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02x05 - Surprise Me

Posted: 05/16/16 09:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Good Witch"...

Then I wish I had more to offer you than an internship, but what do you say?

I'm really sorry for what I did.

I don't think we should see each other anymore.

I can't believe Sam is still on the market.

He's such a catch.

♪ ♪


There's nothing I like better than red wine and dessert after 11:00.


Well, top five.


Didn't expect to see you tonight.

Well, you called.

Well, I'm a smart man.

Hmm. I won't argue that.


How's Nick handling everything?

He's pretty happy.

Uh, Linda made the whole situation easier for him.

Surprised me. She actually did the right thing for a change.

"Well done is better than well said."

Ben Franklin.


A very wise man who knew that what we do is often more important than what we say.

Our actions never lie.

No, they don't.

And Grace is really looking forward to interning at your office.

Ah, she's gonna do great.

Both our kids are happy.

They are.

Hey, you didn't say. How did the archeology thing go?

Oh, uh... Very academic.

(Both chuckling)

It was nice of you to fill in for John's girlfriend.


John just told me that Anna broke up with him.

Well, that's too bad, but I think he's the kind of guy that bounces back quickly.

Yeah. He wants to be attached, but he doesn't want attachments.


He was a bit of a player in college.

Can't imagine anybody playing you.

Which is why we were just friends.


I think we should celebrate.

Yeah? Celebrate what?

Um, our kids being happy?

Our friendship, surviving Linda? I don't care, take your pick.

We could all go to dinner.

We could.

You, Grace, Nick and me.

Yeah. Or...

Just you and I could go out.

Huh. An inspired idea.

Well, we're inspirational people.

Where should we go?

How about I surprise you?

I know it won't be an easy feat, but I do love a challenge.

Oh, I'm a challenge, huh?

Good night.

Good night.

(Theme music playng)


Hey, Alexis.


Welcome to Grey House.

Oh, it's so cozy.

Thank you. This is George.

Oh, hi, George.

So I don't usually do the B-and-B thing, I prefer hotels, but this is nice.

Well, everyone has a different comfort level.


What brings you to town?

Oh, I am visiting my brother.

We're really close, and he teaches at the local high school.

Oh, my daughter Grace goes there.

Oh, that's so nice.

Yeah, he's the only teacher in my family. Everyone else is in finance.

They work for my father. He's big in banking.

And you?

Ugh, no.

I can't even balance a checkbook.

Oh, wow. These are stunning.

Thank you.

Alexis, this is my cousin Abigail.

Abigail is Middleton's resident florist.

Oh, perfect!

I would love an arrangement like this for my room.

I can do that.

How soon?

I just want to be able to enjoy them.

If it's a rush, I can pay extra.

Cash or credit?

Oh, I actually lost my father's credit card on the way here and I don't have any cash.

Can I just charge it to the room?

Of course.

Good. My father's paying for everything anyway.

So I'll just swing by the bank, and I'll settle up with cash when I check out.

Sounds like you have a plan.

I think I'm gonna take a little walk around the property.

I left my bags on the porch.

Do you think you could just be a doll and take them upstairs?

I'll take care of it.

Oh, and be really careful with the small bag.

There's breakables in there.

Talk about high-maintenance.

I think I'll charge her double.

What? You heard her.

Daddy's picking up the bill anyway, right?

That's what she said.

All right.

You need a ride home? I know your mom's been picking you up from school.

Uh, I'll walk.

Then what?

Uh, I don't know. Probably hang out with some friends.

Did you give any thought to what we talked about last night?

Come on. Now that you quit the basketball team, you need to find something else to do with your time.

You need something besides school to put your energy into.

I'll find something.

Yeah, you said that last night.

I'd like to see you do it today.

What do you mean?

Just find something, anything, that you're passionate about.

Sports, drama, a club of any kind...

Whatever you want.

All right, all right.

I'll find something.


What's up?


The arrangement for Alexis is beautiful.

I'm slammed with orders.

Oh, Alexis will understand.

She's called twice already about her arrangement.


A new guest.

Well, I wish your new guest was a cute, single guy.

I could use the distraction.

I still can't believe he didn't accept my apology.


Maybe we're not meant to be. I mean, if he broke up with me just because I didn't introduce him to my mother, is he really interested in having a relationship?

