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04x02 - Poking Spiders

Posted: 05/21/16 07:51
by bunniefuu
Here we are girls.

I want to be your friend Bea.

Even though you shopped he to the cops.

What the f*ck!

What does it feel like Vera to finally have everything you've ever wanted?

It's Governor.

I need to know his name.

Niles Jesper. He works for Ferguson. He's her thug.

Argh, Vera!

Chang! Down!

dr*gs have always found their way in.

But you are the only leader who has never trafficked them.

The women need you.

But the women want conjugal visits.



You still think she's a hero? The abused is now the abuser.

She taking her anti-psychotics?


Good. Keep me informed.

In two days this place will be crawling with press and VIP's.

We need a good news story. Don't f*ck it up.


Hey, quit it!

♪ ♪

(shallow breathing)

(exhales nervously)

First time in a prison?



Who are you?

Enrico Pugliese. I'm uh, Miss Spencer's junior.

Where's Nina?

Uh, she's in court.

She apologises and she sent uh, me instead.

I am paying for the best in the business. I expect to get it.

Hi Kim. Are you feeling better?

You took Franky away you bitch!

It's okay. We can be left alone.

Ah, it's not good news.

So spit it out.

Well, under the rules of disclosure the prosecution has furnished us with a statement, from Niles Jesper.

In which he denies my involvement.

Uh, well, Mr Jesper has revised his statement.

He's cut a plea bargain Just go away. f*ck off!

But you need to know that Franky wanted her parole more than anything.

I didn't take her away.

Excuse me guard. Please guard.

Trust in me, you'll never smell of this. Stupid!

What's the matter with people? What's the matter with people?

(incoherent crazed mutterings)

Dead men tell no tales.

Yes, I have her psych evaluation paperwork in front of me.

Uh, look, this patient should not have been discharged from the hospital.

Mmmm... Can you have Dr Foster call me and in the meantime email the clinical notes?

Thank you.

(knock at door)

Ms Westfall to see you, Governor.

Send her in.

We need to talk about Ferguson.

You are having a relationship with Franky Doyle.

A former prisoner.

You've compromised yourself and you've compromised me.

I went out on a limb to have you reinstated.

The relationship with Franky only started after she left Wentworth.

She was no longer a client.

I intend to recommend to the board that you be dismissed immediately.

In the meantime, you should go home.


I know you feel this is a personal...

Do not tell me how I feel!


You're right.

I deserve that.

One more thing...

If Doyle is living with you... that would constitute a breach of her parole.

(door closes)

*** (speaking in foreign language)

You're in the wrong place.

Give it a rest, Kaz.

Shouldn't you have stayed in the men's prison?

Yeah blokes, red right hand. Not perfect together.

She said give it a rest.

Didn't think you'd be too far away.

(Bea chuckles)

Ooh, while you're here. You know, if you want to start something, anything... you run it by me first, okay?

Sure. Got it Bea.

Check with the boss.

Where's my toothpaste?

Allie's got the hots for you.

Ugh. She's just weird.

Well, that's the vibe I'm pickin' up.

You should use it to your advantage Bea.

Bea. I'm serious.

Hey Bea! Hey! Bea!

Hey do you know anything about the conjugals yet?


I've been in the shower, not gazing into a crystal ball.

Oh, well, could you like ask the Governor again?


'Cause I'm gettin' desperate.


Everyone's so excited, eh?

Yeah, they are. (giggling)

Good on ya, Bea.

How would Vera know that?

How would she know anything about us?

I don't know. It seemed pointless to ask her how she found out.

It's The Freak winding her up. She's just trying to bluff ya.

You gotta deny everything.

And what's she going to tell them anyway? The Freak can smell me?

Franky, listen.

What is she, a f*ckin' beagle?

It's not a bluff.

All right? And I don't want you getting caught up in this.

What do ya mean?

You gotta pack your stuff and get back to the bedsit.


You kickin' me out?

If Vera reports you to your parole officer and you're not living where you said you were living they're going to ship you straight back there.

And I will f*ckin' k*ll her.


No. f*ck that, Gidge.

I have fought for this and you know.

For the first time I've got a life.

And I gotta girl and I'm about to start a job.

