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01x09 - Taking on Water: How Leaks in D.C. Are Discovered and Patched

Posted: 08/22/16 08:26
by bunniefuu
♪ Previously in my life... ♪

He went in there.

Who did? Kevin?

Yeah, after we let him go.

What is it, a Senate office?

No, I don't think so.

He's been in there since yesterday.

You've been down here since...?

Oh, no.

Gustav put a tracker on his phone.

What do you think?

♪ Little innocent music starting ♪

[buzzer sounds]


Room 54?

From who?

I have no idea. I was just told to deliver it.

Doctor: The beds can be more narrow...



What is that?

A room in the basement.

Okay. Why are we talking about it?

Because it's a w*r room.

Uh, for who?

No, it's not a w*r room for a candidate.

It's a w*r room for a w*r.

And how do you know this?

One of the Syrian who testified at your hearing... Dr. Samira... he was there.


[clears throat]

Hey, Judy. How you doing?

No, no. No, I'm fine with the office.

I'm starting to like it.

But I got a delivery from someone in SRB...

Laurel: [whispering] 54.


Uh, whose office is that?

Wait, are you sure?

I have the package right here. I mean...

Judy, come on. Are you telling me there is no SRB-54?

Okay. Thanks.


[buzzer sounds]


Excuse me.

I'm here to meet with the senator.

There is no senator here, sir.

Red told me to meet him here.

Are you sure?

Very sure.

Well, he's not here, Senator.

Luke: And who are you?


Don who?

Don Pickle.

Pickle, really? That's your name?

Yes, sir.

And your position, Mr. Pickle?

Legislative aide.

To whom?

I'm a little busy, Senator.

With what? You can't just take... a room.

Sorry, Senator.

We're busy here.

What are you thinking?

Monarch: Allegations have been made about Syrian involvement with American bioterrorism...

What is it?

A leak.

But now I personally have received confirmation that the testimony by Syrian dissidents was completely bogus.

In fact, a source close to the committee has told me exclusively that CIA official Sidney Tellefsen briefed the committee that there is no link between Syria and these recent head explosions.

So, if there's no connection, why is Red out there misleading the public?

This briefing today stunned me.

In all my 20 years as a senator, I've never been so shocked as by what I heard today.

Misty: So was there something shocking in the CIA briefing?

Or has it been overblown?

Obviously, Democrats will make hay with this statement.


Gareth: Senator, are you all right?

Yeah. What do you mean?

The news...

You heard it?

Well, which part?

The CIA briefing.

Oh, the leak?

Yes, sir. Do you want me to work up a statement?


You sure?

They're saying you lied about the CIA briefing.

What's the name of the new intern?


[shouting] Jed! Jed the intern!

Yes, sir?

Yes, sir.

Wow. Mr. Enthusiasm.

Sorry. I guess I am.

[chuckles] Send Ashley in.

And get me another one of these.

Yes, sir, right away.


How long do you think he'll last?

Ah, he's a good kid.

His parents gave to the campaign.

Oh, good to know.

Ashley, my favorite African-American person, how are you?

Good, Senator.

Good. Good.

Gareth, this is Ashley Cook.

Ex-capitol police, now working as, uh...

What do you call yourself?

Freelance investigative analyst.

Right. Right.

Ashley is helping us out with our little problem here.

Who leaked.

Nah, nah, nah, nah.

I know who leaked.

Luke Healy leaked. He's the only one with a motive.

Senator Healy has had affairs with several Hill staffers.

Do you want a rundown?

Senator, do you want me to go?

No, no.

You should be in on this, too.

We don't need a verbal on the affairs.

But I do want you to expand the search.

Hmm. Into his financials?

No. Into his sister.

I want oppo research on her, too: what skeletons she has in her closet, gambling debts, affairs with... professors, porn addictions.

Okay. I'm on it.

It's a good idea, don't you think, buddy?

Yeah. The girl works in her brother's office.

We should find out what she's up to, too.

If that's what you want, Senator.

It is.

So go ahead.

Help facilitate Ashley.

Yes, Senator.

[door closes]


[desk phone ringing]


Oh, Laurel, hi. I was just...

Yes, I do have a minute.

Okay, the Smithsonian.

20 minutes.

[loud chatter, gavel bangs]

Judge: Can we please, please, stick to the point?!

What is the point?