Why are we still talking about this?

Uh, because you roped Cassie into coming and picking up her own flower order to save you time, and I still need to talk about what happened with Ben because I'm upset.

Don't you have any girlfriends?



I have told Ben over and over how much he means to me.

Maybe it's time to show Ben how you really feel about him.

That's just the thing. After all of this, I'm not sure what to do.

As much as I would love to continue to listen to your saga, some of us have jobs.

Did I tell you?

I really like what my friend Denise did with her house.

Oh, yeah?

And speaking of decorating, what do you think?

I think it's a changing table for a baby?


We don't have a baby.


What about this one? It's really heavy, but that just means that it's sturdy. And really, how often are you going to move a changing table around a baby's room?

Honey, I think it's awesome that you're so excited about this, but...

Maybe you need to slow down a little?

You clearly have no idea how much there is to do once I'm pregnant.

If we wait until then to do everything, we'll never have the baby's room done in time.

The baby's room is our room.

We don't need an office.

It's not "our office," It's my den.

Why do you need a den?

It's a guy thing.

Well, there are sacrifices that we're both gonna have to make.

Oh, really? What are you giving up?

Uh, my figure for nine months.

In fairness, I think we're both giving that up.

I'll stop talking now.

You said you wanted to move forward with starting a family, but you're not helping us get ready.

Brandon, I'm gonna need something from you, too.

Well, you can tell Dad to stop worrying.

You got a job?

No, better.

I'm going to start my own business.

I'm sorry, your own what?

I'm going to be my own boss.

You know, I feel that perhaps we've gotten just a tad off-track here.

Please, please, tell me that you are gainfully employed.

I'm going to start a car service.

Limos, town cars...

You know, like that.



Do you have a business plan?


Do you have a commercial driver's license?

Uh... No.

Well, you'll be the first ever car service in Middleton.

You'll certainly corner the market. (Chuckles)

No. I'm going to do it in Blairsville.


It's a much more cosmopolitan city.

Look, all I need is investors.


Yeah, money to get the business started and then... money probably for the first year, until I can get the business up on its feet.


I think $50,000 should be enough.

Fifty thousand dollars.

Yeah, you gotta spend money to make money.

(Both chuckling)




I was hoping you could help me.

Passiflora incarnata.

It's good for insomnia.

Hmm. I've been dragging.

Since this whole thing with Ben, I just haven't had a good night's sleep.

Well, sometimes a little passion flower is just what you need.

Excuse me.



Do you have any vitamin C?

Sinus congestion?


Mullein extract and my peach tea.

Peach tea?

Well, the mullein can be a bit bitter, so I add a little flavorful tea extract.



So how are you with restaurant recommendations?

The bistro is a town favorite.

I'm Andrew, by the way.

I'm Cassie. This is Stephanie.


So, which way to the bistro?

Oh, well, Stephanie was just on her way there.


I'm not from here.

I'm visiting a client.

I'm an attorney.

Well, follow me.

Thanks. How much do I owe you?

Oh, it's on the house. Try it. If you like it, you can come back.

Great. Perfect.

So, what kind of law are you into?

Estate law.

I'll be here for a few days. I'm deposing a witness in Middleton.


Welcome! You didn't drive, did you?

You know I'm taking my test tomorrow.

I know.

Uh, you don't have to take me, by the way.

Brandon volunteered.


Brandon makes you nervous in the car.

No, I'm taking you.

We started this together, we'll finish it together.

We'll get you started as soon as Eve gets back.

Okay. Oh!

Our English class is going to that next week. "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

Mmm-hmm. I was thinking of taking your mom.

She loves Shakespeare.

You mean like a date?

Uh... No.

What is it, then?

Two friends going to a play.

Well, whatever it is, it's a nice idea.

So I hear you're going to be our new intern, Grace.

Yes, I am. I can't wait.

Can you train her? Show her around the office?

You bet.

Thanks again. And thank you, Eve.

She's all yours.

(Phone ringing)

Dr. Radford's office.


Can you hold? Thank you.

Now, to transfer a call, you need to enter the number, put it on hold, then conference, then hang up.

No, wait. You need to put it on hold first, then enter the number, then hang up.

Did I say conference?


Okay, you need to do that before you put the number in.


