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11x13 - The Monster in the Closet

Posted: 04/30/16 03:31
by bunniefuu
(thunder rumbling)

Christine: Help! Mom! Dad!


Booth: Oh, God.

Christine, it's okay, Mommy and Daddy are here.

Get away, don't hurt me.

Booth: No, no, no, no, no, no one's going to hurt you.

Okay, everything's going to be okay.

You're fine, you're just having a nightmare.

The monster, it came out of the closet.

Booth: Oh, there's no monster in the closet.

Remember when I tucked you in, you know.

I came and I scared the monster away.


No, you didn't, Booth.

Monsters are not real, therefore you had nothing to scare away.

Your mother is right, but what I meant to say is that, look, I would never let anything happen to you, okay?

You don't believe me.

It was here.

I'm sure it felt very real to you.

Can... can I sleep with you tonight?

Of course, sweetheart. Come on.

Anything for my little girl, come on, jump up, jump up.

Come on, you're into bed.

You're in between me and Mom tonight, okay.

Don't snore, whatever you do.

Hey, there you are.


I got something for you.

Look, if it's not a cup of coffee about this big, I'm not interested.

Rough night, huh?

Yeah, Christine, she's been having these really bad, Freddy Krueger-like nightmares about monsters in her closet.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. That's terrible.

Where's my cup?

Aw, geez.

Uh, she... you know what?

It's going to be fine, okay?

Every parent has to deal with this kind of stuff.

You want my advice?

Your advice, right, because you're a single guy who knows how to deal with kids.

No, trust me.

Look, the key is that Christine's got to confront the monster head-on.

She's got to get out of the bed, walk up to the closet, tell the monster to go bye-bye, or else her dad's going to put a cap in his ass.

What do you got? What is this?

A body was found in Cherrywood Park.

A dog walker nearly got his arm yanked off when his pooch patrol att*cked the remains.


Look at that, flesh is all dried out like a piece of rawhide.

Local PD's bringing the body to the Jeffersonian.

Something's not right here.

It's a dead body that was used as a chew toy.

There's nothing right about it.

Have you been to Cherrywood Park before?

Single guy in that park?

It's just a little creepy, isn't it?

Cherrywood's more of a family hangout.

Right, exactly.

So how could a body be there long enough to dry up without somebody noticing?

So this was a body dump?

Somebody wanted the body to be found, right?

Brennan: High and rounded frontal bone with a slight browridge, suggests the victim was a Caucasian female.

(camera shutter clicks)

Well, and the way she's dressed is really dated.

This pleated skirt, the shoes.

So not just a m*rder victim, but a fashion victim as well.

Hodgins, that was uncalled for.

I must insist you show respect to the deceased.

Montenegro: Yeah, don't hold your breath.

These days, he's not respectful to the living, so I'm not sure why the dead would be any different.

Well, for one thing, she doesn't talk back.


Do you hear me?


You have no reason to apologize.

Do you want me to send him home?

Uh, no. Home is worse.

Believe it or not, this is Hodgins at his happiest.

By the way, uh, there's so much damage to the left side of the skull that a facial reconstruction is not going to be easy.

I see what you mean.

There are multiple comminuted fractures to the left frontal, sphenoid, temporal, and zygomatic.

So cause of death's most likely blunt force trauma to the skull?

It's possible, but I won't know until more of the tissue has been removed.

Speaking of which, the way this tissue's been desiccated is odd.

I'm not seeing any adipocere.

Uh, you're definitely going to want to see this.

This is officially creepy.

Wow, is that a mix tape?

It's all vintage, just like the clothes, and yeah, look at the label.

It says "Home."

And then check out this Bible.

It's got earmarks throughout.

Brennan: We should get this to Booth right away.

He's very well-versed in Scripture.

Hold on, the Bible is just the tip of the iceberg.

Bones, what are you doing here?

I wanted to give you the latest on what the lab has found.

The evidence collected is far from normal.

Okay, well, why don't you show me what you got?

