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01x08 - Kindred Spirits

Posted: 08/11/16 07:24
by bunniefuu
Previously on American Gothic...

I need help. So do you, and Jack needs to be with stable people.

Go ahead.

(child screaming)

He needs therapy.

What the hell is in our genes, Tess?

Moderator: Jenny Windham, Channel 12.

I'm happy you changed your mind.


You got me all wobbly.

I never thought that you would...


Trust you?

No, mean something to me.

He left this little piece of ivory at the crime scene.

Car takes off as soon as the door shuts.

Someone else is driving.

The Silver Bells k*ller wasn't one person.

It was two.

Garrett: Well, what if

I do want to tell the truth?

What would you do?

It's just a lot of money.

Garrett: And you've confirmed that the funds are available.

So, what's the problem?

I'd like to call Mrs. Hawthorne directly.


Y-yes, and he said to tell you that he thinks it's in the family's best interest that you approve this transaction.

Uh, is Christina here?

Uh, Dr. Morales is taking some time off.

Are you the guy who...

Do you have a safe?


That's for the clinic.

You should probably put that in the safe.

Thank you.

What did you do with all that money?

I gave it away.

What? Why?

Uh, it felt like the right thing to do.

I'm gonna take a s*ab at this whole being part of the family thing.

You forged a check for 200 grand in the spirit of family togetherness?

Well, there's some atoning to do... don't you think?

Alison: Jennifer Windham strikes again.

A staffer just texted me.

Jennifer: Has the shadow of Silver Bells claimed yet another victim?

My inside source tells me Mitchell Hawthorne's son, Cam, has just entered rehab for drug addiction.

Is she wearing a turtleneck?

...of Cam's drug abuse, it leaves this reporter to wonder, what did the Hawthornes know...

We're being harassed by a woman in a turtleneck.

...about their father...

Okay, last week it's "Hawthorne Concrete in dire financial straits," then it's "Staffers jumping ship at the Hawthorne estate," now this.

Where is this woman getting all these stories?

Well, uh, this is sensitive information.

It has to be someone close to us.

Maybe it was Naomi.

She must feel bitter about getting fired.

No, she wouldn't do that.

How do you know?

I know her.

Well, this woman can't seem to get enough of us, so... what if we just give her what she wants?

I know who you are.

Ah... well, everyone does, thanks to that tacky reporter.

Oh, no, no, I didn't mean that.

Um, you created my favorite comic strip.

I love Roger's Cube.

Oh... really?


I'm April, one of the nurses here.



Cute kid.

Oh, yeah, he is.

Um, that's my son, Jack, and that's, uh, Sophie, she's my... uh...

Who needs labels?

So, can I have the inside scoop?

What's gonna happen to Roger next?


I'm stuck.

Cartoonist's block.


Feel like the dr*gs helped you draw?

Sadly, yeah.

How long have you been an addict?

Hmm... since I was a teenager.

I just found out my grandma was, too, so, it's in my genes, along with... who knows what else.

Well, I think the great thing is that we don't have to stay what we are.

Being a frog aficionado, you must know all about that.

I'm not really sure I know what you're getting at, but I want to.


Okay, so, West African frogs, they flip their gender whenever they want.

They don't let a fundamental truth they've been dealt dictate their whole lives.

If they want to change, they just... do.

So, they just give genetics the finger?

Yeah, masters of transformation.

West African frogs.

Jack's gonna love that.


Good news is SBK drove an '85 Cadillac Fleetwood.

Bad news is Mitchell Hawthorne never owned one.

Neither did any of his family or any of his known associates.

(sighs) I got a list of 164 people who owned this car, 164 potential suspects.

(Linda sighs)

This is gonna take months.

You know, it would only take us hours if the lieutenant would authorize additional manpower for this lead.

You ever get the feeling you're talking to a wall?

You see this?

Where the light bounces off right there?


Car's got a dent.

Right rear panel.

A dent could mean a crash.

A crash might mean an accident report.

Accidents involving navy Cadillac Fleetwoods between 1985 and 1999.

If this works, just remember it was my idea.


Here we go.

Accident report from 1991, damage to the left quarter panel.