Do you need me to repeat that?

Um, actually, I think I got it.

To transfer, put the call on hold, open a new line, dial the number or extension to connect the two lines, hit conference and then, hang up?



I've always been able to pick up on things pretty quickly.

But I also have a really great teacher.

This is gonna be great.

So, can I get you anything else?

I'm stuffed.

Are you sure? I have homemade double chocolate mousse pie.

Whipped cream?

Ooh, I like the way you think.

I like this restaurant.

Um, I called my order in?

Hey, there!

Oh, hey! That's a nice surprise.

Actually, I was gonna come by your shop later.

For what?

Did you hear about the new zip-line opening up at Alder Falls tomorrow?

I did.

I can't pass it up. I thought we could go together.

Oh, yeah, my zip-lining days are over.

I don't believe that for a second.

Come on, I know you want to go.

Well, even if I did, I don't have anyone to watch the shop.



John, this is my cousin, Abigail.


The flower shop.


I sent Cassie that arrangement.

The professor.

You didn't sound this tall on the phone.

People often say I have a short voice.


Ok, bye, you two. Good luck.

Now, what would you possibly need luck with?

Let me buy you a cup of coffee and I'll tell you.


What's this?

Salmon. It's good for you. And for me.

It's good for women who want to get pregnant.


Three bean salad.

I hate beans.

It's rich in iron, folate, calcium and zinc.

Turnip greens. I need the extra folic acid to protect against neural tube birth defects.

Right, yeah, but why do I have to eat all this stuff?

We're a team. We're either in this together or we're not.




You're gonna love the kale tartlets.

Kale tartlets?

Think of it as investing in our future.

It's $50,000.

You cannot put a price on love.

Your son just did.

Well, my love has no limits.

Yes, but our bank account does.

He'll be crushed!

He'll get over it.

This is his dream.

To start a limo service?

He doesn't even own a car.

You're being too literal.

And as usual, you are being too easy on him.

Are you asking me to turn my back on my son?

I'm asking you to really help him by finally not helping him.

Do nothing?

It's what he needs.


(Footsteps aproaching)



Is it possible to change rooms?

Is there a problem?

Ugh, well, the mattress is really hard and the bed is cramped.

Do you have any rooms with a king-sized bed?

Well, the room across the hall has a king and it's got a little more space.

Great. I'll take it. Oh, thanks, George.

There's something in there that I'm allergic to.

Oh, can you help me move rooms?

Uh, with great pleasure.

Thank you. You're so nice.

Oh, hey. Is your kitchen still open?

What do you need?

Can I have some cheese?


And a few crackers? Oh, and do you have any fruits?


Great. And some wine?

I have a bottle of red open.

Oh, no. Oh, I can only drink white. I get migraines.

Well, I will get you set up.


Okay. Is there a rule about eating in the rooms?



So when she's finished with the cheese plate, do you think you could just bring it on up?

Great. Thank you! Bye.

One more question, when can I check out?

So Steve's having a big party this weekend.



When do you get your driver's license?

Hopefully tomorrow.


But I've never driven at night.

Well, his parties are legendary.

Everyone's going, and even if you can't drive, come.

I'll think about it.

So you're really interning at my dad's office?

Yeah, it's fun.

Grace, it's me.

Nick, I'm serious.

I thought it was just some extra credit thing.

Even if I didn't get credit, I'd still do it.

Um, okay. Working at my dad's office is not fun.

Parties and hanging out with my friends, that's fun.



But that's all soon coming to an end.

My dad is insisting I find some kind of school club to join.

And what's wrong with that?

I'm not a club kind of guy.

You don't know that until you try.

Oh, I did.

Chess club is for nerds, I have no interest in track, I can't sing, and math club is just more school.

Seriously, why would anyone do this?

There's a club out there just waiting for you.


I have a feeling.

Okay, well, I have a feeling that if you don't help me, I'm gonna flunk my history test tomorrow.

I have a feeling you're right.

(Both laughing)


I checked Alexis's room. That bed is as right as rain.

Face it, Ms. Valet Parking is just difficult.


You missed dinner.

I had a big...



Alexis has allergies.

As if.

That is two arrangements in one day.

I think she's taking advantage of our hospitality.

Well, she offered to pay for both rooms and she did return the original arrangement.

