no, I know.

It's nothing. Totally. It's fine.

You sure you want Dana to go? She's pretty freaked.

If she has body filled with those bugs, I don't want you guys anywhere near her, okay?

So go find the doctor. Hurry, hurry.

Come on. It'll be fun.

Get off of me!

You're not listening!

Your reverend is dangerous!

Please! You can't keep me in here.

[crying] Please. Please don't leave.

You can't leave me in here!

Please! This is kidnapping!

This is illegal!

[crying] Shit.


Did I mention that I'm terrified yet?

That's another reason to learn how to sh**t.

Not gonna happen, okay?

Why not?

I don't want to talk about it.

It's stupid.

You couldn't be stupid if there was money on it.


Look, I...

I wish I was religious, but I'm not, so I...

I just worship life, I guess.

All life.

I could never k*ll a living thing.

We have a good dad.

Before all of this, I was the one Mom took hunting, not him.

Yeah, I remember.

Bri went with you guys, and I just stayed home and read books with Dad.


Now he's pretty good with a g*n.

Things change.

Well, I'm the same as I've always been.

Except you listen to krunk.

You would like krunk. It's violent.

All I'm saying is that you need to learn how to defend yourself.

Okay, I get that. I do.

But throughout everything that's happened, I've stayed the same, and I've hung on to that, and the day that I sh**t a g*n is the day that I lose myself, so... I can't do that, 'cause I'm all I have left.

You got me.

Well, good thing.

'Cause that screaming is getting louder.

[people screaming in the distance]

[rock music playing]

Reminds me of that Miley Cyrus concert Holly dragged me to.

The one where the audience tried to eat the band?

Wonder where Holly is now.

Sounds like it's coming from this way.

We're moving towards the noise?

Dr. Rawlins is gonna be with the Feverheads.

It'll be fine.

It's easy for you to say.

You have a g*n.

I'll teach you how to sh**t.

Yeah? How fast?

♪ ♪

You have to help me.

I got put in here by mistake. I'm... I'm not sick.


Dr. Rawlins. Know where he is?

Yeah, I know where he is.

But I don't have what these people have.

Yeah, me either. I was framed.

Can you bring me to the doctor?

I'll tell you where the doctor is.

Come over here so he doesn't hear you.

Come on.

Aw, nice work.

Thanks. I went to acting school, I think.

Grab the g*n.

Help me. Do it!

Give us the g*n, or we'll k*ll him.

Oh, you're so smart, Ginny.

sh**t them!

I can't.

They're alive.

Dana, they'll k*ll me.

Do it. Now!


[people yelling]


Drop your w*apon, sweetheart.


Drop it, or I will blow your head off.

Jonny, cover me.

No, it was all I could do to pick the damn thing up in the first place.

Dana, drop the g*n, or he will k*ll you.

If she doesn't drop it, sh**t the guy.

Hey, Jonny, we got a couple of Feverheads here!

Get the g*n off my sister.

I'm your problem, not her.

Get over yourself.

You're no one's problem.

We're not infected.

Your sister's acting irrational.

It's a bad sign.

We were just looking for Dr. Rawlins.



She's clear.

But throw them in the pen anyways.

We'll figure it out later.

Wait, wait. We need to...

We need to see Dr. Rawlins.

You're gonna see Rawlins.

They'll get your name on a chart.

He'll see you in a day or two.

But we're not infected.

Change of plans.

sh**t him. Throw her in.

Wait, wait. Please, please.

Our aunt is sick.

She doesn't have plague; it's something else.

She's here with our family.

You have to believe me. Please.

You got people here?


Take me there.

[people clamoring]

[breathing deeply]




Oh, good news.



It's good news.

Oh, yeah?

The drive shaft, it's decoupled.

So we don't need new parts.


But we do need tools.


How's she feeling?

Um, I've been better.


It's Dana.


There's a man out here with a g*n on Matt.