The point is: there is no reason for w*r.

Syria is not the reason for these Catastrophic Head Injuries.

[door opens]

Red: No, no, no, the point is this: The CIA briefed four of us on the status of their investigation... myself, Senator Pollack, Senator Vaynerchuk, and you, Luke.

And one of us leaked!

Don't-don't try to change the subject, Red.

You went in front of the press and lied about that briefing.

That is the true outrage here.

So that's why you leaked?

I did not leak. Look, you told the press you were shocked by the briefing.

Because I was shocked. I'm still shocked!

You implied the CIA showed us evidence that supported your move toward w*r.

Red: No, no, no, I was shocked because the Syrians were behind these head explosions!

Oh, my God, it's Alice in Wonderland.

Red: Madam Chairwoman, I ask that this committee censure and commence criminal proceedings against Senator Healy for leaking.

I did not leak.

And I ask this committee to assign a special prosecutor...

Ella: If someone is to prosecute, I nominate Lawrence Boch.

He's a former senator, he's respected on both sides of the aisle.

Red: I have my disagreements with Boch, but I can overcome them in the spirit of bipartisanship.

What bipartisanship?

This is not about a leak; this is about warmongering.

I thank Red.

And I think we should nominate Lawrence Boch as special prosecutor immediately.

♪ Intense music ♪

Red: Thank you, Ella.

I don't agree with you on much, but this committee cannot afford more leaks!

What are you doing?

How can you be on his side?

Poor Luke.

We're playing a different game now.

Try to keep up.

♪ more and more intense ♪
♪ Stops ♪

Is Red running a w*r room out of SRB-54?



Is your boss running a w*r room out of the Russell Building basement?

I have no idea.

Where are you getting this?


Go look. SRB-54.


I'll look.


What'd you want to talk about?

Red's expanded his oppo research team.

It's not just looking into your brother.

It's looking into you, too.




Why me?

I think Red is worried about you.

Well, I'm honored.

[chuckles]: I don't know if you should be.

Is there anything in your past that can hurt you?

What? You mean like recreational drug use in college?

Yes. [chuckles]

But anything more recent?

Well, I am currently sleeping with someone I shouldn't be.

A Hill staffer from the other side of the aisle.

Yeah. That's not good.

I should probably break it off, right?


Maybe not yet.

I want you right now.



Have you ever been to the planetarium?

[dramatic music playing]

Planetarium narrator: After a star's demise, its fragments join with other space matter to form a gigantic gaseous nebula.

Say it.

It's a climactic expl*si*n... “My gaseous nebula”

[whispering]: Your gaseous... nebula.

Narrator: The nebula disintegrates in spectacular fashion, leaving in its wake a spinning ring of overheated material. It's a climactic expl*si*n, one that results in a shock wave...

Senator Healy, do you have a moment?

Lawrence Boch.

[Both chuckle]

Very nice to meet you.

And you.

Oh, I respected your father.


And as you're no doubt aware, I've been asked to be a special prosecutor on this leak case.

Yes, yeah. Please, sit down.

No. Uh, if you don't mind, I'll... I'll stand.

I'm-I'm having some health issues.

[chuckles]: If I sit, I might not get up again.

So, let me just say this first.

I know you leaked.

You do?

You don't want to talk, Senator.

You want to hire a lawyer.

See, even your two words, "You do"

I could use that to prosecute you.

And I'm not a bad guy, but, you know, they've given me a two million dollar budget to prosecute someone.

[chuckles]: And... and my guess is is that somebody is you, so hire a lawyer.

Don't say anything else.

And... if I didn't do it?

Well, that'd be good.

Right. [chuckles]

But, uh, you know, two million dollars is a lot of money, so, you know, I'm gonna have to bring them somebody's head to justify that budget.

I didn't do it.


See, I'm-I'm gonna interrupt you there, Senator.

I'm interviewing you at noon tomorrow.

I'd suggest you have a lawyer there.

I'm also interviewing your staff, including your sister, tomorrow at 3:00.

Yes, your sister.

[chuckles]: See, I... I find it surprising that the ethics committee agreed to let you hire a relation on staff, so I'd tell your sister to get a lawyer, too.

Anyway, that's it.

And it's, uh, nice meeting you, Senator.

[clears throat]

Nice meeting you, too.

