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01x06 - The Chess Players

Posted: 07/28/16 04:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on American Gothic...

Alison: This is Naomi.

My new campaign manager.

Brady: That is the belt that was used to strangle David Morales, and that is Cam wearing it.

Our focus now is on Cam Hawthorne.

Brady: He had this in his arm, ready to sh**t up.

Now it's got his DNA on it.

Cam: I've had these images in my head of somebody dragging a body down the stairs. The spindle breaking... you know, what if I was a part of something?

He was hallucinating.

It's happened before when he's gone through withdrawal.

Buprenorphine... where did you get this?

A friend.

Christina: Yeah, my father was a victim of the Silver Bells k*ller.

I want to take you somewhere.

Brady: Cam wasn't a match.

But there was familial match.

One of them is Silver Bells.

Tessa: I used to have these incredibly vivid nightmares when I was little.

Maybe this is one of those.

Alison: What a special night.

I love that we're holding this debate at James Monroe High School, my father's alma mater.

He played football... quarterback.

Tough, competitive, devoted to the school.

In fact, the trophy case in the hall displays Dad's jersey from one of his most well-known games... when he led the team to the state championship even after breaking his nose in the first quarter.

That's what my dad was made of, determination, focus, grit.

And that's what I intend to bring to the office of mayor.

Tessa: Can't you go any faster?

I can't let her be blindsided on live TV.

I'm already speeding, Tess.

Have you tried Tom, have you tried Naomi?

Yes. No one has picked up.

I thought that we were helping by testing Cam's DNA.

I thought it would make it all go away Yeah, I know. Me too.

Alison: The stakes here could not be higher.

g*n v*olence is a public health crisis, just like drunk driving and cigarette smoking.

Conley: That's why I propose stricter background checks to ensure the only g*ns in this city are in the hands of responsible, conscientious...

It's a crisis... g*n owners.

That requires sweeping reform, not baby steps.

Under my leadership, Boston's g*n homicide rate is the lowest it's been in five years.

But the number of sh**t has actually risen sharply in that time.

More people have been shot.

The fact that more people didn't die is luck, not leadership.

(crowd applauds)

She's good... way smarter than the bald guy.

Every citizen of this country has a constitutional right to protect themselves.

Alison: Bill, g*ns don't make you safer.


Conley: That's your opinion.

Alison: And the opinion of the CDC, FBI and DOJ.

(door opens, closes)

We'll now open the floor to our first question from the press.

Jennie Windham, Channel 12.

My question is not on g*n control, but a breaking news report.

Councilor Hawthorne-Price, would you care to comment on the fact the police have just linked the DNA of the Silver Bells k*ller to a member of your immediate family?

My source has confirmed the police tested your brother Cam's DNA and although it didn't match him, it did show a familial link to blood on the m*rder w*apon recovered at the tunnel collapse... blood believed to belong to SBK.

Any idea which member of your family might be Silver Bells?

(reporters clamoring)

Okay, time for bed.

Let's go.

Where the hell is Garrett?

Our lawyer says they want DNA samples from all of us.

And she counsels us to comply if they get a warrant.

And they will get a warrant.

How the hell did they get your DNA?

I have no idea.

Brady found Cam with some paraphernalia.

He took it.

Wh... You what?

Hold on.

He asked my permission to test it, permission I gave.

Why would you do that, Tessa?

To get the cops off your back.

Madeline: You sided with Brady after he betrayed you once?

You weren't here, Mom. You didn't see the police nearly knock down the door looking for him.

They harassed Jack at school.

I knew Cam was innocent and that his DNA would prove it. So, yes, Brady and I made a judgment call while you were off at the spa.

Alison: It's irrelevant.

How they got the DNA, why Tessa did it... it's irrelevant now.

Can't be changed.

Only one thing matters.

Which one of us is it?

Announcer: And Boston won a close one over Kansas City, three to two. And in our top news story, tonight's mayoral debate ended in chaos when it was revealed that a DNA test linked the family of candidate Alison Hawthorne-Price to the notorious k*ller.

A map.


Old school.



We had a deal.

No cell phones for your trip?


But what are you giving up?

Well, I will also agree to give up cell phones.

How about that?


I brought you out here to get away from all that.

The noise.

Well, I don't mind the noise.

Well, you might like silence more, if you give it a chance.

