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04x04 - Something’s Gotta Give

Posted: 06/20/16 02:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on Beauty & the Beast...

Someone's willing to pay $5 million to capture a beast.

There's a bounty?

They may be after a beast, but they do not know it's Vincent.

But I do, I'm at risk now, too, which is why I'm giving you the full resources of Homeland Security.

You don't work at NYPD anymore, you work for me now.

I don't want you to think that my turning down tenure has anything to do with wanting to move in with you.

But it does, JT, it has everything to do with it.

It would be so stupid to take the next step without you finding what... whatever the hell it is you're looking for.

Vincent: I mean, we're no closer to finding whoever's put up this bounty than when we first got back from our honeymoon.

♪ ♪

♪ And though we know how far we've come... ♪



He's a little cranky this morning.

Who isn't?

(entrance bell jingles)

Cat, hey!

Geez, what, are you working all the time now?

Lately, yeah, and so is Vincent, which is probably why he is a no-show.

We were supposed to have a coffee date together after his graveyard shift, but I guess he got hung up again.


More eastbay stuff?

Pig Latin.

(whispering): Code.

Oh. Oh, yeah, I get it.

Yeah, the sooner we figure out who put out a bounty on, uh...



The sooner Vincent and I can get back to being married.

Well, that'll be nice considering you guys just got married.

Catherine: Yeah.



Ugh, I have no idea how you can concentrate right now.

That would drive me crazy.

Really? It doesn't bother me.

Well, JT and I ought to have your new office up and running today, so you can work in some nice peace and quiet.

I'm so excited to show you.

I'm excited to see it.

Thank you again for taking the lead on finding that place for me.

I have just... I have been crazed.

Yeah, no, don't mention it.

I've been having so much fun.

You'll love it. Kyle did.


Okay, Cat, give me a little credit.

All I did was tell him that you're a DHS agent now and that you need an off-site office... that is it.

To find out who's after Vincent.

What if he found out?

Are you out of your mind?


I'm sorry.

Guess I'm just a little on edge right now, trying to figure out who's behind all this before the next attack.

(sighs) Cat.

You're burning the candle at both ends, you and Vincent.

Trying to balance two demanding careers, a marriage, that.

Something's gotta give.

♪ Love's not in our hearts. ♪

Ow! Damn it!

This place is useless!

Heather: What are you talking about? This place is amazing.

Where else can you find so much space, natural light, a Pilates studio downstairs?

Forget Pilates.

We need more power, amperage, volts.

Look, I don't think you understand, but Cat's a special agent now, okay?

Yes, I've heard.

Which means she's gonna have federal access, which means international databases, satellite surveillance.

Technology us tech guys can only dream of having.

I think we need plants in here.

Maybe a ficus?

Or gardenias.

Heather, listen to me.

This place isn't wired for what Cat's gonna need to track down the beast buyer.

It's meant for a... clothing designer.

And now it's meant for Cat.

Can't you just bring in, like, extension cords or something?

(laughs) Really? Ow!


(JT sighs)

Bummed about Tess, are we?

No, this isn't about Tess.

It's about trying to stop whoever wants to capture a beast before they find out about Vincent.

It's about those stupid conspiracy bloggers who are hell-bent on proving that a beast really exists despite my best attempts to discredit them.

It's about...


Yes, okay, it's about Tess.

This is exactly why I didn't know how to tell her I turned down tenure.

You followed your heart.

You realized you didn't want to be a professor for the rest of your life.

You made a decision, that's all.

One that might have cost me Tess.

Maybe, maybe not.

Look, all relationships go through changes, JT, challenges.

You know that... look at Vincent and Cat.

They go through them all the time.

And God knows they're going through a doozy right now.

Yeah, Cat, look, I can't talk very long.

I got multiple injuries.

Nurse, can you, uh, get a CT scan, stat, cranial?

How are you holding up?

Well, I didn't expect to pull a double shift, but I've taken so much time off lately.

Plus I had to deliver three babies last night.

Guess that's a record, huh?

There's got to be something in the air.

Well, I'm calling because Deputy Secretary Hill called me.

It sounded urgent. I'm headed there now.