Cam finished her analysis of the flesh.

It wasn't desiccated due to environmental factors.

It was because the k*ller removed the skin, soaked it, and then scraped away the fat.

You mean like taxidermy.

And then, once Cam removed a section of flesh, I discovered this.

Booth: What is that, a wire?

Before placing the taxidermied skin back on, first, the k*ller articulated the skeleton.

I found wear along the joints.

It appears the k*ller repositioned the body frequently, in a manner of his choosing.

Whoa, whoa. Are you saying that he... but... uh...

No, there's no evidence the k*ller did anything sexual with the deceased; however, based on the deterioration of the tissue, he lived with the body for an extended period of time.

Wh... how long?

At least six months.

But then something must have happened.

I-I found found multiple postmortem blunt force trauma injuries to the skull.

It's almost like he broke up the skull to conceal the victim's identity.

But the teeth are still intact.

Which means he wasn't trying to obfuscate identity.

Wow, it's crazy.

It's almost as if he saw the victim as still alive, and... and he became angry, and he had to k*ll her all over again.

As I said, the evidence thus far is anything but normal.

♪ Bones 11x13 ♪
The Monster in the Closet
Original Air Date on April 28, 2016

♪ Main Title Theme ♪
The Crystal Method

♪ ♪

("Buffalo Gals" playing)

♪ Well, as I was walking down the street ♪
♪ Down the street, down the street ♪
♪ Well, a pretty little gal ♪
♪ I chanced to meet ♪
♪ By the light of the silvery moon... ♪

Aubrey: You know, Angela can make a digital copy of that if you want to step out of the Stone Age.

No, she already did.

I just wanted to listen to it once, you know.

Hear it the way it was intended to be heard.

You, uh, pick up on anything?


I'm guessing since everything from her purse is here, the lab didn't find anything, either?


No fingerprints. Not a trace.

The only thing they got is some desiccated skin cell off the lipstick.

Which means that the k*ller applied it to the victim after she died?

He was grooming her.

What about the Bible?

Uh, reading some passages that have been marked here.

Second Corinthians 5:10, 5:21, John 3:4...

I know that one.

That's, uh, that's something about sin and lawlessness.

Everything I've read so far deals with punishment for the wicked.

When I get all this together, I'm going to send it over to Karen Delfs at the BRIU.

That's good thinking, start building a profile.


The question is: whose profile are we building here?

Is this for the victim, or...

Does it say more about who k*lled her?



Oh, God.

Sorry, I... I... I didn't, uh, see you there.

I thought you'd be used to looking down on me by now.

I don't look down on you, Hodgins.

It's, it's not fair.

Oh, really, you're going to tell the paraplegic what's fair?

Okay, no, this should be good.

What do you want? Me?


Cam, however, was hoping for an update on your reconstruction, but judging by what I see, I'll just tell her that you'll be done approximately by the time I start walking again.

Can you give me ten seconds?

Why? You don't even have half the face.

Yeah, but with the half I do have, I can make a mirror image.


And since I already have all the tissue depth measurements, I just...

Hey, look at that.

Okay, normally this is the time when you say, "Good work, Angela."

You want a pat on the back, you should find someone not confined to a chair.

What about a match to missing persons?

Okay, I'll run it now.

Allison Monroe.


Man, look at her, she's so happy.

So she was reported missing by her husband six months ago.

She disappeared a week before their tenth anniversary.

(door opens)

Man: Hello, hello, welcome.

Please, have a seat.

Can I get either one of you anything, perhaps a cup of tea?

I have English Breakfast and Chamomile.

They are organic if that's important to you.

Are... I'm sor... Are you okay?

Oh, um, what my partner means is that you're not exhibiting any of the normal emotions associated with learning that a loved one has been m*rder*d.

I apologize for not seeming more surprised.

My wife wasn't the type of woman that just went missing.

Even a couple hours after she was gone, I knew she wasn't coming back.

When was the last time you saw her?

Just over six months ago.