(horn honking)

Yeah! (whooping)

(honking continues)

Yeah, you got a point.


Honestly, that's super dumb.

They just sit there hoping for a photo?

Cam: They're vultures.

So... they wait for injured animals to die so they can eat them?

Pretty much.

I'm going outside.

They can't encroach on private property like this.

(door opens)

This is ridiculous.

(door closes)

DNA results mean nothing.

Police manipulate evidence all the time to fit whatever narrative they please.

The police wouldn't... Yes, they would.

When that belt surfaced, it shined a light on their ineptitude all over again.

And when they connected the belt to us, police saw an opportunity for the perfect frame job.

And now they've tied it up in a big DNA bow for the public.

Police don't want the truth.

They want blood.

Someone they can parade as their big catch.

Their k*ller.

(door opens, closes)

Whether that person did it or not.

They got their warrant.

Tessa was ten when the murders started.

Fun fact, many experts believe psychopathy is set by age five.

I think we're done here.

Not quite. We need a sample from Garrett Hawthorne as well.

Then you should find him.

We'd like to know where he is, too.

There must be something in this house with his DNA on it.

Oh, for God's sake, take one of his Filly Diner cups.

There's half dozen in his room.

I can't find the food.

Oh, I didn't bring food.


I hunt.

Yeah, I figured I'll k*ll us a rabbit.

And then maybe I'll teach you how to gut it.

If you're not squeamish.

Just vegan.

Vegan chili.

I'm glad we did this.

You were right about unplugging.

Well, you got me here all alone in the woods.

Now what?

How about, uh... how about dinner first?

Tessa: I'm not hungry.

Me neither.

Why did I waste my time with this?

You cooked this?

I do know how to cook.

I sent the staff home for a few days because of everything.

And I thought, since we're all here... or, most of us... that we could have dinner together.


No one? Cam?

Honestly, it looks like human remains, and given the circumstances...

(Madeline sighs)


Time for you to get ready for bed.

I'll bring you a plate of something later.

Okay, even though no one wants to say it, we all know exactly who it is.

How can you still have it out for Garrett after you saw how he helped Cam?

That doesn't change the facts that are very clear now, he left Boston days after the last m*rder and once he was gone the killings stopped.


And then the DNA bombshell drops today and what happens? He vanishes.

Unfortunate timing.


Oh, you're a child.

That's how you think of him... like you did when you were nine.

When he was your best friend and your hero. It makes you blind.

My money's on Dad.


When I was 17, I saw someone drag a dead body down the stairs.

What? You saw what?

I remembered it when I was going through my withdrawal.

It was something my mind pushed away to protect me.

Wait, who was dragging what?

A body.

I don't know who was dragging it.

But Dad makes sense. He was the right age, he kept the bells in the shed. A-And look at where they ditched the belt... at one of the build sites.

You know Garrett hated anything to do with the business.

Why would he go there to dump a w*apon?

To frame Dad.

Dad's favorite book was Wuthering Heights.

He-he rescued a hurt squirrel from under the house.

He donated thousands to help refugees, to lobby against capital punishment, I mean, he...

No, that last one doesn't help prove your case.

Look, I'm telling you what I remembered... a body being dragged down the stairs.

Madeline: You were withdrawing from dr*gs.

Your mind was playing tricks on you.

I thought that, too, but every time I had the dream, the dead man's boots... as he was being dragged down the stairs... his boot snapped a spindle.

That's enough.

I checked the spindle.

It was damaged.

What I saw was real.

That's enough!

Now, the-the cops and the press are trying to get into our heads.

Get us to turn on one another, rip us apart.

We can't allow it.

I won't allow it!

Now, I want everyone to go to bed.

It-It's... (laughs) it's 9:00.

Right now.

Go to your rooms.

So, no bedtime story time first?

(chair slides out)

Cam: Yeah, Soph, obviously, everyone's upset.

Well, we'll soon find out who it is.

Yes, Jack's all right, he's about to go to sleep.

Here. Say good night to your mom.

Night, Mom.


All good.

(phone beeps)

Good night.





I'm reading about vultures.

The real ones or the ones camped outside?

The real ones.

They're birds of prey.

Did you know that secret psychopaths often decorate their homes with predatory birds?


It's a subconscious manifestation of their own predatory instincts.