You've done great, baby.

I'm proud of you but we need to focus on the practicalities Why? And let that vindictive shit take it all away?

It's not just about you Franky.

She thought I was a friend.


You're defending her.

It's my fault.

I f*cked everything up.

Fine. I'm outta here.

Hey... Franky.

What the f*ck?

Franky. I need to talk to ya.

Oh yeah, it's great timing Dad.

Hey look. I understand, all right, I understand.

But look, if-if I could just give you my number and when you're ready you can just give me a call, please.

So what's, ah, happening with the conjugal visits.

There will be no conjugal visits.

But you said you'd look into it.

And you said there'd be no trouble at the press event.

I didn't start that trouble.

Did you even ask Channing?


There is no conjugal visit program in any women's prisons, because the department can't afford the pregnancy and birth related health costs.

Not wants to get pregnant.

It is the perfect antidote for boredom.

They'd be popping them out like ping pong balls.

According to Mr Channing.

One thing it's safe to say. The women are going to be pretty pissed off.

Uh, I want you to get involved in one of the new education programs.

Grooming for Success.

Grooming for Suc...?

(scoffs) Me?

A lifer?

You can teach the women what you're good at.

What? m*rder? Hm?

And hairdressing!

I need to keep the women active.

Excuse me, Governor.

Thank you, Smith.

The Freak is asking to...

Ferguson is asking to see you.

You wanted to see me?

Not particularly, no. It's Mr Channing I'd like to see.

Mr Channing's not here.

But he will be tomorrow.

When he arrives could you convey my request for a meeting?

You're a prisoner now.

You don't get to have meetings with the regional director.


(general hubbub)

How's little Joshy going at home?

Well, Nash says he's doing fine but I'm missing him like crazy.

Course you are.

Hey. How did it go?

We get the rumpy pumpy time?

All right. Listen up ladies.


I'm sorry, but the uh, department said no to conjugal visits.

That's bullshit!

Oh, jeez.


I tried my best.

Well, why didn't Vinegar Tits fight harder for us?


I don't know.

Maybe she didn't appreciate being pelted with dirty tampons.

Come on. Seriously. We don't have to put up with this.

If the men at Walford can get conjugal visits, then so can we.

Some of us might take no for an answer but I don't and I won't. Hands up, who wants a root?

Oh, yeah!




Give me the phone.

I don't think she gets the whole "Top Dog" thing.

Oh, just full of hot air.

She is politically savvy.

She knows how to harness their emotions.

Don't worry Maxine.

I can manage her.

Can I have that?

Yeah, it's nice.

Kaz: Yeah, okay.

I was thinking tomorrow morning 10:00. Can you do that?





Bury that.

They are not going to know what hit 'em.

(train clattering passed in distance)

(echoed indistinct voices)

You treated that girl like a piece of meat.

I love you Franky.

The only way I'm getting out of here is in a box.

I suppose you can't help but self-destruct can you?

You're not that person Franky.

I'm whatever person I need to be.

Please Franky. Please don't go...

All right.

You got my attention.

Don't tell me you're missing this place.

Ugh... what do you reckon?

What are you doing here?

Don't know.

That's the truth.

Hope you're respecting your freedom, Franky... you should be.

Yeah. Well, I don't want to come back here that's for sure.

Well then, scram.

Go home.

(quietly) Home...

(taps on roof twice)


♪ ♪

Ferguson's lawyer has been calling me repeatedly.

Ferguson's requested to see you by the way.

Well, I'm not interested in seeing her.

You're gonna have to deal with it.

Deal with what?

Her lawyer's gone straight to the board with a urgent petition.

Ferguson's put up a bloody compelling case. She knows the system.

The board would have to consider it.

Consider what?

She's demanding to be released into general population.


She'd get torn to shreds. Surely the board won't consider it.

Well, they're reviewing the petition.

The argument's convincing.

She's a former governor. They'd need to be.

She's claiming an infringement of her human rights.

She hasn't been convicted of anything yet.

"And as restricted from accessing legal services and the law library which could prejudice her sentencing..." And it goes on and on.

She's not afraid of what the other prisoners might do to her?