It's all in the missing persons report.

Our file says that she was a social worker?

Allison volunteered to take on the most difficult cases, and she did everything she could to place those children in good homes.

Mr. Monroe, we found a purse next to her that had items in it.

Among those items was a mix tape labeled "Home" and a Bible.

That doesn't make any sense.

Allison wasn't religious.

And as for a mix tape, I don't think I've seen one in years.

Well, we know that you already spoke to the local PD.

Can you think of anyone who'd want to hurt your wife?

I would suggest speaking to Neal Hogan.

He was your wife's supervisor?

Because of the type of cases she took on, from time to time, uh, she received threats.

She assured me they were nothing, but I could tell she was scared.

And I'm guessing those threats came from the parents whose kids were taken away from them.

And from prospective foster parents.

People that Allison deemed unfit to care for a child.


Uh, I'm sorry.

Dr. Brennan told me she'd be bringing in outside help.

She just failed to mention it would be you.

That's not a surprise.

I suppose to her, our past isn't even a factor.

No, I'm sure she just grabbed the best person she could find.

Uh, just so you know, I should be finished reassembling the skull any minute now.

And I will have the rest of the bones ready shortly, just as soon as I have finished macerating the tissue.

Did you find anything on your initial exam?

Yes, based on the scrape marks, it appears a buck knife was used to scrape away the fat.

So the k*ller could be a hunter.

Also, I found several holes bored through the tissue into the bone.

Hodgins thinks it could be caused by termites.

Wait a second, was one of the holes here?

Yeah, why?

I need Dr. Hodgins.

We have to swab the victim's teeth.

Arastoo, what's going on?

I have a bad feeling I've seen this kind of damage before.

Dr. Brennan, I'm telling you, there's too many similarities for this to be a coincidence.

Please, allow me to judge.

Dr. Hodgins, what did you find?

I studied the holes. Definitely not termites.

More likely, they were made by some kind of drill.

And the holes are identical to those found on this other set of remains?

As you can see, we don't have a full skeleton.

However, the holes in the radius and tibia are a match.

Then, there's the damage to the teeth.

What damage are you referring to?

On both bodies, postmortem breaks of the central and lateral incisors.

In other words, the victim's teeth were chipped as the k*ller spoon-fed his corpses.

I swabbed.

It seems like he fed them some kind of porridge.

The second set of remains, where did you find them?

The bones were first discovered in Chapman State Park.

There's no flesh on these remains, 'cause they were thoroughly scavenged by coyotes, who probably couldn't get enough of that rawhide flesh.

The victim was never identified.

His remains were stored in Limbo at the Jeffersonian.


I have personally catalogued every set of unidentified remains.

Actually, these remains were catalogued during the time when you and Booth quit your jobs.

Their existence proves we're not dealing with an amateur psychopath.

This guy's a serial m*rder*r.

It's strange, looking strictly at the osteological evidence, the two victims had almost nothing in common.

Right, I see what you mean.

Allison Monroe was a Caucasian female, in her mid-40s, while the hyperbolic palate of this unidentified victim suggests a black male.

Based on the erratic ossification of his pubic faces, my best estimate for age was mid-50s.

I see most of the facial bones are missing.

They were consumed by scavengers, making it impossible for Angela to do a facial reconstruction.

Then we should test for isotopes in the tooth enamel, see if we can determine where he grew up.

I did that when the remains were first brought in, the results were inconclusive.

Then we should test for heavy metals and pesticides.

Again, I tested for those during my initial examination.

I see.

It appears you've done everything you could.

Therefore, you should not feel any guilt that the k*ller has taken another life.

Dr. Brennan, I assure you, my conscience is clear.


I am relieved you are not burdened by such feelings.

Shall we continue?


Okay, Doc, lay it on us, what do you think?

All right, well in my professional opinion, I would say that this k*ller is extremely intelligent, possibly schizophrenic, and completely and totally cray-cray.

Cray-cray, what's that mean?

Oh, it's slang for crazy.