He says put down your weapons and open the door, or he'll k*ll him.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Let's go. Git!

Over here.

What are you doing here?

We are friends of Dr. Rawlins.

One of us is sick.

Is it the plague?

No, no.

[whispers] Brianna.

Brianna, hey.



Are you okay?

No, I'm not okay. Can you get me out, please?

I can't.

They think you're a witch. They say you cast a demon love spell on me.

I don't know how to cast demon love spells, Devyn, all right?

I kind of think you did.

I feel really weird.

Devyn, you're 15. Everybody's weird at 15.

I sinned for you today.

You've sinned?


Devyn, I think you should open the door.

I was looking at you.

That's not a sin, Devyn. I want people to look at me.

And you were naked.

What do...

I saw your arms and your back.

What, when I was washing up?

You spied on me?

Devyn, seriously?

I know.

I've lost my soul.

No, no, no, no. Dev, Dev, Dev, Dev, don't go.

Listen to me.

If you leave me in here, I'll die.

Look, I know you like me.

All right? And I like you too.

And I know you don't want me to die.

And I don't mind if you looked at me, all right?

I swear. And neither does God.

I just...

Would you stay?


Just don't go.

Open up.


You seem military.

Ex Air Force.

32nd Special Ops.

32nd Special Ops?

32nd Special Ops, Lamar Boone.

Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t. I know him.

Lamar Boone flew with the 32nd.

I trained with him until Iraq, till I got bounced to Supply 'cause they wouldn't let women fight in combat.

Prove you know him.

Black man, living legend.

Saved his Christmas shopping till the 24th.

Then he did it on mushrooms.

How'd his dog die?


Spoiled moose meat.


Holy shit.

Jeff Quantrell.

Karen Copeland.

Good to meet you.

Hey, Jeff, I'm Josh Copeland.

Hey, Josh.


What's this place for?

It's a plague containment area.

Bring 'em in, cure 'em, or they stay here till they die.

If she doesn't got the plague, what is it?

An allergic reaction to something.

Open up, sweetheart.

That's what we're looking for Dr. Rawlins for.

Normally, I'd say I couldn't do that, but since you're friends of Booner, you get in.


You talk to him since all this?

He's got an armed camp ten miles off the grid.

He's been stockpiling for years.

So he's alive.


He's gonna be the last man standing.

The next first book is gonna be called "Booner and Eve."

Hey, listen, the camper's broken up.

The drive shaft was decoupled.

But we don't have tools to fix it.

There's a full rack back there. Help yourself.

We need g*ns.

Got you covered.

You two, come with me.

We'll get the g*ns while your dad fixes your ride.

Can't someone else go?


I'll send Dr. Rawlins ASAP.

Come on.

You're gonna like me after this is over.

Come on.

How are you feeling? Any better?

I'm scared.

They're gonna test you for demon possession at your trial tomorrow.

But if you don't have one, then everything will work out fine.

Dev, how is that even a thing?

Your reverend put me in here so that he can k*ll me.

He'd never do that.

Exactly. He wouldn't.

He's not in his body anymore. A demon is.

There's no way.

Why do you think I have a demon and he doesn't?

The holier you are, the harder it is for a demon to possess you.

Well, maybe demons are smarter than that.

Or maybe they know better than to put themselves in a girl who nobody trusts, who goes around taking her top off so people can spy on her!

You shouldn't say demons are smart.

Well, they are.

So sucks to be you.

The devil's finest trick is making you think he isn't there.

I shouldn't be talking to you.

I'm going now.


Dev, would you at least bring me my g*n?




I didn't think it was funny, how Booner's dog died.

Dana's an animal lover.

You know, sweetheart, Pinky was stupid.

These days, it's survival of the fittest, and we're the fittest, right?

Honestly, I'm not.

You're the smartest.

That didn't help you when you needed it.


You got to believe in yourself.

Doubt kills.