Registered to a James Canby of Saugus.

If we're right about this, this could be the other half of Silver Bells.

You never said we were stopping anywhere on the way to camp.

It won't take long, like 20 minutes, then straight to camp.


I can make it.

Patience is a virtue.

That's from Psychomachia, fifth century.

Nurse: The doctor will see you now.


Okay, I'll be right back.

Okay, don't be alarmed.

I can't find a heartbeat right now, but that happens sometimes early on.

Does that mean I'm not pregnant anymore?

Don't worry, we'll schedule an ultrasound in a couple of days to put your mind at ease, okay?


Will Brady be able to make it to that one?

Yes, I hope so.

He's been really, really busy lately.

But he does know you're pregnant?

Yes, of course.

Jack: I'm most excited about learning which plants are edible and which are poisonous.

Or medicinal.

Those, too.

Man: Welcome to Baindu Academy.

Do you know what we do here, Jack?

Teach survival skills?

In a way.

We help young folks like yourself find better ways to handle certain challenges.

Is this like therapy?

Because my mom said there's nothing wrong with me.

And your mom is right.

You're simply built in a different way than others.

So are some of our best and brightest.

Politicians, surgeons, CEOs...

Medical examiners?


After I talk to your aunt here for awhile, we'll take you on a tour of the whole facility.

How's that sound?

Could you take Jack outside for a bit?

I know this must be such a difficult time, but it's actually helpful to know Jack's... family history.

You mean my father.


Psychopathy can be genetic.

It's actually called the "warrior gene", MAO-A.

Monoamine oxidase A, linked to violent, or let's say aggressive, behavior.

I see.

In order to devise a treatment program, it's useful to know if a child's tendencies are more nature than nurture.

(doorbell buzzes)

Alison: I'm sure you can understand how painful your constant reports are for this family.

Have I reported something untrue?

Because if I have, I'll issue a retraction immediately.

Oh, good.

Accuracy is extremely important to me.

Surely an intrepid journalist, such as yourself, wants the real story.

If you stop your reports, that's what we'll give you.

An exclusive sit-down interview with the two of us.

(clicks tongue)


It's nothing personal.

There's just no controlled, PR-approved version of an interview that can trump what I'm getting from my inside source.

You're tormenting a family that has been deeply traumatized.

You want to talk about traumatized families?

Your husband k*lled six people.

He brought this scrutiny on you, not me.

So, I'm gonna keep doing my job, and the more you harass me for it, the less inclined I'm gonna be to hold back.

And I have been holding back.


I hope your grandson's doing well at his camp for troubled children.


I have to get out of here.

Uh, you just need to get used to it is all.

These people are nuts.

I don't care how mad you are, you can't pee on the other campers.

Just try and enjoy the nature.

Yeah, I am.

You're actually pretty close to where I used to live.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah. It's at the southwest tip of the lake.

You might even be able to see it from your camp.

Sometimes when the sun sets, you can see it reflecting off the green tarp on the roof.

I have to go now, Uncle Garrett.

I'm Sadie.



Well, that went nowhere.

All we did was poke the bear.

It's only gonna get worse.

Tell you what... I'll help you.

You will?


We'll find her source.

(Cam grunts)


Just try. Try me.

(both grunting)




The streak continues.

Oh! We were just, uh, This is April. April, this is...


Hey, good to meet you.

I'll just leave the table for you guys.

Go for his left edge. It's always wide open.

It's not my game.

How you doing?

I'm all right. And you?

Hey, I was thinking of something I want to do when I get out of here.

Move into that place down the cape?

Write a graphic novel, you know?

Give Roger a bigger world to hop around in.

New people, new places... What do you think?

I think it's a great idea.

Yeah, I can't take total credit for it.

That counselor suggest it?

The nurse.

Well, I-I got to say it seems like you're really getting the support you need in here.

I mean, three days in, and you look well.

You know?

Clear. (chuckles)


I like it.

Maybe I should give it a whirl.

Getting clean.



I mean, you and Jack are both off in rehab.


I feel left out.

I thought you said that it was a racket engineered...

Maybe I was wrong.