What are you, 13?

No-- I'm sorry.

I've just been going through Dr. Sweets' old files on the two of you, and in them he states that you are easily annoyed by overly complex and officious sounding language.

But I will make an addendum to that that says you are just easily annoyed in general.

Tell you what, why don't you put a little Post-it next to the little addendum that I'm not annoyed, okay?

So why don't we start over?

Allison Monroe, let's focus on that, okay?


The fact that nothing sexual was done to the body implies to me that our k*ller chose her as sort of a surrogate mother.

So he has mommy issues.

A regular Norman Bates.

The Bible that we found on Allison Monroe's body, all the pages are marked and they have to deal with punishment.

That's because the k*ller wants to be disciplined.

So he knows what he's doing is wrong.

In life, Allison Monroe was a strong but kind maternal figure.

Our k*ller selected her because he wanted someone who would give him boundaries.

And stop him from k*lling again.

But then the temptation grows too strong, so the k*ller "kills" the surrogate mother so he's then free to k*ll again.

Now, I put air quotes around "kills" because you can't k*ll someone who's already dead.

You ever think maybe you're a little cray-cray yourself?

What about this other... the second victim, this unidentified male?

Look, I can't give you a full profile on our k*ller until you give me a name.

No, I'm saying is, what if we reverse the process?

You said that the k*ller wanted to be disciplined.

Right, so he wouldn't choose just anyone.

So, when going through the missing persons, we can rule out anyone who was homeless, down on their luck.

That's right, that's right.

It would be a, a strong male role model.

Someone who was a, a pillar of their community.

I tell you what, you and I, we're going to go check out missing persons, see what we can come up with.

You, you're going to go interview Allison Monroe's boss.

You got it, I'll get a list of anyone who threatened her.

Also anyone who paid her undo amounts of attention.

I'm just saying, the k*ller didn't select her because he hated her.

He thought she would make an ideal mother.

I'm telling you, this is everything you're going to need.

It's all in the files.

Thanks, it's always nice when we don't have to waste time getting a warrant.

Yeah, well, I may work for the government, but I'm not about to let any red tape get in the way.

Not if I can help you catch whoever did this.

Mr. Hogan, why don't you sit down.


By the way, you ask me, I'd take a look at the Rameys first.

Husband and wife, had their kid locked in their attic all winter.

They didn't give a crap about Jake until we took him away.

The next thing you know, the husband, Paul, shows up at our office with a g*n.

I'm assuming you pressed charges.

This guy Paul's in jail now, right?

(scoffs) Just got released.

Well, what about Allison's admirers?

What are you talking about?

Well, I'm wondering if she had any clients that spent an inordinate amount of time with her-- or coworkers for that matter.

I mean, you knew her best, right?

I talked to all of Allison's coworkers, that's what they all told me.

They told me how much you loved Allison.

What do you want from me?

Well, your home computer would be a good start.

We already have phone records that show you called Allison a great deal, especially considering she was married.

All right, you want my computer, take it.

You'll find plenty on there.

E-mails I probably shouldn't have sent, but I swear to God, I would have never, ever hurt Allison.

Booth: His name is George Gibbons.

The file was, uh, tagged by the victim's boss.

And, Dr. Hodgins was able to identify a hair we found on the body as belonging to a Kurilian Bobtail.

It's an exceptionally rare breed.

Uh, yeah, that's just one of the 13 cats that the guy has.

Talk about an unsound mind.

It says here that Allison rejected him as a foster parent due to a criminal record.

Yeah, that's right, five years ago he was charged with kidnapping, but the boy was unharmed.

And he spent the rest of his time in prison.

It doesn't make any sense.

On multiple occasions he applied to be a foster parent.

Why would he think the state would approve him, given his record?

My guess is, he knew he was going to be rejected, but he kept trying because...

Because he was obsessed with Allison Monroe.

Well, this is a perfect location for a serial m*rder*r.

The nearest neighbor is over
a kilometer away, and given the loudest a person can scream is 126 decibels...