What, has he got a lead?

He didn't say, but something is up.

He said that someone might have found out that he's the one who's been protecting your secret.

Another bounty hunter?

Catherine: I don't know, but I'll let you know when I find out.

I miss you.

Yeah, I miss you, too.

Man: Coding, he's coding.

(elevator bell dings)

Can I help you?

Are you Dorothy?


I'm Catherine Chandler, Agent Chandler.

Oh, right, Deputy Secretary told me about you.

Welcome to DHS.

Thank you.

Uh, is he around?

No, um...

I don't know where he is, actually.

What do you mean?

I mean he didn't show for work, which is really unusual.

He called me 20 minutes ago from home.

Told me to meet him here, he said it was urgent.



Where does he live? What's his address? Hurry.


Thank you.


I think they might have found Hill.

I think he might be in trouble.

Come on.

You knew it was a matter of time before somebody figured it out that your agent knew who the beast was, and you had to know, too, right?

Come on!

Let them go.


Don't be a hero.

You tell me who it is, or after I k*ll you...

I'll k*ll them, too.


It's gonna be okay.

Five... four...

Please. three... two...

Drop your w*apon.


Not a chance.

Last chance.



You okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

Better than him anyway.

At least we finally got a chance to see each other.


At least we got there in time to save his life.

Yeah, but we almost didn't, right?

And if we hadn't, Secretary Hill's whole family would have been k*lled.

So what do you guys think?

That was way too close, you know it.

What are we supposed to do?

Even you can't be two places at once.

Speaking of places, how about this one? Isn't it great?

Yes, it is wonderful, Heather, thank you.

Needs more plants.


Did I not say that?

(telephone rings)

(Heather scoffs)

Heather: I'll get it.

Vincent, we are doing the best that we can.

I know, I know, but for nothing else, this attack on Hill, it proves that this beast bounty is very real, and it's getting closer to me.

I know, I am just as frazzled as you are.

But you're not juggling two jobs.

You know, this is your job.

Are you saying that this is harder for you than me?

No, I am not saying that, I'm just...

I don't know, we can't keep this up.

You know, we're like two ships passing in the night.

I thought that was supposed to happen after years of marriage, not weeks.

Heather: Hey, guys, sorry to interrupt, but, um, it's Secretary Hill's office.

He wants to see you two right away.

Hopefully he's got another lead on the bounty hunter.

JT: Guys.

We got big problems.

Great, now what?

Really? As opposed to what just happened?

JT: Actually, it's because of what just happened.

The attack on Hill, it's already news.

More specifically, it's already all over the blogosphere.

Vincent: Uh, translation?

Bloggers haven't given up believing that some sort of beast exists since the first bounty hunter att*cked after your honeymoon.

Point is that they were already suspicious about a DHS cover-up after Agent Russo was k*lled, but now that his boss was att*cked, too...

Now they're even more convinced that DHS is hiding something.

Heather: Okay, I'm sorry, I don't understand.

What does this mean?

It means that we have to be even more careful now, because the bloggers are gonna do everything they can to try and expose...


I've actually got an idea of how to stop them.

It's a little risky, but I guess if I wanted safe, I would have agreed to tenure.

Vincent: Yeah, right now everything's risky, man.

Do what you can.

Uh, we got to go see Hill, I'll get the car.

I-I'll get your validation.

This won't go on forever.


Okay, you can do this, JT.

Heath, thank you so much for everything, really.

Oh, sure.

Hey, uh, so, um... how long have you been pregnant?

Where did you find that?

In your purse, when I went to give you extra parking validations.

First of all, it's not what you think.

And second, this is none of your business.

None of my business? Cat, I'm your sister.

Don't you think that entitles me to know whether or not you're about to deliver a beast baby?


Well, I...

I haven't even gotten to the question of beast baby yet, because I don't know if I am pregnant.

You know, I'm just late... that is all.

What, you haven't taken it yet?

Come on, Heather, I have been so busy.

What, "so busy"?

Too busy to pee? Cat, come on.

The ladies' room is right across the hallway.

Go take it right now.

No, I have to go figure out what Hill wants.

Are you just too afraid to know?