This house is full of predatory birds.

Steve Harvey: Name a place no one wants to go.


(TV buzzer ringing)

The girls are down.

Why don't y'all name a place no one wants to go.


Hey, Ali.

(laughter, indistinct talking, bell ding)

Gonna get through this, okay?

I love you.

I'm here for you.

(cheering and applause)

I'm sorry, I just...

I just don't want to be touched.


I guess that's Naomi's department now.


I see the way you two look at each other.

It's a lot more than a fling.

That's what you're focusing on right now?

I don't hear you denying it.

(soft chuckle)

(TV turns off)

(door opens, then slams)

Sophie: Hey.

Oh, geez.

How the hell'd you get in here?

Still remember how to sneak into this place.


If you think I'm going to leave my kid here without me right now, you're out of your mind.

Sophie: Why didn't you tell me about this until now?

Because I was afraid if I told you'd think I was involved.

When have I ever assumed the worst about you?

I believe in you.

I trust you.

Your family thinks I'm the poison in your life, but it's them.

Baby, you need to get away from this place before they suck you down with them.

They're my family, Soph.


We are.

Me and Jack.

Let's get to sleep.

Cam: What you looking for?

I don't know.

I just couldn't sleep.

Yeah, me neither.

(papers rustling)

I was trying to remind myself of who Garrett is.

He took me trick-or-treating.

He taught me how to cross the monkey bars.

Holy crap.

Has that always been here?



(stifled laugh)

Why are you laughing?


It's not funny.

I'm sorry it's just all so... (laughing)

(laughing): It's...

It's not...

(both laughing)

It's the worst thing.

I know.

It's not funny.

It's horrible.

The worst thing that's ever ha...

(both laughing hysterically)

(laughter dies down, Cam sighs)

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Remember this?

I accidentally dropped it off the balcony.

I was eight.

I was just afraid Garret was gonna be mad, but he just laughed.

Once I took his bike without asking, and he punched me in the face.

That doesn't sound like Garrett.

Eh, we just remember him differently.

Which Garrett was it that nursed you through withdrawals?

Oh, the same Garrett that tied me up on the bathroom floor.

While he got you meds.

Make up your mind.

At dinner, you made a pretty good case it was Dad.

Alison: What if it was Dad?

Found something.

Police report?

“Beat victim unconscious?”

Nearly to death.

Maybe he was a k*ller.

(Eporters talking indistinctly, cameras flashing)

Alison: Did you know about that?

It happened around the time of the SBK murders.

One thing has nothing to do with the other.

Your father was not a violent man.

This... was an isolated incident.

Then explain it to us.

'Cause it looks really, really bad.


It was completely my fault.

Your father found out that I was having an affair with another man.


You all may not know this yet, but marriages often get to a point when the person who is the source of your happiness suddenly seems to be the one standing in the way of it.

I was weak.

And your father found out.

And beat the crap out of the guy?

No, he demanded that I end it, or he'd file for divorce.

Who was it?

It doesn't matter.

I ended it.

But he wanted to see me again.

And one night, I was upstairs in the bedroom, and the housekeeper let him in, and... we were just talking.

But your dad found us.

And he just... snapped.

He beat him unconscious.

And he dragged him down the stairs and onto the porch.

A neighbor saw him, called the police.

Cam: Wait, so, when Dad dragged the guy down the stairs...

That's what you saw.

It was real.

I was just too ashamed to admit the truth earlier.

So, it wasn't a dead body?


Your father loved you all so much.

But he was human.

He made mistakes.

And this... was one of his worst.

I swear to you your father was not the Silver Bells k*ller.

Cam: Do you believe her?

You think she's lying?

It just seems like she has an answer for everything.

We see bells in the shed, Mom says he's got dementia.

I see a body on the stairs, suddenly Dad's dragging her lover down the stairs?

You think she's covering for him?

Not necessarily.

Everyone assumes Silver Bells is a man.

It's pretty sexist, if you ask me.

So now Mom's SBK?

Maybe it's you.



You're morally flexible.

What? Everyone knows you're sleeping with Naomi.

Sorry, everyone but Tessa.

Is that true?

Are you cheating on Tom?


I'm not.

Oh, you're good.

Of course you are, you're a politician.

You lie and fake empathy for a living.