She claims if this prison is run properly she has nothing to fear.




Can I get your opinion on something?

Yeah, sure. What is it?


Okay. Touch here and tell me if you can feel anything.


Th-they're not going to bite, it's okay.

No, but aren't they fake?

No. I did grow my own, with the hormones, but... dickhead Gary wanted them bigger so we upgraded.

(chuckles) Fair enough.

Oh, all right. Feels quite nice. (laughs nervously)

Okay, so round here, here.

Mm, just there.

Yeah, yeah. I can feel somethin'.



But look, I'm not an expert but it could easily just be a fibroid.

They're really, really common.


Just go to the Doctor, luv, and get it checked out.


They actually feel quite nice.

They really feel very nice. (chuckles)

Okay. That's enough.

Oh, they're a lot nicer than mine, actually. Bit depressing.

(train clatters passed in background)

(train horn sounds)

(general hubbub)

Sorted? Lookin' good!


Miss Miles. You got the time?

Got a pressing engagement, Proctor?

Could say that.

Nearly 10.

♪ ♪


Let's do it!


Urgent call on line 1, Governor.

Governor Bennett.

Look out in the exercise yard.

Who is this?


What do we want?

The right to f*ck!

When do we want it?


What do we want?

The right to f*ck!

When do we want it?


What do we want?

The right to f*ck!

Sierra 6 to Sierra 2.

We have a situation in the northern yard, over.

If the prisoners demands are not met you won't want to be watching tonight's news.

I don't know what you're talking about but...

Who is this?

(cheering and screaming)

What do we want?

The right to f*ck!

When do we want it?


What do we want?

The right to f*ck!

When do we want it?


Put your clothes back on right now.

Oh, yeah!

Get amongst it, Boomer!


This is the Governor.

Take that thing out of the sky.

Yes ma'am.

When do we want it?


Hey Bea. There, you guys, you guys.

There's something going down in the yard.

Sierra 3. We need backup in the northern yard.

Take a team of officers and clear that yard immediately.

P.A. announcement: All available officers, report the the exercise yard immediately. I repeat. All available officers...

What's goin' on?

.. report the the exercise yard immediately.

We should join in.

No one's joining in.

Come on, Bea, you know you wanna.

Right, that's enough! Disburse and move inside.

You'll be dragged in.

What do we want?

The right to f*ck!

When do we want it?


What do we want?

The right to f*ck!

When do we want it?


P.A. announcement: Attention compound. This is a Code Grey, Code Grey. All prisoners return to their units immediately. I repeat. This is a Code Grey. All prisoners return to their units immediately.

You have no right to assert your male f*ckin' aggression here!

(jeering and yelling)

Did you s...

You f*cking pervert.

f*cking violent predator!

P.A. announcement: This is a Code Blue. Repeat, this is a Code Blue. All women are to return to their units immediately. Repeat, this is a Code Blue. All women are to return to their units immediately.

Bastards! f*ck 'em!

You still think you can manage her?

(general hubbub)

See, and then he smashed her.

Bea: Can't even ***.

Allie: Her face is split open.

Can we get some attention? She was assaulted by a guard.


You'll be lucky if she doesn't charge you with as*ault.

She had my f*cking scrotum in a vice like grip. I wasn't thinking straight.

At least it won't end up on the 6 o'clock news. Here.

I'll make sure of that.

Ow! f*ck!

I reckon he fractured my cheek, the fucker.

It might be a compression fracture. Come on, come through.

Hang in there, Mama, I love you.

Love you!

Rock on, whoo! Love you!

Champion, Kaz!

Aww, you need to wipe that smile off her face.

What? You want me to lay in to her now?

She clearly thinks her shit doesn't stink...

Huh, then I make a martyr of her and that's exactly what she wants.

I'm just saying, you better do something.

Out of the way.

Wait outside.

I hope you're proud of yourself, Proctor.

'Cause that's all you're going to get out of this little stunt.

I'm going to sue you f*ckers and you'll end up mopping the dunnies out of Frankston lockup.

Mmm. And I believe Mr Jackson will countersue for your as*ault on him.


I viewed the footage. It clearly shows you provoked him It clearly shows your guards violently attacking women.