You know what, Bones?

Bones, Bones, Bones, Bones, there are some word problems that are not meant to be solved.

You know that.

This is a mess out here.

Ooh, Booth, come here.

What is it?

Do you smell that?

Something is rotten inside.

It could be fetid remains.

You know, that's probable cause.

Just, just stay behind me, will you?

Bones, behind me.



Cats-- why did it have to be cats?

Man, what's that smell?

Booth, over there.

I think the smell's emanating from there.

Okay, just stay behind me.

(cats meowing)

Hey, more cats.

Do you see anything?

No, just cats.

Cat litter, cat food, cat boxes.

(Brennan groans)

Ooh, Booth, look.


I-I saw this in photos in the... in the case file.

You know what, you're right.

That, that definitely is Allison's.

Look at the notebook.

Do you think it's the k*ller's?

I don't know, but it looks like it was written by somebody insane, that's for sure.


Okay, stay here.

But, Booth...

Just stay here.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

(cat yowls)

(whispering): Stupid cat.

(cat meows)

(Booth grunts)

Don't move.

Okay, just listen to me.

I'm with the FBI.

I'm gonna give you three seconds.

Give me the g*n.

That's not gonna happen.

Drop the knife.

One, two...

(g*n cocks)

You hear that?

It's the cocking of a Colt .45 pointed directly at your head.

Now lower the knife.

You got to be kidding me, huh.

Thanks, Bones, I appreciate it.

You know, you're lucky my partner showed up, or you would have had a b*llet right in your chest.

Where'd you get the g*n?

I don't have one, but I do have these handy sound files.

(shotgun pumping)

I considered going with the pumped shotgun, but that seemed like a bit much.

Got to be kidding me.

Will you put that away, Bones, all right?

(shotgun pumps)

Saroyan: Ah, sorry to interrupt, but I believe you're standing in my favorite hiding spot.

Montenegro: I'm not hiding.

I just needed a quiet spot, so I could plot how to k*ll my jerk of a husband.

Well, if anyone could get away with it...

Yeah, don't I know it?

How are you holding up?

I heard that Arastoo turned down that job in Berlin.

Must be strange having him back here, right?

It is... but it is also really, really great.


Well, just be nice to Sebastian when you give him the news.

Just let him down easy.

I will, if that's what I choose to do.

(phone chimes)

Oh, that's Booth.

You want to get out of here?

(indistinct radio transmission)

(camera shutter clicks)

(cats meowing)

When you said getting me out of the office would do me some good, I didn't really think that this was what you had in mind.

Yeah, and what's even more disturbing is, I'm not seeing any physical evidence that Allison Monroe was ever here.

Well, let's keep looking.

There's got to be a t*rture room around here somewhere.

Montenegro: Hey, guys, by my count, we're one cat short.

There should be 13.

Wait, is the Kurilian Bobtail missing?

You think he ate him?

(cats meowing)

Oh... hold on here.

Guys, look at this.

Oh, God, no.

No, thank you, no way, not even if you pay me.

Wait, what kind of watch is that?

It looks pretty high-end, right?

Yeah, also totally out of place considering the state of everything else around here.

So, maybe it belongs to our other victim that hasn't been ID'd yet.

Hey, guys, come check this out.

I think I found something.

What is that?

A video camera?

Where'd you find it?

Yeah, it was hidden up behind that curtain.

I'll check the house to see if I can find any more.

So, what, you think he was videotaping his kills?

Or... someone was watching him.

Booth: Look, Ms. Hobart, we just need to ask your client a few questions, that's all.

Yes, and specifically, I'd like to start with your journal.

Now, I've read through it, and there are tons of references to blood, like over a thousand of them...

He's a serial k*ller.

No, I hear-- I hear you, but it was just a little heavy-handed, if you know what I mean.

George, look, I don't care about the journal. I don't.

That doesn't bother me right now, just look at me.

Who-who is watching you?

Who are you working with?