You have to maintain a high degree of emotional detachment in order to multi-task.

Charming, but narcissistic.

All the benchmarks of a psychopath.

Do you see what you did?

What I did?

You gave them the DNA.

You set this whole nightmare in motion.

We're trapped in this house turning on each other because of you.

Yeah, this is you.

I thought you s-said what I did didn't matter anymore.


I said it can't be changed.

Let's just stop finger-pointing and focus on finding Garrett.

Because if the cops get to him first, we all know how that's gonna end up.

You seem very comfortable out here.

Yeah, I used to live in the woods for a while.



How long?

14 years.

“14 years”?

How was that?

It was beautiful.

It was quiet, uh...

Hard winters, but it's so simple.

Eat, read, sleep.

Stay warm.

So simple.

Don't you have a family?

I mean, didn't they miss you?

Yeah, I have a family.

But I don't know whether...

My little sister might've missed me.


I missed her.

And that's why you came back?

I came back because my father was dying.

And then he did.

I'm sorry.

I was gonna leave after the funeral.

Why didn't you?


So why did you move from Boston in the first place?

I had to.

Are you sure you want to hear this?

Of course.

I'm gonna tell you everything.


In that case, we're-we're gonna need some more firewood.

(owl hooting)

(indistinct chatter)

Man: We got plenty of beer.

But if you join, it'll officially be a party.

Christina: Oh, no, my boyfriend and I are fine, thank you.

Where is your boyfriend?

He'll be back any minute.

If you were my girl, I would never leave you out here like this.

Well, I'm not your girl, am I?

Hey, friend.


I was...

I was just inviting you and your girl to join us for a drink.

I'm gonna give you a choice.

You can leave right now, or you can stay.

Why don't you just, just relax, okay?

Big part of me wants you to stay.

Let's go. Let's go...

What the hell were you doing?

They didn't scare me.

Well, maybe they should've.

You threatened them with a knife!

Yeah, I wanted to make sure they left and didn't come back.


Stay away from me.

Good morning.

(children chattering)


I'm sorry.

Last night...

No, I'm sorry.

I was completely out of line to bring it up now.

All I want is to be here for you in whatever way you need.

Thank you.

What are you drawing?

A heart.

(phone buzzing)

(indistinct chatter)

We're trying chocolate in...

(children continue chattering)


I just realized something.

Buprenorphine and naloxone.

Garrett got it from a doctor friend of his.

A woman that I think he's dating.

Maybe Garrett's with her right now.

Prescribed by Dr. Christina Morales.

Oh, my God.

What? What are you doing?

Calling Lieutenant Craig.


So he can run by Christina's place and make sure she's okay.

Why wouldn't she be?

Tess, you don't recognize the name?

No... well, should I?

Christina Morales.

Daughter of David Morales.

I don't know...

SBK's final victim, Tess.

Why is Garrett with her? Why of all people?

Wait, let's check on Christina ourselves.

I have a feeling if we find her, we'll find him.

And that's what we both want.


Can't you just let your old man win?

But if you don't play well, why should you win the game?

He has a point.

Hiding from the vultures is pretty fun.

What do you want to play next?

Whatever you want.

Big day, huh?

DNA results anytime now.

What are you doing in my home?

I know, I know. So reckless of me, I could get myself k*lled.

All this time you've been sitting in judgment of me.

(clicks tongue) Glass houses, right?

(phone beeping)

(bird cawing)

You texted me.

I thought we should have a little chat.


This must be hard.

But it's probably good you found out.

Oh, I didn't “find out.”

I've always known.

Alison told me every detail right down to the silk restraints you used to tie her to our bed.

Why would she...?

It's part of our arrangement.

She can sleep with whoever she wants, as long as she shares it with me to spice up our sex life.

Sorry if you thought it was more than that.

It is more than that.

You know it, and you're scared.

That's what this is about.

Stay away from my wife.

You think she's the type of woman who's gonna let someone else dictate what she does?

No wonder you're losing her.

Sophie: Hey, it's me.

Yeah, I can't wait.

And I-I don't want to lose it.

Yeah, I promise.

I'll-I'll get you the money as soon as I can.

I just...

I really need it as soon as possible.

Get out.


I was clean a whole year, and I fell into the same hole, and I just can't do it anymore, okay?

I just got through detox, and there you are right back at it, on the phone with your dealer.

