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03x04 - Girl Meets Permanent Record

Posted: 06/19/16 12:32
by bunniefuu
Buenos días chicas, tomen asiento.

Spanish class. I just love this class.

I wish it was in English.

Roberta... Español solamente.

What are you trying to accomplish?

She wants us to only speak in Spanish.

T... Today I ham ha-wearing sandals.


That's my name in here!

Roberta! Spanish only!

La ayudará, Señora Feinstein-Chang.

Le agradecería, Maya.

Why do you get to stay Maya and I have to be Roberta?

Because Maya's an actual Spanish name.

Well, then, what's Riley?

A trick to make us all think you're cute.

I'm Riley.

You did it. I wanna squoosh your face.

Buenos días, clase. Yo tengo las primeras para volver a ustedes.

Maya, buen trabajo.

Ooh! Wait! Wait, what's that in English?

An "A" is an "A" wherever you go.




A "D"?



(Theme music playing)

♪ I've been waiting ♪
♪ For a day ♪
♪ Like this to come ♪
♪ Struck like lightning ♪
♪ My heart's beating like a drum ♪
♪ On the edge ♪
♪ Of something wonderful ♪
♪ Face to face with changes ♪
♪ What's it all about? ♪
♪ Life is crazy ♪
♪ But I know ♪
♪ I can work it out ♪
♪ 'Cause I got you ♪
♪ To live it with me ♪
♪ I feel all right, I'm gonna take on the world ♪
♪ Light up the stars, I've got some pages to turn ♪
♪ I'm singing "Go-o-o" ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Take on the world, take on the world ♪
♪ Take on the world ♪
♪ Take on the world, take on the world ♪
♪ Take on the world ♪

What? You're not sittin' with us anymore?

I don't deserve to sit with you guys. I am disgraced.

"D" for disgraced.

Riley, it's only one grade.

Yeah, you know how many "D's" I got in middle school?

Once, I got five "D's" in one day.

You were Cinco D Maya.

I don't get it.

Actually, those "D's" don't matter anymore, Maya.

None of our old grades do.

We all start as equals here, because only our high school grades count on our permanent record.

What? What's that?

It's our high school transcript.

It's what colleges use when they decide whether to accept you or not.

And so far for you, not.

Hm... Smackle, remember how you asked us to let you know when your refreshing honesty crosses over into...

Get to it, Bubbles!


Wait, so they don't care about middle school?

They only look at your high school grades.

Then why'd you make me go all this time?

Wait. So nobody cares about all the good grades I got when I was a kid?

They only care that you didn't eat paste.

Oh. How long does that stay in ya?

Boy, all those years I went to middle school I could've been scratchin' lottery tickets and chuggin' sody pop.

Well, Maya, you finally hit the jackpot.

I mean, right now, you can go to any college you want.

What about me?

You're her cute friend.

Please don't give up on me, college.

Colleges don't only care about grades, you know.

They care about extracurriculars.

And that's why Zay and I are trying out for baseball.

Since the football team made their feelings about us quite clear.

It wasn't that bad.

It was!

They hit us so hard.

It's all right, baseball's our sport anyway.

Yeah. Lucas was our star in middle school.

What were you?

I was his cute friend.

I never got a "D" before.

I used to be the biggest star in middle school.

You're still a star, dearest one.

Yeah, but I used to be the North Star.

I used to be the brightest star in the sky.

What do you do when you realize you're not the smartest kid in school anymore?

I don't know. Maya, what do you do when you realize your best days might have been in middle school?

I don't know. Why don't we ask my big, fat, honkin' "A"?

What do you do, "A"?

Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

What'd it say? What'd it say?

I know, right?


Maya and "A" don't get to spend a lot of time together.

Let's let them have their moment.

Oh, I don't know. Anywhere in the world as long as it's with you.

Yeah, she's great. She doesn't get good grades, though.

No, you hang up.

No, you hang up.

You're still there.

Oh, "A".

Hey, you gonna do that thing where you say "How was school?"