You know I'm always game to try something new.


I like it when we're on the same page.


(car doors close)

(pans clattering)

How the hell did Mitchell Hawthorne get mixed up with this guy?

Boston PD. Open up.

Open the door now.

(door creaks)

May I help you?

Detectives Ross and Cutter.

Boston Police.

Uh, may we come in?

You should ask my permission before taking photos.

Right, ma'am. My apologies.

We're looking for a James Canby.

That's my husband.

May we speak with him?

Only if you have a Ouija board.


When did he pass away?

Oh... going on 27 years.

Ma'am, did he own a 1985 Cadillac Fleetwood?


I kept it after he died, but it was stolen from this property... oh... maybe 20 years ago.

But you didn't report that as stolen.

Why is that?

I didn't see the point.

I wasn't exactly using it.

Mitchell and his accomplice must have stolen the car.

This is a dead end.

Did you or your husband know a Mitchell Hawthorne?

I don't recognize that name, no.


He's the Silver Bells k*ller.

It's all over the news.

As it happens, I don't read the papers.

Thank you for your time, ma'am.

You know you've been at that for three minutes.


Have you ever heard of MAO-A?

It's a gene.

People who inherit it have a greater tendency towards v*olence, (scoffs) aggressive behavior.

Don't worry.

You don't have it.

But what if I... pass it on?

I'm pregnant.


You are?


Tess, that's...

That's great news, right?

It's great news.


I should be over the moon, but I'm...

I'm scared.

Don't you ever wonder what's in our DNA?

You'll be fine.

Please don't tell anyone about this.

I haven't even told Brady.

He doesn't seem to have time for me, much less...

And I haven't heard the heartbeat.

I have to go back to the doctor to check.

So if I don't hear it, I-I...

When's the appointment?

(sighs) 2:00 p.m. on Thursday.


You want some backup?

We've got to go somewhere.

Go where?


This place bums me out.

My uncle Garrett has a cabin nearby here.

He told me where it was over the phone.

That sounds kinda lame.

He's super weird.

For a while, the police suspected he was a serial k*ller.

His girlfriend even stabbed him.

You should have led with that.

So, how are your, um, withdrawal symptoms?

(knocking on door)

What can I do for you?

Can I talk to you?

I think I need your help.

I always pictured a stakeout as more exciting.

I mean, this is boring.

Aren't you bored?

I lived alone in the woods for 14 years, so for me, this is pretty exciting.


Come on, Jennifer.

Do something.


This is Shawmut Street, right?

Mm-hmm. 1600 block.

Yeah. Sidewalks are cracked.

I'm going to get Public Works down here to fix them.

Yeah, you're going to make a great mayor.

You think so?

Oh, yeah.

You are, without a doubt, the biggest pain in the ass I've ever met.


Hey, we should go. Try something else.



We might miss something.

No, we'll try...

Alison: Tom.

Tom is the source.
I, uh, got your text.


So that's where Jennifer Windham's getting her stories?

Pillow talk?


Didn't we agree our arrangement is over?

Didn't I fire Naomi?

We did.

And it is over.

So you didn't sleep with Jennifer?



Honestly, Tom.

A reporter?

What were you thinking?

Why couldn't it be a nanny or an intern like a regular person?

I was pissed off the day you decided to stay in the campaign after all.

Revenge sex.

That's mature.

It was one time.

It didn't mean anything.

I saw you there today.

I was trying to find information on where she was getting her stories.

I see.

And did the kissing help?

I got involved with the wrong person.

I thought it was a casual fling, but... it put us at risk.

So what, we're even?

If this marriage has any chance at all, we need total transparency from here on out.

You're absolutely right.



So start talking.

Brady: It's so weird.

Until this belt turned up, the only worthwhile piece of evidence the police ever had was this ivory chip, and that never led anywhere.

You don't think that's odd?

Mitchell and his accomplice were nearly perfect at scrubbing the m*rder scenes.


What are you getting at?

Maybe the reason that we're not finding any evidence is because someone doesn't want us to.

I mean, we're hitting dead ends, we're being denied resources.

You think that... what, there's a conspiracy in the department?

