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01x01 - The Insanity Principle: How Extremism in Politics is Threatening Democracy in the 21st Century

Posted: 06/14/16 06:59
by bunniefuu
(all talking at once)

We will have so much winning if I get elected, that you may get bored with winning.

...very wealthy people.

(crowd cheering)

Believe me.

I agree... you'll never get bored with winning.

We never get bored!

(speaking Russian)

(echoing boom)


(men speaking excitedly in Russian)


(Russian pop music playing)




(woman screams)

Sanders: When you give tax breaks to billionaires...

Clinton: a way that is consistent with our values...

Trump: ...stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and sh**t somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters.

This is a disaster.

How am I supposed to get that money in a week? I can't...


Yeah, I'll deal with it when I get back to L.A.

Yep. Talk to you.

(sighs): Damn it.

(news programs continue)

Clinton: You may not like the answer...

(piano playing)

(party chatter, laughter)


I know you from somewhere, don't I?

I don't think so.

Yeah. Becky.


Right. Doug Stetler, legislative aide to Mark Petina.

You work for Barbara Boxer, right?


You Senate or House?


DoD? Pentagon?

I'm sorry. I...

White House?

I'm a documentary filmmaker.

I'm out here for the weekend from L.A.

Oh, great.

It was nice meeting you.


Man: Sorry we're late. We got stuck at the Kennedy Center.

Ah. No problem.

Oh, you look beautiful, Germaine.

Germaine: Thank you.

How many months?

Sis? What? Look at you.

I didn't know you'd make it.

Oh, of course. Mom got me a ticket.

Oh, hey, Germaine. Laurel's here.

Oh, thank goodness.


I'll have somebody to talk to.

Laurel Healy! Of course!

I thought I knew who...

Hey, Doug.

No. I know who they are.

I work with Mark Patina.

(piano continues playing)

Wow, look at you. Bodyguards.

Yeah. Well, you used to make fun of me; now I'm powerful.

Oh, I'm still gonna make fun of you.

Woman: Senator, sorry, you have that budget call.

The Smithsonian.


I'll catch you later. It's fine.

No, no.

If I have to work, you're gonna keep me company.

Hey, make me one of your mojitos, hmm?

So, what did Dad do to my room?

It looks like a Bond villain lives there now.

(chuckles): Yeah. He's consulting with Armed Services now.

Armed Services? Why Armed Services?

Why not? Something Hirschhorn got him.

How are things in L.A.?


Yeah? Sounds fine.

Having trouble with your student loans, or...?


I just, uh, I had the financing fall through on a film.

The documentary on religious music in Bora Bora?

That's a shocker.

Solomon Islands.

(laughs): Solomon Islands.



No, it took me a year to get $200,000... now I'm gonna have to start over.

Why don't you do something people want to see, like... g*n control?

Hey, I can get you an NEA grant tomorrow...

Okay, how about we let Laurel control her own life for a few hours, please?

Thank you.


No, sir. No, I am still here.

I did not have you on mute.

No. No, I understand, Dr. Daudier, but the Republicans want to decimate your budget.

No, I know it's science and I know it's important.

I don't think you understand how important, Senator.

We're conducting a joint operation with the Russian Institute on the retrieval of a meteor.

Shut that off!

Is there any way we can get an additional $40 million?

No. No, I might be able to get you five, but my office will have to personally sign off on expenditures.

Okay, let me see what I can do.


Dr. Lagunov, hello!

We have a bit of a problem.

We're about to bring the meteor up now.

Yes, unfortunately, uh... is there any way you can do it... cheaper?


(speaks Russian)

(worker belches)

♪ ♪

(speaking Russian quietly)

(shouts in Russian)

(mechanical groaning, creaking)

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

I think you should come home.

I think I am home, in L.A.

No, home here.

We're on the verge of a governmental shutdown.

Luke doesn't trust anyone on his staff...

Don't, Dad.


Don't play the guilt card.

There's a position open in his office.

Just do it for a year, until we get out of this budget crisis.

I hate politics.

I hate D.C.

That's why you'll be so great at it.


I know you never wanted help with your student loans, but do it for a year and I'll pay 'em off.

Okay. I need $200,000 to complete my documentary.

I will do this job for six months if you finance half.

Laurel, this is for your brother.

No, it's not.