It'll show them doing their job.

We'll let the police decide.

Unfortunately further charges will affect your sentencing.

You can't pin it on me. It was the voice of the collective of which I am just one of many here.


What are you going to do about Proctor?


Oh. She's your problem.

No, she is a shared problem and we both know that.

Well, maybe you need to rethink conjugal visits.

Oh. Not that again.


Oh. You give me nothing to take back to the women.

So, a fire's lit and you expect me to put it out?

Can you?

If the women get conjugal visits.

Can't happen.

I told you we'd be overrun by pregnancies or abortions. Probably both.

Not necessarily.

(intentionally muted dialogue)
(cell door sliding open)

What is it now?

I heard you had a little disturbance in the yard.

That's unfortunate isn't it?

Your governorship is so new and... fragile.

What do you want?

Some things to consider for my move into general.

I don't do laundry.

My preference would be to be assigned to the kitchen where I can prepare my own meals.

Also I suggest housing me in a unit with the new prisoners. It will reduce the likelihood of prejudice.

Are you listening Vera?

Pay attention.

You need to be ready.

This is gonna impact on you as well.

Oh God... what has she done?

Doyle? Nothing. She here?


If you don't believe me, come in. You can have a look around.

I'm not here to check up on Franky.

You were right to um, fire me. Um...

I made a mistake.

I probably made more than one mistake but please Vera don't let my f*ck up ruin Franky's life.

Okay. I accept that.

I'm actually here because I have a much bigger problem to discuss.

It's nothing to do with you and Franky.

I've spent most of the day going over her petition.

It is frighteningly convincing.

Well, I'm wondering what her motivation is.

I mean if Bea doesn't k*ll her, someone else will.

That's too easy. I want Ferguson to face justice.

She dies on my watch, she wins.

The safest thing for all concerned is to get her out of Wentworth and back into the psych hospital.

Yeah, but she, she passed all the assessments.

I mean they've got no grounds to hold her there.

(alarm beeping)

Oh. I got a lasagne in the oven. Um... would you like some dinner?

Oh, but we could continue our conversation. Yes, Yeah.


(knock at door)

Gidge. Open up.

It's Doyle.


She was at Wentworth last night.

What was she doing there?

Well, I don't know.

One of the officers saw her in the car park.

(knocks again)

Come on. I don't have my key.

I'll handle it.


What? You're not letting me in the house?

Well, there's someone in here.

Bridget: Where the hell have you been?

And what's with not having your phone on for 24 hours?

I needed time to think.

Is that all you were doing?


What? You don't believe me?

I know you were at Wentworth That is outstanding.


I mean that's what I came to tell ya.


It's not easy... after being inside, to know how to be on the outside.

And I love being free.

But it scares the f*ck out of me.

And sometimes like last night...

I feel like it's all gonna get ripped away, like it's not really mine.

You know, everything seemed clearer in prison.

And the thought of that was somehow comforting. So, I went back.

Did it help?

Acknowledging the fear.

Isn't that what you say?

So, I just wanted to tell ya...

Thank you.


Would you pass the salad?

Oh, and the pepper.

So you got duck eggs?

It's gotta be something The Freak wants, that's worth the risk.

Or she has a death wish.

Psychopath's aren't suicidal.

They thrive on power.

Yeah but she's got no power and protection.

There's no one she can manipulate.

Oh-ho-ho-ho... f*ck!

She wants to be Top Dog.

Watch out Red.


Oh, are you f*cking kidding me?

Hey, give me a sec.

Hey Ellie.

Hey. Come here.

Come on.

What the f*ck? Why?

Does it matter why? f*ck off.

(sighs exasperatedly)


(swears in foreign language)

(Bea laughing)


Hey, Kaz out of medical yet?

Yeah Yeah, she's fine now. No fracture, just a bruise.

Oh. That's good.

Hey I like that colour.

I reckon you'd look better lighter.

You reckon?


I could do it for you. Give you a cut and colour.

All right.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

You stalkin' me now, are ya?

No, Franky.

Look. I know you don't want anything to do with me.

Yeah. That's why I didn't call ya.

You got a sister.


So when did this happen?

She's three years old.

