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05x07 - Moral Hazard

Posted: 08/02/16 09:35
by bunniefuu

This part seems like the usual exchange in these situations.

Guy tries to pay to get his car out of impound, the attendant type-type-types into her computer.

She walks back to the counter and hands the guy a form.

Provenza: What form?

Sorry, but the tag on your vehicle has expired.

You need to fill this out and take it to the DMV before reclaiming your car.

The DMV?


Okay, look.

For now, I just need to get something out of the back of the car, that's it.

I'm sorry, sir. I can't let you onto the yard after hours.

It would take all of a minute.

I don't care if it only takes two seconds.

You parked in a residential area without a permit.

And with an expired sticker, our company policy is that...

Buzz: Okay, get ready.

Thank you for explaining your policy so thoroughly to me, ma'am.

Turns out I have a policy of my own.

Allow me to introduce it to you.

Aah! Aah!

Hey, no. No, no! No! Oh!



[Camera shutter clicking]

[Police radio chatter]

So, all the victims' driver's licenses match up with their name tags, and they all had car keys in their pockets. Dead less than an hour.

I'll be right back.

Flynn: You heading out?


I'll go with you.

[Door opens]

So, where is our k*ller off to?

[Taps keys]

Uh, I think out to his car.

The lot doesn't have any cameras, but our sh**t wasn't gone very long.

And look what he comes back with.

What the hell?

How many guys does he have in there?



Ye gods.

Well, in addition to the U*i and the sawed-off shotgun, I noticed the barrel of an AR-15 as*ault r*fle, sir.

There's no telling how many other weapons are in that bag.

Or what he plans to do with them, which is the bigger question.

I mean, is there any sign that he robbed this place after he shot up the cameras?

Uh, no, sir.

It looks like our nutjob just wanted what was in his car.

Okay. After he unpacked his vehicle, did he just leave it behind?

And if so, how did he get out of here?

The Uber?

Flynn: Okay, we just checked.

All the victims' rides are still here.

No cameras in the front of the building, either.

And it's kind of an isolated street.

I'm checking with cab companies and car services.

Well, what vehicle did the sh**t come here to claim?

Do we know?

Uh, the computer requires a log-in before we can search it for that, but the attendant gave our k*ller a HOLD slip for the DMV, so whatever car he came back for has an expired registration.

They don't tow your car for that.

But it's a good reason to not drive it around with a bag load of g*ns.

So maybe that's why he left it.

Sir. I'll look through the lot for all the vehicles with expired tags.

Okay. We're gonna need a warrant to get these computers downtown.

And, Flynn, have the owner of this place meet us at the office.

He may recognize the sh**t.

[Keys taps]

We have our fair share of angry customers, but I never expected anything like this.

Can you help us with the DMV slip?

Uh, right.


These are all the cars with expired tags.

37 in all.

That's what I counted, yeah.

Yeah, but none of the DMV photos of their registered owners match up with the face of our sh**t.

Well, our k*ller could have been driving a stolen vehicle or even a borrowed one.

Mr. Thompson, were any of these cars towed in late last night?

Uh, two.

A red Tahoe registered to Kenneth Osburn, and a white Camry under the name Karen Chase.

Listen, when can I get back to the yard?

I need to check out the damage, and there's gonna be a line of people wanting their cars back.

Mr. Thompson, until our Scientific Investigation Division finishes with the crime scene, your business will remain closed.

In the meantime, patrol has notified your employees' families about their deaths.

So maybe you'd like to make a call and offer them all some words of comfort.

What do you think?

Okay. Sure.

Do you have their phone numbers?

Now there goes the boss of the year.

[Exhales deeply] Karen Chase, white Camry.

No criminal record, but divorced four years ago from Elliot Chase.

Sharon: That's him.

Checking for his address.

Amy, send patrol to find him and bring in Karen Chase immediately.

Yeah, if she's still alive.

Uh, Chief, do you have any objection to Julio distributing this picture to patrol?

No, no. In fact, I'm putting the entire L.A.P.D. on alert.

We need to arrest this maniac before he starts sh**ting again.

This white Camry our k*ller wanted into...

Where was it towed from, Mike?

4300 block of Eagle Rock Boulevard.

Buzz: Elliot Chase only has a PO Box listed, and his secondary address is his ex-wife's house in Mid-City.