Come on, don't be silly.



Just... keep this between us.

Of course.


You saved my life.

You saved my family's life.

I, uh, don't know how to thank you.

We're just sorry we couldn't get there earlier.

How are your wife and daughter doing?

Still scared.

Especially because obviously I can't say why he att*cked.

Part of the job, I guess.

Keeping secrets.

We know all about keeping secrets.

Including the ones that put our loved ones at risk.

First time for me.

And the last time.

I want to put an end to this once and for all, before something like this happens again.

Believe us, sir, so do we.

But we need to find whoever's behind this bounty first.

That's why I called you.

After what happened, I rattled some cages.

Pulled some strings in every division... and found this guy.

An accountant?

Albert Toland isn't just any accountant.

He's Dmitri Voynov's accountant.

Russian crime boss who's been trying to elbow his way into the States for years.

Okay, and why would he want a beast?

Possibly to eliminate the competition, which would give him a mob monopoly... unchecked power in New York.

Albert contacted Secret Service.

Said he was getting scared because Voynov was becoming more desperate.

Said Voynov was doubling a certain bounty and wanted to make sure that Albert had the funds available.

Okay, does he know exactly what the bounty's for?

I don't know.

All I know is, he wants to flip on Voynov, but only if we can guarantee protection.

This could be the break we've been looking for.

When can we meet him?

Well, he's afraid Voynov might find out, so he'll only meet where there are a lot of people around.

But he knows to look for you.


Do you, uh, you guys have any kids by any chance?

Vincent: Pregnant, seriously?

That's our cover?

Come on, we're meeting this accountant at his kid's private school, not a maternity ward.

Well, unless you want to rent a kid, this is the best cover that I could come up with.

Besides, it is an open house, so prospective parents are welcome.

"Prospective parents."

Really, shouldn't you be showing a little bit if we want to pull this off?

Actually, first-time mothers aren't usually showing until about 12 weeks, so we're good.

Really, when'd you have time to research that little tidbit?

Oh, you didn't learn that in med school?

Wait, are you mad at me about something?

No, why?

I-I don't know.

You just seem a little sharp with me lately.

We're sharp with each other, Vincent.

We're both under a lot of stress.

Plus, we put our relationship on hold for all this, and it's not fun.

Yeah, and since our relationship is what we're trying to get back to, can you imagine having a kid on top of that?

No way.

You don't, you don't want kids?

I don't know.

We haven't really talked about it.

Wait, wait. We're talking about it now.

Okay, I... I don't know.

I-I can't really see us having a family right now.

We barely have time for ourselves, let alone a kid.

And imagine raising a kid in this city.

You know, subways, safety issues, beast issues.

So, the answer is no. Fine, I get it.

Come on, I-I didn't say that.

All right, let's go to school.

Agent Morrison?

That's me.

Got some I.D. to back that up?

Okay, so what do you want from us?

DHS is concerned.

For your safety.

What do you mean?

Woman: Look, if you brought us here to convince us there's not some sort of a... beast roaming the streets, you're wasting your time.

We know better.

Based on what?

Well, based on unsolved crimes, cover-ups, maulings, including one on one of your own agents.

That's the problem with the Internet.

Everybody believes everything.

So... what?

You're saying it's not true?

I'm saying people are getting k*lled and DHS doesn't want you to be next.

Is that some sort of a threat?

No, it's a warning.

There are not... what'd you call them, beasts?

Out there.

But there are t*rrorists who are looking for any edge possible.

Which means the more you make it sound like something really does exist, the more you risk ending up like the first blogger, who mistakenly thought that he was onto something, too.


Yeah, yeah. We understand.



Grab the beast!


Woman: Preschool goes for two years, although there is a Mommy and Me class starting at two years old, which I highly recommend.


Two years old, really?

Helps them acclimate.

Plus it gives them a jump on the competition.

Vincent: Competition?

What, in finger painting?

What? I mean... do you really have to worry about those kind of things at, at two?

Yes, actually.

It's smart to get a jump on it now.


By the way, how far along are you, if I may ask?

Uh, I'm not sure actually...

12 weeks. Uh, first-time mothers don't usually show until 12 weeks.