What do you want from me?

I've never fired a g*n. I'm not an expert.

You don't have to be.

You just got to want to live another day.

I can't do this anymore.

I want my life back.

I know, sweetheart.

But that life's not available.

You have to work hard at the new one now.

It's the end of the world.

No one survives.

I mean, what am I supposed to do?

You take everything you can out of it.

Every day.

And when you run out of road, you stand with your family and you go down sh**ting.

That's all anyone can do.

I don't know to sh**t.

Well, lucky for you, some g*ns sh**t themselves.

You don't have to aim this one.

It sh**t so many rounds, even you can't miss.

Go ahead. Give it a try.

Just don't point it at your brother.


It's a good look.

All right, don't get carried away.

You're gonna be all right.

I'm gonna make sure of it.

Far as I can tell, it's just a staph infection.

My gut says different. [clears throat]

I believe the gut.

The body's a powerful communicator.

Mm. Mm-hmm.

Let me give you this for now.

Keep an eye. Sound good?

Sure, yeah.

Here we go.

Oh, my God.

[screaming] Oh, my God!

Shit! Get it off me!

Stay, Sally. Sit.


Stay seated, Sally.

Get it out of my arm!

Stay seated.


Hand me another tourniquet.

Oh, uh, here.

Thank you.

Karen, those bugs.

Parasite or predator?

Parasite. They were feeding on the corpses.

Only thing we can do is get it out.

Then do it now!



Oh, oh, oh!


Well, well, well.

Oh, get it out!

Oh, God.


Oh, God.


[all yelling]

Get out!


Are you done?



I am sealing the bugs in this room.

[people yelling]

[banging at door]

My God! They got out. They're here.

Josh, we got to go now!

There's Doc with the medicine!

[door squeaking]


What are you doing here?

Are you going to see Brianna?

Have you been there?

It's forbidden.

Yes, sir.

And she told you I was a demon?


I've known you since you were a baby.

End times are upon us, Devyn.

Big tests are coming.

Now is not the time to lose faith.

Good night, son.

Reverend Brother, wait.

Where were you going?

Well... to bed, son.

To bed.

[pounding at door]

Karen! Karen!

Let's go! Let's go!

The medicine's over here.

You're just in time!

Medicine's in here!

Let's go!


The medicine's over here. It's over here.

In the office. Medicine's in the office.

[people clamoring]

Medicine's in here. It's in here.

What are you doing?

It's in here.

It's in here!

Rawlins, get in the truck!

Oh, my God.

[door bangs]

[door bangs shut]

Got to get the tape off.

Medicine's on the counter.

Got to get the tape off. Get the tape off.

Real twisted.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

You're gonna need this.

The reverend's been acting weird.

[crying softly]

Medicine's on the counter.

[people clamoring]

There you go.

Shit. You drive.

Let's go.

I'd like one of those, if that's okay.

That'd be great.

Just remember, you don't have to aim.

Just sh**t.

Let's go.

Get it all.

On the table.

All right, let's go!

Dev, I hope you know you saved everybody in here.


The reverend's gonna k*ll everybody, including you. Come on.

You're totally nuts. The reverend would never k*ll anyone.

Not if we k*ll him first.

That's not happening, not ever.

What will he do if we run away?

I don't know, probably nothing.

What if I guarantee you he'll follow us and try to k*ll us?

He would never do that.

You better hope not.


You just asked God to help you.

You put your fingers in the shape of a cross. That's a good sign.

Good enough for you to come with me?

I'd go anywhere with you.


So does this mean you're my girl now?

One thing at a time, Dev.

[all screaming]

Rawlins, move it!

Jonny, what are you doing here?

Hey, Doc, you got any meds?

What do you need?


Let's get out of here.

Okay, go!

[growling softly]

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[machine g*n firing]

[people yelling]

Let's shake it!

Go, go, go!


Eat shit, b*tches!