I thought you had the right to know each other.

At least know each other exist.

Dr Foster sent over Ferguson's psychopathy checklist.

I knew she'd manipulated those answers.

Be careful. You're poking a dangerous spider.

You want her to go back into the psych hospital, don't you?

Yes. But not at any cost.

How are you today Joan?

I'll feel better when I move into general.

Yes. That's what I'm here to discuss.

The Governor has asked me to assess your readiness for general... from a psychological viewpoint.


I understand it must be quite boring here for you.

It's an isolation unit. There is no stimulation whatsoever.

You're not... concerned about the risk to yourself, physically, from the other prisoners in general?

Not at all.

And why is that?

It's not obvious to you?

Because you're superior?


(loud echoes of pencil on paper)

You're not assessing, you're scoring.

Oh, it's all part of it I'm afraid Joan.

Can we continue?

Tell you what.

You ask me a question and then I'll ask you one.

Quid pro quo.

You know that's not how it works Joan.

I'll start. You had some free moves already.

What was your favourite childhood game?

All right...

Is there anything you've never told your parents?

Have you ever been r*ped?

I'm not answering any of your questions.

You just did.

Now I understand your reluctance to play. It's a bit close to the bone.

What if I ask you about somebody else?

Vera for example?

What's your opinion of her?

Really, your professional opinion?

Miss Bennett is an extremely capable Governor.

The media love her and she is respected by all.

(whispered) Liar, liar, pants on fire.

You know as well as I that she's weak.

(heart beats commence)

She's a pathetic little creature. She would have languished upstairs forever as a shitkicker had I not mentored her.


You'll be fascinated to know that her only act of courage... was to euthanise her own mother.

(heart beats continue)

You truly are a c**t.

Thank you.

(heart beats stop)

Of course none of this recording will be any use to you.

You are recording it.

She memorised indicators. She recognised keywords.

Knew exactly what I was doing.

(indistinct voice outside office)

We can't use that recording.


You wanted to see Smith, Governor?

Send her in.

I'll leave you to it.

A heads up and a request.

Hey, well, you give me the heads up and I'll see what I can do about that request.

It is possible that Ferguson will be released into the general population.

Are you kidding?

It's out of my hands. The board is making this decision.

And the request?

If she is released. I need an undertaking she won't be harmed.

Okay, sure.

Maybe I'll just pull a magic wand out of my arse.

If anything happens to Ferguson, I'll lose my job.

Ha. Surely it'd be worth it?

Now, I know Ferguson made your life hell, Smith, and maybe it's too early for you to tell, but I'm a very different governor.

So I'm just supposed to trust you then? Hmm?

I'm supposed to help you?

The women have embraced my new programs.

I can just as easily take them away.

(indistinct voice from outside office)

What the women want more than anything... is the conjugal visits.

So do you think you can find that magic wand?

The Freak?

Well, I give her one week, Max.

f*ck that. Won't take a week to do it.

Hey! No one's going to be doing anything.

I made a deal with the Governor.

Ooh, must be some deal to stop you from takin' out The Freak, hey?


I reckon you're gonna be pretty happy.

Well, are you going to tell us what the deal is?




Well, I could but... I'll let her tell you herself.

I have a brief announcement.

You've sent The Freak to Africa?

(all laugh loudly)

Oh, yeah!

(wolf whistles)

Hear the Governor out.

Thank you.

After a proposal from Bea Smith, On behalf of the women I can tell you... that on a trial basis... we will be instituting conjugal visits.

(gasps) Ooooh...

(cheering and clapping)

Let's go ladies!


Take a seat!

f*ck, yeah!

Tale a seat!

We are the first women's prison in the country to do so.

(clapping and cheering)

Okay, there is a proviso, suggested by Smith and agreed to by the Corrections Service.

Those of you who wish to participate... must also take part in the contraception and family planning program.

Well done, Bea! Woo hoo!

Huh, what?

Good work, Bea.

Thanks, Bea.

You f*ckin' little ripper, Bea.

Okay and, um, one more thing I'd like to let you know about in addition to the other programs I've introduced, there is a new one starting Personal Grooming and Presentation.

The, uh, hairdressing component will be run by Bea Smith.