Vincent's a doctor.

Oh, fantastic!

What's your specialty?

Specialty? Uh, E.R.


And you're a Homeland Security agent?

Yeah, that's-that's right.

I just started, actually.


Let me get you a financial assistance package.


Financial assistance?

How much does tuition cost?

I don't know.

But I'm glad we're just pretending.

(baby crying)


God, I'm so not ready for that.

What if I am?

There he is.

I got to go.



(Albert shouts)

Come on.

Man: Get down!

(crowd clamoring)

Go, go! I'll get them.

Come on, let's go.

Let's go, come on. Run!

(fire alarm blaring)

Just go!



What happened?

Where is he?

I don't know! They took him.

What do you want me to do?

I can't track in tear gas.

If Voynov took Albert...

Then we're back to square one.

(coughs) Come on.


Can I get you some water?

Yes, please.

I still don't understand... why are we here?

Why can't I go home?

What if Albert calls?

Because until we find out exactly why your husband was taken, Mrs. Toland, DHS needs to keep you safe. Have a seat.


Um, are you sure that you don't know anyone by the name of Dmitri Voynov?

Boys, no jumping on the furniture, remember?

Do you have any g*ns in the house?

Yes, we do.

But they are all locked up.

They are in the g*n safe.


You sure you don't know Dmitri Voynov? From my understanding your husband worked for him.

I've never heard of anyone with the name Voynov, but he's traveling abroad a lot.

And we've sort of been in the divide and conquer mode ever since the boys were born.

(boys clamoring)

The police are looking for him, right? And DHS?

Uh, yes, and my husband.

Your husband?

I thought he was a doctor?

Yeah, uh, he is...

(glass breaks)

Boys: Uh-oh!

Riley, Chasen!

What did you just do?

Both: He did it!

It's okay... that was old.

So sorry. I'll pay for it.

No, please, do not worry about it.


DHS has reason to believe that Voynov might've taken your husband.

You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?

No, I don't.

But... I'm not surprised.

Albert and I have slowly... drifted apart.

Ever since I got pregnant with Chasen.

What do you mean? Why?

Why? Um...

Life just became overwhelming.

Between his job and mine and the stress of everyday life, and then you add kids into the mix... I don't know.

Somewhere along the way, we just kind of... we lost each other.

Like ships in the night.


(glass breaks)

Tess: All hell's breaking loose over here.

911 calls from the school, a kidnapping.

I've got everybody on the lookout for Albert Toland, but, look, I know we're not working together anymore, Cat, but a little bit of a heads-up would've been nice.

Tess, I'm sorry.

Honestly, we had no idea it was gonna turn into this.

It was supposed to be a simple meet.

It's never simple when it comes to you and Vincent.

Hey, at least you called when you did.

Let me guess, beast bounties?

Hill got att*cked in his home yesterday with his wife and daughter there.

Are they all right?

Yeah, but he's determined to figure out who's behind the bounty so it doesn't happen again.

Well, I don't blame him, but, look, there's something funky about that accountant you asked me to check out.

According to the Office of Professions, he got his CPA license eight years ago, but he's only been making income from it up to four years ago, after that, nada.

What do you mean?

His wife says he works all the time.

That's how he pays for their private school.

Not by accounting, not according to this.

That doesn't make sense.

You know what else doesn't make sense?

If Albert was going to flip on Voynov, and Voynov found out about it, why would Voynov have him kidnapped?

Why wouldn't he just have him k*lled right then and there?

You're right. That doesn't make sense.

Have you talked to his wife?


She doesn't know anything.

Her and her husband grew distant years ago after they had kids.

Happens all the time.

You don't know that.

Excuse me?

Sorry, never mind.

All right, what's up with you?

You come in here all mopey and defensive.

I-I get that we're not partners anymore, but we're still friends, right?


I'm late.

All right, fine.

Just go, then, damn.

No, Tess, I'm late.



Yeah. Exactly.

And, no, I haven't peed on the stick yet, but it is probably just stress.

Then why don't you just pee on the stick?


Because I don't want to deal with it.

And I know that Vincent doesn't, either.