[indistinct conversation]

[knock on door]


I'm Gareth Ritter.

I'm Red Wheatus's chief of staff.

Oh, hi. What do you need?

To know what goes on in this room.

Talk to Red. We're a little busy.

I'm Red's chief of staff.


What's your position?

Legislative director.


Then I outrank you, so... step aside.

Not with this.

I'm sorry.


I have some research we should discuss.



Senator Wheatus asked that I run all my research through you.


This is information on sexual relationships involving Luke Healy.

Thanks. It's kind of thick.


And this is the information on sexual relations involving Laurel Healy.

This file?



Looks like you've gone into a lot of detail.

No. In fact, I have the supporting information here.

Would you like me to take you through it?

No, no. Think I can handle that.


I should be back with more.


♪ Violins start playing ♪
♪ Climax ♪

You wanted to see me, Mr. Boch?

Yes, ma'am.

I-I just have one question.

And I warn you: you can have a lawyer present when I ask it.


Why don't you ask the question first, and then I'll decide.

All right.

Well, who leaked the contents of the select committee CIA briefing to you?

I don't need a lawyer for that.

The leak came from a confidential source, and I cannot be compelled under the First Amendment to reveal their identity. [chuckles]

Ma'am, you understand that, under the law, there is no such protection.

You must answer my question.

Who leaked to you?

Mr. Boch, I will not answer that question, nor will I ever answer that question.

Well, gentlemen, I ask that you place Ms. Monarch under arrest.

And how's your dad?


He was the one who recommended you.


I miss Dean.

Hug him for me.

I will.

And now the legal problems have passed to the son.


I've been accused of leaking.

The special prosecutor intends to question me tomorrow.

Who is the special prosecutor?

Lawrence Boch.


Look, I didn't leak.

Then you have nothing to worry about.

Unfortunately... I think I know who did.

That still might not cause a problem for you, unless...

[whispering] I think my sister leaked.

And you told her?



Why did you leak to your sister?

I was trying to figure out whether to leak myself.

I decided against it, but...

Hold on.

Do you need anything from me, Senator?

No, thank you.

Look, I was tempted to leak because Senator Wheatus was lying about the CIA briefing and pushing us to w*r.

So, you asked your sister's opinion?

And my father's.


Anybody else?


What, I'm in trouble?


I'll need to talk to your sister.

I'm not cutting her loose.

I know.

If the special prosecutor found out you leaked to your sister, you could be sentenced to eight years in prison.

Don't talk to Lawrence Boch again without me there.

And... I'll talk to your sister.

You okay?


You don't like my quesadillas?

No, I love your quesadillas.

Good, 'cause that's the only food I know how to make.


Okay, what?


This is about your oppo research, clearly.

Look at you. You're judging me.

I am not judging you.

I'm just trying to keep Red from using stuff against you.

What stuff?

You want to do this?

Oh, I'm raring to do this.


Did you sleep with your poly sci professor at Georgetown, and did he get you pregnant, and did you have an abortion?

That's a compound question.

Yes, it is. Do you want me to break it down into parts?

That could be fun.

Go for it.

Is any part of it true?

No, no.

Start with the abortion.

Did I k*ll a baby... That's what you want to know.


I slept with my poly sci professor, Cultural Revolution 101, Colin Handke, but I didn't get pregnant.

They're saying you slept with him to get a good grade.

Did they show you the grade?


It was a B-minus.


That doesn't say much about me, does it?

I should stop doing this.

No. What else did I do wrong?

How many people did I sleep with in college?

Let's drop it, okay?

No, how many?

It's not a good idea.

How many did they say I slept with?




Are those confirmed kills?

You asked.

You're right. You're right, I did.

Help me correct the record.


Tell me how many it should be.

How many sexual encounters is acceptable?

What would make you happy?

This is not about me.

Oh, it is so certainly about you.

Let's drop...

How many sexual encounters did you have in college? Come on.

Let's drop it, okay?

No, how many?

Are we including summers?


Laurel, we shouldn't end it like this...


Doggie bag.



When I feel more like it, we'll talk.

I come from a conservative fam...

Actually, I don't care. Bye.

Go now.

She had 24 confirmed sexual liaisons in and after college.

You'll find them tabbed in yellow.

[whistles] Twenty-four.

The Healys sure do get around.

Ashley: One paramour was a Russian foreign exchange student named Kirill.