Hold up. Captain. Do you think the photo of the suspect should go out to the media?

No. If Mr. Chase has a plan, I don't want him to accelerate it due to a press report.

First, we need to know why he has his ex-wife's car.

[Elevator bell dings]

Could we please hurry this up?

I just got off a 12-hour shift at the hospital.

I haven't eaten since midnight.

Very sorry, Ms. Chase.

We'll get you some breakfast as soon as we can, but first, can you tell us where your ex-husband is right now?

I have no idea. You... You're looking for Elliot? Why?

Does he have a cellphone?

Uh, not anymore.

When was the last time you saw him?

Uh, about a week ago.

He had to borrow my old car.

What's this about? W-What's going on?

Is Elliot okay? Did he do something?

What do you mean, do something? Like what?

[Voice breaking] I...

I hate to ask this, but did he k*ll himself?

Sharon: Why would think he'd commit su1c1de?

He's had a rough run lately.

Did he say why he needed your old car?

His old car was being repo'ed.

He couldn't make the payments after he lost his job.

Was he let go?

Fired. About two weeks ago.

From, um, Rippletts Water Bottling.

He did bookkeeping at their warehouse.

He'd only been there a year or so.

It was a waste of his abilities.

How so?

Elliot is a talented engineer.

He used to design surgical tools for, um, Breen Medical Instruments in Hawthorne.

They made a fortune off Elliot's work.

But Breen got bought out by a pharmaceutical company in '08.

Elliot was laid off with no place to go, and, uh, the economy collapsed all around us.

Heard this story before.

He couldn't find work.

We'll likely hear it again.

We ran through our savings.

And the bank went after our home.

We paid a real estate lawyer to fight it, but we lost the house, so...

Then... the marriage fell apart.

[Chuckles nervously]

And Elliot was just, uh, so depressed, and I...

I had to move on.

Had to.

Did you ex-husband say why he was fired from his job two weeks ago?

No. But I-I wasn't surprised.

I mean, he hated it there.

He said that his, uh, supervisor, Marco...

I think that's his name.

Marco Guerra.

That he was skimming money from the company, that he was taking home bags of cash.

Marco Guerra, manager at Rippletts Water.

[Computer chimes]

Lives on Avenue 43 in Eagle Rock.

That's down the street from where the car was towed.

Leo, why don't you call and see if Marco made it into work today.


I mean, I know he was really mad.

Captain, the Camry was towed from near the house of Mr. Chase's boss.

Um, so, did he ever suggest that he had enemies at work?

Well, sure. [Chuckles]

And, uh, he resented the hell out of his old company, too.

The doctor who botched his knee surgery and refused to fix it.

Oh, and he hated our lawyer, the bank that foreclosed on our house, the people who bought it for half what we paid for it.

Our mortgage broker. All mortgage brokers, really.

Our neighbors.

Me. I mean, I could go on and on.

Would you like a list?

Actually, I would.

And if you could be very thorough, please.

Thank you.

[Door opens]

Seriously? Wh-What...

What is this all about, anyway?

[Door closes]

I mean, why... why do you care who Elliot likes or doesn't like?


Ma'am, your ex-husband shot and k*lled three people at a tow yard this morning and removed a bag filled with weapons from the trunk of your car.


[Sobbing] Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

All right. All right.

I need to shut down and evacuate both those companies.

Sir, Marco's been home sick with a cold.

[Sobbing continues]

Let's make a house call and see.

...your ex-husband's current address, our patrol officers will get you something to eat.


Sorry. Can't talk.

Oh, okay. All right, uh, well, just listen while you're getting ready to go wherever.

Um, I checked, and the five partials you found from one of the guys who k*lled your father...

Do not make up enough points for the L.A.P.D. to run them.

I told you.


But I checked with Chief Howard, and since the FBI also...

You told Chief Howard about this? Are you crazy?

We're at a standstill, Buzz.

I'm... I'm just... I'm... I'm trying to help you here.


Do you mind if I do my job and we'll talk about this later?

I cannot be holding people back right now.


[Gate screeches]

Mr. Guerra! L.A.P.D.!

We need you to open your front door, sir!

Mr. Guerra!

We have a search warrant for your house!


Mr. Guerra, can you hear me?


Mr. Guerra!


Mr. Guerra!

Kitchen's clear.