I'm just saying. When somebody is that difficult, there's something else going on.

George, would you mind taking care of the guest breakfast tomorrow?


Where are you gonna be?

Right now, it's up in the air.

Okay. Consider it done.

Guess what, Mom? He's a lawyer.

He is smart and handsome and successful.

But he's not self-involved.

In fact, we ended up talking mostly about what I do, and what I like.

He's perfect.

Perfect on paper doesn't necessarily mean perfect for you.

You've met this "perfect" man, but I think you're still thinking about Ben.

I love you.

I just want you to be happy, which means I don't want you to miss out on what could be a wonderful relationship.

The time for talking is over, Stephanie.

Make a move. Take some action.

Win or lose, you're gonna feel better than you do right now.

Come see me again soon, Mom.

You don't have to say that.

I say it because I mean it.

You could come and see me too.

I just might take you up on that.

I'm hoping you do.

(Knocking on door)

Come on in, Sam.

You expecting somebody?

Only you.

I was really craving dessert.

You figured out where we're going tomorrow?

I told you I want it to be a surprise.

Well, I do love surprises.

That's the point.

For the record, I don't like to be surprised.


When I was a kid, at Christmas I would sneak down, open my presents and rewrap them.

And the end of a good novel?

Always read the last chapter first.

Even when Linda didn't want to know the sex of the baby, I bribed her doctor with courtside Knicks tickets.



(Chuckling) Well, I think surprises are what make life interesting.

I disagree.

I think it's the choices we make in life that create things to be interested in.


Have you ever?

(Sighs) Not since college days.

Bet you'd be cute in the helmet.

Yeah, I am. You ever done it?

Yeah, when I was in South America with Doctors Without Borders. Tried it.

You gonna go?

John asked. He's zip-lined all over the world.

You should go.

Oh, no. My adrenaline days are safely in my past.

Never say never.

Never know what's going to give you a rush.

You ready?


Hi, cuz. Sorry I'm late, I'm not really a morning person.

What are you doing here so early?

I'm here so that you can go zip-lining, which is something I hear you used to do a lot of.

You said you couldn't go because there was no one to open the store.

Now there is.

Uh-huh, and what about your store?

Ugh. It is way too early for anybody to be buying flowers.

It's actually way too early for me to be up, before I change my mind.

Come on, we won't be long.

And it'll be worth it!

You have no excuses left!

No, I don't.

You are the king of adventure.

You used to be the queen. Question is, are you still?

You know, if you sync the calendars, you won't have to input the information manually.

That is what I was about to do.

Right. (Chuckles)

Do you want me to show you how?

Oh, no. I've got it.


Oh, and I reorganized the billing files.

I think it's a better system, but you let me know your thoughts.

And if it's not better by the end of the week, please, give me a call.


You're here early today.

Yeah, it's a late start at school. No morning classes.

Is that okay?


Oh, and if I come back after school too?

I love the enthusiasm.


Oh, and if you haven't gotten those tickets for that play, they're selling them at my school, so I can get them for you.

I was thinking about something more exciting, but I might need your help for one detail.

I'm there.

How about I buy you an early lunch and I'll fill you in?

Yeah. Let me get my coat.

Uh, Eve!


Can we bring you something back?

Back, right. Um...

It's okay, I'm good.




My mom was sorry she didn't get a chance to say goodbye to you before she left.

She's very sweet and fun.

Well, we had a surprisingly good visit this time.

I'm glad.

Me too.

What are you up to?

Working a job.

How about you?

Ah, grabbing some lettuce. Supplier shorted me.


Well, look, I gotta get home.

I promised my sister I'd help with the kids.



That was such a blast.


I said that was a total rush!

I'm sorry, someone screamed so loud my ears are still ringing... Ow!

First my ears, now my arm. All right.

I do want to say that for someone who seems so delicate, your scream really packs a punch.

I just forgot what it's like to have your heart leap out of your chest, so thank you.


Let's do dinner later.

Oh, I have plans with Sam.

Next time I'll get my invite in earlier.

Next time I'm buying.

Okay, deal.


Hey, Cass.


That was a real blast from the past, wasn't it?


Hi, there. I'll be right with you.

(Phone ringing)

Oh, hello.

Dr. Radford's office.