Devyn, come on!

He's not following us.

We've been walking forever.

He is following us. I'm telling you.

Okay, which way is south?

My family's coming from the south.

We never had directions.

We just stayed where the lord wanted us to be.

You know, you are the worst rescuer ever.

Okay, which way is south?

Do that again.

Devyn, we have to go.

I love you.

Okay, Dana told me once how to tell directions from the sun.

Now I wish I'd listened more.

South is this way.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Let's go.

Let's go, guys. Let's go.

Quantrell, why don't you come with us?

I'm staying here.

It took us long enough to secure the area.

Got to gather up the rest of the Feverheads.

You ever run?

Can't just let 'em loose.

They're either gonna k*ll or infect everyone in their path.

Like Brianna.

We got more tetracycline.

The doc's gone, but I'll find someone.

You know what?

You just did. I'm gonna stay.


What are you talking about?


Could you please tell her she can't stay here?

Tell her what? Truth is, I could use someone.

Right? I'm a nurse. It makes sense.

Oh, my...


I'm gonna do this.

'Cause you're stubborn.


Get her to Booner's when you're done here, okay?

I will.

Hey, hey, hey.

Go, go, go!


Hey, Jeff, look what I got!



Make sure it's clear.

Yes, sir.

Secure the gate.

I'm on it.

Everyone in?

Josh, take us to Brianna.


Two minutes.

Oh, my God, my lungs are gonna burst.

He'll probably catch us anyways.



It's something.

No, it's not.

Catch your breath.

Are you still looking at me?


Same way?

I guess.

Why? What for?

Because if I don't kiss you soon, I might die.


Nice line.

What's a line?

It's something... a guy says when he wants something from you.

Like what?

Like kissing.

Like... you know, like, "Oh, my god, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

But you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Shut up.

So much, it hurts.

Anyway, I...

I... I don't even know how to lie.

Yeah. Everybody lies sometimes.

It's nature. People lie.

Not where I'm from. It's not an option.

So you really think you're gonna die if I don't kiss you?

Well, I don't think it's for sure.

I mean, I hope you kiss me.

I'll risk it if you don't.

I just need to be near you.

You're my whole life now.

I'm not sure I planned for that.

I know. It just happened.


Because you're so much better than anyone I've ever known.

And I can't lie, remember?

So that's not a line.



If I don't kiss you soon, I might die.

You know he's coming, right?

Yeah, I know.

When he finds us, he'll k*ll us.


I won't let him.

Okay, one more.

Then we have to go.


[clears throat]

Keep your eyes out. She should be here.


She said Route 18.


I don't think I can go on without more kissing.

Dev, that's not funny anymore.

It's them!

[screaming] It's them!

It's them!


There she is.


There she is! You see her?

Oh, my God.


Wow, so she's got a g*n.

Yeah, and a boy. Shocker.



Go, go, go!

Josh, go!

You think you can run?

Hey, assh*le!



Yeah, she got him! Whoo!


Wow, our baby.


Come on!


Hi. Oh!

[both laughing]

[all talking and laughing]

God, even I missed you.

Guys, this is Devyn.

He saved my life.

Hi, I'm Brianna's father.

She's okay.

That man was my shepherd.

He was a good man, but something possessed him.

He was like that thing that took you.

He was a...



You're safe now, baby. You're safe.

Okay? Yes?

I have a couple stories for you.

Yeah, I have some weird things to tell you.

Okay, well, how about flesh-eating bugs?

How about a bird that eats cows?

Oh, oh, okay, yeah.

We can do that inside.

Come on.

Before someone else jumps out of the woods.

Oh, God, it's good to see you.

It is so good to be home.

I never thought I'd like this trailer so much.

[glass shatters]

[machine g*n firing]

Who is it?


Stay down, everybody. Stay down!

[tense music]

Drive. Drive!

Christ! Haven't we had enough of this shit?

♪ ♪