Oh! Guys.

Man: Clear!

Tao: Guys!

Man: Clear!

I found him.





It's going to be a very long day.

Sykes: Looks like Mr. Guerra was tortured.

And I noticed that he has a lot of cough medicine and stuff here, so the man was not faking his cold.

Well, that's not what k*lled him. Kendall.

Well, I'm gonna say he died of excess blood loss between 11:00 and 1:00 last night.

Before the tow yard m*rder.

No sign of forced entry. He was single. Living alone.

Then how was Chase able to get inside?

Marco Guerra?


I just need a signature.


And I need you to step inside.

There's blood on the floor here, and the gash on his head.

So he was probably hit with this lamp... dragged in here, where he was taped up.

Once he's in the chair, he's poked and slashed repeatedly until he dies from this major cut on his leg in the femoral artery.

Tortured and m*rder*d. But for what purpose?

Well, the answer might be this empty safe here in the closet.

Hey, boss.

Sorry I hit you so hard.

Maybe it was the cold medicine that kept you knocked out for so long.

You know that Rippletts doesn't cover sick days, right?

[Muffled groaning]




So, here's what's gonna happen.

You're gonna give me the combination to your safe.

I hope that's where you've been keeping all the cash you've been skimming, Marco.

[Muffled whimpering]

Or as you once said...

[Blade whooshes]

...we might have to make some cuts.

[Muffled whimpering]

[Muffled screaming]

Ms. Chase said Elliot thought his boss was stealing money.

But if cash was all he wanted...

Why not take money from the tow yard?

Why the bag of g*ns? No.

Mr. Chase seems to have revenge on his mind.

What about his former workplaces?

They both agreed to shut down for the day.

So far, Elliot's a no-show.

Um, I should, uh, continue warning the people on Ms. Chase's excessively long list of Elliot's grudges.

Excuse me.

Was anything else stolen from this guy's house besides money?

His black Toyota Highlander is missing, sir.

It could have been the vehicle Elliot drove to the tow yard.

He could have left in it, too.

You worry about this too much.

I cannot believe that you run after murderers all day long, and you are this scared of a cold.


But I brought you zinc tablets, Vitamin C, and immunity boosters.

Oh, thank you, sweetie pie.

I feel better all ready.


Mwah! Mwah! Well, this is going to make you feel absolutely great then.

In the mail this morning was an invitation to a wedding.

From none other than the very first Mrs. Provenza.

"...request the honor of your presence on October the 3rd?"

Someone's going to marry Liz?


Ye gods. It's a miracle!

Patrice! Patrice, do you know what this means?

Yes. That you don't have to split your pension with her anymore.

You can retire.

We can start traveling around the world.

On a budget, but, you know, still.

Retire? I...


I-I'd planned to die facedown at my desk.

Well, only because half of your pension would have gone to Liz.

But now... Louie!

These could very well be the last three m*rder victims you ever see.

Well, actually, it's four now.

You also wouldn't have to put your life at risk every day.

I don't run, I don't jump, I don't climb.

How dangerous can it be?

Oh. Lieutenant. Oh.

Hey, Patrice.

Hi, Amy.

Patrol found the Highlander Elliot stole from his boss just six blocks away from the tow yard.


Well, Elliot left his wife's car behind, too.

How is this nutjob getting around?

[Horn blares]

[Car door opens]



Welcome, Mr. Downey.

[Engine starts]

[Sign clicking]



Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

What are you doing?!

Parked in a gridlock zone, sir.

A gridlock zone? Well, I don't see a sign...

Whoa, whoa. All right, all right.

Hold on, hold on, hold on. Hold on.

Look. I don't know what the deal is here.

Let's just settle it right now, huh?

Step into my office.


So, what's this gonna take?

All right, I got a couple hundred dollars, and that's... - [Gear clicks]

Whoa. Wait. Where are you going?

Don't want to do this on the main drag, sir.

[Turns off engine]

Look, I don't have a ton of cash on me, but I can write you a check.

You're probably more used to collecting checks than writing them... eh, Mr. Downey?

How do you know my name? Oh, God.

Hold on. Hold on.

"Downey, Parker, and Wiebe. We will stop your foreclosure. No matter what!"

Of course, your fees were non-refundable.

How many people did you scam out of their home?

It wasn't a scam. It was... [Panting]

All right, look. How about this, all right?