Okay, so, what?

You're just gonna wait till you have a baby bump and...

I mean, come on, you're being ridiculous.

You got to find out one way or the other.

Yes... but I would prefer to be in denial for as long as humanly possible.

We've been down this road before and it is way too complicated.


Oh, can you check with JT to see if he's found out anything about Voynov or-or Albert on the DHS database?

No, excuse me.

I don't know if you realize, but JT and I broke up, remember?

I'm not asking you to sleep with him, I'm just asking you to work with him, figure out what the hell is going on here.


What the hell are you doing?!

Don't worry, Sammy, I got it.

Well, except we don't know what he can do, remember?

Still, I knocked him down before, didn't I?

What's going on? What...

Where am I? What are you doing to me?

We're waiting for you to do your thing.

What thing? I-I don't know what you're talking about.

Methinks he doth protest too much.

Stop that!

Sammy: Come on!

Show us what you got... beast.

Wait, what?

Hold on, you think I'm...?


Are you out of your mind?

I'm not a beast.

I mean, or whatever you call it.

You're crazy!

Man: Yeah?

Then how come you've been trying so hard to disprove it, huh?

Every post we make, you try to undermine us.

Then you pretended to be a Homeland Security agent to scare us off.

What, you didn't think we'd check you out?

You're no agent.

Which can only mean you're the beast.

I'm not, I swear.

I was only trying to save you from getting k*lled!

Damn it, stop it!

You got this all wrong.

Woman: No, we don't.

We've been looking for proof, for who's been mauling people, and now we've got it.

Yeah, but if I could maul you, don't you think I would've done it by now?

Do you really think these chains could stop me?

Do I look like some kind of superhuman to you?

I'm the farthest thing from it.

I'm just a...

I don't even know what I am anymore.

I used to know, I used to be perfectly clear with who I was, what I wanted.

Then I quit my job, lost my girl.

I was just...

I was just trying to help, I was just trying to do the right thing.

I'm nobody.

He sounds more pathetic than we do.


What are you doing? Did you find Albert?

No, but I found... this.

(voice yodeling)

Oh, my God.

Bounty hunters?



How could you let this happen?

I didn't have anything to do with this!


You were supposed to keep an eye on them.

I am a cop, Vincent, I am not a nanny.

Besides... wait, where are they?

I'm so sorry about all of this. I was just on the phone, trying to see if anybody's heard from Albert.

Where are the boys?

Oh, they're in your bedroom, sleeping. I hope that's okay.

No, it's not.


Here, I just got this.

A ransom demand for $2 million?

What are we going to do?

We don't have that kind of money.

Unfortunately, the kidnappers think you do, but the good news is, it means he is still okay.

Wait, but why?

I mean, if they're working for Voynov, wouldn't they want to k*ll him?



You know what I mean.

Yeah, but she doesn't.

Okay, what's going on? What aren't you telling me?

We don't know, Judy, that's-that's the problem.

Something isn't right. Vincent.

Why couldn't you track him?


Okay. Firstly, kids were screaming, secondly, the kidnappers kept swapping cars, and thirdly, the hospital kept calling me.

So, did you find anything?

I tried, but Judy doesn't know anything.

What about Tess? I mean, did you think about asking Tess to help?


I thought about asking Tess for help, and JT, but I can't find him anywhere.

Oh, so that's it? There's nothing?

This is not my fault.

You think it's my fault?

Well, if you had found whatever his face is...

I am, like, totally swamped right now.

It's not any easier for me!

I'm worried about losing my job!

Well, at least you aren't worried about being pregnant!


I'm-I'm-I'm so sorry.

No, I'm sorry.

I didn't want to blurt it out like that.

No, it's fine.

I just, I didn't know how to tell you.

And I don't know if I am or if I'm not.

Come on, don't-don't even worry about it.

Come here.

You know, our lives are just so overloaded right now, we barely have time to breathe, let alone... anything else.


I mean, you-you really think you're pregnant?

I don't know.

I don't know, I might be.

I should've taken the test by now, but...

You haven't taken the test?


No, I was afraid.

I was afraid to find out.