'cause you do it every day, and you haven't done it yet today, why is that?


Today, we learned the cursive letter "D".

There's one, now.

What'sa matter, Riley? You're doing that thing I did every day after school.

Except I also used to add a little...

(Riley squeaks)

Yeah, that's it.

I must've been at this table a thousand times, and a thousand times you ask, "How was school?" but you haven't done it yet today, why is that? Why?

How was school?

Welcome, to the first ever in her life Maya refrigerator ceremony!


How you do that, Maya?

I did it myself with my own widdle head.

No cheatie?

All brainie.

Cory and Auggie: Yayyy!

That's an "A"!

Lemme smell that!

That's real, baby!

(Topanga and Maya sing celebration song)

I would never want this to change how you feel about your real children.

Oh... how could it?

That's not gonna hurt how I grow up at all.

Wait a minute. I smell somethin' else, too. And it ain't good.

(Sniffs) What smells, super spy?

Dun, dun, dun!

Riley... it's only one grade.

You know what Farkle said? Farkle said that we get one bad grade in high school it'd affect me getting into a good college, but that's nutty, right?

Somebody tell me that that's nutty.

Cory, will you please straighten her out?

I'm braiding my new daughter's hair.

I'm sorry, Riley, but it's true.

Everything that you do in high school affects what college you get into.

Can I get into college with this?

Of course!





Which college?

Ed's Learnin' Hole.



I am donezo.

No, Riley, you're not donezo. That's just one grade on one test.

And you can bring it up, but if you don't, you should know that a bad final grade on your transcript could alter your future.

Then what are we going to do?

Riley, you've always been a good student.

You go to school, I'll talk to your teacher.

Cory, do you really think you're the best person to...

Cory and Topanga: Yes! I am the best person there is!

Topanga, I'm a teacher, she's a teacher, we're simpatico!

That means "like each other."

You've changed.

Riles, I live in a Spanish-speaking community, I've heard it out my window all these years, so I've picked some up.

Honey, you just need to study more.

You're gonna pick your grade up.

And then I'll be your daughter again.

Let's just see how it goes.


Hi, there!

Spanish only.

Hola there!

I'm kidding, that's just for the students, Señor Matthews.

Good, because after hi, how are you and what time is it, I was gonna have to vamanos.

Actually, that means that we're both leaving.

But what can I do for you?

So I'm actually here because I wanted to talk to you about...

Your daughter. I hope you're not here trying to get me to change her grade.

I'm here because, although I'm a new teacher at this school, I know a good student when I see one.

You know what I've always found interesting about teaching the freshman class is that, you also have to prepare them for their next three years.

Well, how are you preparing her by giving her a "D" on her first test?

I mean, to me that's only preparing her to believe she's a "D" student in your class.

She is.

I'm sorry?

On her first test she earned a "D".

I need you to say somethin' else.

Okay, here's something else.

The next three years only gets harder, and what comes after that is ridiculous.

Right. So why not build their self-confidence?

Because if we're good teachers, we can get them to do that themselves.

Well, yeah... I... I have the tremendous disadvantage of loving her.

I love 'em all.

Welcome to high school, Mr. Matthews.

I need you to understand that I know what I'm doing.

Would you do me a favor and please just consider that the test...

Was too hard.

Yeah, I hear it every year.

Would you do me a favor and consider that I know what I'm doing?

Yeah, I'll consider it.

Not here.

Okay, so long as you consider that they've been very good students up till now.

And it's up to us to keep that going, isn't it?

It's harder here.

In any language.

It was that bad?


Do you see all these students?


Do you know any of 'em?

Not yet.

Your Spanish teacher doesn't know you either, yet.

We're new here, Riley.

We need to show 'em who we are.


To work.

Muy bien. Now conjugate!

Trabajo, trabajas, trabaja...

Excellente, mija!

Chewbacca, Chewbakaka...

What is wrong with you?

Please remember me when you get to college.

I'm you!

You're me?

Yeah! All of a sudden I'm a loser!