How about I refund all your money?

Sorry, Mr. Downey. Some problems you can't buy your way out of.

And this is one of them.

No. No, no! No!


[Lowered voice] So, I know you guys are really busy, but Buzz found a few partials from different ATM robberies from 1986 that seem to match one of the guys who k*lled his father and uncle.

That's great, Rusty.

[Coins clatter]

So, he can... he can use these with... with the new software that the L.A.P.D. has to, like...

Hold on.

How many points has Buzz been able to put together from the partials?

Oh, well, like, uh... [Exhales] like, maybe... maybe 7?

L.A.P.D. requires... and this is a rule...

Oh, God.

...12 points to proceed against a criminal offender.

Okay. All right. Well, um...

But he could still use these points to, like, uh, just to get a name, right? For a victim, not a suspect.

And I gather from the hushed tone in this conversation that Buzz already told you that.

Flynn: Sharon.

This is most of what we found at Chase's apartment.

Massive clips.

Empty boxes of heavy amm*nit*on, ma'am.

[Mouths words]

Flynn: Elliot could have thousands of rounds, and this is what he left behind.

Plenty of PVC pipe, wires, electrical tools.

Is he making some kind of expl*sives?

The b*mb dogs didn't think so, sir.

But he was building something. Chase is an engineer.

But he's broke, behind on his rent and utilities, checking account empty.

Had shut off his phone.

Losing that job was the last straw.

[Phone rings in distance]

But not the first.

Do we have any feedback from the list of grudges his wife gave us?

Well, nobody here has heard back from the IRS, naturally.

And no one we've talked to has seen him.

But people are very thankful, actually, for the heads up.

Uh, Captain, the owner of the tow yard is on the line.

We let him inspect his site, and they're missing a tow truck.

Ahh. One question is answered.

A tow truck.

If he doesn't switch vehicles again, we've got him.


[Door squeaks]

[Engine starts]

[Engine revving]

[Speaking indistinctly]

Hey. You ready?

Uh... Ye... Hold on.

I just need to talk to the lieutenant about something real quick, so...

Oh, my God. Is this more bullshit about the partials?

It's just a simple match to a name that a computer can do, but the only thing getting in the way is this stupid policy that the lieutenant probably knows how to get around, okay?

So I just need to...

Yeah, Buzz told you not to involve anyone else.

I'm... I'm not involving people, Gus. I'm just...

I'm just asking for background, so...


You know, let me go ask Buzz if he thinks talking to Lieutenant Provenza about all this is not involving other people.

No, you can't talk to Buzz right now.

See what he says.

He's very busy. He doesn't have time to...

Everybody is busy right now.

Why don't you just control your impulses... or whatever it is... to ask each one of them the same question and just think up a good answer on your own?


And not lose the rest of my only day off when we have tickets to see "Star Trek"?

That I've already paid for.

Anyways, I'm leaving.


[Provenza speaking indistinctly]

Okay. All right. I'm coming.

I'm coming. I just...

Damn it. We're so close right now, okay...

Trust me. You need a movie.

To get out of your head.

Okay. [Sighs]
Hey, Patrice. The lieutenant's in the break room.

Thank you, boys.

Why would you not call and tell me that you were sending me an invite to your wedding?

I mean, I-I...

This is a big, big change in my life, Liz.

No, it's not about the money!

Well, at least not entirely.

Oh, uh, and listen, just remember that he only stole cash from the first victim.

Liz:The first victim?

Excuse me.

I'll have to walk you through the rest of this later.

Are you doing the thing where somebody... - No. Goodbye.

[Sighs heavily]

My beautiful Patrice.

Oh. Stressful day?

Well, uh, our mass sh**t's in possession of a tow truck and an enormous amount of weapons and amm*nit*on, and we still have no idea what he plans to do with it all.

Ooh. What'd you bring me?

Something special to celebrate our new financial freedom.

Oh, well...


And goat cheese.

And goat cheese.

For a treat.

And a little pasta salad.


Yeah. So, has it sunk in yet?

The possibility of you being able to retire?

Oh, it has. [Chuckles]

But now, you understand that this is not going to be immediate, Patrice.

Well, why not?

Well, because while I am perfectly willing to believe that... that Liz intends to get married, I wouldn't get the other half of that pension until she actually says the words "I do."