Yes, we have you down for tomorrow at 3:00, Mrs. Eliot.


Mrs. Logan.

Call me Julie.

Dr. Radford wants me to see an opta...


Yes. The office can set up that appointment for you.

Oh, that's sweet.

Oh, and I believe that this is for you.

Dr. Radford will be right out, if you have any questions.

Thank you, uh...

I'm Grace.

Dr. Radford, she is a keeper.


I know.

Bye, Eve.

Bye, honey.

She's an amazing kid.

She is.



She's gone totally baby-crazy.

She's buying furniture, making me eat beans and kale and every time I talk to her, she finds a way to bring whatever we're talking about back to baby stuff. It's too much.

I'm happy to report that your faucet is now leak-free.

Thank you for stopping by on short notice.

Please. You've done so much for my sister.

As long as I'm around, I promise your sinks will never leak.

You remember Ben.

Hey, Ben.

Hey, Brandon.

Oh, whoops!

Oh, gosh.

No problem.

That's nice. Is that new?

Yeah, the artist just dropped them off today.

The pretty periwinkle crystal is agate.

It's very calming.

Huh. I don't really think it's my style.

Maybe she means for your wife.

Sorry, plumbers tend to hear everything.

Well, I don't know anything about agate, but at this point, if it'll calm Tara down, I'm there.

I promise it'll have the desired effect.

It's my gift to both of you.

Thank you.

Good luck.


Oh, I wanted to let you know that I might not be around much for the next month.

But if you need me, just text.

Oh, where are you going?

I'm thinking of putting in a bid for a job over in Barrington.

Small office complex, but they need somebody to install the plumbing.

It would be a commute, but a lot of money.

I'm sure you'll make the right choice.

Oh, I'm glad you found some things you like.

Oh, what's that smell?

Champagne ginger.

Oh, I love it. And this scarf.

It's the perfect color for your skin tone.

Um, I didn't bring my wallet with me.

Do you think I could just charge all this to my room?

Of course.


And could you wrap it up and bring it back to Grey House?

Sure. Do you want to know the total?

Oh, no. Whatever it is, just charge it to my room.

You're still leaving tomorrow?

Yes, sadly.

All right, we'll settle up then. Um, how's your brother?

Um, I'm actually about to go meet him now.

Do you think that George could print out my boarding pass?

You're welcome to use our computer.

Uh, no. George can do it.

I'll get it fixed right away.

Have the chef to redo this without any parsley.

She doesn't like parsley?

The list of things that woman doesn't like is long, very long.

Tell me about it.

I've redone two flower arrangements already.

Ah, she's staying at Grey House.

George has her checkout date circled on the calendar with a smiley face.

(Chuckles) Sometimes, the hardest part about customer service, the customers.

Any idea who the new cute guy is she's with?

Nope. Whoever he is, he's very generous.


She ordered the most expensive bottle of wine on the menu and asked if I had truffles.

They're in season, you know.

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking he could do better.


Grace is waiting for you outside.

She's excited to take her test.

She is. Oh, and, good luck on your date.


If it looks like a date and sounds like a date, it's a date.


You know, other than just now, you've been kind of quiet today.

Is everything okay?


How's Grace's training coming?

Oh, Grace has caught on very quickly.

I can tell.


In fact, if you ever need to replace me, Grace would be a very good candidate.

(Laughing) Well, I'm glad you think so highly of her.

And that you are getting along.

We are.

I noticed the billing files are reorganized.


Good job.


It's a better system than we were using before.

So, keep up the good work.

Will do.



I need something to de-stress.

Something to clear your mind and help you focus on a problem?


Have you ever tried yoga?

Downward dog does not become me.

Michael wants to start a car service in Blairsville!

I can see the headlines now, "Mayor of Middleton's son chooses rival town to open business."

Why not open a business here?

Sadly, there is no great need for limos in Middleton.


He's asked us to invest in it.

In him, really, and Tom says no.

Hmm. How about you?


When you opened your store, did you have help?

I had to put up Grey House to secure my first loan.

You were willing to lose your home.

Well, a bank has to see something tangible before they'll give you money.

You mean "loan".

Isn't that what I said? No, you said "give".

Well, if the bank had truly given me money, they wouldn't expect me to pay it back.

That's very true.



(Laughing) I still can't believe that I did it!