This is about you wanting someone in his office, someone to keep you informed.


I know how you work, Dad.

I love you, but you live off information.

A year.

Six months.

That's it. I'm not negotiating.


Love you.

♪ ♪

(indistinct chatter)

Hello. It's my first day...

It's not up to us.

It's the Republicans.

I understand that.

Gridlock. If the senate doesn't break their budgetary tie in the next ten hours, the government will officially shut down.

Woman: Laurel?

That's right.


You ready to get started?


Sorry, we're a bit crazed here, Laurel.

The senator needs everyone on the budget, so you'll be on your own with C.C., if that's all right.

Uh, C.C.?

Oh, the senator didn't fill you in?

Constituent casework.

There are eight constituents who want a meeting with the senator.

You will investigate their complaints... this is your brother's office... and then you'll do what you can to satisfy their complaints.

This... is where you'll be meeting them.

And then you'll give them these pens, caps and signed photos.

It's all about getting them to vote next election, so just keep them happy.

I'll be right down the hall if you need anything. Good luck.

Hi. I'm Laurel.

You're all meeting with me today.

I guess.

It's my first day, so, you know... go easy on me. (chuckles)

(clears throat softly)

It says here you're having Social Security problems, Claire?

I don't have Social Security problems.

You have Social Security problems.

Right. And how may I help you with...

my... Social Security problems?

It's a rash, it's not a preexisting condition.

And the Medicare doctor was so rude.

He said, uh, "That's just a rash."

(chuckles): Huh! A rash!

I really want to give it to the senator.


It's just, the senator's a bit busy, so...

Why are you trying to keep me from him?

Yes, yes. Hi. She's having Social Security problems.

(car horn honks in distance)

Why can't you help me? (laughs)

No, no, please don't... please don't put me on hold. Just...


(choir singing in foreign language)

♪ ♪


Hello. Yes. Yes, yes.

I'm here. Hi.

Yep, that's me. The Social Security lady.

(laughs softly)

No, no, no.

No, no. No, no. Don't..


Come on!

(Luke chuckles)

Having fun?

Yeah, yeah. What's not to like?

Uh... I'm glad you're here, sis.

It's good to have a friendly face.

What's that?

A chocolate dog.


I don't know.


This is Senator Healy. What is your name, dear?

Yeah, well, listen, Joan, I need you to get your ass in gear and help my constituent, or I'm personally cutting your incidental budget by 40%.

Do you understand?


You know, don't be afraid to use my power.


Ms. Burke.

Looks like it's just us now.

Burke: I don't even know how to say this.

My husband Randall...
he's not my husband anymore.

He's not?

His manners, his speech, his drinking...

He needs a drug and alcohol program?


He used to drink a lot.

And now he doesn't.

At all.


I guess I'm-I'm not really sure how I can help.

He works as an engineer on a container ship, The Alba.

He just got back from a crossing, and...

I found this.

Randall: We're recording this for insurance purposes.

We heard a noise inside dry container C-744.

That's why we're breaking the seal.

(metallic creaking)

Man: I don't see anything. Let's go get the captain.

Randall: Take the camera. Come on.

Man: Randall...

That's my husband right there.

(whispers): Let's go.

Watch your step.

Oh, my gosh, something got out, man.

What's in there?

I don't know.

It looks like a big rock.


What is it?

What's that?

Oh, man!

Check it out.

Come on.

Look... What's back there?

I'm not going...

Come on, man.

Randall, God...

There's nothing back...

Check it out.


(Randall screams)

Something happened to Randall on that ship, something that was in that container, and I need your help finding out what.

Man: Laurel Healy?

Do you have a minute?

No. No. Um, could you just fill out a form in the waiting room, and I'll be right with you?

Oh, no, actually, I don't have time.


I'm with someone right now.


I'm sorry, Ms. Burke.

Have you gone to the police or a doctor?

No. I came here first.

Why here?

The crate is yours.

I called the navy shipyard.

Your office signed off on its delivery.

Our office? What was in it?

They didn't say.

Monarch: 94 minutes.

That's all that stands between us and fiscal Armageddon, all because, as many believe, Republicans have collectively lost their minds.

What started as simple brinkmanship on a Supreme Court nominee...

One second, sir.

...has now expanded into all-out w*r over the direction of our...

He's on the senate floor.