And, you know, there's also a couple of... other considerations.

Like your safety and us spending more time together?

Well... Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Those, also.


[Knocks on door]


Patrice. Uh, sorry. We found the tow truck.

Oh, great. That's great, Buzz.

Thank you.

Uh, sure.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry.

You know, I'm still on duty.

[Chuckles] Now, we'll finish this discussion tonight when I take you out to dinner.

Oh. Oh!

Louie, honey. Wait, here's...

Oh, Ye gods!

I can't believe that I almost walked out of here without these... beets.

[Chuckles, sighs]

I love you, Patrice.


I love you, too.

Be careful out there.


[Door closes]

Okay, great.

Neighbor spotted the truck on the news and phoned it in.

We have signs of a struggle.

Two b*llet holes. See?

Not quite, Andy.

Tao:Excuse me, fellas.

I will give these back. I promise.

Okay. Here we go. Two b*llet holes.

One in the passenger seat, the other one in the car door.

Flynn: We have blood streaks on the window, but no sign of Chase or whoever he shot.

Have you recovered any casings?


Let me see if I can show you.

Uh, could you just tell us, Tao?


Okay. Two 9-millimeter.

Same as we found early this morning.

So he's still saving his heavy a*tillery.

Though what he's driving it aroundin...

Could be he's on foot.

Or he's taken another victim's car.

Switching vehicles has been his M.O.

Chase might have a hostage.

Eh, he's more like a "k*ll 'em and leave 'em" kind of guy.

Okay. Mike, Andy, move on.

Let S.I.D. print the tow truck and then start a grid search of the area for a possible victim.

Meanwhile, we need to go back to our list of grudges.

Yes, Mr. Carson, this is the L.A.P.D...

Thank you.

Do you know an Elliot Chase?

He worked at Breen Medical Instruments in 2007.

Yes, sir. I see.

So you haven't heard from him since?

Hello, Mrs. Salazar?

This is Detective Amy Sykes with the L.A.P.D.

You were calling to give Elliot Chase at Breen...

Do you know an Elliot Chase?

Did you work with Elliot Chase at Breen Medical Instruments in 2007?

Has Mr. Chase contacted you in the last month?

Amy: He worked at Breen...

If for any reason you see him or he does contact you, please call 9-1-1 or call us directly at 213...

[Engine revving]

[Phone rings]

[Rings, beeps]


Provenza:Uh, yes.

Is this Richard Downey?

Uh, yes.

Yes, it is. Uh, who is this?

Oh, this is Lieutenant Provenza with the L.A.P.D.

Are you free to speak, sir?

Uh, yes.

Is something wrong?

Oh, no need for alarm.

We just need some information.

You were a mortgage lawyer for Elliot and Karen Chase in 2009, correct?

Uh, 2009. That was 7 years ago.

Uh, Elliot and Karen who?


Has he contacted you today, or lately, or in the last month?

No, I... I don't... I don't believe so.

[Sneezes, coughs]

Excuse me.

Well, bless you.

Um, have there been any threats made against you or, uh, or your work?

Threats? What kind of threats?

Well, you know, um... letters, e-mails, anonymous phone calls.

No. Not that I'm aware of.


[Sneezes loudly]

[Coughing continues]

Lieutenant, I'm going into an underground garage.

Why don't you call my office and check with them?

Do you have their number?

Uh, no.

Um, can... can you give to me?

Sorry, I'm, uh... I think I'm losing you.

[Monitor beeps]

[Dial tone]

What is it? Lieutenant?

[Hangs up receiver]

I was just talking to someone on Richard...

Richard Downey's cellphone.

And I'm pretty sure it was Elliot.

What makes you think that, Lieutenant?

Because before he hung up on me, he was coughing and sneezing.

And our k*ller spent a lot of yesterday with someone who had a cold.

Julio, call Mr. Downey back.

Buzz, ping that cellphone now.




[Cellphone rings]

[Ringing continues]



Our possible victim Richard Downey's cellphone is on Olympic Boulevard and not moving anywhere.

What kind of car does Richard Downey drive?

DMV says a red Jaguar XF Sedan.

Well, Downey's assistant said he left at around noon to get a bite to eat before speaking in a conference.

A conference?

He was scheduled to appear on a panel before the Southern California Mortgage and Investment Brokers Alliance.