Agent Booth, my client has already indicated that he would like to confess to Allison Monroe's m*rder.

Look, I understand, but I have questions that I need answered.

Yes, and just returning to the blood references really quickly, you had a knife to Agent Booth's throat, and yet you didn't use it.

Karen, not now, please, okay?

George, look at me.

I need to know who you're working with.

Who's behind this?

Mr. Gibbons, you are not required to speak.

George, George, I know you're scared. Look at me. I need to know who you're working with.

Oh, my God, he didn't do it.

He didn't do it, I can prove it.

I can prove it, I can prove it.

Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?

You suffer from vasovagal syncope, don't you?

And although you fantasize about blood, you simply can't stand the sight of it, can you?

Put the knife down.

What's happening? What-what are we do...?

A-Agent Booth, what's happening?

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, okay... whoa.

Wow, that worked.

(laughing): Yeah, hey.

And ow, ow, Yeah, close. could someone get me a Band-Aid, please?

Keep your hand up, hand up high, above your head.

Okay, so we know the unidentified remains belong to a black male.

And we know the ulna measured 31 centimeters, which gives us a height of around 180 centimeters.

Okay, so that tells us he was just under six feet.

That should narrow things down.

And these missing persons, they're all strong, male role models?


Doctors, teachers, about a dozen vets.

Nothing but alpha males.

Hey, I cleaned off the watch and I found an engraving.

I had to give it an acid wash, but at least now you can read it.

"Love always, G.H.S."

Good, now at least we have the initials of whoever gave our victim the watch.

No, no, not good, I'm telling you.

There's only five guys that fit that height, not one of them has a wife, kid, or girlfriend with those initials.

Well, there has to be. Let's keep looking.

I'm telling you, it's not here.

What if the initials didn't belong to a person?

What would they belong to then?

Not what, where.

Gainesborough High School.


There-there was a principal that went missing.

He'd just recently retired.

That must have been why they got him the watch.

Here, got it.

Douglas Burkhart.

Wife reported him missing just over a year ago.

Nice work.

Now we finally have a name.

According to the report, Mr. Burkhart went missing a year ago.

His body was found on November 8.

So, consistent with our k*ller's M.O.

He lives with the victim for six months and then he kills and disposes of the corpse.

So... why wait six months?

My best guess is it's the longest interval that he can suppress his desire to k*ll.

And you're sure that it can't be this George Gibbons?


Gibbons faints at the sight of blood.

There's no way he could taxidermy a body.

So then, how did he get a hold of Allison Monroe's necklace and Douglas Burkhart's watch?

Well, I mean he's involved in some way, he just did not do the actual k*lling.

So, the k*ller probably just used him as a way to help in kidnapping the victims.

Our k*ller is smart.

In Gibbons he chose the perfect accomplice.

Somebody he could easily manipulate.

Someone who would confess rather than cross him.

You think, uh, Gibbons knows the k*ller's actual name?

No harm in asking, right?

Hey, you know those video cameras that I found at George Gibbons' house?

Yeah, were you able to trace the feed?

Uh, sort of.

I-I followed the signal to a remote terminal, but the problem is, the line was still hooked to a routing station.

So, the k*ller could have accessed the feed from virtually anywhere?

Yeah, and that's not the worst of it.

The cameras were still transmitting when I found them, which means the k*ller could have been watching when Booth and Brennan came to the house.

Or when you and I were there with Aubrey.


So, that means there is a very distinct possibility that this very sick individual could know exactly who we are.

Booth: Sorry, Mrs. Burkhart, but we just can't share any more information about the investigation.

But still, you're certain the remains you found belonged to my husband?

Yes, ma'am.

So, he didn't run off with some student of his?

No, actually, we-we think that he was targeted because he was such an honorable, good man.

What can I do to help?

Your husband, did he ever mention a social worker by the name of, uh, Allison Monroe?

Here's a picture of her.

No, did she work with Douglas over at Gainesborough?

Not that we're aware of.