If we don't solve this case, it's on us. Why don't you take off your tin foil hat and focus on what's in front of you.

We need to get back to Hawthorne.

He is the key to finding the accomplice... and we need to comb through every detail of his life.

From here... to here.

What's this?

It's, uh, Mitchell Hawthorne's funeral program.

You were there.

No, I was late.

I didn't get one.

That's Mitchell Hawthorne's funeral program.

So, the old blind lady lied.

She did know him.

So, why did you get sent to camp?

I was collecting fingernails.

I made a denture puppet.

Plus, my mom ran over a raccoon, and I dissected it.

Well, I cut off a cat's tail.

A vet sewed it back on, though.

Did the nerves regenerate?

That's what I wondered.


My uncle said his cabin had a green tarp on its roof.

Your uncle lived here?

He doesn't like people much.

Neither do I.

Except maybe you.



Put this on your head.

I'll sh**t it off.

You first.

I haven't got to sh**t it yet.

So disappointing.

Let's go back to camp.

Your wife tried to get me fired.

Uh-oh, what happened?

She went to my supervisor and said that I... was trying to insert myself in your professional life with an eye toward my own monetary gain.

That I suggested you write a book so I could have a piece of it.

(laughs) It doesn't really matter what she said.

I mean, the boss has been at this for decades.

She knows how to spot a... user lying to get what they want.

I'm sorry she did that.

I'll have a talk with her.

No, it's okay, it's not really about her.

It's... about you.


Tell me about your relationship with heroin.

Hmm... okay.

I love it.

I hate it.

I crave it.

I resent the hold that it has on me... and I can resist its grip for awhile, and then I can't, and when I finally give in I'm glad that I did... and then I hate myself.

I mean, it's the single best thing in the world, yet it screws up huge parts of my life.

It demands all my attention.

Now tell me about your relationship with Sophie.

It's destructive.

I crave her.

She has a hold on me.

Oh, I see the pattern here.

Go on.

Um... yeah, I mean... you know, when we make up after a breakup I'm elated, and then... I hate myself.

Bring it home.

She's dynamic and incredible and doesn't care how she screws up huge parts of my life and demands all of my attention.

Cam is to heroin as Cam is to Sophie.


Jennifer: The tendency toward violent and aggressive behavior can be passed down.

It's called MAO-A, or the psychopath gene.

I only talked to you about this and neither of us talked to her.

What is going on?

But what about those among us who already possess a predisposition to psychopathy?

My source tells me that Mitchell Hawthorne's youngest daughter, Tessa, is particularly concerned about carrying on the family line because she's pregnant.


Is this true?

Only Garrett and my doctor knew about this.


I haven't told Brady.

I have to reach him.

Oh, please, don't go to voice mail.

Where were you standing when you told me that?


When you told me you were pregnant, where...

You were standing here.


I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, Mom.

It's all right.

Are you okay?

Madeline: It's all right.

It's all right.

What are you doing?

What is that?

The inside source.

She bugged us.

How did she get in the house?

I got to go call Alison.


Here's a chance to practice transparency.

Did you have sex with Jennifer Windham... in my mother's kitchen?


The pantry.


She planted a bug... while she was there.

That's how she's getting her stories, straight from our mouths.

Thanks to you.

♪ ♪

Linda: Mrs. Canby?

Mrs. Canby.

Somebody realized we were closing in and shut her up.


I thought this was over.


Hey, Ross, congrats on the good news.

Good news?

Your wife.

What about my wife?

(door opens and closes)

There you are.

I tried to reach you.

You're pregnant?


The lieutenant knew before I did.

It's in the news.

Because Jennifer Windham bugged my mom's house.

What do you mean? How?

It doesn't matter.

It's over now.

Still, that means that you told someone before you told me.

I tried to tell you, Brady, but you've been busy.

Well, try harder, Tess.

Grab my attention!


I don't know if I want it.


Look at my father.

Look at Jack.

There is something not right in our gene pool.

I mean, what sort of environment would we...

Oh, my God. bringing a child into?

A media circus, a horrific family legacy, an absentee father...

An absentee father?

You're never here, Brady!

You are never here with me.