I was afraid that it might completely overload us and we'd end up just like Judy and her husband.

J-Judy and her husband?

She doesn't know anything about him anymore.

They-they had kids and then they just... drifted apart.

That is not gonna happen to us.


Vincent, we've only been married a couple of months and we are already struggling.


Two careers, beast bounties...

I mean, come on, it's a little different.

Is it?


Couples have enough trouble trying to keep their marriages alive every day without having to deal with the stuff that you and I have to deal with.

What's gonna happen if we throw a baby into that?

We'll make it work.

Come on, our lives have been so overloaded before, right?

But if there's anything that we've learned, it's that we can do pretty much anything as long as we do it together.

Which means we can't put our relationship on hold, no matter what.

Something's gotta give.

Mm-hmm. But not us.

That's all that matters.


Do you feel like you need to pee yet?


Yeah, but I feel like finding Albert more.

Whoever he is, he needs saving.

I'm gonna check with Tess and JT, see if they found anything.

Okay, I'll see if I can track him.

Maybe now I can be a little more focused, that we've had our mini-meltdown.

(glass shattering)

Judy: Boys, seriously!

Boys: Sorry...

I don't even want to know.

Neither do I.

(Vincent sighs)

Tess: What do you mean, you can't find him?

How long has JT been gone?

I don't know, since yesterday, I guess.

He said he was going to go deal with the bloggers, but I haven't seen him since.

Oh, damn it, JT, what'd you get yourself into now?

JT (faintly): Help...


Oh, my God, are you all right?

What happened?

I was kidnapped.



I thought you were trying to get the bloggers off of their beast obsession.

I was, they didn't buy it.


Bloggers kidnapped you?

With a stun g*n, thank you.

Do you need to go to the hospital?

No, just a shrink.

I don't really want to talk about it.


Were you worried?


Because Cat needs our help to find somebody else who was kidnapped.


Let's go.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Any luck?

On Voynov, yeah, as advertised, but nothing we didn't already know.

What about Albert?

JT: That's the real question.

I've searched DOJ, FBI, SEC... there's absolutely nothing on him.

He hasn't even paid taxes in four years.

Which is around the same time he stopped making money as an accountant.

Who is this guy?

Here you go.


Wait, what happened?

Don't ask.

He doesn't want to talk about it.

You sure Secretary Hill said that Albert worked for Voynov?

Yeah. Doesn't he?

We can't find any connection.

And it's looking more and more like he was kidnapped by a different person for another reason.

What are we missing?

Why don't you try searching Interpol?

His wife said he travels abroad a lot, maybe there's something there.


(whispers): Hey. Did you pee?


She'll get to it when she gets to it.

Wait, you know, too?

Know what?

All: Nothing.


(speaks Russian)

(dog barks)


(g*nf*re continues)

(dog barking, bird cawing)

Where did he go?

Behind you.


(punches landing, men grunting)



It's okay. It's okay, you're safe.

Come on.

Who are those guys, huh?

Why did they kidnap you?

I don't know.

I-I just assumed Voynov was...

No, Voynov had nothing to do with it.


You took them all out?

By yourself?

Come on.

JT: He's not an accountant.

And his name's not Albert Toland, at least not his only name.

I ran his photo through Interpol, cross-referenced with FSB, Mossad.

He's an assassin.

A professional hit man. Being an accountant, apparently, is just a cover.

Tess: But wait, I don't get it. What was he doing
at that private school? I thought he was there to meet you, to flip on Voynov.

That's what he wanted us to think, that he was an innocent, to get to Vincent.

Which means Vincent's in trouble.

Come on.

You mind if I ask you a question?

Albert: Sure.

What is it you do for a living?


I'm an accountant.

(heartbeat quickening)

Thought so.

Something tells me that's not true.



Why didn't you tell your wife the truth?

Is Judy okay? The boys?

Yeah, they're fine.


Just think she's a little confused that someone's trying to kidnap you for $2 million that she doesn't even know you have.

That's understandable.

We don't talk much these days.


And I certainly did not expect to get kidnapped.

I must have pissed somebody off.

But not Voynov.

I don't even know who he is.

Except that he's on some DHS watch list, which is why I wanted you to think I worked for him.