He is a direct descendent of Kruschev.

Yeah, this doesn't really help us, Ashley.

You see, the key to oppo research is to hit on that one infraction.

So, what is our one thing?

Laurel slept with her communist poly sci professor and had an abortion.

That's interesting.

Unfortunately, it's not true.


How do we know that?

Because we do.

She slept with her professor, Colin Handke, but there was no pregnancy or abortion.


Then, Ashley... find out what else we can use.

Yes, Senator.

Yeah, Gareth.

Let's talk a minute.

Yes, Senator.

Yeah, my friends down at SRB-54 said you tried to get in the door?

I did, yes.


I'm your chief of staff, Senator.

I should be aware of all aspects of your operation.

Yes, but I'd rather you not touch upon this aspect.


Because it's mine.

Do we understand each other?


Hello, Laurel.


Do I need a lawyer?

Everyone needs a lawyer.

Do I need a lawyer now?

Well... let's close your door and find out.

What's the issue here?

The leak. The leak to Claudia Monarch about a CIA briefing.

Your brother apparently told you about it.

He said that?


And now the question is: did you tell the press?

What did Luke say?

He thinks you told the press.

You wanted to stop the w*r, so you leaked.

And what if I said I didn't?

That would be good.

Is it true?


Claudia Monarch has been given the full Judith Miller.

She's in jail, and I don't think she'll last that long.

Will she mention your name as the leaker?


Okay. Then this is my instruction to you: don't tell anyone what we said here.

Do you understand?

I understand.

Good. That's it.

[door opens, closes]

Man: What do you want?

You handle I.T. for the office?

I handle I.T. when they let me handle I.T.

More often, they just bitch and bitch and bitch.

You handle I.T. for all the senator offices?

Yeah. Why?

SRB-54, the basement offices?

All the senate offices. Why?

I need the Wi-Fi turned off in SRB-54.

How would I do that?

You wouldn't do that. I'd do that.


Okay. Could you do that?

Why would I?

Because I appreciate you and no one else does.

Why should I believe that?

Because I just said so.

Come on.

[all muttering]

Wi-Fi's down.

[knock on door]

Our Wi-Fi is down downstairs.

I'm sorry, what?

♪ Violins ♪

Our Wi-Fi needs to be rebooted. They said it's up here.

Are you sure you want me?

Shouldn't you be going to Red?

Come on.


I need to reboot up here and downstairs.

♪ Intensification ♪


Over here.

[computer beeps]

What do I need to do?

Turn those all off and on. Every one.

♪ ♪

[camera clicks]

[chuckles]: So good to see you again.

And you. I think you've grown taller.

No. No, it's just the tailoring on my suits.

[both chuckle]

Well... is there something more you want to ask of my client, or shall we just drop this whole witch hunt?

[chuckles] Just... just one more question.

And I'm glad you got a lawyer, Senator.

Oh. I hope you don't mind.

I've asked my client to talk through me.

Well, sure. Sure.

And... and, uh... here.

Uh, this was sent to me by someone in your office.

It appears, Senator, that you called Claudia Monarch five hours before she reported on that leak.

Now, do you want to tell me why?

No, thank you.

We'll discuss it.

Would you like me to leave?

Yes, please.


Lawrence: You know, just so you know, Claudia doesn't like being behind bars.

So, if you don't tell me, she will.

[door opens]

Did you happen to call Claudia Monarch in the last two days?

Planetarium narrator: We travel back five billion years to observe a great star. Its magnificent light, that has shined for over ten million years, is about to be extinguished forever.

What is it?

Thanks for meeting me.

You said you had something.

A blueprint from SRB-54.

What is it?

I have no idea.

How did you get in?


What is 38 days from today?


There was a calendar in SRB-54... It was counting down.

It said 38 days.

I have no idea what that means.

That's... September 12th.

I know. I can't figure it out either.

I have to go. Can you e-mail me the blueprint?


Hey, Laurel.

I'm sorry.


Last night. Saying those things.

I was an idiot.

Whatever our pasts were, that's not our present.


Let me make you dinner this time?

You didn't like my quesadillas?


Over time, the star has built up tremendous pressure.

Soon, heavy elements within will sh**t out in every direction across the galaxy...

[door opens]



I have one more thing that just came up.

Good. Let's hear it.