Also, there's a-a George Gibbons, he owned a farm in Somerset County.

No, I'm sorry, I've never seen him.

Can you think of any enemies that your husband had?

Did-did he get any threats?

Maybe from a student that he threw out?

No, Gainesborough was a good school.

There were no gangs, or... nothing like that.

Okay, well, uh, thank you again for coming in.

No, Agent Booth, please, don't stop.

For my husband, I need to find a way I can help.

Thank you.

On Douglas Burkhart's remains, I'm not seeing cause of death.

In my initial exam, I never found anything definitive.

My assumption was, I was missing key evidence due to predation.

What about the other victim?

So far, I'm not seeing any perimortem damage, aside from these drill holes, which were likely the result of t*rture.

Given the pain she must have endured, it's conceivable she died of shock.

Well, I agree that's possible, but it's not what my tox screen is saying.

What did you find?

Propofol... and Succinylcholine.

That doesn't make sense. Those are dr*gs you would use if you wanted someone to die a relatively peaceful death.

Our k*ller drilled holes into his victims.

It's completely random.

First, he brutally tortures his victims.

Then he shows compassion in k*lling them.

Then, six months later, he smashes in their skulls.

George, no one is gonna believe that you k*lled anyone, okay?

Now, do yourself a favor, give us a name and then you and I can start talking about a reduced sentence.

George, tell them what you know.

No. No, no, no, I can't.

He said if I talked, he would k*ll Charley.

Who is Charley?

A friend?

Yes, Charley is my best friend.

He's one of your cats, isn't he?

He-he-he took Charley the last time, when I messed up.

Messed up, how?

He-he told me to find him a mom, but i-it couldn't lead back to me.

But you knew Allison Monroe, didn't you?

I-I messed up.

George, listen to me.

Give us a name, and I will do everything I can to get Charley back.


You don't understand.

He's smart.

He's smarter than anybody.

If I talk, he'll know.

Hobart: Okay.

("Silhouette (Always Yours)" by Adna playing)

♪ This body will fall ♪
♪ I'll be dragging it through rain ♪
♪ Drying it with blood ♪
♪ And the words ♪
♪ This head will explode ♪
♪ It will leave thoughts at woes ♪
♪ I left a moan into your chest ♪
♪ Carry myself behind your ribs ♪
♪ Become one ♪
♪ With everything that stays ♪
♪ Forget what it's like being alive ♪
♪ Dead are walking silhouettes ♪
♪ Heartbroken, baby girl. ♪

Oh, Bones, are you okay?

I've been, like, calling you for an hour.

You're not picking up the phone...

I'm sorry.

I got preoccupied dressing and rearticulating the remains.


To hopefully gain insight into the k*ller's mind.

I don't think that's a good idea.

You don't want to get into this k*ller's head.

I don't know if I can help it.

In a way, he and I are very similar.

Stop right there.

You're not very similar, okay?

Look at the victim, Booth.

What do you see?

Just bones, right?


Well, the k*ller lived with the remains, and when he looked at them, he didn't see a skeleton.

He saw... a living person he could interact with, and that's what I see as well.

Bones, the k*ller is completely insane.

He's a lunatic.

Come on, let me take you home.


No, given the k*ller's M.O., it is very likely he is out there looking for his next victim as we speak.

You're not taking responsibility for all this.

Booth, if we hadn't quit our jobs...

Allison Monroe still would have been k*lled.

No, I don't believe that.

Given our track record, it is statistically more likely that she would still be alive.

Okay, fine.

What-what do you need?

What is it?


Just time to... (sighs) reexamine the remains and... challenge my own findings.

For instance... do you see this flaking here?

That is called spalling.

It only occurs when the bone has been disturbed postmortem.

So, the holes... don't indicate t*rture.

Well, that's one possible scenario.

As you can see, I have collected a large number of screws that fit in the allotted holes, but I...

I-I don't see what purpose the k*ller would have in using them.

You're missing something here, hold on.

W-What do you see?