I'm you!

You're me?

Yeah! All of sudden I'm a phenom!

Both: Aahhhh!
Okay... when did you guys come up with that?

Oh, it's just something people on this side of the room know about.

Okay... well, we actually know about it, too.

Okay... okay, okay, okay.

We had our first baseball tryout today. All my life, baseball has always come easy to me.

Not today.

It's gone. I mean, I get up to bat and I can't even see the ball.

Meanwhile, back on this side of the room...

He can't miss. He's hitting everything, he's great in the field, he's an all-star.

Wait, Lucas, tell 'em what the coach said about me, tell 'em.

He said, "Good day, kid."

Now tell 'em what he said about you.

He said, "Good day, kid."

Riley, we're losers.

Do you know what's on our permanent record?

Glitter and smiley faces if we try try again?


What's the matter, darling?

There's another genius in my Honors Chem class!

The other genius is making me feel bad!

Then you're on this side of the room, loser.

You know what the worst thing of life is?

The worst thing of life is when someone you know is better than you in every way...

Rubs it in your face?


Can't hit a baseball to save his life?

Me time!

I was talking about you.

The worst thing of life is when someone you know is better than you in every way loves you anyway.


Smackle's the genius in your chemistry class?

Smackle's the genius everywhere.

Well, you're with us now.

Don't hit on me in front of Lucas.


Don't hit on me in front of Farkle.


You, me, Lucas and Zay.

We're better than a triangle, we're a quadrilateral!

What's that?

It means square. Over here we say square.

Oh, beloved... you know how smart you are, don't feel threatened.

I don't feel threatened, my former arch nemesis and current arch lovesis.

I just feel confused. I've never been on this side of the room before.

Yeah, I'm not thrilled about it, either.

How do you feel?

Well, I am happy for you guys.

Of course you are. You're Riley.

You've always been Riley.

Riley, have you been up all night?

It's morning?

Yes, honey, did you learn anything?

Well, I did learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb "Chewbacca."


(Makes Chewbacca noise) very good, honey.

Wait, where are you going?

Oh, I think you know where I'm going.

Get her, Mommy!


Spanish only.

Not doin' it.

You're Señora Matthews.

I am.

You're here to tell me Riley's a good student.

I think you know that.

You're here to tell me the test was too hard.

I think you know that, too.

So, why are you here?

I'm here to thank you.

For what?

We love our children.

We want them at their best. But sometimes we need help pushing them there.

We don't want to push too hard.

You a good teacher?

I am.

You have children?

I do.

And when they're in high school and in your husband's class, and he pushes them to be at their best, I'll come in and tell him to back off a little.

But he won't.

Because I can tell he's a good teacher, too.

Yeah. He is.

They'll be in good hands.

Just like my little girl.

- Gracias.

De nada.

I saw her. She was in early because she's a good teacher.


Did you fix it, Mommy?

I tried. And so did your father.

But as much as we'd like it to, this isn't something that can come from us.

So, that's it, I really am donezo?

No, Riley, we would never let anybody...


She wants to talk to me!

I'm gonna get k*lled!


You know how sometimes you think like her father, and sometimes you think like her teacher?

Yes, and right now I'm thinking like her father.

I feel bad for her, because I know she's a good student, and I know she wants to do well.

Now think like her teacher.

She's a good student.

Everybody knows that. The Spanish teacher knows it, too.

She needs to step her game.

They all do.


Good isn't good enough anymore.

That's a good thing.


Too many goods.


Yeah, Dad?

We've always taught you that life presents challenges.

That's what life is.

You got a "D" on your Spanish exam.

What are you gonna do about it?

You're putting this on me?

Yeah. I am. I gotta go to school.

But, before I leave to be your teacher... go get 'em!

Auggie, how's second grade?

Second grade's ridiculous!

They took the whole nap thing away, they switched from cookies to carrots, learn science, learn math. Where's my cake, ya monsters?

Honey... you just have to try harder so that you're ready for third grade.