What do you need?

Is there any reason we would have signed off on a crate being shipped from Russia?

Excuse me?

But, please, if you ever need someone to speak to you, don't hesitate to call us.

Nothing. Nothing. I'll handle it.

Laurel: So, you're having problems with your Viagra prescription, sir?

(laughs): No.

Says here, "Viagra not covered by Medicaid," Mr. Flannigan.

I'm not Mr. Flannigan. I'm Gareth Ritter, Legislative Director for Senator Wheatus.

Red Wheatus?

He's the Republican senator from Maryland?

Yes. Yes, I know.

I mean, I don't... I don't know, but, um...

Would-would you like me to get a more senior staff person?

No, I don't need senior.

I need the sister. I'm here to offer a deal on behalf of Senator Wheatus.

Actually, I'm not here at all.

You're not?


And if your brother tries to use this, if he tries to get mileage out of this by embarrassing the Republicans, we'll deny this meeting ever happened.

Okay, I think I should get somebody.

Ms. Healy, there are now 90 minutes until the government shuts down.

My boss is ready to cross the aisle and vote with the Democrats.

All he needs is a $48 million earmark for autism studies.

It's a pet cause of his.

Okay, seriously, this is my first day...

I'm out the door.

This is my cell.

Get your brother's agreement in 90 minutes and call me, or my boss will be forced to stand with his Republican colleagues.

And if anybody finds out about this, the deal goes away.

Do you understand?


Ms. Healy, 100,000 government jobs depend on you getting to your brother in the next 90 minutes and convincing him to take this deal, so if I were you...

I'd run.

(door opens)

(door closes)

Luke, you've just been offered a deal by a Republican senator on the budget.

We have 90 minutes.

(phone beeps)

Yes, hello. It's me.

Oh, Dad. Yeah. Yeah, I'm just busy.

Yes. I'm just checking in to see how things are going on your first day.

It's good. It's good. Couldn't be better.

Dad, can I call you back?

Why? Is something going on?


Just... I'm gonna call you back.

(phone beeps off, sighs)

No running in the Capitol, ma'am.

No fast-walking, either.

Laurel? Laurel Healy?

Senator Spitz. I saw you at your dad's party.

Oh, yes, hi. Um, is Luke on the senate floor?

No, he left for dinner ten minutes ago.

Are you all right? You seem out of breath.

No. I mean, yes. I...

I need to know where he went. Do you know?

Yes, he was here a few minutes ago, but then he left.

Okay, I have 40 minutes to get in touch with him.

Do you know where he went? Please. I'm his sister.

Oh, here's my driver's license.

I had pink hair back then. I wanted to be a poet.

I don't know where he went, but I don't think it was work.

He was with a woman.

Germaine. Thank you.

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.

No, a red-headed woman.

(shouting): Scarlett?

It's Laurel.

The office said you were home.


Luke, I know you're in there.




(loud, overlapping chatter over phone)

Senators, gentlemen, wait.

Do we make the deal?

That's all we need to answer, and we only have...

Nine minutes to decide.

Man: Look, the Republicans are scared.

I say we use this to embarrass them.

Laurel: No, no, he said if you did that, he would deny it.

Who's "he"? And who is talking?

It's my sister.

Spitz: I say we take the deal.

All Red wants is $48 million in earmarks.

Luke: Or we collect on their media hit, then make the deal.

Let the Republicans shut down the government.

It's bad for them, bad for their presidential candidate.

Why would we get in the way of them sh**ting themselves in the foot?

Because it's 100,000 people out of work.

Luke: I apologize. Any other opinions?

They're gonna let it close.

It's the smart move.

God, I hate politics.

I'm a child of divorce.

This isn't serious with your brother.

It's just... blowing off steam.


(door opens)

Luke: Okay.

(clears his throat)

So we're gonna let the deadline pass.

Luke, this is wrong. It's just $48 million.

Yes, and we're looking to the long game.

It's about who'll be the next president, who'll choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Ow! What's that about?

Cheating on Germaine.

It-It's, it-it's not cheating. Well, it's not what you think. Ow!

Stop it! Ow!

I will as soon as you do.

Are you kidding me?

She's eight months pregnant.

Look, it was a mistake.

Okay? Now, I need to go upstairs to change.

Are you all right with that, or do you want to hit me again?