Uh, Buzz.


The Greyson Hotel?

Yeah, our sh**t is blazing a trail west.

Towards a gathering of mortgage brokers.

That's his target.

What time does this conference start?

Well, the opening meet-and-greet begins... 15 minutes ago, ma'am.

[Brakes squeal]

Hi. Welcome to the Greyson, sir. Will you be checking in?

Oh, I will, indeed.

Great. There you go.

There you go.

Thank you.

Of course.

Hello, sir. Can I help you with your bag?

Oh, um, yes. Thank you.

It's a little heavy.




Hi. Welcome to the Greyson, Mister...?

Uh, Downey. Richard Downey.

Ah. Yes. We spoke on the phone.

I was able to confirm a courtyard suite for you.

[Coughs] - I'll just swipe your card for incidentals, and Benny will show you to your room. Oh.

Here are your keys... and enjoy your stay.

Thank you. I will.

This way, sir.


[Door beeps]


[Switch clicks]

Here we are.

Bedroom's right through these doors here.

Mini bar.

Conference table with the extra power strip you requested.

And, of course...

[Curtain rings swoosh]

The view.

All right. Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?

[Clears throat] Um, yes. Benny, would you inform the event coordinators I'm not gonna be able to speak on the panel after all?

I'm feeling a little unwell.

Um, they should just move into the reception area when it's convenient.

And if you could let me know when that begins.

The reception?

Of course, sir.

My pleasure.

Oh, and, Benny, would you make sure I'm not disturbed?


[Clears throat]

[Birds chirping]

[Tires squeal]

Okay, everyone, maintain a quiet approach.

I don't want our presence to trigger Mr. Chase into action.

By the time we get there, SIS should be fully infiltrated into the conference.

We will search the hotel and the surrounding areas for any sign of both Elliot and Richard Downey.


We're looking for a red Jaguar you might have parked recently.

L.A.P.D. Leave these vehicles alone.

We will be back.

Welcome to the Greyson.

By any chance did a man named Richard Downey check in here today?

Uh, yes. Not too long ago. Why?

Is this him?

Uh, no. No, it's not.

Okay, how about this guy?

I can't be sure.

Well, we are going to need access to your security surveillance system.

What room did this so-called Mr. Downey check into?



Room 515, one of our larger courtyard suites.

Okay, he's not in the bar or the restaurant.

Downey's Jaguar is vacant. We left eyes on it. Captain?

I'm not sure why, but if Elliot is here, he checked into a courtyard suite.

Captain, SIS said Elliot is not in the conference.


That's him with the bellman.

Captain, it's confirmed, and he has that bag with him.

So Elliot is not only here, Captain, he is heavily, heavily armed.

All the more reason to give Mr. Chase a chance to surrender, evacuate as much of the floor around his suite as possible, and let me know when you're done.

All right.

Sykes, Buzz, find the bellman who helped this fruitcake and see if he was given any special instructions.

Guys, let's get Tao and we'll meet on the fifth floor.

[Pumps g*n]


[Speaks inaudibly]

[Whispering] L.A.P.D. Let's go. This way.

Provenza: [Whispering] Captain. We're in position in the hallway outside room 515.

Hold on one moment.

Captain, this is Benny, who helped our suspect into his room.

Hey, I didn't know that the guy was a criminal.

Just, like, a big tipper.

Did he say anything?


Uh, dude wasn't feeling well.

He told me to tell the conference people that he needed to skip his speech.

I'm supposed to call him when they finish.

And everyone enters this courtyard for a reception.

Is that correct?


Yeah, it should be starting any minute now.

Open bar, so it's gonna be pretty crowded.

Amy, make sure to clear the courtyard and that the doors are locked and blocked by the police.

Benny, I need a hotel phone.

[Doors creak]

[Telephone rings]


[Ringing continues]


Hello, Benny, is it time?

No, Mr. Chase, it's not.

This is Captain Sharon Raydor of the L.A.P.D.

We have your room surrounded.

We don't want you or anyone else getting hurt.

Put your weapons down, open the door to your room, step outside into the hall with your hands up.

Did you happen to notice that ballroom downstairs filled with people who destroyed this country?

Elliot, listen to me. I'm trying to save your life here.

You don't care about my life. People like me don't matter.

That's been made abundantly clear.