You're obsessed with work!

Tess, it's just this case.



It's over.

It's over, isn't it?


We think that your dad may have been working with someone.

That's why I've been so preoccupied.

It never ends.

(Brady sighs)

I don't know how to do this.

Tess, the baby.

This is the good part, you know?

This is what we wanted.

I'm so sorry.

For sleeping with my husband in my mother's house?

Or for illegally bugging us?


Both, good.

It's been really easy, lately, to get caught up in my own issues.

Then I remember... could be worse.

It could be someone who traffics in misery.

Who revels in the misfortune of others.

Feeds it.

Profits from it.

Whatever hurdles I have in my life, I take solace from knowing at least I'm not you.

Thank you for that.

Now, as for the bug... if we decide to press charges, you could face five years in prison.


I'll keep you posted on our plans.

I mean, it will really come down to what you decide to report on.

I won't cover your family anymore, I promise you.

Oh, yes.

You will.

"The resilient family, heroically rising from the ashes after unspeakable tragedy."

That kind of thing.

(laughing): I'm really looking forward to it.

There's just one more thing before I go.

Take off your shirt.


Take... off... your shirt.

Put it back on.

That's better.

Take care.

I'm going to say this without anger, without judgment.

Is this some technique you learned here?

In a way.


We're through.

You and me.


If this is about that thing with that April girl...

No, no, no. Listen to me.

This is... the entire landscape.

This isn't me... accusing you or blaming you.

This is me taking responsibility for my part in everything, and making a decision that I will not reverse.

We always do this.

We even scream and throw things, and we always, always wind up back together.

Because all of the screaming and throwing things is part of our dysfunction.

It fuels us.

This is not what I want anymore.

You are not what I want anymore.

And we'll figure out the Jack thing when I'm out of here.


$12,000 couch ten feet away, and you're sitting on a wooden stair.

You're one to talk.

You tried to sleep in the shed when you first got here.


This is my spot to think.


You know you're going about this whole baby thing all wrong.




Look, maybe...

Maybe the kid will have this MAO-A gene.

Maybe we all got it; I don't know, (sighs) but listen to me.

It's also going to have you as a mother.


So now all of a sudden you're talking about someone who's compassionate, kind, nurturing.

And then you throw Brady in the mix.

He's committed, moral, upstanding.

So really, when you break it down, you two kind of owe it to humanity to have this baby.


No pressure.

Thank you.

Give it a second.

There we go.

(whooshing heartbeat)

Now that's a healthy heartbeat.


Wave for the camera.

Right there?

Looks like a lima bean.


Oh. Hi, baby.

(laughing): Hi.


I'll see you at 12 weeks.


Thank you.


(Tessa chuckles)

There it is.

I want to take a picture.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.



Jack got kicked out of camp.

I have to go pick him up.

What happened? (scoffs)

Who knows? It's Jack.

Oh, right, okay.

Uh, well, I'll drive you up, yeah?

No, you know what?

I'd rather you stayed here and worked.

I want you done with this case.

I want it to be over.

Me, too. So we can finally move on.

Me, you... and the lima bean.

Jennifer: Finally, some good news for the Hawthornes.

Sources say Alison Hawthorne Price's mayoral campaign has been reinvigorated as supporters rally around her.

She now seems poised for a comeback.

I also heard the Hawthornes just donated $200,000 to an urgent care clinic servicing low-income families.

It's a testament to one family's commitment to community...


A bright spot.

We should relish this.


...Bill Conley throughout the campaign...

Thank you.

Well, it was a team effort, right?

You got rid of the turtleneck.

(laughs) No, we owe this to you.

I want to toast my big brother.

Okay, you're going straight to bed.

Brush your teeth first.

What happened?

He was found with a knife.

Did he hurt anyone?

No, thank God, but the camp has a zero-tolerance weapons policy.


(Tessa sighs)


Tessa: Brady, what?



What's going on?

Where'd you get this?

Jack, tell me right now, where did you get this?

Uncle Garrett's cabin.

(phone dialing)

Cutter, meet me at the precinct.

I know who the accomplice is.

I'm so glad you're back.

To family.