I was calling a realtor.

I was trying to find us a new place out of town.

And I did.

What are you talking about?

Down the cape.

Two bedrooms.

Three blocks from the beach.

We could start fresh.

Just the three of us.

Your family always blames me for your issues.

But let's be honest.

You were using way before I met you.

Because of them.

Because of this place... it's toxic!

So let's get away.


You said you haven't seen her lately?

I just work part-time for the landlord.


It's the police.

Are you there?



No one's home.

I doesn't mean she's in danger, Brady.

Yeah, well, let's just figure out where she is first, okay?

Where's the dog?

Probably took it with her.

There's a dog sitter here on her emergency contact list.

Yeah, Christina dropped Gatsby by last night.

Said she was going camping with her new boy toy.

Did she say where they were headed?

Uh, Kendall State Park.

Is Christina okay?

I have to let the station know where Garrett is right away.

Brady, please, no, no.

Tessa, he just fled with the daughter of an SBK victim the same day it went public that DNA had linked a Hawthorne to the belt used to strangle her father.

Do you think that's coincidence?

DNA's not even back yet.

No one's heard from Garrett in 24 hours, Tess.

You know how these manhunts go.

He'll never come out...

We've come this far.

Please, let's find him together.

If he is in trouble, I can help.

He will listen to me.

O-Okay, okay.

But if we find him, you have to let me take the lead.

It's for your safety.

He's my brother.

He's a m*rder suspect.

I need you to understand that, Tess.

I take the lead.


All right, let me call Cutter and cover.

I'll tell her we don't have any news yet.

(line ringing)

Oh, damn.

What? What's wrong?

I left my car keys on the kitchen counter in Christina's apartment.

Cutter, it's Ross.

(whispers): I'll grab them.


(line ringing)

This is Brady Ross. Leave a message.

Brady, please don't do this.

Don't do this!

Female voice: Please leave a message after the tone.

Christina, my name is Detective Brady Ross.

Jack: The vultures are leaving.


But where are they going?

(phone buzzes)

Oh, my God.

Police are on a full-scale manhunt for this man.

SBK suspect Garrett Hawthorne, is believed to be hiding somewhere in Kendall State Park with an unidentified hostage.

He's considered armed and dangerous.

Told you the police wanted blood.

And now they'll have it.

Female voice: You have one new message.

Christina, my name is Detective Brady Ross.

The man that you're with, Garrett Hawthorne, is a suspect in the Silver Bells murders.

It's crucial that you get away from him as soon as possible.

Garrett: Hey.

I thought we said no phone.

Male reporter: Neighborhoods around Kendall State Park are on lockdown with residents being advised to remain indoors until further notice...

He's with Christina Morales.

I don't know why, but Brady...

Wait, she's the daughter of an SBK victim.

Brady promised me that we would find Garrett together, so that I could talk to him.

But then he drove off without me.

He did the right thing.

How can you say that? Tessa?

It's time to accept the truth.

Female reporter: victim k*lled back in 2002.

Now, back to our breaking news story at Kendall State Park.

Male reporter: We've been here all night where the park rangers and Boston PD as well as helicopters have been searching Kendall State Park looking for the SBK suspect Garrett Hawthorne.

Give me the keys to the truck.

Who was that on the phone?

Just give me the car keys.

Hey, Christina...


It was you.

You k*lled my father, and you brought me here to k*ll me!

No, I would never hurt you.

Just put the knife down.

The police know who you are.

They're on their way.

Just give me a chance...

Just give me the keys!


Drop them on the ground.

Step back.




You found my brother?


Not yet.

No, I'm here because we just got the DNA results.

(siren chirps)

Brady (over radio): We got him.

Suspect has pulled off to the shoulder.

I'm exiting the vehicle now to make contact.

(indistinct radio transmission)

k*ll the engine!

Open the door.

Exit with your hands in the air.

Garrett, step out now!

Where are you hurt?

Tell me! Tell me where are you hurt?

No... it's not my blood.

(sirens wailing)

It's not my blood.

The blood on the belt is a match for Mitchell Hawthorne.


You can't make a match to DNA you don't have.

We do have it.

The trophy case in the hall displays Dad's jersey from his most famous game, when he led the team to the state championships even after breaking his nose in the first quarter.

It was Dad.