Mr. Chase, no one doubts that you have suffered, but that suffering won't be healed by you inflicting it on others.

We need...

Listen closely, Captain, and watch.

No one's bailing out anyone today.



I've prepared a little surprise for our mortgage broker friends that... you won't want to miss.


[Phone clatters]

[Bursting sound]


Is that money?

What the hell was that noise?

Elliot just fired cash off his hotel balcony out of some sort of cannon.

I assume he's probably looking out at the courtyard right now to sh**t whoever takes the bait.

Go, go, go!

[Mouths words]




[Shell casings clatter]


Sir. Sir.

Get down on the ground!

Put your hands out where I can see them!

Get down!

Get down, damn it!

Get down now, or I will sh**t you!

Get down now!

I'm sorry.

But I can't stay.

Get... Oh!

[Body thuds]

[Groans] Thank God for this stupid vest.

Sir! Sir! Sir, are you okay?

[Groans] No! No!

My wife is gonna k*ll me!




Elliot Chase jumped rather than being arrested.

But I think that was always his plan.

And Provenza... not seriously wounded?

Only his pride.

Thank God.

Good. Good.

Great job, Captain. Great job.

Oh. And, uh, really good work keeping your personal and professional lives separate.

It... It can't always be done.

Oh, oh, actually, Chief, um, that may be about to be tested further.

Yeah. I put my house up for sale, and we are planning on finding a place together.

Wow. [Chuckles]

So, you two are moving in together?

[Elevator bell dings]


Well, good luck with that.

Hey, Mom... Oh. I'm sorry. Sorry.

No, no. It's all right, Mr. Beck.

I, uh... [Chuckles] I was just leaving.

Let me know when you find Mr. Downey.

Sharon: Will do.

Uh, so, I was thinking about what you said...

The whole, uh, not a suspect with less than 12 points on a fingerprint thing?

You mean the L.A.P.D. policy?


And I'm sure that you guys have a really good reasons for that, but I wonder... In what Buzz put together of the fingerprint, does it have enough points for him to search for and... and I.D. a potential witness?

Hmm. That's another way of looking at it.

Which we could have waited till tomorrow to discuss, but, hey.

That request would have to come from Buzz.

Well, I'll mention it to him.


You'll mention it to him tomorrow morning.


Bye, Sharon, Andy.

You'll see him tomorrow morning. Won't you?

Yeah. Okay.

And we're off.

[Elevator bell dings]

Have a good night, everybody.



[Elevator doors close]

Searching for a possible witness?

He sounds less like a journalist and more like a lawyer.

Out of the frying pan.

No! No.

[Both chuckle]


No, no, no, no. Don't get up. Don't get up.

Chest still feeling sore, Lieutenant?

I got shot. What do you think?

Uh, technically, Lieutenant, it was shrapnel, but if you weren't wearing that vest...

It wouldn't have been pretty.

Don't you think Patrice will ask what happened to the jacket you were wearing earlier today?

All right. To be perfectly clear, I am not hiding anything from my wife.

I... I just wanted to look good for dinner whenever she gets here.

You got shot?

Oh, my... Are you okay?


I said it this morning. This morning.

Then how could you text me such a thing and then not answer?

Patrice, listen.

It's very difficult to tell a spouse this kind of news, and I know you're upset, and... and I even considered hiding this from you, just to tell you a flat-out lie about it.

Um, but then I decided that I would be completely honest.

Because that's my new philosophy about marriage.

Having tried everything else.

So, Patrice, I got hit today, and it... hurt.

[Clicks tongue]

But... leaving here wouldn't just hurt me.

It would probably k*ll me.

And... And that's why I'm asking you to look at this from my perspective.

Just for a moment.

Try to see that even on a bad day, even if it's not rational, even if it doesn't seem reasonable, to me, still...


This is the greatest job in the world.

And I don't know who I'd be without it.

I get that, honey. I do.

But can we at least come up with some kind of compromise?

Something we can both live with?

Are you offering me a deal?

[Chuckles] Yes.


I am going to swear right here and now before God and everybody else that you can stay at the L.A.P.D. for as long as you like, but... you are the very last police officer I'm ever gonna marry.

[Laughs] Well...


Where do I sign?

Come here.

Come here. Oh, God! Watch the ribs, my love.

Oh! Sorry.


Oh, yeah. Just watch the ribs.