This is all for her benefit, isn't it?

Yeah! See how smart you're getting already!

You hear that, Riles?


Listen, listen...

Uh-huh? Yeah, yeah, I'll tell her. Uh-huh.

Wait! What'd it say?

It just said, it wants me to tell you that it misses you.

It does!


Señora Feinstein-Chang?


Oh, you know my name name.

I'm gonna tell you something in English now.


Because it's really important that you understand this.

You're about to ask me if you can have a make-up test, or an extra credit assignment to raise your grade on the test because you've never gotten a "D" before, and it'll never ever happen again, because this is high school now, and everything matters.

Now you're speaking my language.

Good! And now that we've communicated clearly, I want to tell you that there will be no make-up test or extra credit assignments.

So, the "D" is actually on my permanent record, and there is nothing I can do about it?

The "D" is one grade on a weekly test.

And that test tells me what you know this week.

You know what test is more important to me?

The test next week.

That's always the most important test.

Because that's the one that helps me determine your final grade.

Because that tells me which direction you want to go.

You want to know how to find out which direction you want to go?


Check your permanent record.

You've always had one, you know.

What are you gonna do about Smackle?

I got a real problem here.

I could raise my level.

But I know if I do, it'll only make her raise her level, too.

But, then you'd both be better off for it?

Yeah... what good is life unless it throws a Smackle in your face?

Farkle... I don't think our permanent record begins in high school.

It has to matter what grades we got in middle school.

It has to matter that who we were affects who we are.

You chose Smackle because you want to raise your level.

That's who you are.

What are you gonna do about Spanish class?

I'm going to have to raise my level, too.

I was always a pretty good student.

You were always the smartest student in the class.

That's not good enough.

I knew you'd say that.


Because you've always been Riley.

That's your permanent record.

Buenas noches, Spanish book.

Me llamo Roberta.

Buenos días, Señora Feinstein-Chang.

Hoy es un nuevo día.

Español. Muy bien, Roberta.

Gracias por empujarme a elevar mi aguacate.

Voy a mejorar mi aguacate a la letra "D" a la letra "A". Gracias.

La papa es un buen barco de vela.

Esa es mi chica, Roberta.

La papa es un buen barco de vela.

Sit down.

Very good, Riley. I expected nothing less.

Español solamente, por favor.

Si, señorita.

You guys are early for class.

I want an "A" from you, too, Matthews, I'm collecting a whole set.

Good for you, Maya.

Eh, quit your blubberin', this'll go away.

I had such a good day at tryouts, I thought the coach was gonna put me on varsity.

I didn't even deserve to make junior varsity the way I practiced.

But he put us both on the J.V. team.

You know what I've known all along, even though I learned it just now?

Good teachers look down the road to someone's possibilities.

What you know now is never good enough for a good teacher.

Because there's so much out there to learn.

And sometimes you won't get it at all.

And sometimes it may seem like we're speaking to you in a foreign language.

But you know what?

There are good teachers here.

I'm looking forward to being one of them.

You always have been.

You know, I'm glad we get to play together on the same team.

Me, too, man.

I am excited we are partaking in this intellectual endeavor together, dearest.

As am I. Even though I must finally admit I am beginning to think you are my intellectual superior.

I used to think so, but now I regard us as equals.

Maya/Riley/Lucas/Zay: Awwww!

Good. Then you're not as smart as I thought.


I hate when that happens.

High school?

"A minus" on my latest Spanish test.

Nice work, Roberta!

La papa es un buen barco de vela.


How's second grade treatin' ya?

Second grade's hard.

It is, Bubba. But you'll get the hang of it.

I know who you are.

Good. Because...

Gold star!

Riley/Maya/Cory/Topanga: Yay!

Fridge me!

(Singing celebration song)

There's room next to mine.

Well, pressure's off.

No, no, no, you'll be back.

Yeah. Stupid 'frigerator makes me wanna do a better job.

Good. Because I need your help in Spanish.

Good. Because I need your help in everything else.