What I see is that you don't have the right screw here.

All right, the k*ller is very manipulative, right?

So, you know the screw with the little circle on top, the little fish-eye screw...

Right, I think I know what he's doing.

("Now I Know" by Kira Skov playing)

♪ Now I know ♪
♪ What keeps me ♪
♪ From falling ♪
♪ What keeps me ♪
♪ From falling down ♪
♪ Down ♪
♪ Now I know ♪
♪ What keeps me ♪
♪ From falling ♪
♪ What keeps me ♪
♪ From falling down ♪
♪ Down ♪
♪ Ride the wind ♪
♪ Ride the wind ♪
♪ Cease the thought ♪
♪ My friend again. ♪

(song ends)

♪ ♪

Oh, my God, that's what those holes are for.

He was turning his victims into marionettes.


♪ ♪

Hey, there you are.

Hey, did Agent Booth call you?

Yeah, but there's something else.

I know how we can get Gibbons to talk.

I just need an hour alone with him.

I need to prove to him that we're not like the k*ller...

Gibbons is dead.

Hanged himself in his cell.

Guards just found him.


I was wondering if you know where Dr. Brennan is.

Right now, I'd say she's probably pulling into her driveway.

So, I take it you're leaving as well?

I was considering it, but to be honest, the thought of an empty house kind of creeps me out right now.

I understand.

Must be frightening, the idea that this k*ller may have seen you on video.


Any chance I could, uh, maybe talk you into driving me home?

Of course, and if it would help, I could stay as long as you like.

Or, what I mean is, I could stay at least until Sebastian is able to join you.

Well, that may be a while, 'cause I've decided I'm not going to be seeing him anymore.

I see.

So... are you ready?

(thunder rumbling)

Is Christine okay?

Yeah, she's sleeping like a baby.

Whew, turns out that Aubrey's advice did the trick.

What exactly did you say?

Well, I told her, you know, if she's scared, you just go right up to the closet, and you tell the monster, "If you don't stop, my Dad is gonna put a cap in your butt." (imitates g*nsh*t)

No, you did not, Booth.

Come on, I'm joking, all right? It's all good.

Looks like you need a drink.

(sighs heavily)



I would like that, thank you.

Okay, all right.

("Buffalo Gals" playing)

♪ Well, as I was a-walking down the street ♪
♪ Down the street, down the street ♪
♪ Well, a pretty little girl I chanced to meet ♪
♪ By the light of the silvery moon ♪
♪ Well, I asked this girl if she'd like to talk ♪
♪ Like to talk, take a walk ♪
♪ Well, I asked this girl if she'd like to talk ♪
♪ By the light of the silvery moon ♪
♪ Buffalo gals, won't you come out tonight ♪
♪ Come out tonight, come out tonight ♪
♪ Buffalo gals, won't you come out tonight ♪
♪ Gonna dance by the light of the moon ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Well, I danced with a girl with a hole in her stockin' ♪
♪ And her heel kept a-knockin' ♪
♪ And her toes kept a-rockin' ♪
♪ Danced with a dolly with a hole in her stockin' ♪
♪ I danced by the light of the moon ♪
♪ Oh, buffalo gals, won't you come out tonight ♪
♪ Come out tonight, come out tonight ♪
♪ Buffalo gals, won't you come out tonight ♪
♪ Gonna dance by the light of the moon ♪
♪ ♪


Booth, what was that?

I don't know, hold on.


Christine? Christine?


Both: Christine?



Where are you?

She was just here.

No, this is not happening.



Please don't be mad, Mommy.

What, Christine?


Sweetie... you're okay.

I'm sorry I broke my snow globe.

I was only trying to do what Daddy told me.

And when I opened the door, it fell along with a bunch of my stuffed animals.

That's okay, don't worry about it.

No one's mad at you.

Daddy's right.

I was just a little worried.


You were right, Mommy.

There are no monsters.


(chuckling): I'm always right.

(computer beeping)

What's that mean?