It's on his sister, Laurel.

Great. What, she k*ll someone?

Not exactly.


I don't believe it.

It's true.

How do you know?

I have three witnesses at Sundance.

It was after a screening. She had a documentary there.

She slept with Michael Moore?


I want to take it in to Red.


Not yet.


Not yet.




[clears throat]

Kara: Okay.

I think it's time you two talked.

Who leaked?

I didn't.

I didn't either.

Luke: Wait, you didn't?

No, I thought you did.

I didn't.

Luke: I thought you did.


Family misunderstanding.

Second question.

Who called Claudia Monarch?

Come on, one of you did. The call came from these offices.

I did.



I was going to leak the information, but I decided not to.


This puts us in a sticky situation.

Luke told you about the CIA briefing, and that was illegal.

And Lawrence Boch can compel you to testify, Laurel, if he thinks you have something to contribute.

Does he think I have something to contribute?

I would've said no, but he keeps... throwing your name out there.

So... we need to give him something.

Such as?

Well, he's a good man.

And he wants the truth, n-not just a-a leak.

And what's the truth?

Mr. Boch.

My guess is you have some information for me.

I do.

Did you leak to Claudia Monarch?


Did you tell your sister about the CIA briefing?

I read your report on the Iraq w*r...

The false WMD evidence.

Very well-written.

Thank you.

Now, did you know the same thing was happening here?

Senator Wheatus has a private room...


Where he's creating false evidence connecting Syria to bioterrorism.

That's not my mission, Senator.

These are blueprints taken from that room.

Blueprints for?

Luke: Facilities. Look at the bottom.

Facilities in Colorado, New Mexico, California...


Internment camps?

Yes. For Syrian refugees... Shovel-ready in 38 days.

Eh, it'll never happen.

It'll happen.

People are angry. Anything can happen when people are angry.

So you're suggesting I overlook the leak because of this?

No, I'm suggesting you widen the scope of your investigation.

You have two million dollars.

Why not go after the real culprit?

♪ Slow violin ♪



Wow, you look like something's wrong.

No, no. I, um...

I forgot dinner.

I was gonna make you dinner.


You want to know a funny thing?

Sure, but I'm not sure it sounds funny.

What do you mean?

Just the way your voice sounds... It doesn't sound like a funny thing.

No, it's funny.

The newest oppo research has you sleeping with someone I know is wrong.



You want to know who?

Sure, if you want to tell me.

Michael Moore.

You know, Michael Moore, the liberal.

I do.

I told the researcher that that couldn't be true.

I mean, you and Michael Moore.



It's not true, right?

Why don't we get dinner.


There are certain names, to a Republican.

I mean, what would the equivalent be?

If I slept with Ann Coulter, I guess.

Have you slept with Ann Coulter?



Then let's get dinner.

Did you sleep with Michael Moore?

Do you really want to know?

I don't know. Yes.


At Sundance. Just once.

Okay. Let's get dinner.


Now, what are these?

Blueprints taken from one of your offices.

Are you sure?

I've never seen them before.

Why are you pushing for the w*r in Syria?

Because they're attacking my country.

Maybe you're not aware, but two of my staff members were personally k*lled by Syrian agents.

You know that for a fact?

You know that not for a fact?

No, but the burden of proof rests with you proving it.

Ugh, what's going on, Lawrence?

Has Luke gotten to you?

Luke and his sophist ways?

I am expanding my investigation.

Good. You need to stop these leaks.

No, I'm expanding this investigation into the cause for this w*r.

God. You liberals.

You're destroying this country.

I'm not a liberal.

Then what are you?

A thinking independent.

Then think about this.

This country is being taken over from within.

It's like the redcoats!

They want us to bow to their socialist king.

Come on, Red. Stop with the propaganda.

This isn't propaganda!

When you scream “w*r” every time there's a political disagreement, the people stop believing you when there is a w*r.

There's no going back from that kind of language.

Well, there is a w*r.

Yes, with the Syrians.

But also with people right here, right next door, right down the hall, right in this office.


Well, if this is a w*r, and I am your enemy, then why not take out a g*n and sh**t me right now?


That's what the words mean.

You can't just...



Oh, my God.

Why'd he do it?

He just took out the g*n.

I told him, “Stop!”

What's your name again?


Right, Jed the intern.

Where are you going?