Oh, I do, but I won't.

Go on.



(phone ringing)


Hi. It's Laurel. Healy.


You're passing?

They just... don't want to make a deal... just yet.

Okay, but when you see all those people out of work tomorrow, that's on you.


There's something odd under the fusion crust.

It's a honeycomb structure, but it's not organic.

It's... structured...

Dr. Daudier, it's time to go.

Excuse me?

We're shutting down.

This is the crate from Russia.

Everybody's being sent home.

You're out of money.

We have to get this into storage.

Hey, you guys were supposed to be gone already.

It's the budget shutdown.

It'll be here when we get back.

Let's go. Come on.

We've had meeting after meeting about this day.

You were supposed to be prepared already.

This is ridiculous.

(loud clacking)


♪ ♪
(siren wailing)

(wind whistling)

Luke: The last thing I wanted was to hurt any of the talented people who keep this place running.

Unfortunately, the Republican shutdown will force this office to furlough all but two of you.

Now, I know. Look, I will work full-time to turn on the lights again, so I'll need my chief of staff to stay.

And I'll need my constituent caseworker.

The rest of you: go home, get some rest, hug your kids.

And come back ready to work once this is all over.

Okay? Keep your heads up. Hmm?


We'll see you soon.

Laurel: Luke, come on.

You don't need me.

I said I needed you.

You're just doing this 'cause I'm your sister.

Laurel, if you feel bad, then work twice as hard.

Hey, bud. Yeah.

Did those numbers come back in?

("You Might Think" by The Cars playing)

So, what's this about again?

One of our constituents worries that her husband, a first mate on your ship, was... sickened by some cargo.

Sickened? How?

She said he came back changed.

Could you turn the music down, sir?

Look, lady, everybody comes back a little changed from the sea.

You're out there for four weeks.

You got seasickness, you got the time change.

Sometimes it takes your family a while to adapt to you and you a while to adapt to them.

♪ To have something to do ♪
♪ But I think that you're wild... ♪

Don't you want to know who the crew member was?


I mean, it just seems like a natural reaction to my question.

"Which crew member are we talking about?"

I'm a little busy right now.

Is there anything else you need?

Yes, the cargo manifest.

Why do you need the cargo manifest?

I just need to check on something for my boss.

You know Randall Burke?

No, who's that?

Randall Burke.

You were... you were seen in a video with him, below deck, opening a container.

I have no idea what you're talking about, ma'am.

♪ But I think that you're wild ♪
♪ When you flash that fragile smile ♪
♪ You might think it's foolish... ♪

Okay, I just need the manifest.

I wish you congressional aides would talk to each other.

I gave it out to another guy this morning.


Someone named Gareth?


Trump (on TV): I turned down so much money. I feel so foolish.

I feel so... You know, my whole life, I take, right? Greedy.

I take. I take. Greedy! Greedy!

The government shutdown, widely blamed on the Democrats in Congress,


continues to devastate the local economy.

Angry workers took...


(loud snoring)

(loud snoring)

Hey. You the masseuse?

The what?

The masseuse.

It's, uh...


It's my adductors.

They... they need special attention.



(phone rings)

Gareth: Senator Wheatus' office.

I'm sorry, the senator's out to lunch right now.

Can I please take a message?

Look, I'm not here about the... stuff yesterday.

You have the ship manifest for Ms. Bur...

The stuff yesterday?

You mean the 20 Hill staffers that I sent home unemployed in tears?

Come on.

The Republicans are just as much to blame as the Democrats.

And why are you helping Ms. Burke anyway?

She's our constituent.

I saw you in our waiting room, trying to poach her.

Poaching, seriously? She only asked for my help because she knew you couldn't handle it.

And would you stop following me?

I look like I'm collaborating with the Democrats.

Oh, Gareth, about that pro-choice rally, what are you wearing?

Scientific research materials?

Yeah, for the Smithsonian.

Okayed by your brother's office.

Did you try the Smithsonian?

It was closed, due to the government shutdown.

Did you question the first mate?

Yeah. Chuck Sanders.

"Everybody comes back a little changed after four weeks at sea.

"Sometimes it takes your family a while to adapt to you and you to adapt to them."

That's what the captain said.


No, that's word for word what the captain said.

They agreed on a story. Why agree on a story unless there's a reason to agree on a story?