(Laughs) You k*lled it! Perfect score!

I mean, the driving instructor could not stop raving about my parallel parking.

Thanks to you.


I am going to go tell Mom. Thank you!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Ah! I'll see you later! (Chuckles)




I found it.

Something to do after school?

Yeah. I'm gonna do a semester abroad.


I'm going to London!

In London?

Yeah, there's this really cool teacher who runs the program, he talked about it in front of the whole school.

I have him for world history.


It'll look great on my college application.

You wanna go to school?

In London, yeah.

Okay, that's something we can discuss, sure.

What is there to discuss?

You told me to find something that I'm passionate about and I did.

This is it.

This is what I wanna do.


I did it, I passed!

Aw, of course you did!

I'm so proud of you.

Thanks, Mom! Abigail!

I got my driver's license!

I knew you could do it.


Did you know there's a cab waiting out front?

Has Alexis checked out?


I was just in her room, changing her towels.

She's gone. So is her luggage.



Latch on the trunk won't catch.

Well, we really need to go.

Well, I can't drive with an open trunk.

Well, can you hurry it up?

I am.


Leaving so soon?

Aw, it's beautiful.

And so thoughtful!

You know, maybe I have been getting ahead of myself with everything, but...

Well, you're excited.

I think I'm nesting.

I read it in one of the baby books I bought.

You just have to slow down just a little bit, okay?

Give me time to catch up.

I mean, we don't have to turn our whole lives upside down.

You're right.

Let me just throw my stuff down and then we can grab something to eat?


Uh, sweetheart, what happened to my den?

Oh, well, I needed to see it empty so I could get a sense of the space before I ordered a changing table.

You know, I really love my bracelet.


Hey, Mom! For you, your favorite, the little fruit tarts that you love.

Oh, you are so sweet!

Since I'm here, can I grab the check and I'll just run it over to the bank?

The check?

Well, the investment.

Michael, uh...

I did speak to your father, and he said no.

Dad has no faith in me.


But you could give me the money.

Michael, I think your business idea is inspired, and I will support you, but...

I can't give you $50,000.

(Stammering) Now, I can see that you're upset...

We could go get ice cream and talk.



What about a mocha latte?


First, let me say that I am sorry.

Sorry you got caught?

No, I really am. I'm sorry I...

Were you really going to leave without paying?



I don't have the money to pay you.


I'm broke.

What are you gonna do about that?

You tell me.


You need to solve this yourself.

(Sighs) Let's sleep on it and talk again in the morning.


I think we should call the police.

Or her father.

I don't trust her.

Neither do I.

Trust isn't Alexis's problem.


Horseback riding?

(Chuckling) Surprised?

I am! Wow, Sam, they are beautiful!

Yeah, you see that little chestnut, over there?


She's yours.

Mine? I can't... I can't ride a horse like this!

I got you covered.

Hmm... You had help.

(Chuckles) I got this amazing new intern.

Who, thanks to you, is now a licensed driver.

Well, that's another reason to celebrate.

It's a good thing we're here.

Grace says everything should be here.

Yeah, she's very thorough and you are adventurous and prepared.

(Chuckles) A rare combination.

I didn't know you ride.

I've got an uncle who has a cattle ranch in Montana.

I spent summers there when I was a kid.

Well, you always learn something new, right?


Well, this is beautiful and very sweet, but I haven't been on a horse in years.

Ah! Don't worry, I'll be there.


Can I take your order?

Andrew! You're back!

That sinus thing Cassie gave me, it really worked.

Well, she's very good at fixing what ails you.

(Chuckles) How's your client?

Judge ruled in favor of my last motion.

Well, congratulations!

Being a lawyer must be stressful.

It can be.

I like to get away to decompress.

Do you have a favorite place?



Tell me.

They were both...

She's a beauty.

Your horse, Maddie.

Well, I hope she takes it easy on me.

Oh, she will. Won't you, Maddie?


Are you ready?

Ready as I'll ever be!

Oh, you two are gonna be great. Need some help?



I got you.

Yes, you do, don't you?


You really are your mother's daughter, aren't you?

I am.

I want to go in London.


You can come too. It will be a blast. They offered me their Ghief of Stuff job.

And what about your practice here?

To the future.

That one we are connected.