Oh, f*ck yeah, f*ck yeah!

(indistinct discussions)

I can't believe you talked me into this.

It is an insurance policy until Ferguson's trial, if she gets released into general.

I doubt it will last the trial period.

You promised the board, if you were appointed Governor, things would run smoother. And I backed you.

That was before they sabotaged my efforts by considering Ferguson's insane petition.

Just take control...


What the f*ck.

What sort of prison are you running here?

That was a threat. We can't take it lightly.

Tell the board what you witnessed.

What? That you can't control your prisoners.

This transfer is not my doing. You have to tell Ferguson it can't happen.

f*ck Vera.

I want to stay as far away as possible from that bitch.

It is up to you to close this can of worms otherwise we will have a death on our hands.

Those newbies are gonna freak when they realise it's me showing them how to apply make-up. (laughs)

How's Vinegar tits, cheeky bitch.

Is there a wig in that box?

Uhh... it's empty.

God, if it's not bloody nailed down in this place.


Bea look who's here.

I'll have a cut and colour, thanks.

Step into my salon.

Push me higher, Daddy!

(Dad laughing)

(Daughter squeals with delight)

Dad: You right?

Dad: Ooh!

Daughter: Push me higher.

Dad: All right, let's go!

♪ ♪

Daughter: Push me higher, Daddy!

Dad: I'm holdin' on tight.

Hey Franky. Over here!

Dad: Righty-o, you can come on down. Come on down.


Hold on.


Let's go say hello.

Dad: Let's go. Here we go

Look at this hon... it's your big sister, Jess.

(whispered) Hi That's your sister. It's Franky.

(squeals and giggles)



(tearily) It's nice to meet you.

Just so you know...

I am not going to pursue that matter between you and Doyle.

Ooh. Can I ask why?

It's purely pragmatic.

Your job is secure, as long as I'm Governor.

However long that might be.

(chuckles) Well, I'm grateful.

For Franky too.


Uh, Bridget?


Those things that Ferguson had said about me...

Don't give them another thought.

No, uh, I wanted to ask... you don't think that I'm in any way like her?

The very fact that you can even ask that question means you're not.

Psychopaths have no fear.

Night, Vera.


Hey, spunky.

Hey, baby.





Thanks for picking me up.

No sweat. I wanted to.

It's not weird for you, being here?

Well, it's no weirder than the rest of my life.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Just got... I just got some stuff I gotta sort out.

We're not breaking up are we?

No, defs not.

Phew, you had me worried there for a minute.

I should move out.

I have to, Gidge.

If I'm ever gonna learn how to live on the outside...

I need to be able to stand on my own two feet.

Sounds like a breakthrough.



(cell doors open)

What took you so long?

I've been giving your petition due consideration.

And I'll be recommending to the board... not to release you into general population.

Surely my lawyer's been in touch?

Mm-hmm. And you can tell her to stop calling because it's not going to happen.

You seem to have forgotten how assiduously I have protected your interests over the past months.


Derrick. whatever you think you have over me you can forget it.

You have discredited yourself as a witness, and in the meantime...

I've cleaned house.

If anyone was to investigate me they'd find nothing.

You know, Derrick, you may think you've cleaned house, you may think you have tied up every loose end, but... you haven't.

You wanna test it?

Release Ferguson into general.

Give her what she wants.

You saw what the prisoners did. She won't survive 5 minutes.

Let's hope it's not that long.

(cell door closes)

♪ ♪

(muffled cackle)

Vera: An officer will be stationed outside the unit at all times.



Vera: Fill in the visitors form if you'd like to see anyone.

Vera: Dinner is at...

Six, last count at 07:30.

Spare me the induction speech.

Why are you doing this?

Don't underestimate what she's capable of.

Hello, Wee.

Ferguson: We're alike, you and I. We will do whatever it takes to get what we want.

You saw them, they wanna k*ll her.

Back off!


Well, if she was dead, Bea, that'd be the end to it.

Vera: If anything happens to her, everyone will pay the price.

Most of them think it's worth it.

P.A. announcement: ...their units immediately.

All new season of Wentworth... 08:30 next Tuesday, on SoHo.