Look. It's your second day, right?

There are plenty of reasons to be paranoid in this town, you don't need to create new ones.

Oh, please tell me more about this town.

I'm eating lunch, so you can go.

The senator may still be interested in a deal.

On the budget. You can get this town back to work tomorrow.

All you have to do is get your brother to say yes.

I'll talk to him.

Don't talk to him.

Convince him.

Why do I trust him?

Why not trust him?

Senator Wheatus? He doesn't give a damn about $48 million for autism. He only lives to drink and screw.

Now, his legislative director, Gareth Ritter, on the other hand, has a sister who is autistic.

How do you know that?

(clears throat) I had Scarlett check.

Oh, really, Scarlett? How's she doing?

Oh, don't, don't.

Look, I already broke it off with her.

You broke it off like Dad broke it off with his secretary?

Oh, Dad?

No, this is not comparable, Laurel.

You almost k*lled him when you found out.

I left home when I found out.

Uh, do we really got to talk about the whole boss-employee dynamic here? Because...

Okay, fine, yes.

Just remind me when I can be a sister again, Senator.

Look, make sure this Gareth guy isn't freelancing, and I'll consider the deal.


All right.

What about this?

Well, it's for a Dr. Daudier at the Smithsonian.

I said I needed to sign off on his Russian expenditures piecemeal.

And, hey, don't get obsessed with any one constituent, okay? You've got to keep a lot of constituents happy. Are you listening to me?

Have you noticed something weird?


People are staring at us.

Hmm? Who?

Those four people over there.

That waiter... over there.


We're famous.

It's like Hollywood but with uglier people.

Get used to it.

(line ringing)

Burke: Hello.

Hi, this is Laurel from Senator Healy's office.

Oh. Hi.

As part of my casework, I just wanted to update you, Ms. Burke.

The crate... from your husband's ship...

I-I was able to trace it back to the Smithsonian.

A man named Dr. Daudier... our office signed off on his deliveries from Russia.

Who's that, dear?

No one.

Just Judy from class.

Judy, why don't we talk tomorrow?

Is that your husband? Is everything okay?

Yes, thank you. That sounds good.


Did you see what the Republicans said?


They're insane.

What is this world coming to?

We need to do something.

I'm sorry I haven't been myself.

I think I've been feeling a bit angry.

About the world.

That's nice. Good night.


Randall, I need to get some sleep.

Randall, you need to let me go.

I... I said let me go!

Shh, shh, shh. Shh.

It's okay, it's okay.

Don't struggle, or they'll hurt you.

You're still gonna be yourself, but a better part of yourself.

And we're gonna know each other like never before.

I love you.

Are you asking me if I'm freelancing?


We're in the middle of the biggest budget crisis in four years and you think that I would make up a budget offer from my boss?


Senator Wheatus doesn't give a damn about autistic kids.

You do. You have an autistic sister.

So, you've been investigating me?

I always find that best when I don't trust someone.

Okay, I'm gonna be completely honest.

How refreshing.

I told my boss that the Democrats wanted a deal and they were offering $48 million for autism to close it.

And he said yes, because I knew he wanted to take a deal.

He just didn't want to be the first person to offer it.

So you're lying?

I'm deal-making.


Oh, come on, are you seriously walking away from this?

People are going hungry over this.

People can't pay their rent, and all you have to do is convince your brother to meet.

That's all.

He's not freelancing.


Gareth Ritter. He's not lying.

Senator Wheatus wants a deal.

You want me to set up a meeting with you two?

Let me think about it.

Luke, you need to do this.

People are hurting.

(phone buzzes)

People always hurt.


So, then, what time's the interview?

(continues indistinctly)

Laurel, how are you?

Good, Dad. Can you do me a favor?

Sure. What do you need?

Don't tell Luke I told you this, but I think he has a chance to make a deal on the budget with a Republican senator, and he's hesitating.


I don't know why.

But I think you need to convince him it's good for his career.

If he single-handedly puts the government back to work, he'll be the leader of the party.

Why don't you tell him that?

I'm his little sister. He's not gonna listen to me, he's gonna listen to you.

You may hate politics, Laurel, but you're not bad at it.

(door opens)


You did well.

(door opens)

This must be her.

Laurel, thank you so much for helping Breanna.

They were just telling me what a great job you did.