So you'd be willing to meet me, preferably unguarded, for obvious reasons.

Your reputation precedes you, Vincent.

So, what? You're just another bounty hunter?

A bounty hunter?


I am much more than that.


Whoa! What was that?

(pained breathing)



(panting quietly)


(siren wailing, tires screeching)

Catherine: I'm off the bridge, headed south on Hicks.

Where to next?

JT: I've got Vincent on a Port Authority surveillance camera walking east on DeGraw.

Okay, then where to?

JT: I don't know, that's the last I see of him.

There's a junkyard ahead on Wharf. Maybe try there.

Try? Vincent might not have time for me to try.

It has to be right. Keep looking!

At least now I know why I was told to be careful with you.

(breathing hard)

So what are you?

Some kind of experiment gone wrong or something?

Or something.

I thought you were supposed to capture me, not k*ll me.

Not what I was told.

Come on, who sent you?

I can't tell you that, now, can I?

Come on, what difference does it make?

You're gonna k*ll me anyway, right?


I really wish I knew how you do that.


Thanks for saving me, by the way.


You're right.

Something's gotta give, huh?

You're just lucky the b*llet missed your kidney.


Yeah, I know the otherwise.

Doctors make the worst patients.

How is he?

The good news?

If he lays low for a while and makes a passing attempt at being a good patient, he'll recover fully.

And the bad news?

He owes me another shift.

That's three, by the way, but who's counting?

Okay. I will make it up to you.

Damn right.

He's all yours.

Thank you.


Are you sure you're okay to go home?

I hate hospitals. Food sucks.

What did Hill say?

Mostly, he was apologizing for letting Albert trick him into luring you out in the open.

You know, he probably wasn't thinking straight, considering he was almost k*lled.

Still, it may not be Voynov, but whoever's behind the bounty knows that you are the beast now, Vincent.

And now that they know who I really am, they don't want to capture me.

Unfortunately, they want to k*ll me.

May not be much time to lay low, huh?



Damn it.

You always hold the cue stick wrong.


Give me that.

Let me show you how it's done.




All right.

Keep it at hip level, hold the butt, and stroke it.

Just like that.


What are you doing here?

What, you got the bar in the breakup?


You certainly seem to be handling it pretty well.


Well, I'm not.

I'm not.

It sucks, I miss you.

But it is what it is.

No, I don't like it, but you made a decision, so you got to figure out who you are and what you want.

Why do you care?

Just because we're not together doesn't mean I don't care anymore. That doesn't change.

I just need you to be smart about how you go about finding whatever the hell it is you're searching for.

You mean like, don't get kidnapped?

Yeah, don't get kidnapped.

And don't try to be a hero, okay?

Just be you.

I don't even know what that is anymore.

Look, you know you want to make a difference, right?

By doing more than just being a professor?

So follow that.

I tried. I got kidnapped.

But it wasn't a total failure.

You got the bloggers to take down their Web site, right?

That means they believed you.

That's a good thing.



It is, isn't it?


Thank you.

You're paying.

You really come all the way down here just to give me a pep talk?


And for free beer.





Such a wiseass.

♪ Well, I've been to London ♪
♪ I've been to gay Par-ee ♪
♪ Followed the river ♪

(timer dings)




Are you disappointed?



A little? I don't know.

I never really was one of those girls who always dreamed about being a mom, but when I actually thought I might be pregnant, I, um...

I liked it.

What about you?

You must be relieved.


No, not at all.

Hmm... Mm-hmm.

Okay, maybe just a little bit.

It's not that I don't want to have kids, I mean, I do, but...


I just, I don't know, I would hate for them to have to go through any of the stuff that I've been through.

Vincent... we don't even know if it can be passed down or not.


Look at Tori.

Things didn't turn out so well for her, did they?

Hopefully, he would've turned out like your side anyway.

Or she would have.

It's probably for the best, though.


Somebody's got a target on your back again, Vincent.

They know who you are now.

We're running out of time.

What do we do?

Not put our relationship on hold.

Come here.

♪ Oh, it's not dark yet ♪


♪ But it's getting there. ♪