To call the police.

No, no, no, no.

Listen, uh... go grab the dolly from the bullpen closet.

Huh? You'll find a drop cloth up on the top shelf.


Jed. [snaps fingers]

Listen to me.

I need your help.

Go grab the dolly and the drop cloth from the closet.


Why'd you make me do that, Lawrence?


♪ Soft flute ♪

Dare I?

One of the best minds of our generation.

♪ Criptic music ♪

Oh, that's not bad.

Hey, good job!

Let's get to work.

What are we doing?

Laying a great man to rest.

♪ ♪
♪ So long ♪
♪ The days while... ♪

Okay, just so I understand.

Were you drinking?

Okay, that's enough.

No. Just make me understand.

How old were you?


And you were drinking.

No, I was completely sober.

Have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?

Okay, I think you should go home.

I'm not... I'm not trying to judge you.

♪ So wrong ♪
♪ You know it always feels... ♪

Good night, Gareth.

♪ To say good-bye to you... ♪


I'll call you.

No. Don't.

You handled this poorly.

♪ So long ♪

So long
So long

♪ So long ♪

So long
So long

♪ So... long ♪
♪ So long ♪
♪ So long... ♪

You have some...

Oh. Oh, thank you, sweetie.

Senators, I'm not sure what we can do if Lawrence Boch isn't here to present his report.

I think we should look for another special prosecutor.

Excuse me. He's been missing one day.

Yes, but Lawrence Boch came to me last night and told me he was worried and scared. He had received threatening calls from Syrian t*rrorists.

Are you serious?

Yes, Senator, I am serious.

I take Syrian terrorism very seriously, as did Mr. Boch.

And still does, I imagine.

He was worried he was being hunted due to his work on this committee.

Again, I would argue for a new special prosecutor...

Perhaps a conservative this time.

Luke: I would disagree.

Let's give Mr. Boch some time before we move on.

Come on, we need to find this leaker.

All those in favor of staying the course, please signify by raising your hands.

Come on!

I want oppo research.

This is child's play.

I've got a half-dozen affairs with married women.

That's hardly child's play.

It's old news. Everyone knows that about Luke.

What about the sister, Lana?

Laurel. Nothing yet. Ugh.

I had a lead that she slept with Michael Moore... [shudders] but it turned out not to be true.

What? It... it did?

As of when?

This morning. It was gossip.

The three witnesses confused Laurel with another filmmaker.

You're sure?

Gareth, please, can we get back to work here?

Ashley: Yes, I am sure.

Michael Moore left Sundance before Laurel even arrived.

Hey, let's get some painters in here.

That's such an ugly spot on the wall.

[all clapping and cheering]

There she is!

Thank you, thank you all. Thank you so much.

The First Amendment is the real winner here today.

Shall we get back to the good fight?

I heard you were ready to cut a deal.

No. Where'd you hear that?

From the special prosecutor.

Before he went missing.

Well, it's true, I'm not a big fan of jail.

Neither am I.

So... don't say anything.

About you leaking?

Don't worry.

As long as I stay on the outside.

They're internment camps.

You're planning on taking Syrian refugees into custody.

No, no, no, no, no, they're just buildings.

Beautifying the landscape.

Part of the farm bill.

Oh, okay, good.

Then I'll send it to The New York Times.

Let's see how that goes over.

Tomorrow, when we convene, you tell the committee you've had a change of heart about all this w*r talk.

You were wrong.

Why would I do that?

So I won't send your internment proposal to the press.




I'll do it.

Oh... oh, please.

I'll help you.

God, I love the sweetness of the liberal.

The New York Times. Yeah.

Yeah, once they print it, people will come to their senses.

“Oh, my God, internment camps.”

Don't you realize? I'll be a hero.

People want internment camps.

They want the Syrians held c*ptive.

We did it with the Japanese.

That turned out well.

Didn't hurt FDR's reputation.

[scoffs] Think it'll hurt mine?


♪ Baroque strings ♪


I saw this, and it made me think of you.

I'm sorry.

You never slept with Michael Moore.

And I was an idiot.

Gareth, um...


I just think we're too different.

Our politics, our jobs.

And yet we seem to make it work.

Sometimes. [chuckles]

I think we should take a break.


Yeah, that's fine.

[sets DVD on desk]




♪ Sad music ♪