Yes, I get a little worried about Randall being away.

Maybe even a little paranoid.

And Laurel was so great at just hand-holding me.

But now everything is great.

Everybody comes back a little changed from the sea.

You're out there for four weeks.

Four weeks.

Sometimes it takes your family Sometimes it takes your family a while to adapt to you and a while to adapt to you and you a while to adapt to them. you a while to adapt to them.

Uh, you know, they want to give me $2,600 for my reelection campaign.

Isn't that great?

Anything to stop those Republicans from ruining our country.

Breanna, do you have a minute?

Is he hurting you?

What? No, we're good.

Breanna, if there's some abuse going on, all you have to do...

Laurel. I'm happy.

Don't question happiness.

Ready to go, babe?


You know why he brought her here?

To give to my campaign?

He wants to stop me from investigating.

Laurel, this is constituent care, not Nancy Drew.

They're happy. Take yes for an answer.

Senator. Your father's on the line.

(clears throat)

Wonder what he wants.

You must be Gareth Ritter.

I am, senator.

You're not gonna screw me, are you?


Get me to meet with your boss, then leak it to the press so it looks like the Democrats are desperate for a deal?

No, sir.

So, where's Red?

Right this way.


What the hell?

You didn't tell me it was a Democrat.

(both chuckle)



You gonna join me for a drink?

Uh, sure. Why not? It's 4:00 somewhere.

(both laughing)

Do you think they're even talking about the budget?

I think it may not matter.

Hey, I caught that documentary of yours online.

The yodeling one. What was it called?


Right. It was good.

Although it just kind of ends.

Well, it's unfinished.

What's your next one about?

Melanesian choirs.

Oh, my God. You're kidding.

Wait, you know what that is?



It's religious music from the Solomon Islands.

Oh, so you're selling out.


Why Melanesian choirs?

You don't want to know.

Yeah, I do. I'm right here.

Okay, well, they're disappearing.

Kids in the Solomon Islands all want to listen to Taylor Swift.

So you're an idealist?

No. I just don't like it when things disappear.

That's a very Republican thing to say.

Liberals love when things disappear.

They do not.

No, that's actually the definition of being a liberal.

Oh, my God, what a bigot.


So, their culture is disappearing because of global warming.


So tell me... what-what do Republicans think about that?


You know... the biggest problem in this town?


Ethic rules.


Yeah. 'Cause lobbyists used to throw these great parties.

Huge parties.

Get us all liquored up.

And it was all of us together, Democrats, Republicans, all having a good time.

Now they can't spend more than eight dollars on any of us.

Got those disgusting little shrimp plates.

Cash bars.

I never talk to any Democrats anymore.

So, do they train you to talk like this?

No, I actually learned it in a book.

I di... Yeah.


("You Might Think" by The Cars playing)

There it is again... that song.

That's the third time I've heard it today.

Is it suddenly in again?

The '80s are back, right?

Something weird is happening.


I don't know.

You're very easily distracted, aren't you?


Here we go.


Noon tomorrow.

Joint press conference.


Gareth, it's time to leave these communists.

To the Town Car. Avante.


Well, it's your third day, and I think you just saved the D.C. economy.

♪ You might think I'm crazy... ♪

(phone buzzing)

♪ But all I want is you... ♪

Hi, Doctor.

Thank you for returning my call.

You're welcome.

You think that someone was infected by my shipment?

Reporter: Hillary Clinton was on the campaign trail...

(reporter speaking indistinctly)


Reporter: Secretary Clinton is not shrinking from the fight.

While attacking Donald Trump of a more traditional standards of campaigning.

Clinton: We hear a lot of negativity and ideology coming from the candidates on the other side, but I think it's important to try to pierce that with some good old-fashioned facts.

Reporter: But will that be enough to face the blistering attack coming from Donald Trump?

Trump: Hillary is the worst... Look, easily, she's the worst secretary of state in the history of our country.

She is going to be beaten, and I'm the one to beat her.

Reporter: But Trump is not...


Sanders: And let me be very clear about this.

This campaign is not about Bernie Sanders.

It is not about Hillary Clinton.

It is not about anybody else.

It is about you.

(cheering and applause)


Reporter: With tensions high and PACs dredging up scandals from the 1990's and earlier, it's no wonder everyone seems to have politics on the brain.

Clinton: I would hope to be able to enlist Bernie, uh, in helping me reach out to his supporters.

Reporter: Adding to the tension is the defiant Bernie Sanders.

Sanders: Don't let people tell you that you can't think big!


Reporter: The Democrats are still struggling to fight the unconventional campaign of that most most unconventional Republican candidate, Donald Trump.

Eight years ago, many Hillary supporters swore they would never vote for Barack Obama.

But then many did.

Will that happen again, or are emotions running too high?

One thing is certain... if the primaries are any guideline, this election will be full of surprises, and some of them will be ugly. The burning question is: "What kind of America will it be when it's all over?"

(birds chirping)

(horns honking in distance)


("You Might Think" by The Cars playing)

(song volume increasing)

♪ ♪


♪ Well, you might think I'm crazy ♪
♪ To hang around with you ♪

Red: Gareth.

Gareth, where are you, buddy?

Uh, good morning, Senator.

Didn't expect you for another hour or so.

I'm feeling like a million bucks this morning.

Oh. (chuckles)

What do we got up first?

The call with Senator Healy, sir, to set up the press conference.

Nah, we're not gonna do that.

Senator, I, um...

Do you want me to set up a meeting instead of the call?

With who?

Senator Healy.

No. We don't need all that.

There was an agreement.

Tell you what, why don't you call this number instead.

Is Dr. Daudier here?

I can't seem to get him on his cell, and he wanted to check on something...

We're closed.

What's your name?


Well, because, Jesse, I work with Senator Healy, and he's looking to make some budget cuts to the security payroll here, so unless you want...

Go right ahead.


Could you turn some lights on?


Dr. Daudier?


(loud clatter)

Dr. Daudier?


Guard. Guard!

(siren wailing)

Go, go, go! We got a Code 3!

We need to go, go, go!

They're inside.

They're inside me!

Hold still, sir.

We're gonna start a line.


Hold him down. Hold him! Just hold him down.

Check his ears.

He says there's something in his ears.

Just talk to him, just calm him down a bit, okay?

My mind. It's going!

It's okay. You're fine.

You're fine. We're almost there.

It's going! (sobbing)

When is your birthday? Your birthday, sir.

(sobs) Oh, God, I can't remember.

It's okay. Just take a breath. Take a breath.


Can't you do anything?!

Move, move, move! We have to move! Let's go!

I can't hold him.

Get them out!

Just focus on my fingers. You're okay.

You're okay. Okay.

It's gonna be okay.





No, no, that's not what they want. They want power.

They want to grind our face in this shutdown.

Senator, he's coming.

Good. Take him in through the kitchen, and, uh, I'll meet him in your office.

Sir, you sure you want to do this?

Do you like this office, Gareth?

(chuckles) Not especially.

Do you like having to go to the Democrats and beg for every morsel of legislative clout?


Good. Then show him in through the kitchen.

This way, Senator Spitz.

Spitz: What are you offering?

Chair on Armed Services, ranking member of Economic Policy.

Not enough.

And... a $14 million w*r chest from the Republican PAC.

You know I've been a Democrat all my life.

I know. But what is a Democrat these days?

What is a Republican?

A brand.

You ate Cheerios this morning, you'll eat Wheat Chex tomorrow.

Come on, Senator.

Let's do this.

Let's make history.

(phone buzzing)


Hi, Dad.

(indistinct chatter)

Monarch: In a stunning betrayal of his caucus, Senator Spitz of Maine crossed the aisle today, handing the reins of power to the Republican...

In a bold and historic move by the Republicans, the senate changed hands today.

Democrats were left gasping...

Where were you?

Watching a man's head explode.

Very funny. Your brother is looking for you.

Where is he?

The new offices.

We're in the minority now.

The whip has to give these up.

Where do we go?

I'm so sorry, Luke.

Why? This is great.

Have some dog.

Why are you not sad?

Because we're gonna destroy them.

And you're gonna help me.

You and Scarlett are gonna help me kick their ass.

Starting today.

Tell me what to do.


(phone buzzes)

Uh, yeah.

(The Cars' "You Might Think" playing)

And as if this year weren't dramatic enough, the senate has changed hands in the midst of a presidential fight for the future of this country.

Well, how do we unpack all this?

Number one, bipartisanship is dead.

Number two...